
Showing posts from April, 2014

Gallery 2 or Coppermine or????????? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

with quite bit of amy have gotten out of starting gate joomla , progressing site. photograhy site , needs gallery. so, looking recommendations gallery. have looked @ , read both gallery 2 , bridge needs , coppermine. believe 1 or other meet needs. however, 1 can set less family photo album , more professional portfolio evades me. also, less problematic in set , maitainance not known tome. so, looking in choosing. or, if uses gallery not either of enjoy hearing 1 not locked in 1 or other. last question whether need install gallery earlier or later in sites initial setup. thanks, fellow joomlers! i use gallery2, have @ site implementation,com_gallery2/itemid,32/?g2_itemid=16 this professional acting site/portfolio wanted looked professional. previously installed , used both gallery2 , coppermine gallery2 has better integration , more modules available. there seems more people working on it. i tried few of others seemed promising small errors occ...

Thread: Python CGI File Upload Question

php has function allows me "move_uploaded_file". python's cgi module uses streamio uploaded files , therefore requires expensive "save" operation. time problem large files take long time read data , write filesystem. however, reason i'm using python because of file size limit imposed hosting provider's php.ini. put, there way speed file saving/moving operation of files uploaded python cgi script? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Specialised Support Development & Programming Programming Talk Python CGI File Upload Question Ubuntu

AP div menu issues

heres link - trying spry menu bar front. any suggestions? thanks in advance guys , gurls no takers? heres link again ... maybe if knew how change z-index value flash image send behind. best ... karl More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

Dating Story Site - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

Image (mod edit: fixed url. ~wrobinson.) using joomla 1.0.10 stable version the template beige versatility ii template rockettheme added in opensef component, using joolmaxplorer awesome addin component this first use of joomla used php nuke , didnt default layouts. i anticipating converting few of other sites joomla. hi there, could please give basic info site?  modules/components used, template, etc , questions or specific area of feedback you're looking for?  thanks  Board index Joomla! Official Sites & Infrastructure Sites & Infrastructure - Feedback/Information Archived Boards - All boards closed 1.0 x Site Showcase - Archived.

Thread: Name of the network manager

hey guys! accidental removed network manager applet menu bar , when go "add panel..." don't know 1 it's. i've tried lot works. custom application launcher have find? thanks best regards ruben network-manager-gnome Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Name of the network manager Ubuntu

Can I set all my content to display on frontpage in one go? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, i've got 70 items of content in joomla site, in various categories. set frontpage off. i want have them set frontpage on, ideally without having click each one. is there shortcut mass setting? i have hacked file new items frontpaged default, needed once! fyi, not can see them on actual frontpage, rss uptodate. know install 3rd party extension i'd rather have joomla manage internally. thanks in advance... jack i've done manually - didn't take long, if knows answer let know of community!? cheers Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Administration - 1.0.x

Thread: MythTV need help fast!!!

okay installed mythtv through syntaphic package manager, , got 1 error saything "i can't remember" thought best way figure out error dealing with, start mythtv , find out. started , told me log out "so did" , restarted computer after loaded mythtv started type of thing telling me put in cofiguration. how says here "data configuration 2/2, use custom identifier frontend preferences" and other said "enable database server wakeup" pick , tell me how set up!!!! please problem!!! sorry don't know please help!! Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [ubuntu] MythTV need help fast!!! Ubuntu

Need Some Help

hi if can assist need figuring out. im working on page menu buttons when clicked slide each page out 1 after other, have set want each page slides out want have dynamic text on pages can scrollable. have set dynamic text pages before reason when try add set doesn't display text. 1 have insight this? sounds bit masking issue. do mask page contains text? if need embed font, or need use scripted, rectangular mask. just guessing though. More discussions in Adobe Animate CC - General adobe

Streaming radiostations?

is there way connet flash movie streaming radiostations? put in site list of radiostations nad visitors choose 1 background music. possible? More discussions in ActionScript 1 and 2 adobe

Changing Raspberry Pi Model Revision - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi, have until been using raspberry pi moel b rev1 board developed system, swap use model b rev2 board such can use mounting holes fix pi new gpio board , in case have had made. before swap pi thought check if can take sd card out of rev1 pi , put in rev2 pi. can this? or if cause problems? in advance, paul you have update firmware ram different 1) make backup 2) sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y 3) see works 4) put in new rpi raspberrypi

ADC calibration and averaging lib?

