
Showing posts from June, 2010

Disabling download menu

i have been having difficulty determining best way disable mouseover video when place mouseover flash video on webpages. i set flash video .flv webpage using cs3 dreamweaver - using insert flash video function. i disable download menu pops whenever places mouse on flash video. 1 of pages have installed video on listed below. thanks brent More discussions in Adobe Animate CC - General adobe

Thread: Transcoding mp3 bitrates to ipod

does amarok or songbird or music library program on ubuntu im looking for. on windows pc have winamp installed , have set transcode mp3s if @ high bitrate lower 1 when syncing ipod. instance mp3 collection on pc 320kbps mp3s, on ipod dont need them @ 320, 128 fine me more space on ipod. collections still sync , remember transcoded on ipod , not new songs, if makes sense. help. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Multimedia Software [ubuntu] Transcoding mp3 bitrates to ipod Ubuntu


i working layers , know set absolute position. but, somehow, able position layers align website display, despite browser position. don't know how did it. have looked through code , don't see difference between layers seem absolute , layers seem fixed within table. appreciated. three of layers seem position correctly when view them in firefox , safari, , 1 layer remains in absolute position when scroll on foot on site. ncfc draft thanks a layer absolutely positioned element. position relative nearest positioned parent. -- walt "ta1nner" <> wrote in message news:gde677$evg$ >i working layers , know set absolute position. >but, > somehow, able position layers align > website > display, despite browser position. don't know how did it. > have > looked through code , don't see difference between > layers > seem absolute , layers seem fixed within > table. appr...

Arduino DUE with ITDB02 not working

hi i have problem. looking everywhere. read topics in forum. found 2 problem solutions not work project. my shield 3,2tft works mega not working due. load standard example itead studio, im change line: utft myglcd(itdb32s,38,39,40,41); and add declarations manual outputs. but still not working. can tell me diferents due , mega? why working mega not working due? im sorry english. quote can tell me diferents due , mega? the main difference mega 5v , due 3v3, display need? ______ rob Arduino Forum > Products > Arduino Due (Moderator: fabioc84) > Arduino DUE with ITDB02 not working arduino

MIDI input - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello there don't know if i'm posting on right channel. use reading midi serial connection. i've googled allot , still couldn't succeed in reading simple midi input on raspberry. have done far is: - change /boot/cmdline.txt code: select all dwc_otg.lpm_enable=0 console=tty1 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rootfstype=ext4 elevator=deadline rootwait - added new lines /boot/config.txt change uart clock , baud rate code: select all # change uart clock 2441406 midi 31250 baud rate init_uart_clock=2441406 init_uart_baud=38400 although uart clock not "2441406", when check "vcgencmd measure_clock uart" "frequency(22)=2441000" have used this schematic, connecting midi rpi's serial. i've tried little luck writing own python script reading midi, totally wrong i'm new coding code: select all import serial import time ser = serial.serial(port="/dev/ttyama0", baudrate=38400,) data = ...

How to read full name of a file with SdFat

although sdfat use short names files , directories (8.3 format), long name registered in memory of card. i sure there way read long name, using low level routine. any body had that, know how or know can information it? note: use arduino due, think not revelant purpose. i 2 pages explaining vfat (virtual fat) long file name: Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Storage > How to read full name of a file with SdFat arduino

Kan inte Själv :-[ - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

skulle göra ett försöak att installera uniform server. efter jag packat upp filen och lagt den under c: klickade jag på server_start.bat allt enligt "guide:: install local uniform testserver & joomla! in 20 easy steps!" när jag steg 5 ska klicka på "run mysql" så kommer detta medelande upp. warning: require_once(./lang/ [function.require-once]: failed open stream: no such file or directory in w:\home\admin\www\phpmyadmin\libraries\select_lang.lib.php on line 307 fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: failed opening required './lang/' (include_path='.;/usr/local/php/includes;/usr/local/php/pear') in w:\home\admin\www\phpmyadmin\libraries\select_lang.lib.php on line 307 skulle någon kunna förklara vart/vilket fel det är?  ser ut som language fel prova och kör med utf-8 om det går och ändra vill säga. uniform server har jag inte hört talas om prova kör med xampp eller wampserver. wamps...

