
Showing posts from April, 2012

Thread: Batch To Shell

if convert these shell scripts life complete , i'll never have use windows again. compile @echo off cd ../src echo compiling... "c:\program files\java\jdk1.6.0_16\bin\javac.exe" -cp . -d ../bin/ ./com/test/*.java echo compiling... "c:\program files\java\jdk1.6.0_16\bin\javac.exe" -cp . -d ../bin/ ./com/test/event/*.java echo compiling... "c:\program files\java\jdk1.6.0_16\bin\javac.exe" -cp . -d ../bin/ ./com/test/misc/*.java echo compiling... "c:\program files\java\jdk1.6.0_16\bin\javac.exe" -cp . -d ../bin/ ./com/test/bug/*.java echo compiling... "c:\program files\java\jdk1.6.0_16\bin\javac.exe" -cp . -d ../bin/ ./com/test/bug/debug/*.java echo compiling... "c:\program files\java\jdk1.6.0_16\bin\javac.exe" -cp . -d ../bin/ ./com/test/player/*.java echo compiling... "c:\program files\java\jdk1.6.0_16\bin\javac.exe" -cp . -d ../bin/ ./com/test/pla...

Adding a "Show All" Link to section display. - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

ok rather try explain give link. my main site @ here tutorials page i want add link on tutorials page says "show all..." , when u click it should list tutorials on site. its been couple days. know? surely possible, isn't it? Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

Help with Tell a friend extension

i purchase tell friend extension. when follow instruction menu tell friend appear on page properly. however want able click on words "tell friend", , have tell friend menu popint on page on website: how can that? thank you! francoise More discussions in Dreamweaver extensions adobe

Help with an 8 x 2 LCD

i bought 2 of these ( lcds, , need getting them run. have followed arduino liquidcrystal example, nothing shows on lcd. asked ebay seller controller used, got no reply. looking suggestions thing running, because stumped. did try wiring right i2c adapter, didn't work, guessing not hd44780 controller. if can't running can point me 1 work? need 1 blue backlight , white text. i2c 1 haven't been able find parallel fine. i'm going touch wiring post picture in while. quote i have followed arduino liquidcrystal example, nothing shows on lcd. are sure interpreted pin numbers correctly.  pin '1' 1 square outline, pin '2' (typically) directly above pin '1'.  in other words odd numbered pins ones closest display , numbered ones closest edge of board. quote i did try wiring right i2c adapter, didn't work, ... if int...

Sapa tahu nak ubah yang nie kat mane.... - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

last updated ( thursday, 10 august 2006 )  [ ] nak ubah (last update) ke bm----and--- hari leh ubah ke bm satu lagi button nak ubah kat maner tu install la language bahasa melayu. yg button tu cuma ubah kat css, nak buat style yg lebih menarik. carik part nie: code: select all .back_button {} /*style "back" button*/ kalau takde tambah kat css file. Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Malaysian Forum

JRUN 4 Updater 7: Error 179

hi everybody, i posted within other thread, beg, nobody read it: i tried run jrun 4 updater 7 , error-message: ant script error: status: error additional notes: error - 179: java returned: 1 after this, coldfusion server didn't start , had install backup system: windows server 2003 sp2. jrun 4 updater 5 installed. (6 doesn't work: on windows 2003/iis 6 , xp/iis 5.1 ie 6.0 sp2, response truncated if page redirects page) does know solution! thank answers michael More discussions in JRUN adobe

Joomla! Forum - community, help and support - Login

the board requires registered , logged in view forum. username: password: i forgot password resend activation email remember me hide online status session   register in order login must registered. registering takes few moments gives increased capabilities. board administrator may grant additional permissions registered users. before register please ensure familiar our terms of use , related policies. please ensure read forum rules navigate around board. terms of use | privacy policy register Board index

Preventing Cracks - Discussion - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i think forge should stop serving downloads of insecure components/ modules until component patched.  lot of newbie users trust joomla , don't have technical skill fix issues when can occur. i think each hacking incident has 3 outcomes--- 1. pissed off web admins. 2. pissded off users 3. hit reputation joomla secure. i think important joomla doesn't end phpbb great use, users choose use else due security issues troydoogle7 wrote: i think forge should stop serving downloads of insecure components/ modules until component patched.  lot of newbie users trust joomla , don't have technical skill fix issues when can occur. i think each hacking incident has 3 outcomes--- 1. pissed off web admins. 2. pissded off users 3. hit reputation joomla secure. i think important joomla doesn't end phpbb great use, users choose use else due security issues hmm. interesting issue. raise valid concerns. on other side; if security testing done on contributions extensions site time new feat...

