
Showing posts from September, 2012

How much current flows through a MOSFET when off?

given circuit this: if mosfet off (ie. arduino pin low) current expect flow between drain , source? know "not much" talking maybe 10 na? i asking because of low-power applications, if had (say) motor connected mosfet did not want drain battery while off (and might off while) can consider current through mosfet negligible? i thinking of project: he used polulo switch lets circuit turn off, wondering if going sleep (and having button connected reset) achieve same thing. control external devices, gps , motor, through mosfet or two. (edit) because above graphic linked number of pages has been amended have 150 ohm gate resistor (r1) rather 10 ohm 1 shown. mention subsequent comments on circuit make sense. quote from: nick gammon on jun 26, 2013, 07:41 am if mosfet off (ie. arduino pin low) current expect flow between drain , source? know "not much" talking maybe 10 na? the datashe...

play full sequence before loop

i've created looping movie in flash made of several seperate swf files , linked in main file- plays fine first couple of plays gradually timing becomes delayed , slides start play on 1 another, there way can have full sequence play everytime? thanks yes. the easiest way add code last frame of each movieclip removes display list, adds next movieclip display list , starts next movieclip playing frame 1. More discussions in ActionScript 3 adobe

Need Help with Bipolar LED's and minimal digital pins

hi, in photo below have drawn ruff diagram of idea use bi polar led's. using 8 led's , don't have 16 pins both blue , yellow pins led (blue , yellow bipolar colours led). trying accomplish can control 8 led's separately , choose switch of them blue yellow if wish using total of 10 pins (8 led's , 2 switching between either blue or yellow). the voltage in 9.6v , splits 8 led's (in diagram didn't show 8 because have same circuitry). pins 3-10 control led's, on/off state. after pins 1 , 2 attached led's (pin 1= blue    pin 2= yellow). so asking work or not , maybe suggestions appreciated. note: schematic doesn't show 2 legs blue , yellow on led, imagine their. thanks, ken why don't take time , document propose instead of asking rest imagined, or implied, or assumed? Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > LEDs a...

How would I make this if statement? (if somehting is within x amount?)

i wondering how make if statement this, measuring temperature, want indicator when has stabilized, if temperature withing + or - .20, if statement continue. how this? know i'll need set variable changes if current temp within plus or minus .20 of last temp whatever needed. think arithmetic have perform make decision yourself. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > How would I make this if statement? (if somehting is within x amount?) arduino

High side & Low side swiching?

hi, may run folks before connect , fry :-) baiscally switch backlight led on lcd on , off via transistor , i'm not sure high/low side switching thing.  lcd led in question shares gnd rest of display option open high side switching - below circuit propose not sure correct?  transistor in there @ mo bc817 npn : (the symbol have used if pnp - sorry that). for high side, want use pnp. high gate on off, low off on. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > General Electronics > High side & Low side swiching? arduino

Thread: USB drive ejecting prematurely. Any one else have this?

i have 2 computers different hardware configurations both running jaunty. if try transfer large groups of small files external drive drive halfway through transfer eject disk. have tested external drive , usb flash drive. leads me think may in software. individual files small in total on 1 gig. else experience this? missing something? powel there's joke here somewhere... (sorry, don't have info help.) Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [ubuntu] USB drive ejecting prematurely. Any one else have this? Ubuntu

swapDepths() strangeness

hello, i’ve been trying swap depths working long time , seems giving me random results. my problem have bunch of clips on stage added randomly @ random y-positions. higher y positions must higher depth ones @ lower y position. basically, bottom clips, overlap clips above it. the first way tried every time new clip added (they aren’t added @ once, via user interaction) store chips array , sort them y-position, lowest value y (the highest clip on stage) appear first. go through whole array again , call “clip.swapdepths(parentclip.getnexthighestdepth())”. my reasoning first clip set nexthighestdepth overlapping clips. next clip in array set nexthighestdepth, overlapping previous clip before, , forth until last clip in array set nexthighestdepth, overlapping of clips. the result of ended odd looking like: index 0 – depth 4 index 1 – depth 1 index 2 – depth 0 index 3 – depth 2 index 4 – depth 5 notice skips depth ‘3’. i...

16GB SD Card - Would like to shrink. encrypted?(solved) - Raspberry Pi Forums

Image <- larger image. have been messing raspbian lot lately, , expanded size of sd card make usable. shrink down easier backup size, , frankly, move usb , keep boot partition on sd card. however, when trying shrink down in gparted, says partition encrypted (see attached). did not, @ point, set encryption on partition. surprised see there. how can either remove encryption, or resize/shrink partition? any/all constructive feedback appreciated. thank in advance. your screenshot shows /dev/sda having size of 20gb, 20gb sd cards don't exist. (only 2gb, 4gb, 8gb, 16gb, 32gb, etc.) suspect you've selected wrong device in gparted? raspberrypi

template error

after creating html page, set editable region , save template,but there error when wanted save template. error message: there error @ line 49, column 88(absolute position 4933) of "d:\mywebsite\index.html":nested editable regions at line 49 <body onload="runslideshow();runslideshow2();ds_slidetext()"> this line 49 inbetween body tag. you cannot put editable region around body tag. -- murray --- icq 71997575 adobe community expert (if *must* email me, don't laugh when so!) ================== - dw faqs, tutorials & resources - dw faqs, tutorials & resources ================== "sha661" <> wrote in message news:ghiek4$o9h$ > after creating html page, set editable region , save > template,but there error when wanted save template. > > error message: > there error @ line 49, column 88(absolute position ...

