
Showing posts from July, 2010

file ownership issues! what's default? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i've made mistake of chown-ing files , folders ftpuser.....not knowing joomla needs core owned apache.  @ least, that's appears going on.  because after changing ownership frontend of site inaccessible.  don't error message.  blank page. i've had files/folders owned ftpuser.ftpuser ftpuser.apache , neither have worked. i'm going try nobody.nobody , see if works. what i'd know folders need owned apache joomla function correctly? what permissions did give files , folders. happens if set folders 755, , files 644? should enough joomla operate (though should chmod actions installing , changing configuration.php). Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Administration - 1.0.x

Windows 7 not recognizing Arduino Uno on USB/Serial (or at all).

i've been working on arduino project , had arduino uno w/ wifi shield connected windows 7 computer via usb. i able send sketches arduino, open serial monitor , watch output arduino without difficulty. i use arduino stack on macbook pro , jump between 2 computers (the win7 stays home, , remote desktop modify sketches , check temperature readings via serial monitor). a few days ago, arduino got wet while still connected windows 7 machine , both powered up. i able clean arduino , wifi board successful , removed corrosion isopropyl alchohol. connect macbook pro's usb port, , able push sketches arduino, view serial monitor , successfully. however, when connect windows 7 computer , open arduino ide, arduino not getting detected. serial port selection in tools menu greyed out. have since reloaded associated drivers, , uninstalled , reinstalled ide using unified installation posted forum. the windows 7 machine still unable talk arduino. did usb cable wet...

Makey Makey question

is plausible turn makey makey voltage measure tool? i want use old turn switch (see added picture) make mouse controller. the switch(es) variable, make setup different voltage different control being activated. therefore need know voltage belongs state of turn of switch. i hope can me Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > Makey Makey question arduino

I can't see my writing! Please help!!! Text in My Text_area edit boxes are White - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi there,  i hope can me - in administrator backend, of edit text_area boxes text white - when edit content, cant see typing unless go change color button.... any ideas css need change? i looked in view source, , says text_area class... added color: #000000 in joomla_admin template... didnt help... please help thanks mod note: moving joomla dev, 1.0  > joomla, admin, wysiwyg editors hi, about issue, check suggested faq;,50907.0.html regards robin Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Extensions - 1.0.x WYSIWYG Editors - 1.0.x

Optocoupler voltage control

hello everyone, i trying figure out how control input voltage. building i/o controller take range of voltages (5-30vdc) , of course use trigger input on arduino. i have built , works concerned resistor getting hot. 4n25 opto, 2.7k resistor inline led input on the opto. my thought cannot dissipate heat properly. otherwise works great. my question is, there type of zener or other voltage limiting device can control voltage , clamp large range of inputs not burn resistors up? any suggestions appreciated. lm317 in constant current mode what makes think resistor going hot anyway? Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > General Electronics > Optocoupler voltage control arduino

Fading the LED without turning it off.

hi, guys. i'm noob in arduino now. i wonder, how can turn on led, using fade-effect. without turning off. i use code: [select] int pwmpin = 10; // led in series 470 ohm resistor on pin 10 void setup() { } void loop() {   (int i=0; <= 255; i++){      analogwrite(pwmpin, i);      delay(10);   } } but, after fading in, led turnes off , fade in again , again , forever. , other commands in code(after for-commands) don't work. how prevent turning off, until 'analogwrite(pwmpin, 0)' command. thank you. if " " equals 0 or if required minimal voltage not met, turn off. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > Fading the LED without turning it off. arduino

Thread: NFS question - Adding some performace ?

i'm running nfs server, , boost little performance. main performace issue looks loading new files memory. example, have ftp server, using nfs server main storage. first download of 58mb file can take minutes, @ 300-500kb/sec second , later downloads takes seconds @ 10mb/sec. ideas ? rpcnfsdcount mean (/etc/default/nfs-kernel-server) ? i.e. affect of increasing or decreasing value ? (currently, set 8) thanks, zeevik. cliffnotes: mount nfs share these options: rsize=32768,wsize=32768,intr,noatime Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Specialised Support Ubuntu Servers, Cloud and Juju Server Platforms [ubuntu] NFS question - Adding some performace ? Ubuntu

