
Showing posts from April, 2011

What do you do while building?

what do when building arduino (designing, soldering, building, experimenting) do listen tv in background? do listen music? kind of music? songs enjoyable work to? do listen nothing silence? do talk someone? interested hear people while working arduino. i designing next project in head, when gets exciting leads me putting leds in backwards :-) Arduino Forum > Community > Bar Sport > What do you do while building? arduino

Connect Sega Controller to Pi - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello, new raspberry pie , need help. working on project controll game controller, have sega sj-6000 controller , don't know how connect pi , how progrem via scratch or other progrem language. thanks, pics of controller , connecter: connecter image.jpg (33.12 kib) viewed 2969 times controller image.jpg (42.74 kib) viewed 2969 times controller wire image.jpg (32.86 kib) viewed 2969 times looks buttons nicely mapped pins, shouldnt difficult. luck raspberrypi

integrim joomla me vbulletin 3.5.4 - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

a ka mundesi ndonjeri te me tregoje si te integroje joomla me vbulletin dhe ju lutem nje gje qe te mos te jete me leke se na griu vbulletini sdo rri te harxhoj leke edhe per kete. bledi wrote: a ka mundesi ndonjeri te me tregoje si te integroje joomla me vbulletin dhe ju lutem nje gje qe te mos te jete me leke se na griu vbulletini sdo rri te harxhoj leke edhe per kete. kur nuk te harxhosh pse blen vb, mund te perdorje shume mire smf Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Albanian Forum

driving 12 transistors with few I/O's - is it possible?

hi, i've build waveshield ( and have 12 push buttons (with 12v lamps inside) split out on a0, a1 , a2, each own resistor ladder. in addition this, able switch specific lamp on when button pushed. initial thought use 12 transistors , turn them on/off digitalwrite. apparently wasn't going straightforward thought, because have 10 available pins (a3, a4, a5, 0, 1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12). so either can try making longer resistor ladder , see if can have buttons on 1 analogin-pin, or else know if there kind of smart way drive 12 transistors with, say, 2 or 4 i/o's? kind of matrix or.. don't know. well if have @ least 4 pins available, can use 4 - 16 demux here . Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > driving 12 transistors with few I/O's - is it possible? ...

Problema libreria arduino keypad in processing

ciao ragazzi ho acquistato un tastierino 4x4 e lo fatto funzionare in arduino. dato che devo scrivere su un "blocco note"  devo utilizzare processing. qui nasce il problema, non sò proprio come fare passare la libreria keypad di arduino in processing. questo è il mio codice in arduino: code: [select] //definisce pin per comandare le luci const int rele_1 =  13;      // luce 1 const int rele_2 =  4;      // luce 2 // definizione tastiera #include <keypad.h> const byte rows = 4; // quattro righe const byte cols = 4; // quattro colonne // definizione mappa della tastiera char keys[rows][cols] = {   {'1','2','3','a'},   {'4','5','6','b'},   {'7','8','9','c'},   {'*','0','#','d'} }; byte rowpins[rows] = {   8, 7, 6, 5 }; // connessione dell...

External power supply not working?

hi,   i'm using arduino uno motor driver shield. when arduino connected pc via usb cable fine: motor turns wheels. when connect 9v battery, nothing happens, except status led blinks few times. i've seen in troubleshooting section: quote why doesn't sketch start when i'm powering board external power supply? (arduino diecimila or earlier) because rx pin unconnected, bootloader on board may seeing garbage data coming in, meaning never times out , starts sketch. try tying rx pin ground 10k resistor (or connecting rx directly tx pin). but didn't me @ all. please help!! small 9 volt batteries have little current capacity power motors/servos , other components have higher current requirements, need external dc power source has higher current capacity. lefty Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Installation & Troubleshooting ...

