
Showing posts from March, 2014

Thread: right-click menu

hey there... i'm running xubumtu 9.04 , installed compiz , emerald. works fine, except if right-click on desktop, menu includes "change desktop background". if click on that, brings gnome desktop manager , messes bunch things, including mouse buttons ( have buttons set left-handed, switched right-handed. ). if click settings, desktop, xfce desktop manager , all's well. ok, know simple solution... "don't click on that!", what's correct solution here? shouldn't there xfce right-click menu? in advance. binary-g it sounds may running nautilus in background. use ps or processes tab in system monitor figure out whether or not case. if i'm correct , _are_ running nautilus, we'll have figure out what's starting it. culprit startup file in ~/.config/autostart/ directory. next session manager. both of these can checked 'settings -> session , sta...

help with script. - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi all, using script take data currentcost envir monitor , upload iy xively. works without error not way want. keeps running continuously uploading every few seconds, want run once can set con job , set interval way. not sure sets looping. interval used in kwh calculation can't see interval set, running once muck calculation up? code: select all #!/usr/bin/env python import serial import xml.etree.elementtree et import sys import requests import json import time import syslog feed_id = 'feed_id' api_key = 'api_key_with_update_rights_for_your_feed' url = '' + feed_id + '.json' def read_currentcost(): syslog.syslog("reading data currentcost") print "reading currentcost" sensor = none watts = none temp = none while watts == none: try: line = ser.readline() tree = et.xml(line) watts = int(tree.findtext("ch1/watts")) sensor = tree.findtext...

Thread: rythmbox deleting the library and redoing it

once switch on comp, rythmbox starts emptying library , redoes whole thing takes few minutes, started having problem wen re-did linux installation.. there solution?? please help... rhythmbox did same me seemed fix itself. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [SOLVED] rythmbox deleting the library and redoing it Ubuntu

Understanding effect of clock speed on time functions

hello, i playing attiny85 , found intresting can't understand. up till though delay(1000) means 1 second of delay if clock speed set 16 mhz , 2 seconds if speed set 8 mhz (because procesor runs half time slower). correct? millis() if clock set 8 mhz? how counted? first set attiny85 8 mhz internal clock , use delay(500) blink test, led didn't blink in 1 second interval, more 3 seconds interval. set internal clock 1 mhz , use delay(1000).. blinking interval correct, 1 second delay. happy works how possible? why so? in boards.txt there line clock speed set. i think if have set match hardware, delay(1000); result in 1 second delay. you have check , fuse settings when making tests this. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Microcontrollers > Understanding effect of clock speed on time functions arduino

arduino voedings vraagje

alvorens m'n vraag af te vuren: ik ben een complete arduino noob, al heel wat gelezen maar weinig praktijk achter de kiezen (nog aan het wachten op onderdelen). maar wat er beter dan arduino om de nobele techniek der electronica te leren? ik zou een tweetal (analoge) rgb strips op een arduino uno r3 willen aansluiten, om een zonsopgang/ondergang te maken voor m'n aquarium. hiervoor heb ik liggen: arduino uno r3 2*1 meter ledstrips rgb 5050 60leds/meter: 1 fet shield: een 12v 5a voeding een hoop kabeltjes  ik heb gekozen voor een fet shield omdat m'n soldeer technieken zich beperken tot het verbinden van kabeltjes, en voor het geld moet je het niet laten... nu zou ik slechts 1 voeding willen gebruiken, zowel voor de shield als voor de arduino: de connector van de voeding er af strippen en het fet shield mbv. de sc...

Solar Powered Raspberry PI + Modem, What do i need? - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello guys im thinking of taking home network of grid, ive read in here in order power raspberrypi solar need 10w 12vdc panel lead acid battery of 45amp/hour, correct , if so... need add run of modem , router system? have add watts of them? 15.1 + 6 + 5 + 15 = 41.1watts , 40w panel? ========================= modem brand: cisco model: dpc3925 power consumption operational: 15.1 watts wifi router brand: linksys model: e1200 power consumption operational: 6 watts (0.5amp * 12voltsdc) raspberry pi model b power consumptions operational: 5 watts (1amp * 5voltsdc) powered usb power consumption operational: 15watts (3amp * 5voltsdc) when dealing solar power need start thinking in watt hours. panel size , battery size depend on live. take example: live in location average number of watt hours per m2 per day (reaching solar panel tilted @ correct fixed angle towards south) 5000. 1 such location central california. 250w solar panel. has surface area of 1.6 m2 , panel ...

