
Showing posts from April, 2015

Thread: Problem with embedded videos

hello, i'm ubuntu 9.04 , firefox 3.023 user. i'm having problem embedded youtube videos. can see them, image bit noisy. flashes. sound ok. strange thing problem happens when video embedded. in youtube web page can see them right. doesn't happens youtube; doesn't happen online video services. example, have no problem 'break' embedded videos. don't have gnash nor other plugin adobe ones: $ aptitude search flash adobe-flashplugin - adobe flash player plugin version 10 p flashblock - mozilla extension replaces flash elem flashplugin-installer - adobe flash player plugin installer p flashplugin-nonfree - adobe flash player plugin installer (trans p flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound - adobe flash player platform support librar p flashrom - universal bios/rom/flash programming utili p flashybrid - autom...

Form images to database

my apologies if subject covered elsewhere tried several combinations of search words no avail. hate admit have worked problem, using routines books , tutorial web sites rewriting appears simple logic several weeks. the problem. trying use form load image files (jpg) under 80k mysql database while using html, php , mysql. form generated dreamweaver not allow me access file not loaded on hard drive. learned today, appears mac thing. ran across input on forum stated/implied function not work on leopard. true? if so, being addressed in cs3? there work-around? before writing note, tried running form on old pc laptop , did not have problem. may old news. > trying use form load image files (jpg) under 80k > mysql database while using html, php , mysql. you using form upload images mysql database? can understand this, i'm bit lost go there. can try again, please? -- murray --- icq 71997575 adobe community expert (if *must* email me, don't laugh when so!) ==================...

Pop-up menus and frames

a web page fireworks 8 javascript (not css) pop-up menus imported dreamweaver 8 works fine on own. however, if include page in frameset, menus appear work ok (e.g. pops , down when expected, rollover transitions appear flawless, , pop-ups clear of frame boundary), when popped menu item selected, nothing happens - top-level menu items ones still navigate links. (i avoid using framesets, frameset in instance has useful applications function , loth remove it) hi max: did define target pop-up menu links? see: also make sure paths in links valid urls. it seem strange nothing happening. how menus work when browse fireworks html directly outside frameset? might give clue what's happening. enthusiastically, mark haynes webassist sales max stewart wrote: > web page fireworks 8 javascript (not css) pop-up menus imported > dreamweaver 8 works fine on own. however, if include page i...

WIFI web server example problem

hi guys , new arduino. have used wifi web server example code. able connect router , getting ip address , mac address arduino wifi shield. (i using uno wifi shield) shows in console - type in browser on opening in browser message - "google chrome not connect <ip address>" please , cant think of .... i had similar problems , found testing code in following link useful. also, need post code. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > WIFI web server example problem arduino

WIZ820IO and atmega 2560

hey have atmega2560 kit , wiz 820io module. i use arduino ide 1.0.1 now have tried possible solutions, ones have found! but nothing works. was there 1 could. step step instruct me in how work. i know need new library, possibly and must change in ethernet.h file on line 10? well, whatever not work. can not compaile examples. i lot of error codes. code: [select] in file included c:\users\kj\documents\arduino-1.0.1\libraries\ethernet\dhcp.cpp:4: c:\users\kj\documents\arduino-1.0.1\libraries\ethernet\utility/w5100.h:9: error: stray '\302' in program c:\users\kj\documents\arduino-1.0.1\libraries\ethernet\utility/w5100.h:9: error: stray '\267' in program c:\users\kj\documents\arduino-1.0.1\libraries\ethernet\utility/w5100.h:9: error: stray '\302' in program c:\users\kj\documents\arduino-1.0.1\libraries\ethernet\utility/w5100.h:9: error...