RF 433mhz. Missing antenna? (lots of junk receiving)

hi all, i got (as many others) set of rf 433 tx/rx ebay. like: xy-mk-5v , fs1000a (xy-fst) while connecting it, i'm picking lots of noise/junk on receiving end (continuously). my questions following: 1. on both units there no external antenna's , mean there missing? 2. see on both small hole 'ant", assuming need attach own antenna?  tx/rx need both one? 3. assuming small tiny copper wire (spiral), antennas, maybe i'm wrong? many thanks! 36r looks intended have antenna.  think straight piece of bare wire  17.3cm long appropriate. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > RF 433mhz. Missing antenna? (lots of junk receiving) arduino

Librairie math.h

bonjour, je suis à mes premières expériences avec arduino.  j'ai fait quelques programmes et ça fonctionne bien.  je veux programmer une sonde bh1750fvi digital light intensity qui me donnera la valeur en lumen de l'éclairage.  le programme donné en exemple nécessite la librairie math.h.  j'ai passé l'après-mi à la rechercher sur internet mais je ne l'ai pas trouvé.  le site arduino en fait référence mais je n<ai pas trouve l<endroit ou je pourrais la telecharger.  quelqu'un pourrait-il m'indiquer l'endroit ou je pourrais la télécharger. merci. tu l'as pas déjà ? on rajoute au début du code code: [select] #include <math.h> Arduino Forum > International > Français (Moderators: jfs, Snootlab) > Librairie math.h arduino

blog category in zelf gemaakt component - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hey, ik ben bezig een simpel component te schrijven om de teams voor een voetbal website bij te houden. het verdeelt het scherm in 4 vakjes, waarvan het component er 3 zelf vult. in de laatste moet een soort blog category komen (het liefst in een iframe, maar hoeft niet) weten jullie hoe dat moet? is ijoomla dan niet wat voor je? ik zou niet wetenhoe het moet wat jij wilt, maar ik dacht dat ijoomla met het zelfde princiepe werkt..? corigeer me als ik niet goed zit, het het maar een gedachte van mij.. wil je dan een deel van het door joomla gebruikte blog (bijvoorbeeld "newsflashes") gaan inladen? moet ik dat zo zien? Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Dutch Forum Joomla! 1.0 Componenten 1.0.x

Help needed on SWFLoader

i making flex app includes multiple embedded swfs of different charts. these xml/swf charts downloaded assign data , styling of these charts via xml page define under "flashvars" in ac_fl_runcontent of normal html page. these charts intended embedding html/js pages. as making flex webapp, not air, cannot use mx:html other solution directly load swfloader. however, cannot figure out how define data defined in ac_fl_runcontent function, i.e. chart t ype , xml file for. necessary charts load @ all. does have ideas on this? More discussions in Flex (Read Only) adobe

Set up Server Behaviors

hi, i trying use dreamweaver mx 2004 mac os x 10.2 make drop-down navigation bar. going tutorial says need add server behaviors. however, on server behaviors panel, being asked create site, (which did - showing file list , says connected), choose document type (i selected php), , set site's testing server. when try click on link setting testing server, nothing happens @ all. , plus sign adding server behavior still not selectable. know problem be? thank you! sincerely, sandy habel sandy it don't have page open php file extension. dave "sandy2882" <> wrote in message news:e4ki9j$4mu$ > hi, > > trying use dreamweaver mx 2004 mac os x 10.2 make drop-down > navigation bar. going tutorial says need add server > behaviors. however, on server behaviors panel, being asked create > site, (which did - showing file list , says connected), > choose document type (i selected php), , set site's ...

Thread: I can see through letters.

i'm having weird issue fonts on applications transparent. either need cut down on pills, or it's transparent windows effect went awry. i'm disabling compiz features, nothing sticks out smoking gun yet. tips on fixing this? attached images screenshot.png (183.9 kb, 29 views) anything yet? isn't major issue, can "see" getting out of hand. light background. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] I can see through letters. Ubuntu

Thread: Can't install ubuntu, only use live session.

