
Showing posts from May, 2014

connecting to the MySQL database on the server

i use dreamweaver cs3. i'm trying connect database on hosting server. had done in past, on different comptuer. when mysql connection window , enter informaiton errror: http error code 404 file not found. here possible reasons problem: 1) there no testing server running on server machine. 2) testing server specified site not map url. verify url prefix maps root of site. the hosting site says correct path, same error it. when set testing server left host field blank, have tried /public_html/ host directiory rest of site. same error above. one thread in forum suggested had install mysql in iis directory. new computer not have version of vist this. lost , confused. i'm having same issue. hope can help. More discussions in Develop server-side applications in Dreamweaver adobe

What does 'returns an instance' mean ?

hi, i'm working way through book on arduino programming , i'm kind of stuck @ bit if loops.  the code writing data sd card, , there line earlier on says 'file file;'.  i'm guessing command 'file' function of sd.h library ?  but command ?  the book skims on it. later on, there if loop starts with; code: [select] file ="data.txt", file_write); if (file) { while (millis() < (runningtime * msmin)) { byte value = map(analogread(sensor), sensormin, sensormax, 0, 255); file.write(value); delay(interval); } what don't line " if (file) { ". if file what ?  i know means "if file (is true)" - isn't !  i'm used seeing "if (a == 5)". i have feeling confusion rooted in phrase 'returns / creates instance' , i'm testing 'if (file)' statement.... i'm not sure ! any pointers appreciated ! thanks ! quote from: ane...

trouble with error

in attempt eliminate unnecessary classes trying combine 2 of them no having luck error getting: typeerror: error #1009: cannot access property or method of null object reference. @ obutton/initializemenu() @ obutton() @ flash.display::sprite/constructchildren() @ flash.display::sprite() @ flash.display::movieclip() @ asmain() man, it's hard learning More discussions in ActionScript 3 adobe

AAA - biotecnologo cerca progettista Arduino per strumento analisi

salve tutti, spero di aver postato nel posto giusto. sono un biotecnologo e mo occupo di biogas. sono qui per chiedere aiuto qualcuno di voi per progettare insieme uno strumento semplice d'analisi portatile per il mio ambito lavorativo. si tratterebbe di un titolatore automatico (un aggeggio che aggiuge un acido/base fino determinato ph) con magari un cervello arduino. la macchina in sè non è complessa ma io non ho le basi necessarie. cerco gente capace e seria per realizzarla, io ci metto idea, fonti, esperienza in analisi e un poco di impiantistica. magari con l'aiuto di un servizio di crowdfunding possiamo ingrandire l'idea. se qualcuno ci vuol provare credo che per voi sia una passeggiata. antonio oh oh, un collega xd in commercio esistono delle sonde ph complete ma "chiuse" mentre te serve qualcosa che possa pilotare un circuito in base al valore rilevato. allora te serve la sola sonda, alla quale dovrai poi applicare un circu...

Thread: A little bit of motivation ( worth taking a look ).

are going finish strong ? didn't though 2:41 minutes of time worth , can stay motivation days/weeks/years .. watch: Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Community Discussions The Cafe A little bit of motivation ( worth taking a look ). Ubuntu

Serial to VBA Best solution

hey everyone, i have started using arduino , 1 of first things wanted link knowledge of vba arduino. i spent hours , hours researching serial communications vba. the more researched harder task seemed. firstly, googled vba serial comm , found pricey "shareware" solutions.. lol next secondly, tried seemingly common method of mscomm32.ocx it hard find install process found it, the next issue mscomm how use it. i not use in normal module , beleive had make form correct activex form buttons (which not find). ie not work. i went around in cirlces , thought there has better way. thirdly, found huge opensource vb code supposedly used api?? i dont understand happening there , did not want update/ try , understand huge code. the last thing did find solution . binary access files!!! arduino code: this creates sin curve when recevied , "stop" code: [select] int x = 0; int row = 0; string sreceived = ""; string stop...

