
Showing posts from March, 2011

Have you ever asked for a sample and gotten an OBSCENE amount of packaging?

i not sure if forum topic, reasonably electronics related , didn't want shove bar sport off-topic stuff. so asked sample on.  i've gotten few of parts samples in past.  they charge $11 handling part free , arrangement, partially paying own freight aren't putting them out of money.  but amount of packaging sent obscene.  and asia on two-day ticket well.   have done before, ordered part delivered on tray , sent entire tray 5 parts on (and 100 or blank spots), strapped, in anti-static baggie 2 big humidity eaters. this ordered.  i had no idea send entire reel.  why that?  do think need set pick-and-place machine?  isn't safe assume on first order person engineer prototyping? reel closeup: so, seeing here 5 parts, on reel has 10' of tape on it, rest of reel has strips of bubble wrap protect tape, in anti-static baggie humidity eaters, in reel-box, in box shipping. total waste: the end result: ...

RFID module software serial + serial read

greetings all! im having bit of issue applying conditional value printed in serial monitor. have rfid module found here: it arduino source code, , not having problems getting module work. stated, trying add conditional once specific tag id printed in serial monitor (as doing), print message. code below addition commented: code: [select] #include <softwareserial.h> softwareserial myserial(2, 3); //pin2 rx, pin3 tx int cmd[64]; int comlen =0; int out_flag =0; string result = string('77 08 92 73'  ,dec); int resulting = '4d085c49'; //byte c; void setup() {  serial.begin(9600);  myserial.listen();  serial.println("serial number displayed here if card detected module:\n");  // set data rate softwareserial port  myserial.begin(9600);  delay(10);  myserial.write(0x02); //send command rfid, please re...

Nrf24 Library problem

hi guys, i've received 2 cheap nrf24l01 modules, i've downloaded github relative examples , relative library when i  try upload 1 of example sketch got following error: eg_read.pde: in function 'void setup()': reg_read:23: error: 'mirf' not declared in scope reg_read:23: error: 'mirfhardwarespi' not declared in scope reg_read:31: error: 'rf_setup' not declared in scope how can ? idea ? thank's help have put mirf library in arduinos library folder, , restarted  arduino ? Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Networking, Protocols, and Devices (Moderator: fabioc84) > Nrf24 Library problem arduino

Need help saving a videostream onto an external hard drive - Raspberry Pi Forums

i'm trying use rpi save stream ip camera on lan external hard drive connected pi's usb port. have vlc installed on pi , hdd mounted can't figure out terminal commands need enter have record feed. i've been tediously searching guide or documentation can clarify syntax keep finding tutorials on how stream pi, not use capture stream. i'm trying use line below right on computer running windows. keeps asking me username , password though put them in stream url. try opening file "go.mpg" can't. vlc ... &pwd=[test ] --sout=file/ps:go.mpg figured out how dump raw output of feed using command: vlc " ... d=password " :demux=dump :demuxdump-file="/mnt/test/myfile" writes raw output videostream file on external hard drive. i'll update when find out how convert raw file useful mp4. of right can remove hdd pi, plug pc, watch file through vlc (i can...

Have To Log In Twice Before Able To Do Anything - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

this weird occurrence.  every time log in first time joomla unable save changes make.  if click on save or cancel nothing happens.  have click on (that displays @ top left of screen) logs me out , takes me login screen.  when login again, works fine. this has been happening while , i’m wondering if have idea why. likestuff wrote: this weird occurrence.  every time log in first time joomla unable save changes make.  if click on save or cancel nothing happens.  have click on (that displays @ top left of screen) logs me out , takes me login screen.  when login again, works fine. this has been happening while , i’m wondering if have idea why. see if solution in topic found in faqs forum of,336.0.html regards dave Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Administration - 1.0.x

Problems with DC motor noise with proximity sensor.

hi! days ago, posted here issues related abnormal behaviour of proximity sensor when turn on 2 dc motors (to move wheels of project). 1 forum member helps me, telling me common decoupling problem , need use somo capacitors / inductors solve it. read it, i'm not electronic expert (i'm programmer) , have doubts. (indeed, i've read if use wrong capacitor can explode!) so, i'll thankfull if can me schematics. i've created schematics fritzing. first one, present configuration (proximity sensor goes crazy) the second 1 aproximation of solution, i'm not sure right. can validate or correct it? if miss important data, tell me , post information want. in schematics, represent motor shield , not arduino 1 itself, make better read. thanks in advance, ferran the first thing try solder .1uf capacitor across terminals of each motor. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino ...

