
Showing posts from February, 2015

[RISOLTO] Arduino e minipc da incasso

salve tutti! ritorno dopo un po' di tempo chiedere lumi. scrivo in hardware, sperando sia la sezione giusta. premessa: mantengo l'intenzione di concludere la costruzione dell'abitazione con un impianto elettrico "classico" relè (non domotico), cui vorrei successivamente (forse più per diletto   ) collegarmi con arduino per alcune piccole gestioni. venendo dal mondo visual studio (in particoalre vb6/.net), mi piacerebbe un po' alla volta implementare una mia ui su un mini pc o qualcosa di simile da intergrare nel muro, con delle scatole standard da incasso. già in precedenza mi furono date preziose info: . in questo topic mi suggerivano anche di autocostruire un minipc. le domande: 1. abbandonando l'idea di un pc da tavolo su cui installare l'interfaccia utente, è possibile autocostruire un mini pc da incasso, con un touchscreen frontale ? 2. lavori edili durera...

divu5() and divu3(). Fast replacements for unsigned division by 3, 5, 6, 10, 15

this sort of follows on having helped divmod10() thread: i have program large number of division 3 , division 5. built in functions division slow, faster way needed. the 2 methods below achieve same result faster making use of reciprocal multiplication. both of these 30 32 clock cycles including function call/ret overhead, compared on 200 cycles built in functions. example useage: code: [select]  unsigned int x = 300;  x = divu5(x); //instead of: x = x / 5;  if (x == 60){    serial.print("it works :d");  } for unsigned integer division 3      [32 clocks including 'call' , 'ret'] code: [select] unsigned int divu3(unsigned int n) __attribute__((noinline)); unsigned int divu3(unsigned int n) {  unsigned long working;  asm volatile(    "ldi  %a1, %3   \n\t"    "ldi  %b1,...

Multiplexing 7 segment displays with a 4511 chip

i need output 20 x 7-segment displays displaying sensor outputs, using various sensors , modules. planning use cd4511 chip , transister multiplex, such in attached picture. my question is- how many displays can 4511 handle?  can 1 chip all, or rule of 8s apply in case? thanks in advance replies. rob.  here better picture Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > LEDs and Multiplexing > Multiplexing 7 segment displays with a 4511 chip arduino

Thread: Lets just say I wanted to engage in some skullduggery

ok. here's situation. have computer. own. no legal question. want fry it. runs hot normally, want know how disable automatic heat shut-off melts oblivion. how do it. machine hp tx200zcto tablet pc os ubuntu 9.04 jaunty jackalope i'm assuming it's simple disabling kernel module, don't know one. so, tell me how make machine . ok...why?? possibly learn overheating computer?? isnt going melt, plus not automatic shutoff there computer, safety mechanism dont overheat computer , start sniffing burning metal fumes. things people fun. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Lets just say I wanted to engage in some skullduggery Ubuntu

How can you redownload one pagefrom a site?

i working on site , 1 of pages got messed , saved that. so, erased without thinking it. site still has original page , want files, having hard time downloading 1 page site , putting in entire site have in computer. how can 1 page files of others? sean on 19 may 2006 in macromedia.dreamweaver, mr19th wrote: > working on site , 1 of pages got messed , > saved that. so, erased without thinking it. site > still has original page , want > files, having hard time downloading 1 page site > , putting in entire site have in computer. how > can 1 page files of others? change dropdown in site window 'local' 'remote'. select the file need. click pointing-down arrow. -- joe makowiec email: More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

hyperlink problem

im using simple text hyperlink link page.the link underlined standard begin changed using style sheet decoration set "none".when previewed works when put site online underline still appears.can help? a link page more help. make sure have link styles in order too: link visited hover active (loveha) -- nadia adobe� community expert : dreamweaver -------------------------------------------- - css templates | free templates -------------------------------------------- - dropdown menu templates|tutorials - css tutorials ------------------------------------------------- "pellio" <> wrote in message news:e4k39s$ff1$ > im using simple text hyperlink link page.the link > underlined standard begin changed using style > sheet > decoration set "none".when preview...

