
Showing posts from January, 2015

Balise avec CMUCAM - Raspberry Pi Forums

boujour à tous, j'ai une question toute simple, est-ce que quelqu'un déjà utiliser une cmucam directement sur le raspberry? tous les documents que je trouve, utilisent une carte arduino. en fait, je veux que mon robot connaisse sa position dans une pièce. il besoin pour cela de connaître deux angles, l'un connu à l'aide d'une boussole numérique, et pour l'autre j'ai deux idées: soit un simple détecteur d’obstacle infra-rouge monté sur un servo, de cette façon il cherche une balise faite en adhésif réfléchissant. quand l'infrarouge revient sur le capteur, on récupère la position en degré du servo. mais je crains que les murs renvoient l'infrarouge.. je préfère donc utiliser une cmucam qui suivrait une balise de couleur, et moi je n'ai plus qu'à comparer l'angle du servo avec l'angle du nord, et de ce fait connaitre la position. il me semble qu'il est possible de brancher la cmucam sur le port série, mais je ne parviens pas...

Arduino Micro: /dev/ttyACM0 disappear after few second

hi all, i have  proble arduino micro board on linux. when plug laptop, device /dev/ttyacm0 registered correctly, , dmesg: quote [  720.653221] cdc_acm 2-1.2:1.0: usb_probe_interface [  720.653225] cdc_acm 2-1.2:1.0: usb_probe_interface - got id [  720.653237] cdc_acm 2-1.2:1.0: ttyacm0: usb acm device [  720.654151] usb 2-1.2: adding 2-1.2:1.1 (config #1, interface 1) but after few seconds /dev/ttyacm0 device disappear, , got on dmesg is: quote [  728.316212] usb 2-1.2: usb disconnect, device number 11 [  728.316217] usb 2-1.2: unregistering device [  728.316223] usb 2-1.2: unregistering interface 2-1.2:1.0 [  728.316382] usb 2-1.2: unregistering interface 2-1.2:1.1 [  728.316423] usb 2-1.2: usb_disable_device nuking urbs [  728.420514] hub 2-1:1.0: debounce: port 2: total 100ms stable 100ms status 0x10 any idea? the other board arduino uno working have problem micro board. it seems have same problem o...

Thread: Windows Server 2008 Share, CIFS mount, archive bit

hi, have following issue: i'm running ubuntu 8.04 , samba 3.0.28. i'm trying mount windows share lives on windows server 2008 via mount -t cifs //xx.yy.zz.uu/share /mnt/share works. need check, if archive bit of specific file set or not. when try getfattr -d /mnt/share/file gives me nothing. when try mount options user_att or acl same result. have cifs extended attribute support compiled kernel, i'm able set extended attributes like setfattr -n user.someattr -v blub /mnt/share/file , back getfattr -d /mnt/share/file getfattr: removing leading '/' absolute path names # file: mnt/share/file user.someattr="blub" i'm not able windows archive bit. there way achieve this? lot sven Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Networking & Wireless [ubuntu] Windows Server 2008 Share, CIFS mount, archive bit Ubuntu


hi i not sure if right place ask, hope can me. trying make pcb 1 of projects using designspark. pcb includes 2 ic's, , arduino , h-bridge, few headers. need connect arduino h-bridge, , both arduino , h-bridge various headers. problem having traces keep getting in way of other traces. can please advise me on how lay out pcb traces ic's? way, going single layer board. thanks that's main reason people use double-sided boards. you can run traces between holes/pads, or use wire jumpers on component side of board "jump-over" traces.   jumpers quite common on single-sided boards. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > PCB arduino

Large robot wiring issue

i have large robot 1 lead acid battery 12 volts 36 amp hour. in robot far have notebook pc computer (i play on keeping pc's battery charging off of robots lead acid have not done yet not problem, yet) i have 12 volt vga monitor plugged lead acid power , laptop vga cable i have 12 volt speakers attached computer through audio out on computer. problem is. had plugged computer's 2.1mm audio output. go attach power speakers. plug 12 volts (not ground wire. 1 wire on 12 volts ) , speakers powered on. so appears speakers ground went through computers sound card through video card through vga monitor , ground vga monitor connected to. monitor shut off still work though. 1) called when happens (a short?) 2) can cause damage? planning on having arduino control power speakers turn them on , off. 3) can prevent issue? thank , time. interested in learning has happened. i did more research. need , optical isolator? there way 1 battery? ...