Arduino Nano + 28J60 ethernet shield problem

hello everyone, this first encounter arduino nano , ethernet shield , have run problem. there have been few, arduino nano not being recognized windows when shield or external power connected.i solved shorting test + agnd pins on ftdi chip. bumped else, either related library or faulty shield guess :~ setup : arduino nano rev3 shield: 6v external power supply 2100ma router: linksys wag200g library: ethershield/ethercard (ethershield provided seller, wouldn't compile without changing wconstants.h android.h in enc28j60.c) i have tried whatever examples in these libraries related dhcp, ping, webserver. tried letting dhcp assign ip trying static one. shield never became visible in dchp table , ping attempts fail. on webserver example, typing ip on browser yields nothing. though can see shield , router communicating because router's led blinks @ same time 1 on shi...

root login probleem - Raspberry Pi Forums

ik heb de sudoers file van eigenaar gewijzigd (omdat ik dacht dat dit makkelijker met winscp ) nu heb ik het probleem dat ik geen sudo commando meer kan geven . hoe kan ik de eigenaar weer terugzetten naar root? dit de foutmelding: code: select all pi@raspberry / $ sudo reboot sudo: /etc/sudoers owned uid 1002, should 0 sudo: no valid sudoers sources found, quitting sudo: unable initialize policy plugin niet. je hebt jezelf buitengesloten, het grote probleem met sudo. flash sd kaart en probeer het opnieuw. maak een root gebruiker aan (zoek ff met google hoe je dat op de goede manier doet) en verwijder zo mogelijk sudo. gebruik nooit win-os software om linux-systeem files te bewerken! raspberrypi

XML Not Loading

should simple. code works "success" part of xml load. failure. no explanation. able make simlple file load xml - not code. know simple. missing semicolon? function loadxml(success) { trace("in load module"); if (success) { trace("load positive"); xmlnode = this.firstchild; image = []; thumb = []; description = []; total = xmlnode.childnodes.length; (i=0; i< total; i++) { image = xmlnode.childnodes .childnodes[0].firstchild.nodevalue; thumb = xmlnode.childnodes .childnodes[1].firstchild.nodevalue; description = xmlnode.childnodes .childnodes[2].firstchild.nodevalue; thumbclip = "mc_" + i; = thumb ; trace(thumb +"going "+thumbclip); } firstimage(); } else { trace("file not loaded!"); } } function getgallery(what){ trace(what+" in getgallery"); myxml.onload = loadxml(); myxml.load(what) there handy thing in flash can use check see if script valid. loo...

Obtaining a Lower CPU usage - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello. website has been getting cpu usage amount on server , don't know problem is. maybe because bridged joomla coppermine. suspect might caused opensef.  but, however, think caused .htaccess file. example, if type in adfadfad , page, doesn't exist, take 1 or 2 minutes load 404 "page not found" page. not know why takes long. here's copy of .htaccess: # @version $id: htaccess.txt 4085 2006-06-21 16:03:54z stingrey $ # @package joomla # @copyright copyright (c) 2005 open source matters. rights reserved. # @license gnu/gpl # joomla! free software ## ##################################################### #  read if choose use file # # line below section: 'options followsymlinks' may cause problems # server configurations.  required use of mod_rewrite, may already # set server administrator in way dissallows changing in # .htaccess file.  if using causes server error out, comment out (add # # begin...

