
Showing posts from August, 2013

Brochage ethernet sur arduino

bonjour tous j'ai acheter une carte ethernet mais j'ai des questions sur les broche visiblement les broche 13 12 11 sont utiliser pour un bus spi mais je peut les utiliser en sortie ou pas ? la broche 10 sert activer le module donc celle la je la met en etat haut tout le temp ? et la broche 4 servirait pour activer la sd mais moi je compt pas m'en servire je peut utiliser la broche 4 en sortie du coup ? pour eviter tout probleme si je sépare mon ethernet de ma uno et que - je racorde les 6 fils du bus iscp - l' alim 5v - je met la broche 10 du ethernet sur le +5v sa fonctionnerai ou pas ? si je fait un include ethernet il va pas essayer de se reserver des broches ? mon arduino toute ces broche de prise donc sa devient compliquer merci vous quote from: windaube21 on jun 25, 2013, 08:31 pm j'ai acheter une carte ethernet mais j'ai des questions sur les broche c'est celle ci ? ...

Thread: converted wmv to mpg how do i put to dvd?

i have wmv file want convert , stick on dvd can play standard dvd in dvd player have use 9.04 , installed winff pointed wmv file , in presets told dvd 4:3 aspect , hit go has produced file extension of mpg no other files, 1 on own in dvd format there vob file , likes , vob files 1 gig in size or there abouts. wmv file have few hundred meg , made 2.4 gig mpg file. file plays fine vlc or whatever, how heck put on dvd read? fire k3b , create new video dvd , shove file in "video_ts" directory , hit burn or what? devede convert mpg file dvd format. it'll create iso file can burn dvd. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Multimedia Software [ubuntu] converted wmv to mpg how do i put to dvd? Ubuntu

Sensor Feasibility with Arduino (no shields)

i looking build system controls relay based on input sensor. it pretty old , seems has been disregarded arduino hobbyist group. haven't found similar components mentioned there new shielded sensor same purpose. data output on pin 3 via rs-232 microprocessor controlled; leads designed rs232 input voltage.   know leads on arduino hot sensor, not sure safest way wire without causing stress on components. appears component not have flat response , need adjusted more complicated code. any appreciated. pretty green stuff. did checked one? Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > Sensor Feasibility with Arduino (no shields) ...

Help with IR LED, too dim, low current - Raspberry Pi Forums

i haven't done breadboarding since college (just after electricity discovered), may dumb problem, i'm going in circles , appreciate advice. making pi remote control device led on aquarium. used radio shack ir emitter (276-142), , had working great. however, had wired incorrectly, no resistors in play pull down or current limiting. working wanted go through steps of doing "right" , calculations proper resistors. pulled apart, did thought right calculations (hard find for-sure info on led), put -- didn't work. well, except did work... way dim (with extreme measures pointed directly @ receiver works now). put old way -- , still doesn't work. did blow something? replaced transistor - same. replaced ir led red led, , looks nice , bright (clearly can't tell if works). more -- hooked +5 ground, ir led draw 5ma. rating says 150ma (again, bit questionable lots of postings radio shack has them labeled wrongly, i've put specs on attachment besi...

[KNOWN ISSUE] Bug - Link-URL menu type not visible in Menu Item select list - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

link-url menu types not visible in menu item selection list hence can not assign modules or left/right column link-url template gets corrupted. thanks report. edit: info below striked out realised joomla does give unique itemid if url not include one i guess link url intended external links , therefor not suffixed itemid there may case having option give itemid. linking pages within components, different module assignments main component pages two points bear in mind: 1)  links content items in joomla, can use menu link of type: link - content item or link - static content both of give itemid link , therefore available in module selection lists 2)  links of type url, can add own itemid on end  (matching existing itemid of course ) so if have existing link id of 57 you can create further links of type url , add onto url &itemid=57 and receive same module assignments link id of 57 if require unique assignments, create "hidden" item on menu not publish ( e.g. other menu )...

Raspbian Less Than 10 MB on SD Card - Raspberry Pi Forums

i have 2.75gb of 2014-06-20-wheezy-raspbian image file. did full format of sd card , burn image it. however, after burning sd card, show 46.5 mb free of 55.9 mb doesn't seem make sense occupied size visibly less 10mb. initial download zipped file 2014-06-20-wheezy-raspbian shown 787 mb. pls advice if correct 10 mb size of os? thank you. i'll make guess looking @ sdcard on windows pc ? see small "boot" partition. you'll have plug linux machine see other big filesystem in other partition. petero raspberrypi


hi, sorry if i'm asking stupid questions, don't understand. use help. i'm doing project reporting relative humidity , sending value xively data logging website. i'm able connect website , send data. data i'm sending site raw data sensor. raw value may anywhere 375 650. want send value 47% relative humidity. in code calculating voltage , relative humidity , displaying in serial monitor, it's not being sent website, want. how send xively relative humidty value? the serial monitor displays following text. starting single datastream upload xively... read sensor value 635.00 uncalibrated: sensor voltage = 2.59v relative humidity = 52.73% calibrated: uploading xivelyxivelyclient.put returned200 thanks, chris hi, sorry if i'm asking stupid questions, don't understand. use help. i'm doing project reporting relative humidity , sending value xively data logging website. i'm abl...