Joomla! Forum - community, help and support - Login

the board requires registered , logged in view forum. username: password: i forgot password resend activation email remember me hide online status session   register in order login must registered. registering takes few moments gives increased capabilities. board administrator may grant additional permissions registered users. before register please ensure familiar our terms of use , related policies. please ensure read forum rules navigate around board. terms of use | privacy policy register Board index

Thread: Compiz Expo plugin and xp in virtual box

when launch windows xp via virtual box long xp has focus cannot use expo key-bindings there way around in advanced. i think if install guest tools inside virtualbox keyboard voodoo make keys still act on host , not on guest. not sure if need however. you're running os inside -- when it's virtualized , active it's going have control on keyboard , mouse. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Compiz Expo plugin and xp in virtual box Ubuntu

24VDC and 5VDC to the same 0V

so trying use atmega328 , arduino software control 24v industrial equipment relays.  have 24vdc power supply i'm converting down 5vdc atmega328 , associated parts.  sake of ease have 0v end of components, 24v , 5v, going same 0v line.  right? or going blow myself up? that right.  entire circuit need same reference point gnd connect grounds together.  no puppies should harmed  geoff Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > General Electronics > 24VDC and 5VDC to the same 0V arduino

Motor Servo num pino digital

ora boas, modifiquei um mini servo para permitir rotação contínua. tudo funciona perfeitamente, excepto o facto de sempre que de alguma forma o motor é (re)alimentado, ele roda um pouco(ligar e desligar o usb, por exemplo). ele funciona 5v, por isso está alimentado apenas via usb. para o projecto era importante que sempre que conecto, o servo se mantivesse na mesma posição. É possível ligar o cabo dos +5v servo um dos pinos digitais arduino, e sempre que precisar efectuar um digitalwrite ao pino correspondente, se sim, é seguro ligar directo, ou não vai resolver o problema de todo ? obrigado a porta digital arduino só é capaz de fornecer 20ma sem forçar o microcontrolador. use um transistor npn como chaveador. Arduino Forum > International > Portugues > Motor Servo num pino digital arduino

Passing variable name over Serial

hi - after searching around yesterday evening, i'm pretty sure want isn't possible on arduino, i'll ask anyhow - offers different ways.  warning - i'm quite rusty , quite simple predicament! for purposes of simplified example, let's have 10 leds, , have pins declared (together 2 other variables serial)... code: [select] const int led1=2; const int led2=3; const int led3=4; . . . const int led10=11; string inputstring = "";         // string hold incoming data boolean stringcomplete = false;  // whether string complete now, want pass command on serial monitor turns on/off 1 of leds.  i've got serialevent code working type in serial monitor line stored in inputstring variable.  so, might type serial monitor... code: [select] led4_on led8_off ...and stored in inputstring.  process string (and has validation chopped out, example assumes command entered valid... code: [select] void loop() { //...

Information on version 2.1 Raspberry Pi - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi all, can point me in direction of information regarding version 2.1 raspberry pi pcb? have used search function nothing appearing. doing documentation when notice port numbering scheme had changed used to. thought going crazy. led me find version 2.1 schematics , port numbers (except p1) have changed! there other changes imagine has been discussed elsewhere can't find it. regards greg ... 63&t=73379 starting point , pedantic, it's new revision, not new version raspberrypi

(solved) Powered USB socket caused permanent reset - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi! project need 800 ma usb device, decided make own powered usb socket. power supply 5v, 2a. here's schematic: problem is, when connect usb device, raspberry pi resets. , stays off. when unplug usb, raspberry pi turns on. if data pins aren't connected. it's same. hope hear soon! regards, ruben hi ruben, hackertje wrote: my power supply 5v, 2a. problem is, when connect usb device, raspberry pi resets. first of all, connect gnd of raspi's usb connector gnd of device's usb connector. kind of usb device have ? raspi resets when connect usb keyboard or mouse ? best wishes, ivan zilic. raspberrypi