OT: Linklok IPN anyone here using product online sales of downloadable items? are thoughts on it? thanks! tim no, looks good. if choose use please give report when you have experience it. thanks. walt "tim g" <> wrote in message news:e4iq8c$qpv$ > > > here using product online sales of downloadable items? what > thoughts on it? > > thanks! > > tim > > More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

Unique Session across different windows

hello, we came across problem 1 of our applications struggling fix. when user logins saving user primary key cookie , use cookie queries following login. if 2 different users sharing same browser these cookies shared , latest login cookie replaces other users login cookie. so solve problem decided use session variables on cookies.when implemented ran similar issues. observed in coldfusion session shared across different browser instances (i.e if open 1 ie window , @ sessionid same ie window on pc, similar multiple frames). help appreciated.... thanks trevor More discussions in ColdFusion adobe

Thread: Apple remote does not work

hello, i'm problem not seem fixable. use apple remote on ubuntu through vlc, means need source vlc, can obtained, , lirc, can get, problem lies. i'm running off of installation of custom ubuntu livedvd made myself java , else gave me troubles can't lirc working properly. after installing lirc, opened totem test installation , none of buttons worked. know can lirc work going original jaunty livecd, mean needing reinstall , replacing miro in ubuntu repository official miro repository ubuntu, setting default player vlc, , countless updates, take lot of time. need lirc running properly? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Specialised Support Apple Hardware Users [ubuntu] Apple remote does not work Ubuntu

use IMG to display image but shows garbage

dear all, how output dynamic images along html php scripts. it ends looking bunch of garbage. i pass picture number following php pgm , asume display picture. however, shows lot of garbage. parameters pass php pgm should ok. please help. many thanks. <?php require_once('connections/abc.php'); ?> <?php $colname_recordset1 = "-1"; if (isset($_get['id'])) { $colname_recordset1 = (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) ? $_get['id'] : addslashes($_get['id']); } mysql_select_db($database_abc, $abc); $query_recordset1 = sprintf("select * replyarticle postid = %s", $colname_recordset1); $recordset1 = mysql_query($query_recordset1, $abb) or die(mysql_error()); $row_recordset1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($recordset1); $totalrows_recordset1 = mysql_num_rows($recordset1); ?> <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd xhtml 1.0 transitional//en" ""> <html xmlns=" h...

Thread: Sound in HP Pavillion tx2500z CTO not working

i'm running ubuntu 9.04 cannot sound work on hp pavillion tx2500z cto notebook. i've tried of methods on site none of them seem work compy. suggestions? hi klopenator, following line seems work tx2500 users: code: options snd-hda-intel index=0 model=toshiba position_fix=1 add bottom of file "alsa-base.conf" @ "/etc/modprobe.d/". don't worry says toshiba. edit enter in terminal: code: gksudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf save, close, , reboot. check see if mixer muted. if make sure sliders up. hope helps. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Hardware [SOLVED] Sound in HP Pavillion tx2500z CTO not working Ubuntu

Bug in editor/HTML editor with 1.0.10?? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi there, one of our staff noticed page links download few pdfs not working. re-edited pages place urls text , still not work. when looked @ html code - how 'a hrefs' , 'a titles' have been created , closed - re-editing links has got me 2 'a titles': click here download document in pdf format   to fix had manually edit html - no major work still small bit of inconvenience! anyone else seen - dealing server outage not have time test or duplicate right now. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Extensions - 1.0.x WYSIWYG Editors - 1.0.x

How Can I merge char variable

good evening all, i need merge char another. here declaration code: [select] char coords[100]; char lon[15]; char lat[15]; char alt[15]; char time[20]; char vel[15]; at end, have this code: [select] coords = "lat="+lat+"&long="+lon+"&alt="+alt+"&speed=&course="+val+"&date=2013-04-25&time="+time+"; by way, time returning in format code: [select] 20130615220230.000 how can human readable? cheers strcat? Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > How Can I merge char variable arduino

[RISOLTO] Serial println dopo un po impazzisce

ciao!! sono nuovo del forum, e in realtà ho iniziato smanettare con arduino solo da ieri.. quindi la domanda che sto per farvi sarà magari banale, comunque ringrazio in anticipo chi avrà voglia di rispondermi. allora, rilevo dei problemi col comando serial.println, infatti, mentre in un primo momento funziona tutto correttamente, dopo un po (circa 30 secondi) inizia impazzire, sputandomi fuori numeri caso.. mi spiego meglio: io sto costruendo un contagiri, per ora voglio che arduino invii la velocità angolare al pc, con tempo di campionamento 0.5 sec. per primi 30 sec va tutto bene, poi inizia dare una sfilza di zeri, come se campionasse ogni millisecondo o cose del genere.... secondo voi come mai? qualcuno ha avuto lo stesso problema? grazie tutti, ciao! tommaso mi ero dimenticato di aggiungere che, ogni volta che inizia ad "impazzire", la ventola del pc si attiva, come se stesse anche iniziando consumare piu risorse... aggiungo infine, che uso...