Portale Robotica

ciao tutti,                  sono uno studente di informatica. sto aprendo un portale sulla robotica: qualcuno di voi potrebbe esserne interessato? ciao marco arrivi e come primo messaggio, invece di presentarti come da regolamento , pubblicizzi un tuo sito esterno?  Arduino Forum > International > Italiano > Generale (Moderator: leo72) > Portale Robotica arduino

To launch 2 LED same time with different intervals and with no. of repeat

hi, have code below: the code flow press button, led1 on delay(timingled1a) off delay(timingled1b), repeat follow no.repeat been set. code cant make led2 turn on same time led1. can me on this? code: [select] void fireled1() {   for(int i=0; < no.repeat; i++)   {     digitalwrite(led1, high);     delay(timingled1a);     digitalwrite(led1, low);     if(i < (no.repeat - 1))     {       delay(timingled1b);     }   } } void led2() {   for(int i=0; < no.repeat2; i++)   {     digitalwrite(led2, high);     delay(timingled2a);     digitalwrite(led2, low);     if(i < (no.repeat2 - 1))     {       delay(timingled2b);     }   } } get rid of calls "delay". have @ blink without delay example clues on how this. Arduino Forum ...

CPU Usage - Generating Word Docs from RoboHelp X5

if have generated fair-sized document through robohelp, , having problems cpu usage pegging out around 100%, bouncing , down between 50% , 100%, page repainting scroll through document, etc., solution you! i using robohelp x5 generate large word documents (2003). solution worked perfect me. problem document corruption, apparently. after have generated word document , opened document, sure display paragraph marks. see “]” mark @ or near end of document. select entire document, except final paragraph mark, making sure exclude symbol, , copy else. open blank word document , paste content new document. you need reattach template (.dot) file generated document through tools/templates , addins: 1. locate applicable document template , attach (it's typically in base generated project directory in robohelp - .dot file). click ok button save. 2. return tools/templates , addins. click organizer button display styles tab. 3. in right-hand list (in, close file...

Anyone have experience with this 3.5'' LCD? - Raspberry Pi Forums ... utf8&psc=1 i'm trying hook 1 pi not having luck. think i've narrowed down either power supply wrong or screen arrived doa. can experience offer advice on screen? power supply bought one: ... utf8&psc=1 it's .5 amps , saw unsubstantiated rumor on amazon page screen requires 1a, make difference? there warning getting right 'polarity' when putting on new barrel jack tip. there no instructions lcd, tried both polarities - have fried screen? edit: thought of - possible pi not detecting there video input? maybe have edit in boot config file? these lcds won't power on @ unless have video signal. help! what voltage feeding display? raspberrypi

major help needed my registered users can't find their records

hi using php , mysql dreamweavermx 2004. have started small project before doing large project supposed be. have directory (classifieds) has search, advanced search, user registration, edit/delete registration, directory insert listing , detail of listing after search results. all works fine. user can have session work registration - using $_session['mm_username'] , works edit/delete pages. when want user use same session inserting record, doesn't show up. know because use 'hello $username' etc top of page. have on every page needed session_start(); when search insert records, show there no user id or username attached it. is there conflict because restrict access on pages uses mm_username? if why working registration only. also should insert record have users id hidden field, , when set not null, can't insert records(directory listings). i can't connection happen between user , insert record. system needs able identify user can search records (directory lis...

Thread: Drivers..?

i have dell dimension c521 desktop, service tag 9f1w5c1. came preloaded xp. got blue screen of death , freaked out. used xp cd use recovery console command chkdsk /r seemed fix problem. turned on desktop after recovery console, got trojan horse without doing anything. i'm thinking changing operating system linux. operating system user friendly , easy pick up? plus, ask because need know neccesary drivers needed desktop work smoothly. on, drivers have specific computer windows xp, , vista. drivers needed linux, if install linux? mind all, i'm complete noob linux , don't know thing please nice. which version of linux "easiest pick , user friendly" question if ask 20 people 20 answers. isn't because wrong (though trolls claim otherwise) because user friendly complete matter of opinion. example consider windows user unfriendly 1 reason no longer use it. recommend ubuntu if you...