Un seul bouton plusieurs variables

bonjour, j'ai une question qui concerne l'élaboration d'un menu et je n'ai pas trouvé d'information ce sujet. peut on utiliser un même bouton pour contrôler plusieurs variables je m'explique avec ce code simplifié schématisé : code: [select] //utilisation pour un menu void menu(){    //appuyer sur le bouton pour incrementer le menu if (encodeur = tourné) {    sousmenu++;    else {    sousmenu--;    }  }        //en fonction de la valeur de "sousmenu" aller dans une fonction    switch (sousmenu) {          case 1 :        if (poussoir = appuyé) {        fonction1(); //appuyer pour valider son choix        }        break;      case 2 :        if (poussoir = appuyé) {        fonctio...

Reklamer på nettet - hvordan? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

halløj skuret! jeg er af flere forummet blevet opfordret til @ have reklamer på min side med mambotter @ genere bare en lille indtægt som måske kunne opmuntre til videre udvikling. jeg må dog tilstå @ jeg ved uendeligt lidt om google-reklamer, adsense og hvad det nu hedder. hidtil har jeg nemlig hævet mig on denne kynisk-kapitalistiske tankegang - hahaha - så jeg vil høre om der er nogle der har nogle gode kom-godt-igang-links ? hilsen martin det bedste kom gang link må vel være: bare følg deres guide! Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Danish Forum Diverse (Off topic)

Summer Project - Raspberry Pi Forums

i'm beginner @ this, summer project stepson, wanted build rasberry pi computer old 8-bit nes case, used convert vinyl records mp3. idea put cd drive cartridge placed, replace controller connection usb ports, , replace output in hdmi hook up. i've located turn table usb output intend use, ... 8710501113 i've never built machine this, i'm reasonably competent - i'm net+ , , level of a+ on hardware knowledge, not certified. i'd ask recommendations. besides old nintendo, board, , turntable, else need start project this? advice welcome, thanks! a decent psu. (seriously, large fraction of problems posted in 'troubleshooting' solved better power supply.) raspberrypi

Thread: Good fortran 2003 tutorials for a beginner?

i've done bit of programming in python, java, c++, php, perl, , html (i jump around lot, obviously) , i'm wondering if knows of online tutorial fortran 2003. remotely ones i've found have been fortran 77 or stuff that, , i'm hoping find @ least close modern. thanks! assume gfortran compile these programs, right? hello, depends... fortran 95/2003 know the: metcalf, michael; john reid, malcolm cohen (2004). fortran 95/2003 explained. oxford university press. have read. not recommended beginners, yet nice advanced users have quick reference book. 2003 compilers find ifort , gfortran , yet include of features of 2003... beginners advice read fortran 90/95 books give pretty notion behind programming language. adapt more advanced features of 2003, not think need, @ least @ begging. regards! Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Commu...

CF application want to insert color picker

i have cf spplication javascript. in application have form allows users edit "banner", text, , background colors. requesting color picker can find hexidecimal color on banner edit page. have .exe color picker uses xml page. suggestions on how add "button" launch application cfpage? can use javascript run application? i appreciate suggestions. try looking @ 1 of these: -- bryan ashcraft (remove brain reply) web application developer wright medical technologies, inc. ============================= macromedia certified dreamweaver developer adobe community expert (dw) :: "zorn01" <> wrote in message news:e4ffb4$cr6$ >i have cf spplication javascript. in application have form > allows users edit "banner", text, , back...

Update hangs. - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi, have had same issue raspbian several times. launch code: select all sudo apt-get update , raspberry hangs in random point. can wait full day, never finalizes. have turn off rasp , when try start again, red led ligths. when take sd card reading in pc can see files have been deleted. yesterday downloaded last version of raspbian (january 2014) , write sd card 1 more time. when launched update, fails again, altough time start again. if try mount exfat hard disk, fails because in /lib/modules doesn't find directory of current kernel. have raspberry connected ethernet , using ssh. raspberrypi

Problema control motores DC

buenas tardes, estoy creando diferentes funciones para el movimiento de dos motores dc mediante el "puente h" l293d. el problema esta en  que quiero pasar un parámetro que me configure el ancho de la salida pwm(velocidad de los motores) como parámetro cada función de movimiento, y no consigo hacerlo funcionar, siempre suena un pitido hasta que desconecto el pin correspondiente de la entrada en1 y en2 del puente h. en cambio si conecto directamente en1 la tensión de alimentación(vcc) funciona perfectamente,moviendo los dos motores, aun teniendo en2 desconectado, lo que me desconcierta un poco al no saber muy bien la función de en2. copio el código : *todas las diferentes variables y constantes estan declaradas, no las copio por no ocupar más espacio. void loop() {   int speed=60;   avanza(speed);   delay(3000); } void avanza(int speed)   {         analogwrite(en1pin,speed);      digitalwrite(in1pin,high...