i downloaded , burned ubuntu cd , boots fine. go through installation instructions , gets installing system window. @ 5% (creating ext3 file system on partition), goes black screen , loads live session. ideas? have checked cd errors? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Installation & Upgrades [ubuntu] Can't install ubuntu, only use live session. Ubuntu


bonjour à tous, je suis actuellement en stage et il m'est demandé de créer un réseau de capteur (une centrale et 6 capteurs). j'utilise alors un module arduino/xbee. mon problème est dans la création d'une commande "broadcast". il me faut, pour mettre dans le contexte, que ma "centrale" envoi une commande d'échantillonnage: broadcast, à l'ensemble de mes capteurs. mais comment peut-on faire ça?? merci d'avance "réalisations et projets finis" ton post parle d'une réalisation (terminée) ou d'un projet fini ? Arduino Forum > International > Français > Réalisations et Projets Finis (Moderators: jfs, Snootlab) > broadcast arduino

I2C speed on Arduino DUE

hi! i'm trying connect pressure sensor arduino due, using i2c. sensor in 5v, i'm using logic level converter sparkfun. i've add 2*2 pull'up resistors, on each side of level converter. using arduino uno in 5v, 2 pull resistors, works perfectly. using due, same sketch, first reading correct, after , readings second byte copy of first one, not correct. suspect problem of speed ? on due how can change speed ? i've twi.c or .h file can't find speed. here part of sketch : code: [select]     wire.requestfrom(0x28, 2);     while(wire.available())     {        v1 =;        v2 =;     }     serial.println(v1);     serial.println(v2); thx help the speed of i2c fixed on due (at least if use wire library): code: [select] twi_configuremaster(twi, twi_clock, variant_mck); and code: [select] static const uint32_t twi_...

Error when trying to Build XBMC build tools - Raspberry Pi Forums

hey guys, got rpi birthday today, , friend recommended install xbmc on it. have rpi model b on it, noobs booting fresh install or raspbian. follow guide: step 10, , problem; code: select all pi@raspberrypi ~/xbmc-rbp $ make -c tools/rbp/depends/xbmc make: entering directory ` /home/pi/xbmc-rbp/tools/rbp/depends/xbmc' cd ../../../../; .bootstrap ./bootstrap: 5: ./bootstrap: autoreconf: not found make: *** [configure] error 127 make: leaving directory ` /home/pi/xbmc-rbp/tools/rbp/depends/xbmc' have solution this? might because didn't use pisces or similar image of raspbian told me to, assume raspbian image , should work fine? please tell me if not, thanks! any reason you're trying build xbmc yourself, rather using rasbmc or openelec distributions included in noobs long sd card big enough, noobs allows install multiple operating systems onto same card, , swap between them. raspberrypi

help using matlab/simulink with arduino mega 2560

hello, i trying create / modify simulink block target use with  arduino , pwm 1 gives pwm signal variable duty cycle.the problem need pwm frequency of 30khz ( prescaler set 1 think ) , not know how modify existent 1 or create new 1 that.any appreciated.thank you did ever solve problem? having exact same question , stuck. thanks! Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > help using matlab/simulink with arduino mega 2560 arduino

More than 1 user at my testing chat room

hi, got question.. first why cant join more 1 user @ chat.. using roomurl="" i can login directly computer server.. can login app , show chat frame.. when try computer doesnt show anything.. dont understand way setup flex app can join more 1 user.. think in <rtc:adobehsauthenticator id="cocomoauthenticator" username="myuser" password="mypass" /> so, way can show chat, when try pc cant.. another question if can join chat trought java client.. using same room? thanks! it helpful if can run debug player on pc doesn't work , send debug messages. regarding java client, working on (as explained in thread, server-to-server communication) can't commit on release date. More discussions in LiveCycle Collaboration Services adobe

troubles when connecting via VNC - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi all, beginner of raspi , have problems when try connect trought vnc server. have installed software in raspi: code: select all $ sudo aptitude install tightvncserver after of reboot, start program: code: select all vncserver :1 -geometry 1280x800 -depth 16 -pixelformat rgb565 , finally, try connect pc running windows. returns me message : "host has rejected connection" can me?? in advance couple of things 1st of :9051 part should ::5901 , 2nd vnc viewer s/w using on windows system? tightvnc viewer? if yes i've started getting rejects 1st time (sometimes few more) try connect (not sure why never used it) on 2nd or 3rd attempt it'll connect correctly. raspberrypi