Send Mail Failed - Facile Forms - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i'm not sure why i'm getting message "smtp error: following recipients failed: enter email address here" i went mail tab in global configuration , filled in information follows: mailer: smtp server mail from: from name: admin sendmail path: /usr/sbin/sendmail smtp auth: yes smtp user: smtp pass: (password) smtp host: i testing form directly website not computer.  there i'm doing wrong or should contact webhost. thanks!! even if smtp settings valid, smtp server refuses send mail sender "foreign" domain. try if changing mail from real mail address of smtp account works. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Extensions - 1.0.x Components

PiFox - Bare Metal 3D rail shooter written in ARM assembly - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi all, part of our first year computing project @ imperial college london have written 3d game in arm assembly, without operating system. consists of several core modules, namely 3d software rasterizer, sound library, nes controller driver , math library. supports 2d , text rendering. if want hack on it, can find project on github . have written emulator in c can run game (without sound). can watch here . please have , let know think cheers! that's ace. done. raspberrypi

Thread: install xp on a macbook pro with OSX and Jaunty already installed

i have osx , jaunty installed on macbook pro 1,1, , i'm trying install xp. when boot xp cd , try install in unallocated space, says "setup cannot create new partition in space selected because maximum number of partitions exists on disk." how install it? sorry if has been posted. what if delete linux swap partition , create later after installing xp. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Specialised Support Apple Hardware Users [ubuntu] install xp on a macbook pro with OSX and Jaunty already installed Ubuntu

Thread: My Sansa Fuze only works after restart. Please Help!

i have sansa fuze. when first got it, worked in ubuntu hardy no problem. reinstalled hardy, , fuze works after restart computer... after unmounting , unplugging device (as in, when want listen it), can never seem mount again after plugging in, unless restart computer. quite inconvenient...any appreciated. notes: -i tried lsusb after plugging in, , doesn't see anything. -this device in msc mode, i've never changed , worked before in hardy. other options mtp , auto. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Multimedia Software [ubuntu] My Sansa Fuze only works after restart. Please Help! Ubuntu

Underlining Text

i have content provider wants underline text not link it, emphasis. can in dreamweaver? using dreamweaver cs3. hi. i think bad , old idea use underline emphasis, use bold text instead. in internet people confuse underline text links, yes can underline text dreamweaver, create class in css file: .underline { text-decoration: underline; } select text want underline , apply class. "cruser1" <> escribió en el mensaje de noticias news:gd5plv$8mr$ >i have content provider wants underline text not link it, >emphasis. can in dreamweaver? using dreamweaver cs3. > > More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

Thread: To this day...

... session saving not usable on basic level. unchecking "automatically remember running applications after log out" still remember , restore them, 1 has manually delete specific files (god forbid he's new linux or he'll pull hair out). and restoration of applications pays no respect state of window (position, size, whether minimized tray) remember issue dates to... dapper (?); it's @ least 2 years old anyway. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Desktop Environments [gnome] To this day... Ubuntu

Serial, sending entire byte array

hello, have problem sending data through serial arduino. when try send data winaplication, have following sniffer log(free serial monitor), see attachment. (there string sent entire data) when sending using arduino, seems sends each byte apart, see attachment. ps: 1. serial ports virtual, i'm using virtual serial ports driver xp 2. combination winapp(server) + winapp(clinet) - works fine. 3. i'm using proteus emulate arduino. code: [select] void setup() {                  serial.begin(9600); } void loop() {  //20051010bb  byte cmd[]={0x20,0x05,0x10,0x10,0xbb};  serial.write(cmd,sizeof(cmd));  delay(3000) ; } try this, should loop thru of array cmd[] code: [select]   //20051010bb   byte cmd[]={0x20,0x05,0x10,0x10,0xbb};   byte x; void setup() {                  serial.begin(9600); } void loop() { for (x =0; ...

Flex/ColdFusion Plugin Problems

i've installed lates coldfusion plugins, released may 15th or 16th , attempting create basic example of artgallery database. way through wizard , application created , make no modifications of files. when go run it, following error: (mx.rpc::fault)#) description = "java.lang.nullpointerexception" detail = (null) errorid = 0 faultcode = "server.processing" faultcode = "server.processing" faultdetail = (null) faultstring = "java.lang.nullpointerexception" message = "faultcode:server.processing faultstring:'java.lang.nullpointerexception' faultdetail:'null'" rootcause = (null) slight correction first line of error: (mx.rpc::fault)#0 description = "java.lang.nullpointerexception" detail = (null) errorid = 0 faultcode = "server.processing" faultcode = "server.processing" faultdetail = (null) faultstring = "java.lang.nullpointerexception" message = "faultcode:se...