removing motion blur from moving picamera - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi i've built system of 2 picameras along other hardware , storage collect road data while driving. i've created blog discussing project: , , having 1 particular problem. if speed camera's shutter speed using python command shutter_speed() remove motion blur? i'm collecting right @ resolution of 1920x1080 @ 5fps. understand picamera's shutter_speed depends lot on view's illumination can problem on road diversity of light conditions sun/clouds/shade etc. thanks... you need use raspicam call "sports" exposure preset. raspberrypi

Thread: bit torrent not working properly

hi folks, im using bittorrent ok, works, no great drama, - velocity limiter has stopped working. i've tried going properties of each individual torrent , setting limits there, no avail. down loads , uploads doing stuff please no control me. have similar probs , can offer me suggestion please? if talking default bittorrent client comes ubuntu, don't @ all. use qbittorrent, , isn't giving me problems. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] bit torrent not working properly Ubuntu

Thread: updating ubuntu server for admins

i'm new ubuntu. i've been experienced win admin several years. i'm trying transition ubuntu , have lots learn. how server admins update servers? have couple of ubuntu servers , running tips or recommendations great. do-release-upgrade command. following: code: # make sure @ latest , greatest sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude safe-upgrade # need first time upgrade, # moment on, installed , upgraded when # upgrade machine sudo aptitude install update-manager-core # actual upgrade sudo do-release-upgrade # reboot after upgrade, due kernel updates i remove preferences file, packages can upgraded. may or may not want this. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Installation & Upgrades [ubuntu] updating ubuntu server for admins Ubuntu

LCD Keypad Shield Ansteuerung nicht möglich

hallo, ich habe mir ein lcd keypad shield besorgt, dass leider keinerlei herstellerangaben aufweißt... nun versuche ich vergeblich es anzusteuern. ich vermute, aufgrund eines blickes auf die rückseite: dass liquidcrystal lcd(8, 9, 4, 5, 6, 7); in etwa richtig sein könnte. habe auch schon die 9 durch 8-13 ersetzt (da ich da keine leiterbahn erkennen konnte) jemand ideen/tipps ? nach anschalten und auch nach hochladen des codes sieht das display immer aus: das wird doch sicher den standard hitachi hd44780 controller haben. da gehen dann alle standard libs und mit den tastern musst du halt mal schauen auf welchen pins die liegen. multimeter hilft da. Arduino Forum > International > Deutsch (Moderator: uwefed) > LCD Keypad Shield Ansteuerung nicht möglich arduino

Controlling two servos with push button

hello, i new arduino , trying small project done. attempting control 2 servos single push button. on every press of button want servos rotate 90 degrees in opposite directions. seems working ok except left servo makes vibrating noise @ 1 of positions (180). appreciated. here code using. code: [select] #include <servo.h> servo leftservo;  // create left servo object servo rightservo;  // create right servo object // constant won't change: const int  buttonpin = 2;    // pushbutton attached pin 2 // variables change: int buttonstate = 0;         // current state of button int lastbuttonstate = 0;     // previous state of button int buttonpushcounter = 0;   // counter number of button presses int centerpos = 90; boolean currentbutton = low; void setup() {      leftservo.attach(9); // left servo attached pin 9    rightservo.attach(10); //right ervo attached pin 10  ...

Riego por goteo y sensores de humedad.

hola todos! aunque "pululo" por aquí desde hace tiempo tratando de aprender de vosotros lo que puedo, este es mi primer mensaje en esta comunidad. personalemente, os quiero dar las gracias por vuestros granitos de arena haciendo crecer esta comunidad. estoy tratando de montar un sistema de riego automático, con valvulas selenoidales y sensores de humedad en el suelo. mi arduino uno abre y cierra las valvulas, y además toma los valores de los sensores de humedad. tengo una raspberry que su objetivo será calcular mas o menos cuantos segundos de agua necesita la zona de riego que tiene asignada la valvula en función de los valores de los sensores de humedad recogidos. la raspberry tiene un servidor en django que graficará los valores de los sensores, y donde se podrá activar las valvulas manualmente. en realidad la raspberry, hará mas cosas ... pero por ahora el tema del sistema de riego... sobre un entorno controlado lo tengo bastante avanzado. mi pregunta: ¿puedo med...