hello everyone! i'm working on battery analyzer project samples lots of analog data. data passed on various voltage dividers, op-amps, etc stuff, it's virtually impossible predict , match analog values in code, , values differ little different sensor pcb due non-equal components. the thing noticed experimenting trusted data , sampled adc values (in excel), can catch 2 adc values (one @ min signal range, , other @ max signal range), take corresponding analog values, , use simple multiply/shift formula real sensor value raw adc data. accuracy hardware perfect, 0.1% 0.5%. so started ide , coded code acquiring cal data, , routines right math me. i can awesome analog values now, i'm little bored coding corresponding stuff storing cal data in eeprom, catching exceptions (lower-than-low adc, , higher-than-high adc), optimizing code/ram usage, averaging value 1000 adc reads, etc. so reinventing bicycle , missing great arduino library tasks? welcome!...

Re: Which arduino board or starter kit to get?

hi, i connect board , several shields. possible have following connection...?: * board: arduino ethernet rev3 without poe * shields:  can-bus shield (sparkfun), arduino gsm shield (integrated antenna), adafruit ultimate gps logger shield if possible, know pin connection? our project needs data logging electric cars , need: can bus, gsm, ethernet, gps asking same question on again in different part of forum called cross-posting , fast-track banning. don't it. duplicate posts deleted, hijacked topic split. Arduino Forum > General Category > General Discussion (Moderators: mbanzi, DojoDave, mellis) > Re: Which arduino board or starter kit to get? arduino

Oude berichten in Akobook - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

gister ben ik begonnen met joomla! en heb daarbij direct akobook geïnstalleerd. op mijn vorige website had ik al een gastenboek en ik wil graag de berichten die daarin zijn geschreven overnemen in akobook. nu kan ik ze zelf gaan posten, maar dan klopt de datum en de tijd van een bericht niet. ik ben nog een groentje op het gebied van joomla!, databases sql etc.etc. alles deed ik voorheen met css en html. kan iemand me vertellen hoe ik deze oude berichten met de juiste datum en tijd van het bericht kan opnemen in akobook? gr. anja welk gastenboek dat? er vast en zeker een script voor te schrijven. maar niet door mij helaas Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Dutch Forum Joomla! 1.0 Componenten 1.0.x

Problems moving circuit from Arduino Nano to Atmel 328

hello, i had simple circuit working on breadboard arduino nano, using bluetooth module , sd card module. wanted make more permanent, decided switch standalone atmel atmega328p chip. before soldering anything, set on breadboard, , uploaded sketch using arduino isp. discovered there problems using both bluetooth module , sd card reader, , can't seem figure out why. the chip in nano functionally same atmega328p, not? i debugged , tested chip itself, can simple blink sketches working, have tried various pin combinations, double , triple checked wiring, etc. have same sketch running on nano , chip, , moving tx , rx wires chip nano bluetooth module automatically begins sending data! i checked output of tx pin using oscilloscope, , seems sending data correctly, receiving device (a phone) not able read (although can pair bluetooth module). is there kind of incompatibility, or possibly timing or clock frequency mismatch between nano , standalone chip cause chip's output corru...

24x16 LED Audio Visualizer using MSGEQ7

hello friends, i new arduino , learning scratch. did few projects , want concentrate on audio visualizer project. i have seen 1 video on youtube , wanted know how achieve effect. i have build 40led 10 band equalizer without micro-controller circuit has way components , huge. want build using arduino. specially scope effect. i know msgeq7 has 7 freq band, not getting how scope effect on screen. confused how people build visualizer using msgeq7 more 7 band. would appreciate help. thank you, best regards, ns hi john boxall @ tronixstuff wrote this tutorial on how using these arduino relatively simple way of creating spectrum analyser.  scope effect on screen you'd need write code output kind of bargraph representation per frequency , display peaks of that.  part dependent on particular screen, , kind of effect looking create. as far understand frequency bands hard coded on ic (for details : the datash...