Overlapping Buttons

is there way flash fire button events button underneath else? have popup menu , right have invisible buttons around detect when user moves off of menu , should closed. menu in corner of movie invisible buttons work on 2 sides of menu, other 2 sides can move mouse out of flash player , menu stay up. i'd fix putting invisible button on top of menu , detecting when mouse leaves it. got work quite except buttons in popup menu no longer clickable , don't have rollover effect because beneath invisible button , no rollover or other events fire them. if if put layer invisible button below layer real buttons, events no longer fire invisible button , menu never closes. suggestions? movieclips have rollover , rollout events, use mcs instead of invisible buttons. or, simpler, make popup menu mc (if isn't already), , use rollover events of mc check if mouse in area: menu.onrollout = function(){ // hide menu } another way: use hittest or custom function checks if mouse inside coordina...

(Flash): Flash y mp3

hola: he conseguido con mucha satisfacci�n grabar voz en formato mp3. con �sto reduzco mucho el peso del archivo, que es un elemento cr�tico para lo que necesito. el tema es que con flash 6.0 mx no puedo importar mp3. me fij� en la p�gina de adobe y ah� explican que es imposible importar mp3, menos que se instale previamente el programa quick time. hasta ah�, la cosa parece tener soluci�n, el problema es que el quick time que trato de instalar, s�lo se puede instalar en win 2000 o xp y yo tengo win millenium. de manera que no es posible en �ste estado de cosas que importe mp3 flash y realmente lo necesito. alguien tiene alguna idea de c�mo resolverlo (sin cambiar mi windows)? hay alguna versi�n, por ejemplo, de flash que no requiera de quick time para importar mp3? en fin, les pido que me orienten. muchas gracias. ezequiel hola: bajate el quicktime para millenium. espero que te sirva saludo...

Need help in ZOOM: To allow non-reg visitor upload of images for admin review! - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello all! i use someone's regarding this.  after installing , checking out zoom , cannot figure out if non-registered site visitors able submit images review prior posting. questions     is there no ability public (unregistered) submit images review site administrator (and option of immediate posting)? does have hack or know can find hack allow public submit images site administrator review? i may have missed how this, if possible.  if there written documentation doing this, appreciate pointing me this. thanks in advance , this. wp1 Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Extensions - 1.0.x Components

Content.load(&quot;directory path&quot;);

hi..i have flash file using textarea component brings in xml data. i'm running issue involves xml , css file residing on different server. ".load" command seems read directory path. think need command read url based ("http") path. ideas? below code reference. //init textarea component mytext.html = true; mytext.wordwrap = true; mytext.multiline = true; mytext.label.condensewhite=true; //load css gpsdsstyle = new textfield.stylesheet(); gpsdsstyle.load("gpsdsnet/xml/gpsdsupdate.css"); //need insert http path here mytext.stylesheet = gpsdsstyle; //load in xml gpsdscontent = new xml(); gpsdscontent.ignorewhite = true; gpsdscontent.load("gpsdsnet/xml/gpsdsupdate.xml"); //need insert http path here gpsdscontent.onload = function(success) { if(success) { mytext.text = gpsdscontent; } } i may wrong, think if need load data server, you'll need load policy file server so... More discussions in ActionScript 1 and 2 adobe

SRF02 changement d'adresse - Raspberry Pi Forums

bonjour j'ai 2 srf02. chacun fonctionne bien tout seul. par contre impossible de changer d'adresse en suivant la doc... 1ere question : sur un i2cdetect -a 1 il m'affiche l'adresse 0x70 (et non une adresse entre 0xe0 et 0xf0 comme la doc le dit..) le capteur repond bien l'adresse 0x70. quel est la nuance entre 0xe0 et 0x70 ? vu que ca l'air d'etre tous les 2 de l'hexa ? 2eme question : pour changer d'adresse j'utilise le code suivant en python code: select all import smbus bus = smbus.smbus(1) currentdeviceaddress = 0x70 commandregister = 0x00 changecommand1 = 0xa0 changecommand2 = 0xaa changecommand3 = 0xa5 changeaddressto = 0x77 bus.write_byte_data(currentdeviceaddress, commandregister, changecommand1) bus.write_byte_data(currentdeviceaddress, commandregister, changecommand2) bus.write_byte_data(currentdeviceaddress, commandregister, changecommand3) bus.write_byte_data(currentdeviceaddress, commandregister, changeaddressto) pas...

