
Showing posts from September, 2010

Building up the workBench..your fave tools?

so use bit active  in forum , got married :/ now im trying build new tool set , brandnames , knockoffs i dont know ones... for example trying purchase new multimeter 40$ 1 or 161$ 1 or paying brand name as oppose actual functionality also whats entry - mid level oscilloscope good soldering /hotair reflow station have ebay 1 cost 200 havent used in ages ill turn on sometime tomorrow make sure works fine. so yeah main querstion brands known such tools? congrats, , welcome back! good luck in tool search. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > General Electronics > Building up the workBench..your fave tools? arduino

Q:Control-Test Movie within CS3 does not work

i have latest air runtime installed on mac running 10.5.5 air apps install , play no problem the issue publishing , testing air within flashcs3 ide. i've installed update correctly, following instructions exactly. actually i've re-installed few times, following instructions first remove old update i still cannot compile correctly within ide (control-test movie) , when try publishing directly via commands-air-create air file following error message 'error creating air file usage error(incorrect arguments)' can shed light on , or me above? More discussions in Archived Spaces adobe

Graphic equalizers - great sound for everyone - Raspberry Pi Forums

everyone enjoys listening music should have graphic equalizer - can make big difference sound. have written blog post on how use mine - see http:// ... lizer.html . andrum99 wrote: everyone enjoys listening music should have graphic equalizer - can make big difference sound. have written blog post on how use mine - see http:// ... lizer.html . better when have graphic equaliser per channel dancing lights ... ipment.jpg , throw in @ input stage of sound card. richard s. raspberrypi

RPi + xbmc - Raspberry Pi Forums

i've read rpi works xbmc before started thought i'd ask drawbacks or gotchas might not anticipating. if want use pi media center, you'll want run 1 of distros dedicated this, i.e. raspbmc, xbian or openelec. make sure have power supply - lot of problems caused running pi under-spec psu. if use usb peripherals, connect them powered hub. if use hdd format ext4 [not ntfs]. if play content on network share, nfs performs better smb. playing hd content on wifi marginal - use wired ethernet if can. choose xbmc skin recommended pi. skins resource hungry. raspberrypi

How to create an Array which holds numbers ?!?!

i must going mad... i write: var directio:number=1 //or other number var somearray:array=new array( 1, 0, -1, 0); var deltax:number = anynumber*somearray[directio]; trace (deltax); and returns nan !! i tried creating numeric variables , put them in array: same result what doing wrong? never mind. turned out typing mistake More discussions in ActionScript 1 and 2 adobe

Content Management

hello, i small web developer small medium level clients. build dynamic sites asp , either ms sql or access. automate process of building administration sections clients, , feel if offered sites content manager built in, make life easier! have looked @ open source products soho launch , expressionengine pmachine. think leaning towards expressionengine, if feels there open source solution good, if not better - i'd love hear it. want still able use dreamweaver create templates. thinking of finding asp product - because can work code better, appears though php default language cms product. thoughts or insight me? thanks! More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

psutil values - Raspberry Pi Forums

i monitoring memory , disk info psutil , think misunderstanding seeing psutil says - svmem(total=392163328l, available=315056128l, percent=19.7, used=167931904l, free=224231424l, active=81780736, inactive=69279744, buffers=12800000l, cached=78024704) total = used + free, ok, percent? thought percent used, i.e. 167931904 / 392163328, 43%, mean? , other values mean? have searched answer hits found seem assume know basic stuff thanks mick ... ion#memory (total - available) / total * 100 raspberrypi

Thread: Keyboard and mouse recorder Macro

hello, can suggest program can use keyboard , mouse recorder? use use program called ez macro when im using windows game im playing seem not find similar linux? take at: Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [ubuntu] Keyboard and mouse recorder Macro Ubuntu

Possible Arduino Project

was wondering if possible relay co sensor trigger window motor through arduino? it depends on want use.  can make system using carbon monoxide sensor being monitored arduino actuates motor.  real question how existing hardware trying use.  trying use existing co alarm trigger arduino or separate co sensor .  window have motor on it, or trying make own window motor.  voltage motor require.  how far away motor sensor be. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > Possible Arduino Project arduino

