
Showing posts from August, 2010

Thread: The new Zune

with growing u.s. hype stumbled across nvidia's display, couple of old 'previews' , few articles it. there reports new zunehd going go on sale internationally. , means country. honest think looks damn nice! revamped intuitive ui. nvidia's tegra chip puppy can play full 720p... not on it's native res oled screen (yay efficient video playback!) of 480 x 272 however. aaaand have buy few addons plug hd screen... in respect it's not overly useful. mean smooth interface, fast webpage rendering (it has wifi) , proper graphical acceleration (cool addictive games anyone?). dock comes remote, although not overly useful average user, can think of situations might not pointless, dock and remote come seperately. support 3rd party applications planned, apparently won't released launching firmware. i think thing has potential... (audio) playback nice , supports more two ...

Componente contacts - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

no consigo que este componente me envie los mensajes  . instalado el contacts xtd y tampoco me funciona. no encuentro el fallo. mirado en manage contacts y en contacts categories. puede ser que el fallo este en global configuration/mail? saludos todos  revisa este enlace:,34093.0.html si es un servidor de alquiler que trabaja con linux configurar: (1) zona administrativa /global configuration /mail variable  valor mailer -->  php mail function mail --> (puede ser ) from name -->  miweb (cualquier nombre) sendmail path-->  /usr/sbin/sendmail smtp auth-->  no smtp user  smtp pass  smtp host-->  localhost (2) zona administrativa  --> variables configurar con relacion al email: - components/contacts/manege contacts/mijoomla/email= - site/user manager/administrador/email= - components/mambo-php_...

Piface + sensors = piface in a breadboard - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi guys, need configurate piface , sensors piface don't support 1-wire need setup piface (on breadboard) pin of gpio free help? lot! one way use humble pi breakout board, discard supplied 26pin female header , instead solder 26pin female extender header, plug in humble pi pi first piface on top, on humble pi board can bring out pin pi gpio port , add sensor connections etc raspberrypi

[RESOLU] Probleme de Switch/Case

je suis à la fois content de moi et à la fois très frustré. dans un de highspeed photography, j'ai réussi à faire un montage qui tient la route et un code qui fait ce que je veux. sauf qu'il ne le fait pas quand je veux. normalement, il doit attendre un premier bruit fort pour déclencher l'appareil photo (qui est en mode bulb) le son est géré par en sensor qui me renvoie un signal digital si je dépasse un seuil réglé par un potentiomètre intégré au sensor. pas de threshold dans le code donc puis géré dans le sensor directement. au boum suivant, il doit déclencher le flash. puis après une petite pause, il doit couper l'appareil photo. seulement, avant qu'il y ait du bruit, il me déclenche le flash. ensuite l'appareil photo, ensuite il coupe l'appareil photo. mais il n'attend aucun bruit pour faire les choses, dans le mauvais ordre qui plus est (mais je n'en suis pas sur à 100% il les fait peut-être presque en même temps et le flash e...

Problem Running AIR application

here's situation: we're developing flash-based application now, we've been running swf. we've created our own installer application install exe file user's computer. today, i've been experimenting using air deploy application. i've installed air correctly, can change main fla file's settings publish air 1.0 file, setup of air application , installer settings, create air file , run , install application using air file. this gets weird. if run individual swf file, runs correctly. when run air application, it's if movie (swf) not "playing." seems stuck on first "frame" (even though we're not doing frame-based work... it's done external files). hope enough explanation. insight great! thanks joe More discussions in Archived Spaces adobe

RISCOS 5.21 not booting when installed from NOOBS 1.3.8 - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi all, i've been happily running older (5.19) versions of riscos raw images , decided give latest noobs (1.3.8) go. has new 5.21 version of riscos. other oss tried (raspbian, arch, openelec) boot fine, riscos gets stuck ok/disc access light on after "no keyboard detected, autobooting" there network activity, don't think there issue connectivity, , in fact can flash same version raw image , works fine. doesn't pause @ point. also, if power off , restart same point time tells me free space map bad. once that's happened doesn't hang, won't mount sdfs::$ filesystem either, after running checkmap. i've used sdformatter program, , non-standard thing i've done reduce size of root partitions of openelec, arch , raspbian (not riscos or recovery know these sensitive locations) can fit on 8gb card i'm using. can see sdfs::$ partition using * commands @ cli, won't appear under sdcard on desktop. have ideas? thanks jonathan edit:...

