
Showing posts from April, 2010

Comparing CF7 and CF8 standard

i have coldfusion 7.02mx standard edition on server installed , saw new coldfusion 8 server. when looked new comparison schemes figured had changed licensing model (standard vs enterprise). not sure if it's marketing text has been changed or whether functionality has changed between cf7 standard vs cf7 enterprise , cf8 standard vs cf8 enterprise. i mean seemed cf8 standard meant 1 website , isn't possible have multiple websites hosted anymore edition. true? i running coldfusion 7 mx standard past 2 years , have had several websites/applications running in (weblogs, company websites, other custom build applications). had feeling saying in texts should have enterprise able run more 1 application/website... so wonder if can still upgrade cf8 std or whether have think buying enterprise edition instead. anyone can me out comparison? (and know there functionality difference, not talking specifically). thanks in advance reply. steven application developer (cf5 certified develo...

Thread: Problem running XP after installing Ubuntu

hi. installed ubuntu 9.04 intention of dual-booting windows xp (sp3). have 500gb hard drive , chose install ubuntu "side side" xp, giving ubuntu little less 50gb. ubuntu works fine, when tried starting xp in grub booting screen, xp logo appear 2 seconds, followed blue screen white character appeared , vanished , impossible read , system reboots. don't understand problem is. in ubuntu can mount windows partition (which ntfs btw) , can see , use file it's present, files not lost. troubling fact when tried reinstall xp, , shown list of available partitions, said partitions, including xp one, unknown. appreciate help. don't want have format xp partition , start on again. in advance Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Problem running XP after installing Ubuntu Ubuntu

non-printing image

my client selling scorebook. pages same , provide sample page on website. don't want people able print out page. how set that? the easiest way make background image of container on the page. the best way use print stylesheet - neither method going stop educated/experienced, though. -- murray --- icq 71997575 adobe community expert (if *must* email me, don't laugh when so!) ================== - dw faqs, tutorials & resources - dw faqs, tutorials & resources ================== "mustangdesigner" <> wrote in message news:gd0gsf$ja8$ > client selling scorebook. pages same , provide > sample page on website. don't want people able print out > page. how set that? > > More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

Passing a variable to set a movieclip location

in frame 1 of the movie have defined following: var cl_y=502.0; elsewhere, running following script: -- seaty original position of movie clip defined in frame 1 var seaty = this+"_y"; -- resets position of movie clip original position this._y = seaty; (note - setting _y position in code in order simplify forum post) i expected this._y = seaty; reset position of movie clip original position defined in frame 1. however, nothing happens. i have used trace () discover value of seaty: running trace(seaty) produces _level0.cl_y please note trace(seaty) not equal value of _level0.cl_y (which wanting achieve) i tried replacing: this._y = seaty; with following: this._y = level0.cl_y; and produces desired result (moving movieclip original position) even though seaty = level0.cl_y why work: this._y = level0.cl_y; and yet doesn't work: this._y = seaty; (i need work because need use same function reset position of numerous movieclips, different original positions) many ...

arduino interfacciato con un plc

buonasera tutti sno nuovo del forum ed innanzi tutto intendo presentarmi io sn paolo ed è da poco che sono conoscenza di arduino , volevo sapere se è possibile utilizzare arduino come scheda di controllo di motori e servo per modellismo ed interfacciare l'arduino co un plc omron cpm2a ; in semplici parole utilizzare l'arduino come azionamento ed il plc per gestire il tutto.  e' possibile ?? e come devo muovermi con uno starter kit più scheda di controllo motori posso farlo??? grazie anticipato per chi mi risponderà in tal caso il plc ti complica soltanto la vita. s>e guardi gli esempi trovi la libreria servo, usata appunto per servo, per motori dipende dal tipo di motore, ma trovi un sacco di tutorial su internet Arduino Forum > International > Italiano > Hardware (Moderator: leo72) ...