Problemas con el pdf: justificar y tildes. - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hola, al "pinchar" en el icono de generacíón de pdf de cualquier noticia, el resultado me sale sin justificar. estudiado los archivos de la carpeta /include pdf.php y class.ezpdf.php, tb usado la función eztext() con los argumentos adecuados xa justificar y cambia algo la alineación pero sigue sin verse bien el margen derecho. creo q el problema está en que se quedan blancos, vamos q falta hacer un trim(), xo no estoy seguro. si alguien le sale bien justificado el .pdf q me envíe esos ficheros de /include , por favor. respecto la codificación de carácteres, mi sitio web está en utf-8, toqueteé el código para q el pdf saliera bien. xo en el título del  pdf, las vocales acentuadas mayÜsculas siguen sin viisualizarse bien¿?¿ un saludo Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Spanish Forum Idioma y traducciones

member preload woes

first, quick rundown of how have movie set up... the first couple hundred frames of movie strictly handling custom progress bar designed... won't go trying work yet, since preloading , preload checks seem not working first of all, movie playback options set play while downloading (0 frames set preload here, because wanted control lingo instead) the first cast member global script following: ----------- on preparemovie _movie.preload(1, 151) end ---------------- this should load cast members needed frames 0 through 151, doesn't seem working frame 3 has frame script instructs movie preload remaining needed cast members (all ones aren't used in first 151 frames) ---------- on exitframe me preloadmember(36, 249) end ---------- can't if working or not, because next framescript isn't working... ------- on exitframe me if member(249).loaded = true go frame 152 else go frame 4 end ------- the way can try gauge happening, staring @ modem light, , when net ...

Thread: OS for Compaq Presario 1685

hi, trying install small os run old laptop. compaq presario 1685, circa '98 processor: amd k6-2 380 mhz data bus speed: 66 mhz ram installed 32 mb moduled hard drive: 4.3 gb dvd-rom burned in cd “puppy-4.3beta1-k2.6.25.16-v423-scsi”, tried boot several times is:- “….large checksome error boot failed……retry” once booted blue screen puppy, said waite 5secs, 2 lines (forgot text) few dots , nothing more, hungs hours. can please? …….nick ps. find diiculty in understanding download pages, download. download small os go in cd?. what came it? can try dsl Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Installation & Upgrades OS for Compaq Presario 1685 Ubuntu

Better understanding of filter/values for (best) audio output?

i making stab @ trying understand low-pass filters/audio stuff.... instead of following schematics, or copying other open source schematics or .brd file..etc.... i have blindly changed values while testing, true understanding... i'd better understanding (in laymen terms) of if raising/lowering resistor 'here'.. does/effects in output..etc.. (not looking long big equations or long articles on invested , how calculate things... yet!) i have project, smd board, removed of components , soldered in wires female, dupont connectors on other end...  can swap out components/values , test things out.. here snippet of schematic applies dac >> amp >> speaker outputn.. the components circles in red , components can change testing.. , current values testing are.. the components in blue filter on back-end...  havent messed them ever.. (but can/will if means getting best audio can project) r5/r6 have pot wired in can dial whatever.. measure , use hard valu...

SD Datei nach X Tagen automtisch löschen

hallo zusammen, ich möchte nach x tagen automatisch einige datei auf der sd-card löschen. doch wie komme ich das erstellungsdatum der dateien? grüße speedy das musst du reinschreiben, wenn du's weisst. die normalen sd libraries machen das übrigens nicht ( die sind froh wenn sie die datei überhaupt finden ),    da müsstest du dich etwas reinknien. aber warum löschen? die kleinsten sd karten sind 2gb heutzutage, die kriegst du nie voll. eventuell jeden monat ein neues verzeichnis anlegen, und darin eine datei pro tag ... Arduino Forum > International > Deutsch (Moderator: uwefed) > SD Datei nach X Tagen automtisch löschen arduino