Receiver's Noice Input =K*T*BWeq ?

hi! my transmitter send signal bwsignal=17khz.. the receiver has antenna bwantenna=30mhz... i work in laboratory t~300k.what input noice receiver? p=ktbweq=>-174(dbm/hz) + 10logbweq bweq? this? what see in s.a?it depends span,right? that related thermal noise floor. if input of receiver broadbanded , antenna has bw=30mhz, have calculate bw=30mhz if receiver has bw=100khz, calculate 100khz. bweq related data rate in channel, example bweq = 4 * rb, rb data rate (for example 16kbits/sec) Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > General Electronics > Receiver's Noice Input =K*T*BWeq ? arduino

Managing recordsets without virtual()

i trying use dreamweavers dynamic webpage building functionality (php, mysql). problem whenever create recordset adds line beginning of document saying "virtual('connections/main.php')". doesn't work on website because host server runs php cgi binary. have replace line "require_once('./connections/main.php')". unfortunately, when dreamweaver retardedly loses recordset info in bindings panel , elsewhere , don't see way make dreamweaver see again. not deleted code creating recordset, replaced code connecting database other valid code. don't see anywhere change behaviour of how connect databases compensate servers don't support virtual() either. putting connection code in same document doesn't resolve problem. is there hope me use dreamweavers dynamic webpage features or screwed because of 1 silly problem? how using keyword require(); ? if makes differences... More discussions in Develop server-side applications in Dreamweaver ...

How do I backup? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

guys, how backup joomla site? installed bigape backup component. , generated backup. how reinstall site backup? there better backup solution? have looked @ extensions site: ... itemid,35/ kinda depends on want. restore copying files server , setting db export backed up. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Extensions - 1.0.x Components

How to set verticalscrollposition of canvas

hi all, m using viewstack component in application .. m embedding ten canvas components inside viewstack. on tab click event,i change corresponding stack index display.inside each canvas component,i m embedding grid using customcomp. here,when vertical size of page exceeds mentioned height,vertical scroll bar displayed on own.fine,but need move vertical scrollbar's position top whenever page displayed. i tried following code: mycanvas1.verticalscrollposition=0; this working fine,but vertical scroll bar breaking two. when try drag that,its getting merged , displaying normal one. but why breaking 2 parts? does has idea this? More discussions in Flex (Read Only) adobe

programmation moteur pas à pas+interruption

bonjour , nouveau sur le site car je débute sur arduino et je tente de programmer la marche d'un moteur pas à pas. j'utilise un easydriver et n'ai besoin que de 2 port de sortie. les programmes style stepper avec un tour en avant , un tour en arrière fonctionne parfaitement. j'ai donc voulu faire mon propre programme avec un potentiomètre pour la vitesse, un bouton reset, un capteur de point zero, le tout gérant un disque rotatif. le est simple: si j'appuie sur reset , le moteur fait tourner le disque jusqu'à détecter le point zéro (avec variation de la vitesse par potentiomètre) voici mon programme: int reset=0;       // bouton reset void setup() {                  pinmode(3, output);   //step    pinmode(2, output);   //dir   pinmode(5, input);    //zero   pinmode(6, input);    //reset   digitalwrite(3, low);   di...

GitHub and install problems - Raspberry Pi Forums

i want install git hub want able copy , paste libraries. have installed on pi want install on pc , problem pi , arduino problems. have managed today install python , arduino @ last. install of git hub : platform version info windows : 6.2.9200.0 (win32nt) common language runtime : 4.0.30319.18010 system.deployment.dll : 4.0.30319.17929 built by: fx45rtmrel clr.dll : 4.0.30319.18010 built by: fx45rtmgdr dfdll.dll : 4.0.30319.17929 built by: fx45rtmrel dfshim.dll : 4.0.41209.0 (main.041209-0000) sources deployment url : ... pplication server : amazons3 identities deployment identity : github.application, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=317444273a93ac29, processorarchitecture=x86 application summary * installable application. * trust url parameter set. error summary below summary of errors, details of these errors listed later in log. * activation of http://github-win...