PCB Trace width question.

i want use example found @ control speed of pumps.  pumps, located @ , 220v, 290 watt, pulling around 1.3 amps correct? the board house i've been using itead.   outside conductive layers 35um. i'm using trace width calculator: i put in following number: amps: 2 rise: 1 degree thickness: 35um ambient: 40 (it gets hot out in garage/driveway!) trace length:  20mm (i put ssrs , h11aa1 right @ edge of board, less 20mm) the output need 125mil of trace width, >71mil of space.  i have no reason doubt correctness of number, want put guys see if number seems feasible.  there reason can't put 70 mil trace on each side? depends temperature rise happy tolerate.  1 degree not much. using traces on both sides of board not dissipate heat in quite same way, be approximat...

Thread: Dual-boot with 3 HDDs

i've used ubuntu time on system, on 1 have multiple hdds. i'm kind of newbie here pretty used automated process in past. have 3 hdds. 1 of them had xp installed, other ntfs holding data , chose third 1 install ubuntu 9.04 grub (formatted whole hdd). changed bios boot priority hdd grub boot first. ubuntu boots fine fails boot xp through grub. checked /boot/grub/menu.lst file see how xp entry is: (it created hd1,0 automatically) code: title microsoft windows xp professional rootnoverify (hd1,0) savedefault chainloader +1 i have read xp can't boot unless in first hdd need add mapping commands desired behaviour: code: grub>map (hd0) (hd1) grub>map (hd1) (hd0) i have 2 problems here. don't know hdd 1 has windows xp (that is, if hd1,0 right thing). when tried boot entry above got grub error 13 "invalid or unsupported executable format". secondly don't know in order need add mapping commands xp entry on meny....

Adding an external antenna to WiFi shield

i have looked info on how add external antenna arduino wifi shield, haven't found much. 1 post spoke briefly it, not enough info me feel comfortable it. i used dfrobot wifi shield, , these had connector on them able attach 2.4ghz sma antenna. i have few of these available no longer use dfrobot version. could advise if possible, , how it? the reason want because arduino board & shield mounted inside metal enclosure, , want put external antenna (with magnetic base) on outside, metal enclosure problem, if possible don't want have mount arduino + shield on outside of box. there pads next icsp header connecting bnc connector antenna, labeled x4 on schematic. not sure  - have remove chip antenna x1 avoid interfence? Arduino Forum > Usi...

i2c produces segmentation error - Raspberry Pi Forums

i'm running raspbian i2c-tools 3.1.0-2 , python-smbus 3.1.0-2. havelibi2c-dev 3.0.2-4. i've installed them according instruction on tutorials. when try run i2cdetect, gives segmentation fault. when try sudo i2cdetect, there no output. i2c doesn't seem doing anything, i'm inclined think it's not working. i've found 1 place in forums same problem posed. solution given update system. believe have updated version of i2c-tools, etc. i'm using rev rpi, have 1 usb port use mouse/keyboard. so, can't connect internet update. i'm willing try update if knows way use sd card raspbian boot - perhaps in virtual machine - update while it's connected internet. otherwise, i'm looking suggestions on how fix i2c. i have similar problem in if use i2c node.js code crashes segmentation fault. if use i2cget (part of i2c-tools) code crashes after ~3000 calls i2cget child process i2c broken on raspberry pi? raspberrypi

Problem sa Google Sitemap Generator - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

otkada sam presao sa poddomena na domen, imam problema sa doticnom komponentom. sajt mi se ranije nalazio na (zapravo, dalje je tu) bio mi je ukljucen seo. svi linkovi su normalno radili gsg je pravio normalan google sitemap. kada sam presao na domen (koristim ga kao addon domain), gsg dva puta postavlja live_site u sitemap. linkovi na sajtu dalje normalno rade, ali ih ne indexira pravilno. posle malo pretrazivanja, shvatio sam da je nesto htaccess-a, ali ne znam sta. sajt je na , sitemap na . kao sto se moze videti, samo homepage indexira pravilno. uspeo sam da resim problem, ali ne na elegantan nacin. posto je prvi link u sitemap-u dobar, morao sam nekako da sredim samo ostalo. evo sta sam uradio. u fajlu gsg.class.php se izmedju ostalog nalazi sledeci kod za generisanje linkova: code: select all function geturl($option, $frontend) {       global $database, $mosconfig_absolute_path, $mosconfi...