Arduino MP3Shield + Stepper motor

hallo allemaal, voor een project moet ik een stepper motor laten draaien, maar daarvoor moet er een geluid worden afgespeeld. echter, nu mijn probleem dat als ik het geluid afspeel dat mijn motor dan gaat trillen en daarna niets meer doet. dit mijn code: quote    if (buttonstate == high )   {     playsong(2);     rotatedeg(360, .5);   } code voor roteren motor: quote void rotatedeg(float deg, float speed){   //rotate specific number of degrees (negitive reverse movement)   //speed number .01 -> 1 1 being fastest - slower stronger   int dir = (deg > 0)? high:low;   digitalwrite(dirpin,dir);   int steps = abs(deg)*(1/0.225);   float usdelay = (1/speed) * 70;   for(int i=0; < steps; i++){     digitalwrite(steppin, high);     delaymicroseconds(usdelay);     digitalwrite(steppin, low);     delaymicroseconds(usdelay);   }...

Glossary problem

hi i want create glossary project. have glossary htm. page, created imported word doc. leave , manually create hyperlinks text, thought i'd give rh glossary go. when added couple of new terms , definitions, , tested webhelp output had reformatted text times new roman, increased point size 16 , put in huge spaces between heading 2 sub-topics! don't seem able undo guess have open each , every topic , reformat? annoying if so. so far, i'm not having luck glossary function - can recommend source of detailed information on how start process of building glossary? i'm using rh7, generating webhelp. thanks colin hi colin. with webhelp font used in glossary, toc , index controlled skin. that said, i'm bit confused has happened here. saying have created glossary entries in project's tri-pane (the glossary tab next index) , run glossary hotspot has changed fonts/spacing in topics? there number of ways of having glossary. 1 way have topic lots of bookmarks can ...

[SOLVED] How Can I Make FAQ Output Text Area Bigger? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello, i doing site , need able make faq question output text area bigger. for example: in faq table need show long question like: i artist. notice management company , need manager. how can signed company? i need t able 500 characters show on output of faq section table. at moment can see 100 characters. i've changed administrator/com_content/admin.content.html.php on these lines: code: select all line 1173     <input class="text_area" type="text" name="title" size="30" maxlength="500" value="<?php echo $row->title; ?>" /> line 1201     <input name="title_alias" type="text" class="text_area" id="title_alias" value="<?php echo $row->title_alias; ?>" size="30" maxlength="500" /> this fixed input 500 characters in admin portion of title , title alias faq's. now need know go change actual output. , in file? using firefox...

Video "sensing" Switch

i ordered arduino mega 2560 (i haven't recieved yet) looking create circuit sense when composite, s-video, or component active. i using chip switch video lines i have read bit on video signals , seems (and may wrong) output 1 volt max normally, unsure of how check line without degrading signal. the chip using (fms6501) has gain can set 6db, 7db, 8db , 9db. has bias , clamp, honest not 100% of for. so splitting input on both fms6501 , arduino, afraid of degradation should use sort of ic or component split signal? or since there variable gain, can split , check if high, if so, use i2c set correct register switch video... does split test line need diode or resistor? my goal keep video @ best quality possible, , check if video coming through. video input experience chime in, awesome. thanks. edit: also, here simple diagram idea: i know says picaxe, place holder programmable ic, attempting arduino first. lm188...

Adicionando informacoes aos "perfis/detalhes" dos usuários - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

ola, preciso fazer um cadastro com mais informações que que o joomla me fornece. vejo duas ideias. gostaria de saber qual melhor: 1. criar paginas em php utilizando uma nova tabela para colocar informacoes e vincular ela ao usuário joomla salvando seu numero. 2. modificar o joomla para ter mais campos vocês que tem mais experiência acham melhor qual das alternativas? qual página que o joomla usa quando mostra o perfil dos usuários? o que quero é ter mais campos além dos que existem. obrigado pela ajuda. apenas explicando o que quero fazer: estou criando uma aliança em um jogo. gostaria que os usuários colocassem todas suas informações pessoais em um local tais como raça, planeta, cidade, celular, etc isso teria de estar vinculado ao usuário dele. minha idéia é adicionar os campos ao joomla! Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Portuguese Forum Programação e desenvolvime...