Nested drop-downs (3) spontaneously corrupting

i have project done in robohelp x5 worked fine. 1 topic incredibly dense (very complicated procedure) , includes three-layer nested drop-down text area (layer 1 contains several drop-downs, , each of contain well). converted project robohelp 7, seemed convert okay. did spelling/grammar check on printed documentation , discovered topic corrupted. first layer contained *links* second layers, *contents* of second layers had migrated first layer. i rebuilt topic (well, part of it), drilling down third layer. when saved topic fell out main view of topic (as expected). opened drop-down text area first layer and... had corrupted again. has experienced this? suggestions on do? colour me confused :-( thanks! have figured out what's going wrong, post in different topic because it's not, believe, conversion issue. More discussions in RoboHelp adobe

Suite install issue

i have made suite of air apps must installed on same directory @ same time. i thinking in adding exe , swf of each app on same directory , fails start because lacks of meta directory. then tryied copy meta directory fails because app wich meta related runs , others fails. i'm running out of time , need on this. i'm googling web awnsers couldn't find usefull yet. any very good. thanks in advance! akira i don't think supported configuration though oliver goldman able comment more on this. are bypassing air application installer , handling installation yourself? More discussions in Archived Spaces adobe

Dual picamera for driving data collection - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi i've built system of 2 picameras along other hardware , storage collect road data while driving. i've created blog discussing project: . few things need corrected are: 1, there way speed shutter speed alleviate camera motion blur? 2, notice when start collection images, gps (ls20031) attached 1 of them can hang time. , when have system sitting on bench, not in vehicle. idea why might happen? 3, there way images off of pi instead of through ethernet (or hdmi)? thanks... answer 3. : wifi ? ghans raspberrypi

Flex 2 - beta 3: mx.effects.resize

mx.effects.resize works fine when setting both widht , height: var myresize:resize = new resize(targetobject); myresize.widthfrom = targetobject.width; myresize.widthto = targetobject.width+100; myresize.heightfrom = targetobject.height; myresize.heightto = targetobject.height+100; myresize.duration = tweenduration;, false); setting width or height not: var myresize:resize = new resize(targetobject); myresize.heightfrom = targetobject.height; myresize.heightto = targetobject.height+100; myresize.duration = tweenduration;, false); anyone noticed same problem? tried playing different combinations of heightby, widthby no success far.. hello - i know changes went resize effect during beta iii timeframe, possible issue has been fixed. describe bit more in detail seeing when set width or height properties on resize effect (ie: mean does not work fine)? basically in code below, second case show control animating , growing height-wise while keep...

Asyncronous Component Issues

got issue trying create , populate datagrid , print. thing datagrid doesn't render blank patch in print file. so come work around, print preview, whole page has opportunity render before it's printed. problem there's data need print multiple pages. have 3 pages worth of content, try render 3 datagrids each in page template mc, on stage @ same time toggle visibility pending page want view. new issue sends memory through roof attempts render datagrids @ once, flash player displays it's "some code has made flash player run slowly" message. i'm tired of coming work arounds these extremely limited components, i'll consider writing own datagrid render when tell , not crash memory when it's called! but before i'd love hear if other people have come way of getting around above mentioned issue offending component. i've run same thing in different situations datagrids, , i'm getting ready work on of same functionality doing. if need add page...

Arduino Mega: nur 1 von 4 UARTS (Serial 1-4) funktioniert, warum?

hallo, seit ca. 7 stunden wühle ich mich bei google durch, und das internet ist voll von berichten über nicht funktionierende serials des arduino mega. wenn man nur 1 der 4 mit serialx.begin(x) initialisiert, funktioniert alles problemlos. dabei ist es vollkommen egal ob serial1, serial3 usw. aber wenn man einen 2. versucht zu initialisieren, dann bekommt man mit serialx.available() immer ein negatives ergebnis. kennt irgendjemand eine lösung wie man diesen bug umgehen kann? welche "funktionierende" alternative existiert zu dem defekten arduino mega? ps.: mit dem arduino due scheint das selbe problem zu existieren, jedenfalls kann ich nur 1 uart gleichzeitig nutzen. Ärgerlich. da hat man 2 boards mit 4 uarts...  doch sind genauso limitiert wie ein uralter arduino duemilanove mit welchem sketch und welcher hardware/beschaltung hast du das getestet? das wäre mir neu, dass das nicht funktionieren sollte. ...

[QUESTION] Raspberry, sonnette et court-circuit... :) - Raspberry Pi Forums

bonjour, j'ai pour projet de transformer ma vulgaire sonnette de porte (alimentation via 4 piles de 1.5v) en sonnette connectée, notamment grâce à l'utilisation d'une webcam et de motion. coté logiciel pas trop de soucis, mais coté connexion fils/gpio je galère un peu (j'ai cramé un 1er raspberry...). en vue schéma, actuellement c'est ça rien de compliqué:quand le visiteur appuie sur le bouton, ça ferme le circuit et la sonnette sonne. je voudrais, dans un premier temps, remplacer cet interrupteur pour pouvoir faire sonner la sonnette via des lignes de code. ce schéma vous parait-il correct? c'est à peu prés ce que j'avais fait avec mon premier rasp, avant qu'il ne rende l’âme. le truc c'est que j'avais tellement fait les branchements à l'arrache que je ne suis pas sûr que ce sont les 6v envoyés par les piles qui ont cramé ma framboise. d'ailleurs, est ce que ce branchement, en plus de ne pas cramer mon rasp, me permettra de ...

