
Showing posts from February, 2013

Make my movie clip move from left to right with arrow buttons.

hi hope quick one.. i have elements set need logistics of how can acheive following: i have arrow @ furthest left , furthest right of main flash movie. have movie clip in middle has indidivual images on kind of long strip. when click left arrow want movie begin move right left , visa versa. have achieved keyboard left , right keys need convert theory left , right arrow buttons? var speed:number = 4; object_mc.onenterframe = function() { if (key.isdown(key.right)) { this._x = this._x+speed; } else if (key.isdown(key.left)) { this._x = this._x-speed; } }; any appreciated?? thanks ben use getascii() or getcode() methods of key class. , can use trace function check values used in if-statement. More discussions in ActionScript 1 and 2 adobe

ULN2003 and GRBL?

hello, ive been trying build simple xy arduino table, , want use grbl (g code interpreter arduino) uln2003 (transistor array) stepper motor controllers. cant find definite answer, uln2003 work grbl or can grbl send out step , direction data (easy driver)? thankyou quote i cant find definite answer definitive answer coming up. quote will uln2003 work you can drive unipolar stepping motor chip not bipolar stepping motor. quote can grbl send out step , direction data that sends out. there no reason why can't modify send out bit pattern need drive unipolar stepping motor. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > ULN2003 and GRBL? arduino

Can't figure out how to make this menu - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi everyone, i used joomla while now. powerful bit complex. that's why can not figure out how deal menu system. need solving dilemma, please. have site parents , parents become. "divide" site 5 sections; startpage, pregnant, baby, toddler , community. i have menu links (startpage, pregnant, baby, toddler , community) 5 different sections, leads category blog (or different edition in imagazine magazine component). clicking on 1 of links brings new menu module section unique set of menu links. otherwise have have links on every page. 1 have toddler not interested in reading pregnancy calender, it's better if link not shown her. needs links concerning toddlers. startpage however, contains links , mix of content other 4 sections. i can create menu module 5 links 5 different sections, no problem. 1 published on every page. can create 4 new menu modules , assign each 1 of them right section, no problem. run problems. lets click baby, menu module baby shown. long stay on pag...

Thread: HOWTO: Install and use a Creative X-Fi card with full 5.1 support

edit: guide *should* work these cards... why you're still using 9.04 beyond me... * creative sound blaster x-fi elite pro * creative sound blaster x-fi platinum * creative sound blaster x-fi fatal1ty® * creative sound blaster x-fi xtremegamer * creative sound blaster x-fi xtrememusic edit: note: p.s.: whatever: not follow guide if on later version 9.04, support included --- hi, installed ubuntu 9.04 today (edit: , linux mint 7 couple of days later)... , compile half-baked official creative x-fi drivers x-fi music pci card... drivers have kind of issue checked wikipedia news. seems s.u.s.e. developer has been working creative , alsa, , suffice 1.0.21 release of alsa came out few hours ago has worked great me 5.1 support these x-fi cards. don't think it's going harm upgrade alsa way, might 9.10 come version in months time (it has 1.0.20 haven't tried) , override process below anyway. step one upgrade alsa version 1.0.21 run thes...

LED as Sensor ?in reverse or forward bias??

i read post related , got led can generate small photo current when throw light towards it. i tried lm358(op-amp),i connected in reverse bias , got same result. but question when connected led anode bc547 base , cathode gnd(as shown in attached file), i mean in forward bias worked!and able switch led on (not ther "some" light) connected collector? i mean use led sensor should work in reverse bias?they why worked bc547 in forward bias?please tell me curious know this.. the led can make positive current when connected in forward bias. if reversed, provide negative current. forward bias, shown in schematic, correct bias turn on npn transistor using photocurrent. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > General Electronics > LED as Sensor ?in reverse or forward bias?? arduino

Background to the background !

hi i have created small movie 170 x 400px @ new.html - on first entering page movie has white background few seconds before movie kicks in. movie background black - , table background black - , page background black - how can @ least change start-up white black? once loaded - white start disapears when returning page. can help? thanks carl does nobody have answer? carl More discussions in Adobe Animate CC - General adobe