Installing RH7

is there document upgrade installation, or part of download? imagine simple other need old key, wanted see if take ahead of time. also on site using rh7 More discussions in RoboHelp adobe

Problem Uploading to board

  hello! i´m having trouble connecting arduino mega 2560 pc; i have new mega board, , had barely started using couple days ago, , worked perfectly, ran couple sketches , ok. today however, cant pc upload board, stay stuck while uploading , eventualy give me error: problem uploading board. avrdude: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0x00 avrdude: stk500_disable(): protocol error, expect=0x14, resp=0x51 i have windows 7 ultimate, 64-bit. have tried reseting before uploading board, connecting different usb ports, reinstalling drivers, , couple few other things have read in forums, there´s no effect. the code seems not issue, not upload anything, "bare minimum" example. i tried uploading board on mac, , worked, apparently there´s no problem board. any suggestions? thank you. some mega boards fail upload if sketch contains "!!!" anywhere.  check messages. Arduino Forum > ...

Uno can read my data sent from Vista computer but not from Windows 8 computer

i have hewlett packard dx2300 computer vista service pack 2, 32 bits, , intel processor. i have toshiba satellite c850d-11c computer windows 8, 64 bits , amd processor. both computers can load, , run example programs "blink" arduino uno. no problems that. i have made java program sends data arduino uno via usb cable. 4 of uno's output pins connected ad9850 direct digital synthesis (dds) working local oscillator in my home made shortwave receiver. the program functioning ok when use hp computer has 32 bits vista. when use toshiba computer windows 8 program not work. how start uno , java program: the computer , uno connected each other usb cable. i start arduino 1.0.5 program. then open serial monitor window. then close serial monitor window. then turn on power dds. then start java program in computer. if computer hp computer can set frequency of dds signal like. the rx led in uno lights each time when change frequency pushing arrow keys on computer. if computer t...

Couldnt determine program size

hi, i'm getting following message everytime compile sketch:     quote couldnt determine program size: {0} never had problem before. happens sketches apparently doesn't prevent sketch being compiled , uploaded. could related the fact windows temp folder purged? thanks in advance what version of ide? version of windows? board type? Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Installation & Troubleshooting > Couldnt determine program size arduino

Thread: Apt-build World

i know people pointless, computer sits on 24/7, figured i'd give do. have apt-build world running, runs packages deb-src repo doesn't contain. code: packagename not built because doesn't have source package is there way of skipping package? read man page, found nothing useful. so far remove package name list, , cut ones worked later reference. rerun script. 2 days , counting of behavior. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Apt-build World Ubuntu

countdown timer....

hi, i have timer counts backwards , when reaches 0 performs other actions (such go different screen). counting down not problem, when reaches 0 wont anything, ive been fiddling while , cant work out....anyone got ideas. code on main timeline dynamic textfield on stage (called mytime). thanks.... hi, guess it's typo: if (myseco u nds <= 0) should if (myseconds <= 0). the interval keeps on running, it's better delete when reaches 0: function wait() { myseconds--; if (myseconds <= 0) { trace("times up"); clearinterval(mytime); } } mytime = setinterval(wait, 1000); hth, blemmo More discussions in ActionScript 1 and 2 adobe

Thread: How do you turn on Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN)

[solved] edit: monday august 31. solved using below. code: echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_ecn just know may need root terminal in case did code: sudo -i the nifty thing command echo 1 > allow turn off , on various networking features. take in /proc/sys/. original post below. hi, try out explicit congestion notification , see happens. know how turn on , off. connected directly internet , not through router. inspired try out blog post. trying understand tcp performance (long) . seems blog post author created awesome tcp check site here: Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Networking & Wireless [SOLVED] How do you turn on Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) Ubuntu

[OT] Ma guardate cosa hanno fatto con Arduino...

pazzesco, guardate cosa hanno fatto con arduino. non è direttamente menzionato nell'articolo ma si vede benissimo nel video... ormai sulla baia la frase più cercata sarà "motore vibratore arduino" con migliaia di personaggi che cercano di fare tutto diy ] Arduino Forum > International > Italiano > Generale (Moderator: leo72) > [OT] Ma guardate cosa hanno fatto con Arduino... arduino