Thread: Thread gone without a trace?

i made thread under community games, (titled ubuntuhack,) parody of nethack. can't find in jailed section. did moderator delete without looking @ contents, or mistaken? posted cj master i made thread under community games, (titled ubuntuhack,) parody of nethack. can't find in jailed section. did moderator delete without looking @ contents, or mistaken? i find no signs of thread. sure submitted? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Community Discussions Forum Feedback & Help Thread gone without a trace? Ubuntu

Thread: Restart a service peridoically?

hello, writing application run ubuntu server needs run every few seconds. now, writing in python in loop sleeps few seconds , runs again. (would launched automatically @ start up, guess.) however: 1) not trust code not crash. 2) not trust code run forever out memory leak. looking way solve both problems. (i thought using cron run fresh copy of program, need run more once minute.) ideas? thank you, rely on internal loop mostly, have chron job start program periodcally have program check if running @ start-up , quit if is. python program shouldn't leek memory, garbage collected. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Specialised Support Ubuntu Servers, Cloud and Juju Server Platforms [ubuntu] Restart a service peridoically? Ubuntu

على جملة SMF 1.1 RC2 كيفية تثبيت منتدى - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

                                                      السلام عليكم smf 1.1 rc2 أريد الإستفسار عن مشكلة  أواجهها الأن و لم أجد لها حل و هي كيفية تركيب كومبونونت                   و أريد من الأعضاء الذين يعرفون كيفية تثبيته أن يشرحوها لنا هنا بتفصيل و شكرا [rtl] السلام عليكم أولا أحب أن أوضح أن الـ smf لا يتم تركيبه على أنه كموبوننت لـ جملة و لكن يتم تركيب المنتدى مستقلا عن جملة ثم يتم الربط بينهما بجسر. الموضوع ببساطة يتلخص في الخطوات الآتية: 1) أولا قم بتنزيل و تركيب منتدى smf , لن أقوم بشرح هذه العملية  لأنها ليست صعبة. عموما اذا احتجت الى شرح هذه العملية فربما يفيدك هذا الموضوع ... ic=53367.0 2)قم بتنزيل كومبوننت الـ bridge من الرابط التالي ... ic=97649.0 سوف تحتاج الى عضوية في المنتدى للحصول على الملف. 3) قم بفك ...

Observatory Shutter Opener - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello, rpi beginner working on project use raspberry pi open shutters (doors slide out of way telescope open sky) in observatory work at. these shutters presently opened , closed small motor. these shutters similar garage door, have used instructables post guideline: ... spberry-pi . have completed .html aspect of web site stuck in writing .php code. guide i'm using has 1 button open/close of garage door while using 3 buttons: open, stop, , close. tell me how write proper code these processes? p.s. here html code: code: select all <html><body> <h1 style="font-size:500%;text-align:center;">tower 2 controls<h1> <form action>=”shuttero.php” method=”get”> <div style="text-align:center"> <h4><input type="submit" value="open shutter" style="width:250px; height:50px;font-size:27px;color:white;border-radius: 25px; background-color: 0b243b;">...

Installation problems with flash player 9

hi, i having multiple problems copy of flash player. have tried several versions 7-9 , have had these problems. know 1 of problems still use win98se. so, limited in can use. started when visited several sites but,, when video tried load flash9 crash explorer. after trying several other older versions sugguested forum message, work once, maybe twice, , same thing. have checked settings several times , seem needs far know. out of frustration, tried again install flash7. during installation not find place web brower plug-ins. (i use ie 6.0.2800.1106 , not sure ie places plug-ins tell in particular directory.) know @ 1 point in time (i have been working on over week) realized uninstaller outdated, got fixed. any appreciated. j.logan a quick upadate. have gotten of issues corrected, one. getting pop-up message on home page,, saying trying install activex onto unsupported computer. "ok" button , "unpack." everytime access website. ap...

SEF Not Found, and YES, I've read all of Saka's and Ken's suggestions... - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

a real basic question (i have made modifications .htaccess, etc. etc. prescribed in thousands of threads on sef): whether using core sef or of others (404sef, open sef), "not found" on content pages (using link content type) after enabling sef. content link in menu item still un-friendly one. mean in joomla after installing sef have delete menus , re-create them manually friendly urls? the faqs , tutorials make sound it's automatic. missing something? 1 thing @ time. forget component until can core seo working. you need provide more information, i'm sure saw questions asked in threads... server config, server allow mod_rewrite, etc. etc. should have seen questions asked lot. please provide info can. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

Need to wait until end of Function?

hi following work on trying understand 4051 multiplexer (also discussed - , helped - in thread: next step have 8 buttons on 4051 multiplexer lighting 8 leds on 74hc595 shift register. i found nice library (shifter - simplifies process of using shift register. what trying achieve? when press button, corresponding led blink 3 times. if press button1 led1 should blink 3 times, if press button4 led4 should blink 3 times,... at moment code this: code: [select] #include <clickbutton.h> #include <shifter.h> const int buttonpin = a0; int buttonvalue[8] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; int lastbuttonvalue[8] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; int b0 = 0; int b1 = 0; int b2 = 0; #define ser_pin 7       // ser_in #define rclk_pin 6      // l_clock #define srclk_pin 5     // clock #define num_registers 1 //how many shift registers in chain // initialize shifter...