Problem about Webservice

hallo, i have 2 problems when using web service in flex. web service wrote java, , deployed in jboss, used webservice explorer test it, no problem web service. =1= i used flex builder 3 import .wsdl, , use generated proxy classes access webservice functions. when java classes in same package, no problem. when in different package, (so have different namespace in qname, think), cannot read data object. (the values null) =2= another problem is, when call call function, , read result xxx_lastresult. can not immediate accessed. must make 1 button run webservice function, , other button read result, , user must click them 1 one. if write them in 1 function (or 2 functions called 1 click), not work! thank you. thanks, scripts: [bindable] private var ws:wsinterfaceservice = new wsinterfaceservice(); ... public function showdocs():void { // webservice function call ws.getdocs(); //set result dataprovider in runtime, not work! if direct use bindable link in <mx:datagrid...

Controlling motor with pi - Raspberry Pi Forums

do have use l298n motor drive control motors if not please provide instructions on how to. a l298n or l9110s motor driver board make life lot simpler. use l293d chip instead , build own discrete components. can these ebay few gbp. lot's of tutorials on-line. if follow on-line tutorial please post link. outdated , downright dangerous. raspberrypi

SMA6501, a stepper driver?

i pulled sma6501 off board epson dot-matrix printer. on board, pins 2, 4, 7, , 9 going control pins of atepper. while, looks pin 11 goes 2 pins on stepper. i thought way of controlling higher current lower current. when connect power pin 5, power comes out other pins except 10, 11, , 12. when put ground pin 5, pins floating except 1, 3, 6, , 8(they grounded). it called "silicon npn, pnp epitaxial planer". datasheet: printer service manual: i have no clue how drives motor. please me figure out. on chip, pin 5 ground. pins 1 4 , 6 9 half uln2803 chip, except needs external series resistors when driving arduino. pins 10 -12 high side driver, can ignore. to use drive stepper: - connect pins 2,4,7,9 stepper on board. - connect each of pins 1,3,6,8 through series resistor (1k or 2.2k do) separate arduino pin. - conn...

AC/DC Power suply and ArduinoMega+Ethernet.

hello there, amhaving problem power supply my  project,  use mega , ethernet shield, i use ds1307 , dht11 , , 8 pwm outputs of leds (power leds aquarium external supply ) , motors  , "feed" arduino 7,2v 2amps ac.dc wall mart , arduino regulator not getting hot. my problem , when dimm out or dimmin leds picks 0.01 seconds limit 255, flashing , in random times, could suggest me do? measure? not code... oh no.. bad! found bug in code.... totally fault... Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Installation & Troubleshooting > AC/DC Power suply and ArduinoMega+Ethernet. arduino

Powering DC motor behaviour. help please

ok guys i've modified code make work. (i've used leds acting relay.) first/original state        off  off  on   =  motor off button-a press              off  on   on   =  motor on forward button-b press              off  off  on   =  motor off    delay 5 seconds then     on   off  off  =  motor on reverse button-c press              off  off  off  =  motor off    delay 2 seconds then     off  off  on   =  (original state) now, know how can ignore c_button while motor moving forward, , ignore b_button while motor moving in reverse? thanks. code: [select] // constant won't change: const int  buttonpin = 2;    // pin pushbutton att...

Thread: ugh,wireless?

i wondering , have 2 routers; current 1 wired wireless capabilities , have previous router can used wired, wanted use only-wired router (change settings) , use current. know ways that? should "simple" matter of duplicating settings - particularly on isp side (authentication, etc). hopefully, don't have current router ip mac address "locked in". if clients dhcp, shouldn't care if ip range changes, router (dhcp server?) need pass along correct gateway, dns servers, etc. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Networking & Wireless [ubuntu] ugh,wireless? Ubuntu

led indication for services (on/off) on a linux machine

hi , start little background info myself... im arduino beginner (just received mail) little c/c++ programming knowledge. i need guidance start regarding project im on: i monitor service running on linux server , indicate status of service (on/off) led light. connecting linux machine must through ssh tunnel, gather arduino "weak" ssh i'll need send , receive commands to/from local pc via telnet, local pc convert these commands ssh , vice versa. also communicating , pc have go through wifi. can guys tell me if possible? , if , should start ? thanks ! it might more secure plug arduino server, , have act small webserver. way wouldn't have leave ssh session open long periods of time, possibly un-monitored. services on linux have kind of status command can called via terminal, i'm thinking have bash script runs commands , saves responses text file. text file sent arduino on usb serial connection. might able open connection arduino in sam...