Ardunio Uno Power Source: USB vs Power Jack

hi all, i purchased arduino uino board , sparkfun microsd shield 1-2 months ago.  i'm trying collect pressure data records sd card.  got working , installed heartbeat led indicate data being logged.  works when use usb cable power i'm having issues when use 9v , 12v power packs.  when use power pack connection, heart beat led not pulse , logging unreliable.  i'll have data, no date, or corrupted file. i'm not sure going on , use help.  thought must hardware issue since board getting powered not functioning correctly. attached code adapted sdfat library example: // simple data logger arduino analog pins optional ds1307 // uses rtclib #include <sdfat.h> #include <sdfatutil.h>  // define freeram() #define sd_chip_select  ss  // sd chip select pin #define use_ds1307       0  // set nonzero use ds1307 rtc #define log_interval  1000  // m...

Arduino Mini , problem with Voltage read

hi, using voltage divider can monitor voltage 3cell lipo. the problem serialread gives 1023 (max) when voltage @ 2.19v across arduino gnd , arduino a0 so dropping voltage ~10 2.19 arduino reads 5v (ie 1023) i have attached schematic of setup. i suppose problem might need reference voltage, maybe 1 board 5v? in case how need wire correct serialread. here code well: const int analogpin=a0; int val=0.0; void setup(){   serial.begin(9600); } void loop(){   val=analogread(analogpin);   serial.println(val); } what trying use mini monitor voltage of lipo , hook relay switch off circuit if voltage drops below value. using mini can save weight possible. not sure if there board same thing less weight maybe? thanks, , think first post in forum 1. please use code tags when posting code. 2. try changing first 2 lines to: code: [select] const int analogpin=0; int val=0; a0 call analog pin 0 when using digital pin. it's 0 when using in analogread c...

Thread: Bad colors with thunderbird

hi, had downloaded thunderbird 3.0b3 mozilla site. starts has bad colors. why? how can do? attached images screenshot.png (412.7 kb, 6 views) Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Bad colors with thunderbird Ubuntu

Control Structures and what variable types work

hello have looked , search web , several forums have not found place says variable types work in control structures. trying use if statement double type variable , wont execute. changed variable int type , worked fine. control structures work int type variables? trying run variable on possible variations , find 1 best fits need. 'a' variable 1 double , have made int changing decimal integer. want know. code: [select] void loop()   {     count = count + 1;     if (count == 100)     {       count = 0;       = + 1;       serial.println("");       serial.println("");     }     if (count == 99)     {       if (a == 99)       {         serial.end();       }     } any primitive type usable. floats equivalent double on arduino ( no double...

LED Sphere project

hi! i'm new arduino development , have been thinking of starting first own project after completing few exercise projects did starter kit & arduino uno. work on led sphere similar one: expect there multiple layers of sphere (~10 layers) accounting ~300 led's total sphere. i'm thinking of getting bunch of 5mm tri-color led's , tlc5940 shift registers drive led's. expect sphere rotate ~6000rpm (100rps) , diameter of sphere 25cm. driving led's registers sounds simple in theory got bunch of questions feasibility of project: 1) based on led sphere specs seems need max update frequency of 15707hz of led's (100rps*25cm*pi/5mm). led's fast enough kind of update speed? read somewhere led's supposed have <1 microsecond on/off speed, mean 1mhz update speed , sounds sufficient me, verify this. 2) each led supposed have different level of brightness driven pwm of tlc5940 chip, has 12bit pwm contr...