Thread: Remap return key/broken enter button.

hi. im using onboard enter key, laptop enter button broken before got (for free) , re map key somthing else (right shift). please either specific key remap or how change in general? ::side note:: screws form of interaction between post screen , completed boot, rendering grub or otherwise useless without usb keyboard, tips on i'm not worried that, have keyboard @ hand desktop, it's not portable solution. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Hardware [ubuntu] Remap return key/broken enter button. Ubuntu

Thread: MAJOR startup issues.

my computer has stopped starting properly. i'm running xubuntu 9.04 on dell inspiron 1420. when turn on computer, seems run fine. can startup screen , put in log in information. it's there problems start. splash screen xubuntu logo rat running in it, don't have information it's messing up, splash screen lasts considerably longer , glitchier be. after 5 ten minuets of this, desktop image appears along panel, many of buttons missing, including menu, places , wireless. items on desktop take longest load. none of accessible. can't click or run programs. have made no major system changes recently, unless count botched attempt run diner dash in wine. other i've been using computer quite normally. when shut down 3 hours ago, working no problems. have no idea have caused issue, , have no inkling of how go fixing it. i'm total n00b after year of using operating system no issues. appreciated, , thank in advance! ...

Thread: CD/DVD draw wont open after DVD+RW blanking

hi all, i've been using brasero months until now. minor glitch i'd fix. after blanking dvd+rw 2 windows open up. 1 says "successfully blanked" , other says "cannot eject disk app preventing it". draw wont open @ , dvd drive keeps working ad infinitum. checked running processes find growisofs offending app , therefore have kill process release dvd. have re-installed brasero , cd/dvd tools via synaptic problem still persists. have suggestions correcting problem? i'm running ubuntu 9.04 amd64 updated on hpdv5 amd-64 in advance... anyone????? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] CD/DVD draw wont open after DVD+RW blanking Ubuntu

Tontec 2.8'' LCD doesn't work - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello , day! i've read other threads screen, other 1 2.4'' screen. have mzt280-pi-ext model of 2014.3.18 i've installed original packages provided amazon screen not seem refresh anything, not cursor moves nor desktop icons appear. cpu consuption goes 100% usage time, if it's in idle, wouldn't of issue if screen worked ok, doesn't. i've tried other scripts of avantgardedreams , guy on github called powenko or that, neither job me. either half screen kind of working , other half black, or whole screen in plain white. can't install code code provided galen67 or because instructions doesn't seem 100% right , i'm not wtih linux systems, have rpi learning process appreciated, don't know if give screen , buy other easier work or what. thank you. hi, worth persevering screen. don't have screen, have 2.4" screen. however, best you. recommend continuing galen67's code. looked reasonably robust , shouldn't push cpu...

Thread: Adding Acronis True image Home 2009 Startup Recovery Manager to GRUB list

i trying install "acronis true image home 2009 startup recovery manager" grub list don't have wait through 2 (or 3) boot options. i'd rather have boot options in grub simplicity , speed. found post ( ) details how acronis ti 10, cannot extract "ramdisk.dat" 2009 boot disc created acronis "bootable rescue media builder." when run in gunzip in terminal instance 10 minutes of scrolling random characters followed error. dual boot 2 seperate sata drives, 1 xp , 1 ubuntu 9.04 (i plan later add third sata drive win7 , hope add grub well). ideas? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Installation & Upgrades [ubuntu] Adding Acronis True image Home 2009 Startup Recovery Manager to GRUB list Ubuntu

Wie RTC DS1307 mit DCF77 stellen?

da ich nichts dazu finden kann: wie kann man einmal täglich mit einem dcf77 modul die rtc ds1307 stellen? micky hängt natürlich von den verwendeten libraries ab: code: [select] wenn seit dem letzten aktualisieren mindestens 86400 sekunden vergangen sind: {     dcf uhr lesen;     wenn ok: { rtc setzen; letztes aktualisieren um 86400 sek. erhöhen; }     sonst : letztes aktualisieren um 60 sek. erhöhen; // d.h. nach 1 minute nochmal probieren }   ... oder ähnlich ...   oder verstehe ich deine frage falsch ? Arduino Forum > International > Deutsch (Moderator: uwefed) > Wie RTC DS1307 mit DCF77 stellen? arduino

Aluminium Case Prototype - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi everyone, in engineering school in france. have design new case rpi. took advantage of workshop of school manufactured it. it's prototype, have made mistakes during manufacture. here view of .catproduct file : , here photos of result : case made of 2 parts, held plates can see. have added holes on bottom prevent overheat. can see hdmi port not directly n front of hole, rpi can move in case , it's not e problem connect cable. if interested , if have questions, glad answer you! (i have more pics if want) upil'sss i have approved post although images missing. try again suggest use 'preview' button before submitting. raspberrypi

