Is there a 128k limit on Mega 2560?


i've been working project several months now, , projects it's been slowing evolving , growing seek improve it. (i'm using mega 2560 version 1.0 software)

recently, project has stopped working, still compiles , uploads, when run seemingly random string of numerals, , nothing else.....

various posts on forum have suggested may either amount of progmem being used, or location within memory progmem being written to. i've tried moving progmem upper memory swapping declarations this....
code: [select]
const prog_char  err_int_14[]   progmem = "*** checking incoming smss ***";

to this....
code: [select]
const char err_int_14[]   __attribute__((section(".fini7"))) = "*** checking incoming smss ***";

but made no difference.

i've noticed code has started compiling greater 128k...
binary sketch size: 128414 bytes (of 258048 byte maximum)

i've noticed couple of posts mentioning '64k limit' on microprocessors (not sure means), i'm wondering if there maybe related 128k limit on mega?

i'm in process of trying shoe-horn project below value test theory, in meantime suggestions appreciated, if tell me i'm barking wrong tree!

also, if have worked projects on mega greater 128k please let me know - @ least let me know if it's possible!

(not sure if relevant, have total of 800 progmem declarations, each 30-40 characters total 28k of progmem)


how ram using?

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > Is there a 128k limit on Mega 2560?



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