shockwave browser publish waiting for click?

after publish shockwave3d .dcr file, seems take forever activate it. can @ output file here: sample of published file is there i'm doing wrong when exporting? any appreciated. charles loads pretty quick me. ie 6, xp pro sp2, dsl More discussions in Director 3D adobe

PiFace HC-SR04 - Raspberry Pi Forums

i'm trying use hc-sr04 ultrasonic module piface expansion board. i'm newb hardware interfacing, i've been writing software long time. have vcc pin connected 5v output on piface, trig pin connected pin 7 on output, echo pin connected input 0, , grnd connected ground on piface. question have cannot echo pin register other 1. when connect sensor read 1, if nothing other gnd connection connected. ideally i'd send pulse via pin 7 on piface 10 microsecond pulse have corresponding echo trigger 1 on piface requisite amount of time. does pi-face have level shifter? need level shifter echo pin. module output 5v, damage pi input. need drop down 3.3v. may have damaged gpio. test it, disconnect echo pin , use flying lead connect 0v , 3.3v gpio pin. write short program print pin state. raspberrypi

RTC syntax for time functions

hello, i working ds3231 rtc module. made own module , using scl , sda pins, because need accurate clock. configured clock , rtc library without bigger problems can see correctly setted time , date via serial interface. code: [select] void loop () {     datetime =;         serial.print(, dec);     serial.print('/');     serial.print(now.month(), dec);     serial.print('/');     serial.print(now.year(), dec);     serial.print(' ');     serial.print(now.hour(), dec);     serial.print(':');     serial.print(now.minute(), dec);     serial.print(':');     serial.print(now.second(), dec);     serial.println(); now want use other i/o devices don't know how. example, turn led on @ 20h , turn off @ 6h every day. can't find similar tutorials learn how that, because first t...

[ayuda] Proyecto domotica

hola gente del mundo. hasta hace 3 meses que empece con este proyecto y con arduino, y necesito una manita (ayuda). mi idea esta conformada por: *una central la cual esta compuesta por una placa arduino mega, un shield ethernet y un shield xbee con xbee s1. *terminal: una placa arduino uno, un shield xbee con xbee s1 y un modulo rele la cual prendera y apagara por ej. las luces de una habitación. es así, mediante la red, la ethernet recibe las señales y manda por medio de la xbee la terminal. y la terminal realiza la ejecución. si me pueden ayudar con unos tips estaré muy agradecido. desde ya, muchas gracias toda la comunidad! creo que tienes que poner más información para que te puedamos ayudar. que es lo que tienes hecho y que es lo que no te funciona como querías. Arduino Forum > International > Español > Proyectos (Mod...

Controlling home lights with wireless transceiver

so thought of cool project myself work on. i want able turn on , off many lights in home wirelessly single hand held device. i have researched methods , have found there 2 ways know to control wirelessly , that's ir , rf. i've heard of xbee feel project. i have found neat wireless transceiver that's pretty cheap. now here's little lost. have put transceivers inside of light switches. there's 7 lights i'd control. have 1 transceiver in hand held "remote" that communicates each of light switch transceivers individually don't mix each other and turn on @ same time. i guess i'm asking is: is there way have parent transceiver talk children transceivers , sort of pair 1 until it matches id of sort , upon matching light turns on or off? is there better way whole project? i fit parent transceiver inside small container i'm trying keep part small. am going have transceiver connected arduino @ ...

Thread: How to setup Logitech headset with Skype 2.1

hi, have logitech usb headset not work in skype 2.1, worked in non-beta skype. have tried change setting in sound logitech headset.i hear sound through headset , can speak, when start skype, sound comes laptop , not headset. how go fixing this? thank you. hi, have same problem. had working skype 2.0.x without pulseaudio (100%cpu fix), ubuntu 9.04 date, voice going on headset, ringing on speaker. after installation of 2.1 there pulseaudio, , no way select usb headset! can do? need skype business calls overseas , in trouble because update broke call functionality. regards tibor Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Installation & Upgrades [ubuntu] How to setup Logitech headset with Skype 2.1 Ubuntu