Arduino Micro Pinout in ASCII

i have had arduino micro (my first microcontroller) few weeks , still haven't memorized locations , functions of pins. find myself leaving tab open reference. consequently, have created ascii representation of pinout diagram on page. hope useful guys has been me. code: [select] /* arduino micro pinout diagram in ascii //               __   o o mosi          o |()|  o o o sck rx_led/ss     o       o o o miso 1/tx          o      icsp o vin 0/rx          o           o gnd reset         o           o reset gnd           o           o +5v 2/sda         o          ...

A 3G/4G USB Dongle for Raspberry Pi - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi guys request guys suggest list of usb modems (3g/4g) work pi in usa. requirements are: 1. 3g/4g connection 2. external antenna support 3. sms function supported (outgoing). gammu or else. 4. api compatible 5. directly detcted ethernet device, without sakis3g. skeptical sakis3g, belive there lot of connection issues. ok using sakis3g if can connected automatically o boot, , if there not connection issues. please reply modems , links them helpful. bobdxcool wrote: hi guys request guys suggest list of usb modems (3g/4g) work pi in usa. requirements are: 1. 3g/4g connection 2. external antenna support 3. sms function supported (outgoing). gammu or else. 4. api compatible 5. directly detcted ethernet device, without sakis3g. skeptical sakis3g, belive there lot of connection issues. ok using sakis3g if can connected automatically o boot, , if there not connection issues. please reply modems , links them helpful. ... 3g_do...

Cannot type anything in Intro at Administrator page. - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i couldn't type in intro , unclickable type in main section not intro section.  a little please?  thanks, ziggy ziggy wrote: i couldn't type in intro , unclickable type in main section not intro section.  a little please?  thanks, ziggy the faqs forum helpful. instance thread might address issue,336.0.html regards dave Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Extensions - 1.0.x WYSIWYG Editors - 1.0.x

PHP Navigation - active item

i using php navigation bar on site displays on multiple pages. way display on bar page user on - removing href tag on item , highlighting it. can assist code don't know how make php navigation realise page on , act accordingly. thanks in advance. james "pauliew" <> wrote in message news:gdfqmd$jda$ >i using php navigation bar on site displays on multiple pages. >i > way display on bar page user > on - > removing href tag on item , highlighting it. can > > assist code don't know how make php navigation > realise > page on , act accordingly. -- thierry | articles , tutorials | extensions that keep markup clean | css menus, gallery, tab panels, etc -- More discussions in ...

Instance variable becoming null

i animating symbol instance using timer , timerlistener. have listeners enter_frame event. animation works until entering last frame of main timeline. @ point instance variable loses reference , becomes null. remains null upon re-entering frame 1 acquires reference again time enters frame 2. have keyframe content in frame 1 , empty keyframe last frame on main timeline. using flash cs3 , actionscript 3.0. i new flash , actionscript answer might obvious more experience. thanks help. problem solved. had not extended keyframe across span of frames correctly. problem solved. More discussions in Adobe Animate CC - General adobe

Problemi realizzazione ragno 4 zampe/8 servomotori

salve tutti, per un esame all'università io e il mio gruppo stiamo realizzando un ragno 4 zampe con 2 servomotori ciascuna(tutti towerpro sg90), e ovviamente arduino (uno rev3). stiamo riscontrando strani problemi purtroppo. allora, innanzitutto tutti servo sono collegati (per ora tramite una breadboard, poi se avremo tempo si passerà una millefori) un alimentatore che eroga 4.30v e un massimo di 600 mah (tutti in parallelo) e ai vari pin di arduino, alimentato tramite l'usb. partendo da un programma del genere: code: [select] #include <servo.h> servo a1,a2,b1,b2,c1,c2,d1,d2; void setup () {  a1.attach(4);a1.write(50);delay(20);  a2.attach(5);a2.write(40);delay(20);  b1.attach(3);b1.write(100);delay(20);  b2.attach(2);b2.write(90);delay(20);  c1.attach(6);c1.write(50);delay(20);  c2.attach(7);c2.write(40);delay(20);  d1.attach(8);d1.write(100);delay(20);  d2.attach(10);d2.write(90);delay(20); } void loop () { } si...

