
Showing posts from July, 2015

het taalbestand dat bij PonyGallery zit. - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

even een klein vraagje betreffende het taalbestand dat bij ponygallery zit. daar staat in: aantal fotos ipv foto's  nu wil ik dat veranderen, maar wie weet hoe ik er zoon hoogstaand kmmaatje bij krijg? alvast bedankt. hoi, een voorbeeld uit het engelse taalbestand: code: select all define( '_404', 'we\'re sorry page requested not found.' ); je code zou dus als volgt zijn code: select all ... foto\'s ... groet robin Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Dutch Forum Joomla! 1.0 Componenten 1.0.x

API UPdate [unofficial] - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hey, i've been working on developing component, , updated 1.5 release latest svn today.  broke.  digging in this, noticed minor changes significant effects. basically, many of methods once part of japplication class have been moved jfactory class.  these follows (someone please add may have missed - these excerpts changelog): - removed japplication::getlanguage, use jfactory::getlanguage instead - removed japplication::getdbo, use jfactory::getdbo instead ^ deprecated mosobjecttoarray, use jarrayhelper::fromobject instead ^ deprecared mosbindarraytoobject, use jobject->bind instead - deprecated japplication::getuser, use jfactory::getuser instead [edit] didn't make changelog, also: - deprecated japplication::getdocument, use jfactory::getuser instead [/edit] ian that's it, there few other ones. if u have probls let me know , i'll point u in right direction. Board index Joomla! Official Sites & Infrastructure ...

Collapsible page

i've php page items these: <span class="title_search"> <font color="#666666">dsfdsfdsfdsi</font> </span> <br><br> {quick_search:cache_name="regular",fields="gender1|country|state",locations="0"} i create new page collapsible box ... allow me open/close/move each box , insert in each box html , php code (like code i've posted) ... can find example?? thanks and have flex? More discussions in Flex (Read Only) adobe

Change Existing Drop-down menus? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i have drop-down menus setup else , have no idea how go changing links underneath each menu item? the page . if on bar underneath buttons see first 1 leads "links" , second 1 "search". dont' know these options set or how make them same size buttons on top of them. if not possible change links underneath, there extension can me while keeping same menu bar @ top? thanks. menu-->mainmenu (or whatever menu you're refering to) Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

Thread: Vim regular expression weirdness

hello, i'm trying write regular expression numbers/bitstreams, used in syntax highlighting file. numbers \d+ , bitstreams can start 0x hexadecimal bitstreams, or start 0b binary bitstreams. both bitstream types can include x (or x ) character 'dont care', , hexadecimal bitstream can include binary digits surrounded [ , ] specific binary digits inside hexadecimal number. example, valid bitstreams are: code: 0x5467fb 0x78x5x1 0bx10x00 0x123[01] 0xff[1xx0] 0xf[1xx0]a now, regular expression wrote number/bitstream token (it's case-insensitive): code: \<\(\d\+\|0x\([0-9a-f_x]\|\[[01_x]\+\]\)\+\|0b[01_x]\+\)\> the weird thing is, doesn't match should match. example, 0xff[1x0] doesn't match, if add a 0xff[1x0]a , match. reason this, , how can fix regular expression? lot, daniel edit: well, problem seems \< , \> . brackets count word-boundary characters, expression terminates @ th...

Trasmissione rf 433 mhz

ciao tutti avrei bisogno di un piccolo aiuto , ho acquistato due moduli da 433 mhz su ebay e li ho collegati due arduino diversi e ho provato la trasmissione seriale , e devo dire che ho avuto scarsi risultati visto che se invianvo ad esempio il valore "0" arrivava sia lo 0 che altri valori caso , tal proposito leggendo un pò in giro ho capito che andrebbe usata la libreria virtualwire , qualcuno sa come si utilizza? mi servirebbe per trasmettere solo dei valori numerici da un arduino all'altro . grazie scrivere il modello dei moduli di solito aiuta. Arduino Forum > International > Italiano > Software (Moderator: leo72) > Trasmissione rf 433 mhz arduino