Looking for advice on what cable connector to use

i have bunch of sensors on 1 end , long distance till arduino. these sensors prone break want able make them "plug , play"-ish no soldering required (i won't maintaining particular install). so need connectors fit these requirements (or @ least of them): * easy install (soldering ok, i'd rather not have buy cripmer) * don't need particularly durable; if last 20 uses that's fine. * veroboard friendly prototyping that. * big plus if can bought @ sparkfun have big order need make soon. * big plus if cheap! any appreciated. why not use screw terminals? Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > Looking for advice on what cable connector to use arduino

an automatic mailbox - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello fellows, want update mailbox. should inform me, via twitter when i've message. don't know start. need help! start more thorough description. talking physical mailbox you'll need install sensor or switch in, or e-mail box? if latter, there's tutorial out there, think on adafruit's site, light led when new e-mail. using code, you're half done. find example posts twitter , stitch 2 together. if former, you'll have install switch, button, or other sensor , find tutorial read that, , combine twitter example. raspberrypi

Thread: Raid across mobo and Sata card

greetings, building pc run ubuntu 9.04. pondering adding more hard drives have maxed out sata ports on mobo (5). i'd run raid across 5 hard drives on mobo , additional hard drives connected sata card plugged either pci or pcie slot. clarify, want run raid 5 use 5 hard drives connected mobo , hard drives connected sata card. concern performance. please give me thoughts. raid used video streaming Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Hardware [ubuntu] Raid across mobo and Sata card Ubuntu

Slowing down servo's

hi guys i new arduino (5 days in  ) i have put code control 4 legged bot (quadbot). want slow movement down slowing servos. is possible without having re-write code? want use pot4 control speed (0 being fastest , 450 slowest) , reverse when going backwards(ie. 1021 fastest , 650 slowest) while still giving "forward" or "backward" instruction throught pot4. pot4 returns "center" value servo speed must reset. below code wrote (only been coding of 5 days  ), please give example well. (the code below work @ fixed speed. tested , confirmed.) code: [select] #include <servo.h>   //serov's//   servo frh;  //front right hip//   servo frk;  //front right knee//                servo brh;  //back right hip//   servo brk;  //back right knee//   servo flh;  //front left hip//   servo flk;  //front left knee//   servo blh;  //back le...

Arduino for windows must be run as admin for 3rd party libraries to be used?

hello, i use arduino on mac trying set son on windows 8 pc. he's able compile programs use core libraries, not 3rd party libraries adds. libraries added "my documents/arduino" library not show in import library list. if add libraries "my documents" folder on computer , run arduino ide admin, can use 3rd party libraries. does know way set things non-admin account can use libraries in account's "my documents" path? while using son's account... • start arduino ide • click file menu item preferences are putting third-party libraries in sketchbook location ? Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Installation & Troubleshooting > Arduino for windows must be run as admin for 3rd party libraries to be used? arduino

Stepper/Servo Motor Concepts

i'd build pan/tilt table rather heavy camcorder. ones seem popular arduino enthusiasts fragile support weight of device bought "generic" stepper mtors on ebay. came without datasheets figure bipolar models since have 4 wires coming out of each one. so need figure out makes motors go. please point me layman's description of stepper motor theory. reasonable expect arduino uno drive them or need sort of controller circuit / chip that? gary you cannot drive steppers directly arduino.  here stepper drivers , library.  library drive 1 stepper there other libs multiple motors.  wikipedia stepper motors see how work.  favorite driver 754410 2 wire.  Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Motors, Mechanics, and Power (Moderator: fabioc84) > Stepper/Servo Motor Concep...

Joomla! Forum - community, help and support - Login

the board requires registered , logged in view forum. username: password: i forgot password resend activation email remember me hide online status session   register in order login must registered. registering takes few moments gives increased capabilities. board administrator may grant additional permissions registered users. before register please ensure familiar our terms of use , related policies. please ensure read forum rules navigate around board. terms of use | privacy policy register Board index

Parallax Serial LCD w/Speaker Issues

i've acquire 1 of these lcds, , proceeded set up. when plugged in computer little intro along song, "parallax inc," etc etc, work. now, when upload sketch via arduino environment, nothing happens. i'm using test code available on parallax's site, , when compile no errors arise. i've tested arduino chip blink program , functions, know arduino chip works.  any idea why sketches aren't  working lcd , intro text continues run? quote from: enigmabadger on jun 10, 2013, 12:15 am i've acquire 1 of these lcds, , proceeded set up. when plugged in computer little intro along song, "parallax inc," etc etc, work. now, when upload sketch via arduino environment, nothing happens. i'm using test code available on parallax's site, , when compile no errors arise. i've tested arduino chip blink program , functions, know arduino chip works.  any idea why sketches aren't  working lcd , i...