Thread: Asus M4A79XTD EVO, AMD 790X Chipset

i'm thinking of using this mobo in new build myself know if there problems ubuntu , 790 chipset ? none far know, , i've been using 790x chipset on linux while now. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Hardware [ubuntu] Asus M4A79XTD EVO, AMD 790X Chipset Ubuntu

Two hunters - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

two hunters out in woods when 1 of them collapses. doesn't seem breathing , eyes glazed. other man pulls out phone , calls emergency services. he gasps operator: "my friend dead! can do?" operator in calm, soothing voice replies: "take easy. can help. first, let's make sure he's dead." there silence, shot heard. back on phone, hunter says, "ok, what?" nice one...  Board index Joomla! Official Sites & Infrastructure Sites & Infrastructure - Feedback/Information Archived Boards - All boards closed Humor, Fun and Games

ventilo PC

salut tous petite question simple je me demander si on pouvait utiliser un ventilo conection 4 fil de pc donc pwm sur une alime simple 12 en continue comme avec les vieux ventilo, car je veux juste qu'il soufle sans reguler , et je n'arive pas trouver sur le net des 120/120 conection 3 fils merci d'avance! beh non tu les déja.. tu juste branché le +12v et le gnd le reste c'est le tachymètre pour savoir les rpm et le pwm, si sa ne marche pas tu branche le pwm +12v ce qui te donnera 255. Arduino Forum > International > Français (Moderators: jfs, Snootlab) > ventilo PC arduino

Trying to replace an IR remote for a mini-split (heating and air). Ardunio?

i've got wall mounted ac unit (kind of mini-split setup) uses ir remote control operations. here's don't it: * there no real on/off "thermostat" function. can choose temperature, unit run forever (cycle between ac or heat , fan/vent) until turn off. * remote crappy, , have aim precisely response. * interesting modes dehumidify, different fan speeds, air flow direction, away/low power mode, etc (all things helpful), useless since have manually change them time remote effect, , nothing automatic. my idea make kind of device can program accept input (initially via usb or ethernet, via small lcd buttons), read temperature , humidity in room, work sorts of software magic (i'm software developer trade; i'll bring magic) , send ir codes ac unit manage it. know i'll need following: * sort of programmable logic board (thinking arduino right this) * ir transmitter/blaster (preferably 1 cord can mount directly front of ac unit reciever is) * ir rec...

Site Search like

has figured out how set site search functions or i'm assuming using ajax/javascript...i need work anyone? works "t stre" <> wrote in message news:giej6m$ace$ > has figured out how set site search functions > or i'm assuming using > ajax/javascript...i need work anyone? More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

H Bridge Direction button

hello have simple h-bridge set (attached) , here code have far. int enablepin = 11; int in1pin = 10; int in2pin = 9; int switchpin = 7; int potpin = 0; void setup() {   pinmode(in1pin, output);   pinmode(in2pin, output);   pinmode(enablepin, output);   pinmode(switchpin, input_pullup); } void loop() {   int speed = analogread(potpin) / 4;   boolean reverse = digitalread(switchpin);   setmotor(speed, reverse); } void setmotor(int speed, boolean reverse) {   analogwrite(enablepin, speed);   digitalwrite(in1pin, ! reverse);   digitalwrite(in2pin, reverse); } im using reed switch push button changes direction when being held down. how can make switch direction permanently until pushed again? code: [select] boolean reverse, laststate; // set global, @ top of code . . . //inside loop function if(digitalread(switchpin) == low && digitalread(switchpin) != laststate) // looking see if button state low , n...