How to put background music in this particular case?

hi want insert background music flashsite. my flashsite has 4 navigation buttons, each 1 has 5 frames in 1 layer. "home" "tools" "links" "contact" use actionscripts effects. when insert music flash, starts , goes fine. when click on home button go homepage, music starts , overlaps existing one. think problem caused way site setup when click "home" brings frame 1 therefore music overlaps. is there way make music independent element plays regardless of whatever frame, , loops when it's necessary? the way use compromise situation put start on 1 layer , stop layer, not because music stops , restart when 1 goes home page. myflash bump site @ please me!! More discussions in Adobe Animate CC - General adobe

Possible to measure 12.6v battery with arduino input?

so have 3s 800mah use power arduino uno, @ same time use 1 of analog pins monitor voltage. possible? also, know maximum current arduino input can handle 40 ma , i'm scared hooking fry board. there way can calculate how current flow through if connect powered lipo @ 12.6v uno (would ohm's law right track? if there resistance value arduino's input?). thanks in advance help. with attached circuit, voltage @ "a0" one-third of battery voltage. > > > analog input must not greater a-ref (and must not greater 5v) Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > Possible to measure 12.6v battery with arduino input? arduino

Thread: Question about Gecko Media player

when launched firefox in mint 7 distro, noticed when go web site in firefox , select file play in in transition archives, use gecko media player like. how can player work same way in ubuntu 9.04? tried going preferences/applications set player default firefox seems using vlc player don't have anywhere in applications settings in firefox. should do? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Question about Gecko Media player Ubuntu

need basic codes for GSM and GPS module

hello, how can interface gsm module (sim 900a) , gps module (reb-1315s4) on single arduino uno? from should start , how can programming? can 1 pass me code send , receive message , check longitude , latitude? thanx heres little sketch wrote send , receive texts sim900 shield or communicate via @ commands. , bonus, if text + turns on light , - turns off. might start pull from. luck. code: [select] #include <softwareserial.h> #include <string.h> softwareserial gsmserial(7, 8); int num[10]; unsigned char text[300]; char mess[300]; char choice; string message = ""; string phone = ""; string received = ""; string str= ""; int count = 0; int = 0; boolean light = true; int relaypin = 13; void setup() {    serial.begin(9600);    gsmserial.begin(19200);    pinmode(relaypin, output);   } void loop() {  if(gsmserial.available())             ...

Cfmail attachment failing at 7Mb

i have app users can upload files attached email message. whenever file size exceeds 7mb in testing, mail fails, goes undelivr directory , mail.log shows:"ioexception while sending message." exception.log shows: "javax.mail.messagingexception: ioexception while sending message; nested exception is: software caused connection abort: socket write error" the file uploaded , exists specified on cfmailparam tag. any ideas? what mail server using. admin on mail server? possible there max limit set on mail server prevent people sending ridiculously large email attachments such this. when says "software caused connection abort" mail server refusing attachment. if user can "upload" file, why arent using cffile tag file upload processes? More discussions in Advanced Techniques adobe

Thread: Need help allocating more memory to WINE

ok formatted xp , put xubuntu on computer. after fiddling around etc, installed diablo 2 lod using wine. when run program in full screen runs @ 3 fps, when in window mode, 15fps constant. when played on windows, averaging 90fps when idle... when check system monitor, see game.exe taking 3% of memory. when ran in windows, used practically available memory run it. i´m wondering if can fix fps issue allocating more memory wine? if so, how do , if not, should do? game unplayable @ moment due problem. appreciated. just made discovery, frames per second low when use /fps command display fps. when fps isn´t displayed, game runs normally. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [xubuntu] Need help allocating more memory to WINE Ubuntu

Using PROGMEM above 64K

hello. i'm having doubts need to in order use progmem space sketches on 64kb. my question isn't how use it, it's if need change things everywere or places. as example: i have sketch going on 64k. use macros f() , psrt() lot, far know can work lower progmem space. i have big library uses f() , psrt() everywere. my problem when compile project, have no idea each part of code end in memory... have way of ensuring libraries end on lower progmem space? need deal addresses > 64 on main code? quote do have way of ensuring libraries end on lower progmem space? no. quote so need deal addresses > 64 on main code? you should @ intermediate files produced during compile process. see if can identify libraries involved or "the main code" (whatever means) involved. in end, can't. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions ...

