Interfacing MPU-6050 with arduino

can 1 planet tell me how interface arduino mpu-6050    :)
i tried hard on google little success.

vcc   ----   5v
gnd  ----   gnd
scl   -----  ?
sda  -----  ?
any other connections?

also can tell me library can used.


do have 1 ebay less 5 dollars , onboard voltage regulator ?

you can connect 5v.
if doesn't have onboard voltage regulator, connect 3.3v.

the i2c-bus consists of sda , scl.

on arduino, library called "wire" library.
read reference. see arduino uno, a4 = sda , a5 = scl.

if have connected properly, i2c_scanner should detect it.

interfacing mpu-6050 not easy.
you can start here :
but end here :

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Sensors > Interfacing MPU-6050 with arduino



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