Thread: Waking old threads?

if have question , find old thread close on topic how old must thread before should start new one? oftentimes see people reprimanded resurrecting old threads (which don't see wrong with). depends, if issue still relevant regarding newer version of ubuntu. key rule; if thread on 2 years old, don't necro Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Community Discussions Forum Feedback & Help Waking old threads? Ubuntu

Firefox it is then.

just tossin' out fyi: don't expect new ie7 work better flash player ie6. tried it, same results (i.e., damn thing won't install). firefox works flawlessly, absolutely ie<>flash conflict. ie7 imitates firefox tabbed browsing now. that's cool , all, since many sites require flash, ms better pull heads out , resolve issue or lose majority mozilla. what talking .. there's no more problems ie , flash firefox flash. @ posts here, bearing in mind ie more ten times common firefox ... there problems both browsers. indeed, if there problems between browser , flash, adobe more fix in hurry if ie (the common browser huge majority) less common 1 firefox. sticking ie is safer bet if want minimise problems , have less problem in long term. of course, if 1 of minority of people have problems @ installing flash browser (the vast majority don't) , particular problem ie in particular .. makes sense switch. > resolve issue or lose majority mozilla. what par...

hidden fields in a form Dreamweaver 8

i have problem can't resolve. have bunch of hidden fields in form. problem have of anchor points not showing in design view fields, couple show up. have view invisible elements in visual aids turned on. fields 1,2,3,9,10,11,15 don't show fields 4,5,6,7,8,12,13,14 show here's code, can tell me did wrong? any appreciated More discussions in Dynamic HTML General Discussion (read only) adobe

Coldfusion 7 MX, upgrading third party library files such as log4j.

how upgrade log4j installed cf7mx? have app contains log4j, newer version. seem app using getting handle on cf7mx log4j, , throwing exception. i've tried moving app's log4j beginning of cf classpath, set in admin console, , overwriting older version new, , new older, in fit of desperation. attempts unsuccessful. i tried demo version of cf8, , app runs fine, company reluctant upgrade cf8 1 app. cost of new software factor, regression testing of other apps etc. suffice say, i'm hoping come solution cf7mx. looked @ patch 7.02, doesn't contain java library upgrade. also, don't have source code app running under cf, aren't able downgrade logging calls. thanks in advance help. More discussions in ColdFusion Server Administration adobe

is there any alternative news component ???* - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi , want sites news listed down down blog sites.(, ) i couldnt find config of original news component.if there config plz tell me else need conponenet:) thanks help  hi, just go administrator > menu > main menu. edit home menu item links frontpage component. there lots of settings on right. need set "column" parameter 2 1. can configure ammount of items, links etc. hope helps. regards robin Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Extensions - 1.0.x Components

Music to Pi over Bluetooth to Slaves over WiFi - Raspberry Pi Forums

i'd create multi-room audio solution whereby: - pi-1 connects device such phone bluetooth - pi-1 streams music device on wifi - pi-2 , pi-3 receive music on wifi , output through 3.5mm audio jack speakers following rough guide here: ... olved.html , believe can use squeezebox on pi-1 (the ubuntu distribution ) , squeezelite on pi-2 , pi-3. know solution can stream music contained on pi-1, possible stream via squeezebox bluetooth source? ideally, love have option either stream off phone or stream content on storage connected pi-1. i'd grateful tips! thanks! raspberrypi

Arduino on a Breadboard su millefori

ciao tutti, oggi mi sono arrivati pezzi per infilare un atmega328p sulla millefori. ho capito il progetto di "arduino on breadboard" ( ), ora vorrei passare alla realizzazione del circuito. non ho la possibilità di fare una vera e propria pcb, quindi se poteste darmi una mano ve ne sarei grato. ho realizzato con fidocadj il circuito che vorrei realizzare, mi potete dire se è giusto? grazie il led sul pin 13 è invertito, oppure lo devi collegare 5v. Arduino Forum > International > Italiano > Hardware (Moderator: leo72) > Arduino on a Breadboard su millefori arduino

Pi Jumper - Ultimate Breakout for the Raspberry Pi (and B +) - Raspberry Pi Forums

pi jumper comes with: - 3.3v regulator (no 50ma pi 3v3 limit!) - 5v i2c header - 3.3v i2c header - 20 pin breadboard header designed pi jumper make easier learn electronics , interfacing raspberry pi. there 2 versions: pi jumper - stacks on top of raspberry pi (or robopi stacked on raspberry pi) pi jumper plus - comes ribbon cable, , can plug breadboard! more information, more photos, , pricing, please visit product page at: if have questions, please not hesitate ask here! pi jumper works raspberry pi model b + (as pi jumper plus) ... pi-jumper/ raspberrypi