Ubuntu yes, raspberry no. Why my controller doen't work? - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi, i'm trying make working tried in ubuntu using: code: select all sudo apt-get install joystick , after code: select all jstest /dev/input/js0 , here works i've done same things raspberry, doen't work! unistalling , reinstalling "joystick". how possibile? perhaps in logs code: select all dmesg on both systems reveal more ? more spesificly comparison of happens ( in logs ) after pluging thing in ubuntu / raspberry ... raspberrypi

Getting Started with Arduino

hi folks, yesterday had never heard of arduino or micro-controller.  see, novice c programmer (teaching myself through book), , told me on forums c , arduino fun way me practice c real world applications.  i'm not sure entails, sounds interesting.  forgive me if in wrong forum section, way, wasn't sure put it.  don't know how c related arduino, intend find out, don't know start.  see on products section of website there lot of arduino's choose from.  there 1 more user friendly others?  saw on introduction section of website arduino's cross platform, mean of them?  (i'm using linux 64 bit).  see there installation guide on getting started section of website, won't worry yet, , assume able find basic example programs somewhere out there try @ first.  if give me tips purchasing right arduino or how might use c programming language, appreciate quote (i'm using linux ...

What? Another upgrade?!

this totally bs! macromedia ripping off people posting new version every 6 months. how expect company uses tool develop application , tool , language change every 6 months!? my application uses flash (as 2.0) perform part of ui. however, have decided stop using flash ui because "open source" people can decompile easily. macromedia doesn't bother solve problem @ all. more importantly, no way train our developers learn 3, or 4, or 5 every 6 months , rewrite whole app again , again. our application involves lot of coding on ui side, silverlight way go. have enough marcomedia, no more upgrade bs! edacc, > totally bs! macromedia ripping off people posting > new version every 6 months. sounds you're frustrated, , can empathize in general ... so, it's important clarify few things here. flash 8 last version of authoring officially released macromedia. prior flash cs3, macromedia acquired adobe, the entity in question here adobe. realize might exaggerat...

How get Wii Nunchuck working? Tried several codes but no one is responding or do

hi guys , girls, i wanna wii nunchuck working @ arudino board. tried several codes tutorials there no working one. got fake chuck , original 1 there no working one. i tried data , clock @ pin 4 , 5.....and tried power @ original power pins , @ pin 2 , 3 in sketch. didnt tried thing pulldown resistors between power pins , data , clock pins. can me? have define data , clock pins? here codes tried: when "pin 2", "pin 3", "pin 4" , "pin 5" mean "pin a2", "pin a3", "pin a4" , "pin a5", right? it worked fine me using demo code , wiichuck library: code: [select] #include <math.h> #include "wire.h" #include "wiichuck.h" #define maxangle 90 #define minangle -90 wiichuck ch...

Frustrated. Want to build an internet radio player. - Raspberry Pi Forums

here's abridged version... want put streaming player can following: - play internet radio streams mp3, aac, etc - controlled through browser - utilize wolfson audio card - easy enough non-techie use long version.... want setup 1 of pis kids use listen streaming radio, i.e., mp3, aac, shoutcast streams. no lms, no media center, no synced playback, internet radio. if pandora well, nice. browser interface controlling perfect. have wolfson audio card want put on too. i'm frustrated because seem should simple. i'm not having luck finding want. right now, i'm using mpd/mpc , loaded couple of stream addresses in. works, cumbersome, , no way view listings of other stations. use pianobar, works great me, cumbersome kids (and wife), volumio seems decent, no native wolfson support without cobbling stuff , seemed bit flaky last tried it. squeezeplug supposed support wolfram, i'm planning on loading onto sd card. not sure go there...any suggestions? google has lot...

Respecto al Cable (adelanto que soy novato)

hola, soy nuevo en esto, tengo muchas ideas en la cabeza, los componentes básicos y quiero empezar trastear. tengo una duda respecto al cable. me compre un kit que trae uno con sus conectores etc, etc. he leido que los suyo es el de 0,22mm, pero tengo acceso cable de 0.14mm y de 0.50mm, ¿podria usarlos? ¿alguna cosa tener en cuenta si uso uno u otro?... sobre todo, ¿peligra algo? como ya dicho, soy novato en arduino y mi electronica esta un poco oxidada. un saludo y gracias por adelantado no hay valores absolutos; todo depende del uso que le vayas dar. por ejemplo, para encender un led te sirve cualquiera ... Arduino Forum > International > Español > Hardware (Moderators: surbyte, Hector_A) > Respecto al Cable (adelanto que soy novato) arduino