Dynamic, XML-based OOP Quiz

hello- i've been banging head against following wall... i'm developing dynamic online as3 quiz application delivers number of different types of questions physics problem (demo here: -see answer key below). quiz data coming xml documents (one each section) , application structure object-based following hierarchy: parent .fla > module > section > quiz > question. parent .fla contains single module instance in turn contains number of sections (usually 5). each section contains number of quizzes contains number of questions. the user proceeds through module answering questions fork in road can choose number of different physics approaches (so it's branching quiz) solve given problem. eventually, possible choose more 1 approach solve given problem , in order user must allowed follow branch it's conclusion. if approach isn't sufficient solve problem on own, user returned impasse question , allowed...

Arduino motor shield + wii nunchuck don't work at same time (FIXED)

fixed: ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// solution i spent weeks trying work. figures work post forum. sorry wasted forum post. interested, here solution its embarrassingly simple. taking input nunchuck interrupted motors. accept input once in cycle, , delay() let motors run. code: [select] void loop(){    //accept nunchuck input    wiicontrol();    //control motors according input    move();   //delay motors give them time move    delay(200); // fixed it } end solution ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// i have been stuck on problem long time. use help. i have vehicle 2 motors. (left tread/right tread) , using arduino motor shield. both wii input, , motors work programmed. have tested them thoroughly. however, if use wii nunchuck control motors, motors won't work when running themselves. for instance: this move backwards no probl...

Installation help request

i downloaded , installed update 1.0.1 1.0.5 i'm still new @ stuff , need advice . . . i need add rtc library new ide 1.0.5 program.  i have folder named rtclib , in folder sub-folder named rtclib-master.  i not know of these folders add new program under menu selection sketch/import library/add library.  oops - tried add rtclib-master , not take it, tried add rtclib , seemed take ok.  do see problem here? i need know programmer select under tools menu.  , why select 1 instead of another? thanks. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Installation & Troubleshooting > Installation help request arduino

Drei Taster und drei Dioden

hallo, habe gerade angefangen mich mit dem thema arduino auseinander zu setzen. ziel soll es sein abhängig von gedrückten tastern einen servo eine bestimmte position zu fahren. aber das erst später. momentan komme ich bei einem problem nicht weiter. habe drei taster die als schalter arbeiten. jedem taster ist eine led zugewiesen. nun möchte ich, dass wenn ich taster 1 drücke led 1 angeht. wenn ich taster 2 drücke soll  led1 ausgehen und led2 angehen. es soll immer nur eine led leuchten. kann mir da einer eine tipp geben wie ich das umsetze? benny ich nehme daß die 3 led mit einem vorwiderstand zwischen arduino-ausgang und masse geschaltet sind. code: [select] if (digitalread(taster1)==1)   {   digitalwrite(led1,high);   digitalwrite(led2,low);   digitalwrite(led3,low);   } das gleiche mit den anderen 2 tastern. grüße uwe Arduino Forum > International ...

[RESOLVIDO] Pagina em branco - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

galera nao sei mais o q fazer eu peço ajuda em tudo q é forum e nada agora desinstalei meu mambo e instalei versao 10 joomla. instalaçao correu normalmente mas paginas estao em branco nao quero desistir joomla pq ele parece atender mais q comunidade q andava q era o xoops como resolver isso? e depois..pra instalar os modulos eu fucei e nao entendi lhufas q é ategoria, seçã eu posso por texto sem ter categoria e seção quero instalar ainda alguns modulos...enfim help-me em branco? vc instalou os dados de exemplo? se não instalou então está certo. qto aos módulos, no site tem um video-aula explicando como fazer instalação. seção - esportes categorias - futebol, volei, basquete para inserir conteúdo vá no menu content Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Portuguese Forum