Thread: Disk Access With Windows 7 inside Virtualbox?

hi all! (first post woooo!) bought new system (specs @ bottom) , i'm excited able more intensive things able weaker laptop. i'm dual booting on laptop , go though periods of favoring either xp or ubuntu. thing keeps me stuck windows audio applications, such pro tools, fl studio, traktor, , new favorite, reaper, photoshop (gimp doesn't quite cut me). i've read on virtualization , have tried microxp virtual machine in virtualbox on laptop success. i'm faced partitioning new hard drives, migrating files, , deciding on future configuration be. ideally, i'd boot ubuntu, installed on ssd, , run windows 7/xp virtual machine, located on ssd. i'd both oses have access 2 tb data drive , able share files. audio, either being streamed through itunes/rhythmbox or being used in audio application. i'm guessing ubuntu's ntfs support better window's linux support? question this: possible/feasible have 1 partition on data drive being rea...

Señales analogicas y digitales de Tx XBee a Rx XBee, tipo array.

hola de nuevo compañeros. después de un tiempo desconectado por falta de tiempo, hoy me pico el gusanillo de volver coger el hilo de lo que andaba tramando hace ya un tiempo. os cuento, tengo dos arduinos con sus respectivos xbees y comunican de maravilla, les montado un código para poder enviar señales analogicas y digitales de uno otro, en cuanto las digitales me funciona todo bien, cuando pulso interruptor en el emisor, se cambia de estado de 0 1 y como consecuencia se me enciende el led correspondiete y se apaga al dejar de pulsar. pero ando un poco despistado con las analógicas ya que pesar que en el receptor se  monitoréa correctamente lo que está pasando en el emisor, algo así: /0,0,0,0 /0,0,0,0 /0,1,0,0     //cuando actúo en la segunda posición en el pulsador me pasa de 0 1 y se enciende el led. /0,0,235,0 //cuando actúo en el poti del emisor, monitoreo esto en la tercera posición pero no consigo mover el servo. pues eso es lo que me pasa, las linea...

Return a value from a function - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi have problem returning temperature value inside function. i'm reading ds18b20 sensor , setup done using tutorial: ... mperature/ here code: code: select all #!/usr/bin/python3 # import libraries import time import subprocess # define sensor serial number sensorsernum = '28-00000329361f' # helper functions run modules needed sensor communication def runmodules():['modprobe', 'w1-gpio'])['modprobe', 'w1-therm']) # helper function read temperature def readtemp(): try: sensorfile = open('/sys/bus/w1/devices/' + sensorsernum + '/w1_slave') filedata = sensorfile.close() secondline = filedata.splitlines()[1] rawtemp = secondline.split()[9] temp = float(rawtemp[2:]) / 1000 print(temp) return temp # if file cannot opened except ioerror: runmodule...

Where did I go wrong?

in project relays open per input voltage. in place of relay using leds. code input, led connected pin 38 high. other leds not getting on increase in voltage. connection leds correct because have used knight rider code check connection code: [select] const int analoginpin = a0;  // analog input pin potentiometer attached to int sensorvalue = 0;        // value read pot int outputvalue = 0;        // value output int pinarray[] = {38, 39, 40, 41}; int count = 0; void setup(){   // make declarations @ once   (count=0;count<4;count++) {     pinmode(pinarray[count], output);     digitalwrite(pinarray[count], low);   } } void loop() {   // read analog in value:   sensorvalue = analogread(analoginpin);              // map range of analog out:   outputvalue = map(sensorvalue, 0, 1023, 0, 125);  ...

