
Showing posts from July, 2012

Thread: Weird Soundcard-Interferences "Intel Audio AD1981HD"

i using ibm z60m-notebook kubuntu jaunty 9.04 intel soundcard ad1981hd. problem quite strange: think accepted updates kpackage-manager. dont know if there connection problem. @ moment cannot use sound on system sound browsers (opera or firefox). system-sound e.g. amarok working. after using sound in browser ?phonon?-message: "audio-device isnt working, falling hda-intel" , amarok isnt working anymore. read few threads, on everywhere. checked sound lot, used device chooser, configured pulse, kmix , alsmixer , on...but nothing worked me! possible redo update, possibly can cause problem? or hardware-problem? if so, have send computer in, before guarantee out of date thank in advance! hello? missing in message above, nobody hesitating answer it? im curious problem, because bothers me much. can guess if technical hardware-matter or software-based thing, @ least???? pleas...

Serial Sniffer & Send XON - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi, have issue on device , first step in linux world (and raspberry pi). situation : have 2 devices connected through rs232. 1 device regularly stop communicate (no more data on tx). after analysis, xon solution relaunch communication. suppose xoff has been send , must prove it. need 2 thinks : 1) use sniffer on serial port (rx & tx) , create log file. 2) listen on tx , if there no more transmission send xon , restart sniffer create new file. 1) sniffer solution : sniffer, see . has possibility log bin , ascii. 2) listening & transmit xon : think little program python listen tx. how such listening easily? program listen on tx , if there no more data, : 1) stop sniffer : suppose not complicated do. 2) commute relay (to disconnect rx pin te other device , connect rpi) 3) rpi send xon 4) restart sniffer. suppose, absolutely need use 2 serial ports : - 1 spy rx+tx sniffer : ...

IE7 Rendering Problems

i've posted on pm forum, readily accept source. the pm menu in under-development site renders horizontal in ie6, ff, google chrome , windows safari, renders vertical in ie7 (on laptop). laboring under delusion installed pm's code in template header , on pm stylesheet. but, have apparently dropped ball somewhere , can't find infraction. , appreciated. thanks, joe here's p7 css sheet: /* ----------------------------------- popmenu magic style sheet project 7 development menu type: horizontal style theme:0 -basic style ----------------------------------- */ #p7pmnav { margin: 0; padding:0; } #p7pmnav li { list-style-type: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; } #p7pmnav ul { margin: 0; padding: 0; background-color: #ffffff; border: 1px solid #000000; position: absolute; left: -9000px; z-index: 10000; } #p7pmnav { display:...

Network problem: multiple raspberrys - Raspberry Pi Forums

network problem: multiple raspberrys hello, when 2nd raspberry connects internet internet on first raspberry closed? (wired). have both different mac adress have same boot image. have both different hostname. there thing can check fix problem? open same web page raspberry's. has it? seems me strong of course.. when restart network raspberry 1st 2nd again closed. , vice versa thx! hi, cedzo wrote: [they have both different mac adress have same boot image. have both different hostname. how ip addresses ? use static or dynamic (dhcp) addresses ? best wishes, ivan zilic. raspberrypi

Motorino passo passo...

salve, dispongo di un motorino passo passo mitsumi m42sp-4n sono un programmatore, ma di elettronica conosco ben poco. per hobby ho iniziato "giocare" con arduino, soprattutto per quanto riguarda la parte software. vorrei chiedere se c'è una buona anima in questo forum che possa disegnarmi uno schema di come creare un circuito per collegare questo motorino ad arduino, avendo cura di segnare correttamente tutti dati delle resistenze ecc...dato che sono una new entry dell'elettronica devo recarmi nel negozio sotto casa mia con dati corretti delle cose da acquistare, se no la commessa mi fa un sacco di domande alle quali non rispondere! grazie in anticipo ps: in rete ho trovato tutto il materiale della casa produttrice del motorino questo link: ciao, dai un'occhiata qui: scheda 14 (per quello stepper può andare bene) consiglio: dai un...