A 3D printed case for your Raspberry Pi? - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi everyone, take @ case designed raspberry pi : ... i-case-718 has been 3d printed using abs plastic. can printed @ home (free download of design) 1 have 3d printer can order trying develop more accessories/spare parts raspberry pi using 3d printing. not hesitate comment , give suggestions ! ! that's nice looking case raspberrypi

Scanning Piano Keyboard Matrix Questions

hi new forum member here! =) i have old , broken 61-keys yamaha (psr-300) keyboard. planning revive keyboard , use serial midi controller. separated circuits leaving actual key "board" matrix has 12 rows (select) , 11 columns (data). planned know keys pressed use serial-to-parallel shift registers scan 12 rows (by "interrogating" each rows) , detect resulting data of 11 columns using parallel-to-serial shift registers. each key, has 2 switches determine velocity that's why 12x11 matrix instead of 11x6 (or whatever xd). i have untested code (with velocity functionality in mind) , can't test because i'm waiting myself have effort buy (no near electronics store in our place) shift registers. do think arduino can detect of keys in time, no sweat? have suggestions, comments? also, is worth effort add note off velocity? oh sorry poor grammar. not native language. happy if correct grammar mistakes. =) this sounds fun project!...

Thread: amarok 1.4 crash on start up

this started yesterday. when open amarok, freezes system instantly. started via terminal , spat out @ me: code: dougie@dougiesleanmachine:~$ amarok amarok: [loader] starting amarokapp.. amarok: [loader] don't run gdb, valgrind, etc. against binary! use amarokapp. amarok: [loader] amarokapp crashed! dougie@dougiesleanmachine:~$ any idea happening? hi, have same problem amarok 1.4 since today, after updating system (lucid). tried remove , reinstall amarok scratch several times, no effect. know how fix this? lot in advance help. in case can help: message when run amarok terminal amarok: [loader] starting amarokapp.. amarok: [loader] don't run gdb, valgrind, etc. against binary! use amarokapp. kbuildsycoca running... dcop cleaning dead connections. qlayout "unnamed" added qvbox "unnamed", has layout qlayout: adding ktoolbar/maintoolbar (child of qvbox/unnamed) layout ...

keypad sleep

good afternoon, i'm learning use sleep modes in arduino, have problem can not solve. i have arduino, lcd shift register, , keypad. click on various number , when click on arduino 3 goes sleep. the problem when wake arduino deletes message screen, keypad not work. click on numbers not appear on screen. i wonder i'm doing wrong? quote #include <shiftlcd.h> #include <keypad.h> #include <avr/power.h> #include <avr/sleep.h> int wakepin = 2; shiftlcd lcd(19, 17, 18); const byte rows = 4; //four rows const byte cols = 4; //three columns char keys[rows][cols] = {   {'d','#','0','*'},   {'c','9','8','7'},   {'b','6','5','4'},   {'a','3','2','1'}, }; byte rowpins[rows] = {8, 7, 6, 5}; //connect row pinouts of keypad byte colpins[cols] = {12, 11, 10, 9}; //connect column pinout...

Thread: can I shutdown my desktop from my laptop?

can send shutdown command laptop desktop? both machines on same lan. @ moment use on desktop shut down @ 2am in case forget: code: sudo shutdown -h -p 02:00 is there similar command use shutdown desktop laptop? one option login desktop via ssh , issue shutdown command. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] can I shutdown my desktop from my laptop? Ubuntu

FTP client con GSM Shield

ciao tutti, ho appena acquistato un gsm shield( il mio obbiettivo è riuscire usare la gsm shield per connettermi ad un mio server ftp e uploadare dei file di log. usando arduino ethernet tutto bene( invece con la gsm shield ho un grosso problema: code: [select] /*    ftp passive client ide v1.0.1 , w5100/w5200    posted october 2012 surfertim */ #include <memoryfree.h> #include <sd.h> #include <spi.h> #include <gsm.h> // comment out next line write sd ftp server #define ftpwrite // pin number #define pinnumber "" // apn data #define gprs_apn       "" // replace gprs apn #define gprs_login     ""    // replace gprs login #define gprs_password  "" // replace gprs password // initialize library instance gprs gprs; gsm gsmaccess; gsmclient client; g...