? Motor with PWM (slow to quick) and reverse voltage

hoi, for model train layout want build little building, , want start motor slow quicker, running apporx. 15 sek , slows down untl stop. after wile should rotate n other direction, slow quick, running approx. 15 sec slow down , stop. after while again.... is possibe arduino uno , parts need additional  ? i new nice device  doei trixi yes, sounds possible, sort of thing motor controllers for.  first can you tell sort of motor involved?  how big, how power? Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Motors, Mechanics, and Power (Moderator: fabioc84) > ? Motor with PWM (slow to quick) and reverse voltage arduino

Synthèse vocale en Français ?

bonjour, j'aimerai savoir si vous connaissez une shield capable de faire une synthèse vocale en français (feminin ou masculin) à partire d'un texte  ? j'ai vu la voicebox shield de sparkfun : ou la puce fait elle une synthèse vocale en français ? si non connaissez vous une autre shield compatible arduino ? merci d'avance  sinon j'ai aussi trouvé celle-ci : Arduino Forum > International > Français (Moderators: jfs, Snootlab) > Synthèse vocale en Français ? arduino

Trouble with corrupted sd card - Raspberry Pi Forums

we have raspberry pi model b running latest raspian image headless server 24/7, , have been having trouble data getting corrupted on sd card. have bash script called udev whenever external usb hard drive plugged in, , uploads new files internet. drive connected via manual usb switch , may switched @ time, hot-plugging drive without un-mounting it. udev detects removal of drive however, , kills processes using (the bash script , upload process). drive powered drive (western digital elements 2tb) , mounted read-only protect data on it. question - causing data corruption on sd card? research on forum , elsewhere suggests either: 1) poor quality sd cards (we have used kingston cards mainly). 2) hot-plugging of external usb devices (does apply if device has it's own power supply?) or perhaps should cleanly unmount drive before removing it. however, drive fine - sd card gets corrupted.. 3 options options open me appear be: 1) usb hub prevent pi rebooting (if happening - n...

multiple values von processing an arduino senden

hallo miteinander, ich möchte per processing eine led steuern. sprich definieren, wie lange sie leuchtet und wie lange sie aus ist. beim upload auf arduino gab es keine probs. aber die led blinkt nicht processing code: [select] // import processing serial library import processing.serial.*; // , declare object our serial port serial port; void setup() {   // name of first serial port   // assume arduino connected   string portname = serial.list()[0];   // initialize our serial object port   // , baud rate of 9600   port = new serial(this, portname, 9600); } void draw() {        int value1 = 2500;   int value2 = 1000;     // load values byte array   // send full byte array out on serial   // note: works values 0-255    byte out[] = new byte[2];   out[0] = byte(value1);   out[1] = byte(value2);   port.write(out); } arduino code: [select] int currentvalue = 0; int values[...

stepper motor stop command

hello , i'm using following code run stepper motor. motor works fine. however, want modify code, motor rotate specific distance , stop, rather rotate continuously in loop.  really not have idea arduino coding. please me..thanks in advance!! here's code i'm using code: [select] int distance = 0; void setup() {                  pinmode(8, output);        pinmode(9, output);   digitalwrite(8, low);   digitalwrite(9, low); } void loop() {   digitalwrite(9, high);   delaymicroseconds(200);            digitalwrite(9, low);   delaymicroseconds(200);   distance = distance + 1;     if (distance == 3600)   {         if (digitalread(8 ) == low)     {       digitalwrite(8, high);     }     else     {       digitalwrite(8, low);     }...

Servo potentiometer glue

hi , im having problems modified servo , think because potentiometer not centered ,the problem glued. please , can me fix cause cant new 1 quick , need it. solution?- thank in advance fix in software.  figure out number means 'stop' , use center in place of 90 degrees (or 1500 milliseconds). Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Motors, Mechanics, and Power (Moderator: fabioc84) > Servo potentiometer glue arduino

Arduino or clone using Atmega chip with 2.4GHz wireless?

atmel makes various chips include 2.4ghz wireless transceivers. i haven't been able find examples of arduino related boards use of these , i'm wondering if forum members may have come across have missed. i have come across board called moteino uses 533mhz wireless think prefer 2.4ghz. ...r very interesting, had not seen mentioned before. tiny surface-mount parts, difficult prototyping, there arduino bootloaders both 1284 , 644 chips, should possible develop libraries use rf portion. transmit power appears 2 mw, they'd short-range use, maybe 15m or so. of real interest is, show use of 16-mhz crystal vcc = 3.6v, many people think big no-no other atmega chips - ie, high frequency. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Microcontrollers > Ard...