Problemi oko Liga Manager online komponenti i modula - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

problemi oko liga manager online komponenti modula dakle htio bi na svoju stranicu postaviti lmo. jedna dobra dusa sredila je komponentu sada ju treba redovito updeatati srediti ostatak modula na zalost sva dokumentacija je koju nadjem na njemackom njemacki ne znam  ukoliko ima netko tko da zna zeli pomoci oko postavki ostalih modula molim neka mi se javi. thx. npr: kako podesiti sto sve treba upisati u minitab modul da bi on prikazivao tablicu odredjene lige. ni ja nisam baš vičan njemačkom jeziku evo ti fin online rječnik doduše hrvatsko-njemački ako posluži dobro je ako ne .... ga  Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Bosnian Forum

modulku - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

aduh maaf kanda2, aku kembali bertanya di forum ini aku da masalah dengan modul ku aku kemarin pasang modul prayer time dan exchange rate tapi kedua modul itu bermasalah semua pertama modul prayer time, aku dah instal tapi angka (waktu sholatnya) gak tampil, cuma keterangan nama2 waktunya aja kayak subuh, dzuhur, dll aku dah ubah di modulnya cityku 744 (makassar) tapi tetap gak mo tampil pertama aku kira karena aku pake template hitam maka angka waktu sholatnya gak tmapil, tapi aku ubah ke bawaan standar juga gak tampil... udah buka prayer time.php tapi tetap gak ketemu yang bermasalah mohon pencerahan.... yang kedua, modul exchange rate, aku dah instal component dan modulnya, pertama2 dia tampil tapi besok2 pas aku cek ulagn, dia gak menampilkan exchange ratenya.... padahal dari situs binya adakok tabelnya.... mohon pencerahannya... udah ubrek ubrek tapi gak ketemu juga, ad_hie Board index Joomla! International Language Support ...

Nieuws Scroller met "pauze" functie - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

ik ben op zoek naar een een scroller die vergelijkbaar met deze: , maar dan gemaakr voor joomla. items moeten worden gehaald uit een specifieke categorie van het nieuws. weet iemand iets??? deze nieuwe extensie misschien: content items fading scroller - ... itemid,35/ Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Dutch Forum Joomla! 1.0 Modules 1.0.x

Beginner Button Issues

hi everyone, totally green newb here attempting first flash/as3 program , have hit wall kind of on....i'm trying make believe basic program wherein click button move shape on stage, , click button on shape move off stage. you'd think easy enough...but i've been @ 3 days. i've managed first button work (ie moving graphic on stage), getting off has proven, well, frankly, way above skill level. i've attached troubled code, , appreciated. thanks in advance! boz does i_infopanecloser exist when define addeventlistener? should using infopaneslider.i_infopanecloser reference button? use trace() function pinpoint error. More discussions in ActionScript 3 adobe

Firefox 3.0.1 sessions issue

hi, have following folder structure on site /cms (main processing folder, contains login process, form templates, validation pages etc) /appfolder/app1 /app2 /app3 all applications use forms , pages cms folder. each app# folder has own application.cfc in session management enabled. cms folder has application.cfc in session management enabled, made sure sessions correctly named (matching name between cms , different applications) only in firefox 3.0.1 running on mac face problem session vars, not being passed between app folders , cms folder, resulting in error any ideas? what error get? More discussions in Advanced Techniques adobe

Xively currentcost stream - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi advice. have currentcost data uploaded via bridge onto xively , on again pvoutput. problem currentcost xively ted down , can't add stream or in fact it. have set new feed in xively monitoring solar thermal, being uploaded python script on pi , working great. need merge 2 feeds 1 don't think there way that. i'm guessing thing can add lines python script pull feed need currentcost/xively api , upload new xively feed. learning time python i'm still bit of newbie , don't have skills it. please give me advice or pointers. hi upload current cost data python via optional usb serial cable avalable corrent cost search relitive script simple matter of combining data data solar thermal , uploading 1 steam xively. hope helps raspberrypi

Converting fixed width templates into wider or 100% templates - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello all, first let me total convert joomla community. from every standpoint, experience in installing, setting , getting advice has been painless , fun in cases. there still hurdles ahead of me, solutions have passed have been easy, forward taking on new ones. in event, love fest over, wondering modifying templates 100% instead of fixed. or @ least widen them bit. i using default template ( rhuk_solarflare_ii ), simple , clean, serve purposes bit better if wider, or better, set 100%. i have access tools golive , older version of dreamweaver, have never fooled css files or templates. suggestions appreciated. thanks, r hi, try: ... rch=search you find several issues of template might able use. regards robin moderator note: moving joomla, administration 3rd party, template forum Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Templates & CSS - 1.0.x ...