Docman help - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hii there actually want have file download in site can downloaded registered users...can done...but thing want admin know has downloaded file not able accomplish..i got reply saying docman can me , thank him quick reply still not able make fact not able docman thing working only..can me out , can regarding docman.. my site running on joomla in jam  coz absolute newbie.. thanx lot in advance anyone pliz.... Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Extensions - 1.0.x Components

Thread: Mythtv Freshinstall - Errors when loading already

just did fresh install of mythbuntu 9.04, ran update.. didn't check errors before update, while troubleshooting visualization bug, noticed following warnings , errors. should worry of ? seems theme not found error common too... tried dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-common didn't work code: 2009-08-31 01:30:43.592 using runtime prefix = /usr 2009-08-31 01:30:44.114 xscreensaver support enabled 2009-08-31 01:30:44.115 dpms disabled. 2009-08-31 01:30:44.115 empty localhostname. 2009-08-31 01:30:44.115 using localhost value of [removed] 2009-08-31 01:30:44.120 new db connection, total: 1 2009-08-31 01:30:44.128 connected database 'mythconverg' @ host: localhost 2009-08-31 01:30:44.129 closing db connection named 'dbmanager0' 2009-08-31 01:30:44.131 primary screen 0. 2009-08-31 01:30:44.131 connected database 'mythconverg' @ host: localhost 2009-08-31 01:30:44.132 using screen 0, 1360x768 @ 0,0 2009-08-31 01:30:4...

GPS Copernicus II DIP

bonjour tout le monde  je possède actuelement un gps copernicus ii dip module : + une antenne active de ce type : je décode sur le port série ce type de tram code: [select] $gpgga,,,,,,0,03,,,,,,,*67 $gpvtg,,,,,,,,,n*30 donc d'après le datasheet du copernicus ii ( ) page 234 si on regarde se tableau si-dessus, la 7ème donnée est l'indication du nombre de satellites. dans mon cas c'est "03", il y donc 3 satellites détecter ( des fois même 4 ! ). pourtant le reste des données sont vide (longitude, latitude, date, ect...) il me semble que un gps peut donner la position avec 3 satellites minimum ! après avoir cherché plusieurs heures sur internet je n'ai toujours pas trouvé de solution... :~ je vous remercie par avance de votre aide !  quote from: wa...

ASP.NET page directive STILL being overwritten in CS4?

i've downloaded studio cs4 trial , considering upgrading cs2/studio 8, i've been using 2-3 years. hoping fix issue i've been having dreamweaver 8 overwriting page directives this... <%@ page language="vb" autoeventwireup="false" codefile="login.aspx.vb" inherits="login" %> to this... <%@ page language="vb" contenttype="text/html" responseencoding="iso-8859-1" %> i've followed directions in technote, seems solution i'm after... it not work. it's still happening in cs4. codeoutsidehtmlislocked set true when update template, page directive above still overwritten. bug that's been around 3 versions, or missing something? i ran problem. have lots of course pages pull data database using have aspx template file that's used update course pages. each time i'd change template, modified code...

Using email addresses as unique username - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello all, there large number of portals use user's email addresses username during registration. email addresses unique individuals, can used synonymously uniquely identify users without having creative develop unique string ids each user. to support this, have customised registration forms user needs enter name , email address during registration. keep bar low encourage members. far practical, have expanded email validation routines ensure email address entered in fact valid email address. my feature requests are: 1. can database field 'username' in 'jos_users' table expanded 25 characters 100 (same email field) can use email address username? 2. there interest in using configuration item make available within joomla standard option? regards, paul cahill i agree. nice if registration has more fileds address, , sorts. ability enable/disable these fields should lie admin Board index Joomla! Official Sites & Infrastructure ...