Thread: Sound Not Working After Troubleshooting

i've got video file can't working mplayer; keep on getting "cannot find codec audio format 0x56444152". before posting assistance (linux n00b here), decided work through comprehensive multimedia & video how to . did, seemed fine - have no sound whatsoever. did before undertaking this. decided work through comprehensive sound problem guide. step 3 , can't further because asla list isn't anymore. " (3) check see if alsa driver sound card exists. go , search sound card (chipset) manufacturer in dropdown box. you'll given matrix of sound cards made manufacturer. try match chipset found in step 2 driver( green hyperlink text )." cat /proc/asound/cards tells me: 0 [intel ]: hda-intel - hda intel hda intel @ 0xd0340000 irq 22 i'm running ubuntu 9.04 on acer 3680 laptop. help? ok got working ...

Thread: Ubuntu newbie and sound via HDMI

hello everyone, im total newbie ubuntu , new forum! im in dire need of configure sound on computer. ive bought asrock ion 330 nettop use htpc connected lcd-tv, samsung 40s71. dont have home cinema sound system , thinking let both video , audio go via hdmi-port. since im newbie tho, wasnt easy...... have installed latest recommended ubuntu desktop edition (9.04) without problems , have updated every update available via update manager. in system->sounds ive chosen "hda nvidia nvidia hdmi (alsa) sound playback options , "alsa" sound capture , "hda nvidia (alsa mixer) device default mixer tracks. tried create file called .asoundrc , put in home map , commenting/uncommenting options according guide found , in alsamixer unmuted iec958 1 in alsamixer according guide: still no luck though plugged in sucky pc-speakers , changed system->sounds again hda nvidia vt17085 analog (oss)...

Realtime clock status

hallo, kann man bei einer rtc eigentlich den status abfragen, sprich batterie noch voll -> zeit gültig ? ich würde gerne eine rtc parrallel mit ntp betreiben. kommt nach einem stromausfall das internet nicht wieder (router abgestürzt oder so) so soll die rtc die kontrolle bekommen. aber dann ich wissen ob ihre zeit gültig ist, sonst kriegen die fische im aquarium nacher keinen schlaf wenn ich nicht da bin :-) ulli du kannst bei den mir bekannten rtc den batteriestatus nicht abfragen, aber du kannst natürlich einen plausibilitätscheck auf die zeitangaben durchführen, die du zurück kriegst. wenn der strom komplett weg war, wird die zeit auf 0 initialisiert (datum auch). wenn das datum kleiner als 2013 ist, hast du keine gültige zeit. die batterie wird nur benutzt, wenn du keinen strom auf der versorgungsleitung lieferst. eine batterie, die nur bei stromausfällen einspringen muss, hält normalerweise etwa 10 jahre. Arduino ...

Wire.h: twi.h nicht gefunden, dann LinkingError

tag, ich versuche gerade die etwas mit dem i2c bus zu spielen. ich programmiere mit mariamole und habe über den dialog den ich vor kurzem entdeckt habe, die wire libary eingebunden. quellcode: code: [select] #include "lcd-master_main.h" void setup() {                  pinmode(13, output); wire.begin() //master => keine adresse } void loop() {   digitalwrite(13, high);   delay(1000);              digitalwrite(13, low);   delay(1000);      wire.begintransmission(3); //starte übertragung slave3   wire.write(millis());   wire.endtransmission();        } mariamole bindet die libs in die _main.h ein: code: [select] #include <arduino.h> #include <wire.h> wenn ich den quelltext jetzt kompiliere bekomme ich ein ganzes sortiment von fehlermeldungen nach dem motto: code: [select] wire.cpp (63,0) error: 'twi_init' ...