Thread: Certain preferences not saving after reboot

i got new laptop, , when booted on ubuntu live-cd monitor size/resoultion set lower actual display size is. "probably standard settings 15inch laptops" figured, changed it, installed ubuntu , restarted, had change display settings again. , after restarting again , again, i've had reset not that, reason wi-fi connection settings aren't saving either when reboot...these 2 settings aren't saved far know. compiz, , theme settings , keep. cause , how fix it? appreciated. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Certain preferences not saving after reboot Ubuntu

How much should I charge?

i have been asked develop site local company, have several pages dynamically driven (estimates, order forms, order tracking, etc). comfortable developing in coldfusion, have chosen. owner of company care less built in, long gets done. problem is, have never done kind of development on own, money. development have done (other couple of applications run on own machine) @ job. pay crappy, don't want charge hourly rate. but, if can get, it. can tell me going rate coldfusion development? have done searches , found companies $100-150 per hour. however, think bit me ask. since friends owner. any help??? thank you!! how think time worth, , friend willing spend site , running, assuming estimating how long take accomplish task? don't forget include requirements gathering, development time, debugging, user acceptance, etc. phil More discussions in ColdFusion adobe

Use Arduino as ISP to reflash Atmega8 as USB-Serial

after use, arduino uno clone has started throwing errors when plugged windows. getting device malfunction error. i have googled topic days, , have not been able find instructions on how use (working) arduino have (mega2560) isp reflash atmega8 usb serial conversion on uno. have removed atmega328-p ic socket, , plugged in board receive same error. mac, linux or windows on different machines giving me error, not usb port on computer. can use mega fine. i have tried reinstallation of drivers though issue seems atmega8 not working on usb side. it metal objects came contact pins of atmega8. (i know tiny, when cutting wires...) before checking board, or buying proper isp know if able use mega2560 isp reflash atmega8 usb - serial microcontroller on arduino uno default firmware arduino repo on git (arduino-uno-usbserial (i think)) thanks, links kind of instruction or advise on how achieve great! regards, chris Arduino Forum ...

WiFi library and Arduino DUE

hi, i trying compile code on example in order use udp functionality wifi shield. the code compiles when using arduino software 1.0.5 , when select arduino uno board. when try compile arduino due using 1.5.2 reports wifiudp.h missing. can wifiudp ported arduino due? if copy wifiudp.h , wifiudp.c 1.5.2 compiler returns these errors: in file included c:\users\edit-piaf\desktop\arduino\arduino-1.5.1r2\hardware\tools\g++_arm_none_eabi\bin\../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/4.4.1/../../../../arm-none-eabi/include/stdio.h:46,                  from c:\users\edit-piaf\desktop\arduino\arduino-1.5.1r2\libraries\wifi\/utility/debug.h:13,                  from c:\users\edit-piaf\desktop\arduino\arduino-1.5.1r2\libraries\wifi\wificlient.cpp:6: c:\users\edit-piaf\desktop\arduino\arduino-1.5.1r2\hardware\tools\g++_arm_none_eabi\bin\../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/4.4...

Problems with repeating Serial data being recieved

i'm trying receive data serial port, when program run, serial monitor repeats data 3 types between each interval, below code , screenshot of serial read being repeated , separated few dashes ("-----") code: [select] #include <softwareserial.h> softwareserial myserial(10,11, true); // rx, tx string indata; void setup()   {  // open serial communications , wait port open:  serial.begin(9600);  // set data rate softwareserial port  myserial.begin(9600); } void loop() {  while (myserial.available() > 0)  {    char recieved =;    indata += recieved;  // process message when new line character recieved    if (recieved == '\n')    {      //serial.print("arduino received: ");      serial.println(indata);        serial.println ("------------");      indata = ...

Thread: Can't get 9.04 to boot from CD with ATI Radeon 2900 GT, stuck at GDM

hi, used able boot ubuntu live cd in system without problems when had ati radeon x300 installed. since then, have upgraded radeon 2900gt (for windows 7) , can't boot cd anymore. trying start gdm , weird colours @ top of screen (covers maybe 5% of total space on screen). figure issue x trying start, unsure of how proceed this. there can add via command line boot in order x start, or sol? thanks, i know old, applies me in 10.04 well, bump can fixed?!?!?! Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Installation & Upgrades [ubuntu] Can't get 9.04 to boot from CD with ATI Radeon 2900 GT, stuck at GDM Ubuntu