Problems with Movie Clips

hi there, i'm new flash please gentle! i'm working on interactive educational activity in user must balance mathemtical expressions. score points each success, , have time limit well. therefore have done timer , score , level selectors separate movie clips. the trouble each movie clip includes static text elements reason not display when run movie. have no idea why is. clues? animations run , controllable wish, text on them not display. similarly have other movie clips become draggable icons. text in these movie clips in verdana font display unless icons become rotated in case again movie clips appears without text. this new me maybe can show me i've gone wrong. to save time, maybe answer few questions first: what version of flash using? do have specific font requirements project? are using dynamic text fields, or static? do have flash movie posted somewhere can @ it? thanks, albee More discussions in Adobe Animate CC - General adobe

Arduino uno +rn42+android

ciao tutti sono nuovo del forum. sto progettando una scuola per macchinina radiocomandata con arduino tramite android e il problema che il cellulare non comunica con arduino qualcuno mi può aiutare??  =( questo è il programma: code: [select] #include <softwareserial.h> softwareserial myserial(0, 1); int forwardreverse = 10;    // pin 10 - forward int leftright = 11;      // pin 11 - left int frenable = 5;      // pin 5 - vai (forward/reverse) int lrenable = 6;       // pin 6 - vai (left/right) char val;  // variabile riceve dati tramite porta seriale void setup() {  // inizzializzazione dei pin digitali come uscite    pinmode(forwardreverse, output);  pinmode(leftright, output);  pinmode(frenable, output);  pinmode(lrenable, output);    myserial.begin(115200);    // avviare la comunicazione seriale 9600bps } // fordward action +++++++vai avanti o in...

Raspberry PI Starter kit - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi have been using audrino electronic projects . after looking raspberry pi quite interested in , project on raspberry pi . can 1 answer following question . (1) best model can buy start raspberry , looking buy complete set (including power , software ,etc) . have complete kit , can start playing it. there place online can ship whole kit. (2) if have windows 8 on laptop can download software raspberry development. (3) kind programming can on c++ , or other language. (4) support embedded programming , language used. regards arpit_vavadia wrote: (1) best model can buy start raspberry , looking buy complete set (including power , software ,etc) . have complete kit , can start playing it. there place online can ship whole kit. ... tarter-kit other distributors sell complete "starter kits" suspect it'll take while them start selling kits newly-announced model b+. (2) if have windows 8 on laptop can download software ...

Hair ripping meltdown

have upgraded cs3 dreamweaver 4 (yes, of still living in dark ages) , switched development of project cs3. i using topstyle pro external stylesheets , had been using sothink application make horizontal menu drop downs. project ready go live , discovered spry menus looked easier use , create , looked better. so far good. the menu looked needed tweaked thought morning what had been wonderfully crafted webpages have been reduced collection of random blocks justified left. code view , design view both fine yet when try view using firefox 3 or ie7 seem formatting has dropped out. i have tried import , link sylesheet nothing seems work. anyone got ideas? solution (and hopefully) quite simple , 1 of nice people may have answer. suggestion: forego cute subject line , try more descriptive of problem next time. > had been using sothink application make horizontal menu drop > downs sothink sostink in book. approach poor number of reasons. > got ideas? solution (and hopefully...

flash swf componrnt button color changing by flex script

i have swf button created in flash used in flex. button has got arrow black, have change color of arrow dynamically. know flex little bit dont know flash. i have source - fla - file of swf too, there button symbol - arrow - in library, dont know how access symbol flex , change properties. thanks in advance. i solved myself. More discussions in Flex (Read Only) adobe

EmbedFonts with multilanguage

hi, i'm french, sorry bad language... i use font in library , : //------------------------------------------------------- var fontclass:class = getdefinitionbyname( myfont) class; font.registerfont( fontclass ); //------------------------------------------------------- then //------------------------------------------------------- var font:font = new fontclass() var tf:textformat = new textformat() tf.font = font.fontname //------------------------------------------------------- i use arial in libray can't see russian text exemple, -> "test проверка" with fontembeds = false see entire text fontembeds = true see "test" how can ? salut ! je viens de voir ton message. tu résolu ton problème, car j'ai exactement le même en ce moment !!! merci à toi. More discussions in ActionScript 3 adobe