Thread: Adding network printer

hi, wanted add network printer. when go system > admin > printing. menu item add > printer, grayed out? missing package? thanks! go to: system > administration > services , make sure "printer service (cupsys)" enabled. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Adding network printer Ubuntu

Line Follower ++

bonjour à tous, j'ai un projet de création d'un robot de type line follower un peu particulier et je ne sais pas trop par où commencer. bien entendu, j'ai déjà fait des recherches sur internet et plus particulièrement sur ce forum, mais en tant que débutant il est souvent difficile de faire le tri. l'idée de base semble assez simple, un robot capable de se déplacer en suivant une ligne. en effet, ce ne sont pas les robots suiveurs de ligne qui manquent. pourtant, même avec tous les exemples disponibles je n'ai pas trouvé de solution acceptable. pourquoi ? quel est le problème ? => le robot doit suivre parfaitement sa ligne (ok, logique), mais il doit aussi rester toujours positionné de la même manière sur la ligne. en prenant le cas le plus simple (une ligne droite), il faudrait s'assurer qu'il la suive en restant toujours bien positionné dessus (parallèle). et le cas se complique bien évidemment lorsqu'il y des courbes. la première i...

Copying files - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello, trying work out code would, dropbox folder, , if there file in there, download , put in directory, , deleting file in directory. file in dropbox folder have same name file in directory on raspberry pi, need replace file newly downloaded one may confusing need help. thank sounds want have play raspberrypi

Thread: Amarok 2 was removed after update. I can't install anymore

i installed amarok 2 using guide: fell in love new amarok ui. imported music library , after ubuntu installed updates amarok 2 removed. i'm using intrepid. i'm not able install amarok 2 anymore. following error: amarok-kde4: package amarok-kde4 has no available version, exists in database. typically means package mentioned in dependency , never uploaded, has been obsoleted or not available contents of sources.list following repository in third party sources: has had problem before? don't know how amarok 2 on. starting love it. why not install amarok repositories? it's version 2. edit: scratch that. you're using intrepid, sorry. seem using right ppa. check full package listing , double-check sources.list....

LCD Reset

hallo, gibt es eine möglichkeit ein display wie hier ( ) im laufenden betrieb zu resetten ohne den µc / die ganze schaltung zu resetten? gruß arduinoianer klar: mit clear damit machst du den anzeigespeicher leer, ich nehme das meinst du mit resetten. Arduino Forum > International > Deutsch (Moderator: uwefed) > LCD Reset arduino

Thread: Windows Media Player Plugin Videos arent working:(

hello all, using ubuntu 8.04 lts version, installed ubuntu restricted extras using add/remove software manager, supposed install many popular audio , video codecs, when play video requires windows media player plug in, doesn't play it, instead, nothing comes , can me in case? thankful which media player using? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [ubuntu] Windows Media Player Plugin Videos arent working:( Ubuntu

Problème de menu imbriqué

bonjour, j'en suis à l'étape de test d'un photo trigger autonome, avec des réglages affichés sur un écran lcd et contrôlable par un encodeur rotatif cliquable, seul problème la gestion de ce menu est assez laborieuses. disons que je n'arrive pas passer d'une fonction une autre sans avoir un affichage clair : code: [select] //librairies #include <liquidcrystal.h> #define pha 9 #define phb 8 #define bouton 10 //déclaration //entrées sorties liquidcrystal lcd(12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2); int actionneur = 13; int apn = 7; int flash = 6; int capteuranalogique = a1 ; //sensor analogique int etatanalogique; int etat_a = low; //valeurs unsigned long pushtime; //le pushtime en ms long pushdelay = 500; //la variable de référence du push en ms int reglage; int mode; int set; int dispositif; int variable; int potval; int etat_a_avant = low; //initialisation des réglages à 0 int valeurdelaisapn; int valeursensibilite; int valeurdelaisflash; int valeurdelaisboucle; in...