website has lines in widescreen monitor

i use fireworks , dreamweaver mx create website , use slice tools graphics , photos. website looks ok in monitor (which normal size) when open website laptop has widescreen monitor 16:9 example or pc has widescreen monitor, can see white lines cut near slices area. why happening , how fix problem ? pls !! thanks heaps otonat wrote: > use fireworks , dreamweaver mx create website , use slice > tools graphics , photos. website looks ok in > monitor (which normal size) when open website > laptop has widescreen monitor 16:9 example or pc has > widescreen monitor, can see white lines cut near > slices area. why happening , how fix problem ? pls > !! it sounds table breaking apart. without seeing it, can't know sure if that's case, or make suggestion be done it. can post url? -- linda rathgeber ace ::: pvii fireworks newsgroup: news:// css newsgroup: news:// ------...

TimerOne und Ethernet

hallo, ich mache gerade erfolgreiche experimente mit dem ethernet shield, aber ich habe das problem das sobald traffic auf dem shield ist eine zum led-blinken eingesetzte interruproutine auf timerone einfach abstirbt. woran liegt das und wie kann ich es beseitigen. timerthree geht auch nicht, da fängt dann mein display zu blinken :-( ulli gib uns mal den schaltplan deines projekts und den sketch mit links zu den verwendeten bibliotheken grüße uwe Arduino Forum > International > Deutsch (Moderator: uwefed) > TimerOne und Ethernet arduino

KFZ-Gala einlesen

hallo miteinander, ich habe da ein paar ideen die ich gerne umsätzen würde doch leider fehlen mir die grundlagen dafür :-( daher möchte ich bei eich ein mal nachfragen ob ihr mir ein wenig helfen könntet. gerne würde ich das gala signal eines kfz radios in mein "arduino mega 2560" einlesen und dann berechnen wie schnell das kfz sich bewegt. ich habe nur keinen plan wie ich das gala signal das "arduino mega 2560" anschließen muss, kann mir da jemand etwas helfen? und mir den einen oder anderen tipp geben wie ich machen kann? gruß auf dieser leitung kriegst du ein rechteck-signal, das in ungefähr die km/h in hz abbildet. das signal springt von 0v auf bordspannung, 12-15v. mit einem 1:3 spannungsteiler könntest du direkt auf einen digitaleingang des arduinos gehen, wenn du sicher gehen willst, schadet wahrscheinlich eine zener-diode nicht. alternativ kannst du auch einen optokoppler nehmen, der ist einfach etwas teurer. dann würde ich ein...

shiftout: does SH_CP and DS have to be pin 11 and 12?

hi, i've build waveshield , want use 595 adding more i/o's. thing is, waveshield hardwired communicate on pin 11 , 12, , in tutorial: says use pin 11 ds , pin 12 sh_cp. can change other pin or have it's @ exact pins? søren hi søren, reread page , see mean pin 11 , 12 of 595. on arduino side can use pin (but preferable not 0 , 1 serial port). Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > shiftout: does SH_CP and DS have to be pin 11 and 12? arduino

Underwater Transmission

hello, i new arduino platform , enthusiastic first build. far have been able design project little trouble. however, there few areas have noted potentially problematic. this underwater "probe". designed record , store sensor data water , environment surrounding probe. i need transmit , receive data probe in order guide , maneuver it. however, water not hospitable environment rf signals. additionally, designing remote project give me greater control on probe standard rc controller. i'm sure i'll need small arduino module build controller. i have anticipated 2 problem areas; a.) possible use 1 arduino module manipulate another?  b.) know of low frequency transmitter/receiver combo kit? quote from: hiremenow on jun 18, 2013, 11:16 pm a.) possible use 1 arduino module manipulate another? yes, long can communicate. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > ...

usb 3.0 lento - Raspberry Pi Forums

hola hasta hace una semana usaba la rpi con un pendrive usb 2.0 de 8gb (marca kingston) que tenia particionado cos dos particiones de 3 y 5 gb. desde hace un día pasado todo el sistema un pendrive 3.0 de 64gb (kingston). este pendrive lo alimento directamente de la fuente de alimentación. el resultado es que ahora todo va visiblemente más lento, veces muy lento, nivel desesperante. el pendrive usb 3.0 sin embargo se ha comportado perfectamente cuando lo usado con equipos de sobremesa. ¿a alguien le pasa lo mismo? ¿sabéis qué se puede deber? ¿y cómo solucionarlo? muchas gracias. buenos días: fácilmente lo mejor que puedes hacer para descartar prueba el pendrive usb 3.0 directamente la rpi. un saludo. raspberrypi