Powering an electromagnetic lock/strikeplate

hi all--experienced programmer noob arduino , electronics, , i'm hoping (anyone!) can help.  i'm trying use arduino control electromagnetic lock.  setup in attached image. i'm sure i'm being silly can't figure out: when connect lock either 5v or 3.3v , ground, unlocks should. when connect pin--nada.  missing something?  i've tried both analogwrite , digitalwrite (see code below). help!  , thanks! code: [select] #include <servo.h> servo servo1; const int led = 13; const int button = 7; //const int lock = 0; int val = 0; void setup() {   serial.begin(9600);   pinmode(led, output);   pinmode(led, output);   pinmode(button, input); } void loop(){   val = digitalread(button);     if (val == 1) {     serial.print(val);     digitalwrite(led, high); //    neither working!~ //    analogwrite(9, 255); //    digitalwrite(9, high);    ...

Mail general configuration - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi all. my system linux-ubuntu (dapper) , i've installed joomla! 1.0.10. now i'm working in locale machine... i've not yet uploaded site on net. i tried find in faq , in general through out forum criteria shall follow mail configuration parameter, i've not found clear... so here am, hoping not annoye anyone... i mean... as mailer have choose php function, sendmail or smtp server? choosing smtp have errors. choosing either php function or sendmail have no errors , have confirmation emails sent... in relevant mailboxes don't find email... someone may give me clarifications? many thanks, michele it possible emails arent being recieved, because being flagged spam when using php sendmail. smtp settings can recieved host, these settings settings used own mail. host must allow connections made in fashion well. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Installation - 1.0.x ...

Thread: apt-get update problem

when run apt-get update message: code: get:16 jaunty-proposed/universe packages [8010b] fetched 445kb in 3s (111kb/s) reading package lists... done w: duplicate sources.list entry jaunty/free packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/packages.medibuntu.org_dists_jaunty_free_binary-i386_packages) w: duplicate sources.list entry jaunty/non-free packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/packages.medibuntu.org_dists_jaunty_non-free_binary-i386_packages) w: may want run apt-get update correct these problems once run again, completes successfully. i'm confused because medibuntu repos aren't in sources.list twice (i did text search in file). here's sources.list... code: # deb cdrom:[ubuntu 9.04 _jaunty jackalope_ - release i386 (20090420.1)]/ jaunty main restricted # see how upgrade # newer versions of distribution. deb http://us.a...

Nouveau Raspberry PI B+ - Raspberry Pi Forums

au premier abord le nouveau raspberry semble pas mal . c'est sur qu'a 35 euros il est intéressant . le problème c'est que je serai assez intéresser par l'achat d'un raspberry b 512 mo pour lui greffer ce module x100 . ce module m’intéresse pour l'horloge intégrée ,le fait qu'il transforme le hdmi en vga et il dispose en plus d'un port série . sauf que ce module x100 n'est pas revu pour le model b+ . reste donc trouver le magasin qui le modèle b ancien et le x100 faisait un lot sympa avec un pi asiatique sauf que je suis pour l'instant en litige sur une commande non reçue . pour l'instant le vieux b 256 mo me suffit . je veux bien investir 70 euros sur du pi mais je tiens cette horloge et cette sortie en vga . bonjour, ptitpaj wrote: sauf que je suis pour l'instant en litige sur une commande non reçue utilise le compte de ta femme, ton pote ou ton chien a+ raspberrypi

28 pin LCD Display to Arduino

hey everyone, i got lcd screen hitachi radio. use arduino test out. first need datasheet, i'm not sure of model of lcd. lcd soldered pcb, , there little space between both, tried read model number, here think got: pcd - 3710p3 - 04 i didn't find on google, , i'm not sure how connect 28 pin lcd display arduino. lcd not damaged, , have wires go can see in pictures, think usable arduino... any information and/or appreciated. that custom made lcd display made specially hitachi, , it's hitachi holds manufacturing info, under nda. you remove actual glass lcd , drive lcd controller, search forum "passive lcd display" either way, lot of work, , not worth single display. // per. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Displays > 28 pin LCD Display to Arduino arduino