Projet de machine - Raspberry Pi Forums

salut à tous, nouveau sur le forum, je viens dans un bien précis : rencontrer des personnes qui pourraient de donner un coup de main pour la programmation d'une raspberry qui piloterais une série d'équipements. j'ai les compétences requises pour la construction; il me manque donc un programmeur. voila, tres peu d'elements mais je serais plus bavard en mp ou mieux encore en me contactant par mail : j'espere avoir éveillé votre curiosité et trouver l'aide que je recherche merci raspberrypi

Image transmission over serial link?

hi guys. ^___^ i wanted ask if possible send images 1 arduino via rx/tx pins? curious since planning on using ttl serial camera ( ) take photos (when triggered remote control), save photo microsd card , send image arduino board in remote control (via bluetooth module). board in remote store image in microsd card , display on lcd screen ( ). so essentially, i'd able take photos camera on robot , send image user , idea able change work on long range. so wondering if possible?  :~ thank time. best regards, akdabaous given picture data yes, possible long can slow image source down speed arduino can accept. however, may disappointed @ how long takes transfer whole image. suggest work out how big image going in bytes, multiply ten rough number of bits, , divide serial line speed think can achieve on distance want - example 9600 bps might realistic starting point. result number of...

Data Mode für SPI Bus System steht nicht im Datenblatt

hi, ich 2 ad-wandler mit spi bussystem ein arduino due board anschließen. bei der einführung zur spi bibliothek steht man muss aus dem datenblatt des ad-wandlers vorab folgende informationen rausholen: 1. bit order 2. data mode 3. clock divider in dem datenblatt finde ich aber keine informationen über den data mode. in allen beispielen die ich gefunden hab stand die information immer explizit im datenblatt. desweiteren hat der ad-wandler keinen mosi-pin. kommt das daher das der ad-wandler nur informationen rausgibt ? ich habe mir folgenden ad-wandler von texas instrument rausgesucht: adc 121s101 das datenblatt hab ich im anhang hinterlegt. steht ja auf seite 7 die Übertragung startet wenn cs auf low geht und in den 16 nachfolgenden clk impulsen werden die 3 + 12 bit übertragen. grüße uwe Arduino Forum > International > Deutsch (Moderator: uwefe...

Problema DocMan da locale a server - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

ciao tutti, ho riscontrato un problema uploadando il mio sito da locale al server (aruba su spazio linux). ho seguito questa procedura: 1. installazione pulita su server di joomla (ultima versione) 2. sostituzione db con copia del db locale tramite phpmyadmin 3. upload intera cartella locale del sito tranne file nella root mi pare che funzioni tutto, parte il fatto che se vado su docman non risultano file configurati. in locale li trovo e anche sul sito, se vado sulla sezione download ci sono tutti... ho fatto una prova per fare un upload da remoto e ho riscontrato l'errore: "errore di caricamento uploading. - problema di cartella:" a questo punto temo per permessi delle cartelle... sapete darmi qualche indicazione? quali cartelle devono avere permessi 755 (o 777?) su docman e su joomla??? grazie stefano 777 su aruba in not possible!! prova si settano ma al 90% generano errori.... 755 cmq vanno bene per quasi tutte le aplicazioni che ho provato Board ...

Thread: how to uninstall virtualbox from the command line

hello, have run problem when start virtualbox 3. gui starts fine can't start xp on it. error messages. think started happen when installed new kernel 2.6.28-15-generic. figure if uninstall , reinstall virtualbox 3.0.6 (i think) things should work little better. didnt install virtualbox add/remove of synaptic package manager , don't know how go uninstalling it. suggestions appreciated. colin posted colinireland i have run problem when start virtualbox 3. figure if uninstall , reinstall virtualbox 3.0.6 (i think) things should work little better. didnt install virtualbox add/remove of synaptic package manager , don't know how go uninstalling it. you'll find don't need reinstall virtualbox sort issue out, (the errors related upgrading kernel). however, simpler , quicker that, i'd guess find virtualb...

compilation de programme

bonjour à tous svp j'ai un problème sérieux voici que j'ai un programme et je n'arrive pas à le compiler voici le programme #include <pid_v1.h> //define variables we'll connecting to double setpoint, input, output; //specify links , initial tuning parameters pid mypid(&input, &output, &setpoint,2,5,1, direct); void setup() {   //initialize variables we're linked to   input = analogread(0);   setpoint = 100;   //turn pid on   mypid.setmode(automatic); } void loop() {   input = analogread(0);   mypid.compute();   analogwrite(3,output); } et il m'afffiche ceci comme code d'érreur c:\users\nguesseu\documents\arduino\libraries\pid_v1\pid_v1.cpp: in constructor 'pid::pid(double*, double*, double*, double, double, double, int)': c:\users\nguesseu\documents\arduino\libraries\pid_v1\pid_v1.cpp:26: error: 'millis' not declared in scope c:\users\nguesseu\documents\arduino\libr...