Underskrifter for pædagoger - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

det er nok ikke nogen hemmelighed, @ jeg er pædagog og arbejder en børnehave  jeg må dog indrømme, jeg er træt af presset, bl.a. det man ikke har tid til de børn som kræver opmærksomhed og hjælp, og desuden er lønnen meget lille. så jeg håber, denne off topic, vil få jer til @ læse mit artikkel, og starten på @ samle underskrifter, @ sætte skub vores, pædagogernes, elendige fagforening. direkte link til artiklen ... itemid=365 hilsen stefan Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Danish Forum Diverse (Off topic)

Your Fav OS? - Raspberry Pi Forums

what fav pi os? raspian 71% 12 pidora 6% 1 openelec 6% 1 raspbmc no votes 0 arch 12% 2 riscos 6% 1 puppy no votes 0 other (post below) no votes 0   total votes: 17 your vote has been cast. just out of interest.... raspberrypi

Thread: Quick question. do if there no "/gdm" folder in "/x11" folder @ all? make one? sorry, don't give support logging in root. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help Quick question. Ubuntu

Arduino Kurs in Stuttgart

hallo zusammen, wollte mal fragen, wer eigentlich aus dem raum s und bb ist und ob jemand zu dem kurs kommt, bzw. interesse hätte? gruß hallo, ich bin aus raum bb, habe aber kein interesse kurs  Arduino Forum > International > Deutsch (Moderator: uwefed) > Arduino Kurs in Stuttgart arduino

Willing to PAY someone to fix Banner centering issue... - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i've spend 2 weeks trying figure out how center banner template im using, no has worked far, im willing pay small fee simply: allow me center banners template. the template box_business_blue. website if can email template files images if need it( have attached here template files, images big) thanks can please me... i've had @ files. it seems me overcomplicating things writing divs within tables in html file.  might preventing configuring things.the idea of divs rid of tables. i think if follow guide prove valueable you. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Templates & CSS - 1.0.x

Problemer med Surftown - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

jeg har lige installeret joomla på hjemmesiden som ligger hos surftown. men uanset hvad jeg forsøger @ editere så får jeg fejl. jeg har konstaret fejl permissions på configuration.php og language filerne så det virker nu, men hvis jeg forsøger @ editere content items så får jeg nedenstående fejl: linie: 6001 tegn: 4 fejl: adgang nægtet kode: 0 url: option=com_cont&sectionid=0&task=edit&hidemainmenu=1&id=1 er der nogen der kan fortælle mig hvad problemet er? permissions på filen er nu 777 som eksperiment men det har heller ikke hjulpet. i øvrigt, hvis jeg logger ind på selve hjemmesiden og editerer den derfra så går det helt fint, så det er admin modulet problemet er. venlig hilsen gitte hmm det bliver værre og værre, når jeg logger ind som admin så vises antal brugere korrekt øverste højre hjørne, men hvis jeg efterfølgende logger ud og ind igen så tæler den op, og nogen gange vises ikonerne gange. når je...

Guidance on active spoiler for race car

here's proposal: i want build active-aerodynamic spoiler using arduino uno. i use sense car motion, 1 axis...  under braking, want spoiler go full-up maximum downforce , braking.  under steady speed or acceleration, want spoiler move flat or no-drag position. for input, proposing using adafruit accelerometer breakout board... for position sensing, use sparkfun rotary encoder.  use contacts , simple on-off, since it's two-position, more elegant solution use arduino brain, since adjust behavior code only.  for servo/actuator, thinking strongest, cheap unit automotive 12v window motor.  should strong enough lever advantage...  not super fast, it. thoughts??  easy relative novice?  (only few tutorial-type projects under belt...)  care brudda out code/advice? thanks in advance... i start mechanical stuff (servo, spoiler, etc). may drive full speed , while breaking ...

Thread: 9.04 server network card not detected?

i installed ubuntu 9.04 server edition, , encountered annoying problem... seems ubuntu doesn't know how use network card... i've tried ping router, result: "network unreachable" i've been inside /etc/network/interfaces, looked like: code: #this file describes network interfaces available on system #and how activate them. more information, see interfaces(5) #the loopback network interface auto lo iface lo inet loopback #the primary network interface auto eth0 iface eth0 inet dhcp this looks me adress , netmask missing... i've output "ifconfig"-command: code: lo link encap:local loopback inet addr: mask: inet6 addr: ::1/128 scope:host loopback running mtu:16436 metric:1 rx packets:8 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 tx packets:8 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 rx bytes:480 (480.0 b) tx bytes:...