Anzeige im I2C Display per Knopfdruck ändern

hallo, ich glaube, ich hab eine denkblockade  eine led mittesl tastendruck ein und aus zu schalten ist ja ok, aber das ganze funktioniert mit der anzeige auf einem lcd display nicht!? es soll per tastendruck ( 7 tasten ) angezeigt werden, welche taste gedrückt ist, diese anzeige bis  3 sec. gehalten werden und dann wieder in eine default anzeige "springen" die hinter der taste verborgenen  funktionen sollen natürlich auch ausgeführt werden. swicht / case anweisung? könnt ihr mir helfen? vielen dank sven vermutlich denkblockade: sowohl led wie display ( egal ob i2c oder parallel) behalten ihren anzeigezustand wenn man gar nichts macht, sollte kein unterschied sein. man kann das ganze hochtrabend "state machine" nennen: -> der "normalfall" ist, dass nichts los ist : nix tun -> die anzeige-haltezeit ist gerade abgelaufen : - default anzeige - -> es war mal eine taste gedrückt worden, die 3 sekunden sind ab...

Thread: Installing Flash Player 64-bit on Jaunty

i using jaunty jackalope, , have 64-bit processor, if matters. how install newest flash player? i happen reading right now! boom questions answered! Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Installing Flash Player 64-bit on Jaunty Ubuntu

Auslesen einer Waage und Messwert abspeicher auf SD nicht zuverlässig

hallo, ich habe mithilfe eines arduino mega 2560 ein projekt realisiert. leider funktioniert das auslesen meiner waage und das darauf folgende abspeichern des messwertes nicht zuverlässig genug. hier der sketch code: [select] void wiegen () {     serial.println("anforderung zum wiegen wird gesendet");   serial3.print("s");   serial.println("wurde gesendet");   while (serial3.available()>0)   {   // erhalte daten         char inchar = (char);     // füge zu inputstring hinzu:     inputstring += inchar;     // wenn das eintreffende zeichen eine neue zeile ist, ist der empfange string komplett     if (inchar == '\n')     {       stringcomplete = true;        serial.print("string komplett");     }    }   delay(2000);   datei ="messung...

Bluetooth & internet

i have bluetooth mate silver, arduino mini pro 3.3v , ftdi basic breakout possible create home automation system using bluetooth system on smartphone. now,i have been tasked combine bluetooth feature cloud system(using internet ).can using same arduino mini pro combine bluetooth mate silver , wifi shield together(additionally have feature regular home switch).3-ways system can using bluetooth in near distance,internet @ long distance , normal switch master switch.two home automation system works lighting control , air conditional system.i'm new arduino microcontroller, i'm not familiar coding connect cloud system part. need help!!! ps cloud system-i have friends work on android part connect public cloud.this cloud system capable send signal tell arduino action.but first thing first,about connecting arduino specific public cloud webpage...... quote from: cckang93 on jun 07, 2013, 02:06 am can using same arduino mini pro combine bluetooth m...

Help with PROGMEM

i working on program , trying use progmem. noticed not getting results expected decided start basic code shown on site , have same issue. here sample code site. expect 65000 sent serial not case. missing here? code: [select] #include <pgmspace.h> //#include <avr/pgmspace.h> // setup routine runs once when press reset: void setup() {                serial.begin(9600); } // loop routine runs on , on again forever: void loop() {   // save unsigned ints   progmem  prog_uint16_t charset[]  = { 65000, 32796, 16843, 10, 11234};     // save chars   prog_uchar signmessage[] progmem  = {"i predator,  unseen combatant. created united states depart"};     unsigned int displayint;   int k = 0;    // counter variable   char mychar;      // read 2-byte int    displayint = pgm_read_word_near(charset + k);     // rea...