Save a life and a project please!!!

hello dears, sorry doubt, but dont know mutch programming, i'm art student want works arduino. i'm trying make second machine. time dc motors. i follow tutorial and add 2 buttons. button1 turns motor right , button2 turns motor left. but have error in code when hit button2 work 1 time. , work again if hit button1. can me please? my code: code: [select] const int l293_ena2 = 8; const int l293_inp3 = 9; const int l293_inp4 = 10; const int botao = 2; const int botao2 = 3; int estadobotao = 0; int estadobotao2 = 0; void setup() { pinmode (l293_ena2, output); pinmode (l293_inp3, output); pinmode (l293_inp4, output); pinmode(botao,input); pinmode(botao2,input); digitalwrite (l293_ena2, low); digitalwrite (l293_inp3, low); digitalwrite (l293_inp4, low); } void loop () { estadobotao = digitalread(botao); estadobotao2 = digitalread(botao2); if (estadobotao == high) { digitalwrite (l293_ena2, hi...

Porting Code from one board to another

i'm green grass, i'm trying learn how program.  i want fly tricopter using mulitwii firmware run on atmega 328.  there specific board sold vendor, have different board laidout little differently.  my board arduimu sold 3drobotics.  this board labeled pins d8, a0, a1, a2, a3 available.  the multiwii code setup read ppm on pin labeled d2, have d8 available reading rx.   this line in rx sketch ppm started: /**************************************************************************************/ /***************                ppm sum rx pin reading             ********************/ /**************************************************************************************/ // attachinterrupt fix promicro #if defined(promicro) && defined(serial_sum_ppm)   isr(int6_vect){rxint();} #endif if want use pin d8, should change isr(int8_vect) ? w...

[SOLVED] internet access Buffalo WLI-UC-GNM2 - Raspberry Pi Forums

i have problem accessing internet using wifi dongle. dongle: buffalo wli-uc-gnm2 tried setup using gui desktop. scan finds wifi router. enter password , click on add. now, tries access doesn't seem work. never did ip address. error message is: 4-way handshake failed - pre-shared key may incorrect if /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf, find several times "network" entry , 1 of them contains wrong password (psk key). tried fix using nano, doesn't work. reason, or should else. thank you michael connection wire ok. i dunno in way did nano not work. did if fail write file or password in file okay? raspberrypi

Error with Flex 2.0 Beta 3, java.lang.NullPointerException

hi, i using flex 2.0, beta 3. trying follow cfc/flex examples @ i seem error reason. not sure why. not point line number or anything. app should call method getusers() does, seems throw error when function called. <cffunction name="getusers" access="remote" returntype="any" > <cfset var q = "" /> <cfset var = arraynew(1) /> <cfset var u = "" /> <cfquery name="q" datasource="flexcf"> select * splusers </cfquery> <cfoutput query="q"> <cfscript> u = createobject("component","user"); u.setid(; u.setfname(q.fname); u.setlname(q.lname); u.setemail(; arrayappend(a,u); </cfscript> </cfoutput> <cfreturn /> </cffunction> rpc fault faultstring="java.lang.nullpointerexception" faultcode="server.processing" faultdetail=...

Thread: College (American) Football

my university pretty big (american) football school , college football became favorite sport follow. (i grew overseas) kickoff in less week , i'm pumped! curious if there college football fans @ here in ubuntu forums. understand of course people not in u.s. , can't understand why people watch amateur sports in first place! well, voted last, don't watch it. doesn't air on here... not i'd watch if did. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Community Discussions The Cafe College (American) Football Ubuntu

Thread: Auto Lock Screen

is there way have screen lock auto-login happens automatically? have computer ubuntu 9.04 installed , using "server" application there shared drives members of family , want use various things don't have stop laptop. not have attached monitor need access using vnc/rdp can not unless screen locked. have lock screen after auto-login happens. should i'm, much, newbie ubuntu. in advance help. found answer: Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Auto Lock Screen Ubuntu