Buy seperate connectors for wiring?

i working on project in wires going arduino ports let go , connection lost. idea use connectors such shown on webpage [1]. wires quite long, ones shown on webpage not fulfill job. can buy separate connectors solder on wires, or should buy ones shown in [1] , cut off wires? worth, wires using have outer diameter of 1 mm , isolation 0.2 mm, leading inner diameter of copper of 0.6 mm. [1] i solder snipped-off led legs onto ends of wires when it's thin. save them in bag when i'm working leds. diode legs work well, too. resistor legs tend softer wire. you can solder wire @ right angle led leg , makes stronger. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > General Electronics > Buy seperate connectors for wiring? arduino

Updating Flash Text files to Host

i'm working on commercial website need text (promotions & offers) updated weekly. the way i've decided text pads static flash templates can swap out needed. my question is: if name/syntax same on these files when updated, can these uploaded host , automatically write on previous weeks files? or there step involved? thanks. why put critical information in flash? -- murray --- icq 71997575 adobe community expert (if *must* email me, don't laugh when so!) ================== - dw faqs, tutorials & resources - dw faqs, tutorials & resources ================== "okie4" <> wrote in message news:gd8atf$n35$ > i'm working on commercial website need text (promotions & > offers) > updated weekly. > > way i've decided text pads static flash templates > > can swap out needed. > > question is: if name/sy...

Funktion Overload

hab ein kleines problem mit dem Überladen. folgende funktionen existiern: code: [select] void write_data(uint8_t data); void write_data(uint8_t byte1, uint8_t byte2); void write_data(uint8_t* bytes, uint8_t count); bei write_data(0,0); sagt der compiler: error: call of overloaded 'write_data(int, int)' ambiguous bei write_data(0x00,0x00); sagt der compiler: error: call of overloaded 'write_data(int, int)' ambiguous bei write_data(1,0); compiliert er bei write_data(0x01,0); compiliert er warum erkennt er zwei nullen als int? wie kann ich das problem lösen (schön und ohne typecast)? 1) konstanten kann man auch explizit definieren: code: [select] const uint8_t typed_zero = 0; 2) warum nicht mit suffix: Arduino Forum > International > Deutsch (Moderator: uwefed) > F...

Versornungs Spannung / Masse Frage

ich hab nen arduino mega 2560 dem zwei ausgänge jeweils einen npn mosfet schalten. das ganze wird derzeit mit einer spannungsquelle von 12v betrieben. da die transistoren 30v abkönnen und ich diese gern nutzen möchte, hätte ich nun den mega nur über 5v usb versorgt und die mosfets auf 30v gelegt. die schaltspannung der mosfet kommt weiterhin vom arduino. die masse muss ja trotzdem verbunden bleiben. geht das oder raucht mir dann etwas ab? gruß jens das funktioniert solange die gleiche masse als bezugspotential vorhanden ist. transistoren sind ja gerade dafür gedacht höhere spannungen zu schalten. du hast aber hoffentlich logic-fets die schon bei 5v ugs voll durchschalten (bzw. ugs treshold-spannung ca. 1-2v). was wichtiger ist ist dein drainstrom. wieviel willst du da machen? wenn du da mehrere ampere schalten willst, musst du aufpassen dass der transistor schnell genug schaltet und nicht zwischendurch zu lange halb-leitend ist. sonst wird der strom kanal...

Thread: Need help getting sound working.

installed xubuntu 9.04 last week after using windows life, getting sound working bit of headache, , after spending week trying working, had messed bad needed reinstall xubuntu. here am, fresh installation asking on how sound running. alsa mixer detects 3 sound cards, 1 creative sb live, other intel thing , last oss. lspci -v: 00:1f.5 multimedia audio controller: intel corporation 82801db/dbl/dbm (ich4/ich4-l/ich4-m) ac'97 audio controller (rev 02) subsystem: intel corporation device 0103 flags: bus master, medium devsel, latency 0, irq 17 i/o ports @ e400 [size=256] i/o ports @ e080 [size=64] memory @ febff800 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=512] memory @ febff400 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=256] capabilities: [50] power management version 2 kernel driver in use: intel ich kernel modules: snd-intel8x0 02:02.0 multimedia audio controller: creative labs sb live! emu10k1 (rev 0a) subsystem: creative ...