Printint Dynamic Data

i creating pages dynamic data. not know how many pages printed until query parameters selected user. i using printjob() process. i movie per page using createemptymovieclip() i format page selected data , based on amount of data necessary create additional movies , lay out data. this layout created looping through query results , impossible sure how many pages needed. process of creating movies , formatting data works fine. the issus adding pages print. have tried complete addpage process in loop. works if there 1 page process crashes if there more 1 page. this code (l=1; l<(pagecount+1); ++l) { print1_mc.createtextfield("pg_txt",print1_mc.getnexthighestdepth(),80,750,65,20); print1_mc.pg_txt.text = "page:"; print1_mc.pg_txt.settextformat(title3_fmt); print1_mc.createtextfield("page_txt",print1_mc.getnexthighestdepth(),120,750,40,20); print1_mc.page_txt.text = pagecount; print1_mc.page_txt.settextformat(detail_fmt); my_pj.addpage(print1_...

Will pay for help with Ardunio-controlled siren project

hello there. first post here. i've looked @ other posts make sure i'm not off-topic or ignoring netiquette. hope following ok post: i'd pay me set arduino-controlled siren specifications below, diy home alarm system. functional requirements: •   siren set off motion detector; •   siren obnoxiously loud; •   siren placed outside building; •   operates back-up battery work if power shut off; •   will send email message specified address (using local wifi network), indicate when activated; •   can turned on/off via email- or web-based interface; •   if activated , not manually turned off, automatically shut off after x minutes. i'm looking arduino programming, identifying , ordering necessary parts , components, , assembling. i'm based in us. i have beginner-level experience arduino. the developer allowed reuse code / setup, in other words, i'm not interested in excl...

Logitech C510 wont work with Motion - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi, have camera module , worked motion. following project - ... /?allsteps disconnected (rebooted 10000times) , have attached logitech c510. below has happened without camera board attached , no wifi lan cable. these work c510 "motion" not. code: select all ffmpeg -v verbose -r 5 -s 160x120 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 /mnt/camshare/temp.avi uvccapture -m -v -x640 -y480 -o/mnt/camshare/image.jpg fswebcam -d /dev/video0 -p yuyv -r 1600x1200 output.jpeg guvcview <- on startx .. please me have been lost 3 days , have read many forum posts , tried many things not right 1 yet! c510 on list works , not need powered hub. have used both. - motion working. logfile says code: select all [-1242602656] [ntc] [all] [jul 05 23:35:11] motion_startup: using log type (all) log level (all) [-1242602656] [ntc] [all] [jul 05 23:35:11] become_daemon: created process id file /var/run/motion/ p...

Looking for wifi module with Pigtail or SMA - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi, title mentioned, im looking small wifi module sma or pigtail connection. module this: ... 4ad6e6ebe1 ordinary usb connection (to solder, or pinconnection) , ordinary wifi chip plug , play (as far see module in link uart wifi converter). also, pi support pcie? use wifi module notebook... thanks! here's 1 works pi: tp link wn722n pi has no pci-e, usb raspberrypi

Independent GUI windows

hello, i'm working uno , nano simultaneously wireless communication. what annoying is, if change communication framework have set board arduino uno , port com 14 sending code, seting board arduino nano , switching port com 15. if want change code again start cycling around beginning. would possible "disconnect" gui windows can program 1 board type , com port 1 window , other second window? if yes: please so! the more advanced programming environments have kind of support. arduino eclipse plugin. best regards jantje Arduino Forum > Development > Suggestions for the Arduino Project > Independent GUI windows arduino

Zigduino Radio working

code: [select] /* run sketch on 2 zigduinos, open serial monitor @ 9600 baud, , type in stuff watch rx zigduino output you've input serial port of tx zigduino */ #include <zigduinoradio.h> void setup() {   zigduinoradio.begin(11);   serial.begin(9600);     zigduinoradio.attacherror(errhandle);   zigduinoradio.attachtxdone(onxmitdone); } void loop() {   if (serial.available())   {     zigduinoradio.begintransmission();         serial.println();     serial.print("tx: ");         while(serial.available())     {       char c =;       serial.write(c);       zigduinoradio.write(c);     }         serial.println();         zigduinoradio.endtransmission();   }     if (zigduinoradio.available())   {     serial.println(); ...