Keycode Trace Function not outputting all Keycodes

the trace function in file doesn't output of keycodes on keyboard. letters generate keycode , others don't. instance, "u" outputs 85 "i" outputs nothing. here's trace function... trace(event.keycode); and here's rest of code work in progress... package { import flash.display.sprite; import flash.display.stagealign; import flash.display.stagescalemode; import; import; import flash.ui.keyboard; public class velocity3d extends sprite { private var ball:ball; private var xpos:number = 150; private var ypos:number = 0; private var zpos:number = 150; private var vx:number = 0; private var vy:number = 0; private var vz:number = 0; private var friction:number = .98; private var fl:number = 250; private var vpx:number = stage.stagewidth / 2; private var vpy:number = stage.stageheight / 2; private var ballb:ball; private var xposb:number = 130; private var yposb:number = 0; private var z...

Multiple GY-521 sensors on Arduino

hi there, i have tried gy-521 sensor on arduino using guide ( worked well. can guide me on how can add gy-512 module please? planning use total of 4 of them connected arduino uno. how define additional sensor modules in program? it possible connect 2 of these sensors arduino, not four. on first, connect ad0 pin gnd, on second, connect ad0 pin 3,3v pin. first have i2c address 0x68, second have address 0x69. i don't know sure, think should add things: code: [select] #define mpu6050_i2c_address_unit2 0x69 // address of second mpu the rest of code used in different way. everywhere says "mpu6050_i2c_address", can choose mpu want use. code: [select] int mpu6050_read(int start, uint8_t *buffer, int size) {   int i, n, error;   wire.begintransmission(mpu6050_i2c_address);   n = wire.write(start);   if (n != 1)     return (-10);   n = wire.endtransmission(false);  ...

menu driven program using 4 buttons in 16X2 lcd

#include<liquidcrystal.h> liquidcrystal lcd(5,4,3,2,1,0); const int enter = 10; const int = 11; const int down = 12; const int = 13; int start =1; int run =0; int sel =0; void screen(unsigned char x); void setup() {   pinmode(enter, input);   pinmode(up, input);   pinmode(down, input);   pinmode(back, input);   lcd.begin(16,2);   lcd.clear();     lcd.setcursor(0,0);   lcd.print("loading..");   delay(1000);   lcd.clear();   lcd.setcursor(0,1);   lcd.print("camera project");   delay(1000); } void loop() {     int e = digitalread(enter);     int read_up = digitalread(up);     int read_down = digitalread(down);     int read_back = digitalread(back);     screen('a');               while(start==1)     {         if(e==1)         {     ...

Atmega 8515 Bootloader Fehler

ich habe das problem das ich den arduino bootloder nicht auf den atmega 8515 bekomme. und ich immer diese fehlermeldung erhalte: code: [select] c:\users\marcus\desktop\arduino-1.0.5-windows\arduino-1.0.5\hardware/tools/avr/bin/avrdude -cc:\users\marcus\desktop\arduino-1.0.5-windows\arduino-1.0.5\hardware/tools/avr/etc/avrdude.conf -v -v -v -v -patmega8515 -cstk500v1 -p\\.\com3 -b19200 -e -ulock:w:0x3f:m -uhfuse:w:0xca:m -ulfuse:w:0xdf:m avrdude: version 5.11, compiled on sep  2 2011 @ 19:38:36          copyright (c) 2000-2005 brian dean,          copyright (c) 2007-2009 joerg wunsch          system wide configuration file "c:\users\marcus\desktop\arduino-1.0.5-windows\arduino-1.0.5\hardware/tools/avr/etc/avrdude.conf"          using port                    : \\.\com3       ...