Need to reference a query located inside a custom tag

i have standard cfm page calls custom tag , results displayed fine. need lisfind on of results on page though, , error when try reference query. how can reference query? below code: <html> <body> <cf_testdata> <!--- need listfind here of query results in above custom tag (testdata) how can reference it? using query name not work ---> </body> </html> your custom tag has send query variable calling page. here example custon tag code <cfparam name="attributes.startvariable" default="datestart"> bunch of code <cfset rslt=evaluate("caller.#attributes.startvariable# = datestart")> calling page code <cf_mycustomtag startvariable="myvar"> local variable myvar has value returned custom tag. More discussions in ColdFusion adobe


anyone using coldspring? what's concensus far on how stable is, how useful, etc? increasing productivity, lending better testing of coldfusion apps, etc? anyone finding it's not worth learning curve? all opinions welcome. marc e wrote: > using coldspring? what's concensus far on how stable is, > how useful, etc? increasing productivity, lending better testing > of coldfusion apps, etc? > > finding it's not worth learning curve? > > opinions welcome. > > i'm using coldspring on several applications , absolutely love it. even though it's still pre-1.0 i've had no problems stability. use in conjunction mach-ii. here's general opinions on from blog: regarding comment lending better testing of cf apps, coldspring isn't testing framework. not sure if that's meant. learning curve pretty small--o...


i understand there methods using metadata search engines find website. have heard may deep, dark secret wizard of oz , google developers know. can give me insight this? it's not complex, , 'metas' touted people don't understand seo. meta keywords used important irrelevant. important factors improving seo are: -page title -h1, h2, h3... -meta description (this displayed serps such google , can improve click-through) -good, regularly updated content hope helps, , recommend sterring clear of 'get rankings quick' sites out there. More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

CF Ecommerce

can recommend ecommerce/shopping cart module coldfusion? need can plug site uses ms sql server. need sales tax service gateway , credit card payment gateway. may need modify workflow need access source code. you might @ cartweaver ( use ( payment gateways. More discussions in ColdFusion adobe

How do I replace 1 or more characters ina char * array?

before start, sorry such novice question. new c , having difficulty getting head around strings , pointers. i have spent last few days researching this, including trip library, , still cannot it. how replace 1 or more characters in char * array? here simple test sketch code: [select] void setup() {   serial.begin(9600);   while (!serial) {   ; // wait serial port connect. needed leonardo only   }     serial.print("start\n"); char* menulist[10][21]   =  { '\0' }; *menulist[1] = "test"; *menulist[2] = "2222222222"; serial.print("menulist[1] = ");  serial.println( *menulist[1] ); serial.print("menulist[2] = ");  serial.println( *menulist[2] ); // above works fine. //does not work - menulist[1] unchanged *menulist[1][1] = '9'; serial.print("menulist[1] = ");  serial.println( *menulist[1] ); // not compile.  error says: lvalue required le...

Single Ultrasonic Sensor

hello! trying make range finder using single ultrasonic sensor, tx/rx in one. i couldn't manage make work schematic... trying use 2 of them, 1 tx , other rx, right that? when activate code ultrasonic sensor makes funny squealing sound, can hear clicking or ping sound , distance measurement wrong, if have ideas on how fix issue muchly appreciated. i using push-pull pwm pins 9,10. so, no schematic , no code. helpful. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Sensors > Single Ultrasonic Sensor arduino

CF Function Help

i testing cfc has few cf functions in it...i need display passing , values attached function...means want test function standalone... how that? i see passing <cfquery>? <cfset mycsv.add(ccflevel,role)> for testing, <cfdump var="#arguments#"> let's see arguments. to see pass query, give result attribute , cfdump variable after run query. once you've done testing, dump cfdumps. More discussions in ColdFusion adobe

Extending component with code behind

hi, i have read article extending components code behind: i have question that. maybe can me. example: {components/} package components { public class cartclass extends datagrid { public function cartclass() { super(); } } } {components/cart.mxml} <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <shop:cartclass xmlns:mx="" xmlns:shop="components.*" > </shop:cartclass> everthing works fine when add: <mx:columns> <mx:datagridcolumn headertext="title" /> </mx:columns> between shop:cartclass tag, flex says: could not resolve <mx:columns> component implementation anyone knows why? you'll need use shop instead of mx when doing mx:columns. because you've done shop:cartclass, using shop namespace , using mx:columns not refer shop:cartclass columns proper...