Play video files while loading

i barely capable of opening dreamweaver if respond question please dumb down response can understand. i built temp site production company. site few links video clips. how, after loading newly compressed clips site requires full download of 2 of videos before play them. how make videos play while loading other videos on site? can check out site at: the bad videos are: jiiii reel life cycles the loading videos are: adidas real taughtme and below our contact info little link labeled t thank you julianj13 wrote: > barely capable of opening dreamweaver if respond question > please dumb down response can understand. > > built temp site production company. site few links > video clips. how, after loading newly compressed clips site > requires full download of 2 of videos before play them. how > make videos play while loading other videos on site? > can check out site at: > > > > bad videos are: > jiiii reel ...

315mhz PT2260 remote of 4 buttons unable to get data with arduino

i have 4 buttons remote controler this: 315mhz pt2260 remote of 4 buttons and receive arduino have i'm trying read code nothing rc-switch lib receive example although works receive other 315mhz transmitter such pir sensors i know how or have data remote controler? thanks!! same problem here if find solution please let me know. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > 315mhz PT2260 remote of 4 buttons unable to get data with arduino arduino

Flex Builder 3 - external browser

i'm having problem flex builder 3 , firefox... in past, of firefox plugins broke flex debugger... create new firefox profile ("flexdebug") firefox's profile manager , don't load plugins... in fb3, go " w indow -> p references -> general -> web browser", , select "use external web browsers"... first check box next firefox, , select " e dit"... under " p arameters", add in: -p flexdebug indicate want flex open firefox profile... it works command line, , working fine in fb until re-installed it... now, fb blatanly ignoring parameters , opening firefox default profile... has else run problem, or know why params being ignored...? More discussions in Flex (Read Only) adobe

Trying to get tft lcd to work with GSM shield

hi i'm relative newbee , have encountered little problem. trying tft screen work gsm shield. got gsm shield had tft screen while have had screen working when got gsm had download new version of arduino software. when try upload progam tft won't verify. [font=verdana]"adafruit_tftlcd tft(lcd_cs, lcd_cd, lcd_wr, lcd_rd, lcd_reset);"[/font] error presumed library issue tried download them again still no joy. can shed light on situation. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Displays > Trying to get tft lcd to work with GSM shield arduino

Slider Control?

i'm looking decent slider control: left right or down, = graphical one, can set minimum , maximum values. = generally speaking need 0-to-10 , integer values. there = decent 1 about? thanks! ross on sat, 11 oct 2008 11:47:51 -0400, ross m. greenberg wrote: > i'm looking decent slider control: left right or down, > graphical one, can set minimum , maximum values. > speaking need 0-to-10 , integer values. there > decent 1 about? here's how in jquery (example link @ top of page) -- steve More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

Condizione che verifica un range temporale

salve tutti, mi sto mentalmente incastrando nel trovare un modo per controllare un range di tempo, ovvero mi spiego.......... faccio un esempio: sono le 23:00 vorrei eseguire un ciclo dalle 19:00 alle 06:00 del giorno dopo code: [select] int tora; //varibile che contiene un numero intero relativo all' ora attuale ovvero 23 int tmin = 19; int tmax = 6; if (tora >= tmin && tora <= tmax) { esegui questo } ovviamente non funziona perche se sono le 23 si verifica la prima condizione ma non la seconda mi sembra una boiata ma non trovo soluzioni e perche non dovrebbe funzionare ? u.u Arduino Forum > International > Italiano > Software (Moderator: leo72) > Condizione che verifica un range temporale arduino

RasPBX and Linphone - Raspberry Pi Forums

i got raspbx loaded on sd card , can ssl computer. created few extensions in raspbx per instructions book titled raspberry pi complete manual article setting voip server. loaded linphone windows on pc. linphone try call raspbx, message saying number dialed not in service (ok), , request password asterisk "realm". don't see in either program how set up, nor how tell raspbx extension number associated linphone? there documentation anywhere on of this? haven't found it. raspbx includes freepbx has gui configure it. access gui using web browser pointed @ ip address of rpi. there many places documentation on freepbx configuration. generic - not specific rpi. google friend. raspberrypi

Making my keyboard wireless

i have usb keyboard like, , wish wireless. i have googled around, have not found such "usb cable wireless replacement". i think it's odd don't find such product. anyhow - think build arduino thing solve this. usb in, bluetooth out, basically. or in other words - want turn keyboard bluetooth keyboard. has done this? difficult do? i'm beginner @ arduino, don't have grasp on it. thanks feedback! this not easy project think. keyboard need connected usb host shield attached arduino. then, you'd need write driver data keyboard. then, you'd send key information (don't forget modifier keys control, alt, shift, etc. or function keys) bluetooth device. that need transmit data pc, need send data application converts data format existing keyboard driver outputs. buy wireless keyboard. it'll cheaper. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > ...