Thread: Can't get wireless on dell insprion E1505

hello guys. so frustrated laptop, can't wireless work on have went dell website download needed drivers 4 it, still don't work have reinstalled windows still doesn't work. have tried eveything single thing possible , still don't work. have download uniblue driver scanner has downloaded wireless driver n know right 1 still don't work here screen shot came across thread have no idea how this, don't know talking plz me fast because have college class going , really need workking before it. i think you're @ wrong forums. support ubuntu , linux-based operating system. windows support you'll have elsewhere, sorry. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Networking & Wireless [other] Can't get wireless on dell insprion E1505 Ubuntu...

Low Power - Overheat? - Raspberry Pi Forums

i have been experimenting old model a early model b pi , experiencing overheating/crashing, have updated latest firmware @ time of writing , not over-clocking @ all. monitoring temp using following command: code: select all /opt/vc/bin/vcgencmd measure_temp i experimenting different power-sources , beginning monitor running power-levels using digital multimeter , tp1/tp2 connections on board. have read lots various power-requirements , it's effects on reliability, understand importance of supplying pi enough juice maintain voltage whilst it's running , peripherals. monitored multimeter when pi running of adapters have been trying may have been insufficient, run pi headless 1-3 days if use light. if put pi under substantial load can make overheat , crash. have read not supplying enough voltage can cause malfunction my question malfunction in form of overheating chips or issue altogether? have got small heatsink on lan/usb chip can still hot! input appreciated. i sup...

Joomla site transfer to same location - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

ok, i've recentrly made changes server , have had unexpected problems along way.  anyways, had joomla site set on server had switching around domain names.  everyhtign taken care of, not able access joomla site except front page.  links still pointing previous addresses.  my question is, can change in code make things point right new address.  if so, directory , file must changed? should livesite setting in configuration.php (i suggest editing references in file old domain name) Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Installation - 1.0.x

Thread: We should make Kubuntu more like Ubuntu...

here me out now... reading other threads there seems little grievance progression of gnome. problem of course kde has rebuilt glossy shell see today. gnome, know, elegant in simplicity. kde...less so. propose add simplicity of ubuntu kubuntu. need show kubuntu love, seems neglected. perhaps simplifying apps appearance , other configuration tools. think these main ones. posted davbren here me out now... reading other threads there seems little grievance progression of gnome. problem of course kde has rebuilt glossy shell see today. gnome, know, elegant in simplicity. kde...less so. propose add simplicity of ubuntu kubuntu. need show kubuntu love, seems neglected. perhaps simplifying apps appearance , other configuration tools. think these main ones. no! please don't that! kubuntu has enough love , enough lovers. ...

[solved] Arduino wifi shield - “No Socket available”

hi, i'am building weather station sends data own web server (like wifi pachube sensor client).   i using: - visual studio plug in arduino. (same issue when use arduino 1.0.5) - arduino uno r3 - arduino wifi shield wifi firmware version: 1.1.0. (upgraded firmware last version). i have following issue: after 4 cycles error message "no socket available" raised , no data transmitted via wifi. cycles continue run in ever endless loop, , in every new cycle message "no socket available" raised. i have don following: - tested arduino example wifiwebclient , same error. - compared , used parts of code in sketch (wifipachubeclient). - search google similar issues starting run out of ideas... - checked power , test reason connected +5 v power supply direct on shield. code code: [select] #include <spi.h> #include <wifi.h> #define apikey         "crwlknas" // api key #define feedid         "00001" ...