Problem solved Comunication Mega 2560 - Processing- serial port

hi there!!!  7 hours trying set comunication  between processing 2.0b8 , mega 2560, after reviewing forums on web , looking information everywhere, solve problem ... problem consist in when try communicate processing , arduino, if processing starts send information , mega locked (the led on pin 13 turn on , resetting card wont work while board receiving data). solved follows: need reset card after establishing comunicasion, before starts send information (before rx led starts turn on), achieve this, need put delay in processing code,just few seconds, right after setting port, during time need press reset button reset card before starts receiving data, , there no problems transmission of data, did follows:   port = new serial (this, serial.list () [1], 9600);   while (a < 3000) {         / / cycle of 3 seconds duration, during time   = millis ();}              / / need press reset buton. **...

Rounded Corners for contenttoc/table of contents? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, im bit of website/css newbie, know if possible put rounded corners on 'table of contents' box? ive managed add corners various modules , main content area (after hair pulling/swearing) not sure how in contenttoc? thanks in advance.. here output table of contents code: select all <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="contenttoc" align="right">    <tr>       <th>article index</th>    </tr>        <tr>       <td>       <a href="index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=7&itemid=2" class="toclink">example news item 2</a>       </td> you can see output in table of class="contenttoc" so can style e.g. code: select all table.contenttoc {     margin: 0 0 0 3px;     background: url(../images/bluemod.png) bottom no-repeat;     width:160px;     border-coll...

Problem with XML loader

hi, i've got little problem following code. i'm trying gallery xml file. my xml file organised : <images> <image chemin="images/palmares.jpg" titre="palmares" commentaire="chamonix" /> </images> the picture loader working , text doesn't work together. when i'm clicking on sticker, picture load , text it's not one. can me please because have no idea why it's not working. thanks lot, i wasn't able past script but, can download here : gallery i think should close <image> tag real </image> in opposite html, xml tags must closed. shortcut tags <blabla /> dont work here. More discussions in ActionScript 3 adobe

Nema17 and LinuxCNC - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi not n00b raspberry pi, python or programming. new using stepper motor pi. looking build cnc machine can send file on wireless , launch linuxcnc (which have compiled own kernel) , start cutting. have: - 3 x nema17 stepper motors - 3 x hg7881 h-bridge drivers - 1 x raspberry pi custom linuxcnc kernel - cabling required issue having nema17 stepper motors have 4 cables, hg7881 has 4 inputs , 4 outputs , have them wired correct way around according polarity of stepper motor linuxcnc has 2 outputs per stepper motor configured raspberry pi settings using. 1 wire step , other drive. how connect step/drive (2 cable) setup linuxcnc 4 inputs on hg7881 h-bridge? or need piece of hardware in between pi , stepper motors replace h-bridge, going wrong? h-bridge talking about: ... 1439.l2649 regards tom o'brien hi tom, inventor_tommy wrote: 1 wire step , other drive. how change rotation direction ? current software , hardware not co...

Thread: Firefox is using UK English for spell checker instead of US English

for reason firefox using uk english spell check... centre ok, not center, example. can't seem find info on why or how switch english. (using ff 3.0.13 , jaunty) can't install one? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [ubuntu] Firefox is using UK English for spell checker instead of US English Ubuntu

sensor Pir

good afternoon, have here pir sensor detects movement when wire has 4.80ve not detect when thread 0.06v. it turns out wanted arduino sleep, , when detects movement arduino wakes up. throughout project have keypad wake arduino. can not sensor wake arduino. my test code quote #include <avr/sleep.h> #include <virtualwire.h> // lib para rf~ void setup() {     pinmode(13, output);    pinmode(2, input); digitalwrite(2, high); vw_set_tx_pin(3); // porta que vamos usar vw_setup(2000); // bits para comunicação } void loop(){ digitalwrite(13, high);  delay(3000);   entersleep(); } void pin2interrupt(){ } void entersleep() {   digitalwrite(13, low);   attachinterrupt(0, pin2interrupt, low);   delay(50);   set_sleep_mode(sleep_mode_pwr_down);    sleep_enable();                    adcsra &= ~(1 << aden); sleep_mode();    detachinterrupt(0); slee...