How to persist TextInput text values?

can provide brief explanation of how persist text values? description: stuff written textinput field not persist when moving to frame, , again. example: frame 1: put textinput component on stage. frame 1: put "forward" button on stage. frame 9: put "back" button on stage. frame 1 actionscript: this.btnforward.onrelease = function() { gotoandstop(9); } frame 9 actionscript: this.btnback.onrelease = function() { gotoandstop(1); } play it. write in textinput. click forward button. (this takes frame 9) click button. (this takes frame 1) >> textinput field blank. hoping can help, thanks, john just store value of textfields content in variable when moving away, , retrive when movin frame set textfields "text" property stored value. More discussions in ActionScript 1 and 2 adobe

Stop an infinite loop - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi everyone, (excuse me bad english) can't out of infinite loop. problem when pi booting, execute command in autostart script (/etc/xdg/lxsession/lxde/autostart) : @sh /home/pi/ videoplayer script read omxplayer video playlist in directory /home/pi/videos there script : #!/bin/sh # rid of cursor don't see when videos running setterm -cursor off # set here path directory containing videos videopath="/home/pi/videos" # can leave alone service="omxplayer" # our infinite loop! while true; do if ps ax | grep -v grep | grep $service > /dev/null then sleep 1; else entry in $videopath/* do clear omxplayer $entry > /dev/null done fi done tried ctrl+c, ctrl+x, alt+f4 ... , many combinaisons endless loop doesn't stop while pi unpowered. grateful, devi do have keyboard , screen attached pi? if put sd card in m...

Thread: Instalar Ubuntu 9.04 con Windows Vista instalado

hola como stan todos. quisiera q me aclararan algunas dudas de instalar ubuntu en mi laptop que tiene windows vista bussines, ok es que quiero instalar ubuntu 9.04 y leido que instalarlo con windows vista ya instalado da problemas quiero saber si es verdad . ubuntu hace la particion automaticamente... es mas mas problematico instalar windows con ubuntu instalado. con windows primero, y dual-boot no hay problemas. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Other Discussion and Support Ubuntu LoCo Team Forums Americas LoCo Teams Centroamerica Team Instalar Ubuntu 9.04 con Windows Vista instalado Ubuntu

Thread: Get me online PLEASE!!!!!!!!

hi, need getting on internet. can hook wireless connection no problem. however, plugged cat5 cable daughters cable modem laptop, , not have connection. used windows, plug in, , take off. so, please tell me need online? thank help. dale hi, need getting on internet. can hook wireless connection no problem. however, plugged cat5 cable daughters cable modem laptop, , not have connection. used windows, plug in, , take off. so, please tell me need online? thank help. dale Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Networking & Wireless [ubuntu] Get me online PLEASE!!!!!!!! Ubuntu

Thread: Change of username

i username changed to: - rob123 or - 123rob thank you!.. please see sticky @ top of these forums : Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Community Discussions Resolution Centre Change of username Ubuntu

Serielle Schnittstelle Invertieren

hallo leute, für mein projekt mit dem zuführmodul stoße ich immer noch auf ein problem, welches ich momentan nicht alleine lösen kann. die rs232 im arduino liefert einen ausgangspegel 0,5 bis 4,5v wobei 4,5v = low und 0,5_v = high bedeutet. einen pegelwandler habe ich mit einer hilfe hier im forum realisieren können. das funktioniert! wie kann ich nun das signal aus dem arduino invertieren, damit ich den folgenden pegel erreiche? vielen dank für die unterstützung! nimm den 113k widerstand und leg den zwischen kollektor von t1 und 30v. kollektor von t1 hast du das invertierte signal. t2 und den widerstand zwischen kollektor t1 und basis t2 ab in die bastelkiste. Arduino Forum > International > Deutsch (Moderator: uwefed) > Serielle Schnittstelle Invertieren arduino