adding to css - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i trying add in css can style pages.  went template manager , added in css.  not display under styles when try add new content , want style it.      not work when put correct tags on text , post site.  not find forum addressed issue, though sure there 1 on here.  thanks\ try add same code lines editor_content.css file, should trick. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Templates & CSS - 1.0.x

modificar index - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

buenas todos, soy relativamente nuevo en esto del joomla y me gustaria saber un par de cosas, la primero es como puedo modificar el index, es decir, yo quiero hacer algo por el estilo de esta pagina: que esta hecha con el joomla, pero no tengo ni idea de como modificar el index para hacer esto, alguno me podria orientar como se hace? un saludo. Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Spanish Forum Plantillas (templates) y diseño

SEF Question - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi. used have sef turned on, causing problems smf bridge. turned off, know lot of folks have site bookmarked sef url's. there way redirect old url's new one's using .htacces, or other method? thanks. you can put redirects in htaccess file. also: redirect component you can use redirect old urls new ones maintain search engine ranking after converting site. define old page, define new 1 (if it's non-sef url, it'll converted sef if it's enabled) , select error code. ... itemid,35/ Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

Thread: no alert sounds

i installed ubuntu 9.04, , sound works perfectly, except system event sounds. went system/preferences/sound , no matter did, sounds not play. event sound works login sound. seen old thread on here person similar issue, , followed advice installing esound, did not work @ all. there packages 9.04 need installed or something? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Multimedia Software [ubuntu] no alert sounds Ubuntu

MAX7219 does not respond to code written using LedControl library

i working on project show state of votes after pressing red or green button.  voting state shown using 2 led matrices 50 leds each, light according percentages had been recorded until point. my problem code ledcontrol library supposed control max7219 bears no response.  code using below: code: [select] //we have include libary #include "c:\users\adi\downloads\arduino-1.0.4-windows\arduino-1.0.4\libraries\ledcontrol\ledcontrol.h" // enter number of leds on side #define num_leds  50 //and create ledcontrol ledcontrol fordisplay = ledcontrol(12,11,10,1); ledcontrol againstdisplay = ledcontrol(9,8,7,1); // pushbutton pins int buttonforpin = 2; int buttonagainstpin = 3; // button led pins int forledpin = 4; int againstledpin = 5; // button state markers int buttonstatefor = 0; int buttonstateagainst = 0; // amount of data each led holds double delta = num_leds/100.0; // data holders int totalcount = 0; int forcount = 0; int againstcount = 0; void setup() { ...

Sumas con Float y lcd.print

hola tod@s. estoy haciendo un contador de potencia electrica y tengo el siguiente problema con las sumas de numeros tanto flotantes como double. tengo el siguiente codigo: pot_consumida = pot_consumida + pot_actual; lcd.print(pot_consumida); pot_consumida y pot_actual estan definidos como float (tambien probado con double) todo metido en un bucle de tal manera que la pot_consumida se incremente cada x tiempo con el valor leido el problema que tengo es que defino las variables como float cuando el valor llega 7.00000, arduino genera un reset y se reinica, y si las declaro como double, este se reinica con una valor cercano 3,8. alguna idea de como solucionar este problemilla. muchas gracias hola de nuevo. el código que tengo es este code: [select] #include <liquidcrystal.h> liquidcrystal lcd(8,9,4,5,6,7); int tension_red = 225; int intensidad = 1; float pot_actual; float pot_consumida; void setup()   {     lcd.begin(16,2);     ...

Thread: Ubuntu Default Background Not Working in KDE4

i kde, ubuntu's default background. unfortunately, not seem mix. here link background .png, displays fine in firefox, gimp, , gtk+ apps in general: here link how image looks when selected kde4's background image (yes, no relation original png): show how kde cannot handle @ all, notice how doesn't thumbnail in dolphin: isn't general problem; png's work fine in kde, shown in dolphin. that's different ubuntu default gnome background it's giving kde such trouble? posted tiwanaku i kde, ubuntu's default background. unfortunately, not seem mix. here link background .png, displays fine in firefox, gimp, , gtk+ apps in general: here link how image looks when selected kde4's background image (yes, no relation original png): show how kde cannot handle @ all, notice how doesn't thumbnail in dolphin...