Mit 12V Bauteilen arbeiten?

hi hallo, ich bin informatiker und habe leider von e-technik nicht allzuviel ahnung, ich versuche es aber zu lernen ich besitze ein arduino uno, das man ja laut datenblatt auch mit 12v betreiben kann. ich habe hier vor mir zwei 12v leds (eine grüne und eine rote), die ich versuche über einen digitalen anschluss anzusteuern. da die digitalen ausgänge (glaube ich) keine 12v herausgeben, möchte ich mir mit transistoren behelfen. leider hören da schon meine kenntnisse auf. ich habe folgende schaltung gebaut: würde das funktionieren, oder mache ich da irgendetwas kaputt? viele liebe grüße quote from: silenthunter124 on jun 15, 2013, 01:19 pm ich bin informatiker und habe leider von e-technik nicht allzuviel ahnung, ich versuche es aber zu lernen ich besitze ein arduino uno, das man ja laut datenblatt auch mit 12v betreiben kann. ich habe hier vor mir zwei 12v leds (eine grüne und eine rote), die ich versuche über einen digitalen anschluss anzusteuern. ich bin ...

Help needed: Using GPIO to switch off amplifier circuit - Raspberry Pi Forums

i'm new creating-a-hardware-project-from-scratch aspect of pi i'm quite excited prospect of building son think he'll love playing (involving buttons, sounds , flashing lights - what's not love?!) in respect of sound, planning on using speaker this want that's small compared powered usb options on amazon. i'm guessing pi's 3.5mm output not powerful enough drive speaker i'd need amplifier. this seems work. want project portable planning on running pi off portable power supply (haven't chosen 1 yet). understand, thought amplifier needs 2.7-5.5v can't power gpio pins still hope able use same portable power supply. save power i'd therefore able switch amp on when need play sounds , i'm not sure how i'd that. i.e. if have totally separate circuit of power supply , amp, there simple way of using gpio pin switch circuit on , off? saw this on wiki i'm not sure how translates connections i'd need make e.g. 0v ground on pi or -v...

Thread: Help with Snort Script

i’m having problem snort script stopping anytime log server. when server boots, script loads , runs fine until log on update or whatever normal user. when try log off message "there stopped jobs" , base no longer show alerts. snort still collecting data, because when restart server see alerts after went down. here script: code: #!/bin/bash /sbin/ifconfig eth1 /usr/local/bin/snort -dq -u snort -g snort -c \ /etc/snort/snort.conf -i eth1 /usr/local/bin/barnyard -c /etc/snort/barnyard.conf -g \ /etc/snort/ -s /etc/snort/ -d \ /var/log/snort -f snort.unified -w /etc/snort/bylog.waldo & ok must have had else running, because script keeps running when first log out. guess need find command keep program running after close ssh session. regularly log in , stop snort , need keep running when start , log out. Forum The Ubuntu For...

Vendo arduino UNO nuevo

hola! tenido que hacer un trabajo para la universidad y necesitaba uno de estos aparatos por lo que lo compré nuevo, únicamente para hacer un pequeño circuito muy básico y entregarlo como trabajo de la asignatura. no tengo pensado usarlo mas por que no es lo que mas me llama la atención y me da pena guardarlo en la caja y no usarlo mas, por eso quiero venderlo. tengo el ticket de comprar donde indica que lo adquirí el día 4 de éste mes. junto el compre una placa board, que tampoco la quiero. pensado vender las dos cosas por 18€ junto con algunos cables y dos resistencias que me sobraron junto un fotoresistor. mi me costó exactamente 28,85. hola,         creo que ayudaria que dijeras en que país y ciudad vives por si hay alguien cerca interesado, y algún número de contacto.         asumo que eres de españa. saludos desde venezuela. Arduino Forum > Internat...