How to display and calculate a total in text fields

hi i building risk assessment matrix , need perform simple calculation. 1st. on mouseup event (e.g. danger on scale of 1 5 user clicks box 5 weather) want display score in text field. 2nd when user has clicked of boxes need final total score box either automatically updated or click calculate button , show total score in text fields. any suggestions or examples. thanks in advance. mike ok so first bit easy figure out: on mouseup me member("location").text = "5" end replicate each 'box' (location, weather, equipment, transport, first aid) now how add .text="x" 5 boxes give grand total in box - member("total").text = "y" More discussions in Director Lingo adobe

Thread: [Need Help] I have noise sound on my jaunty

i newbie in ubuntu. @ first, works fine. but, when restart dell latitude d520. sound disappears , noise come. told me need reinstall driver. don't know how. can tell me how fix problem. pleaseeee... up Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Multimedia Software [ubuntu] [Need Help] I have noise sound on my jaunty Ubuntu

Adding a menu

hi guys, i have site monitors , handles asset tracking. have created menu on page (an htm page) has drop downs etc. have menu assigned everypage in site, have 1 page can make changes menu (obviously menu.htm page). is there anyway can done. if not can point me direction solve sort of problem. many in advance. read dw's f1 "server-side includes". -- murray --- icq 71997575 adobe community expert (if *must* email me, don't laugh when so!) ================== - template triage! - dw faqs, tutorials & resources - dw faqs, tutorials & resources - macromedia (mm) technotes ================== "yogurt112" <> wrote in message news:e5h6d1$rqe$ > hi guys, > > have site monitors , handles asset tracking. have > created > menu on page (an h...

Conceptual question about Arduino's loop() "speed" in relation to Serial.print

is there relation between output serial port on arduino , time "spend" in each runloop? i mean, if had this: code: [select] void loop () {     // whole bunch of serial.print() , serial.println() } 1) loop slow down depending on amount of data outputted serial port? 2) can measure speed running at? these questions arise project idea had blink laser @ high frequency photoresistor not "blinks" , miss few. based on serial.print() output don't know actual run loops printed out or if skipped. or maybe other problem entirely questions still remain in head. thanks! quote from: ardilla on jun 25, 2013, 07:15 am 1) loop slow down depending on amount of data outputted serial port? of course. quote 2) can measure speed running at? yes... code: [select] void loop( void ) {   static unsigned long previous;   unsigned long now;   unsigned long delta;   = micros();   delta = - previous;   previous = now; ...

Issues with runnning TEA5767 and nixies at same time

hi guys! just have brief overview of project, i'm making retro-style radio using tea5767 fm radio chip connected arduino via i2c. using arduinix shield power 4 in-17 nixie tubes. right now, arduino running program uses nixie tubes display time. i'll able use nixie tubes display station tea5767 tuned to. each part (the radio , nixie tubes) works fine itself, when combine 2 codes, nixie tubes flash on , off rapidly, , radio chip no longer tunes properly. i used code fm radio chip: the original code driving nixie tubes can found here: and finally, combined code: code: [select] // fading transitions sketch 4-tube board default connections. // based on 6-tube sketch emblazed // 4-tube-itized dave b. 16 june 2011 // shows minutes , seconds only // sn74141 : truth table //d c b # //l,l,l,l 0 //l,l,l,h 1 //l,l,h,l 2 //l,l,h...

Newbie Needs Help - trying to learn AS3

hey everyone, please forgive ignorance, i'm having trouble getting somethings work. i've done work actionscript 2.0 in flash, , taking steps learn actionscript 3.0 flex. one exercise i've been working on book , online tutorial works when placed in timeline on flash ide, i'm having trouble in flex either importing/referencing .as file or having in body of mxml file. here code: ------------on flash timeline _------------------------------------------------ // create line 100,200 150,250,0x000000);,200);,250); // create curve , line,300,250,250);,200); // draw 2 rectangles,50,300,250);,40,320,270,25,25); // circle , ellipse,100,20);,150,40,70); // draw filled circle;

[Risolto]EE-SX1137 photomicrosensor

ho "operato" una vecchia stampante da cui ho estratto questa fotocellula: ee_sx1137  di cui allego il datasheet:$file/d21eesx11370305.pdf ora da questo sensore escono 3 fili (a = filo_1, k-e = filo_2, c = filo_3) come dovrei collegarli ad arduino? a ad un pin arduino con una r k-e al - c qualcosa, dipende da che ci devi fare oppure a al + con una r k-e al - c ad arduino Arduino Forum > International > Italiano > Hardware (Moderator: leo72) > [Risolto]EE-SX1137 photomicrosensor arduino