Manually set HTTPService.request params

hi, i want set parameters of httpservice object manually can have if(x) { httpservice.request.param1 = x; } else { httpservice.request.param2 = x; } httpservice.send(); i cannot seem make work. presume simple not find answer problem googleing. thank you, cosmin object class in flex dynamic, can add whatever new properties @ run time, , send() method takes object parameter request parameters: var params = new object(); if(x) { params.param1 = x; } else { params.param2 = x; } httpservice.send(params) More discussions in Flex (Read Only) adobe

Need Component, Module or Mambot - Not Sure - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi all, can tell me if there component, module or mambot available following: invitation: have list of individuals send invitation out each month.  wanted easy way them respond whether can attend or not, either clicking on link in email , updates on website or providing link webpage can click yes or no. display birthdays: can use display birthdays. as always, thanks! any email newsletter component tracking enable track invitations , replies. some of events components may too. maybe others may have better info you. birthday component simple birthday component , related module. in admin interface can insert people's name , birthdate. module show upcoming birthdays in next x days. ... _component Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

Vraag over code MP3Shield Sparkfun

hallo, voor school heb ik een project gemaakt, het werkt allemaal heel goed, maar volgende week krijg ik een overhoring om te kijken of ik alles snap. nu snap ik wel een gedeelte maar er zijn een aantal dingen waar ik niet uitkom en hopelijk kunnen jullie hulp bieden. mijn eerste vraag gaat on dit stuk code: code: [select] #include <spi.h> #include <sdfat.h> #include <sfemp3shield.h> sdfat sd; sfemp3shield mp3player; void playsong(int song){  serial.begin(9600);  //start shield  sd.begin(sd_sel, spi_half_speed);  mp3player.begin();  mp3player.playtrack(song); } mijn vraag waar sd.begin vandaan komt, dat van de spi zelf. want ik weet dat die een methode heeft met de naam begin. en dan het volgende, sd_sel. waar verwijst dit naar? op github staat dit: "sd.begin(chipselect, sckrate)" wat wordt er bedoeld met chipselect en sckrate (wat de afkorting daarvan). ik snap dat er dan een verbinding wordt opgezet op halve snelheid ...

Pin Mapping

i've been having little trouble trying figure out how code below turns a0 analog input. please help... main part of concern "#define analog0      0x01" thank you! #define analog_port portf                     //   analog #define analog_ddr  ddrf #define analog0      0x01                     //   pin 0 input none of macros have a0 , analogread , or arduino ide.  if want have provide context. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > Pin Mapping arduino

any one here good with jquery

hello, i having close @ code snippet the code can downloaded here photo revealer i want try , manipulate code little , show thumbnail image then when 1 clicks on thumbnail want show youtube movie instead of larger image seen in example, when have changed image for youtube movie on local machine out of alingment, seems not able contain youtube movie. i wondering can tell me how can have youtube movie in there rather big image. i know not easy question grateful same input. regards k i did similar on test page using tooltips script walter zorn. click video player button. walter zorn's tooltips can found here: -- nancy o. alt-web design & publishing More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

Thread: Wall Of Text :)

cool app lets edit stuff else connected: can replace ubuntu whatever , new wall. since posted on eve online forums while ago, page kind of busy editing , may show bit better.. cool! Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Community Discussions The Cafe Wall Of Text :) Ubuntu

Power by USB HUB oddity - Raspberry Pi Forums

so building portable pi, , hopes avoid having have usb micro involved, read powering pi purely usb connections. after doing handy work on model b shrink down size, connected pi simple (though chinese cheapo) 7 port hub works fine if doesn't power pi itself. if supply power via normal meathod or via gpio, pi accepts hub , on no issues. moment let hub's 5v rail, connected 1a source @ moment (a psp charger testing purposes), pi seems pretend hub doesn't exist. on non-modified pi, getting these results , after testing hub had lying around, i've noticed yet again same issue. wondering if has had similar issue , maybe solution oddity. added usb ports (for flash drives, wifi, bluetooth, etc), keep wiring minimum if possible. edit: more specific, pi boots fine. doesn't want act hub plugged in. pi getting power though. perhaps won't - sorry if case. before ensemble crashed, tried similar thing new raspi cupid setup using 7-port anker usb3 hub. booted not recognis...