AIUTO problema arduino uso ControlloConsumi/Domotica

salve tutti, un mio amico che si occupa di elettronica tempo perso ha creato un dispotitivo che connette due sensori di temperatura (interna ed esterna), uno di umidità e una ciabatta dalla quale viene rilevato il consumo eletrico ad arduino. il codice wiring dopo aver preso dati con un timer ogni 60 secondi chiama una pagina insert.php, più una querystring con dati ricevuti, e li salva in un database; contemporaneamente scrive un pagina index.php che quando viene chiamata con un browser con l'url http:/indirizzoiparduino/index.php visualizza dati istantanei e se chiamata con querystrung led=on o led=off accende e spegne il dispositivo. l'index.php è immersa come frame in una pagina cui accede dopo il login. questo mio amico mi ha chiesto (dato che studio informatica) se riesco creargli un sito web decente migliorando quello che ha usato adesso che ha scritto lui. il problema è che l'utilizzo della pagina index.php come frame immerso in un'altra pagina non ...

WYSIWYG (JCE) over HTTPS / SSL - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi. i have tihs kindof bad feeling let passwords travel web in cleartext form, i decided go https on administration site. ( /administrator ). but that, jce stops being wysiwyg. it interesting tinymce works on https - ideas? i using apache2, mysql4, php4 , joomla 1.0.10 on solaris 10 box. i can reproduce prob if switch editors in user management section. any ideas? tia charlie/lanc lanc wrote: but that, jce stops being wysiwyg. it interesting tinymce works on https - ideas? i mean webserver can reached on http , https too. if want administer the joomla instance on through https jce editor html text in textbox, no buttons, no wysiwyg. c/l Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Extensions - 1.0.x WYSIWYG Editors - 1.0.x

Another SQL ?

select distinct g.gid, g.ord, p.saleprice, p.clearsale,, p.prodid,, p.price, from products p inner join groups g on = inner join pcat pc on g.gid = pc.gid left join description d on = where pc.gid = 'mmcolparam' order g.ord ------------------- *****left join description d on =***** whenever try add d.paragraph, column in d table, an error. take out , error goes away. otherwise, results need. the error below. " text, ntext, or image data type cannot selected distinct" "lee" <> wrote in message news:e4fdi8$aee$ > " text, ntext, or image data type cannot selected distinct" that error means says. you're using select distinct. if you use text, ntext, or image column in query, can't use distinct. data types blob (binary large object) types , not part of row. because of that, there lot more restrictions on how and when...

Sketch compile in MAC OSX but not in Windows (error JAvA)

hello, doing sketch in macbook compile , load fine in arduino, in windows gaves me error of java. how can solve that??? java updateb both so. regards. i dont know why that. i have pc , macbook. others sketchs works fine in 2 computers, but, personal sktch run in mac osx. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > Sketch compile in MAC OSX but not in Windows (error JAvA) arduino

Dual Boot - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello, newbie raspberry pi , have downloaded noobs v 1.3.8, have formatted 4gb sd card sd format utility recommended , extracted files , folders card. before boot raspberry pi first time believe able version 1.3.8 set dual boot pi can boot raspbian or risc os? can tell me procedure setting up? thanks andy use 2 cards - 4gb not enough noobs , rasbian , else. 4gb fine riscos or raspbian though raspberrypi

Licensed Coldfusion Server 5, EXPIRED

hi, we had unforgettable problem our coldfusion application yesterday, may 17, 2006! our system operator noticed last successful scheduled task ran last may 16, 2006, afterwhich scheduled task resulted error! during problem isolation, tried access coldfusion administrator page, not accessible. restarted coldfusion service resulted error... have log file file states message, "a problem encountered trying access system registry. error number 13 occurred - specified registry key not exist." had message states our license has expired. tried access administrator page thru server using http://localhost/cfide/administrator/ not able enter administrator page cause not accept administrator password know of. after 2 hours of trying hack , guess administrator password, decided reinstall coldfusion server, , worked afterwards. by way running on red hat linux 7.3 , apache server 1.3.27. this incident caused lot of money cause our orders passes through our coldfusion application not p...