Virtual Mart vælge betaling - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i vm, hvor man kan vælge betaling. hvor kan man ændre farven på teksten: "betaling med betalingskort" og "andre betalingsmåder" det må være et sted vm, kan ikke finde det alm css. skydk wrote: i vm, hvor man kan vælge betaling. hvor kan man ændre farven på teksten: "betaling med betalingskort" og "andre betalingsmåder" det må være et sted vm, kan ikke finde det alm css. standard font color defineret template_css.css duer hos mig... /kasper Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Danish Forum Ældre versioner (disse vedligeholdes ikke længere fra officiel side) Joomla 1.0 (Udgået version, der blev afløst af 1.5 i 2008) Template, CSS og Design

Chart axis titles disappearing with image capture

i have following code generates png file uicomponent (a panel chart in it). have 2 different methods called generate image. 1 automatically generated every few minutes, other generates image when user hits button "save" image. both generate chart fine, except automated version cuts axis titles off reason. going on? i have idea might problem asynchronous way methods called in flex. in other words though code wise, chart has been created before automated image capture called, somehow internally chart not complete. that's explains why user triggered event of clicking button works, doesn't explain why automated calls generate image fail on second , subsequent tries (since 1 assume image has been created) by way, using calllater(saveallsnapshots) automated code. could please me this? More discussions in Flex (Read Only) adobe

Help needed with circuit.

hi guys i having hard time using arduino uno control 0v - 10v damper actuator. below link specified actuator. and wiring schematic found. i have actuator running off 24v ac transformer , drive when manually adjusted rules out problems actuator itself. transformer output converted dc via rectifier , associated components. final output voltage 24v dc. take 24v dc , drop down 12v dc l7812cv (not lm7812cv have in image). 12v dc supplies arduino on vin & gnd pins op-amp. here wiring diagram. i have managed generate 0 -10v dc signal means of filter, op-amp , npn transistor. output voltage (0 - 10v) are sent actuator signal wire , should move. do have ground gnd of circuit ac 24v powers actuator , if where? any appreciated. thanks put 200uf capacitor on 24v dc node. put 203uf capacitor on 12v dc node. the lm324 op amp has weak output stage, cannot drive (1.5 amps/hfe) high enough. look @ spec lm324 o...

Laser interrupt sensor

i want make talking clock people can't see. i'm thinking using laser diode , photo-resistor when person's hand interrupts beam trigger clock announce time.  right i'm having difficult time finding low power laser diode that's rated long constant operation. there such diodes can work years nonstop? why have laser? a collimated led may more sensible. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > Laser interrupt sensor arduino

Raspberry Pi <-> Arduino Uno using i2c crashes after a while

hi all, i have been trying make raspberry pi communicate arduino uno via i2c in order make kind of "rf card" pi. the idea communicate distant arduino (with 434mhz rf emitter/receptors). tried make pi communicate arduino directly via rf not able cope real time (at least default kernel, far know) had trouble making work reliably "home made" radio protocol. virtualwire works fine between 2 arduinos, hence idea put arduino in between, serving i2c rf extension pi. my problem i2c works time, after while arduino disappears i2c bus (as seen pi perspective @ least, doesn't appear i2cdetect command anymore) , have reset arduino rejoin bus. i started simple "ping" application in pi sends string arduino, arduino copies buffer , sends when pi requests it. plan make bidirectional communication other arduino put random "latency" before data ready (to simulate acknoledge via radio). here code arduino slave device code: [select] #include <wire.h...

Arduino (micro) + LED RGB env 30V +(350/700 mA) [Non réglé]

bonjour à toutes et tous ! je suis un petit nouveau en arduino et sur ce forum. même si je n'ai pas trop le temps je commence à me passionner pour l'Électronique. un de mes premiers projets et de concevoir ma propre living colors (lampe d'ambiance). j'ai d'abord essayer avec de simples led rgb 5 et10 mm mais le résultat est médiocre ! je me suis un peu plus documenté sur le sujet et après avoir découvert la différence entre les mcd et les lumens en indices de luminosité, j'ai découvert qu'il existait des led rgb tel que ci-dessous : le seul problème c'est que la puissance de sortie soit 5v et l'ampérage 40ma de l'arduino est très largement inférieur à ce que j'ai besoin. je cherche depuis plusieurs jours sur internet (dont ce forum) quelqu'un qui le même problème et objectif q...