WASP e VMWare - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

l'acronimo wasp mi pare che significhi windows+apache+sql+php sta significare un environment per gestire siti fatti in php tramite windows (il quale, nativamente, prevede il server web iis e il linguaggio asp) qualcuno ha mai sperimentato problemi nell'avere questo environmnent nel proprio pc di lavoro, amministrazione.. etc. etc. ? alle volte per cercare componenti, soluzioni, prodotti opensource, ci si imbatte in siti anche poco raccomandabili con il pericolo di infettare il pc sul quale lavoriamo. alle volte è necessario installare il .net framework, o il java env. per installare programmi utili e magari non si desidera farlo nel proprio pc produttivo. io ho trovato una soluzione comoda che consiglio anche voi. si tratta di usare macchine virtuali. vmware, ad esempio, permette di creare macchine virtuali completamente indipendenti dal sistema "host" (quello principale) chiamate "guests". in esse abbiamo un sistema operativo indipendente, con temporanei in...

Gestione tensioni arduino ingresso cancelletto

vi espongo il mio dilemma , per il domotico ho in programma il seguente giochetto: quando qualcuno (parenti) suona ad intervallo al citofono un relè fa il contatto e il cancelletto si apre.  (nel caso non si abbiano le chiavi) ricapitolando ho 4 fili su 2 fili arrivano 12 volt in alternato(quando si suona altrienti è 0), che sono diretti al ronzatore del citofono, gli altri due invece sono del pulsante sul citofono per aprire la porta. ho fatto una prova diretta ho trasformato con un ponte diodi 12 v alternati, gli ho fatti passare in un lm7805 che andavano ad alimentare un relè , quindi quando uno pigiava il relè si alimentava e faceva il contatto e il cancello si apriva all'istante. fin qui tutto ok , ora dovrei implementare lo stesso meccanismo ma con arduino in modo tale da fare la combinazione e per quanto riguarda lo sketch non dovrebbero essere difficile in quanto uso quello del clapper che leggeva l'intervallo tra segnali. ora il problema sta nel far arr...

How to input arduino's data to database via wifi

we want make communication between arduino , php server. , there database save data of sensor make (water level sensor). want input data arduino database , want display php server. have problem, dont know how input data sensor arduino database :~ please, us. thank much  which part stuck on ? reading data sensor ? sending arduino using wifi ? receiving on pc using wifi ? putting data database ? what have tried far ? Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > How to input arduino's data to database via wifi arduino

Arduino UNO Battery connection

hi. i looking battery-connector , found useable. don't know how have connect battery clip (which red cable , 1 black one). here photo took: thanks middle pin + (red) , outside - (black) look out made 5v/3.3v (and not 9v) Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Motors, Mechanics, and Power (Moderator: fabioc84) > Arduino UNO Battery connection arduino

PHP Help !

okay - i'm trying bottom of this. when preview pages on local testing server, online.php file (which back-end coding display number of visitors on website) getting loads of errors; however, when uploaded _remote_ server - works fine. here online.php file: ******* <?php $ip = $_server['remote_addr']; $time = time(); $minutes = 3; $found = 0; $users = 0; $user = ""; $tmpdata = $_server['document_root']."/vonline/data"; if (!is_file("$tmpdata/online.txt")) { $s = fopen("$tmpdata/online.txt","w"); fclose($s); chmod("$tmpdata/online.txt",0666); } $f = fopen("$tmpdata/online.txt","r+"); flock($f,2); while (!feof($f)) { $user[] = chop(fgets($f,65536)); } fseek($f,0,seek_set); ftruncate($f,0); foreach ($user $line) { list($savedip,$savedtime) = split("\|",$line); if ($savedip == $ip) {$savedtime = $time;$found = 1;} if ($time < $savedtime + ($minutes * 60...