Raspberry Pi Forums - Login

username: password: i forgot password resend activation email remember me hide online status session   register in order login must registered. registering takes few moments gives increased capabilities. board administrator may grant additional permissions registered users. before register please ensure familiar our terms of use , related policies. please ensure read forum rules navigate around board. terms of use | privacy policy register raspberrypi

Connect() fails using Ethernet Board + Ethernet Library

using arduino sketch below, in arduino ethernet rev 3 board, see blinks of arduino tx/rx leds connection attempts, connection attempts never succeed.  see blinking @ (desktop) network switch. the "server" code python routine able accept connections different python routine (both in same windows computer) wrote testing sort of thing.  have posted snippets of python routine. this has got simple; stumped.  have searched web similar problems; , have searched first 15 pages of site's "networking, protocols , devices" history, no avail. hopefully spot problem, or remember how solved similar one, or offer checklist of things me double check. here arduino "client" code. code: [select] #include <spi.h> #include <dhcp.h> #include <dns.h> #include <ethernet.h> #include <ethernetclient.h> #include <ethernetserver.h> #include <ethernetudp.h> #include <util.h> void setup()    {  ...

Casas decimais

boas malta. precisa de ajuda vossa. É o seguinte, como faço para controlar casas decimais de um numero? ou seja, por exemplo... de uma dada função, por exemplo a=(14/3), o resultado dá 4.6666666(6). agora quero que variável b seja igual à mais só com 1 casa decimal. como faço para que o valor de b fique apenas 4,7? obrigado desde já. float b = round(a*10)/10; Arduino Forum > International > Portugues > Casas decimais arduino

Thread: Thinkpad display blank

i have thinkpad t42. has been working fine (both ubuntu jaunty jackalope , windows xp). nothing on screen - not bios splash screen. happened after got hung in non-privileged user. had tried use 2 monitors (the built in, , hdtv (vga interface). after trying set independent monitors (unchecking "mirror screens"), stuff runs across top disappeared. there nothing left on screen except orange background. couldn't - not log off. left click on screen brought menu included shutdown, hibernate, suspend (but not logoff). wouldn't let me shutdown (not enough privilege). powered down pushing , holding power button. (at least think powered down - lights went off except 1 shows connected ac - , cresent moon shows suspend state off.) when power on, thinkpad's screen stays totally blank. don't bios splash screen. disk activity, never on screen. attaching hdtv doesn't help. tried monitor on dvi interface (on docking station). nothing displayed o...

TWI as Slave Write Issue

i'm not sure main intention of using write during twi request in onreuqest function is, if several writes, data of last write send master. example: code: [select] char buf[4]; ... void requestevent() {   wire.write(0xfe);  // skipped   wire.write(0x32);  // skipped   wire.write(buf, sizeof(buf));  // send } if in source code of wire/twi library find write calls twi_transmit(data, size). a close view @ function shows problem: code: [select] uint8_t twi_transmit(const uint8_t* data, uint8_t length) {   uint8_t i;   // ensure data fit buffer   if(twi_buffer_length < length){     return 1;   }     // ensure slave transmitter   if(twi_stx != twi_state){     return 2;   }     // set length , copy data tx buffer   twi_txbufferlength = length;   for(i = 0; < length; ++i){     twi_txbuffer[i] = data[i];   }     return 0; } -> function over...

Tutorial on making a basic Arduino robot

i wrote in-depth tutorial on how inexpensively make basic arduino-based robot , thought i'd share here in case might find useful: how make robot i hope helps out! that awesome cheap way build robot! have try out! Arduino Forum > Topics > Robotics (Moderator: fabioc84) > Tutorial on making a basic Arduino robot arduino

Flex Builder se une con Eclipse &quot;AJAX&quot; HERRAMIENTA

no ni como empezar y todo esto me da dolor de cabeza. el otro d�a estaba buscando herramientas que me permitiera crear aplicaciones ajax. busque por"ajax toolkit" y encontr� luego de gastarme mas de 5 hora en descargue la versi�n 4, me pidi� la 3, descargue la 3.8.4 y me pidi� la 3 hasta que la encontr� en cuando descomprim� el archivo, me pidi� que tenia que tener instalado en mi maquina java. otra vez mis dolores de cabeza. bueno. lo encontr� y lo instale. cuando lo abr� vi que se pod�a programar en ajax con librer�as mas sencillas. pero que herramienta tan complicada. estuve mirando en los laboratorios de macromedia que si alguien recuerda la direcci�n seria bueno anotarla y me dio por bajar flex builder 2 beta 3 y para sorpresa el programa es muy similar uno del otro. macromedia le copio todo eclipse?. lo que aparente vi es que flex builder u...