Robohelp decompile problem

greetings: i haven't been on forum while, have real problem. inadvertently deleted components of original robohelp data directory, followed (excellent) instructions posted here regarding use of keytools.exe pgm decompile chm file. has worked me in past. today, however, find that, although decompile works fine, next steps fail - open robohelp html selection of pgms within robohelp x5. select new project click import tab select ms-html project; ok select hhp file keytools created; open it. when attempt open helpfile.hhp file, msg appears - 'unable create database - check directory not read-only' the file folder indeed marked 'read-only', every time uncheck it, change 'ignored'. i have never seen instance in windows xp happened before. needless say, can't recreate robohelp data files, @ point. has else seen this? thanx help! robert gross budgetext inc. technical documentation , training i wonder if topic you? click here. More discussions...

Ecran LCD avec boutons (LCD keypad shield)

bonjour la communauté de l'arduino ! (oui oui je sors   ) j'ai acheté un écran lcd keypad shield il y peu. pour l'essayer, je veux faire deux trois petits trucs un peu inutiles mais qui permettent de tenter de grandes choses par la suite ! alors tout d'abord voilà ce que je veux faire : augmenter ou diminuer unité par unité le chiffre se trouvant au dessus du curseur avec les boutons et down et pouvoir me déplacer sur le chiffre que je veux (en affichant le curseur) avec les boutons left et right. sur la première ligne à partir du premier caractère, j'affiche dès le début 0000. et ce sont ces chiffres que je peux modifier, mais on choisit toujours le chiffre entre 0 et 9, il n'y pas de "retenues" alors voilà mon programme et juste après je vous met mon problÈme : quote //sample using liquidcrystal library #include < liquidcrystal .h> // select pins used on lcd panel liquidcrystal lcd(8, 9, 4, 5, 6, 7); // define values used...

curveTo thickness is buggy?

i'm developing application draw/graph lines , parabolas. draw parabolas using curveto method, set thickness constant value using linestyle. problem - curve thickness uneven along curve's length, , curves different parameters can have big difference in thickness. screenshot: swf file , code archive at: to draw parabolas in swf, press mouse button anywhere inside coordinate space , drag. release add parabola. add several of them. can pick , drag existing parabolas (note thickness changes when dragging. More discussions in Adobe Animate CC - General adobe

Can't see text

attached code part of function creating navigation menu using createemptymovieclip , createtextfield. can't seem find right combination make text visible on screen. i offer last comment courtesy may search on original post. in end, 2 major concerns had understood in order solve problem. 1 how export fonts , how use embedded fonts utilizing textformat. other issue revolves around use of masks. turns out, cannot use device fonts masks. study these issues , may resolution of runtime textfield problem. More discussions in ActionScript 1 and 2 adobe

Where / how to buy BCM2835 for prototyping / production... - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello pi community! after hour of 'googling' wasn't able self-answer question on how 1 can proceed prototype & possibly produce products based on bcm2835 used in raspberry pi... it's hard believe tricky / difficult soc @ heart of such popular board! has been able build own board & build working prototype on top of bcm2835? of course require ability buy small batch of chips, full datasheet , other ee resources build board... can done?? recommended steps gain access needed resources? how bcm2835 cost in 1k quantity? hint in right direction! i'm going guess minimum order quantity several hundred thousand. raspberrypi

[FIXED] - 4430 : Administrator Cpanel not showing josmsg - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

description: this bug happens when request redirect user panel page josmsg. reported on: today's trunk classification: [q&t] critical/high/medium/low/enhancement affected functions: administration default page related files: /joomla/administrator/templates/khepri/cpanel.php steps replicate: type in url /administrator/index.php?josmsg=test analysis: [q&t] confirmed/unable confirm/rejected any other comments proposed fix(es): it's not best fix it's done template file see no other easy way it. add if (!empty($msg)) { echo "\n $msg "; } ?> to /joomla/administrator/templates/khepri/cpanel.php line 62 topic / artifact id: [user] enter crosss reference topic or artifact id/url when submitted : none system info: ubuntu lampp eclipse firefox fixed on svn, ! Board index Joomla! Official Sites & Infrastructure Sites & Infrastructure - Feedback/Information Archived Boards - All bo...