Thread: usb voip dock with wireless phone - Linux compatible

usb voip dock wireless phone - linux compatible wireless voip phone, linux compatible out of box, have recommendations? bump - have usb phone works out of box in ubuntu? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [all variants] usb voip dock with wireless phone - Linux compatible Ubuntu

Thread: Ubuntu Install has altered my bios!!!

is possible? have installed ubuntu studio on main studio computer intending run past pro hardware. has taken while set , still having problems drivers hardware happy work through these bit bit. main problem have have machine dual booting quite happily xp pro somehow bios has been altered , not sure how rectify settings have changed no longer options. have had freezing in xp , uncharacteristic cpu overload spikes when running cubasesx3. diagnostics have shown appear overclocking ram cause of freezes. jumped bios check settings - not have overclocked choice - , guess - settings clock speeds, fsb etc have gone! not showing settings are. has happened since ubuntu installation despite re-flashing bios still have no access or info on systems fsb, cpu clock speed, video aperture etc, seems whole page has disappeared , bios slim set of options whereas before quite comprehensive. has ever come across before?? system info: acer aspire 9424 1.8ghz dual core ...

[FLMX] utilizo esta programaci�n pero no la entiendo...

buenas, he utilizado esta programaci�n varias veces sobre un movieclip para hacer que aparezca con aceleraci�n, pero no la entiendo... bueno, lo que no entiendo es la diferencia entre las propiedades _y, _targety y _ypos. _y es la posici�n actual del movieclip, �pero las otras dos? mirado en la ayuda de flash pero me da error y no encuentra nada... quiz�s es una pregunta est�pida, pero ya llevo rato d�ndole vueltas. onclipevent (load) { t = 0; this._x = 0; this._y = -10; this.accel = .3; this.convert = .2; this.targetx = 0; this.targety = -14; } onclipevent (enterframe) { t = t+1; this.xpos = this.xpos*this.accel+(this.targetx-this._x)*this.convert; this._x += this.xpos; this.ypos = this.ypos*this.accel+(this.targety-this._y)*this.convert; this._y += this.ypos; trace ("la t: " + t); trace ("la y: " + this._y); trace ("la ypos: " + this.ypos); trace ("el targety: " + this.targety); if ((t>15) && (t<17)) { thi...

Dreamweaver / Fireworks 4 Linux

with ubuntu getting more , more polished every release, getting tempting swtich on virus / spyware ridden windows. the following browsers can installed on ubuntu 1. firefox 2. opera 3. ies4linux ( 4. konqueror (test safari) how many of shift linux if adobe allowed us, 1 time license shift windows linux on sat, 27 may 2006 18:59:27 +0000 (utc), "dream___weaver" <> wrote: > how many of shift linux if adobe allowed us, 1 time license >shift windows linux not me. gary More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

Opening HTML

how make cast member open .html file on disk. have photo gallery done in .html format. can't figure out put in script photo gallery directory , open index.html hi there, lets said index.html in folder name "web", u may try following: ============================================== on mouseup set = moviepath & "web\index.html" gotonetpage a, "_blank" end mouseup ============================================== wish may help. luck. athena in article e4sir1$sma$, blackram @ wrote on 5/22/06 10:45 pm: > how make cast member open .html file on disk. > have > photo gallery done in .html format. can't figure out > put in script photo gallery directory , open > index.html > More discussions in Director Basics adobe

Thread: Please help me troubleshoot jittering sound.

hi. i'm trying locate error. see, can play sound in perfect quality following players: vlc, flash in firefox, mpg123. other players seem fail. make terrible jittering og glitches or whatever it's called. includes: banshee, rhythmbox, miro, quod libet , totem. question is: difference between these apps in how sound produces and/or wired? suspect answer question bring me closer problem , great in troubleshooting. if interested i'm on ubuntu 9.04, 2.6.28-15. have rme hdsp 9632 sound card (which kind of tricky). uninstalled pulseaudio (because doesn't work sound card). problem started after tried install pulseaudio 0.9.15 ('cause work), , removed it. well, can of later. if answer question difference between apps have described working , ones not working, interested. way. here's alsa-info url: let me start myself. right in suspect...