Grenzen der Verschachtelten Wenn-Funkton

hallo zusammen, gibt es denn grenzen für eine verschachtelte wenn-funktion ? denn ich habe hier einen sketch der ir-befehle sendet wenn ich auf meine iphone-applikation einen entsprechenden knopf drücke. code: [select]                        }          if(readstring.indexof("r17") > -1) {            for (int = 0; < 3; i++) {            irsend.sendnec(0xa55aea15,32); // receiver treble -            delay(10);}                        for (int = 0; < 3; i++) {            irsend.sendnec(0xa55ac03f,32); // receiver treble -            delay(10);}                                 ...

Servo Speed Control MegaADK SoftwareServo.h

im trying control 40 servos, independently, , using pressure sensitive inputs (psi). first step. i using megaadk, flexiforce type sensors , hitec servos. the servos should move in tic-toc fashion, between 90 , 130 degrees example.  the psi´s moderate how servos move new position.  so change in resistivity of psi should correspond change in velocity of servo.  if push lightly, servo moves more slowly.  if push hard, servo moves more rapidly final destination. the problem im having speed regulation of servos. i able find similar threads, not yet resolved. this program softwareservo.h apparently lets 1 modify pulse packet sent servo, give speed regulation.  however, using arduino 1.0.5, , cannot library load via #include command i message, similar last post.  however when make changes recommended in post, still cannot softwareservo go.  also, im not sure ide is. my goal control servo speed ...

Cross Compile Kernel - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello, i've been trying past few hours cross compile rpi kernel on arch linux distro. i'm following guide: have folder in home directory called "linux". inside folder named tools , rpi-3.6.y, these contain compilation tools , rpi kernel source, respectively. when reach "firstly, ensure build directory clean" step , run make mrproper following error: scripts/makefile.clean:17: /home/aquacell/linux/rpi-3.6.y/arch/x86/crypto/makefile: no such file or directory make[2]: *** no rule make target '/home/aquacell/linux/rpi-3.6.y/arch/x86/crypto/makefile'. stop. scripts/makefile.clean:94: recipe target 'arch/x86/crypto' failed make[1]: *** [arch/x86/crypto] error 2 makefile:1039: recipe target '_clean_arch/x86' failed make: *** [_clean_arch/x86] error 2 decided skip , move onto actual cross-compilation , error: $ make arch=arm cross_compile=${ccprefix} oldconfig /bin/sh: /home/aqua...

Absoluut pad in Wrapper... - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi kan ik de wrapper linken naar een absoluut pad ? dus bijvoorbeeld naar: /home/vhosts/ ik heb een php script in een private dir en wil het kunnen bereiken via joomla, maar dan ook alleen via joomla. het script mag niet direct benaderbaar zijn... de private dir niet benaderbaar, maar ik krijg de wrapper er nog niet omheen... ps. andere methoden om dit voor elkaar te krijgen zonder gebruik te maken van .htaccess zijn ook welkom... alfred de wrapper werkt geloof ik alleen met het http address. misschien dat je de code van de wrapper functie kunt aanpassen dat ie ook dergelijke absolute paths aankan... een tweede mogelijkheid die ik je had willen aanraden inderdaad .htaccess. waarom wil je dat niet? ondersteunt je server / provider geen .htaccess? Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Dutch Forum Joomla! 1.0 Componenten 1.0.x ...

Thread: after x server starts keyboard stops working!!

hi i've been following this how-to install xbmc on headless machine, have been having trouble x server. if run code: sudo xinit session start blank console attempt me type console using keyboard doesn't anything!! can't ctrl+c out of it, have either hard reset or log in via ssh , kill x process. installed xbmc using atp-get after adding sources.list file correct repo's , when try , run get: code: server@server:~$ xbmc /var/lib/python-support/python2.6/gtk-2.0/gtk/ gtkwarning: not open display warnings.warn(str(e), _gtk.warning) error: unable open display cannot connect x server anybody got ideas? dan, Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Specialised Support Ubuntu Servers, Cloud and Juju Server Platforms [ubuntu] after x server starts keyboard stops working!! Ubuntu

Arduino to Arduino. Non ISP. Non USB.