Transparency in a loaded JPEG image

hi there, im quite new actionscript scene apologies if question has been answered elsewhere. creating 2d shooting game, , im loading multiple images of various enemies several jpg files, when display these on screen images have big black square round them. when programming in language such opengl, if wanted rid of enable alpha blending function , set 100% transparency black colour want hide. load jpeg file , store in bitmapdata variable, , copy new bitmapdata variable transparency enabled , set 0x00000000 (fully transparent black). thought solve problem butt no joy. code shown below: public class graphicsloader extends sprite { public var loader:loader; // bitmap loader public var bmp1:bitmap; public function graphicsloader(path:string) { // create loader loader = new loader( ); // register notified when bitmap has been loaded // , initialized loader.contentloaderinfo.addeventlistener(event.init, initlistener, false, 0, true); // load bitmap loader.load(new urlrequest(...

SPI anomolies logging data from ADIS16405 IMU

greetings, i'm using arduino mega log data adis16405 imu, product of analog devices.  communication uses spi protocol, , procedure is: 1. request burst of data imu 2. read data imu , convert readable numbers 3. write data serial port (logger or computer serial monitor) there no "checksum" , way check valid data confirm makes sense.  example, supply voltage should 5 v.  if far off, know data corrupted , declare "invalid".  the problem: every couple seconds, 2 invalid data responses.  however, interesting part how occurs affected baud rate in step 3.  example, if i'm writing data out @ 115,200 bps invalid imu data every 3 seconds.  if instead, write data @ 9600 bps, i  no invalid data @ all.  tried write @ faster speed, add delay mimic longer write time, invalid data still appeared.  i've attached code reference below.  interestingly, here (

how to get a div to expend when it contains floated divs?

i see div not expend vertically accomodate height of content, if content is floated. why not? how div expend anyways? -- seb ( | high-end web design downloads: slide show, directory browser, mailing list (_seb_) wrote: > see div not expend vertically accomodate height of > content, if content floated. > why not? > how div expend anyways? > nevermind: overflow:auto; -- seb ( | high-end web design downloads: slide show, directory browser, mailing list More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

Vertically centring text

i'm looking vertically centre text in dynamic text field... possible, , if so, me work out? thanks in anticipation. andy i'd see 2 ways solve it, first determin height of text in text field , place textfield on position inside graphical field accordingly. the second determin number of line text has in tecxtfield (scroll properties, bit tricky) , add te appropriate number of empty lines start of string. More discussions in Adobe Animate CC - General adobe

interfacciare arduino con un vecchio monitor

ciao tutti, ccredete che la libreria tvout possa interfacciare arduino con un monitor come questo? vi ringrazio. magari meglio sentire un esperto ma mi sembra di si. il plug per il video sembra un rca video composito (praticamente banana gialla). hai mai provato collegarci l'uscita video composita di una telecamera, fotocamera o un videoregistratore? Arduino Forum > International > Italiano > Hardware (Moderator: leo72) > interfacciare arduino con un vecchio monitor arduino

Thread: harddrive check failed!!!!

hey, running ubuntu 9.04 , when ever boot , scheduled filesystem check error. sda3 /home partition. system seems running fine if skip disk check. sda1 has no errors. can tell me how can fix this. dont have clue how manually fix this. im sort of afraid make balls of , loose data. here errors produced. thanks, colin unclean shutdown, checking drives: /dev/sda3 checking drive /dev/sda3: 67% (stage 1/5, 1814/1886) error reading block 61371369 (attempt read block filesystem resulted in short read) while reading indirect blocks of inode 14860312 /dev/sda3: unexpected inconsistency; run fsck manually (i.e. without -a or -p options) fsck died exit status 4 * file system check failed [fail] log has being saved in /var/log/fsck/checkfs if location writeable. please repair filesystem manually. * maintenance shell started control-d terminate shell , resume system boot. give root password maintenance ...