Probleme compas/accelerometre LSM303DLH

bonjour, je suis entrain de travail à la conception d'un robot pour se déplacera sur une pelouse et pour cela j'ai acheté un compas avec accéléromètre pour pouvoir le guider dans sa tache !  problème: je suis allé sur le site suivant: et j'ai récupéré pas mal d'info ainsi que les bout de code pour faire des tests... la compilation se fait très bien, mais quand je met en route le moniteur série pour lire les infos du module, rien ne se passe... aucune info sur le moniteur et même la led de l'arduino ne clignote pas au rythme des infos envoyées... j'ai essayé avec un uno et un mega mais pas de changement. impossible de lire aucune info sur le moniteur. auriez vous une idée pour me sortir de cette misère, car après 3 jours de test et bidouillage, je n'ai plus d'idée !!! merci d'avance !! have fun! quel code tu mis sur la carte ? la librairie que tu utilise possède plusieurs exemples...

Under-lit translucent dance floor w/o shadows

i know mildly off topic, love raw brain power around arduino forum, input appreciated! i planning on making huge 8'x8' wide , 1' tall platform oh, around 625 individually addressable leds (in 25x25 grid) underneath. each led coupled, , understand overkill, ir transmitter / detector detect accuracy people standing , @ distance platform. i've been doing chunk of research, , think have of electronics side licked (thanks due! 1 million adc samples second! woowee!), general flow i'm planning going ir > holy mux town! > arduino > raspberry pi > arduino > leds. said, of have figured out, although examples of people multifudging 625 phototransistors helpful (i should take clue can't find examples ^_^). the part i'm out of element on, , hope y'all have insight on, structure itself. i'm picky aesthetics, , love made of frosted acrylic , lit bottom. i've seen examples of webcam / projector approach, doesn't accomplish ...

selecting image to move

i new dreamweaver , having problem placing images in specific area of page. in golive click on image select , move area want. can not seem in dreamweaver. must missing something. great. thanks rob most people here doing, should not doing. golive did absolutely position image on page. can in dw not in same way because doing such thing not best option. best layout layers , position them through flowing layout such place object here relative object b, place object c on top of object b, etc. rather doing, position object here, object b here, object c here. if need accomplishing this, please explain trying , here should more able going in right direction. More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

Thread: approx server installation debian lenny

hi i'm newbie, trying learn , find web-site gold mine of info. people me it's great resource. using following link install approx server on ubuntu have few questions regarding approx. configured both systems according above tutorial. still see whenever try install on client. see client going through proxy downloading ftp site instead of archives in cache on server. me in figuring out mistake i'm doing. obliged. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Installation & Upgrades [ubuntu] approx server installation debian lenny Ubuntu

[FIXED] Serious LIMIT problem causes blank pages - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i have large website running on mambo looking upgrade joomla. on test-server installed same site on latest joomla version. discovered serious problem in (amongst others) components/com_content/content.php on latest versions of both mambo , joomla: all of select queries not limited or limited @ all. causes serious problems large websites. my site has on 1300 content items. when visiting front page or large blogsection such newssection, joomla returns blank page. caused memory-limit set on mysql server of hosting provider. single query not allowed generate more amount of data. the queries in content.php never limited. means if site grows large enough , hosting provider has set memory limit on mysql database, parts of site go blank because server refuses perform query or returns error. i first encountered when frontpage went blank while ago. solution remove "show on front page" check on oldest items. after removing enough items front page, worked again. same thing happened on bl...

ATMEGA 328 pin out 3,3v

gentili amici, vorrei chiedere voi una banale domanda alla quale sicuramente saprete darmi risposta; sull'integrato atmega 328 qual è il pin che eroga 3,3v? grazie mille francesco non c'è. e' una funzione della board arduino che integra un trasformatore di tensione da 5v 3v3. puoi simularlo con il pwm ma non è la stessa cosa. Arduino Forum > International > Italiano > Software (Moderator: leo72) > ATMEGA 328 pin out 3,3v arduino

Allowing users to BLOG in joomla/smf - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i want have jooml/smf site. i wouldl ike there feature allows registered users blog. something similar invasion powerboards; (details of blog feature can seen here): ... tures.html aret here modules joomla? or add ons smf? thanks help. you try joomblog .  otherwise, search of forums here , @ smf "user blogs". Board index Joomla! Official Sites & Infrastructure Sites & Infrastructure - Feedback/Information Archived Boards - All boards closed SMF - Forum