Thread: Add Windows to Boot Menu

okay, i've installed ubuntu server 8.04.3, , i'd install windows in empty space i've left on hard drive. realize need backup mbr before so. there else should before install windows? after install windows, know need restore mbr using dd livedisc. -- here's main question: i'm assuming grub entirely unaware of fact windows installed on machine. how add windows boot menu? know there way adding entry grub.cfg or that, know if there more straightforward, automatic way it. think there must be, because had windows been installed prior ubuntu installation, ububntu-server installer have scanned hdd , auto-detected windows there , automatically added boot menu. how can prompt go through procedure again , update boot menu? in advance ! i don't know of automatic method (no guarantee 1 not exist) - add grub.conf (or menu.lst) new section, like: title windows rootnoverify (hd0,3) or...

Aiuto ! Due tasti per On e Off ??

salve tutti , ho terminato il mio progetto, ora vorrei inserire due tasti.. uno che faccia partire il programma e l'altro che lo stoppi, mi spiego meglio ...ho costruito un robot adesso vorrei usare due tasti per spegnerlo e accenderlo..non riesco trovare il modo qualcuno può darmi una mano con il codice ?? grazie in anticipo !! code: [select] const byte led1 = 13; const byte led2 = 12; const int on = 3; // tasto on const int off = 5; // tasto off int onstate = 0;  //variabile int offstate = 0; //variabile int variabile =0; // variabile void setup() {   pinmode(led1, output);   pinmode(led2, output);   pinmode(on, input);   pinmode(off, input); } void loop() {   onstate = digitalread(on);   offstate = digitalread(off);     if (onstate == high)   {    variabile = 1;   }   if (offstate == high);   {    variabile = 0;   }   if (variabile = 1)   {   digitalwrite(led1, high...

Thread: Win 32 Virus Scanner?

any virus scanner ubutnu? wish download *blank* , of contains virus (i use vista) if download off of ubuntu wish make sure there no virus before moving vista partition stand people might want ask "why want antivirus on linux?" there number run on ubuntu. favourite avg latest linux version command-line only. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Win 32 Virus Scanner? Ubuntu

Sections Create PDF not HMTL page? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i have no idea in world going on -- after site hacked slightly, link our faqs produces bizarre pdf process , "lorem ipsum" pages instead of linking list of articles. menu in admin panel looks fine. try use either of these 2 links , figure out how possibly happen... many in advance.... slinky wrote: after site hacked slightly this important matter here. a site never cracked slightly. please read security forum, including 3pd security forum. it better reinstall site, etc. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Security - 1.0.x 3rd Party/Non Joomla! Security Issues

Analogue pins not working

hi all, i complete newbie @ arduino programming, have urgent issue. have built electronic xylophone uses piezo sensors , adrunio mega 2560 detect when note struck , generate midi output. analogue pins a0-a7 seem work, pins a8-a15 not. sensors work when plugged a0-a7. i'm using hairless serial bridge transform serial out midi output. hairless recognises input a0-a7, not a8-a15. code below. appreciated. int pinread; char pinassignments[16] ={   'a0','a1','a2','a3','a4','a5','a6','a7','a8','a9','a10','a11','a12','a13','a14','a15'}; byte padnote[16] = {   57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72};         // midi notes 0 127 (mid c = 60) int padcutoff[16] = {   100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100};           // mini...

velocidad ventilador 5voltios

hola, alguien podria decirme como regular la velocidad de un ventilador de 5 voltios? no se si hace falta pero tengo un transistor 2n5401 y l7805cv un saludo para controlar correctamente la velocidad de giro de un motor de corriente continua tienes que usar control por modulación por ancho de pulsos (también conocida como pwm, siglas en inglés de pulse-width modulation) lo mas sencillo es usar un integrado 555 jopapa Arduino Forum > International > Español > Software (Moderators: surbyte, Hector_A) > velocidad ventilador 5voltios arduino

Login function problem - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi i new joomla , think great!!  hope isn't stupid question having trouble site login module.  when log site registered user account cannot see user menu (which marked registered).  on admin site can see user logged in assume successful.  sure username , password correct. i changed usermenu public , see when clicked on 1 of registered content links tells me tried accessing content restricted, meaning not logged in? i have run joomla site user registration on localhost , mysql server , worked fine.  set site on different web server seems work looks setting/property of particular web server/host. what's going on here?  driving me nuts , have site working...    moving different server not option. thanks cobus if $mosconfig_livesite starts www try accessing site prefix , see if issue goes away. if doesn't start www, access site without , see if issue goes away. regards dave Board index Joomla! Older Version Support ...