Hilfe bei millis()

hallo, ich habe ein kleines problem mit der millis() funktion. eine einzelne millis() anwendung bekomme ich hin, auch habe ich den sinn verstanden. das mir jetzt probleme bereitet, ich komme nicht mehrere zum laufen. ich habe den code eingefügt und möchete nun die delays raus haben und durch millis ersetzen. es sollen 2 verschiedene zeitvariablen genutzt werden. der 1. code funktioniert aber im 2. code geht gar nichts(ist zum testen gedacht      ). es soll auch immer einen art <notaus> geben, zum abbrechen der schleife. 1.code code: [select] #include <bounce.h> #include <liquidcrystal.h> #include <encoder.h> liquidcrystal  lcd(17, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8);  // lcd encoder  myenc (15, 16);                 // encoder int kamerapin = 3;  //kamera auslöser optokopler int motor1pin = 0 ;   //slidermotor vorwärts// int motor2pin = 18 ;  //slidermotor rückwärts// int motorsteu...

serial print get strange numbers

hey friends i try see values ??but strange numbers can tell me mistake quote //in program tray control robotic hans 20 dof //this program control 20  servo motors (one each dof) need mimic perllal control  movement closly posable life like #include <servo.h> //including library servo motors struct finger { //creating new type of verable name finger contains 4 motor 1 each dof of finger     servo distal;     servo middle;     servo proxi;     servo connplat; }; //diclartion of functions void positions(); void move_hand(int pos[3][5]); void finger_move(struct finger fingerverable,int factor, int angle, int side); //set global variables   finger thumb;   finger index;   finger middle;   finger ring;   finger pinky; void setup() {   serial.begin(9600);    int pos;                 //setting connections arduino ...

community builder?..which version - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hey guys got mail cb(how sweet) informing me update version...thing have still not used im going use wondering new version avaiable... ... ble...this version 3 months old..can 1 gimme direct link please of new stable version...thnx hi, this should it; ... 0_1_stable regards robin Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Extensions - 1.0.x Components

upgrading & migrating Mambo 4.5.2 to latest J! - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello guys, i've been wrestling upgrade , migrate week now. let me explain: i have mambo 4.5.2 installed on freebsd , need upgrade latest j!. but, moving install 1 server (ubuntu linux server). i'm wondering if smarter perform upgrade first before doing migration.  reason b/c tried dumping (mysqldump) current db on freebsd (mysql v4.1) new ubuntu server (mysql v5.0) gots on 100 errors, , table com_content didn't inserted. going update configuration.php file reflect new server , perform joomla upgrade. any 1 have suggestions? whats best path take in situation. guys. it doesn't matter in order things, not depending on 1 another. start migrating complete install new machine. mysqldump problem incompatibility between 4.1 , 5. forgot how, later version of phpmyadmin there should 1 or 2 options creating mysqldump imports in 5. memory, think had single , double quotes. is character set of old database same new database? Board index Joomla! Old...

Thread: Huawei e160: how to get usb-mass-storage?

hi, use huawei e160 jaunty , works out of box umts-modem. cannot use sdhc-card. system doesn't see it. using windows card works. how can mount card jaunty? just wishing bump this. seeking same solution here. 3 hours searching yields no results. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Networking & Wireless [kubuntu] Huawei e160: how to get usb-mass-storage? Ubuntu

Enable remote mouse while using VNC - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi community, bought raspberry pi model b last week. installed raspbian via noob , configured tp-link wireless adapter nano n , have installed pi-web-agent package pi-market in order connect board via vnc. want use asus trasformer pad tf 300t monitor , keyboard board, let me bring whenever go. can access via tablet via vnc app, ok. i'm creating thread because want use physical mouse connected directly on board, can move cursor since mouse mechanics on tablet different desktop one. i've connected mouse board doesen't work, remote mouse pointer not sync vnc moving pysical mouse (connecting raspy monitor works well). have put .xstartup file in order enable use of physical mouse ? i'm not familiar vnc config files, experieced same need ? raspberrypi

difficulty with SATA and IDE as USB drives - Raspberry Pi Forums

i setup raspberry pi file server - installed old compaq pc case , power supply feed 5v power device 2 wd harddrives, 1 sata, 1 ide, using tow usb adapters connect usb ports of pi. however, although sata drive works /dev/sda, ide 1 not stable. @ 1 point, showed /dev/sdb, dissappeared after mounted case - strange. have tried different options in jumper settings (master, slave, single, cs), have yet find stable combination both accessible. insight appreciated ! bfz maybe need different ide->usb adaptor? when usb hd 'disappears', check see error messages appear @ bottom of 'dmesg' output. raspberrypi