Thread: Failed to check for installed & available applications

hi, im totally new ubuntu, , installed ubuntu 8.10 (dual boot windows vista) on laptop. im having problem in opening songs or videos , downloading missing plug-ins java. i'll error , don't know should do.. failed check installed , available applications "this major failure of software management system. please check broken packages synaptic, check file permissions , correctness of file 'etc/apt/sources.list' , reload software information 'sudo apt-get update' , 'sudo apt-get install-f'." thanks.... posted futhiap hi, im totally new ubuntu, , installed ubuntu 8.10 (dual boot windows vista) on laptop. im having problem in opening songs or videos , downloading missing plug-ins java. i'll error , don't know should do.. failed check installed , available applications "this major fai...

Duda configuración puertos para servidor web.

muy buenas, estoy haciendo un proyecto de controlar el servidor web con el arduino. cuando conecto el arduino directamente al router todo va perfecto (ya que redireccionado un puerto en el router hacia la ip del arduino). mi problema es el siguiente: quiero conectar por cable el arduino un pc el cual por wifi conecta al router. no logro acceder él desde otra red. ¿alguna sugerencia? ¿puede que sea porque al conectar al pc en vez del router considera que esta un una subred? gracias de antemano. hola. el problema creo que es ese que mencionas. ¿has probado establecer una conexión de puente en tu pc? en xp se hace seleccionando los dos adaptadores (ethernet-wifi) y seleccionando la opción en el menú contextual (botón derecho). si así no te funciona, deberás realizar una subred y configurarla mano. Arduino Forum > International > Español ...

Template Efterlysning!!! - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hejsan alla.. jag skall bygga en liten klubbsida. som medlem klubben har jag åtagit mig detta.   men nu behöver jag hjälp av er. jag behöver hitta en ren och snygg template som fungerar både ie och ff jag vill ha en vit bakgrundsplatta med en medelstor headerbild. sidan skall inte vara 100% bredd på. jag vill kunna köra joomlaboard eller nåt annat joomla forum den utan att behöva koda om så mycket då jag måste hålla igen byggtiden lite på denna sida. forumdelen kommer bli det centrala på sidan så det är viktigt att den fungerar med forumet. självklart har jag sökt runt på alla möjliga sidor om joomla templates (och jag måste säga att det finns mycket! skit där ute) har ni några bra förslag så kan ni väl posta dem här.. det gör inget om det är en köp template, men då är 50€ min övre gräns. hittat en och det är vividdesign på rockettheme  men jag förstår inte hur man köper den. jag vill inte vara medlem, jag vill inte ha tillgång till nåt annat. jag vill bara ha templaten... ? ...

Turn motors off, using code for cooling? (Itead Dual Stepper Motor Shield )

i want buy itead dual stepper motor driver shield one: can turn motors off, using code, when not in use can cool off? what code use power down motor when @ rest?  sample code give this: quote int dirpin1 = 3; int stepperpin1 = 2; int dirpin2 = 7; int stepperpin2 = 6; void setup() {    pinmode(dirpin1, output);    pinmode(stepperpin1, output);    pinmode(dirpin2, output);    pinmode(stepperpin2, output); } void step(boolean dir,int steps) {    digitalwrite(dirpin1,dir);    digitalwrite(dirpin2,dir);    delay(50);   for(int i=0;i<steps;i++) {     digitalwrite(stepperpin1, high);     digitalwrite(stepperpin2, high);     delaymicroseconds(100);     digitalwrite(stepperpin1, low);     digitalwrite(stepperpin2, low);     delaymicroseconds(100);   } } void loop() { ...

help with sql query

i think mysql query incorrect because search doesn't work properly. trying search 3 varialbes. user able use @ least 1 of variable search by. type variable being sent have in it. can use other 2 or not. if switch sql query 3 variables , nothing sent back. if use or sent not searching for. any ideas helpful. More discussions in Develop server-side applications in Dreamweaver adobe