Does this site use Flash? I'm new to this!

a friend of mine likes looks of site , want know if need flash similar effect. thanks! no, saw javascript... flash makes easier. check out spry library of js effects should everything on site. -- dave - head developer adobe community expert More discussions in Adobe Animate CC - General adobe

Thread: low sound output

i have onboard alc888 realtek audio chip , using ubuntu 9.04 , in windows through realtek settings when choose headphones output device volume gets doubled in ubuntu after setting device headphones half of windows how can rectify problem need sort of drivers anyone?? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Hardware [ubuntu] low sound output Ubuntu

Thread: xorg.config confusion , please help

this pc has ubuntu 9.04. have been trying add nvidia drivers obtain 3d acceleration. display adapter has riva tnt chip. have been attempting setup driver file, . while running seems ok. problem, seems be, auto-config option xorg.config never shows up. appears compile nvidia kernal , install numerous files. when looked @ file last time,the xorg.config file appears empty. every how-to guide have looked @ far, implies kind of auto configuration of xorg.config file occurs. doing wrong? note; have not found nvidia drivers installation how-to thread, written jaunty jackalope edition. if there one. please alert me it? in advance. have tried go system->administration->hardware drivers , install restricted drivers there? in jaunty, xorg.conf file has little significance. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavou...

Raspberry Pi Forums - Login

username: password: i forgot password resend activation email remember me hide online status session   register in order login must registered. registering takes few moments gives increased capabilities. board administrator may grant additional permissions registered users. before register please ensure familiar our terms of use , related policies. please ensure read forum rules navigate around board. terms of use | privacy policy register raspberrypi

template cell

dear whizzes, i made template. in editable regions want replace, in child, img in 1 cell , text in next cell. how 1 keep cell height shifting, getting longer. don't want keep happening. thanks much, hope the "whizzes" went out beer. table cell height expand accomodate content. "hope1" <> wrote in message news:e4j43j$8n2$ > dear whizzes, > > made template. in editable regions want replace, in > child, > img in 1 cell , text in next cell. how 1 keep > cell > height shifting, getting longer. don't want keep happening. > > much, > hope > More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

Como esta hecho? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hola gente, quisiera saber como han hecho la gente de en las noticias ya que ellos insertan en la intro de la news una mini img y en el desarrollo de la misma aparece la en un tamaño mayor. desde ya muchas gracias pd: seguramente me va aconsejar que use el dynamicimage ya lo use, pero no se adapta lo que busco. bueno en realidad, es sencillo, lo que pasa que no se si en joomla podrás modificar eso, ya que el tema es que digamos el texto introductorio sería lo de la portada, y el texto extendido sería ya la noticia, entonces con el dynamicimage por ejemplo; és con la misma foto darle los 2 tamaños (es decir poner la misma imagen 2 veces, una en la introducción y otra en el texto extendido, y en cada una configurar su tamaño). pero para que quedara exactamente igual que en la web que indicas, sería que al pulsar para ver la noticia completa, solo te mostrara el texto extendido y no te mostrara el introductorio (esto es lo que no se si hay alguna forma de ponerlo en joomla con a...

Mosfet switches without a cause

hi! i made "quizshow-buzzer" friend consisting of 4 rigid pushbuttons hooked interrupt-pins of arduino leonardo, 4 led-lights inside pushbuttons powered irf 830 mosfets hooked arduino in picture: the cables between central unit , buttons 10m long - used cat5 ethernetcables this. now friend tells me buzzer works pretty well, light on button start glowing without button being pressed. could caused capacities of long cables or have idea? i'm waiting few more informations friend (especially if it's light glows or if there "beep" , output on central units display!) , i'm wondering already... quote from: zimbosmurf on jun 11, 2013, 11:36 am could caused capacities of long cables no. either fault in wiring or software problem. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino ...

Arduino....senza fili!!!

ciao tutti, avrei una domanda da farvi. devo poter controllare una scheda arduino (in particolare una mega) usando una connessione senza fili. l'arduino è alimentata in loco ma il pc che deve dargli gli input tramite il monitor seriale non è collegato direttamente alla scheda. nella pagina "products" ho visto che ci sono due tipi di shield che possono essermi utili: quello wifi e quello wireless. se ho ben capito con quello wifi ho bisogno di una connessione internet mentre nell'altro no. ho capito bene? se utilizzo solo quello wireless, lo shield mi fornisce una connessione con il pc? oppure la rete la devo creare da pc? grazie mille per chi riuscisse darmi qualche info in più su questo argomento saluti, andrea wifi è una connessione senza fili ad alta velocità che utilizza un protocollo standard con particolare specifiche riconosciuto dal tuo router o switch lan wifi, wireless e una comunicazione senza filo che  ti obbliga ad ave...