Site just went blank, no cause, no change, just blank... - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

well once again joomla has pooped out on me no reason @ all, vanished time... have not messed site in on week, or longer honest, go check on today, and.... blank white page... anyone know should make unblank? thanks... your backend works. try uploading new copy of index.php last install joomla directory. regards dave Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Installation - 1.0.x

writing file usbbootcode.bin Failed - Raspberry Pi Forums

i have received compute module , can't boot correctly. i'm working in ubuntu 64bit laptop, have downloaded , compiled compute module tools. then, exec 'sudo ./rpiboot ' , power compute module, , received message: waiting bcm2835 ... found serial = 0: writing file usbbootcode.bin failed : 0x539e7ba0waiting bcm2835 ... found serial = 1: writing file msd.bin successfull raspberry pi mass storage device, use lsblk find it address @ "failed : 0x539e7ba0" variable. after that, can access internal emmc memory , can write that, if change j4 boot mode, , make power cycle, many errors appear on boot , never can finalize booting process. have defective memory compute module or can't understand writing-to-memory process? sounds it's problem 32 bit... it's problem poor use of types! if can see ok mass storage must have worked correctly errors seeing? sure you're using latest raspbian image? gordon raspberrypi

preloader mc must play at least once

i have preloader made , works fine, want add "and" statement if statement says; if(_root.getbytesloaded() == _root.getbytestotal()) { gotoandplay(3); } able add (theoretically) "and frame of movieclip equals @ least 50" "if" statement. problem is, don't know how translate action script. the preloader typical bar (which getting bytes loaded) movie clip in background make little smoother. i've tried using "_currentframe", think gets frame of when action takes place mouse click. my version of action script looks doesn't work. if(_root.getbytesloaded() == _root.getbytestotal() && movieclipname._currentframe >49) { gotoandplay(3); } ok, figured out can in fact use _currentframe, still need know how add "and" statement existing "if" statement. any reply appreciated if "your animation stupid. so, don't worry it." More discussions in ActionScript 1 and 2 adobe

Managing File Size

i trialing captivate product. created demonstration of @ 50 slides. 8-10 mins in duration. horror, file size on 100 mb's (and growing). can give me suggestions steps can take drastically reduce size of project? i recorded screen size @ 1280 x 768. realize that's high quality, enough account collossal size of file? have recordings on majority of slides, between 15-30 seconds in length. no other media included in project. appreciated. welcome our community, aveach is file size of .cp (project) file? or file size of output? note there vast difference between two. (in case worried distribution sizes) cheers... rick More discussions in Getting Started adobe

GoLive to DW CS4 - here we go again.

latest os x. latest dw. latest gl, , yes, gl dw plugin installed. when click it, box. 1. path site folder 2. name dw site 3, path youor dw folder. all filled in. click "import. infinite loop "please select folder contains adobe golive site. ". did in step one. it's folder has site data, site backup, what's going on. import thing not work me. thanks. you might have better luck posting on gl forum. can you? -- murray --- icq 71997575 adobe community expert (if *must* email me, don't laugh when so!) ================== - dw faqs, tutorials & resources - dw faqs, tutorials & resources ================== "hitandmiss" <> wrote in message news:gl0etr$7md$ > latest os x. latest dw. latest gl, , yes, gl dw plugin > installed. > when click it, box. > 1. path site folder > 2. name dw site > 3, path you...