Joomla! Forum - community, help and support - Login

the board requires registered , logged in view forum. username: password: i forgot password resend activation email remember me hide online status session   register in order login must registered. registering takes few moments gives increased capabilities. board administrator may grant additional permissions registered users. before register please ensure familiar our terms of use , related policies. please ensure read forum rules navigate around board. terms of use | privacy policy register Board index

Thread: How to create a LiveCD

i have thread open regarding corrupted grub install, when i'm searching forums, keep seeing reference using livecd fix different things, including corrupted grub. how create livecd? i've searched on create livecd, make livecd. howto livecd etc. , don't see anything. can make livecd system corrupted install? a (ubuntu) live cd regular ubuntu cd, can download here: sure don't download alternate version, 1 not live cd. sure download right version computer, .386 1 pc, maybe 64 bits version. livecd can try using ubuntu, , can use partitioning hard disk(s), , fixing troubles root. , of course can use installing ubuntu ... hope helps. topsiho Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Installation & Upgrades [ubuntu] How to create a LiveCD Ubuntu


ho collegato un sensore (ee-sx1137) secondo lo schema indicato in quest' altro post: su arduino ho caricato il seguente sketch: code: [select] int sensorpin = 8; int value = 0; void setup() {  pinmode(sensorpin, input);  serial.begin(9600);  } void loop() {  value = digitalread(sensorpin);  serial.print(value);  delay(1000);  }   solo che sul serial monitor mi riporta sempre il valore 0. dove sbaglio? grazie in anticipo per le risposte. dal punto di vista del codice non c'e' nessun errore. solo qualche consiglio: 1. invece di    int sensorpin = 8; metti      const byte sensorpin = 8; 2. nella setup()  come prima istruzione metti un delay(1000);      così quando ha finito di caricare lo sketch hai il tempo di aprire il monitor seriale dell'ide  e dovessero esserci problemi con il micro (facend...

Thread: software for anonymous surfing

hi, using tor , privoxy anonymous surfing... have noticed these softwares gud no doubt, making surfing slow... although downloading speed good, yet surfing 100 times slower without them... ideas?? or better softwares?? please help... your proxy servers slow .. software have ( ) nothing surfing speed , response time. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] software for anonymous surfing Ubuntu

Vilken mall passar till denna design? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hej! jag ska bygga en shoppingsajt runt en barnbokskaraktär och funderar på att använda joomla. jag är helt nybörjare på joomla och hoppas att någon kan tipsa mig om vilken template som skulle kunna passa till vår design, vars förstasida jag skickar med. vore toppen om jag kunde få tips på en flexibel template så att jag slipper bygga en egen, vilket känns lite tungt så här början. jag skulle gärna vilja att sajten hade: * en drop-downmeny med en (till två) underkategorier * shoppingvagn med möjlighet att skicka med ett meddelande till sin beställning * produktvisning med möjlighet att välja antal osv. * kortbetalning, förskottsbetalning ev. paypal jag har kollat lite på virtuemart och funderar på om det kunde vara en bra lösning och om funktionen går att koppla till alla templates? har du något tips på passande template till mig så vore jag jättetacksam!! mvh ylva hej och välkommen till forumet! som jag sagt flera andra trådar, (hittar dem inte nu, det här forumet blir bara större o...

"Please either Cancel or Save the current change" on submit meta tags front end - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi there, when goes submit front end  item , tries click on metatags, error: "please either cancel or save current change" you can loggin using password tttxxx username tttxxx at you can try submit something, go try metatag , error pop up.. it in explorer not firefox? idea? thanks, pattaya wrote: hi there, when goes submit front end  item , tries click on metatags, error: "please either cancel or save current change" it in explorer not firefox? idea? thanks, you have multiple issues on site not 1 of them: can submit bith in ie , in ff need dlear cache , browser , tem folders etc in ie......i submitted n ie , no issue. the issues face: * no user menu when login... have no idea logged on * stripped editor version bezirk.i see html/bold not user friendly.... but no issue described .. works leo Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x ...

Thread: USB flash memory size

i have 4gb kingston memory stick (datatraveler). if empty there 3.3 gb available space. right click>properties shows 400 mb used space. normal? using 9.04 if delete file in data traveler within drive , believe moved trash file location within . in might not have been removed. can check if folder similar .trash-1000 present ? , try remove contents , try see disk usage. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [SOLVED] USB flash memory size Ubuntu

Move from UNO to mega 2600

hi all, i have moved boards mega uno. have transferred numbered pins project on identical pins on mega uno , when compile acceleromter sketch hangs , says port in use. have changed board in ide mega. any ideas why this? many thanks check mega pin diagram. of pins different. may mean no more calling pin 14 "a0" or 54 in software. if device i2c bus, may need relocate sda , scl lines. see points indicated in communication section of mega board.  spi bus different, not problem. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Installation & Troubleshooting > Move from UNO to mega 2600 arduino