i tried looking info on while ago, couldn't find looking for.. it may up, can't seem find it, sorry if i'm doubling in fashion. isp via arduino , good. but makes me wonder if can standalone? by mean, no pc / usb / isp. straight ic ic? this enable bootloders , sketches loaded direct 1 328 straight on via icsp. i understand sketches etc may large, eeprom or similar required store , call from.. maybe having usr select different sketchs (eg. fuses, bootloader, sketch / b / c.) , lcd or similar usr feedback. all aside, how 1 go interpreting , converting data pass sketch on ic in fashion? eg. sending .hex file master 328 slave? what processes required, or how go converting .hex / .bin etc in understandable format transmit via icsp? any or info on useful. thanks in advance. that sounds lot easy auto programmer: there's sketch loading optiboot bootloader atmega328p.

corrupt menu? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i went main menu change parameter, , noticed wasn't looking right. (see menumanager.png) i clicked on "about", supposed section blog, , saw this: (see editmenuitem.png) so thought i'd add new menu item replace when saw (no "blog - content section", , "tooltip" items??): (see newmenuitem.png) the rest of site (including 2 links) work fine. problem? corrupt database?  repaired tables.  can done? thanks! try delete , upload modules again... also upgrade joomla if don't have 1.0.10. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

Dynamic Form Creation

so have 3 tables: users, services, , mappedusers. mappedusers table first 2 columns userid , serviceid, combining primary key. foreign keys users & services tables. everytime new user created, there entry mappedusers table each service. if there 4 services available(1-4), there 4 inserts mappedusers special attention being paid 3rd & 4th column in table: name(string) & allowed (boolean). what trying dynamically create formitems textinput , checkbox these 2 items. far have dynamically generating textinputs & checkboxes complete data stored in database. cannot figure out how update db typing new values, checking/unchecking boxes, whatever. how know dynamically created row associated serviceid, etc in table? i saw repeater doc here, , saw 3/4 of page down textinputs , repeaterindices but cannot figure out how works. have posted mxml below, , way @ bottom of repeater. selecthandler function calls php, executes query, , returns data object, push object singleuser array...

How do I delete a workspace layout?

i saved preferred workspace layout, want remove older one. actually named spelling mistake. how delete it? cheers ss. synapse syndrome wrote: > saved preferred workspace layout, want remove older one. > named spelling mistake. how delete it? on machine, custom workspace layouts found here: c:\documents , settings\linda rathgeber\application data\macromedia\fireworks 8\commands\workspace layouts -- linda rathgeber [pvii] **adobe community expert** -------------------------------------------------------------- fireworks newsgroup: news:// css newsgroup: news:// design aid kits: -------------------------------------------------------------- More discussions in Fireworks adobe

Comunicazione tra mac e n° arduinos uno via Bluetooth

salve tutti, vorremmo utilizzare questo modulo  v2.0 rs232 ttl transceiver module per la comunicazione bluetooth tra un mac e arduino abbiamo 2 domande: 1 cosa bisogna fare affinché arduino riconosca il modulo una volta collegati opportunamente pin rx e tx 2 è possibile usare un solo computer per parlare contemporaneamente 10 arduini via bluetooth? ringraziamo saluti onde pitusso è il re di quei moduli, prova vedere la sua guida su megatopic Arduino Forum > International > Italiano > Hardware (Moderator: leo72) > Comunicazione tra mac e n° arduinos uno via Bluetooth arduino

Arduino Uno + enc28j60 - still not working

hello everyone, i'm trying connect arduino uno enc28j60 ethernet module. wiring seems right (it made this: code: [select] vcc -   3.3v gnd -    gnd sck - pin 13 so  - pin 12 si  - pin 11 cs  - pin  8 the red , green led on ethernet module on, yellow led blinking the router use d-link dir-300, standard firmware, ethernet cable enc plugged 1 of lan ports of router. the library used ethercard, test sketch "backsoon" taken 1 of tutorials (so problem must not in code): code: [select] // present "will web page", stand-in webserver. // 2011-01-30 <> #include <ethercard.h> #define static 0  // set 1 disable dhcp (adjust myip/gwip values below) #if static // ethernet interface ip address static byte myip[] = { 192,168,0,200 }; // gateway ip address static byte gwip[] = { 192,168,0,1 }; #endif // ethernet mac address - must unique on network s...