Thread: Problema con desktop-switcher En UNR y Edubuntu

buenas! en mis hazañas de novato, tengo instalado 2 ubuntus. en el equipo de escritorio ubuntu 9.04 + edubuntu. alli, instale el desktop-switcher y luego de haber instalado, cambie al entorne de netbook y " perdí visualmente todo", no mas barras, ni superior, ni laterales (las del entorno unr) ni nada. al no saber para donde correr, desintale el desktop-switcher, y aun asi, no recupere mi excritorio original de ubuntu. todo esto viene dado que en mi netbook, que es la que mas me interesa reparar, tengo instalado unr 9.04 y al instalar "xpgnome" no terminó de convertir el entorno de escritorio original del unr al supuesto xp, conclusion me quede sin una cosa ni la otra. este script lo probe en otro equipo distinto, en un ubuntu limpito que no es edubuntu ni es unr, y andubo ok, y hasta hace un "" o algo asi, cosa que en mi netbook, jamas llego hacerlo. agradeceria me orienten un poco. co...

Raspberry for Movies? - Raspberry Pi Forums

i bought raspberry pi friend of friend watch movies on connected tv. working , won't work. keeps saying host sight down. example, when go "mash up" watch movie source site down or says no search results found , know there have results because there before. guess don't have clue i'm doing little guidance nice because know nothing codecs. in advance. what software use watch movies? looks streaming video internet (?). sure connection working? gr. dirk. raspberrypi

Uno, official Ethernet shield and RTC1306 using SPI not working togheter

hi , i'm experiencing similar situation similar 1 here: using arduino uno, official ethernet shield r3 , ds1306 rtc. put in different post since based on different hardware/configuration. i wrote sketch read time rtc , send net (using mqtt protocol wouldn't have effect, anyway). now:    1) network part works i'm unable read/write rtc registries;    2) rtc part works expected if use uno without ethernet shield, keeping same pin connections; my understanding on uno mosi, miso ans sck respectively on pin 11, 12, 13. pin 10 used ss (or ce, chip enable,  called) ethernet shield. my circuit (connected ethernet shield pins) same one: 1 exception: rtc ce connected on pin ao, since 10 used control ethernet shield. now:    1) network part works i'm unable read/write rtc registries;    2) rtc part works expected if use uno w...

Thread: Window Manager Memory Usage

i did quick test using script found on k. mandla's blog. here results number of popular , not popular wms. (heaviest first) aewm++ : 585.0 mib compiz gtk window decorator : 54.4 mib (inc 50 mib compiz) compiz emerald window manager : 54.3 mib (inc 50.4 mib compiz) fvwm2 : 5.6 mib openbox : 5.4 mib metacity : 5.0 mibs sawfish : 5.0 mib fluxbox : 4.0 mib icewm : 2.9 mib blackbox : 2.1 mib twm : 1.8 mib flwm : 1.5 mib oroborox : 1.5 mib jwm : 1.3 mib oroborus : 871.5 kib note: in no way scientific test. didn't test of tiling wms. regardless, hope it's of use. e17 kind of wave-of-the-future , then-next-big-thing , on recall wm uses? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Community Discussions The Cafe Window Manager Memory Usage Ubuntu

Mixing liquid and fixed width css layout problem

i'm trying make simple page has background image @ top of page expands fix 100% of page. under have area set @ 960px width , centered on page. the problem have is make window smaller 960px see scroll bars, scrolling left can see rest of fixed width div area 100% area @ top stops repeating , not fill page. here simple code have done: html { margin:0px; padding:0px; } #wrapper { height: 100%; width: 100%; margin-top: 0px; margin-right: auto; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: auto; } #top { background-image: url(images/layout/topbackground.png); background-repeat: repeat-x; padding: 0px; height: 97px; margin-top: 0px; margin-right: auto; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: auto; } #mid { background-image:url(images/layout/midbackground.png); background-repeat:repeat-y; padding:5px; width: 955px; height: 100%; margin-top: 0px; margin-right: auto; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: auto; } <div id="wrapper"> <div id="top">top</...

True Or False Game

hi a total newbie director , need i'm stuck, for part of college work trying doing true or false game based on 10 questions unsure how script this, game involves when question has been answered correctly user sent marker named "right", showing animation telling them have answered correctly, if have answered question incorrectly sent marker named "wrong" again showing animation telling them have answered incorrectly. the way have decided importing questions text file hold 10 question, current script have director load questions is..... on mouseup me openandreadtext end but wanting randomize them. i have 2 buttons named true , false, , because 5 questions true , 5 false, code have far in different scripts on startmovie answer end on answer global gquestions gquestions = true end global gquestions on mouseup me if gquestions = true go "right" else go "wrong" end if end and dont know code needs added determine correct answer goes correc...