Arduino Ethernet Shield Help

hi, ordered hanrun arduino ethernet shield, , cannot work :/ have connected properly, checked ip addresses, , spent hours trying trouble shoot. when put arduinos ip web browser, comes message "oops! google chrome not connect". please help. -ericd is w5100 ethernet shield? link device might help. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Networking, Protocols, and Devices (Moderator: fabioc84) > Arduino Ethernet Shield Help arduino

how to create a persistent USB serial connection between raspberry pi & arduino?

i have raspberry pi connected via usb arduino.  can build , upload pi using inotool.  i want mini server connect arduino, maintain connection, , pass strings , forth. i want able send instructions arduino php.  i'm guessing need pipe using exec()? i want able messages php mini server.  @ speed i'm going time delay not big deal. i've found many tutorials listening serial in linux.  haven't found yet sending. can me, please? quote i've found many tutorials listening serial in linux.  haven't found yet sending. the serial port file, far linux concerned. can read it. can write it. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Interfacing w/ Software on the Computer > how to create a persistent USB serial connection between raspberry pi & arduino? arduino

Raspberry Pi Forums - Login

username: password: i forgot password resend activation email remember me hide online status session   register in order login must registered. registering takes few moments gives increased capabilities. board administrator may grant additional permissions registered users. before register please ensure familiar our terms of use , related policies. please ensure read forum rules navigate around board. terms of use | privacy policy register raspberrypi

Booting, but can't install Raspbian? (solved) - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi, i'm new this. have raspberry pi working, , can see screen lists noob os options. says there isn't enough disk space available install raspbian (or of other options). i'd send screen shot, don't know how yet. when move window around, can see behind there's big picture of raspberry, , option suggests holding down shift key. lists keyboard options. do next? os that's installed? can't else. if i'm supposed install raspbian @ point, why disk showing such little disk space? started 4gb sd card, , formatted sd format tool (i didn't choose quick option), , got screen showing not enough disk space. so, installed noob zip on 16gb sd card. shows same amount of space. so, reformatted 16gb (fat), , tried again. same screen, showing not enough disk space, when know there is. did follow instructions installing it? raspberrypi

Thread: Can't Play DVD on Dell Dimension 4500

i'm trying friend's desktop dell dimension 4500 (oldie) mere 300mb of ram (small ubuntu handles better xp). wanted me install ubuntu on xp today did that, took care of updates , installed ubuntu-restricted-extras package take care of drivers needed play dvd's. after done, plop dvd dvd drive , first try run via movie player, movie player claimed didn't have privilege or run it. installed mplayer, , kinda played @ very slow rate, tried playing no avail. put on vlc, wouldn't run it... mediabuntu @ libdvdcss2 ( ). Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Multimedia Software [ubuntu] Can't Play DVD on Dell Dimension 4500 Ubuntu

Help with movie via actionscript

oki - kinda new flash. find pieces of actionscripts other people made can use... (like alot of other people guess) i found function can move af movieclip on point of another... _global.movecontent = function (targetmc, thefriction, theratio, toscale, newxpos, newypos, whendone) { targetmc.onenterframe = null; var friction = thefriction; var ratio = theratio; var speedy = 0; var speedx = 0; var speedscale = 1; var scaledone = false; var xposdone = false; var yposdone = false; trace(targetmc._y); // output _y check incorrect movement targetmc.onenterframe = function () { var _loc4 = newxpos - this._x; speedx = speedx * friction + (newxpos - this._x) * ratio; this._x = this._x + math.round(speedx); var _loc3 = newypos - this._y; speedy = speedy * friction + (newypos - this._y) * ratio; this._y = this._y + math.round(speedy); var _loc2 = toscale - this._xscale; speedscale = speedscale * friction + (toscale - this._xscale) * ratio; this._xscale = this._xscale + math....

Rainbowduino over i2c

hello, purchased rainbowduino v3 ( constructed large 8x8 matrix of common annode rgb leds , wired them correctly rainbowduino. now, can connect rainbowduino computer via usb, write sketches, , work properly. goal add ir receiver , sd card (for storing ton of animations). i'm assuming can't somehow use pin headers on rainbowduino, guess need wire arduino uno r3 , transfer sd data on i2c. lost on how this. connected 5v , ground eachother, a4 sda , a5 scl, , guess @ on code: code: [select] #include <wire.h> void setup() {  wire.begin(); } void loop() {  wire.begintransmission(); // i2c address???                                wire.write(rb.setpixelxy(0,0,255,255,255));              wire.endtransmission();     } this got command put in wir...