Reverse engineering a 12 pin 4 digit display

hi everyone! i'm developing project university allows me control eletrical moka remotely. for case study took alicia de longhi ( has 5 buttons , display. the display has no name or code or allows me understand model , find out datasheet or @ least how pins have driven. it's 4 digit display 12 pins in row (not 6 on side , 6 on opposite side). to more specific there colon between first 2 digits , other 2 digits, in way -> 12:11. there no decimal points. can me understand how pins driven? found nothing on internet! thank in advance, diego quote can me understand how pins driven? that consumer product. unlikely able it. these aggressively designed down price point , such take short cuts byproduct render difficult re use. your first step @ signals oscilloscope , see if logic signals or if direct lcd signals, in case multi level. Arduino Forum ...

access database with data from a sruct

hi @ all..... i´ve got question how access db data sruct. my struct called application.names. contains (name1,name2,name3,.....etc.) now want find these names in database. there possibility similar function #valuelist(application.names,",")# this <cfquery name ="qnames" datasource="#application.dsn#" maxrows="20"> select name, xyz tbl #valuelist(application.names,",")# </cfquery> but doesn´t work . function #structkeylist(application.names,",")# gives no record. i thankfull suggestions. select somefields from sometables where anumericfield in (#application.numbers#) or acharacterfield in (#listqualify(application.names, "'")#) More discussions in Advanced Techniques adobe

cfhttp with https

hello, i'm trying create cf file schedule run on weekly basis. page run report on same server , load information excel page. page drop excel file onto directory on our server. page loop through list of people , email each person file attached. everything fine except <cfhttp> not working since on secure server, url starting https:// can project work on secure server? maybe should using different coldfusion tag achieve goal? thanks, peter there issues when connecting using https cfhttp tag, can done. the problem https server certificate doesn't match domain you're requesting. make sure exact url program requesting can requested web browser without popup warnings mismatched or expired ssl certificate. another problem have encountered verisign using new cert may not recognized cf installation. in case need manually import cert verisign cf server. requires bunch of fiddling "keytool" , stuff that. no fun , don't remember how it... More discussions...

Loading error: The Flash Player's limits

i have found lots of posts on various forums following error: error #2044: unhandled ioerrorevent:. text=error #2035: url not found. others seem error when provide incorrect path external assets. getting same error circumstances unique. i loading 3000 jpgs. error message after 2000 loaded. if start loading @ image_0001.jpg, error thrown @ image_2000.jpg. if start @ image_0400.jpg, error thrown @ image_2400.jpg. have reached official limit of images flash player load? you're trying load 3,000 jpgs @ various times while application open? More discussions in ActionScript 3 adobe

Editor của Docman bị vỡ tứ tung - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

lỗi khi submit document mới!!!!  :(" title="angry" /> có ai bị thế này chưa.  bình thường toolbar nó nằm thành 3 dòng, nay chỉ nằm trên 1 dòng. làm xấu quá!!!! mong được giúp đỡ! thanks - thử xài trình duyệt firefox mới nhất xem. - nhớ bật javascript. - Độ phân giải màn hình: 800x600 trở lên Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Vietnamese Forum Hỗ trợ kỹ thuật

RPM de arduino para Mageia 3 (y otras distribuciones basadas en RPM)

edit: agrego urls para 1.0.6: 32 bits: 64 bits: srpm: este post es para informar que está disponible un paquete rpm de arduino para mageia 3 el binario oficial de arduino hecho por mageia no funciona. demás, magia usa vesiones nuevas de avr-gcc que no son totalmente compatibles con los los fuentes de arduino. para solucionarlo creado un nuevo paquete basado en los binarios oficiales de arduino con unos pocos cambios (que explico al final). el paquete funciona sin problemas simplemente con instalarlo y no necesita modificar grupos o permisos ni reinicios. instrucciones: para 32 bits: alternativa 1 (preferible porque permite actualizaciones automáticas): code: [select] urpmi.addmedia --wget --distrib

Form coding in Joomla content - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

is there way put what mean is, far link sepperate page, want have display contact info page or still has menu , header , everything. every time try , click on edit html button , insert it, gets auto deleted. so how can include it? do have make custom module includes or something? or there way standard content creation built in? you can turn off wysiwyg editor , create form, stop editor stripping out code, can create module , call mosloadposition or simplest install facileforms extension , let you. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