IDE Can not locate Libraries

i installed ide , libraries. opened blink, uploaded it, , worked fine. when opened new sketch, morse example, ide takes file sos from c:\users\jim\documents\arduino\libraries\morse\examples\sos , loads. code: [select] #include <morse.h> morse morse(13); void setup() { } void loop() {;;;   morse.dash(); morse.dash(); morse.dash();;;;   delay(3000); } when verify / compile or upload, message... quote c:\users\jim\documents\arduino\libraries\morse/morse.h:10:22: error: wprogram.h: no such file or directory in file included sos.pde:1: the files morse.h, morse.cpp, , keywords.txt in folder c:\users\jim\documents\arduino\libraries\morse note forward slash in compiler error message. any assistance appreciated. the original morse library not work version 1 of ide , above. revised version of morse.h code: [select] /*   morse.h - library flashing morse code. ...

arduino interrupt

recently, used interrupt on arduino paralleled timer. timer on if there interrupt 1, , off if there interrupt 2. before timer triggered, arduino used turn on pump. happened is... when pump turned on, interrupt on arduino messed (triggered randomly). i tried solve problem blocking electromagnetic field. hoped, electromagnetic field not interfere arduino process. did not work. does has idea why thing happened? interrupt on arduino cannot interfered electromagnetic fields? thank you what supplying interrupt signal arduino , how wired? maybe pullup/pulldown needed stop em noise triggering interrupt. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > General Electronics > arduino interrupt arduino

Thread: saving sound volume in xfce4

i using xfce4 on ubuntu 9.04 on amd64. works fine, volume produces login sound drops 0 open media player rhythm box or movie player. have shortcut aumix in panel , have manually increase volume every session. tried opening aumix root , saving it, nothing happenned. how ensure volume stays @ value other zero? any suggestions please ? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Multimedia Software [xubuntu] saving sound volume in xfce4 Ubuntu

[FIXED] - 4418 : Module caching always enable when selecting "use global" - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

description: if select use global caching parameter module (latest news exemple), caching on. reported on: today's trunk classification: [q&t] critical/high/medium/low/enhancement affected functions: module administration related files: /joomla/libraries/joomla/document/html/renderer/module.php steps replicate: publish last news module global config parameter extension cache set no, see module unpublish articles you'll still see in module. analysis: [q&t] confirmed/unable confirm/rejected any other comments proposed fix(es): change line 49 if ($mod_params->get('cache', 0) == 1) { $cache->setcaching(jfactory::getconfig()->getvalue('config.caching')); } else { $cache->setcaching(0); } topic / artifact id: [user] enter crosss reference topic or artifact id/url when submitted : none system info: ubuntu lampp eclipse firefox fixed on svn. thanks! Board index Joomla! Official Sites & Infrastructure ...

Main Menu Manager problem - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

a few weeks ago our site hacked turkish group exploited security flaws in 1.0.8 , using extesion extcal @ time well. upgraded joomla 1.0.10 , removed extcal , seems working fine except main menu manager in administrator end of joomla. 500 internal server error everytime cick "main menu." here i've tried far: i replaced directories /administrator/components/com_menus com_menumanager clean files core joomla package. i’ve searched forums, don’t see reporting of issue this. few people getting 500 internal server errors changed permissions on files , seemed fix it. tried adding “execute” permissions on com_menus , com_menumanager directory few php files in directories. i looked @ error log on server , i’m seeing message: [wed aug 02 10:02:57 2006] [error] [client] premature end of script headers: php-script, referer: ... enumanager i can’t seem figure out files controling menu manager. any insight might happening appreciated...

