Better understanding of filter/values for (best) audio output?

i making stab @ trying understand low-pass filters/audio stuff....

instead of following schematics, or copying other open source schematics or .brd file..etc....

i have blindly changed values while testing, true understanding...

i'd better understanding (in laymen terms) of if raising/lowering resistor 'here'.. does/effects in output..etc..

(not looking long big equations or long articles on invested , how calculate things... yet!) ;)

i have project, smd board, removed of components , soldered in wires female, dupont connectors on other end...  can swap out components/values , test things out..

here snippet of schematic applies dac >> amp >> speaker outputn..

the components circles in red , components can change testing.. , current values testing are..

the components in blue filter on back-end...  havent messed them ever.. (but can/will if means getting best audio can project)

r5/r6 have pot wired in can dial whatever.. measure , use hard valued resistors...

right getting 'decent' audio.. not bad...  'feel' better true understanding instead of randomly messing about.. :)


* best quality , volume can achieve  (fought volume, muted/muffled sounds, no lows, no highs)
* best filtering external noise  (forward thinking still being able use board pwm filtering outside/external noise leds or something, heard through audio/speaker)

*note: using hobby speakers, un-powered, 1-2watt / 8 ohm speakers

(clean version)


and talking out guess..


r8 & c18 = low pass filter

c21 & r6 = high pass filter

(r5 added in volume control/setting)

what part r7 & c15 playing in schematic then?  filter on output..yes?  confused on how impact these have on overall results/audio output?

same question c17?  seems coupling cap?  (i'll have pin6 on lm386 amp datasheet off top off head dont recall..:p )

talking else, mentioned: corner frequency  etc..

which didnt understand though?

thanks advice/feddback/discussion.. :)

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > General Electronics > Better understanding of filter/values for (best) audio output?



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