Thread: Radeon Mobility X1400 - No 3D?

i have card installed in laptop. used work great under hardy, better performance got using xp. under jaunty not great. sure, effects on desktop great, google earth works charm (as did under hardy), watching dvd's better before, tried game like, torcs , doesn't work @ all! menu game ok, gameplay non-existent. sound becomes choppy, can see cars, tracks, etc no movement. 1 time screen went yellow, effect similiar film burning, looked cool no game. there anyway have 3d working on card again? few years old shouldn't matter because still work great under xp , don't want go there again... tried radeonhd app in synaptic? miss games , great have them , running again. the proprietary driver ati (fglrx) not support x1400 under jaunty, unfortunately. you're using open source driver (radeon), can handle 3d effects, not proper game graphics -- yet. i'm still using intrepid works fine. ...

[MOVIDO] Joomla in AJAX - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

pessoal tecnologia ajax tem sido sensação momento... por sua velocidade no carregamento das páginas.. um fator da inteligência da tecnologia é que ele faz com que página carregue somente o conteúdo que prescisa aparecer na tela.. o conteúdo que não precisa.. já fica carregado e não é necessário carregar novamente... como é o modelo das páginas atuais... foi divulgado um plugin para wordpress que integra o ajax no wordpress.. ou seja deixando ele que essa tecnologia maravilhosa.. que garante muito mais velocidade e dinâmica na navegação.. mais informações: ... a-ajax.php então fica ai dica para ser repassado para os desenvolvedores joomla.. quem sabe hora é agora de integrar essa tecnologia ao nosso sistema joomla.  blé para ver insegurança ajax no tal plugin acesse aqui - ps.: matheus manda pra off-topic pra nóis... Board index Joomla! International Language Support ...

Realistic liquid

i'm frustrated particular project. have client website intro of martini olive coming in , falling liquid. it's white background of screen, olive "lands" splashing , ripples appear. want animation , of liquid real possible splashes , ripples when olive enters , floats/bobs. have clues on how accomplish realism in flash 8? a_matthias wrote: > i'm frustrated particular project. have client > website intro of martini olive coming in , falling liquid. it's > white background of screen, olive "lands" > splashing , ripples appear. want animation , of > liquid real possible splashes , ripples when olive > enters , floats/bobs. have clues on how accomplish realism > in flash 8? you can't really, flash wrong tool it. do animation in other program, 3d or whatever can than import flash... -- regards urami -- happy new year guys - best there in 2006 <urami> </urami> <...

Using CFCONTENT to deliver word document

website: click on link download resume. see downloads index.cfm. here code using. <cfif isdefined("url.downloadresume")> <cfcontent file="c:\domains\\wwwroot\noah_britton_resume.doc" type="application/msword" deletefile="no"> </cfif> i have no idea why behaving strangely. i'm not using cfheader of cfcache on page. thanks! <cfheader name="content-disposition" value="attachment;filename=noah_britton_resume.doc"> or <cfheader name="content-disposition" value="inline;filename=noah_britton_resume.doc"> display in browser. hth -- tim carley More discussions in Advanced Techniques adobe

OPGELOST: Static Page error - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hallo, ik heb nu sinds 1 dag joomla en zit al met een vervelend probleem. ik kan plots geen static pages meer aanmaken, wat 6 tot 7 keren goed lukte. hij geef altijd in het vakje waar je normaal moet typen een wit scherm ik kan er niet in klikken, ik kan niet op html klikken, ik kan niets meer doen met de edditor, in firefox er geen probleem, maar ik gebruik ie als hoofdbrowser, dus wil het graag daar zien werken. ik heb men temp internet files al gecleared, kan iemand me helpen? hij geeft wel telkens bij de statusbar: fout op de pagina. vreemd. welke editor gebruik je? heb je de core files al opnieuw ge-upload? Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Dutch Forum Algemene vragen

Basic Security Tips - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello, my site got hacked recently. in attempt secure, reduce risk have completed following , thought may useful other people. i know followed basic steps should take wondered have missed anything. 1) took site offline 2) installed latest version of joomla_1.0.10 3) complete review off 3rd party components, modules , bots   a) visit relevant 3rd party developer sites , download latest releases.   b) uninstall components, modules or bots not need via joomla administrator area.   c) accessed site via ftp , removed component, module or bot files may have being left behind.   d) removed sql tables relating components, modules or bots have uninstalled.   e) install or upgrade latest released of 3rd party components, modules or bots. 4) chmod permissions   once happy latest version of joomla installed plus running date components, modules, bots did following.   a) set all directories chmod 755   b) set all files chmod 644 5) complete weekly ba...