Reboot when trying to use camara - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi, received raspberry pi yesterday, , got camara working using : ... -pi-camera today tried alot of different things streaming camara feed after time gave on that. tried use raspistill take picture , raspberry restarted. first thought because trying streaming working choose easy way -> format sd card. after , following same link again : ... -pi-camera still reboot when tried take picture raspistill -o name.jpg file not saved have google bit , saw maybe didn't have enough memory fast enough tried following this: ... ashes.html doing didnt anything use raspbian have idea wrong? first thought: power. 90%+ of issues raspberry pis failing boot or rebooting unexpectedly due inadequate power supplies or cheap microusb power cables. camera uses virtually no power when idle, needs quite lot of power when active. supply isn't providing enough milli...

losing a url by converting swf in html

can please tell me when converting flash movie application , url adress html form? url doesnt work in html gets lost when publish it.please send message! hi tameroni, your problem sounds interessting, don't understand you're trying. if rephrase , add examples, maybe able help. More discussions in Adobe Animate CC - General adobe

Thread: Messing with Kubuntu?

i loading kubuntu in virtual box see how difference is. wondering if recommend few different programs getting things done. 1. openoffice work same in ubuntu? 2. quality program editing music? 3. vlc best video playback? 4 virtual box work on kubuntu? 5. thunderbird work in kubuntu? time , replies. kubuntu fork of ubuntu uses kde instead of gnome default desktop environment. both use same repositories. , can run applications both de's no problems. depends on one's needs. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Community Discussions The Cafe Messing with Kubuntu? Ubuntu

Code, only works with some servos?

hi, unfortunately have servo problem arduino, pretty have code turn servo 0 degrees if 1 int value ldr , turn 180 degrees if another. problem seems more specific servo though. code: code: [select] #include <servo.h> int ldr_pin = a2; servo myservo; void setup() {  serial.begin(9600);  myservo.attach(3);  pinmode(49, output);  pinmode(53, output);  digitalwrite(49, high);  digitalwrite(53, high); } void loop() {  int ldrreading = analogread(ldr_pin);  serial.println(ldrreading);  if ( ldrreading < 800 )  {    myservo.write(180);    delay(100);  }  else  {    myservo.write(100);    delay(100);  }  //delay(1000); } the digital write high leds used control ldr, problem if use code 1 of servos works perfectly, if use on other 2 doesn't work @ all. sort of feed back, example servo not move against position doesn't move per code. i...

ENC28J60 Ethernet Module Problem.. Please Help..!

hi experts, i trying make simple web server using arduino duemilanove clone(atmega328) & enc28j60 ethernet module. connected ethernet module router's lan port. (the internet connection router d-link modem.) i using ethercard library. on startup, arduino gives me ip address when try view webpage using ip in browser, browser fails load. i think in code setup() executing loop() not executing tried simple serialtx function in loop & didnt work... even mac address automatically changed unknown format..! my code follow. please examine & feel free correct me..! code: [select] #include<ethercard.h> static byte myip[] progmem = {118,110,55,69}; static byte mymac[] progmem = {0x11,0xda,0x56,0xa6,0xc9,0x79}; static byte gateway[] progmem = {10,0,0,1}; byte ethernet::buffer[500]; void setup() {   serial.begin(9600);   serial.println("\n[webserver]");     if(ether.begin(sizeof ethernet::buffer, mymac, 8)==0)     se...

Banner question - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

all, i'm building joomla site, , our client having rotating banner ads on site. can done using banner module/component included default joomla installation. however, there's out of box option doesn't seem our client needs. what want, have 2 different banner areas within website, both use separate sets of banners. know can setup clients separately, , have many banners associated clients, need have more of 'category' area, can use 1 set of banners on 1 area of page, , other set on area of same page within template. so - there extension or out-of-the-box way have separate sets of banners can displayed on pages using banners specified set? thanks info. i'm not sure mean, whenever can't find module edit html in template make show. maybe can marquee banners in 2 different places using html? that's best come wiht. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Extensions - 1.0.x ...