IMPORTANT - robotarm with VB and arduino

im having problem. final work school i'm trying controle robotarm computer. i code in vb on pc used work. now i'm trying put loop robot wil make moves automaticly until stop it. my problem ones put in loop cant make stop anymore. do of guys , girls have idea make stop? i using ladyada motorshield. ps sorry bad englisch i'm dutch code vb: main form code: [select] imports imports imports system.threading public class form1    dim compoort string    shared _continue boolean    shared _serialport serialport    sub getserialportnames()        for each sp string in            combobox1.items.add(sp)        next        combobox1.selectedindex = 0        compoort = combobox1.selecteditem    end sub    private sub form1_load(byval sen...

Exchange 2007 attachmentpath Error

i'm attempting work microsoft exchange 2007 in cf 8.0.1 , i'm running problems. i've never worked exchange in cf before. i'm able establish connection without difficulty , can view inbox example, every time attempt download attachment following error: exchange error code : 501. i'm able see attachment information, if set attachmentpath error. i realize there bug in initial cf8 release ( update should installed , administrator confirms i'm running: server product coldfusion version 8,0,1,196946 edition enterprise any appreciated. i've been able bring legacy exchange 2003 server , migrate mailbox. same code can work flawlessly attachments. have find place on site submit bug. More discussions in ColdFusion adobe

Thread: New to Linux | Booting Problem

hi guys!! noob steped open souce world! installed ubuntu 9.04!! messed partitions! allocated space / dirctry! , less home dirctry!! have reinstall os n partition correctly again!! problem cant boot cd used install windows today morning! before starting os says press [esc] go menu or somthing! if pressed esc given 4 options ubuntun bla bla generic .11 ubuntun bla bla generic .11 [recovery] ubuntun bla bla generic .15 ubuntun bla bla generic .15 [recovery] none of option leads me installation process!! please me problem!!! note hav checked bios settings n all....not working this! tell bios not boot harddrive @ , cd or hit f12 boot menu. seeing grub menu, on harddrive, believe. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Installation & Upgrades [ubuntu] New to Linux | Booting Problem Ubuntu

Thread: best wireless manager for icewm

what use wireless management icewm? installed on top of command line ubuntu installation, , i'd that's relatively easy configure , supports wireless access schemes (wep, wpa-psk, etc). suggestions? i'd can use command line, applet. thanks! edit: i've had people recommend gnome one, since i'm not using gnome, want try avoid installing packages (regardless of size) i'm not going use gnome network manager applet. thanks! have tried wicd? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [SOLVED] best wireless manager for icewm Ubuntu

how to wire/connect Arduino Ethernet Rev. 3 (without POE) to UNO?

hi, i trying connect ethernet board ( uno, whichever configuration try pin connections, can't work. the ethernet board doesn't have pins @ bottom can't connect uno. please help. complete newbie , lost here. thanks much. quote from: molahs on jun 22, 2013, 04:39 pm the ethernet board doesn't have pins @ bottom can't connect uno. what saying sounds utter madness seems real problem don't know you've got. link not display ethernet board, uno-based micro controller.  reason why can't plug uno because uno (somewhat disguised), hence no pins underneath. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Networking, Protocols, and Devices (Moderator: fabioc84) > how to wire/connect Arduino Ethernet Rev. 3 (without POE) to ...

Thread: Ubuntu is driving me crazy!

i installed ubuntu 9.04 last night. took me day figure out how dial modem working, succeeded. decided update stuff update manager. updated things, rebooted, , modem driver in dev/modem gone every time reboot , doesn't show in system-hardware drivers. can re-install every time reboot, why should have to? didn't before. plus, pidgin doesn't seem work if disable , enable everything. why doesn't modem show in hardware drivers anymore? why updating things cause many problems?! liking ubuntu, i'm getting frustrated it. didn't think i'd ever this, think i'm going have boot xp again regain sanity. im guessing you're using winmodem (softmodem) needs kernel modules , hackery work. hat off getting work in first place! wont make love linux more, realize these things such pain because designed exclusively work windows, , of them without documentation allows linux developers write proper d...