Arduino Leonardo Mouse Move Functions on the Gertboard - Raspberry Pi Forums

is possible implement mouse move functions (mouse.begin() example) on gertboard such done arduino leonardo? there library that? thanks the arduino leonardo uses atmega32u4, has circuitry on board handles usb (device) functionality such mouse and/or keyboard (when bypass arduino library sorts of usb devices possible, such joysticks, midi, virtual serial, audio in/out etcetera). atmega328 on 'standard' arduino , gertboard unfortunately doesn't have circuitry in chip. there software solutions available though. used obdev usb stack. works surprisingly well: i'm not sure how easy compile arduino ide. may have resort old makefile compile , upload (let know if run trouble that, should easy fix). raspberrypi

[solved] Mega2560 for a 8x8x8 RGB Cube

hello i'm beginner arduino if can me great i have build 8x8x8 rgb led cube powered arduino uno or standalone atmega328p , works fine. sketch cube made else , did make effects myself memory on atmega328p got small bought mega2560 because of memory. 25 shift registers (74hc595) connected 4 wires of uno pin 2 (latch), pin 4 (blanc), pin 11 (mosi), , pin 13 (sck). i notice on mega2560 mosi pin 51 , sck pin 52 changed in sketch , wires cube won't work, compiles/writes without errors, can see program runs serial.print of leds in cube go on , stay on , nothing should do. if have suggestion attached code work on uno ( pin 2, 4, 11, 13) a video of 8x8x8 rgb led cube build (long version) what pin ss on mega? 50,  or 53? i don't understand why hardware ss pin, d10, not used here - must set output anyway, why not use latch_pin?? #define latch_pin 2// can use pin want latch shift registers change 2 ...

LDAP Tools? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

so have looked high , low documentation on ldap tools. have looked @ every forum entry. can't see has ever made them work. work 1.0.10? can give me guidance on how find more information on them or contact developer? you did not mention had tried.  see 1 has instructions it. ... stallguide --slixter Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

Bedste fejlmelding / support komponent - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hej med jer, hvilken fejlmelding eller helpdesk eller support komponent / program kan anbefalde mig @ bruge? det skal f.eks. bruges til, @ brugerne kan fejlmelde deres netværksforbindelse med meget mere. hej med jer, kender et ticket system som er bedre end "webamoeba ticket system" ... jects.wats alle input er velkommen Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Danish Forum Ældre versioner (disse vedligeholdes ikke længere fra officiel side) Joomla 1.0 (Udgået version, der blev afløst af 1.5 i 2008) Komponenter, Moduler og Mambots

Thread: Sorry if you've heard this one

hi, have been prowling forums , other resources , have come partial solutions inquiry setting file server. nothing quite nails me yet. have old pc i'm turning file server. have ubuntu 9.04 desktop installed. have read bit samba. have both windows machine , mac want use file server. have hard drive using in pc storage drive data on don't want lose. have 500gb hard drive add storage , 120gb drive holds ubuntu installation. want able access ntfs drives on network mac , pc. have done reading ufs , other formatting systems. can take data ntfs drive , port on different file system? think picture , i'm not looking blow blow if can point me in right direction i'm more willing educated. thanks, luciano samba doesn't care file system is. have drives in server formatted xfs, computers on network can access files on server. Forum The Ubuntu Fo...

ventola pc con sensore temperatura

ciao tutti. ho cercato tra forum e su  internet  ma non ho trovato quello che mi serve: vorrei attivare una ventola pc  in base alla temperatura percepita da un senore. ho realizzato lo sketch e allestito il prototipo tuttavia, anche quando il sensore rileva temperature al di sotto dei 27 gradi, la ventola continua rimanere accesa. mi serve unconsiglio su come aggiustare il prototipo e lo sketch. (le caratteristiche dei pezzzi sono ventola pc da 12v e 0,21 a, tre spinotti, gnd, 12v e suppongo lettura velocità + sensore temperatura ecco il codice: code: [select] int pin1 = 9; int temp = a0; void setup(){ pinmode(pin1,output); pinmode(pote,input); serial.begin(9600); } void loop(){ long temperatura= analogread(temp); serial.print("temperatura rilevata:" ); serial.print(temperatura-129); //basandomi su un termometro e sul valore in uscita, ho calcolato la temperatura if(temperatura>27) ...