Thread: floppy boot install probs

trying install xbuntu on older machine, p2 350, , need bootdisc. have attempted create floppy (1.44mb hdd) smb.bin no avail far. message received vista formatted disc needs 16.5kb more space create. file properties show smb.bin @ 1.40mb ( 1,474,560 bytes ). have ideas/suggestions? file path: xbuntu9.04 cd>install>smb.bin if it's boot disk you're after, might want check out smart boot manager Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Installation & Upgrades [xubuntu] floppy boot install probs Ubuntu

cc1101 + arduino

bonjour, je galère depuis quelques jours pour interfacer un rf1100se ( et un arduino. le rf1100se est un transceiver à base de cc1101 de texas instrument ( j'utilise la librairie panstamp ( ci dessous mon code. le code reste bloqué sur le sendata. ci dessous mon branchement (trouvé quelquepart sur google) dont je ne suis pas sur quoique semble t il cohérent avec cette page : . une aide me serait fort bienvenue /erwan arduino   gnd                      cc1101 gnd arduino   vcc (+3.3v)      cc1101 vcc arduino   10                      cc1101 csn (ss) arduino  ...

Smoke Detector Triggers arduino and Arduino makes phone call using DTMF Tones

hello , please making system makes phone call when smoke detector triggers arduino , plays recorded sound in sd card using dtmf tones saved in sd card , have tried following things partly . playing wav tones sd card . generating wav files dtmf tones specific phone numbers using website. i have telephone instrument can take dtmf tones , calls number . please me pointing out flow of code.. topdown this. code: [select] void loop() {   bool b = detectsmoke();   if (b == true)   {     playwave();   }   delay(1000); } Arduino Forum > Topics > Home Automation and Networked Objects > Smoke Detector Triggers arduino and Arduino makes phone call using DTMF Tones arduino

[réglé] débutant - Installation du module Joom!Fish 1.7 - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

bonjour, je découvre joomla qui est vraiment bien conçu, je souhaite installer un module multilangue, le module joom!fish 1.7 semble convenir très bien, j'ai téléchargé le package mais je n'arrive pas à l'installer. avez vous une marche à suivre (assez détaillée car je débute) pour que je puisse installer ce module. merci pour votre aide bienvenue sur nos forums. bien qu'il contienne un module et pluseurs mambots, joomfish est un composant et s'installe comme tel : admin: installer/component/ joom!fish Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone French Forum J! 1.0.x - L'atelier! 1.0 - Extensions tierce partie

Newbie question. Use a 3d sensor from arduino ADK to map a game controller?

hey, first post on arduino forums! i brought arduino adk (mega 2650?) , due arrive on tuesday, im excited extent of *no words* anyways, im learning coding , im due submit project competition on friday help me, have doubt. can use turn game controller? saw video on youtube : ( ) about unity 3d , arduino uno, unfortunately im gonna usb suppose wont work me? (maybe fortunately too, im planning on trying use android input) im exited plz me: can use input device via usb windows , android? what game engines can use through? (if done) - i'm bit cryengine , shiva3d. unity? (if should learn ) thanks in advance.... plz noob okay i've done more research , settled on uniduino.... okay? worth it? there free alternative? easy learn? Arduino Forum > Using Arduino ...

Thread: Cannot load firefox or gmail

something wacko sda1 drive or partition. installed , formated usb drive backups, only. went though hoops trying partition drive of forum. reverted single partition sdb1. when booted computer morning, not launch firefox or download emails gmail, suppose going on? i'm writing on konqueror working should. i'm getting messages primary drive full. had on 50% of drive unused before started messing usb drive. when go gparted, indeed show tiny bit used. what's going on? how repair this? i need before panic. reason can't load firefox of gmail because error message says hard drive full, can't find huge files contribute overload on 80gb drive (admittedly not large). see on gparted fall files/folders have gone /dev/sda1 (73 gb). sda2 has 1.43 gb. don't suppose makes difference thought sda1 suppose hold system files.. guess have start deleting folders/files. open suggestions on how solve problem ...

Template probleempje!! - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hoi, ik ben bezig met het bouwen van een template voor een persoonlijke website met joomla. nu heb ik een probleem met het plaatsen van de 2 kolommen in het midden van de site. deze komen onder elkaar i.p.v. naast elkaar. ik heb al van alles geprobeerd, maar kom er niet uit!! wie helpt?? link: mijn html: code: select all <?php echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"iso-8859-1\"?".">"; ?><?php defined( "_valid_mos" ) or die( "direct access location not allowed." );?> <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd xhtml 1.0 transitional//en" ""><html xmlns=""><head> <?php if ( $my->id ) { initeditor(); } ?> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <?php mosshowhead(); ?> <?php echo ...