Accensione led da pulsante [RISOLTO]

ciao ragazzi sono nuovo del mondo arduino e anche del forum, spero sia questa la sezione giusta, per prendere la mano con arduino ho provato fare qualche progettino caso e mi sono imbattuto in questo problema. volevo far un circuito per cui si accende un led e rimane acceso quando premo il pulsante ma che poi si dee spegnere quando lo ripremo. mi si accende senza problemi ma non si spegne fin quando non tolgo alimentazione ad arduino. posto il codice e il fritzing del progetto. riuscireste darmi una mano? code: [select] /* modifiche schetch "button" per comunicazione seriale dello stato del led */ //dichiaro costanti const int buttonpin = 2; // pin pulsante const int ledpin = 4; // pin led const int debouncedelay = 50; // valore ritardo in millisecondi //dichiaro variabili int buttonstate = 0; // memorizza stato del pulsante int lastbtnstate = low; // memorizza precedente stato del pulsante int ledstate = low; // da uno stato al led void setup() {  pinmode(le...

PiGPIO and SPI - Need a bit of help using the pipes - Raspberry Pi Forums

over last day or 2 i've been trying redo of program remove need run sudo. joan , jojopi, able learn how communicate on pipes control servo. now, i'm trying use pipes control spi. code seems working, though haven't stress tested requires sudo i'd move way it. important thing note though, implies spi_channel, spi_speed, , spi_mode correct (0, 2 million, , 0 respectively): code: select all int result = 0; char write_cmd[2] = { 0 }; char read_data[2]; gpioinitialise(); g_spi_handle = spiopen(spi_channel, spi_speed, spi_mode); printf("spi handle: %d\n", g_spi_handle); // send command start conversion of channel 0 have // valid data when enter service routine spixfer(g_spi_handle, (char*)&write_cmd, (char*)&read_data, sizeof(read_data)); printf("spi read: %02x%02x\n", read_data[0], read_data[1]); usleep(200); spixfer(g_spi_handle, (char*)&write_cmd, (char*)&read_data, sizeof(read_data)); printf("spi read: %02x%02x\...

Display the function return in a label

i'm writing mxml component display timestamp in label: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <mx:canvas xmlns:mx="" width="738" height="36" backgroundcolor="#05075c"> <mx:script> <![cdata[ public function timestamp():date{ var timestamp:date = new date(); return timestamp; } ]]> </mx:script> <mx:label text="{timestamp()}" color="#fefefe" height="20" y="10" textalign="left" enabled="true"/> </mx:canvas> the label displayed {timestamp()} , not date information. curly brace not work here. hi i tried code , label displayed time, don't see text {timestamp()}. cheers dietmar More discussions in Flex (Read Only) adobe

In Car Media Player - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi. have model b pi, running raspbmc upis ups board attached , small wifi router plugged in ethernet (powered externally). project in car media player. pi , ups board performing expected: ignition off, wait 20s delay , shutdown pi. power on pi boots , starts media server (minidlna) problem lies external hard drive, connected through powered usb hub , dc-dc convertor provide 5v power supply hub. when switch off ignition power drops pi, usb hub , wifi. (but that's not problem.) @ point upis powers pi, pi seems power hub, external hard drive , @ least led on dc-dc convertor. it's poor pi , shuts off immediately, wasn't quite intended. i'm considering options, think limited. use sealed lead acid battery connect switched car power , dc-dc convertor, without knowing idle power requirements of hub , hard drive i've no idea if sensible. if recommend ultra low power external hard disk might option. if knows how limit usb maximum current supply usb sta...