Raspberry Pi volume adjuster from ultrasonic sensor data - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello all, i'm new on here, , jumping in @ deep end ambitious project. i'm planning fit ultrasonic sensor (probably ) exhibition space film running onto projector. idea film run silently until come within range of sensor, @ point audio fade , stay until leave area, whereupon silence reign once more. video must run continuously, though, , sound must running, though muted, keep synched. bonus challenge, have make work existing over-engineered pa system; means i'm going have intercept av signal in form of hmdi blu-ray player enroute projector. i'm thinking of using aforementioned sensor (maybe attached arduino) , connecting digital potentiometer on raspberry pi, have have hdmi input , output. very, very long shot, don't suppose has done similar before , can offer tips? terrible idea? best, sarah (yes, know, i'm feeling optimistic.) ultrasonic detectors work best hard targets walls, may work on bodies. this link...

Thread: Unable to start MySQL

ubuntu spontaenously rebooted last night, , since then, i've been unable persuade mysql start or restart. /etc/init.d/mysql start returns failed /etc/init.d/mysql restart returns failed /var/log/mysql.err empty file /var/log/mysql.log empty file cat /var/log/syslog | grep mysql gives: aug 30 12:06:18 masterroot /etc/init.d/mysql[6881]: 0 processes alive , '/usr/bin/mysqladmin --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf ping' resulted in aug 30 12:06:18 masterroot /etc/init.d/mysql[6881]: ^g/usr/bin/mysqladmin: connect server @ 'localhost' failed aug 30 12:06:18 masterroot /etc/init.d/mysql[6881]: error: 'can't connect local mysql server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)' aug 30 12:06:18 masterroot /etc/init.d/mysql[6881]: check mysqld running , socket: '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' exists! its kind of obvious /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock doesn'...

Thread: Wine with Window Live Messenger

i try install window live messenger using wine doesn't work.pidgin did not work either when try log in. there limit of software wine can work? or there internet messenger allow me log in window live messenger? appreciate can help. try in pidgen going add account (thing came when first opened , instead of aim scroll down msn or other option use amsn witch in repositarys (add/remove applications) Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Specialised Support Wine Wine with Window Live Messenger Ubuntu

Wie wäre es mal mit einem Friseur-Salon - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hallo zusammen, feedback zu dieser kleinen website ist gerne willkommen. zu finden unter: gruess, oliver wie wäre es mit der telefonnummer der models?  also der auftritt ist dir gelungen, in ie, ff + opera fast völlig identisches aussehen, mir fällt nur eine sache auf: nach "trends" verändert sich der menükopf fast vollständig, das finde ich nicht gut gelungen. sonst interessante informationen, keine überflüssigen module (wetter, uhrzeit und ein zeug), kein forum, keine google-werbung. glückwunsch! Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone German Forum Archiv Joomla! 1.0 Zeige Deine Webseite 1.0.x

[SOLVED] 1.07 -> 1.10; Login not possible - Strange Error - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi folks, i need new patch 1.10. after page hacked several times forced install 1.10 patch. the problem: if user trys log on frontpage (user or admin), starting page no reaction. don't error message or similar. doesn't work log in. backend login works fine. if want take @ it, check anyway, don't have installed custom login module. it's still normal core login. i'm instructed function, page contains more 5.000 users , daily visited 2.000 people. cathastrophy. couldn't find solution yet, maybe it's problem server? seems it's incompatible new, harder login rules. i need help, if need further information, write them down , i'll try answer. hi, the following topic might of help, posts @ end spoofcheck function;,75549.0.html let me know if not solve problem can try find it. regards robin Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 ...