Text substitution for image headings - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

had browse through forum , extentions list not found reference enable text headings eg contentheading substituted dynamically generated image of text entered similar . would useful design perspective being able customise headings etc match corporate styles. hopefully, missed in posts! i don't know of extension this. you may find article interesting: i'm using on new site created. works , alternative flash. hope helps Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

Conectar circuito externo a Arduino para mejorar Iron Man

muy buenas gente estoy loco con un proyecto tengo una armadura de iron man, y el corazon es una pequeña arduino nano, os dejo un video para que veais; el problema en el que me encuentro es que quiero que ahora haga un sonido de golpe metálico al cerrar el faceplate (la mascara) para este fin pillado un aparatito donde grabo el sonico, y al darle un pulsador, este lo reproduce. hice unos experimentos mecanicos, desmontando el pulsador y poniendolo en un sitio donde la propia "mascara" lo pulsara al caer, y quedaba muy chulo, pero se podia mejorar, si hago que sea la arduino la que "pulse su pulsador" total que se me acurrio la idea de quitar el pusador del aparato, conectar el negativo del pulsador al gnd de la arduino y el otro al pin 12, entonces... si frito el aparato. pregunta. ¿como hago para que la arduino "pulse" el interrupto del aparato? ¿se os ocurre...

Door card reader

hi all! i remote door open system.3 doors in 3 places. cardreaders compartable arduino without boxes. know if cardreaders such siemens hd500-cotag , other ones works arduino , how connect them? or maybe can advise me boxed, pretty cardreader works arduino. thank you. hd500-cotag access control heavy-duty proximity reader interface controller bc-link, clock&data or wiegand . use wiegand conect arduino. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > Door card reader arduino

Adgang til sider dedikeret de enkelte brugere - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

jeg har en stribe brugere, som jeg gerne vil kunne give hver deres personlige informationer - f.eks. en liste on mellemværende med den enkelte bruger - som de øvrige brugere ikke kan se... altså hvis vi siger @ jeg har 10 brugere, så skal jeg som administrator kunne redigere 10 (eller 20) forskellige sider, som hver især er dedikeret til hver af de 10 brugere. jeg kan se @ der er mulighed @ give acces til "public", "registered" og "special", og tænkte @ "special" måske kan anvedes til dette... men hvordan? eller skal jeg finde en helt anden løsning? du kan gøre det langt hen ad vejen med min mosif mambot: her kan du teste på brugerniveau. brug den fx således på en given side: {if username=knudbe} hej knudbe du kan se alt dette ... {else} siden omstillles ....{htmlfix} {/htmlfix} {endif} du skal også bruge htmlfix hvis du vil udføre scripts etc: Boa...

Insert data to phpMyAdmin mySQL database from Shell Script - Raspberry Pi Forums

sorry disturb guys, seek on inserting data whenever switch on or off phpmyadmin mysql database shell script. i'm using raspberry pi hardware , have follow link: ... /?allsteps create own web control interface. have created mysql database , insert phpmyadmin. after implemented insert method , execute it, shell script can't work @ all, led never light , never store mysql database. code: select all #!/bin/sh mysqlusername="username here" mysqlpassword="password here" #set refresh echo "how long want wait time be?" read waittime #invoke gpio echo "4" > /sys/class/gpio/export echo "17" > /sys/class/gpio/export echo "18" > /sys/class/gpio/export echo "21" > /sys/class/gpio/export echo "22" > /sys/class/gpio/export echo "23" > /sys/class/gpio/export echo "24" > /sys/class/gpio/export echo ...

Thread: Hi totally new, some questions before I install

i downloaded netbook remix, recieve new msi wind u100 netbook, in half hour. been looking @ dual boots, , wondering, if install ubuntu, have reinstall windows xp? never done dual boot before first time. experience linux, yellow dog on ps3. looking learn linux more can use that, thought new netbook perfect oppurtunity. i've not used netbook remix edition can assume install identical or close how works traditional versions. , means when install, offer option of resizing windows partition down make space linux , install grub after can dual-boot. it's pretty easy , effortless... though have, on occasions, had problem guided partitioning hard drives have more 1 partition on them (particularly hard drives have "hidden" recovery partition restoring original factory software). if ends being case, manual partitioning isn't hard google how go doing if comes down it. @ least, you'd want cr...