USB Webcam problem - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi, got 1.3mp (1280x1024) usb webcam (trust spotlight webcam pro), way fun is not recongnized windows xp, vista nor 7 64, windows 8 on raspi worked right out of box mjpg-streamer works fine, camera ok. problem whenever use vlc, motion or fswebcam, picture displayed randomized puzzle (random position of puzzle pieces, random size of pieces, can 2 pieces or more) 9 pictures on 10. question : why mjpg-streamer work charm , not other tools ? common point between non working tools , difference mjpg-streamer ? mjpg-streamer use different way retrieve camera pictures ? want crop picture (only centered zone of interest) i'd crop video use vlc (may motion can ?) can keep bandwidth not streaming full picture size. regards. raspi firmware 3.12.22 power supply 1.5a usb nano netgear wifi wma1000n usb webcam trust spotlight webcam pro is webcam connected pi directly or external usb hub?? richard s. raspberrypi

Thread: Will Shiretoko upgrade?

i have replaced firefox-3 package firefox-3.5 package synaptic package manager. shiretoko upgrade when available, stable release of firefox linux? in advance. posted itsalllinux i have replaced firefox-3 package firefox-3.5 package synaptic package manager. shiretoko upgrade when available, stable release of firefox linux? in advance. i believe 9.10 have ff 3.5 part of it's package. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Installation & Upgrades [ubuntu] Will Shiretoko upgrade? Ubuntu

Thread: Pangolin freezing

panp5, 64-bit jaunty. 2 days ago, pangolin froze 3 times, every time same symptoms. music stutters , machine refuses input mouse or keyboard. way hard reboot. @ first thought songbird, used amarok. happened again. thought might tracker, disabled indexing , purged tracker. thought had solved it, didn't happen again. until today. saw other people had similar freezes , solved them installing linux-backports-[version], backports installed. on plus side, appears uf has reimplemented marking threads 'solved'. hi marshmallow, sounds frustrating problem. thomas won't until monday, in meantime... figure out kind of freeze, caps led light flicker during freeze? if so, think indicates kernel panick. post logs system76 software makes you. think can going administration> system76, if doesn't work in previous posts thomas explains steps. make sure backup data in case. best ...

Captivate &amp; Cornerstone LMS

have created course in captivate , running in cornerstone lms. when student fails test repeatedly lms keeping cummulative score of every failures results. occurs until enough questions answered correctly meet 80% requirement. likewise if fail several times , pass it's accumulating scores. we've seen quiz result coming in @ 208% in lms , in results page of captivate. ideas? sounds problem settings in lms. i'd suggest looking through options there see if can turn off unwanted behavior. is important have score? if lms supports it, can have captivate report "pass/fail", eliminate issue. if reporting score required, might able hack javascript reporting functions "adjust" score on passing. i'm guessing you're publishing scorm, in case you're interested in modifying 1 of following files (depending on version of scorm you're publishing to): c:\program files\adobe\adobe captivate 3\templates\publish\scorm_support1_2\scorm_support.js c:\pr...

Thread: Getting Facebook, Identica and Twitter in conky

i have released version 0.1 of cwibber. cwibber easy use command line interface gwibber, makes easy (currently) identica, twitter , facebook messages in conky. first of all, add ppa /etc/sources.list: code: deb [version] main deb-src [version] main ofcourse subsitute [version] intrepid, jaunty or karmic. add pgp key: code: sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 0da7f92b since cwibber depends on gwibber >= 2.0, add gwibber ppa: code: deb [version] main deb-src [version] main again subsitute [version] intrepid, jaunty or karmic. add pgp key: code: sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 72d340a3 and, usual: code: sudo apt-get update now you're ready install cwibber: code: sud...

Thread: What phone should I buy?

i'm late voip stuff, i'm kind of curious linux wifi phone , ditching prepaid. can make call free hotspot? looking no monthly minimums, fun gadget wise. , inexpensive. my wife , have been using skype our landline phone on 4 years , couldn't happier. friend travelled europe 3 months , got him onto before went. took netbook on , call home or anywhere else. au 2.7 cents minute next door or london. doesn't matter. lease number if want people able reach you. au$16 3 months or $80 year. skype skype calls free. can have call out account (no number) , top when need. wife , have call out account each , share call in account (which has number don't put money in account call out - call in account). confusing perhaps works us! have saved bundle, let me tell you! Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Networking & Wireles...