Fullspeed, perfect-frame PCE-CD emulation - Raspberry Pi Forums

this thread tell guys pc-engine cd emulation fullspeed on raspberry pi, retroarch/libretro/mednafen , squarepusher's optimization efforts. here's zip containing of latest cores , retroarch can enjoy as do. no xorg supported, always. have bring own cd-rom system roms , pce-cd isos, , you'll playing! great games in system are: -castlevania: rondo of blood (there's english translation available!) -ys books & ii -beyond shadowgate -lords of thunder -pop'n magic -puyo puyo 2 excellent! vanafel, know if pc engine cropping issue fixed in these cores? @ moment pc engine screen lower down leaving black bar on top of viewable area. loses pixels on bottom. raspberrypi

Thread: Canon PIXMA MX330 printer for 64 bit

hello everyone, i'm trying drivers situated laptop have canon pixma mx330, i've gone on website , have drivers 32 bit ubuntu not 64, there way around this? problem solved check out folowing site,9727,quote=1 Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Hardware [ubuntu] Canon PIXMA MX330 printer for 64 bit Ubuntu

Thread: effects of sound and suspend on sound

with suspend operation on xps, i'm again met annoying fact sound ceases work after suspend or hibernate , forces me reboot computer in order restored. searching hasn't turned much, , has turned hasn't worked @ all. find interesting rhythmbox refuses show time counter after suspend too, wonder taking out audio , making rhythmbox cease work. there new tricks, or common problem have live until fixes of us? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] effects of sound and suspend on sound Ubuntu

Configurar parámetros vía serie.

hola todos. ahora que ya van acabando los exámenes me dispongo continuar un proyecto de una alarma. necesito consejo cerca de un protocolo de comunicación. resulta que mi alarma ya funciona.tiene sus teclados vía serie con los cuales puedes desactivar/activar/cambiar clave en la central. ahora quiero ir más allá. los mismos teclados tienen que configurar parámetros de la alarma, como por ejemplo, tiempos de salida/entrada, nombres de sensores...etc. me preguntaba si existía algún tipo de protocolo para ello. para hacer lo que antes dicho, lo que hago es enviar comandos desde los teclados, vía serie, y la central los interpreta. pero claro, son comandos simples :actv:activar desact:desactivar... y así. cuando te pones pensar en configurar parámetros la cosa cambia. ya no tienes que enviarle un comando, es un comando más un parámetro. si alguien sabe algo, algún protocolo, idea...lo que sea, por favor compártanlo. muchas gracias todos! un saludo y feliz verano =) ...

Thread: Wireless signal strength indicator

i trying adjust directional antenna , need real-time signal strength indicator. (bar strength not fine enough - need db or % indication, preferably updated moving graph.) jaunty jackalope 9.04 gnome desktop netgear wpn111 wireless usb adapter ndiswrapper well, can run command several times: sudo iwlist scan Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Networking & Wireless [gnome] Wireless signal strength indicator Ubuntu

Splitmenu - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi there, can splitmenu support 3 child links? can splitmenu work 1 child link else fails. example clicks on mainlink on top navigation split menu renders sublevel in left module area. need more 1 sublevel got 3 of them. mainlink       |       | link1 -->link2       --->link3 thanks heaps christian i think so. just assign assigned parent item think Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

Admin backend Problem with Popups - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

whenever in backend administrator mode , try using of functions cause popup. ie inser/edit link, smilies, anchors etc.  popup loads white box nothing their.  if edit documents via main site using admin password popups show correctly.  how can sort backend problem out. hi, i'd first check faq, see if provides help:,336.0.html regards robin Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Administration - 1.0.x

reading PIR open collector - Raspberry Pi Forums

i have pir sensor have connected arduino, , can read high/low perfectly fine. works well. attach same circuit pi, signal on gpio24, , cannot work. have verified gpio24 right one, connected led , set output , works. however, connect pir, set input, , returns 1 cat gpio24/value. doing wrong? i can't think of reason why wouldn't work on pi. have gpio pulled high via internal resistor. when pir alarms it'll pull gpio low. connections have between pi , pir? raspberrypi

Rubik's Solver Problema ;(

salve tutti ieri in girovagando per youtube , in cerca di un progetto per l'esame del 5 anno itis , ho visto vari progetti riguardo il "rubick's solver" : in sostanza un robot , tramite alcuni servo , un software adeguato , il quale riesce risolvere il cubo di rubik  come questo subito mi sono affrettato cercare qualche progettino completo , dal quale prendere spunto , ma ahimè non ho trovato nulla se qualcuno ha conoscenze riguardo questo progetto vi chiedo umilmente aiuto premetto anche che con la schedina arduino sono alle prime armi , e benissimo che il progetto del "rubik's solver" è abbastanza complicato .. però sono pronto ad apprendere seguendo ogni vostro suggerimento ciao , grazie in anticipo , mauro ciao mauro,          purtroppo non ti proprio aiutare però ammiro la tua volontà di "partire prima" con il progetto per l...