How can I make 26Khz square wave signal?

hi. i bought start use arduino uno control mzb1001 small piezoelectric air blower. according the datasheet of air blower, need make 10~20 vpp around 26 khz square wave signal. although describe simple circuit make signal using lm7321ma, cannot make because of of these recommended components smd type.. , cannot control blower when make circuit usual type of resister (0.5w) , pn100, pn200 transitors.. so trying generate square wave without components. when checked arduino forum, find posts how generate square wave, of them didn't work because of low voltage. i want solve problem without buying components because spent time... have general type of resistor, capacitor , opamp (lm358n, lm6484a1n). is can me solve problem? thanks, ps) datasheet of mzb1001 micro air blower. ... 202918.pdf edit, guess need sine wave 10+ vpp suggestions below not work. you use 555 timer in astable configuration: http://www.ohmslawcalcul...

Google+ Raspberry Pi Community, needs help - Raspberry Pi Forums

google+ raspberry pi community, needs help. has 1 moderator , needs more deal increasing volume of spam. ... 208?cfem=1 problem this, when community setup, not done @ raspberry, @ later time, controlling owner of community passed on official google+ raspberry pi people. nice of guy , not squatter. problems start, google+ raspberry pi people don't know ones can add new moderators google+ raspberry community. , raspberry pi community unofficial community , posts google+ raspberry pi account official. google+ community locked out of adding more moderators because of g+ user in control of g+ raspberry pi account. frustrating , has been explained liz didn't , referring g+ user g+ community, when it's user account. chris lenz on worded moderator, if raspberry pi org doesn't want manage g+ raspberry pi community can please assign control chris can app...

Sharing data between two arduinos

i have structure holds bunch of data, unsigned ints , unsigned longs.  i'd send of arduino.  does know if arduino compiler guarantees memory layout same?  afaik c (at least c99 compliant c) don't know c++. in other words, if declare struct: code: [select] struct {   unsigned long lastupdated;   unsigned int ahin, ahout;   unsigned long amsecin, amsecout;   unsigned int vmin, vmax;   unsigned int vavg;   unsigned int imin, imax;   unsigned char tmin, tmax;   unsigned char chargemin, chargemax;   unsigned long cnowmsec;   unsigned int socload, soccalc, socsense; } history; can send out comm port binary blob , receive on other end binary blob , stick identical structure?  (with appropriate error checking , such...) you can't send struct "through comm port". serial data can sent out byte byte, if want send entire struct, should modify struct use union appropr...

Pigskin Planet - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i started site few days ago. had been toying around various cms months see 1 suitable pigskin planet , decided joomla best. anyways here's site, . it's barely off ground of post, point feel comfortable showcasing it. it's not customized of sites see posted, part of reason chose joomla in first place because liked way laid out default. did image work , changed color scheem. think though it's simple, works in instance because type of website is, wouldnt make flashy. suggestions welcome... it's 1 of best re-workings of solarflare template i've seen while.  have mix of colour, not , there relevant location , site in general.  never understood why chaps call "football" content seems , not bogged down advertising (yet!) i suggest maybe template might better relatively narrow width of 1 may detract viewing experience.  there lot of add-ons available , new ones being developed time , having enough room utilise enhance site make easi...

CSS Help - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i have custom module class in .css file: code: select all table.moduletable {   width            : 100%;   border           : 1px solid #d3d3d3;   padding          : 4px;   margin-bottom    : 5px;   } how can control way links in module, aside rest of site? thanks. table.moduletable a table.moduletable a:visited table.moduletable a:hover will work. or if give module specific id (like mymodule) #mymodule ... , forth. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Templates & CSS - 1.0.x

Thread: Sata Hard Drive no longer working

my second sata drive, 750gb wd green, working when took grandmothers files keep them on desktop. drive formated ntfs use both windows , ubuntu. ubuntu gives drdy error , windows takes forever load not detect drive @ all. working on grandmother computer before left less hour ago. wrapped bubble wrap trip there , , didn't bump or anything. can working again without reformatting? ps: ubuntu nor gparted detects drive. shows fine in bios , systemrescuedisk. posted wraith1986 my second sata drive, 750gb wd green, working when took grandmothers files keep them on desktop. drive formated ntfs use both windows , ubuntu. ubuntu gives drdy error , windows takes forever load not detect drive @ all. working on grandmother computer before left less hour ago. wrapped bubble wrap trip there , , didn't bump or anything. can working again without reformatting? ...

