referencing hardware outputs - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi all,
write code raspberry pi, how go calling outputs hardware? i'm creating robotics project essentially. using gps, gyro , compass/accelerometer simultaneously. imagine it's reference or input command? maybe like: gps use lat,long; gyro use x,y,z on , forth... apologies if more of python question

mighty69 wrote:how go calling outputs hardware?
use short descriptive names. (1st priority descriptive, 2nd make short).

i'd use few characters describing sensor type (position, orientation, acceleration...) , name itself, like: poslat, poslong, accx, magy, rollz, etc...

according variables used in code, naming typically specified in coding style document, each (serious) company has @ least 1 each programming language used. vendors (eg. of software tools, compilers) can publish recommendations.
can google bit take how others defined naming conventions compose variables names.
default selection 3 characters describing variable type + camel-case "description" (eg. strservername, intmemberindex).

best wishes, ivan zilic.



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