Just double checking - You do need flash player installed to play captivate files right !

i in process of creating videos captivate , have created wrapper starts off playing little introduction nothing more test see if flash installed on users computer. having tested on computer, ran fine. because flash player installed. went add / remove , removed , tried again. (without restarting computer - hope not simple as, needing restart computer, try next ) anyway, worked same before, having un installed flash player. explain me. i know it's bit cheeky, going ask question in post relevant. best way test see of flash installed on a users computer. also, if test comes negative, automatically install flash player plugin (which in process of getting license distribute ) More discussions in Adobe Captivate adobe

Using arduino to cool water

hi all, background: i study physics @ uni have idea of principles behind basic circuits , i've had minor practical experience circuitry- i'm no stranger soldering iron. however, have never done projects involving form of chip based circuits. also, coding experience i've had dipping toe matlab , labview. i'm keen learn , books/ resources people know of that'd worth reading appreciated. the project: i want make circuit can control , regulate temperature of water body via thermal exchange include cooling mechanism, heating mechanics , series of temperature sensors. i'd incorporate form of screen can provide readouts temp of input , output + various other thermodynamic properties (efficiency etc). one idea have regards cooling water use series of 9 computer fans cool heatsink in contact water system. cool water pumped countercurrent coil can thermally exchange system being regulated. benefit can see system 9 fans wouldn't difficult (would it?!) v...

Project Home Server - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello everyone start topic in different way. i´m not expert in raspi neither on linux systems, altough i´m curious , interested in project. topic make perfect home server serves multiproposes of owns 1 little , powerfull pi. basiclly there no perfect system or perfect home server, me little server perfect because can fullfill needs. so, saying this, objective of put in forum needs want see in pi. examples: owncloud, openvpn , on put request openvpn, so, if know how install , configure this, post , needed it. simples that...the base system official image of raspberry pi raspbian open forum if idea not suitable can close forum. best regards everyone. there's lots of information in these forums if try searching e.g. ... ds=openvpn say, want different, there's one-size-fits-all solution raspberrypi

getting the language right... - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi looked @ various postings , not sure getting language business right... my site in english , administered in english want able display content in thai language too. when had content in thai, comes in thai on frontend, exception title of item or section or category comes garbage. what need to title of item in thai? i upload joom!fish component have done nothing yet i. need thai language pack? where? able have menu title in thai then? the thai forum in thai, not read well... thanks ~r if going mix thai , english should change encoding of site suit thai. english characters not affected this. the encoding change done in language file using in _iso define. note should start entering thai texts after changing encoding of site. hope helps, Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Language - 1.0.x

Thread: no puedo instalar xubuntu, no detecta video?

hola, weno les comento que soy nuevo en esto y me gustaría que me ayuden. grabe el cd xubuntu 9.04 lo booteo, pongo para instalar y al cargar la barra me salta una pantalla con gráficos feos, al igual si le doy live cd. está es la pantalla que me sale. espero su ayuda, gracias! pd: mi pc es pentium 4 256 ram , 30 gb rígido , 1.5ghz, vídeo sis 300/350 la pantalla de inicio, donde elegís si probar el sistema o instalar, ¿la ves bien? si es así, en esa pantalla probá de elegir modo gráfico seguro, con f4, para la instalación. en la imagen se ve el escritorio de xubuntu pero deformado, muy grande y con los colores incorrectos. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Other Discussion and Support Ubuntu LoCo Team Forums Americas LoCo Teams Argentina Team Hardware no puedo instalar xubuntu, no detecta video? Ubuntu

What if the transistor was never developed?

what if transistor never developed? what field of work / hobby next choice be?...   (this leave things mechanical open along electricity, incan bulbs, relays, generators etc etc) remember first computers used thermionic valves ( tubes ) imagine quad core pc tubes !  , of course memory cells magnetic rings :-) all stuff built valves ( tubes ) , in 1962 ordered 1 transistor radio kit  ( crystal set oc71 transistor driving earpiece ) i excited waiting it, , when arrived, examined magical transistor, , broke 1 leg off ! the supplier believed how arrived, had wait few days replacement. Arduino Forum > Community > Bar Sport > What if the transistor was never developed? arduino