Thread: Theme Troubles!

hey, i'm trying figure out how install new themes onto ubuntu 9.04 site , every time dl theme folder contains images. have compile them or before can install them, , if how? thanks. once have downloaded new theme , want install go system->preferences->appearance , either drag-and-drop theme dialog box or click 'install' , select theme downloaded. tgeer Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Desktop Environments [SOLVED] Theme Troubles! Ubuntu

Thread: setting the path

currently terminal doesn't automatically run program current directory. can of course "./the_program" change able run program current directory , not specific directory. how can without removing directory included in "path". path=$path:/my/bin/ in .bash_profile file ubuntu uses dash .dash_profile sth that. ls -al find file. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [all variants] setting the path Ubuntu

performance measurements for WSN project

hi all, i have build simple wireless sensor network described in " building wireless sensor nework " robert faludi. i wondering if can carry out experiments regard peformance of network e.g. rtt, latency , throughput. ideally collect data when sent "end nodes" "coordinator". there experiments on other forums measured performance sending data coordinator remote node, , let remote node echo data back. measuring time between sending , receiving data back, able collect performance data. however, did use oscilloscope analyze signal. school student , don't have access type of equipment, there other way perform experiments? i appreciate if point me in right direction! many in advance. instead of scope, use arduino. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > performance measurements for WSN p...

How exactly does flex decide if the dataprovider in a lineseries has missing data.

how flex decide if dataprovider in lineseries has missing data? seems abitary concept. "nikos101" <> wrote in message news:gidae1$k00$ > how flex decide if dataprovider in lineseries has > missing data? seems abitary concept. if there's object in collection doesn't have associated data, think. More discussions in Flex (Read Only) adobe

How to change keyboard language layout? - Raspberry Pi Forums

gb-en keyboard doesn't work when layout north american. @ , " keys swapped, there £ , € signs coming up. symbols , mapping not correct. far: did this code: select all $ sudo rasp-config and code: select all $ sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-layout appear access same thing. i changed locale , time zone i searched these forums, don't have topic within in logical searches no success in changing layout. restarted rpi after making changes did. problem keyboard layouts manufacturers , models , not actual key placement , do. if point me change us-en layout keyboard (it's in canada), grateful. in meantime, must remember " = @ , is, inconvenient one. don't try use boards search function, use google instead. (for raspbian os) sudo raspi-config - choose internationalization menu - choose keyboard setup menu. - if exact keyboard not on list choose 1 of generic 101, 102 or 104 keyboards. following steps important! if need must choose us. don...

movieclip with button inside calling another movie clip ??

i have text box/scroll , it's mc. inside mc added button on 1 of highlighted words. want happen when mouses on button image appear on main stage , stay in place - if try mouse on again, nothing happen unless go different scene in flash site. should mouse on button mc ? , how can code ? have several of these images pile on top of each other stay there untill go different section of site. thx sebby please urgent, if me out ! More discussions in Adobe Animate CC - General adobe

[FIXED] - 4395 : Menu item ordering - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

description: when reordering menu items, it's mixed abnormaly reported on: today's trunk classification: [q&t] critical/high/medium/low/enhancement affected functions: menu administration related files: administrator/components/com_menus/models/list.php function move($items, $menu) steps replicate: just click on order or order down of menu item analysis: [q&t] confirmed/unable confirm/rejected any other comments proposed fix(es): i'm looking code found rather difficult fix bug. i'm trying output debugging information list.php file, bug unsuccessfully because there's controller redirection after that. try setting jrequest josmsg var didn't work. can me ? i'm using eclipse got no proper debugging function (cannot set breakpoints because server running outside eclipse) possible set proper php debugging function under eclipse ? if no, can tell me how debugging output inside list.php file ? topic / artifact id: [user] enter crosss reference topic or artif...