¿Me sirve este ventilador? - Raspberry Pi Forums

rebuscando en mi cajón mágico encontrado un ventilador de un pc de hace unos años... y se me ha ocurrido probar ponerle en la rasp para ver que tal la refrigera. el ventilador en cuestión es este: pero no se si con ese voltaje que tiene le puedo conectar sin quemar la rasp, ni se como podría conectarle, ni nada... ¿alguna indicación por favor? no podrías conectarlo directamente la fuente de alimentación de la raspi porque el ventilador es de 12 v, y la raspi funciona con 5v. quizá si lo haces funcione pero va estar muy exigido y va demandar muchísima mas corriente de la fuente por lo que se puede quemar algo. lo recomendable seria ponerle una fuente de alimentación separada de 12 v exclusiva para el ventilador, en este caso dice que necesita 0.70 (700 ma), por lo que una que soporte un poco mas, quizá 1 a, debería funcionar sin problema. respecto de las conexiones, estimo que el rojo seria positivo y negro negativo, el resto no las utilizarías, pero deberías de confirmarlo a...

Alimentatore per scheda A4988

salve tutti, qualcuno potrebbe indicarmi che tipo di alimentatore posso collegare alla scheda pololu-  a4988 (stepper motor driver carrier ). dal sito sono riuscito capire solo che la scheda opera con un voltaggio compreso tra gli 8 ed 35 v e che l' alimentatore deve esser collegato al gnd ed vmot . inoltre la capacità elettrica non deve superare 100µf.non se nella scelta dell' alimentatore sia da considerare il fatto che la suddetta scheda dovrà essere collegata ad arduino 1 che invece supporta voltaggi fino 31 v . in pratica tutte le volte che cerco di comprare un alimentatore mi vengono chiesti il voltaggio e l' amperaggio , ma se posso ipotizzare un voltaggio di circa 30 v non cosa dire per l' amperaggio. allego links della scheda e del motore da controllare con la suddetta scheda qualcuno potrebbe suggerirmi che tipo di alimentatore devo comprare? grazie =( ...

Offline testen + beperkte toegang - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hey, ik ben eindelijk bijna klaar met de constructie van onze site, volledig in joomla opgebouwd. voorlopig staat de site offline omdat de uiteindelijke content nog moet toegevoegd worden, en de editors/authors enz er nog moeten mee leren werken. nu vraag ik mij af of het mogelijk om andere users dan de administrator toegang te verlenen tot de offline site, met een wachtwoord bijvoorbeeld, en daar aanpassingen kunnen doen, zonder dat gewone gebruikers reeds zien wat er aan het gebeuren is. ideaal zou zijn moest ik ze via een url kunnen laten inloggen. ik vermoed dat ik de site hiervoor online zal moeten instellen en bepaalde permissies aanpassen, maar waar? verder zou ik ook - zoals je bij een forum gemakkelijk kan instellen - editors/authors/publishers slechts toegang willen geven tot bepaalde secties of categorieën. dit mogelijk? dat zou het handigste zijn als je dat online hebt staan inderdaad. die map zou je specifiek kunnen beveiligen middels htaccess zo...

Leggere una tensione sul pin A0 - strano comportamento.

ciao, vi scrivo perché mi sta capitando una cosa che non riesco capire. praticamente nel mio codice misuro una tensione sul pin a0 (una tensione da 0 12v, in questo momento proveniente da un alimentatore ma solitamente da una o piu batterie da auto). ho usato un metodo piuttosto empirico (credo) per calcolarla e il circuito che ci va dietro sinceramente non lo ho fatto io personalmente quindi non sarei in grado di postarvelo. il problema è che la primissima lettura - arduino appena partito - è sbagliata e di molto, circa 1v7 ed è una cosa che mi da fastidio perché non comprendo.. e' vero che dopo un po' di warm up, il problema si risolve e la tensione comincia ad essere sempre più vicina alla realtà. la parte di codice che ho usato per misurare la tensione è semplicemente: code: [select]   analogreference(internal);   letto = (analogread(a0)/45.83); dove: ho usato internal perché mi è sembrato più preciso / più lineare 45.83 è perchè quando misuro quello ch...