Pallete Picker

i'm using dreamweaver cs3 on mac. have used palette picker in past doesn't seem working now. searches, says "no results, please try search". i've uninstalled , reinstalled following directions. daughter uses pp on pc , says it's not working either. else? slpersonette wrote: > i'm using dreamweaver cs3 on mac. have used palette picker in past > doesn't seem working now. searches, says "no results, please > try search". i've uninstalled , reinstalled following > directions. daughter uses pp on pc , says it's not working > either. else? i know adobe changed way kuler service accessed palletpicker , appears causing issue. check webassist forums or perhaps check order history updates. -- danilo celic | | webassist extensioneer | adobe community expert More discussions in Dreamweaver extensions adobe

Python Halt command - Raspberry Pi Forums

i looking little code have been working on. have written little control script runs on pi , allows me switch off, switch on/off service runs on lcd screen on pi, , play video. done on udp , works nicely. have been trying extend functionality can have button connected gpio 1(3) halt pi, , when halted can reboot pi, amazing. anyway when call function shutdown after udp request pi halts , can restart button press. when press button pi halts not leaves text on screen "reboot: system halted" screen stays on , can't use button restart pi. wondering doing wrong calling function gpio event detect. appreciated. have 2 functions in code same thing in different ways , used testing. here code code: select all # simple script shutting down raspberry pi @ press of button. # inderpreet singh import time import os import socket import rpi.gpio gpio import subprocess udp_ip = "" udp_port = 5005 gpio.setmode(gpio.bcm) gpio.setup(3,, pull_up_down = gpio....

[SOLVED] left & right module -- pushing 150px right - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hey, i've got bit of css issue. have left module holds images (this css code .left { width:150px;} , right module holds login information (css .right { width:150px;} when clicks register button in login module have made registration menu fits box trying maneuver these 2 modules in (its 150 x 300). issue since i've put width on left module pushing registration form 150px right how fix this? tried making left module isn't published in registration page still pushes 150px right. figures, solved right after post. solution way simple, must have complicated code somehow when doing @ 4am morning Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Templates & CSS - 1.0.x

Thread: Weird c compiler behaviour

hi, guys. i'm unhappy now,,,it started upgrade jaunty. started getting bloody error when compiling no matter kind of project... code: -- cxx compiler identification unknown -- check working cxx compiler: /usr/bin/c++ -- check working cxx compiler: /usr/bin/c++ -- broken cmake error @ /usr/share/cmake-2.6/modules/cmaketestcxxcompiler.cmake:25 (message): c++ compiler "/usr/bin/c++" not able compile simple test program. looked everywhere think of...couldn't fix it. , since there other buddy things stopped working (like network manager), decided reinstall ubuntu afresh - no upgrades previous version, nothing. didn't fix anything...again - wasn't able compile single simple c/c++ program cmake . same error haunted me in dreams... today miracle happened...i reading this in order avoid compiling hand (although executing cmake , make , make install shouldn't difficult ) , create deb-package source files (which...

Problem with AC_FL_RunContent

i using dw8 latest update contains ac_fl_runcontent code. the bug think have found has templates. new code dw puts in fix activex thing not update source file path when applied , updated children pages. for example: siteroot\templates\basic.dwt has flash file in it. ac code looks this: <script type="text/javascript"> ac_fl_runcontent( 'codebase',',0,29,0','wid th','120','height','100','src','../images/onthecoverad','quality','high','pluginspage','ht tp://','movie','../images/onthecoverad' ); //end ac code </script><noscript><object classid="clsid 27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,29,0" width="120" height=...

CW2 PiUSV / PiUPS Experiences - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi, bit of feedback wider community if reasearching , looking @ cw2 possible ups device rpi. bought 1 in car project, , impressed, appears board has (in view) major flaw. experiences, when rpi has power, there draw batteries. furthermore, suspect draws power when rpi has been shut down (although don't know sure). basically, me, idea when cars ignition on rpi power car battery (obviously 5v not 12v). when ignition switched off, rpi receive power ups batteries short while before being shut down in controlled fashion. worked find until 6xaa batteries drained in short period of time. discussion can seen on thread, although there seems no answer in sight. i'm not saying don't buy one, word of caution, wish had done more research beforehand. hth. jon. from reading posts in forum.. appear have constant current draw batteries of approx 3.6ma when not powered batteries. quick math.. 3.6x24x30= gives 2.6 amps of draw ...