Mandar notificaciones Push desde Raspberry - Raspberry Pi Forums

hola estoy interesado en manda notificaciones mi móvil android desde la raspberry pi, pero todo lo que leo al respecto es usando servicios de terceros, llamando un servicio de notificaciones que supongo es el que se encarga de reenviar el mensaje mi móvil teniendo algún cliente suyo. pero mi lo que me interesa es hacerlo todo por mi cuenta, sin recurrir terceros, es decir, que la propia raspberry pi sea el servicio de notificaciones. ¿alguien sabe como hacerlo o me puede explicar un poco porque parece que siempre es "necesario" llamar un servicio ajeno? algo sencillo y sin usar productos de terceros. y que sea el raspberry el servidor. ¿que tal si lo haces usando correo electrónico? raspberrypi

IVR using Arduino and GSM sheild

hello folks, i have requirement build ivr (interactive voice response system) system using  arduino , gsm shield.  is possible? if yes, gsm module preferable?  sim300/900  , other specific hardware need apart these? can make automated calls (with facility play recorded voice or text) ?? please suggest. i need know same thing. if has fruitful answer leave here. ! Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Networking, Protocols, and Devices (Moderator: fabioc84) > IVR using Arduino and GSM sheild arduino

Thread: Gnome Terminal command in KDE/Konsole

hi, i'd know correct alternative of gnome/gnome terminal...: code: gnome-terminal -x bash -c "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade;read -n1" ... kde/konsole. i believe replace gnome-terminal konsole, i.e. code: konsole -x bash -c "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade;read -n1" not sure if -x applicable konsole though. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Desktop Environments [SOLVED] Gnome Terminal command in KDE/Konsole Ubuntu

Joomla! Forum - community, help and support - Login

the board requires registered , logged in view forum. username: password: i forgot password resend activation email remember me hide online status session   register in order login must registered. registering takes few moments gives increased capabilities. board administrator may grant additional permissions registered users. before register please ensure familiar our terms of use , related policies. please ensure read forum rules navigate around board. terms of use | privacy policy register Board index

FMS Security

hi, is possible control can stream streaming server? i have 4 locations in europe have pc webcam , flash media encoder installed each fme profiled stream fms , have 4 camera console built live meeting situations. works fine. it seems though local "it" guys have figured out rtmp streaming path , have seen on fms on several occasions these guys having own "video chats" changing stream name. i want stop if possible. any suggestions or ideas grateful. i assume have fmss 3 edition, swf authentication should in following way: 1. using swf "hard coded stream name" & enable swf authentication fms allow swf connect fms. or/and 2. take stream name parameters html page hosted on http domain + enable html & swf domain authentication using relevant .txt files in {program files}/flash media server 3/applications/live. in ensuring swf allowed when hosted on trusted machine , loaded on trusted html page. on other hand, fmis has full scripting, authent...

Serial Master/Slave problem using serialEvent

i've made master/slave via rs485 using serialevent. here code master : code: [select] string inputstring = "";         // string hold incoming data boolean stringcomplete = false;  // whether string complete string poll = "*00100011110001111;"; int = 0; void setup() {  // initialize serial:  serial.begin(19200);  // reserve 200 bytes inputstring:  inputstring.reserve(200);    pinmode(2, output); } void loop() {  poll.setcharat(1, 'a' + i++);  if(i > 10) = 0;  digitalwrite(2, 1);  delay(1);  serial.println(poll);  waiting();  digitalwrite(2, 0);  delay(1);  response();  delay(1000); } void response() {  if (stringcomplete) {    serial.println(inputstring);   // echo response slave device    // clear string:    inputstring = "";    stringcomplete = false; ...