Thread: Finally dialup modem working, but.. (a couple issues, help!)

after long day of trying dial modem working, i'm still having issues. i'm newbie ubuntu (how cruel make new linux user on first day! #1 first of all, i'm stuck wvdial , want use gnome ppp - error in it. --> ppp negotiation detected. --> unable run /usr/sbin/pppd.s --> check permissions, or specify "pppd path" option in wvdial.conf. --> connected, carrier signal lost! retrying... idea how fix that? seems should easy fix can connect wdial, barely know how access wvdial.conf let alone check permissions or specify path. #2 ubuntu apparently doesn't dialup. thinks i'm not connected network, dumb , annoying, more importantly stuff doesn't work right. i'm using pidgin, , barely works. have disable , re-enable accounts connect. firefox starts in offline mode. it's annoying. ideas?? in general, i'm happy old dial modem working, had doubts i'd ever find driver it. ...

CFDocument, pdf and justify, oh my!

i can't justified text in pdf. read around internet known problem in version 7 releases, supposed fixed in version 8. here example of code: <cfdocument format="pdf" filename="c:\testpdf.pdf" overwrite="yes"> <div align="justify">text of paragraph 1.</div> <p align="justify">text of paragraph 2.</p> <p style="text-align:justify">text of paragraph 3.</p> <p style="text-align: justify"> text of paragraph 4.</p> <table><tr align="justify"> <td align="justify">text of paragraph 5</td></tr></table> <table> <tr align="justify"><td>text of paragraph 6.</td></tr></table> <table> <tr> <td align="justify">text of paragraph 7.</td></tr></table> </cfdocument> all paragraphs in pdf left aligned. if changed "...

Biomedical engineering application: Digital hearing aid

our project title " digital hearing aid" . simply, receives audio signal make processing on (e.g. filter ) , output amplified version of input signal. recently, lot of features can added above simple design. need assistance? regards quote we need assistance? do you? quote simply, receives audio signal what does? where? you realize arduino not particularly suited audio processing (that pesky negative voltage, 1 thing). not mention is, in general, far slow. quote then make processing on it random processing? arduino not digital signal processor. quote and output amplified version of input signal. output what? quote a lot of features can added above simple design. what design? see handwaving. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > Biomedical engineering application: Digital hearing aid arduino...

Thread: Desktop effects could not be enabled

my desktop effects working fine , no reason cant activated tryed reinstalling graphics driver didn't fix heres xorg # nvidia-xconfig: x configuration file generated nvidia-xconfig # nvidia-xconfig: version 1.0 (buildmeister@builder58) fri aug 14 18:33:37 pdt 2009 section "monitor" identifier "monitor0" vendorname "unknown" modelname "unknown" horizsync 28.0 - 33.0 vertrefresh 43.0 - 72.0 option "dpms" endsection section "screen" identifier "screen0" device "device0" monitor "monitor0" defaultdepth 24 subsection "display" depth 24 endsubsection endsection section "module" load "glx" endsection section "inputdevice" identifier "mouse0" driver "mous...

ethernet + sd + login HELP!

i'm using arduino mega+eth. shield+sd wbsrvr (it right way?) domotics project, going creating log in page (two account 2 different logged pages differents controls), putted login.html , 2 different html pages in sd. where have put login.php (which connects database on verify if account or password right) if think i'm getting wrong, please give me solution , show me sketches, please! thx in advance! an arduino cannot execute php scripts, it's under-powered such task. if tell more project may show alternative ways it. if need run php scripts on embedded platform buy 1 of cheap embedded linux computers (raspberry pi, pcduino, cubieboard, etc.), have horse power , ram such tasks. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Networking, Protocols, and Devices (Moderator: fabioc84) > ethernet + sd + l...