ESA Using Raspberry Pi in Mars Dropship Proof-of-Concept - Raspberry Pi Forums

maybe old news else, stumbled across neat bit of r-pi derring-do esa. reading article @ iron metorite photographed curiosity rover, , noticed sidebar article teaser heading: "mars 'dropship' quadcopter land rovers" led video page. watching video, surprised , pleased notice quadcopter uses raspberry pi.* traced video original article on esa website: ... ars_rovers led page video: ... ars_rovers in video, there's couple glimpses of inverted raspberry pi (under black top plate) @ following 2 points in video: 1:08 1:10 - r-pi usb, ethernet & hdmi connectors visible. 1:25 1:28 - insertion of sd card. micro usb connector visible. esa program, startiger , responsible wonderful marriage between raspberry pi , simulated mars landing. so, not valuable education in schools, seems equally-valuable educational tool @ highest levels of scientific research. * i...

Connecting Raspberry pi to ublox LEA-6T - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi guys, how can directly connect raspberry pi ublox lea-6t gps module assuming have raspberry pi , single lea-6t module no board lea-6t. have no access evaluation kits lea-6t these: there simple board can make connect these components? time raspberrypi

serielle Verbindung hängt sich auf

hi leute, ich kämpfe seit ca einer woche mit dem problem das sich die serielle verbindung zwischen arduino und meinem raspberry pi aufhängt... ich die daten von 2 dht11 sensoren über die serielle verbindung den raspberry pi schicken und mit python auswerten und in eine mysql datenbank schreiben, aber leider hängt sich die verbindung nach einiger zeit einfach auf. ich hab schon viel darüber gelesen z.b. das es einem buffer-overflow liegen könnte oder dem automatischen reset vom arduino bei einer seriellen verbindung, aber das hat mir auch nicht wirklich weitergeholfen.... hier mal mein code: arduino: raspberry-pi - python: ich hab auch schon in einer google community um rat gefragt, aber leider konnte mir da auch keiner helfen. danke schon mal für die hilfe grüße wolf360 quote from: wolf360 on jun 20, 2013, 04:27 pm ich kämpfe seit ca einer woche mit dem problem das sich die serielle verbindung zwis...

ATtiny: Hinzufügen von Fuses durch anpassen der boards.txt??

moin, ich nutze arduinoisp um tinys direkt über das arudino zu programmieren. nun möchte ich gerne einen tiny84 mit einem externen 8mhz quarz betreiben, finde aber nur einen core in denen dieser auf 16mhz gestellt werden kann. jetzt dachte ich mir, dass man doch einfach die boards.txt anpassen kann, in der schließlich alle einstellungen definiert sind. hier mal der auszug für den 'attiny84 @ 16 mhz  (external crystal; 4.3 v bod)' code: [select] @ 16 mhz  (external crystal; 4.3 v bod) # following not work... # attiny84at16.upload.using=avrispv2 # attiny84at16.upload.using=pololu usb avr programmer # following work (pick one)... attiny84at16.upload.using=arduino:arduinoisp # attiny84at16.upload.protocol=avrispv2 # attiny84at16.upload.using=pololu attiny84at16.upload.maximum_size=8192 # frequency 8.0- mhz; start-up time pwrdwn/reset: 16k ck/14 ck + 65 ms; [cksel=1111 sut=11] # brown-out detection level @ vcc=4.3 v; [bodlevel=100] # p...