Help - administrator getting 404 missing page - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi everyone, i developing site client.  installed joomla in directory called /wed while doing development , old site stayed in place @ root. once finished joomla site, installed fresh version of joomla root, left old 1 @ /wed. i copied configuration file , mods/coms wed root. now whenever try go administrator section @ root, page missing error. i can still log in fine @ 1 located @ wed/administrator. if try access file or directory @ /administrator, 404 i able login front end @ root installation however, not backend anyone know going on? the url , please help! i don't understand why did fresh install why not transfer files other directory , alter config file accordingly. suggest checking config file make sure paths, url's etc correct. dave  Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x ...

Solved - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i found solution. i had following code: editorarea( 'editor1', $rows->item, 'item', '500', '200', '70', '30' ) the problem term "item" used. when change item else woprks should. strange.............. sorry, should reply topic: Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Extensions - 1.0.x WYSIWYG Editors - 1.0.x

Desperately need help with Sketch :(

Image i in desperate need of figure out what's wrong sketch. it's supposed able flash silabs chips through c2 port. the above link shows program off. have arduino uno , @ first not compile, figured maybe had change pd5 portd5? compiled , uploads okay not talk chip. think maybe pd5 needed changed else? also i'm not sure c2clk , c2d pin 5 , 6 on arduino, tried contact writer no response appreciated no matter how small Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > Desperately need help with Sketch :( arduino

Java errors in Dreamweaver 8 - Help!

i have been having java errors dreamweaver 8. first error wouldn't let me open dreamweaver. fixed deleting configuration folder. having error when try insert table , 1 when try validate html (i'm sure there more). time letting program replace configuration folder doesn't help. reinstalled program no success. have downloaded no extensions. any appreciated. please explain carefully. see error i'm gettin when inserting folder below: while executing onload in tablecommands.htm, javascript error occurred. at line 26 of file"d:studio 8\dreamweaver 8\configuratioobjects\commom\table.htm*: typeerror: cmddom.parentwindow.createtablestr not function ok, have program on "d" drive , deleting configuration folder there. went , founder other configuratiion folder on "c" drive under "user." problem seems fixed now. whew! More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

Serial to USB adapter for iPod?

i working on project needs pedometer @ point.  came across today , hoping feasible , not difficult setup? it mentions being able work mircocontroller using tx , rx, if case take arduino uno insufficient uses digital pins 0 , 1 (tx, rx) communicate computer? the idea use in conjunction sd card logger record steps. has on forum has used such device? thanks Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Sensors > Serial to USB adapter for iPod? arduino

Updating Sort Order on a field?

hi i have customer table. displaying them in sorted order. have added 1 field call sortid. now when ever if add new entry ...i want sort , want assign sorted that. ex: aaaa > 1 bbb > 2 ccc > 3 if add aaa1 ..then sort has become 2 , goes one.... how update this...using , update command.... thx in adv. what doing sortid field can't whatever field contains aaaa, aaa1, etc? More discussions in Database Access adobe

Controller MIDI per VstHost

salve tutti; mi scuso in anticipo per eventuali errori ma sono nuovo del forum. il mio problema è il seguente: vorrei realizzare un controller midi con qualche potenziometro (magari motorizzato) che regoli dei valori scelta nei plugin vst che apro in vsthost ( soltanto non riesco interfacciare arduino con il programma e neanche inviare dati midi leggibili da altri programmi ho provato con quartz audiomaster ( e virtualdj ma non vedono dati. grazie in anticipo! non bisogna scusarsi, ma bisogna leggere il regolamento e il funzionamento del forum. quote from: lukethesniper on jun 20, 2013, 01:07 pm il mio problema è il seguente: vorrei realizzare un controller midi con qualche potenziometro (magari motorizzato) che regoli dei valori scelta nei plugin vst che apro in vsthost ( se sicuro che il software accett...