CSS (background img &amp; positioning)

hi, i have simple, maddening problem, need ---before shoot myself! have created 3-.jpegs, use a top-side-bottom graphic. have created external style sheet , tried numerous variations (box-positioning-margin etc.) try , css pseudo-ids render on web browser correctly.....usually "top" graphic display thin line...not, looking @ code below someoine give me general hints, top-side-bottom graphics render correctly (the full graphics @ top-side-bottom) in web browser....????please help?? #side_graphic { position:relative; width:110px; height:auto; z-index:2; left: 10px; top: 183px; visibility: visible; background-image: url(../images/side_graphic.jpg); background-repeat: no-repeat; margin-top: 0px; margin-right: auto; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: auto; } #top_graphic { position:relative; width:1150; z-index:1; left: 10px; top: 33px; visibility: visible; background-image: url(../images/top_graphic_title.jpg); background-repeat: no-rep...

Forum kombonent. - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

er der nogen der kender til et forum, hvor man på forsiden af forummet kan vise de forskellige fora med billede. lidt ligesom de gør her: jeg bruger selv joomlaboard, men kan umiddelbart ikke se @ det kan lade sig gøre der inde? nogen idéer? crazy dane bare en tanke: hvad hvis du gruppernes titler lægger html ind: osv? det gør jeg tit andre sammenhæng, og joomla stripper normalt ikke html'en! Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Danish Forum Ældre versioner (disse vedligeholdes ikke længere fra officiel side) Joomla 1.0 (Udgået version, der blev afløst af 1.5 i 2008) Komponenter, Moduler og Mambots

usare arduino come replicatore (problema)

salve , vorrei utilizzare il mio arduino per gestire 3 uscite (rele') interponendo 3 ingressi: un selettore che faccia prototipo o copia e due pulsanti uno che faccia da start ed uno da stop. quando il selettore e' su prototipo premendo start una volta si eccita il primo rele' , dopo tot tempo premo nuovamente start e si eccita il secondo rele' , dopo altro tot tempo premo start e si eccita il terzo rele' , premendo nuovamente start non accade piu' nulla , premendo stop una volta si diseccita il primo rele'  dopo tot se ripremo stop si diseccita il secondo e dopo tot tempo se premo stop si diseccita anche il terzo  ed e' finita la fase di prototipo . ora giro il selettore su copia e premendo start rele' si eccitano e diseccitano con lo stesso ordine e sopratutto con lo stesso tempo tra uno e l'altro , premendo stop diseccito tutti rele' istantaneamente ora tornando dal mondo dei sogni  vi dico che fin che...

Issues with Kuler- no swatches pulling in to programs

i had downloaded required kuler (air , switchboard) , kuler not pull in color swatches corresponding program- ai, psd. ended uninstalling, , therefore wondering if os support issue or if there missed? mac osx 10.5.6 (i did notice after research air system requirements not support os x 10.5.6. issue?) first, aware switchboard works cs3 applications. also, there issue mac osx 10.5.6.: application must open themes pulled swatches panel. please let me know if solves issue. More discussions in Adobe Capture adobe


help! i still using mx studio. use dreamweaver, decided wanted start re-learning flash , using it. when go open it, message: "the serialization dll/lib not exist" to make matters worse, can't find cd reinstall software. ugh! adobegirl wrote: > help! > > still using mx studio. use dreamweaver, decided > wanted start re-learning flash , using it. when go open it, > message: > > "the serialization dll/lib not exist" > > make matters worse, can't find cd reinstall software. ugh! contact customer support via , purchase record with them , might new installer them. -- regards urami -- happy new year guys - best there in 2006 <urami> </urami> <web junk free> </web junk free> More discussions in Adobe Animate CC - General adobe