Thread: recomend mother board +graphics card

hi can recommend cheap dual core mother board plus graphics card set up, transformer 400w. 21"flat screen monitor running jaunty atm. cheap possible please. a price range lot more helpful...since of have different definitions of "cheap". Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [ubuntu] recomend mother board +graphics card Ubuntu

Uno + 4 Wire Stepper Motor + 12V Power Supply

hello, have nema 17 stepper motor easydriver hooked arduino uno 12 volt power supply. eventually, going attach load cell strain meter , want have force @ 8 lbs. stepper motor coupled vertical stage dial rotate depending on if force above or below 8 lbs. of right now, wondering if possible code arduino turn stepper motor "counter clockwise" if 12v power supply under 12v , "clockwise" if on 12v practice when strain meter comes in. there way arduino read how many volts output power supply? i'm stuck right now. thanks! quote is there way arduino read how many volts output power supply? yes, use voltage divider (useful search term) 12 volts down less arduino's supply voltage, , connect analogue pin. use analogread voltage on input , scale 0..12v Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Motors, Mechanics, and Power (Moderator: fabioc84) ...

CSS ISSUE (PICTURES) - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, i'll show you.... ... 8b77473ce/ there go... big concern ie. didn't think going run css issues. here index.php file.. code: select all <?php defined( '_valid_mos' ) or die( 'direct access location not allowed.' ); ?> <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd xhtml 1.0 transitional//en" ""> <html xmlns="" lang="<?php echo _language; ?>"> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; <?php echo _iso; ?>" /> <?php mosshowhead(); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> </script><!--> <link href="<?php echo $mosconfig_live_site;?>/templates/weaid/css/template_css.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <link href="...

RTC timer help

hello, i learning how use rtc different time functions (ds1307, ds3231). want make on/off delay timer based on rtc don't know how. i want have 5 seconds delay before turn led on or off, after switch pressed. took code previous project, based on millis() , change can use rtc seconds after rollover, stops working. understand why don't know how fix it. i can't find tutorials learn how use different rtc time functions. current code idea.. code: [select] delaytime = 5;  // 5 seconds     if ((switch == high) && (now.second() - ontime >= delaytime))   {     digitalwrite(led, high);     offtime = now.second();      }     else if ((switch == low) && (now.second() - offtime >= delaytime))   {     digitalwrite(led, low);     ontime  = now.second();   } i tried play little futuretime function, found didn't know how use it. appreciate or turorial lin...

Open RPi NAS files BY local PC program via putty terminal??? - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi, have stored lots of photos on rpi powered nas through samba shared folder. it's easier manage , find folders , photo files via command line through putty terminals ssded rpi . have use pc software view photo files. there anyway directly open photo file via terminal command line pc program? doing : use find command find set of photo , copy location , file names, change forward slashes backward slashes , past drive names, , open files pc photo software. that's lots of troubles. there anyway job done directly via command line input on putty terminals? know tightvnc, rpi quite slow handling hi resolution photo files , it's cumbersome view photos via vnc. it sounds more need better software on pc handling/indexing larger picture-collections. picasa maybe or lightroom. raspberrypi

yaourt - Raspberry Pi Forums

where has gone yaourt? don't blame me code: select all wget tar xf yaourt.tar.gz cd yaourt makepkg -acs su pacman -u yaourt-* technically, yaourt "any" package, -a not needed, if built x86 work it's scripts ... urt#p40587 don't use it, above method raspberrypi

Thread: Setting up google calendar with evolution

i trying setup evolution mainwith various google calendar accounts, when set up, got few of items of events. , when right click calendar name error message: code: could not authenticate on server is common bug? went calendar, added new one, , put in google username list calendars select 1 @ time. of there better way integrate, love know. thankyou, dan Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Setting up google calendar with evolution Ubuntu