BlogJet-like program for Joomla! - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i have done lot of searching on internet , have come empty on this, thought ask here. i found program called blogjet simple, standalone windows program lets write blog entries number of blog engines, click button submit , post entries without ever having use web browser. i wondering, know of similar program exists posting on joomla! site? type news entry, select options (like post front page, publish, etc.) , send without having go through web browser? hangoverms wrote: i have done lot of searching on internet , have come empty on this, thought ask here. i found program called blogjet simple, standalone windows program lets write blog entries number of blog engines, click button submit , post entries without ever having use web browser. i wondering, know of similar program exists posting on joomla! site? type news entry, select options (like post front page, publish, etc.) , send without having go through web browser? closest thing can think of ja submit. in extensions directory (li...

new camera sensor on raspberry pi - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi everyone, want interface raspberry pi ( or more powerful one) new camera sensor has better quality thant 6 mp. wanted know knowledge need acquire in order able know how sensor communicate, , component commication between sensor , pi needs. you currently, in order interface new sensor, need access gpu. closed, it's not possible unless work @ foundation or @ broadcom. it's big job involving building pcb, writing camera driver, tuning sensor - @ least 6 months work job, couple of weeks if want bad picture quality. nokia 808 41mp sensor implemented @ broadcom , nokia took 2-3 man years of work level of quality at, , have done more time. sorry. raspberrypi

More efficent coding

im working on pezio , homemade led string translate pezio taps led readout. have far. code: [select] const int knocksensor = a0; const int threshold1 = 0; const int threshold2 = 113; const int threshold3 = 227; const int threshold4 = 340; const int threshold5 = 453; const int threshold6 = 566; const int threshold7 = 679; const int threshold8 = 851; const int threshold9 = 1023; int led1 = 1; int led2 = 2; int led3 = 3; int led4 = 4; int led5 = 5; int led6 = 6; int led7 = 7; int led8 = 8; int led9 = 9; int sensorreading = 0;      void setup() {   pinmode(led1, output);   pinmode(led2, output);   pinmode(led3, output);    pinmode(led4, output);   pinmode(led5, output);   pinmode(led6, output);   pinmode(led7, output);   pinmode(led8, output);   pinmode(led9, output); } void loop() {   if (sensorreading >= threshold1) {     digitalwrite(led1, high);     }   if (sensorreading >= thr...

Issues with Pubilsh Settings and Preferences Panels

here's screen capture of happens when selecting items in "preferences". notice white box drawn @ top of intro panel. when load publish settings, initial tab appears, selecting flash or html tab results in either v---e---r---y slow if not "flash not responding" error. i on dual mac g5. i did decent search of forum looking similar issues, either finding none or not using right keywords, have opted post here instead. as can see, every pref selected draws on next. i'm thinking sort of font issue/conflict. thanks in advance help. warm regards dayton, ohio michael p.s. chax window @ bottom (6 messages) incidental , not relevant post. happened receive email making screen capture. More discussions in Adobe Animate CC - General adobe

Thread: pidgin - how to UNHIDE (show) buddy icon in chat window?

on pidgin, when chatting contact, in top right there buddy icon - whatever buddy sets icon shows me see. if right-click on it, can select "hide icon" - how back??? tried right-clicking in area , searching through menus, can't find "unhide icon" or "show icon" option anywhere. it's if it's one-way deal - once icon hidden, it's not possible show it??? know can do? here's pic of 1 chat window icon showing, , other icon missing (either hid once or somehow system isn't showing it) . attached images pidgin_icon.jpg (23.8 kb, 44 views) if hide icon, close chat window, , open new, there again.. ? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help ...

JNI/C++/JAVA/terminal/GPIO - Raspberry Pi Forums

my main program java. communicate c++ gpio. i'm using terminal call them jni way. ok, files working. i'm struggle 1 line. let me tell did. @ first, in " /opt/pi4j/examples/ko/jni " did type in terminal: 1) cd /opt/pi4j/examples/ko/jni 2) javac 3) javah –jni example 4) cc –fpic –o –shared –i/usr/lib/jvm/jdk-7-oracle-armhf/include -i/usr/lib/jvm/jdk-7-oracle-armhf/include/linux example.cpp –lpigpio –lrt –lpthread 5) export ld_library_path=’/opt/pi4j/examples/ko/jni’ 6) java –djava.library.path=. example , error popped: code: select all exception in thread "main" java.lang.unsatisfiedlinkerror: example.print()d @ example.print(native method) @ example.main( checked in java , see is: code: select all new example().print(); understand why happens? raspberrypi