[Module] Maybank2u -Virtuemart payment module - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

download @ bagi la komen pape ek. skarang aku nak buat untuk nbepay lak. ps: [module ni hanya untuk kompeni2 yang ada merchant account sahaja] ... nt-module/ good mod... not tested yet sharing.. p.s tenuk, ko kerja kat cesb aaakk.. aku peminat setia aie. jumpa dia kim salam ehh.. Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Malaysian Forum

Thread: Want to use router's DNS server for local hostnames

can't ping hostnames or linux box i'm configuring small office lan , 1 of machines on network running linux (ubuntu other distros) while others running windows xp. have run issue linux machine can't resolve hostnames of other (windows) machines on network , vice versa. interestingly, windows machines able resolve each other's names using 'ping' command can't see linux box. of machines able resolve domains outside of network (e.g. have tried both assigning static ip's machines , having them assigned automatically via router's (a linksys wrt54g) dhcp server. limited networking knowledge, suspect has more dns server using in setup. using opendns dns servers realized servers have no idea how resolve local hostname. set dns server router address doesn't seem resolve local hostnames resolve outside network. know can associate hostname ip address manually editing hosts file, seems tedious , wasn...

VGA Monitor does not work after Pi restarts - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello all, use acer flatscreen monitor display raspberry pi, using hdmi vga adaptor. problem is, when restart pi complete shutdown, monitor not signal , displays nothing. can go macbook , reboot pi through ssh, , pi connect monitor , display properly. here know why monitor not work after hard reboot, , resolve that? edit: using recent version of rasbian. thanks, mikel it might not in right viewing mode. might outputting through composite video. try hooking up, , see if works. if doesn't work, don't know else try. raspberrypi

!JoomlaComment funkar inte - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

jag har tidigare använt en äldre version (än 2.33) och det slutade plötsligt att fungera. testade därför att uppgradera (bÃ¥de joomla och !jommlacomment) men fÃ¥ fortfarande ett meddelande att behörighet saknas om jag inte är inloggad. jag vill att alla besökare till sajten skall kunna kommentera uta att vara registrerade användare. jag har satt allt jag kunnat till "public" ooch har därmed slut pÃ¥ egna ideèr vad som är fel. nÃ¥gon annan som har haft detta problem, och dessutom löst det?  ingen?? ok, ställer om frÃ¥gan lite mer allmänt hÃ¥llen; vad kan orsaka att vissa saker inte är Ã¥tkomliga för "public" trots att alla inställningar (som jag hittar) är satta till "public"? Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Swedish Forum Äldre versioner Forum Joomla! 1.0 Komponenter, moduler och Mambots ...

Toggle Switching ~ Display clock

hello, my newest challenge myself make clock display time/date/month/year/sec etc.... question i'm wanting know, have 1 of these toggle switches,15642.0.html, is possible connect these arduino perform increments , decrements clock, example, if(pin2 high) months++; // although bad example, using demonstrate how want toggles act if(pin3 high) months--; ive coded type of thing before on atmega32, using avr, better idea me avr studio , code way? jtag mkii? in summary : clock displays day/time/month, toggles increment , decrement values set time. (4 toggles switches, both way) it's possible if type of switch returns middle. if normal on/off toggle, won't work right. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > Toggle Switching ~ Display clock arduino

Thread: Sound problems

hi buddies, use jaunty version of ubuntu lspci | grep "audio" gives 00:14.2 audio device: ati technologies inc ixp sb4x0 high definition audio controller (rev 01) whereas aplay: device_list:217: no soundcards found... windows sound fine. onboard realtek high definition audio obviously, no sound speakers . newbie. kindly me sound. rather reinvent wheel i'll refer thread in these forums starting point. it's excellent howto troubleshooting sound problems , contains step-by-step directions. check out here: if still getting after post here , we'll proceed. tgeer Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Multimedia Software [ubuntu] Sound problems Ubuntu