Ethernet Problems - Raspberry Pi Forums

dear all, have started use raspberry pi along ethernet , working fine sometime. later on (a few days ago) started notice internet connection no longer working. lights show fine (although blink during startup) , have tried cable. using same power supply using when ethernet working assume power shortage not problem. have dchp settings on not know why ethernet not working me. if can me diagnose problem, please respond asap thankyou, meijer00 you try restarting router. raspberrypi

[SOLVED] Atmega328 und 3,3V Betrieb

wenn ich mich nicht irre kann ein atmega328 der vcc = 3,3v hat nicht mit 16mhz arbeiten. kann man dem atmega328 dann einen 8mhz quarz verpassen oder ist ohne quarz besser ? bei 3,3v sind max 12mhz zulässig. aus kompatibilität mit den 16mhz des 5v arduinos wurden 8mhz gewählt. der quarz ist genauer; der interne oszillator ist sehr ungenau, aber du braucht keinen quarz. für bestimmte zeitkritische anwendungen brauchst du einen quarz (nichtmal ein resonator ist genügend genau). grüße uwe Arduino Forum > International > Deutsch (Moderator: uwefed) > [SOLVED] Atmega328 und 3,3V Betrieb arduino

Warning: Missing argument 5 for show() Anybody knows what that means? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i error on of pages: warning: missing argument 5 show() in /home/xuzo1/public_html/components/com_content/content.html.php on line 386 any ideas on means? thanks it means function show is being called , function expecting 5 values passed , 1 missing in joomla 1.0.10 there couple of functions had changes t number of values passed i expect problem lies with a 3rd party addon not work correctly latest joomla or conversely have latest version of 3rd party add on not latest joomla or have done hack causing probs or did upgrade , not files upgraded correctly if not give ideas, need post more detail circumstances in occurs , version of joomla , addons etc. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

Uso professionale di Arduino

per la mia azienda sto sviluppando piccole applicazioni, poco impegnative dir la verità, che cmq sono nel dominio dell'utilizzo professionale. precedentemente, queste applicazioni, ci venivano sviluppate da una azienda esterna, utilizzando dei fujitsu 16 bit della serie 16fx, comq oggetti 4 mhz, e applicazioni non certo da strapparsi capelli. adesso, visto l'incremento delle funzioni richieste, di cui qualcuna critica, abbiamo deciso di costruirci applicazioni in home, delegando il solo montaggio dell' hardware. all'uopo ho esaminato alcune alternative, come l'impiego di pic serie 18, atmegaxxx, e il sistema arduino, con eventuali sue varianti con at644 , at128, e at1284. diciamo che per alcuni punti sarei tentato dalla piattaforma di microchip, con pic (nel caso potrei fare, in futuro, una migrazione indolore nel mondo 16 bit e financo ai dsp - dspic33), però, per applicazioni di tipo plc molto semplici, ho bisogno di un time-to-market molto ridotto, ...

Thread: symbolic links to root is it safe?

hello, i've question command ln create symbolic links to, if use command example: code: sudo ln -s ~/.themes /root/.themes if put new files in orginal target root folder keep updating orginal target dosen't command make easy access root somehow? not speaking /root folder, other folders, make kinda easy access viruses no? it sub optimal yes. root should not need /root/.themes should not logging in root. if need in /root, such custom .bashrc, put in /root , keep owned root. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Specialised Support Security [all variants] symbolic links to root is it safe? Ubuntu

State control - using commands sent over XBee wireless?

hey everyone. i have project that's been going along quite nicely... until now. have clock hooked motion sensor, after 15 minutes send motion data wirelessly hub, have hooked via ethernet database. unfortunately me, cannot rid of middle 'wireless gap' step, , problem revolves around it. need come deliniated series of 'states' 2 arduinos go between, , i'm having trouble setting up. my setup: clock & motion sensor -> arduino 1 ('clock') <--> xbee 1 ----wireless---- xbee 2 <--> arduino 2 ('hub') -> ethernet -> database. here's basic diagram of flow of i'm trying do: (sorry, huge picture, didn't want embed here.) so basically: 1 - both enter 'setup', , have wait "ready" signal continue. 2 - 'hub' fetches current time, , sends 'clock', waiting. 3 - once clock's time set, watches 15 minutes, , collects data. 4 - @ end o...