NOOBS v1.3.9 - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi all, quick post let know noobs v1.3.9 released yesterday, , can downloaded the usual place . emergency release fix bug slipped noobs v1.3.8 (thanks @nicohood reporting it), , pidora has been updated newer version @ same time (2014-07-03). , there's updated version of standalone pidora on downloads page raspberrypi

Arduino und IR-Hex Code auslesen?

hallo arduino-freunde! ich habe ein handy mit dem ich ir-befehle senden kann. dazu gibt es "vorgefertigte" listen mit hex-codes für verschiedene hersteller/hardware zum auswählen. nun habe ich hier aber eine no-name fernbedienung, die nicht in der liste steht und auch nix im internet zu finden ist. ich habe aber die arduino uno und bin in bastellaune. meine idee war nun die fernbedienung mit der arduino auszulesen und dachte "das kann ja nicht schwer sein". in dieser app kann man dann den hex-code eintragen, und abspeichern. leider bin ich durch das viele lesen nun verunsichert. ist dies möglich und hat jemand vielleicht nen guten link für ein solches projekt? oder ist es unwahrscheinlich sowas hinzubekommen, wegen den verschiedenen modulationen etc.? die harmony-fernbedienung macht ja auch nichts anderes als empfangen und speichern...  xd danke für eure hilfe! lg chris ir-fernbedieungen modulieren das ir-licht meist mit 38khz. auc...

Spark Detection on a spark plug - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi, sorry if has been posted twice .... asked me login last time clicked "submit". want able put detection wire around thick wire supplies electricity spark plug , detect when spark plug sparks. don't know sort of detection called googling harder. or hints appreciated. thanks, jez. a spark give current burst. check clamp current sensor. possible use fiel effect transistor , detect burst. daniel raspberrypi

error while using Remote object

badri can please put code using the remoting-config.xml code <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <service id="remoting-service" class=""> <adapters> <adapter-definition id="java-object" class="" default="true"/> </adapters> <default-channels> <channel ref="my-amf"/> </default-channels> <destination id="gisdbchart"> <properties> <source></source> <scope>application<scope> </properties> </destination> <destination id="gisdbreport"> <properties> <source></source> <scope>application<scope> </properties> </destination> </service> the service-config.xml code <?xml ver...

Adobe Officially Killed Freehand

from french web site macbidouille : “frédéric has sent information directly adobe live report fleshly released information adobe marketing director: adobe has officially decided discontinue freehand.” i hope more details on terrific news. excellent news. but of course knew coming. hopefully better features freehand had acknowledged , built illustrator. More discussions in Freehand adobe

Robot evita ostacoli

stavo lavorando ad un robot che evita ostacoli, ho inoltre aggiunto un sistema per metterlo in "stand by"  o attivarlo distanza, con un telecomando  infrarosso. il problema è questo: quando lo attivo  non schiva gli ostacoli, anzi, prosegue dritto come niente fosse, ma se schiaccio un certo numero di volte (che non è mai costante) sul telecomando il tasto per l' attivazione, inizia schivare e viaggia autonomamente. se poi lo rimetto in stand e successivamente lo riattivo, si ha la stessa situazione di prima. il robot ha iniziato comportasi così solo dopo che ho aggiunto l' attivazione remota, prima funzionava correttamente. mi dareste una mano? io sto impazzendo   grazie mille!!! (forward() e right() sono funzioni che ho aggiunto in una tab) code: [select] // libreria, sensore di distanza e comunicazione ir #include <distancegp2y0a21yk.h> #include <irremote.h> // // led di stato: int green = 4; int red =5; boolean idle = t...

Thread: cpuinfo seems to ignore overclocking

you know code: cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -i mhz , many other tools show clock rate giving me wrong clock rates, ok, give me clockrates if wasn't overclocking machine, am. normally, max speed 2.93 ghz , overclocking 3.36 ghz using percentage overclock feature in asus board know overclocking works in ubuntu, because when testing temperature put cpu on load using timed hill climbing algorithm, , consistently better results when overclocking on. well, happens should sho 3300-ish mhz, shows 2960mhz, there way make these things overclock-conscious? windows , bios show correct clock rate. (i test cpuinfo when thing in full load, no scaling causing issue) Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Hardware [ubuntu] cpuinfo seems to ignore overclocking Ubuntu

[RISOLTO] Possibili interferenze carico 100W relè

buongiorno tutti. e' la prima volta che posto ma è da parecchio che seguo il forum. scrivevo per sottoporvi un problema..e sapere quali soono le vostre idee in merito. ho costruito un semplice controllore per acquario basato su arduino-uno. tra le varie funzionalità mi permette di controllare l'accensione spegnimento di una plafoniera led. ho utilizzato un modulo 4 relè pilotabile direttamente 5v  per accendere/spegnere driver che alimentano le strip di led (quindi il carico che switchano è 220v ac 100w). tutto funziona perfettamente fino quando non ho collegato il carico ai relè. facendo funzionare tutto senza collegare la tensione di 220v al carico dei relè tutto si comporta come previsto, relè si aprono e si chiudono secondo la logica prevista e funzionano anche servizi di rete esposti (uso anche l'ethernet shield) . quando però collego la 220v per accendere effettivamente la lampada... il sistema impazzisce! relè continuano switchare correttamente e le ...