Attaching an LED to the Pi - Raspberry Pi Forums

is possible attach led 3.3 gpio pin using 220 ohm resistor instead of 330 ohm resistor? v=1.3 r=220 ohm i=0.006 a damage raspberry or led? no. 220 ohm resistor , led forward voltage of 1.3 volt means led current 3.3-1.3 = 2.0v / 220 ohm = 9ma max current per port pi can deliver 15ma, 9ma safe. doubt forward voltage of led 1.3v, more around 2.0v, led current 3.3 - 2.0 = 1.3v / 220 = 0.005909090 or 6ma, safer. seems more logical second scenario described. raspberrypi

Info moduli TX/RX radio

salve tutti vorrei dei chiarimenti su questi moduli che ho acquistato: a quanto letto in giro devo usare questa libreria: <virtualwire.h> ma non ho ben chiaro come funziona, l'esempi sono questi: tx: code: [select] // transmitter.pde // // simple example of how use virtualwire transmit messages // implements simplex (one-way) transmitter tx-c1 module // // see virtualwire.h detailed api docs // author: mike mccauley ( // copyright (c) 2008 mike mccauley // $id: transmitter.pde,v 1.3 2009/03/30 00:07:24 mikem exp $ #include <virtualwire.h> void setup() {    serial.begin(9600);  // debugging only    serial.println("setup");    // initialise io , isr    vw_set_ptt_inverted(true); // required dr3100    vw_setup(2000); // bits per sec } void loop() {    const char *msg ...

vehicle telemetry platform uncomplicated

hi i wanted create telemetry platform using arduino car bunch of making. link ...has code requires car have inbuilt management system. since constructing car scratch don't want have ecu ...can still plot speed of car @ different coordinates shown on site gps module , 2 speed sensors , arduino thanks in advance reply all need gps , arduino. basically, set time-interval @ sample location coordinates. after set time has elapsed, log location , time logged (location , time in gps nmea sentence.) when next 1 logged, calculate distance traveled between 2 locations , elapsed time took travel between them find average speed between 2 locations. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > vehicle telemetry platform uncomplicated arduino

Problema con CAN Bus CAN Open

salve tutti. sono stefano. ho un problema, ho letto da molte parti informazioni sul protocollo canopen. poche idee e molto confuse. a casa ho un inverter della conergy con una uscita canopen. vorrei estrarre le informazioni sulla produzione energetica. ho disposizione arduino uno, due e uno shield preso su compatibile con arduino che promette di riuscire parlare con sistemi can. di cosa ho bisogno ora?  grazie tutti! ti rispondo più che altro per iscrivermi alla discussione perché interessa anche me. comunque posso dirti che devi stare attendo anche ai livelli di tensione del bus, oltre che alla struttura dei dati che vi transitano. non tutti can sono uguali. per farti un esempio, spesso per risolvere problemi dei disturbi di cui è soggetta la rs232 si utlizza la rs485. la 485 definisce soltanto livello di tensione che devono avere gli 0 e gli 1, poi sopra spesso ci viene fatto transitare gli stessi dati della 232. ...

Thread: intel 4965 agn wireless card not loaded

i installed command line version of ubuntu jaunty on laptop, has intel 4965 wireless agn card. now, don't know how card work. under desktop version of ubuntu, card works out of box, command line version, guess right module hasn't been loaded. how/where can find driver/module this? in desktop version, ndiswrapper wasn't loaded @ in system, know don't need card function, don't have other ideas. thanks! check if card ready used: code: ifconfig code: iwconfig if interface detected, check if can see wireless networks: code: sudo iwlist scan Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Networking & Wireless [SOLVED] intel 4965 agn wireless card not loaded Ubuntu

Advertizing on the Playground ?

today visited playground , saw advertisements imho way big, commercial. i not forbid putting link commercial product on playground, short (~20 word) description, if fit category. what opinion? please think before clicking link came accros - - looks excessive me. Arduino Forum > Community > Website and Forum > Advertizing on the Playground ? arduino