Prevent Publisher From Editing/Unpublishing Admin's Articles ??? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i set user can create, edit , publish own articles, not edit or publish/unpublish articles written administrator.  (by default, publisher can edit/publish/unpublish any article regardless of author is.) is there way this? thanks... you of course answered own question when said "by default, publisher can edit/publish/unpublish article regardless of author is" but one possible solution if use extension easyfaq,com_mtree/task,viewlink/link_id,894/itemid,35/   used of course making faq's article system administrator. doesn't allow edit administrator.  (if can't trust giving publisher rights maybe should not give them publisher rights). Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

Neuer mit Fragen Querbeet

hallöchen zusammen. bin neu im arduino-geschäft und find diese angelegenheit total abgefahren, macht laune und lust auf mehr. mein stand: bin internetprogrammierer (php, javascript usw), daher ist das programmieren der sketche sich nicht das thema. zusätzlich seit vielen jahren modellbauer und kleiner elektronikbastler ohne viel professionelles wissen. ich stelle meine bisher gesammelten fragen einfach mal hier hin: - der eeprom im uno fasst 1024 byte. umfasst diese angabe? die reinen werte oder auch die adressen? ich meine, kann ich 1024 zeichen in allen values des gesamten  eeproms speichern? - gibt es einfache möglichkeiten den eeprom zu vergrößern? mir gefält die einfache nutzung im gegensatz zu sd-karten oder sowas. - sd-modul anschliessen: welche pinns kann ich dazu auf dem uno nehmen bzw gibt es hierzu pins, die zwingend genutzt werden müssen? - gleiches für ein lcd-display, wie variabel ist das mit den pins arduino? kann ich das irgendwo anschliessen und im sketch...

"Curiouser and curiouser ... (DHCP assigned 'static' IP's) - Raspberry Pi Forums

... said alice" many others here, let router's dhcp server assign (pseudo-)static ip addresses pi's associated mac addresses. router typical wireless/4-port wired-ethernet device connected cable modem supplied i.p. today received "super hub" upgrade said modem, incorporated own wireless router etc. having set use same sub-domain etc. old router i've booted each of pi's in order re-set "pseudo-static" address (reserved leases in new modem's parlance). surprise (and joy ) 3 of pi's "automagically" given address i'd used previously. exception, model pi + usb-to-lan dongle, wasn't, because it's old address no longer in range of addresses i'd setup dhcp handout. whilst i'm pleased what's happened, i'm curious "correct information" came (presumably pi's somewhere). hmmm... trev. could because files here "ls /var/lib/dhcp" hold valid leases , they're being reused. guess. ...

Sentinel - Raspberry Pi Forums

i'd create autonomous security sentinel based on rpi. there's many bits don't know start or if it's viable. think of bit of r2d2. can sentinel do. moves around under it's own power , equipped ir camera records movement. it'd great if small , hard spot operate in secret. perhaps mesh network of motion sensors sentinel can use patrol necessary. perhaps docking station recharge batteries either mains powered or solar. 1 of parts tall order , project in it's own right. still might fun. has advice or tips? less 'fun', might easier have whole bunch of stationary ir cameras (cctv style), single camera can move about, needs dock , recharge itself? raspberrypi

openSEF manage sites - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello i has been installed opensef in sites. have couple of question opensef functionlity. -what's manage site. have 1 site located @ root/public_html. should do? have try 'add new site', i'm not sure put in 'base url' -what google sitemap do? -what's purpose generate xml any thoughts? smtih opensef manage sites if running 1 site, not need in manage sites. manage sites used if using opensef multi-sites feature. google sitemap generator what sitemap file , why should have one? ... swer=40318 the site map file submitted google xml file format. if interested there more info on format here: ... tocol.html Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Extensions - 1.0.x Components

Restaurer Carte SD - Raspberry Pi Forums

bonjour à tous, je possède une carte noobs (achetée sur kubii) où plusieurs os peuvent être installés. aprés avoir développé mon projet sous raspbien, j'ai réalisé une sauvegarde de cette carte sd (le fameux .img obtenu avec win32diskimager). je possède une seconde carte noobs, selon-vous, que dois-je faire pour placer cette image sur ma seconde carte noobs et ainsi avoir une copie parfaite de la première ? je craint de faire une fausse manipulation qui rendrait ma carte inutilisable ou illisible pour un raspberry. la sauvegarde est facile comme vous l'avez constaté. et une sauvegarde de la carte noobs par sécurité ? achetez une carte sd vierge (avec une capacité au moins équivalente à celle que vous avez souvegardée) et programmez là avec votre image. pour info d'autres configurations sont librement disponibles au téléchargement (voir downloads). pourquoi ne pas essayer ? en conclusion quelques cartes sd vierges en réserve. sans oublier de faire des images...

How I can make calls with the Arduino Mega ADK ?

well, first have day. i need project in have use arduino mega adk communicate cell phone has android , make call or send message. (if both better). the truth don´t start, i´m new arduino , android, if guide me (any tutorial related subject, information, or whatever can me) grateful. in advance thank , hope have nice day. you can send sms , make android speak text using bluetooth arduino pi formerly known btinterface. can use processing in buggy. or app inventor. Arduino Forum > General Category > General Discussion (Moderators: mbanzi, DojoDave, mellis) > How I can make calls with the Arduino Mega ADK ? arduino

How to use Ethernet shield+Arduino Mega+ElecFreaks TFT Shield V2+TFT 3.2"

hi, i've working arduino mega a  itdb02-3.2s 3,2" tft using elecfreaks's tft shield versión 2, i'm not able use arduino ethernet shied. arduino mega + ethernet shield works correctly arduino mega + tft shield + 3,2" tft, works readind sd card on tft all doesn't work anybody found way have ethernet such tft , tft shield?. thanks in advance helping me alex i have same issue... tried wire pins used lcd board (38,39,40,41) mega no avail... not sure search next! Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Displays > How to use Ethernet shield+Arduino Mega+ElecFreaks TFT Shield V2+TFT 3.2" arduino

booting to a website with user control - Raspberry Pi Forums

can please, new of this, have managed set pi auto boot website i.e bbc website. need alter internal website requires user name , password. how go adding in. clear, every time device booted, want load same website default user being user : name password: 1234 please beginner guys... that depends entirely on authentication scheme used website... (different websites handle things in many different ways) maybe you'll need have bit of javascript running in browser automatically fills in username , password fields. i've never done myself, maybe ... ord+fields raspberrypi

starting sh file via php - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello have code code: select all <form method="post"> <input type="submit" id="submit" name="submit" value="start"> <input type="submit" id="submit" name="submit" value="stop"> </form> <?php if ($_post["submit"] == "start") {echo "started!"; shell_exec('sh /home/ismet/');} if ($_post["submit"] == "stop") {echo "stopped!"; shell_exec('sh /home/ismet/');} ?> why not work? any clues in webserver error log? /var/log/apache2/error.log (if using apache) raspberrypi

Raspberry e Arduino via Seriale - Raspberry Pi Forums

salve tutti! sto cercando di costruire una macchina radiocomandata utilizzando il raspy, arduino uno, arduino motor shield e un controller xbox 360.. per fare ciò ho pensato di collegare il controller (wirless) al raspy, il quale una volta ricevuto il segnale manda un valore all'arduino tramite seriale (l'usb che collega due dispositivi) che aziona motori.. il problema è che non capisco perchè il segnale non arrivi all'arduino.. sapreste dirmi dove sto sbagliando? python su raspberry: code: select all #!/usr/bin/python lib import xbox_read import serial ser = serial.serial('/dev/ttyacm0', 9600) while 1: event in xbox_read.event_stream(deadzone=12000): if event.key=='rt': rt=event.value if rt>0 : ser.write(rt) else : ser.write(0) if event.key=='lt': lt=event.value if lt>0 : ser.write(lt) else : ...

can I use this navigation tree if so how? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i found want use on joomla portal: ... id=1235567 can use on joomla template , if how? take in extensions section on joomla site there options there should this. if create sub catergories on main menu sub menu appear when item clicked. ie main menu item photos wehn create next item select photo menu link parent. dave Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

User interaction

we're trying create project show simulations of software, , we'll using captivate this. add feature of allowing user "try it", meaning take control of mouse , can interact demonstration. possible? hi if looking @ post, interested in problem gwennabeme posted. should click link see answer supplied gwennabeme posted second time. More discussions in Quizzing/LMS adobe

Arduino is too darn big

every time play arduino wish smaller.  proto boards have been same size forever. arduino boards should postage-stamp size or smaller.  yet remain compatible proto boards virtue of new, tiny connectors, perhaps 1/4th or 1/8th size of current (0.1 inch) monsters, fan out fit old stuff.  via ribbon, or whatever ...  then, once build wire more permanently , stuff in tiny box belongs.  proto becomes product. the electronic world keeps getting smaller, while supposedly tiny ardiuno appears larger every year in comparison. it not makes sense make prototyping board smaller, can test shields , things comfortably. can use bare atmega if want, or nano,  etc. Arduino Forum > Development > ...

Thread: 9.04 crashing on old laptop

evening all, i've got old laptop use, 1.5 celeron, 512mb ram, 40gb hd. i've had couple of linux distro's installed, have been fine (pclinux, ubuntu 8.04/8.10, mint 6/7 etc) i've installed 9.04 , crashes quite frequently. can move mouse nothing else respond. how can diagnose problem? else had problems 9.04? mint 7 based on 9.04. if mint 7 works 9.04 should fine. application crashes most? firefox flash? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [ubuntu] 9.04 crashing on old laptop Ubuntu

Convert int to string / char Arrays

hi there! i using virtual wire + attiny 85 send data on rf link gets received arduino uno. if use standard example everythink works fine, , sends every string want. but want able send changing string , numbers (int?); e.g. sensor data, counters, ... i program (mostly java atm) , learned c++ years ago here confused... they convert string array of chars , send them. tried dublicate creating own array , trying things code: [select] char *myarray; myarray[0] = i; // = counter but nothing reaches receiver. how send numbers , changing stuff? code: [select] // transmitter.pde // // simple example of how use virtualwire transmit messages // implements simplex (one-way) transmitter tx-c1 module // // see virtualwire.h detailed api docs // author: mike mccauley ( // copyright (c) 2008 mike mccauley // $id: transmitter.pde,v 1.3 2009/03/30 00:07:24 mikem exp $ #include <virtualwire.h> void setup() {    // initialise io , isr    vw_set_tx_pin(...

Game SameGame - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi there, bought raspberry pi of amazon based on recommendation got 1 of posts. ... spberry+pi also, choose game called samegame. project use raspberry pi kit play samegame. because new comer python , game. read python basic book. starting learn tutorial. ... en&spell=1 found source code same game. question, other things have make account? have learn beside these things sincerely raspberrypi

Un peu coup de main? transmission RF

bonjour, je débute dans le domaine de la programmation, j'ai un petit char tamiya avec double gear avec un dual h bridge dc stepper motor et un joystick, mon code fonctionne très bien en filaire joystick -> arduino -> pont h -> motor le code en question: quote #define motorpin1a 3 // marche avant du premier moteur #define motorpin1b 4 // marche arrière du premier moteur #define speedpin1 9 // l293d enable pin pour le premier moteur #define motorpin2a 5 // marche avant du deuxième moteur #define motorpin2b 6 // marche arrière du deuxième moteur #define speedpin2 10 // l293d enable pin pour le deuxième moteur #define joystickpin1 1  //analog 1 #define joystickpin2 2  //analog 2 int mspeed= 0; int mspeed1 = 0; int mspeed2 = 0;   unsigned long time; void setup() { // réglage des broches à  output pinmode(motorpin1a, output); pinmode(motorpin1b, output); pinmode(speedpin1, output); pinmode(motorpin2a, output); pinmode(motorpin2b, output); pin...

Thread: How does Ubuntu rate with other distributions?

i'm sure age old question, , it's bit blunt. let me more specific. how ubuntu rate other distributions far people using machines things non-server/admin oriented? know, home based media based stuff windows users. don't have problems ubuntu , enjoy gnome enviroment , beyond satisfied programs available in repositories. before ubuntu though, windows os aware of. while ubuntu did in windows billion times better, i'm wondering else missing. can assume distributions have own repositories own unique programs, or incorrect? if so, there media friendly? posted fleaaccela i can assume distributions have own repositories own unique programs, or incorrect? yes , no. true every distro has own repositories, programs find in them same. unique programs find package managers , other administrative tools, not media-related stuff. ...

Più moduli banner nel sito - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

ciao tutti. vorrei sapere da qualcuno più esperto di me se è possibile aggiungere più moduli banner nel sito. questo perchè vorrei inserire diverse pubblicità nella stessa pagina. ho provato copiare un modulo banner ma ovviamente non mi da la possibilità di inserirci niente.... è semplicemente una copia del banner esistente. spero in un vostro prezioso aiuto. grazie in anticipo. guarda, io sono tutto fuorché esperto, ma ho provato artbannerplus e va benissimo. credo che ti risolverà il problema. lo trovi qui ... d,0/&nbsp; Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Italian Forum