Program Crashing if Using PHP to Read FIFO - Raspberry Pi Forums

i somehow broke code tags in first post of thread. copied post reply , code tags worked no changes. please see original post copied response below. first, need preface question stating on vacation , can access forum semi-reliably in morning, before wife wakes , tells me form of fun going beach... not "working" on pi. may able check on phone throughout day, responses method short , perhaps not full. i'm having issue php script , reading fifos program i'm writing. here how create fifos: code: select all #define smpi_inpfifo "/tmp/smpiinp" #define smpi_outfifo "/tmp/smpiout" #define smpi_errfifo "/tmp/smpierr" int file_fifo_init( void ) { int result = 0; // attempt remove files in case present remove(smpi_inpfifo); remove(smpi_outfifo); remove(smpi_errfifo); // create fifos if (mkfifo(smpi_inpfifo, 0777) || mkfifo(smpi_outfifo, 0777) || mkfifo(smpi_errfifo, 0777)) result = -1; else result = 1; return result; } ssh te...

Where can I download Dreamweaver 8

i need reinstall dreamweaver 8 on system. know can download from? well, you're not going able download adobe, , other alternatives questionable. 1 trick folks use snag copy of book on dreamweaver 8. many come cdrom includes demo. can plug in serial number , away go. if you're extremely daring, there's links old demo's here: i'd chances of being loaded viruses , malware pretty high though. More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

Combinazione di shield

di nuovo salve tutti, e' molto che non ci si sente, e ancora ringrazio per aiuti precedenti. sto per terminare  un circuito di telecontrollo realizzato con arduino mega 2560, collegato ad un max488 su serial1 e un ds1307. il circuito monta anche un ethernet shield. a lavoro ultimato prometto di darvi il mio progettino che magari puo' tornare utile qualcuno, come implementazione di protocolli di comunicazione e eth. ora come ora, dovrei aggiungere una nuova funzionalita': cioe' trasformare l'attuale configuratore (parte di programma che ha un'interfaccia puramente testuale), in un programma che utilizza un display e dei pulsanti. girando ho visto lo shield ufficiale arduino tft lcd screen. molto bello e comodo, ma avendo gia' il controller ethernet, va in conflitto (considerando pure che uso l'sd per effettuare il log) ? in caso lo fossero, esiste una soluzione per non metterli in conflitto? grazie di nuovo tantissimo tutta la comuni...

Problem with HTML box in module editing - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

for odd reason when try open html editing box when trying edit or create module, in firefox load blank white box nothing in it, , in ie wont load @ all.. here picture of mean.. ^^ thats happens when click html button in module editor. does have idea causing this? need able edit html in modules problem me. possible have accidentally changed sort of permission setting or that, or there sort of error instalation of joomla? know it's not browser because tried ie , ff , neither work. my website btw thanks in advance help. editors have problems if not access site via exact url in configuration.php i notice link site without http://www.&nbsp; ( although later ) and in admin screenshot using www .pigskinplanet make sure when editing, access site exact site url per mosconfiglivesite url in configuration.php Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 ...

Thread: panel jumping around, wrong panel icon sizes

hi all, i'm using "super ubuntu" , loving it. using fluxbox on gnome , while trying make appearance changes i've run following issues: 1. set 1 of panels dock on bottom of screen , auto-hide. seems remember auto-hide, keeps "jumping" top. if try set "bottom" still stays @ top of screen. 2. changed icon theme "high contrast". of icons ok, "volume" , "shut down" icons extremely large, set 48 pixels instead of 20 want. ideas? thank you -dan ended deleting gnome config files reset it... gnome usable. i'd know did wrong! Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Desktop Environments [gnome] panel jumping around, wrong panel icon sizes Ubuntu