Hack télécommande ventilateur

bonjour à tous, j'ai une télécommande pour ventilateur qui permet 3 choses: on/off le ventilo, contrôler sa vitesse, et son timer. je voudrais commencer simple et hacker le switch on/off. dans les photos jointes j'ai entouré les 2 pins qui allume le ventilo lorsqu'ils sont connectés. j'ai donc besoin d'utiliser l'arduino comme un simple interrupteur, c'est bien ça? apparemment j'aurais besoin d'un optocoupleur: mais est-ce forcé? ce genre de montage simple n'est-il pas réalisable juste avec l'arduino comme source de courant? merci d'avance pour votre aide. plutôt que bricoler la télécommande, ne serait-il pas plus simple de faire apprendre les codes à un arduino pour qu'il les rejoue à la demande. ainsi la télécommande est intègre (au cas ou) et tu plus de souplesse coté arduino. voir là :

Thread: How to print to Mac OS X attached usb printer

does know how print ubuntu usb printer attached os x mac? able print os x os x box (in fact, same box, dual boots os x , ubuntu). ubuntu's print setup dialog ... unhelpful. has been several years, , i've yet work. so, watt'a wanna Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [ubuntu] How to print to Mac OS X attached usb printer Ubuntu

Slideshow Modules Pic Question - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi there,   have quick question, in slideshow module, have fields input width/height of pics. now, i'm struggling quality of pics go there(width/height) in there. see have different pics horizontal/vertical in size, therefore, i'm cutting pics height of 130 px,  , computer fills in width automatic, other pictures have different dilemma how can have pictures in nice quality , same width, without widening pic much......if go , leave slideshow width field untouched, prefills in height amount....i hope understand i'm talking there way of doing layers? , god bless.... Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Extensions - 1.0.x Modules

Joomla! Forum - community, help and support - Login

the board requires registered , logged in view forum. username: password: i forgot password resend activation email remember me hide online status session   register in order login must registered. registering takes few moments gives increased capabilities. board administrator may grant additional permissions registered users. before register please ensure familiar our terms of use , related policies. please ensure read forum rules navigate around board. terms of use | privacy policy register Board index

Reset form, Checked radio button?

this form resets form doesn't allow me check radio button. <html> <head> <title>taming form's reset button javascript</title> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> <!-- function reset_form() { if ( confirm("are sure want reset form?") ) { window.document.myform.reset(); } else {; } } //--> </script> </head> <body> <form action="script.php" method="post" name="myform"> search: <input type="text" name="search" value="" /> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit" /> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> <!-- window.document.write("<input type='button' name='resetbutton' value='reset' onclick='reset_form();' />"); //--> </...

Blog Contents Control - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi! when downloaded joomla, received "blog" link in main menu, "a blog of sections". now, how can control contents of "blog"? in other words, have working "feed gator " in site, , want avoid news appear in "blog"..... how ? thanks in advance! roberto i don't use rss feeds don't know if applicable, in general go backend, menu manager, relevant menu , in parameters menu item. should see parameter can enter sections or categories displayed, , use control page displays. alternatively, unpublich menu item , create new 1 solely display categroies want. gareth Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

Feasibility: semi-autonomous (programmable) line following RC car

hey all, new forum (and of topic in general) , have idea i'd make reality. i've done lot of searching around ideas have in mind, hoping answers little bit of in 1 place. want see if it's possible arduino boards/shields, , go drawing board. here of specs needed... - line following (array of ir sensors) - speed control/monitoring (to control acceleration , speed 30mph [max] , monitor testing) - programmable user input smartphone (app iphone app store/android market)     - this, need it's own wifi, gopro does - pid controller tune minimal corrections while on straight line , turns - hooked audio device (something beep) what arduino board best doing these things? what shields might need? what still need car? arduino, need besides servos, batteries, , motor? what heck getting myself into? i have programming experience matlab/simulink, know arduino has different language. programming skills aren't great can learn go , ask dumb questions when n...

pyomxplayer fails getting video position - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi, i'm working on dashboard , rewriting omxplayer remote (currently supporting public german video libraries, controlled php). might sound noob question, couldn't find way fix this. want show progress of movie played omxplayer via progressbar. downloaded pyomxplayer, omxplayer-wrapper written in python using pexpect current video position. won't work. copied relevant parts of it, script keeps being stuck index = 1 . script 2 years old, guess outdated. started omxplayer (apt tells me 39e6342 up-to-date) via ssh (video being shown on tv) , pressed every button on keyboard (also combined ctrl-key), didn't current position (i guess feature might have been removed). of know how current video position in omxplayer? you can use dbus commands current position now. there's script in repository "" can use (or modify). raspberrypi