[SOLVED] Cant' get Boarduino programmed w/ Sparkfun FT232RL USB 2 Srl Brkout Brd

i can't figure out why, can't new sketches upload breadboard arduino sparkfun ft232rl usb serial breakout board.

i bought breakout board avoid breaking pins repeatedly moving arduino programming, , not take useful arduino used other projects.

  • the chip atmega 328p adafruit, boatloaded duemilanove.

  • drivers installed per the tutorial @ sparkfun

  • arduino duemilanove atmega328 selected under "board"

  • /dev/tty.usbserial-ad01tvwt selected under "serial port" (this on mac)

  • the serial monitor works. prints out data expected loaded sketch.

  • wiring uno , using tx & rx pins (with no chip in uno) works fine, board not improperly wired.

  • note: leds flashing in photo. programmed putting chip in uno , flashing it.


i've laid out can think of @ moment. obvious blunders i've overlooked? i'm @ loss , frustrated.


i found answer here.

just needed check if schematic program atmega328 normal arduino

in case need 100nf cap on dtr pin (pin 2) , connected reset signal.

have @ duemilanove schematic.


(why don't post much: no matter how hard answer first, never fails find answer after asking question).

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Installation & Troubleshooting > [SOLVED] Cant' get Boarduino programmed w/ Sparkfun FT232RL USB 2 Srl Brkout Brd



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