Using Rasperry as a tv recorder - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi, new raspberry pi. thought using tv recorder. current box has rca output. thought buying usb video grabber(for example easy cap). connecting raspberry pi , outputing using hdmi output. also, thought adding ir hardware , using lirc create automatic remote controller. think? possible? video grabber best raspberry? there easy install ir hardware can provide this? programmer, don't have problems configuring hardware, installing problem rather use made connectors(ir). thank you 1) no idea, it's i've never looked into. pi has slow cpu, you'll need video grabber able output compressed video (if such thing exists) - pi slow compress raw video (and doesn't have io bandwidth write raw video straight disk). 2) ... words=lirc or ... pberry-pi/ raspberrypi

Thread: root terminal

hello, have been looking through system menu. went preferences-main menu. system tools-root terminal. applications-system tools , clicked on root terminal. nothing came on screen. question i, dont want in root. don't have enough knowledge stay in root. assumed clicking on root terminal have opened terminal asking password. system in root ? ask because used have supply password when clicked on firestarter. opens. joe open regular terminal window , execute command code: whoami Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] root terminal Ubuntu

IR Rotary encoder - Debug

so have built rotary encorder using ir sender receiver. problem need print 1 once every time black mark goes past, prints multiple 1's every time mark passes though shouldn't. appreciated thanks code: [select] int powerpinsender= 7; int powerpinreceiver = 6; int sensorpin = a0; int stopstartbutton = 9; int senddatabutton = 8; int sensorvalue = 0; int value = 1; int lastvalue = high; int write = 0; int ledstate = 1; int pulse = 0; void setup() {   serial.begin(9600);     pinmode(powerpinsender, output);   pinmode(powerpinreceiver, output);     pinmode(stopstartbutton, input);   pinmode(senddatabutton, input);   pinmode(sensorpin, input);   digitalwrite(powerpinsender,high);   digitalwrite(powerpinreceiver, high); } void loop() {   sensorvalue = analogread(sensorpin);     if (sensorvalue <= 10 && value == 1){     value = 0;   }   if (sensorvalue > 10 && value =...

Check TCP Buffer Size of Raspberry Pi - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi all, wondering how check default tcp buffer size pi, have read online using command /proc/sys//net/ipv4/tcp_rmem show minimum default , maximum read buffer size and /proc/sys//net/ipv4/tcp_wmem show same write. when entering in lxterminal permission denied thought use sudo though states command cannot found. there workaround this? you need read file... code: select all cat /proc/sys//net/ipv4/tcp_rmem petero raspberrypi

Thread: Compiler Error: undefined reference to `_install_allegro_version_check'

when compiling using g++ , allegro library following errors. understand file has linked can't identity on , how to. please guide me. code: theta@boolean:~/c/simchamp$ g++ test.cpp -o test.o /tmp/ccoo7ris.o: in function `main': test.cpp:(.text+0x8e): undefined reference `_install_allegro_version_check' test.cpp:(.text+0xcf): undefined reference `set_gfx_mode' test.cpp:(.text+0x104): undefined reference `set_gfx_mode' test.cpp:(.text+0x139): undefined reference `set_gfx_mode' test.cpp:(.text+0x141): undefined reference `allegro_error' test.cpp:(.text+0x14d): undefined reference `allegro_message' test.cpp:(.text+0x172): undefined reference `makecol' test.cpp:(.text+0x178): undefined reference `font' test.cpp:(.text+0x17e): undefined reference `screen' test.cpp:(.text+0x1ae): undefined reference `textprintf_ex' collect2: ld returned 1 exit status thanks in advance help! ...

Beginner project - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi, want undertake beginner project raspberry pi unsure do. have 5 weeks project, have lot of time want beginner project have no prior programming experience. had thought programming game pong thought might difficult beginner. suggestions? many thanks this site has list of tutorials: take @ site: raspberrypi