[HELP] need guidance how the way to setup the network

hi all.... i plan make home automation. use 1 arduino board control , manage stuff in home. im newbie in arduino. got week ago. detail attached block diagram below. please give me guidance how setup network? best way? home automation control through android application. want accessed anywhere, not use bluetooth. image first assumtion. don't know wether correct or not. please give me correction if doing wrong. appreciated. , hope enter right room.. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Networking, Protocols, and Devices (Moderator: fabioc84) > [HELP] need guidance how the way to setup the network arduino

i2c 24LC256 EEPROM Library - which one ?

guys, trying find correct library work in 1.04 i2c eeprom. i have done heap of searching of libraries seem pre 1.0 environment , of noob know how convert. does have known working library 1.04 can pointed please (any examples noob apppreciated) craig guys, ok found code not need external library (other i2c) , seems work well. note handles single byte reads , writes - , not implement page write feature code: [select] #include <wire.h>    #define disk1 0x50    //address of 24lc256 eeprom chip void setup(void) {   serial.begin(9600);   wire.begin();    unsigned int address = 0;   writeeeprom(disk1, address, 123);   serial.print(readeeprom(disk1, address), dec); } void loop(){} void writeeeprom(int deviceaddress, unsigned int eeaddress, byte data ) {   wire.begintransmission(deviceaddress);   wire.write((int)(eeaddress >> 8));   // msb   wire.write((int)(eeaddress &...

data storage SD card or HDD? - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi guys, have lot of instructions (1000s write cycles/per day) rpi storage sd card. think if should use storage sd card or hdd. heard there limited write cycles sd card (approx. 100,000). , when power goes down in moment when rpi writing data sd card, can corrupt sd card - maybe hdd more resistant failure. right? what's opinion? ymmv, if writing lots , putting hd in mix can in long run , , usb hub + usb hd adapter , hd , power can made quite small.... sort of application looking @ ? can add battery backup device if needed raspberrypi

Good Enough Network Tool: The GENT

after many months of beating myself , programming forums up, i'm proud finished first project. found genesis of project on site no longer has it, , besides wanted add bells , whistles. requirements: arduino mega. program clocks in @ 36k compiled, , needed pins everything. 16x2 lcd ethernet shield keypad , icmpping libraries, included in repository. it can downloaded @ . feedback welcome. throw images in on website! or better yet video! Arduino Forum > Community > Exhibition / Gallery > Good Enough Network Tool: The GENT arduino

Thread: Converting video to iso?

i have added "memup" 1tb box audio setup can add photos, music, films , home dv , have them in 1 place , show them on pc or dvd projector. box comes formatted fat32 , don't think can change without upsetting system. have use ntfs , box refuses formats (including avi) except iso ok. question is, how change avi , other formats iso. use ubunto time though not technical command line, unless simple, not option. an iso otherwise known image file. if you're familiar zip file, it's similar concept. storing of files within iso. more technically, iso file meant copy of disc. i'm not familiar system referring to. digital media player? iso file have resemble dvd video? or can data dvd? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [ubuntu] Converting video to iso? Ubuntu

Interfacing an Arduino MEGA 2560 with LabVIEW

hello everyone, i hope posting in correct forum , if not, please move appropriate one. project working on construct circuit made of following parts: five irf9540 p-type mosfets (represented m1, 3, 5, 7, 9 in circuit diagram) five irf510 n-type mosfets (represented m2, 4, 6, 8, 10 in circuit diagram) five d1n4006 diodes five 1k ? resistors five 280 ? resistors r591763400 (rf switch radiall) the rf switch represented l1, l2, l3, l4, , l5, correspond following pins on switch respectively: 1, 2, 4, 5, , r (which resets switch). this circuit receive 5 volts output arduino mega 2560 (which represented v2 function generator in circuit can see provided attachment), , need have labview communicate arduino sending instructions arduino outputs 5 volts pins 1, 2, 4, 5, , r whenever needed person controlling interface. have labview 2009 installed on computer, along labview interface arduino (lifa) v2.2.0.79 obtained via vi package manager. i've been going through lot of tutorials inte...