Joomla Editor - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello everyone. i love of mambo/joomla editors missing few little things use in major windows editors like, drop-down table selector , drop-down color picker. i have seen in few scripts [mod edit: link removed - chiefgofor.] here editor talking . has ever attempted make work mambo/joomla. think great addition great cms. what think?. thank you. again suggested editor here moving thread "wysiwyg editors" board. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Extensions - 1.0.x WYSIWYG Editors - 1.0.x

intro page with login - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, i have site using mambo match dating site. isn't mambo match question... relates more logging members joomla external static html page. because of recent new "pornography" legislation need create intro page before users enter joomla/mambo site. plan on making site content registered users , have login box allow members login intro page. does have suggestions how might possible? thanks mark try viewing source on main site, copy part shows login box , paste code new page. havent tried of yet should work. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

GPIO 04 - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello, having fun pi , leds , trying out each pin, when got pin gpio04, couldn't led. code using code: select all import rpi.gpio gpio gpio.setmode(gpio.bcm) red_led= 4 gpio.setup(red_led, gpio.out) gpio.output(red_led, true) managed every pin make led light up, except on pin. supposed that? i'm using raspberry pi model b. have connected t-cobbler raspberry pi gpio extension board v2.2 , make connections board. no multimeter voltage directly pin yet. thanks! i should mention gpio04 p7 on cobbler mentioned raspberrypi

Problem when installing components, modules or bots - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, i installed joomla friend. yesterday tested new components , modules on test server , later decided install them in live joomla of friend. friends joomla runs on different server of different web hoster. on server encounter problems when installing stuff. error msgs related folders couldn't created. emailed , forth support , answer /httpdocs folder (where joomla runs from) need permission 777 not possible security reasons. understand not wise set folders permission 777 somehow need components , bots installed without manually creating subfolders. checked test installation of joomla on server , surprised see permission there 'just' 710 joomla folder. my question is, there way without compromising security working? it seems such standard thing (that php allowed create folders), think there 1 or 2 settings php need tweaked make work. any welcome. cheers martin joomla requires folders writeable can install extentions (also templates). there 2 ways that.... one chmod 777 (...

video from PC to Pi over USB? - Raspberry Pi Forums

is possible send video pi windows pc on usb? realize can done on network situation, not option. can plug pc pi , access pc hard drive? i'm not sure if of possible , if is, have no idea how go doing it. usb works on host / slave principal. pc , pi both host plugging in straight cable cause smoke signals there usb net cables may or may not work , have chipset built have never attempted undertake this.. raspberrypi

Thread: remote connection to my ubuntu desktop

i using vnc viewer connect ubuntu desktop school. can connect, shows me image of desktop. can control dekstop, not show on screen. appreciated! edit: goal have vnc viewer on flash drive can plug in , connect desktop. works it's not showing i'm doing on screen mmm. problem rings bell me, cannot remember details. use vnc around multi-os network. have found cryptic notes made @ time may of little you. say: implementing vnc on ubuntu 904. bug means in system > preferences > appearance > visual effects, vnc display if none selected. nb – no change default ubuntu firewall needed vinagre default vnc server in ubuntu share existing desktop. works fine in 8.10. configure vinagre within gnome, go system > preferences > remote desktop luck.... Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Networking ...

Arduino-->Gyro-->Servos ????

bonjour, voilà 3 mois que je bataille, que je cherche à faire un programme en c. j'ai acheté une carte arduino uno, un accéléromètre gyroscope mpu6050 et 2 servomoteurs, pensant naïvement que la programmation allait être simple même pour un novice comme moi ! car je n'y connais rien en électronique et en programation   mon projet est de faire manoeuvrer les servomoteurs suivant une inclinaison donnée (ex : à partir d'une inclinaison de 5° vers la gauche, je voudrais que mon servomoteur de gauche manoeuvre de 10°; idem pour la droite). j'ai bien eu quelques bribes de réponses mais même avec ça je n'avance pas... j'imagine bien que l'idéal serait d'apprendre le langage c dans sa globalité mais j'en ai besoin uniquement pour une partie précise de mon projet et n'en aurait plus besoin par la suite... j'ai bien trouvé un code qui se rapproche de ce que je veux faire mais c'est pas encore ça... code: [select] #include ...