Need help URGENTLY

looking outside assistance if possible. need can meet deadline. i have created cbt. complete lacking key features like. ideally, cbt following: welcome users have users log in instruct users on purpose , use of cbt begin first module (of 8) upon each module completion there small 2 question quiz after quiz, user put @ next modules start page after modules complete, user shown congrats page after congrats page user shown quiz summary quizes taken in modules , score what have far: have users log in welcome users instruct users on purpose , use of cbt begin first module (of 8) take quiz @ end of each module blank page shown. user must use diving guidance navigate passed screen or doomed hit "page forward" (wrong choice) instead of "section forward"(right choice) , ends repeating same module. i not have section forward button altogether have found no other way navigate btw pages , quizzes effectively. i have been going through tutorial , helping stuff time crunch ...

Please encourage Dropbox to add support. - Raspberry Pi Forums

i contacted dropbox adding providing client raspbian. came , said should post request request feature forum, have duely done. need more 1 person making request please pop on , add comments. thanks i doubt it's gonna happen - years , years there thousands of requests arm linux version (just command-line daemon) on dropbox's "votebox" (which has since been switched off!), , nothing ever came of edit: see in meantime there 'workarounds' available using dropbox api e.g. ... spberry-pi raspberrypi

webserver without port forwarding - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi, running apache server on raspberry pi. sits behind router. wish expose web server world. unfortunately, port forwarding not allowed isp. have read ssh reverse tunneling, , udp hole punching. there simple sequence of steps or ready made software available web site somehow becomes visible world(for example, visible raspberry pi, sitting behind other person's router)? regards subbu skjdyifbbckhvc wrote: hi, unfortunately, port forwarding not allowed isp. 100% sure that? type of port forwarding need happens on router , outside control of isp. mean router supplied isp , "locked down" meaning cannot configure it? mean isp blocks ports? raspberrypi

Need Help With wireless adapter - Raspberry Pi Forums

i bought raspberry pi create retro gaming console. following instructions on lifehaker , installed retropie. bought kit amazon, included wireless adapter , installation cd. however, there no instructions on how install wireless adapter , i'm having trouble getting wireless 360 controller work. think needs happen wireless adapter drivers need installed before can 360 controller work. tried install wireless adapter drivers, install on computer , menu select driver location did not appear. moderator: edit title. please refrain using title these. moderators have enough do. you need bluetooth adapter work wireless controllers. i'm not sure if case xb360 controller ps3 controller. 802.11 network adapter not connect controller. "wireless" such generic term wasn't sure if knew distinction or not. raspberrypi

start.elf and rpi-update or apt-get upgrade - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello, question. have customised start.elf file, , want able rpi-updates or apt-get upgrades normal system upgrades raspbian, when these commands executed, start.elf file on sd card replaced, , our system no longer boots. replacing them our custom file again resolves issue, wanting know why file gets updated/replaced, or if there way update of else exclude file being replaced? appreciate input has kind regards wanago start.elf firmware loaded on gpu. needs match arm side code (in case feature added in arm needed firmware support). when update of arm side using rpi-update update firmware. think apt-get stuff safe though. note firmware being improved time bug fixes , new code. out of interest, have changed in start.elf? shouldn't touching in normal usage (and have seen why). thing can think of removing raspi logo , replacing own. raspberrypi

Hitachi SP14Q002 Screen - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi all, want connect screen | witch have get, gift. have read around need similar driver board make connections work raspberrys hdmi. ask because have been looking board , can't find it. don't know if screen valid raspberry so... give more info screen. datasheet: ... 835662.pdf ebaylink : screen gift didn't purchase here: ... 0815269393 think screen industrial machine in city's tram. it's black , white colour. thank you! raspberrypi