ciao tutti, sono nuovo della robotica, ma mi sto' davvero appassionando. sono entrato in questo forum per esigenze pratiche. mi sono avvicinato al grande mondo arduino per puro caso e per il mio compleanno mi sono comprato lo starter kit è in 3 giorni mi è arrivato. sono molto molto molto soddisfatto  grazie robolife contenti ?? Arduino Forum > International > Italiano > Generale (Moderator: leo72) > Ciao! arduino

Thread: Sync Evolution with BB Storm

i know there howtos out there on completing task unfortunately me noob linux , ubuntu hoping explain me in noob terms how complete task. or more point how install these 3 programs w/o synaptics article needed. please help. in advance. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Sync Evolution with BB Storm Ubuntu

Newbie Banner Problem - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i'm relatively facile joomla, first time have ever tried use banner feature.  1.  uploaded banner old html site - jpg, not show in media manager window.  2.  tried upload fireworks file, show @ least in media manager still not on site live.  banner header appears no banner itself.  everything seems supposed banners.  can me out of quandary?  curtis http://localhost/joomla/templates/rhuk_ ... ii/images/ upload banner in folder name "header_short.jpg" (without quotes) and might ask if want overwrite, yes or overwrite (depends on ftp program). then should show on frontpage. enjoy, ziggy Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Administration - 1.0.x

Library Crashes

hi, im new arduino. can me solve problem? think crashing problem between 2 libraries. thank you. error code: rtc1307\rtclib.cpp.o:(.bss.i+0x0): multiple definition of `i' processing_interrupt.cpp.o:(.bss.i+0x0): first defined here code: [select] #include <avr/io.h> #include <avr/interrupt.h> #include <rtclib.h> that's entire sketch? how use forum Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > Library Crashes arduino

Thread: cant play video/audio on websites.

hello. have been asking in other section of forum no 1 able solve problem. problem cant play videos or audio on websites. trying firefox , opera , both failed. think have installed java, flash , codecs videos wont play. videos , audio playing hd im ubuntu 8.10 interpid user. please help. up Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Multimedia Software [ubuntu] cant play video/audio on websites. Ubuntu

Confused at the function "pulseIn()"

hello everyone, working on rc signal mixed system. , found useful library function: pulsein() i interested @ function's completed, found source code @ arduino-1.0.5/hardware/arduino/cores/arduino/wiring_pulse.c i confused solution returned. code: [select] return clockcyclestomicroseconds(width * 21 + 16); and annotate says:        // loop has been determined    // 20 clock cycles long , have 16 clocks between edge    // , start of loop. there error introduced by    // interrupt handlers. then why width multi 21?? why not 22 or multi 20 , plus constant? how guys work out it? in case, code in assembly make immune compiler changes , count number of cycles. in lieu of coding in assembly, use avr-objdump create assembly listing , count cycles.  use python script wrap avr-objdump (named "" dump sketch)... code: [select] import fnmatch import os import subprocess import str...

What happens when server crash - Raspberry Pi Forums

i want make alarm can control true webpage. webpage been worked on 's not realy problem. gpio have been checked when alarm on. happens when server crasht ? i'm thinking 3 solutions not know need choose security. because system needs work ! - using php on webserver , controlling gpio on way - using c++ program data webpage , control gpio ( not know if still works when server crash ? because rpi still performance or happens ? ) - using external hardware i2c connection , use rpi webpage , controlling i/o happen without rpi. english not hi, gilles951 wrote: i want make alarm went trough message couple of times issue, let me see if understand: - raspi monitoring (external alarm system) gpio pin - raspi running web server you'd monitor alarm system thing, - have concerns raspi crashes, need automatically restore state working one. correct ? approach add small circuit (hardware), isolated as possible monitored raspi. let's call hardware watchdog. setup: ...