Consigli e revisione prima di realizzare pcb mega 2650

salve ragazzi tempo fà produssi un pcb e sopo averlo ricevuto postando lo schema mi diceste di alcune "mancanze" importanti come qualche condensatore e cose simili. per non rispetere l'errore vi posto lo schema elettrico fatto con eagle parliamo di un orologio ds1307 e quarzo ds32khz atmega 2650 sensore bmp085 pressione umidità e teperatura dht22 display sure3216  x 2  tre colori spero di aver posizionato componenti correttamente grazie mille daniele dunque in particolare c'è da verificare se è corretta la soluzione per la programazione icsp che prevede una alimentazione selezionabile consigli su dimensioni piste ? disposizione componenti corretta ?? ds1307 alimentato 3,3 volts per consentire il funzionamento sulla stessa linea del sensore bmp085. tal fine due resistenze di pull-up sui sda scl dip swicht per selezione impostazioni esternamente e risconosciute dal software fotoressitenza per regolazione automatica della luminos...

Raspberry Pi connected to monitor displays in low resolution - Raspberry Pi Forums

i have pi connected dvi monitor 1600x900. when connected, pi outputs video @ 640x480. running code: select all tvservice -s command tells me running dvi dmt 640 480 @ 60hz. running code: select all tvservice -m dmt tells me has output available, , running code: select all tvservice -m cea list 2 options, 720p , 1080p, though monitor doesn't support 1080p. additionally, trying dump edid file fails, telling me code: select all nothing written! your monitor not support reading edid. hardware fault, dodgy cable, or cheap monitor doesn't follow standards. can work around this. see . unfortunately 1600x900 not standard (dmt) resolution. may possible custom hdmi mode, without edid there's no clues timings expects. i'd try (in config.txt) hdmi_force_hotplug=1 hdmi_group=2 hdmi_mode=46 if fails have try other values of hdmi_mode link. raspberrypi

Is there I2C interface for 4x40 LCD?

4x40 lcd (hitachi compatible) has different pinout other character lcd (1x8 4x20)  because 4x40 has 2 separate enable line , lcd split funny behave bit interleaved 2x40 lcd can't ghetto in regular i2c connection.  is there few-wires-as-possible solution ala i2c 4x40 or stuck 3 control, 4 data, , 2 enable lines per lcd? (edit can share data across multiple lcd provided enable lines done right) experiment uses i2c other function won't add burden if can still use i2c on lcd. the i2c board lcd can find designed soldered directly onto lcd module , need rewiring or 3rd pcb board between lcd , i2c board deal pin difference, unless makes i2c board compatible 4x40? there plenty of i2c io expanders want.  may have write own lcd library support them though.  1 io expander, use lot mcp23017 has 16 io lines - more enough run whatever lcd might want. Arduino Forum > Using Arduin...

Help with Flex, Blaze and Cairngorm

i using blaze, flex3 , cairngorm, have simple application @ moment, in dispatch cairngorm event, gets picked command executed , delegate can send data remoteobject. can see in output blaze doing supposed , returning supposed return, data returned never makes iresponder result function. doing wrong? can post code if needed. some code , config snippet helpful. btw, how monitoring blazeds output. looking @ blazeds console? try use charles debug proxy see actual network traffic. More discussions in LiveCycle Data Services adobe

Thread: No audio in firefox when skype is running

i sorry if has been addressed before, looked around forums , googled 1 bit couldnt find it. when running skype , firefox @ same time (regardless of whether in call or not) firefox cannot play audio. on youtube, sure problem extends audio on firefox. when close skype , restart firefox problem gone. if matters @ all, used have problem on skype there problem audio playback , wouldnt let me make calls. changed device settings (i selected different device in drop down boxes , seemed work) , problem fixed. wondering if problem apps, config, or wrong laptop using (hp pavillion dv2000) able provide. are using pulseaudio? if not, should (and hope skype still works heh). think skype monopolizes alsa audio. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] No audio in firefox when skype is running Ubuntu