Best practice for main loop - Raspberry Pi Forums

i'm sorry if it's been asked before, couldn't find searching on forum. i'm trying find best way cpu , gpu work in parallel. here simple main loop, starting point: code: select all for each frame: glclear(...); gluseprogram(...); ... // no more gl commands // (1) computation on cpu // (2) eglswapbuffers(...); // (3) afaik, unlike desktop gpu, mobile gpus (like 1 in raspberry pi) start rendering when frame over. there way tell gpu frame on , it's ok start rendering @ (1)? looks me multi-threading wouldn't much, unless play thread priorities (something i've been discouraged rely on). suppose move computation thread; signaling other thread @ (2) (the other thread might start working without gpu having started rendering), , signaling other thread @ (3) late (the cpu has wasted time waiting gpu finish rendering). advice? you use glflush() after you've finished gl commands explicitly send buffered commands driver has queued, may make things ...

Paragraf jadi KACAU BALAU !!!! - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

beginner ! aku input content, dengan cut n paste dari ms word ke bagian intro text di ms word content tsb sudah aku susun rapi, enak untuk dibaca , pas aku paste ke content editor , koq paragraf nya jadi kacau balau ya .... jadi bold, lah ,,jadi ilang tab nya lah,,and on 1. gimana ngatur agar paragraf tetap ''seindah warna aslinya''? 2. apa beda intro text dan main text? mana yang harus kita pakai untukmasukin content ? 3. adakah icon-icon di content editor yang bisa kita pakai untuk merapikan paragrap atau emang sudah di set pakai menu style itu? menu aku dahbikin menu, gimana cara merubah/edit propertiesnya, misalnya dari component items jadi section items selama ini karena aku ngak temuin caranya,,, aku terpaksa bikin menu baru lalu hapus menu lama makasih bantuannya buat para master thsnnk you siswa play groups joomla 1. paragraph jadi error karena format di editor sebenarnya format html, makanya jadi berantakan. klo dg editor di joomla kurang puas, editnya d drea...

Guys plz help .

i have bought arduino due , can not work arduino ide since basic me , have been dealing atmel studio since avr studio 4 , question , how can use atmel studio , upload generated hex file arduino? .... if without debugging . have written lot of libraries on avr , atmel studio , , can not go arduino ide . (any appreciated). one possible way if have programmer, stk500.  can configure use external programmer , upload generated .hex file due.  keep in mind erase bootloader it, if you're not planning on using arduino ide anyway, won't matter. Arduino Forum > Products > Arduino Due (Moderator: fabioc84) > Guys plz help . arduino

Android/RaspberryPi/Arduino quadopter - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello, i'm building raspberry pi/arduino quadcopter controlled android tablet. also, raspberry pi has pi camera broadcasts live video signal. know enormous project need 1 thing: communication between raspberry pi , arduino. i've created android app send sensor data based on rcserial protocol ($m> [length] [protocol code] [data] [checksum] ) raspberry pi via wifi(udp packets) , raspberry pi send arduino via usb cable. problem arduino receives data not work it. arduino programmed standard multiwii code. raspberry works repeater (adapter) between android , arduino, i'm capable of receiving live video feed camera on android tablet (with 5sec lag, solved, hope) serial on arduino works on 57600 baud, connection between raspberry , arduino 57600baud. should create connection between tablet , raspberry on 57600baud? hope you've understanded of situation. possible make? in advance i have been looking well. promising thing seems ...

L6470 Arduino code help

hello, i'm using l6470 stepper driver run motor. i'm running example code given sparkfun. understand code written motor move , forth, mine run in 1 direction continuously. please me figure out wrong. part of code given below. (i've hooked 4,6,10,11,12,13 , gnd pins of arduino , not leds or switches). how modify coding motor run specific number of steps , stop? thank !!! code: [select] //dspin_main.ino - contains setup() , loop() functions. float testspeed = 10; void setup() {  // standard serial port initialization debugging.  serial.begin(9600);    // pin configurations test jig  pinmode(stat1, output);  pinmode(stat2, output);  pinmode(switch, input);  digitalwrite(stat1, low);  digitalwrite(stat2, low);    // dspin_init() implemented in dspin_support.ino file. includes  //  all necessary port setup , spi setup allow arduino to  //  control dspin chip , relies entirely upon...