Interfacing Arduino Mega with 2.8 TFT by Itead Studio

hi! i doing project involves interfacing arduino mega 2560 r3 2.8inch tft touch screen itead studio. the link tft display the user manual is i trying use utft , utouch libraries henning karlsen the display included in list of supported models utft , utouch libraries. the problem this: while assigning various pins during initialization of display, realize user manual not have pins touch_cs , tft_reset. without assigning these pins initialization code, display not running example codes given in utouch library. i have changed model number itdb28 , assigned pins in initialization code per datasheet of display. also, not using jumper cables, attaching shield on top of arduino mega. itead studio says shield compatible mega, not entirely sure if setup work, or arduino giving it...

Newbie need help in keeping the dragged layer in its current position even after page refresh

hi, guys. how keep dragged layer in current position in page when page refreshes? have dynamic page needs refresh every minute due realtime data on it. , layers (on data posted to) kept returning original place after refreshing. makes dragging feature useless. also, how keep position of layers permanently when page/browser has been closed? last question, have embed audio (triggered alarm) in layer. controls hidden. how stop alarm using own button (which hides layer)? please asap. i'm new dw. the web page won't "remember" last position of draggable object unless store somewhere, cookie or database. each position change, store last x,y position in cookie, , position object @ x,y position if cookie has been set. More discussions in Dynamic HTML General Discussion (read only) adobe

Pont en H Branchement moteur 12 Volt DC

bonjour ou bonsoir, j'ai reçus mon pont en h aujourd'hui j'ai un petit doute de la bonne façons pour le branchement. j'ai deux moteur de 12 volt dc alimentation externe carte arduino alimentation par usb. pour outa et outb: branchement des moteur. pas de problème   sur les bornier ina, inb, inc, ind: sortie de la carte arduino. ça va pour le vcc: je pense que je branche le 5 volt de la carte arduino pour le gnd: ?   pour +5 : ici je branche mon alimentation externe 12volt dc. je vous remercie de prendre le temps de me lire. nan vcc = 12v +5v c'est la sortie régulateur 5v Arduino Forum > International > Français (Moderators: jfs, Snootlab) > Pont en H Branchement moteur 12 Volt DC arduino

Using wifi adapter - Raspberry Pi Forums

i tried connecting wifi adapter of samsung smart tv raspberry pi. scanned available wifi networks , found wifi network. while connecting keeps on displaying scanning , never connects. can me ? i think tv looking dhcp server, has pi been setup one? connect pi , tv home wifi, unless have specific reason avoid doing so. raspberrypi

nyhetspublicering utan att admin godkänner - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

jag har ett litet problem. det är så att när man loggar in på frontenden så kan man lägga till nyheter osv. dock så publiceras dessa inte direkt uten måste godkännas av admin backenden, detta trots att jag är inloggad som superadmin. finns det något sätt att göra så att nyheten publiceras direkt utan admin måste göra det backenden??  det blir ju lite jobbigt om man måste gå in och lägga till alla nyhter själv ändå till slut... du har ju längst ner på sidan en funktion där du kan välja "public / unpublic"... välj där... Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Swedish Forum Äldre versioner Forum Joomla! 1.0 Användning och administration

Lost Serial Number

i got new computer. went install robohelp, disk isn't in box don't have serial number. still have installation on old computer. know if there's way of getting serial number off installed copy? (if not, have other ideas?) hi there kfielder if able access old machine, open robohelp , click > about. believe serial number listed in resulting screen. should this: rho13-?????-?????-?????-????? cheers... rick More discussions in RoboHelp adobe

controlling the opacity of some glasses

hi there, i searching way build "glasses" in can control sight of people wearing them. so want make them blind or seeing. the point is, want them "wearable" or not tooo heavy use them in field. not saying should "super small"... can fancy... i did found interesting here: what found interesting aswell use lcd-screens shown here in yt-video: (just scoll end see result) maybe use 2 small screens used or broke stuff/mobiles or ebay control opacity of glasses. thx in advance help you try kerr cells, may not power pack. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > controlling the opacity of some glasses arduino