Thread: major firefox problem

i have been using firefox under 9.04 (32 bit) months, no problem. have weird problem. instance, open hotmail > inbox > click email. nothing. no circling dots. @ bottom, read "javascript" started while bidding on ebay. use transmission download torrent files. wonder if got infected. reload 9.04. reformated "/", kept "swap" , "/home" without formatting. same problem. infected , should format entire hard disk? problem solved. had "enable java." no idea how got turned off. @ least didn't intentionally. thanks. strange. glad fixed paker. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [ubuntu] major firefox problem Ubuntu

modulo gsm

buonasera a  tutti, come sempre avrei bisogno del vostro preziosissimo aiuto...avrei intenzione di fare un progetto utilizzando un modulo gsm, visto che lo shield gsm arduino costa 70€ avevo intenzione di trovare qualche soluzione piu' economica, curiosando in rete ho letto che e possibile interfacciare ad arduino altri modelli gsm, non come ma vorrei capirlo...cmq ho trovato questi:  : questi si possono collegare ad arduino? se e si come faccio? se ci sono altre alternative e consigli , li accettero' tutti... grazie mille tutti scusate la mia fretta, ma nessuno puo' aiutarmi? grazie di nuovo Arduino Forum > International > Italiano > Hardware (Moderator: leo72) > modulo gsm arduino

Thread: Problem with ubuntu 9.04 and firefox 3.0.13

hi all. have problem firefox after update 9.04. navigation bar seems bugged: can write address on , go site, doesn't update address whenever click on link, nor can use back, forward, stop , reload buttons inactive. main menus (file, edit, view, etc) becomes gray. had couple of addons (downthemall , adblock plus) , removed them check if causing problem. tried uninstall , reinstall again, trying install both "firefox-3.0" or "firefox" packages. nothing changed. using compiz , nvidia 1.80 display drivers, if can interesting solution, compiz disabled can't use bar properly. , suggestions welcome all see: bookmarks menu doesn't work either (i can't see bookmark nor add new ones) posted mastrolindo hi all. have problem firefox after update 9.04. navigation bar seems bugged: can write address on , go site...


i new as3 , used actionscript in preloading in actionscript 3 - learn cleanest, reliable method of preloading actionscript 3 movies to created preloader. how make preloader invisible once content loaded? also, how apply preloader movie clip button? movie load once enter mc clicked. forget it. fixed it. More discussions in Adobe Animate CC - General adobe

Nano communication and programming

i unable communicate or program arduino nano 328p. can program other boards such uno , mega adk. using 1.0.5, have tried 1.0.4. sketches compiles, gets stuck on uploading portion. tx led lights up, rx led not flicker. i have updated com port drivers provided in 1.0.5 download. i had buddy program nano send data @ 9600 baud rate. connected computer nano , turned on serial monitor; fills blank characters. downloaded bray terminal (a simple serial port terminal emulation program) , discovered computer receives null characters nano. bray receives correct characters uno , mega boards. i have had problem since updating windows 8. quote i have had problem since updating windows 8. well, there's problem. windows 8 not update anything. it's os dummies. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > Nano communication ...

Flash media Encoder can't set FPS

hi friends, i have setup live streaming using flash media encoder. had sony dv deck connected 4 pin firewire port .flash media encoder detects device as"microsoft dv , vcr " .it works fine... had problem wit framerate. can't adjust framerate. shows 25.. please me adjust it, net slow stream video. pls me find solution regards i having same issue except canon camera , @ 29.97. anyone figure out? More discussions in Adobe Media Server adobe

[no need to read]Problems with servo's and hardware Serial

hi all i'm quite new forum, hope proper place put up:) as title suggests: i'm having problems serial connection when include servo library. i'm working on c# library communicating arduino ( made library arduino). simple protocol data transfer between them. so here' s deal: i've set  so have packet looks this "id" 1 byte -> deciding kind of packet i'm recieving/sending; "package size" 1 byte -> determing when have received entire package "payload" its working charm until include servo library. the arduino sends package (o represents ok byte while x represents random zero) oxoxoxoxoxox 6 byte package. while incoming bytes fine. any appreciated thanks:) we have know more. which arduino board using ? do connect servo motor board ? how ? could upload sketch between code tags ? (use '#'-button above text input field). does library/sketch declare array of hundreds of bytes ? does lib...

Using IF with smoothing code.

i have question regarding following smoothing code downloaded site , works fine: question: how can use code: int; if (userinput=='1' ) functionality: 1) user types "1" 2) loop runs 10 times, averaging out values @ a0 3) serial prints average of 10 measured values 4) stops until user types in "1" again. many help! kind regards, hanss zurich /*   smoothing   reads repeatedly analog input, calculating running average   , printing computer.  keeps ten readings in array ,   continually averages them.     circuit:     * analog sensor (potentiometer do) attached analog input 0   created 22 april 2007   david a. mellis  <>   modified 9 apr 2012   tom igoe     example code in public domain. */ // define number of samples keep track of.  higher number, // more readings smoothed,...

Como instalar um sensor no arduino? How to install a sensor in arduino?

hello everybody. have alarm sensor pir paradox pa-476. sensor has following ports: -12 | +12 | relay | relay | tamper | tamper and want connect arduino, not know how , not know kind of output signal gives. me please, explain me how connect it. closed type. olá pessoal. bom eu tenho um sensor de alarme pir paradox pa-476. este sensor possui seguinte portas:  -12 | +12 | relay | relay | tamper | tamper        e eu quero conectá-lo um arduino, mas eu não sei como fazer isso e também não sei que tipo de sinal de saída ele dá. me ajudem por favor, me expliquem como conectá-lo. ele é tipo normalmente fechado. the pir makes 1 of alarm lines high [ 12volt ]. need convert 5volt means of voltage divider. 2 resistors in series ration of approx. 7 5  - e.g. 4.7kohm , 6.9 kohm   (4.7 , 2.2 in series) . alarm --[6.9]---x---[4.7]---gnd the arduino ~5volt @ x  (you need connect grounds of sensor , arduino. ...

Arduino e 3 led IR

ciao tutti  sto usando la libreria irremote ma si può controllare solo un led ir sul pin 3 (o sul  9 cambiando impostazioni), visto che devo controllare più led (non contemporaneamente) ho fatto questo schema: il stn2222 e il led (trasparente) l'ho recuperati da un telecomando. 2 led li ho  presi da un altro telecomando (colore violaceo) i c536n e il a608n li ho presi dalla scheda di una stampante. penso sia tutto giusto ma vorrei una conferma prima di bruciare qualcosa  mi sono appena accorto che usando un pnp sul pin 3 avrei il segnale al contrario  Arduino Forum > International > Italiano > Hardware (Moderator: leo72) > Arduino e 3 led IR arduino

student here

student here creating project school. using series of cast members when places on stage represent face. want make lips move speech in sound channel. any suggestions??? use flash & add-on or render frames video edit in video package. More discussions in Director Lingo adobe

Power supply for relay

i have project involving relay, pir sensor, , ac fan. works intended ugly, ugly, 2 wall warts, 1 supplying arduino, relay, , wire fan, coming power strip. single wire ac outlet box more elegant.  assume arduino , relay can't supplied single wart via transistor, or in case, tip120?  mains power accessed single terminal inside project box 2 warts? ignorant question, coming wall gives me willies! you have not said voltages , currents using. i can guess relay requires more 5 v and/or more 30 ma.  perhaps should different relay. if relay used 5v , <30 ma can run directly arduino pin without separate power supply or transistor driver.  if uses 5v , >30 ma (up 400 ma) can drive arduino transistor. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Motors, Mechanics, and Power (Moderator: fabioc84) > Power supply for relay ...

Pressure sensor for linear actuator

hypothetical scenario, illustrate design parameters: ------ say wanted make steak cooking appliance. @ point in cooking process, want measure how steak cooked. way want implement steak cooking state check prodding steak (probably form of linear actuator), , measuring "hardness" or "squishiness" of steak. "harder" or "firmer" steak, more "well done" or cooked is. "squishier" is, more rare or raw is. now linear actuator can tell me how far actuator has moved via normal feedback mechanisms. i not want sensor @ end of linear actuator between steak , actuator, fat, heat, food scraps, etc, can impact sensor , render unhygenic, etc. so "squishiness" sensor needs implemented other way / location. ------ as said, hypothetical scenario, purely setting parameters of design. assuming linear actuator not stall, , has limit switch or similar prevent prodding far steak, , assuming knows surface of steak is. i guessing cal...

Thread: Quick Question to long time Ubuntu users

hi, have been using ubuntu while now, , since have upgraded few times. since last upgrade little buggy, though when karmic comes out, i'm gonna fresh install. plan do, , here need confirm i'll doing ok, go in livecd or usb, format ubuntu partition, , install karmic on that. that's how guess os in uninstalled, please tell me if i'm wrong. can't figure out if grub take care of itself, or if i'll need it. dual booting vista , jaunty. 1 other thing, should format partition ext4, or should stik ext3? you don't need partitions beforehand. run karmic installer, , can format partitions in it. grub should automatically recognize xp installation, did first time installed. ext3 vs. ext4, can't anything. stick ext3, since don't see reason move ext4. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Installation & ...

TI-84 Plus <-> Arduino

hallo alle zusammen, ich benötige mal wieder etwas hilfe von euch ! und zwar bin ich durch ein thema auf den gedanken gekommen, ob ich nicht auch meinen taschenrechner mit dem arduino verbinden könnte. und zwar handelt es sich um den ti-84 plus. nach ein wenig suchen bin ich auch schon auf eine lösung gestoßen , nur wurde dort das programm nicht in c/c++ geschrieben und da ich mich mit assembler (wenn ich mich nicht täusche handelt es sich darum) noch nicht wirklich auskenne, habe ich da meine probleme die wichtigen dinge da raus zu „filtern". von daher meine frage euch: hat hier jemand eine idee bzw. hat es  schon mal jemand umgesetzt, dass der arduino mit dem taschenrechner über den serial link port kommunizieren kann ?! weil ich jetzt nicht einfach drauf los basteln/programmieren, denn der taschenrechner ist ja nicht allzu günstig. deswegen wären tipps echt super. dabei habe ic...

Tiny Core 2 + ATtiny861

tiny core 2 ready (enough) human consumption.  it's available in usual place...  on source tab, it's under "core2" repository. there support t861, t13, t85, , t84 processors not complete.  expect find bugs , things missing. if have request, please post here.  more requests = higher priority. if have question, please post here. if find bug, please post here. there 2 goals core: smaller , configurable.  to accomplish first goal, there 2 versions every arduino function.  an inline version , normal version.  the inline version used when key parameters constants.  the normal version used otherwise.   pinmode is perfect example.  if 2 parameters constants, pinmode reduces 1 or 2 machine instructions.  if pin is constant, pinmode typically reduces fewer 6 machine instructions. the "variants" feature used configure core.  a file named[font=cour...

Connect more i2c devices to an Arduino

hello, i have purchased several i2c color sensor - grove seeedstudio. i connect more devices same i2c slot. use i2c hub seeed studio: if connect several sensors , try i2c scanner sketch, receive 1 address. can connect more 1 of sensors arduino? how can change i2c address of sensor? hardcoded in sensor? as product query, consult seeedstudio forum Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > Connect more i2c devices to an Arduino arduino

Cannot use Search Function in Forum

every time try use search feature in forums error. here text copied error... the web site accessing has experienced unexpected error. please contact website administrator. the following information meant website developer debugging purposes. error occurred while processing request variable ftvar_resulttype undefined. resources: * enable robust exception information provide greater detail source of errors. in administrator, click debugging & logging > debug output settings, , select robust exception information option. * check coldfusion documentation verify using correct syntax. * search knowledge base find solution problem. browser mozilla/5.0 (windows; u; windows nt 5.1; en-us; rv: gecko/2008120122 firefox/3.0.5 remote address referrer 3013&cftoken=8b0c8ce20af4f68e-fa72514b-a425-665b-d9a1d0bcd285b82f&jsessionid=4830953c596ca 4972cec3965311...

Application flashes green when opens.

the default background color flex app. #869ca7 after change flickers color before flex application loads. assuming needs changed in html-template not finding set? know? thanks. hi john, to solid background color: set backgroundcolor="#ffffff" (white), , backgroundalpha="0". (setting backgroundalpha="0" avoids fading effect) or set backgroundcolor="#ffffff" (white), , backgroundgradientcolors="[#ffffff,#ffffff]". More discussions in Flex (Read Only) adobe

Set RTC with NTP using ENC28J60?

anyone know of code set rtc (ds1307) using ntp via enc28j60 chip preferable using ethercard library?   finding combination out there not 3 of them.  just getting arduino easy.   can work little bit of code @ point not complex stuff.   learning examples @ stage.  using unor3 if matters. why want ? why not use ntp , adjust time setting there ? do need sub-second accuracy ? if not run ntp update every minute or , good. craig Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Networking, Protocols, and Devices (Moderator: fabioc84) > Set RTC with NTP using ENC28J60? arduino

ajudem por favor

comprei um arduino uno, usei ele de boa para o primeiro programa, mas não sei o que aconteceu que ele parou de conectar no pc, eu ligo ele na usb ele só acende nao faz mas nada o pc n da nem sinal dele, já teste outro atmega328 e continua igual, me ajudem ae não sei oq pode ser, agr só da pra usar ele com programação que deixei, estava usando um modulo bluetooth o módulo bluetooth ainda está ligado ao arduino? Arduino Forum > International > Portugues > ajudem por favor arduino

Ajuda em Char to String

olá, peço desculpa pela pergunta mas existe alguma forma de converter uma variável char em string? eu tenho um array com vários carateres e queria usar alguns de umas posições para os converter de hex para dec o que queria fazer era algo como isto: temphex=hextodec(bufin[9]+bufin[10]); usar função hextodec para converter uma string (que tem código hexadecimal) num número dec. o meu problema:   error: invalid conversion 'unsigned int' 'const char*' podem ajudar-me juntar os dois carateres '5' + 'a' numa única string sem que dê o erro qdo os tento depois converter, o meu objectivo é ter como resultado '90' (o código hextodec está correcto o problema é mesmo o tipo de variável que estou usar e juntar os caracteres). exemplo que estou fazer: code: [select]   char bufin[12];   string temphex;   void setup(){ bufin[9]= '5'; bufin[10]='a'; [b]temphex=hextodec(bufin[9]+bufin[10]);[/b] } void ...