Thread: Poofing NIC on restart lol...

ohkay title doesn't kind of funny lol. anyways internet fine until decided restart computer, thats when discovered no longer have eth0 anymore. have eth1 , loopback. 1 thing recall doing nic settings changing eth0 dhcp static has reason why dissappeared. /etc/network/interfaces code: iface eth0 inet static address 192.168.x.x netmask 255.255.x.x network 192.168.x.x broadcast 192.168.x.x gateway 192.168.x.x i checked daemon.log , says eth0 unmanaged. that'd - network manager ignores interfaces defined in /etc/network/interfaces . eth1 wireless (like on laptop)? there thread (or two) around mention changing managed=false setting managed=true... haven't tried it. possible set static address via network manager. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Poofing NIC on restart lol... Ubun...

Cant get the FTDI Basic Breakout to reset my home made Arduino

i cant dtr pin on ftdi basic breakout reset home made arduino uno. when try load program second time uno after manually resetting board following error message: "avrdude: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0x00" i using atmega328 arduino optiboot (uno) => part# dev-10524 i have "arduino uno" selected "board" , below list of pin connections ftdi basic breakout pin connections: dtr => atmega pin 1 via 100nf capacitor (do need capacitor?) rx1 => atmega pin 3 tx0 => atmega pin 2 3v3 => not in use cts => not in use gnd => ground atmega328 pin connections: pin 1 (reset) => dtr pin of ftdi basic breakout via 100nf capacitor pin 2 (rx) => tx0 pin of ftdi pin 3 (tx) => rx1 of ftdi pins 4-6 => not in use pin 7 (vcc) => +5v , pin 8 via 100nf capacitor pin 8 (gnd) => ground , pin 7 via 100nf capacitor pin 9 (xtal1) => right hand pin of 16 mhz ceramic resonator (

NuScratch internationalisation / unicode - Raspberry Pi Forums

ghp asked i18n support asap classes; sadly i'm not able make work yet. wait! there encouraging news. it's important subject i've left side until because, well, it's complicated , not think of lot of fun. (wrongly) had impression support had been pretty cut out of pi version of scratch due problems non-latin character rendering didn't seem urgent issue. ghp's prompting i've spent time looking again , got wrong end of stick somewhere - original system *does* in fact deal non-latin character sets on pi. sigh. bad news getting relevant vm plugin work newer vm non-trivial because working on build process , .. oh, never mind, it's annoying. news *can* minor experimenting by a) running nscratchb5.image on older installed vm (which works ok maybe ⅔rd performance of new vm) b) escaping development environment c) fiddling unicodeplugin class' "testing" methods force conversion of relevant strings utf8 strings ... , presto! can nice results ...

Help needed to stop a stepper in home position using interrupt.

hi, this first post, , in traditional noob fashion cry help!! i have built filter wheel 9 positions, driven smal stepper motor on rim, , controlled arduino nano 3.0 , easydriver. it requires 22366 steps complete 1 complete revolution, , has mechanical switch act home position. i controlling arduino via the  serial monitor inputing filter number , wheel turnes position. changing position working correctly, code using set wheel home not. have been trying different things several days can't crack it. time admit defeat , ask help! here code; code: [select] int home_pin = 0;  // interrupt 0 on digital pin 2! int step_pin = 5;  //easydrver step pin. int current_position = 0; int new_position = 0; volatile int state = low;  // input state toggle // interupt state change, (if switch state changes, stop stepper , delay). void statechange() {   state = !state;   digitalwrite(step_pin, low);   delay(50000);   current_position=1;   serial....

gpio confidence test - Raspberry Pi Forums

i have written script uses pigpio library , sort of automates confidence test of gpios. script should run nothing connected gpios. each (user) gpio tested follows. 1) current mode , level read. 2) gpio set output , checked see if can written high , low. 3) gpio set input , checked see if internal pull-ups/downs can pull gpio high , low. pull-down test skipped i2c gpios have more powerful external pull-ups. 4) original mode , level restored. internal pull-ups switched off. script ends giving test summary. i've tested using rev.1 board. code: select all soft ~ $ /code/gpiotest program checks pi's (user) gpios. program reads , writes gpios. make sure nothing connected gpios during test. program uses pigpio daemon must running. start daemon use command sudo pigpiod. press enter key continue or ctrl-c abort... testing... skipped non-user gpios: 2 3 5 6 12 13 16 19 20 26 27 28 29 30 31 tested user gpios: 0 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 14 15 17 18 21 22 23 24 25 failed user ...