Thread: Proxy/Network profile swaper?

hi, iv come ubuntu after bit of brake. see, under system, preferences, network proxy. there location drop down menu top. looks alright in bit of awkward place change often.i wanted ask there network/proxy profile manager (similar of 1 on mac osx) available ubuntu? posted snoopy381 hi, iv come ubuntu after bit of brake. see, under system, preferences, network proxy. there location drop down menu top. looks alright in bit of awkward place change often.i wanted ask there network/proxy profile manager (similar of 1 on mac osx) available ubuntu? i don't know, if fine 1 count me in. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [ubuntu] Proxy/Network profile swaper? Ubuntu

Why does this &quot;Cannot create property text on String&quot; error happen?

i have 3 text boxes(textbox1, textbox2, textbox3) on stage want single message passed onto each text box can't seem work. code below keeps getting error message: "cannot create property text on string." how make "textbox" not string. var textboxes:array = new array(); var winnertext:string = "you won"; var randomnum:number = math.ceil(math.random() * 3); var i:int; var n:int; for (i = 1; <= 3; i++) { textboxes.push("textbox" + i); n = i-1; textboxes[n].text = winnertext; } you need textfield instance. example: textboxes.push(new textfield()); textboxes[n].text = winnertext; More discussions in ActionScript 3 adobe

Before I buy a RPI, I have some questions! - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi everyone, new @ , enthusiastic bying rpi start working on! backround electrical , electronic engineering never have had chance play rpi far! have got basic knowledge on linux , enjoy python before go on buying 1 explanation on accessories coming , model best suitable me! also, please specify compute module develepment kit , if starting point newbie? focus on projects home automation stuff , networking! in advance! you best starting model b. bit limiting, , cm commercial developers. comers bare - board. can buy kits various places come need (e.g. ... tarter-kit ), may have of stuff already, may want purchase need. raspberrypi

What is wrong in my second program? (Solved)

i want read string , more floats sd-card (slsetup.csv) , store values internal eeprom. first wrote program read figures sd-card; functions fine: //=========================================================================== //import parameters sd-card (slsetup.csv), convert them float-variables (and put them in eeprom on board of arduino 2560 mega) void import_parameters(){  int intn=1;  byte asciivalue;  string strbuffer="";  float sngtempvalue;  //open file reading:  myfile ="slsetup.csv");  //read projectname string, n has numberofcharacters +2 (so including cr , lf)  for (intn=1; intn<=13; intn++)      {char in_char =;      int intasciivalue = int(in_char);      strbuffer += in_char;}     serial.print("arduino received: ");  serial.print(strbuffer);  serial.print("\n");   strbuffer = ...

CST-100 Connectors--how to connectorize

with connectors these: how connect wire this? have push in, looks like. need special crimper, or tip on wire? the drawing/datasheet says uses 1375819 crimp terminals.  didn't research the  crimper, proper manufacturer-supplied hand-crimper typically couple hundred dollars!   i've had mixed results generic crimper, , i end-up soldering. after crimping/soldering, yes, push-in terminal.     if need remove terminal housing, think there little tab can push-in x-acto knife or ice pick, etc.   but, of these "molex type" connectors require special removal tool (which not super expensive crimper).    Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > General Electronics > CST-100 Connectors--how to connectorize ...

P1129 Sensore Touch

ciao tutti e grazie in anticipo per l'aiuto sono un niubbo di arduino e dopo aver acquistato il kit starter ho fatto il mio primo acquisto per espandere la mia componentistica... attratto dal sensore e dalle sue potenzialità ora mi trovo litigarci senza grossi risultati... come detto prima sono alle prime armi e per il momento mi accontentavo di sfiorare/toccare il sensore e vedere il mio bel led accendersi... ma niente... mi riporta sempre e solo valori che anche toccando/sfiorando il sensore rimangono costanti... qualcuno ha esperienza di questo prodotto? grazie tutti per l'aiuto ciao davide magari se ci dai un po' più di informazioni ... come lo hai collegato ? quale è il codice con cui effettui le letture ? guglielmo Arduino Forum > International > Italiano > ...

Spry Menu Bar not showing up in Internet Explorer 7

so, after hours of playing css code yesterday , today, got spry navigation bar laid out way display in safari. long time me customize way wanted it, end, turned out fine. then... horror, jumped internet explorer 7, , there no navigation bar seen. i've heard of problems when viewing spry menus in different browsers, never heard of menu not being displayed. any ideas on why occur? can view page i'm working on here . any insights appreciated. thanks! More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe