
Showing posts from June, 2012

Failed connect camera video port and encoder input port - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello! based on raspivid try add h264 encoding in application. unforunately connection camera video port , encoder input port no success, follow program output: code: select all mmal: mmal_vc_port_info_set: failed set port info (2:0): einval mmal: mmal_vc_port_set_format: mmal_vc_port_info_set failed 0xb8f80a90 (einval) mmal: mmal_connection_create: format not set on input port mmal: mmal_connection_destroy_internal: connection not cleared waterguard: failed create connection between ,, status 3 (einval) camera video port configuration: code: select all static unsigned short image_width = 1280; static unsigned short image_height = 720; static unsigned char fps = 25; format->encoding_variant = mmal_encoding_i420; format->encoding = mmal_encoding_opaque; format->es->video.width = vcos_align_up(image_width, 32); format->es->video.height = vcos_align_up(image_height, ...

Thread: ATI Raedon HD4850 compatibility?

hiya have had lot of trouble raedon x1950 pro graphics card (audio skipping) upgrading raedon hd4850, known issues graphics card in ubuntu , here use graphics card in ubuntu effectively? i've been using 4850 long time on ubuntu 8.10 , 9.04 on 2 computers, works fine, long install latest ati fglrx drivers amd. since ones come default ubuntu outofdate , playing video/movies pain. (they flash continuously) installing latest 1 solves this. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Hardware [ubuntu] ATI Raedon HD4850 compatibility? Ubuntu

Read NMEA strings over serial port with MT3329 and Arduino Mega 2560

i trying read nmea strings otput mt3329 gps mediatek. code have written of strings output , rest first character in string. example: code: [select] returned gps datagps buffer: gprmc,001027.035,v,,,,,0.00,0.00,060180,,,n*40 end getting gps data unlocked locked returned gps datagps buffer: g end getting  gps data unlocked locked returned gps datagps buffer: gpgsv,1,1,00*79 there supposed other strings titles of gpgga , gpgsa part of string output 'g'. i using arduino mega , connecting gps serial1. have left en pin on gps unconnected since i'm not sure does. here code: code: [select] // arduino mega 2560 r3 #include <string.h> #define dbg(str) serial.print(str) #define portgps serial1 long int timergps = 0; int returnedgps = 0; int lockedgps = 1; char buffgps[50]; int igps = 0; void setup(){   serial.begin(9600); // arduino computer   dbg("debug port 0 initialized\n");   portgps.begin(38400); // mt3328 arduino   dbg("p...

consiglio pre-acquisto

salve tutti, intendo acquistare un prodotto arduino ma vorrei dei consigli e dei chiarimenti prima di procedere. quello che vorrei realizzare è un sistema per controllare alcuni punti luce tramite uno smartphone, che è possibile fare ciò con arduino, ma non ho ben capito se occore una rete internet per controllare via wi-fi? scusate l'ignoranza ma non ho mai utilizzato questo tipo di tecnologia. grazie in anticipo diepnde, per non avere al rete internet, o il tuo smarthpohone o il tuo chip wifi fa da access point. cosa molto rara in entrambi casi. soluzione più comune è usando una rete ad hoc, però ad esempio la wifi shield ufficiale non la supporta, e anche alcuni smartphone Arduino Forum > International > Italiano > Generale (Moderator: leo72) > consiglio pre-acquisto ardu...

First post and first project! Need help!

hi everyone! ok mentioned first post , first project! i'm trying accomplish project ir motion detector transmits via 2 way radio. i'm pretty sure how of goes except how arduino send signal via radio. appreciate much more knowledgeable folks. here video on youtube inspired project. want same thing. it's little hard understand arduino comes equation ? what want arduino do? Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > First post and first project! Need help! arduino

launchApplication throwing #2044 error

i have swf on webpage loads air.swf api's can launch installed air application using launchapplication() method. air application launches when tail flashlog.txt file, see "error #2044" iterated couple of hundred times (no trace() statements app output). when launch air application manually (double-click) trace() statements in app output correctly. i have <allowbrowserinvocation></allowbrowserinvocation> set 'true'. have listeners in air app set handling browserinvokeevent. air app code , swf launcher code below. what's #2044 error? air 1.5 not handle browser invocation correctly? air application: quote: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <mx:windowedapplication xmlns:mx="" xmlns:comp="components.*" layout="absolute" width="990" height="710" verticalscrollpolicy="off" horizontalscrollpolicy="off" showflexch...

Thread: E: Package ia32-libs-gtk has no installation candidate

hello, sorry start thread here, don't know make it. have problem: [ code: ichwan@ichwan:~$ sudo apt-get install ia32-libs ia32-libs-gtk linux32 reading package lists... done building dependency tree reading state information... done package ia32-libs-gtk virtual package provided by: ia32-libs 2.7ubuntu6.1 should explicitly select 1 install. e: package ia32-libs-gtk has no installation candidate from last line, suspect it's main problem, because when finish full installation (iraf), aplication won't work. appreciate. sudo apt-get install ia32-libs linux32 Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] E: Package ia32-libs-gtk has no installation candidate Ubuntu

Thread: cheap domain

hi, 1 know can find cheap domain? my advice use free site start , use , if works try domain don't waste money if don't have to. ryan.wdzieczny Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [SOLVED] cheap domain Ubuntu

USB Hub Recommendations Please - Raspberry Pi Forums

i need powered hub connect devices pi. need hub not attempt bus powered if power hub lost, since cause pi switch of due lack of power. can suggest suitable hub please? regards, stephen raspberrypi

Modem Reset Restarts Pi - Raspberry Pi Forums

been using usb multi tech modem verizon through pi given test. got through issues have connecting now, whats odd went through updates pi , not. if use year old image @ shutdown command modem works great , merely resets modem no pi change. since updating current whenever send @ command shutdown modem (i have small script watch teh ppp connection auto reconnect. if sees no ppp connection resets modem having issues busy line, trys redial.) at#shdn @ command, since have updated when run script or command minicom resets entire device. thinking maybe hotplug issues have tried upgraded cap , still remains same. modem pulls power seperatly have 5v 4amp psu splits power pi , modem on shared line. curious if has thought why entire system restarts when before updating works day long. edit: measured boards current while running command , voltage stays around 5 seems not current drop. created sd , updated left out firmware update , seems normal. maybe update fluke. raspberrypi

Thread: MetaProducts offline Explorer Pro

hi guys tried install metaproducts offline explorer pro through wine... face 2 errors massages. 1 of theme: access violation @ address 00a2d137 in module 'oe.exe'. read of address 0000000c. there chance make work? >>>>>> here link of program if wish try it: anyway i've tested newest version of offline explorer (offline explorer pro 5.6.3090 service release 2) wine 1.1.28 , works fine. thing seems not work "browse" option - described on page: there's native linux offline browsing software can use such httrack , pavuk (both available repos); httrack excellent tool , think best option; alternatively, there's scrapbook , savecomplete add-ons firefox. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Spec...

LCD and SD

okay, want read file on sd card , print text (or @ least first 16 characters of text) lcd screen. currently when run it displays series of numbers tends annoying. want print exact text file. below code (two attempts @ it) if knows i'm suppose greatly. thanks code: [select]   if (file) {     while(file.available()){       lcd.print(;     }     file.close();   } code: [select]   if (file) {     int y;     int temp;     char string[16];     for(y = 0; y < 17; y++ ){       string[y] =;       lcd.print(string[y]);     }     file.close();   } can post of code? which file, text & where! Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Displays > LCD and SD a...

Joomla! Forum - community, help and support - Login

the board requires registered , logged in view forum. username: password: i forgot password resend activation email remember me hide online status session   register in order login must registered. registering takes few moments gives increased capabilities. board administrator may grant additional permissions registered users. before register please ensure familiar our terms of use , related policies. please ensure read forum rules navigate around board. terms of use | privacy policy register Board index

Check box list

i'm looking have list containing checkboxes. i've found couple examples online, still can't seem need. need able drag components or down in list reorder them , toggel them on or off (checked or unchecked). can on/off , can drag , drop, when click on item drag it, toggles checkbox automatically. anywone know better way this? i create composite component uses checkbox , label. don't use built-in label property. drag dragging label, not click checkbox. tracy More discussions in Flex (Read Only) adobe

Motor shield question?

hi, i have bought motor shield , have question: when connect battery vin pin voltage of battery going supplied motors? for example 7 volt battery, motors 7 volts? thanks in advance. motor shields should have separate motor power connection, independent of any arduino power.  motor shield talking about? Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > General Electronics > Motor shield question? arduino

strange problem in IE! horizontal rules not showing... - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi there everybody! i have strange , annoying problem.. can't see horizontal rules i've put in texts on joomla-site in internet explorer. in firefox show. when create content item , add won't show in ie. when add in wysiwyg mode , when type in manually in raw html mode (my editor jce). hr's in virtuemart , in joomla modules (for example: added hr 'who's online' module) not showing in internet explorer. has heard of problem? ie bug or something? hr's in other pages (not joomla) showing fine... i have no idea how fix this.. maybe here has clue..? i'm using ie 6, , joomla 1.0.10. i  hope can me out!! users of page use ie....  thanks in advance!! michèlle are using or ? not html valid tag, tags must have coordinating ending tag ( ), or self-closing, ie. my tags show in ie fine. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

PWM in

hello, guys. sorry english, learn not @ moment. also, sorry, if posted topic in wrong section. so, have kind'a dumb question, maybe. need read incoming pwm signal. signal come quadcopter controller. have tryed find information question, found info output pwm arduino. so, guys, please, can tell smth arduino incoming pwm. or can give link related article. i'm little confused, because arduino have digital inputs , analog inputs, pwm not digital signal, there no true or false, , it's not analog input, because have 5 volts , 0 volts. or i'm stupid, , don't understand something? have @ of duaneb's solutions. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > PWM in arduino

Wifi Shield - UDP Sending Problem

hi guys, i've purchased new wifi sheild rs , coupled r3 uno.  have problem when trying transmit simple udp string.  works fine if string small if increase string length approx 90 characters appears nothing sent.  ideas why in following code replystring sent if less approx 90 characters? i should point out of course code snippet reply / sending code.  rx side of things appears fine, it's when arduino tried send response problem occurs.  if has wifi shield (or ethernet shield) test big help. code: [select] string replystring = "123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890"; char replybuffer[replystring.length() + 1]; replystring.tochararray(replybuffer, sizeof(replybuffer)); udp.beginpacket(udp.remoteip(), localport); udp.write(replybuffer); udp.endpacket(); thanks in advance! i have tested declaring string char array (as below) shows exact same problem. code: [select] char replystring [] = ...

Different languages

hi friends, i working on project want have different languges in 1 application. brief : this ad application. works - ad creating abc company , sending ad different branches in different countries. in branches application there , ad loading application. and has change ad caption there local language. the branches don't have fonts installed. the application working accept language part. tried shared libraries client don't want waste time in creating swf files each fonts. please on topic how can include fonts dynamicaly aplication without creating each swf file each font. , cpmpany changing new fonts each time can't able include flash library earlier. More discussions in ActionScript 1 and 2 adobe

Question about upgrading an upgrade

sorry if isn't right forum wasn't sure go since change. ;) anyway, purchased studio mx , upgrade version of studio 8. when next studio version comes out, i'd plan on purchasing upgrade version. question is, need hang onto mx version since that's full version or, when activate next version, studio 8 key work? hi no doubt receive definite answer upgraded version , because registered had no problems serial numbers. ian -- "p00ts" <> wrote in message news:e9japo$5ni$ > sorry if isn't right forum wasn't sure go > since > change. ;) > > anyway, purchased studio mx , upgrade version of studio 8. > when > next studio version comes out, i'd plan on purchasing > upgrade > version. question is, need hang onto mx version since > that's > full version or, when activate next version, ...

shutdown problem - Raspberry Pi Forums

i use pi module b , connect via ssh. use command -sudo poweroff-to shutdown pi, ssh connection cut, led on board still on, including act , lnk. laptop can't find ip address. normal? pwr led on after shutdown? problem possibly caused driver program sensors installed? all! hi cyberry. normal behaviour. shutdown command not power off system entirely, stops operating system. in situation, can safely remove power pi (pull plug out). bring pi again, remove power attach again (pull plug out, wait couple of seconds, put in again). pi should boot normally. jim raspberrypi

Flash-Embeber fuente

hola. necesito una ayudita. tengo el código siguiente, para la aparición de un texto mecanografiado (sacado de un tutorial) y quiero que sea con la helvetica-condensed. la metido en la biblioteca con nombre e identificador 'mifuente' y marcado el "exportar para as" y "exportar en primer fotograma". sé que debo meter una línea de código para que me lo vincule o modificar algo... ¿pero qué/cual? ¿me podéis ayudar? muchas gracias // texto = "texto mecanografiado"; // var myformat:textformat = new textformat(); myformat.font = 'helvetica-condensed'; myformat.size = 14; myformat.align = 'justify'; myformat.color = 0xffffff; // velocidad = 20; margiz = 20; margder = 20; alto = stage.height; margentotal = margiz+margder; _root.createtextfield("mytext",1,margiz,margder,stage.width-margentotal,alto); mytext.multiline = true; mytext.wordwrap = true; mytext.setnewtextformat(myformat); // var tpw:typewriter = new typewriter(myt...

Staffordshire Recycling Website - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

here's site i've been working on staffordshire county council here in uk. i've been using mambo various other sites, but, because of joomla's steadfast commitment accessiblity , standards, i've made switch joomla, and, have say, stick future projects! here in glory (still waiting text, hence lorem ipsum text everywhere!): the front page not content managed, needed design radically different rest of site, if has ideas how can make content managed, i'd love hear them! looking forward thoughts!  hi, it's looking nice. question make hompage content managed example on site (link in sig.) what did create copy of template, assigned home. on template took out mainbody, , use module positions post modules text. regards robin Board index Joomla! Official Sites & Infrastructure Sites & Infrastructure - Feedback/Information Archived Boards - All boards clo...

Classes within classes

i wanted have object of custom class member of class. accessed object getter , changed 1 of members setter: first.getsecond().setnumber(5); the member gets changed inside of set number, not changed when checked later again. what wrong here? zip attached full example. please attach code post. hosting on insecure site dropbox means not accessible me @ work. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > Classes within classes arduino

Touch Screen - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi tell me if work pi hdmi-vga converter ... 3390796b89 thanks al surfershort wrote: hi tell me if work pi hdmi-vga converter ... 3390796b89 thanks al display has both vga , dvi port. can dvi hdmi adapter little money on ebay . these simple adapters , don't have same issues hdmi vga adapters. raspberrypi

Anchor links

my anchor links showing in faded "visited" colour before they've been visited! i've cleared cache ensure it's fresh page no improvement. seems have "allow blocked content" feature in ie. when preview in browser within dreamweaver links fine - until click on ie security bar allow blocked content (i have few "open browser window" functions on site) @ point anchor links change visited state. when view files directly server, ie doesn't offer me option of allowing blocked content - displays links in visited colour. know of fix or workaround problem? got url? -- regards john waller More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

wiringPiISR: execl failed: No such file - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello colleagues, i'm trying use interrupt function wiringpiisr wiringpi simple pir sensor alarm (sensor connected pin 17). , encounter following error: wiringpiisr: execl failed: no such file or directory wiringpiisr: unable open /sys/class/gpio/gpio17/value: no such file or directory googling shows, wiringpiisr not find somehow gpio binary, in fact located in in /usr/local/bin , executable. running " whereis gpio " gives: gpio: /usr/local/bin/gpio running " gpio readall " command line provides correct pin readouts , sees sensor state changes. no compilation errors. strange, working before perfect! after failure of sd card, created new 1 yesterday freshly installed raspbian , wiringpi , strange error! are running root? raspberrypi

Thread: CPU Load

hello using kubuntu 9.04 kde 4.2 , have problem cpu load. cpu athlon 3200+ , in idle mode 33% suppose high.. plasma runnign ok but! in system monitor total sum of programms consuming cpu 10-11 whereas displays 35-40... wrong that? cause xp in idle mode 1-2%. hope there can cause new in linux , love them already! thnx lot in advance look processes consume cpu cycles, no matter if programs or system processes. post output of top terminal. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [kubuntu] CPU Load Ubuntu

How to stop PWM signal?

hi. using servo move rather heavy solar panel. once set angle to, say, 45 degree, servo doesn't quite has strength move panel 45 degree , motor rotating, trying panel 45 degree. my question is, possible turn off pwm signal once set angle 45 degree? if not, can using external circuit? (using nmos or whatever?) code: [select] #include <servo.h> setup(){ servo myservo; myservo.attach(3, 300, 1550); } loop(){ myservo.write(45); delay(2000) } if stop servo refresh won't hold position. if that's not issue can "detach" pin. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Motors, Mechanics, and Power (Moderator: fabioc84) > How to stop PWM signal? arduino

Help-me with String and Ethernet

hi guys, i'm big problem, make webserve java , arduindo via tcp/ip, needed send standard message via socket, well, can doing in arduino can't capture message, i'm using () this, in output, string showing char char, going paste code can help...sorry english. code: [select] #include<ethernet.h> #include<spi.h> #include<string.h> byte mac[] = { 0xde, 0xad, 0xbe, 0xef, 0xfe, 0xed };  ipaddress ip( 10, 1, 1, 18 ) ;    ethernetserver server(90);  int frente = 9; int meio = 10; int atras = 11; void setup() { serial.begin(9600); ethernet.begin(mac, ip);    server.begin();        serial.print("server at\n"); pinmode(frente, output); pinmode(meio, output); pinmode(atras, output);  } void loop() { ethernetclient client = server.available();    if (client) {                    int = 0; while(cl...

Internet access on RPi - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi. i'm using rpi via shh. i'm on laptop wifi internet connection. in wireless connection network i've set allow network sharing. because of static ipv4 adress on local area network changed ip of rpi on , when try ping laptop lot of traffic, when try ping laptop rpi nothing. can't access internet on rpi. know problem? hi, provide output of sudo ifconfig command executed on raspi. best wishes, ivan zilic. raspberrypi

Unidirectional pixel tracking

hi guys, i'm looking possibility of using arduino tell me when object (any object) moves frame from, say, left edge. know it's not ideally suited sort of processing, if able it, cost savings substantial seems. we'll have mass of stuff going rapidly from, say, right left, , slower moving objects going left right, or stopping. using ir capable web cam or such sensor, possibly looking at, say, small subset of pixels. has attempted such thing? much  just getting web cam's video arduino feat in itself. best can off load video acquisition onto external circuit , have arduino access circuit's memory. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > Unidirectional pixel tracking arduino

Prevent focus out of datagrid cell?

hi, can't figure 1 out. have datagrid itemeditend bound function "erorrcheck" checks correctness of value entered in cell. if value not allowable, need focus prevented leaving cell. i tried these 2 method solve problem, neither worked: 1) if value entered isn't allowed, @ end of function "errorcheck" datagrid's editeditemposition used. 2) "editerror" flag set in function "errorcheck". function "forcecursor" bound datagrid's item_focus_out event. in "forcecursor" function, "editerror" flag checked error, , if "true", datagrid's edititemposition used. one problem have found may compounding ability find solution itemeditend triggered twice when user tabs out of 1 cell. what's going on that? More discussions in Flex (Read Only) adobe

No Keyboard on Boot? - Raspberry Pi Forums

i have logitech wireless keyboard (one track pad , keyboard layout). should cover both mouse , keyboard problem is, when first booted system up, acts if don't have plugged in , doesn't respond key presses, help? ... 2f_webcams raspberrypi

Problem Interfacing Arduino Due and KS0108 128 X 64 LCD Screen.!

hello everyone,             have upgraded uno due. tried interface ks0108 lcd screen due board. arduino playground has new ver 3 library glcd, downloaded , followed the  instructions given letter. when try compile ks0108 example gives following error: in file included ks0108example.pde:12: c:\users\overlord\documents\arduino\libraries\glcd/glcd.h:38: fatal error: avr/pgmspace.h: no such file or directory compilation terminated. and stuck. how go problem? request guys me rectify problem. any , appreciated. in advance. regards dhir kumar i not know state of glcdv3 lib respect ks0108, u8glib ( supports ks0108 display. additionally need level translation 3.3v (due) 5v (ks0108). unidirectional translation fine u8glib. however, setup has never been tested before u8glib. interessted see wether works. oliver Arduino Forum > Using Ardui...

Help! Contact Page Table Needs Adjustment - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello - our site has table on "contact" page references personal information somewhere else , plugs in.  not designed page in sense can pull , adjust there.  problem table small , needs adjustments make should (the "position" , "phone" columns tight).  can see mean here: ... &itemid=36 i've looked on administrator area (twice) , can't find way fix particular table.  give appreciated.  i've gotten comments , resolve aesthetic problem!  thanks, jim are talking css or talking changing @ source (somewhere else)? Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

Thread: The Dual Boot Challenge

i read 2 pages of different posts on dual booting, none of them answered question. if missed please point me link. want install ubuntu on 1 internal hd , windows 7 on second internal hd. but-- not want bootloader give me choice. when want boot different os, want adjusting boot order in bios. goal have machine boot right ubunut no hesitation-- same if os on computer. when have use windows (ugh), want telling bios boot disk first. possible? if so, how? ss the option comes mind loading grub boot loading , setting boot ubuntu in startupmanager. when want boot ms hit escape @ startup , select windows 7 bootloader menu. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Installation & Upgrades [ubuntu] The Dual Boot Challenge Ubuntu

EasyTransfer-I2C 2-way Master<->Slave Communication

hi! i have application establish 2-way communicate between 2 arduino nanos using i2c using "easytransfer".  easytransfer comes i2c library, when trying establish 2-way communication using failed opened library , can tell library did not support this.  posted message on author's website here: what lead me believe 2-way communication had not been worked out fact easytransferi2c::senddata contained code specific sending data master slave , receivedata contained code specific receiving data master slave. my solution modify library , make i2c_address inputs ::senddata() , ::receivedata() optional.  if input supplied, assumes master -> slave communication.  if no input supplied code assumes slave responding master request. attached library , code.  think i'm close, master -> slave communication working properly.  example code expansion of o...

crear componenetes - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

buenas todos, soy nuevo en el tema de joomla, antes programaba (y ahora) en php, hacia las paginas desde cero, y me comentaron la existencia de joomla. la duda que tengo, es que si yo puedo hacer dentro de joomla paginas web en php, es decir, yo voy utilizalo en una empresilla, donde voy tener entre otros el acceso la biblioteca, con una base de datos hecha en mysql y desde el menu voy tener acceso unos listados hechos que tengo ya hechos. esto se puede hacer con joomla y sabeis donde puedo encontrar informacion de como hacerlo. un saludo. Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Spanish Forum Extensiones

GSRS/GSM problem

hello, i using gprs shield v1.0 crowduino v1.0 , wish send sms using it. link shield : , , link crowduino .it has arduino uno pin layout , dimensions inherits duemilanuve features + has bee shield (i dont know it). i using arduino ide 1.05 i use latest gsm library 3.05 the status led blinks @ rate of 64ms on/3000ms off, no pin sim card. romania , cosmote network shield should cover network frequency, right? i have tested crowduino examples , works fine. cant seem shield anything. with gsmscannetwork example code get: gsm networks scanner, thats , waited while , nothing happened. code: [select] // libraries #include <gsm.h> // pin number #define pinnumber "" // initialize library instan...

SoftwareSerial dropping bytes when Arduino doing nRF24L01 radio.write()

i've wrote code read in serial data ( gps nmea data in case ) , send across other nrf24l01 radio using same code receiver , display them on serial monitor or have gps s/w read nmea data... as max bytes gps less 90 bytes, i've chopped data 3 packets nrf24l01 can take 32bytes max... with minor packet drops , such, i'm able code running ( merged packets ) when compared raw data ones i'm receiving, notice there lots of dropped bytes when in sendpackets() functions. able gps location lock not able see birds , signals... when commented out sendpackets() function, not dropped bytes... when made sketch nrf24l01 codes deleted, able open gps s/w birds , location fixed.. is softwareserial issue or need method buffer incoming bytes while arduino busy sending out packets nrf24l01 ?? any ideas/suggestions welcome... thanks below link full source code... i have maybe similar, reading basic serial out of imp. gets individua...

Débuts avec Iboard Pro de IteadStudio

salut! je viens enfin de recevoir mon colis avec : iboard pro (base mega 2560) 2.4 tft touch screen et un ftdi foca premier souci avec le foca qui se plug directement sur la carte mais impossible de transférer le sketch, le module est bien installé et reconnu mais ça bloque en disant : quote avrdude: usbdev_open(): did not find usb device "usb" a savoir que je suis bien sur l'avr d'origine du logiciel arduino 1.05, switch sur 3.3v et réglé sur programmeur avrisp mkji. cela fonctionne parfaitement avec un ftdi normal pour generer le 3.3v et gnd avec en plus le ftdi d'origine arduino branché en rx, tx et rst sur le dtr de la carte. je ne parviens pas à comprendre pourquoi ça ne fonctionne pas avec le foca alors que c'est la bonne manipulation :

DC motor control (with L293D IC) gets skipped when controlling LEDs (via 74HC595

hi there, i trying build object shows heatmap lights , moves @ same time. getting both parts work quite easy, have put them it's whole different story. the movement of object done using dc motor, controlled l293d motor control chip. motor has move in 1 direction time , go in other direction, , cycle continues. used adafruits arduino lesson 15 (dc mototr reversing, , works brilliantly me. i using motor: (, have tested others (servo , other dc) either fast, not strong enough or not working reason, changing motor not possible solution really. for heatmap using 16 smd rgb leds (datasheet:, attached 6 74hc595 shift registers. control color , brightness of leds shiftpwm library ( seperately of works perfectly, when put them problem appears: the dc motor changes direction every 500 milliseconds now, when tell few leds change color, takes time/interrupts program long 1 movement command of motor get...