[SOLVED] Cant' get Boarduino programmed w/ Sparkfun FT232RL USB 2 Srl Brkout Brd
i can't figure out why, can't new sketches upload breadboard arduino sparkfun ft232rl usb serial breakout board.
i bought breakout board avoid breaking pins repeatedly moving arduino programming, , not take useful arduino used other projects.
i've laid out can think of @ moment. obvious blunders i've overlooked? i'm @ loss , frustrated.
i bought breakout board avoid breaking pins repeatedly moving arduino programming, , not take useful arduino used other projects.
- the chip atmega 328p adafruit, boatloaded duemilanove.
- drivers installed per the tutorial @ sparkfun
- arduino duemilanove atmega328 selected under "board"
- /dev/tty.usbserial-ad01tvwt selected under "serial port" (this on mac)
- the serial monitor works. prints out data expected loaded sketch.
- wiring uno , using tx & rx pins (with no chip in uno) works fine, board not improperly wired.
- note: leds flashing in photo. programmed putting chip in uno , flashing it.
i've laid out can think of @ moment. obvious blunders i've overlooked? i'm @ loss , frustrated.
i found answer here.
(why don't post much: no matter how hard answer first, never fails find answer after asking question).
quotejust needed check if schematic program atmega328 normal arduino
in case need 100nf cap on dtr pin (pin 2) , connected reset signal.
have @ duemilanove schematic.
(why don't post much: no matter how hard answer first, never fails find answer after asking question).
Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Installation & Troubleshooting > [SOLVED] Cant' get Boarduino programmed w/ Sparkfun FT232RL USB 2 Srl Brkout Brd
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