Thread: alsa upgrade script

hi! ran "alsa upgrade script" first option "-d" following option "-snap". unfortunately script running to...: code: make[1]: entering directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-' /usr/src/linux-headers- /usr/src/linux-headers- no such file or directory make[1]: *** no rule make target `/usr/src/linux-headers-'. stop. make[1]: leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-' make: *** [compile] error 2 alsa-driver-1.0.20 make failed am doing wrong? i'd appreciate if me out of here! greets gooksn did run both commands root (sudo)? think have to. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Multimedia Software [kde] alsa upgrade script Ubuntu

[réglé][com Tweaked Akocomment] Fatal error: Non-static method MENU_Default... - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

voilà, je suis à la recherche du composant de commentair efabuleux qui ne merde pas. après joomlacomment que je trouvais pas mal mais plein de bug, j'ai opté pour tweaked akocomment. mais impossible de gérer mes commentaire. j'ai : fatal error: non-static method menu_default::menu_default() cannot called statically in /com_akocomment/toolbar.akocomment.php on line 37 d'après les recherches que j'ai effectuées, ce composant n'est pas compatible avec php 5. un commentaire ?  j'ai trouvé ceci sur joomla!fr : remplacer dans le fichier /administrator/includes/toolbar.html.php code: select all class menu_default {    /**    * draws default set of menu icons    */    function menu_default() {       mosmenubar::starttable();       mosmenubar::publishlist();       mosmenubar::unpublishlist();       mosmenubar::addnew();       mosmenubar::editlist(); ...

Control solenoid force - Raspberry Pi Forums

i have 24v push-pull solenoid , need digitally control push force. in understanding, achieved controlling current applied it. first thought using digital potentiometer, seems it's not easy find 1 can support 24v. there smarter way control solenoid force, or can point digital potentiometer fit task? thank you hi, malk wrote: is there smarter way control solenoid force pulse width - shorter pulse, smaller amount of energy "delivered" solenoid. i'd expect width:force ratio nonlinear , unrepeatable. if need more levels of force, calibration needed each solenoid (even if use same model). material of core important... malk wrote: or can point digital potentiometer fit task? don't use potentiometer if find one. best wishes, ivan zilic. raspberrypi

Peripheral Template Library - efficient solution for cross-MCU development

i'd introduce project called "peripheral template library" (ptl), (experimental) library allow development of software/firmware portable across different boards , mcu types/architectures, without compromising efficiency. achieve both, ptl heavily relies on compile-time metaprogramming techniques , compile-time optimizations targeting level of efficiency , performance higher of typical c lib, , closer towards assembler. people solid software development background, when hearing metaprogramming, thought lisp , powerful macros. indeed, in parallel world efficient mcu lib written in lisp (or scheme). however, in our world lisp niche language due syntax, , there're no optimizing lisp compilers simple mcus. fortunately, alexandrescu et al. thought giving metaprogramming hands of c programmers, commonly known "c++ templates". so, that's - ptl c++ template library depends on (usually simple) metaprogramming techniques achieve desired efficiency. not...

Thread: HELP: how to change application font size

my monitor 1080p , have no idea why application called terminal have problem font size. please check attached image. lot. attached images screenshot.png (329.1 kb, 15 views) gvim tkdiff these application seems okay. particular called application has problem synopsys tools need thanks. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Desktop Environments [SOLVED] HELP: how to change application font size Ubuntu

Amplificador de tensâo com arduino

dae galera.. estou montando um projeto da facul em que comunico o arduino com um ecm.. mas preciso amplificar proporcionalmente saída de tensão arduino de 0 5v para 0 10v.. andei dando umas pesquisadas sobre ampop e transistor mas n cheguei nenhuma conclusão ainda.. entao gostaria de saber se alguem pode me ajudar.. sim consegues fazer isso usando um ampop com ganho de teoria quando tiveres 5v na entrada ele duplica para 10, na realidade vais ter contar com tensoes de off-set que irão alterar um pouco os valores.o ampop que deves usar depende da criticidade que necessitas em termos de tensoes. Arduino Forum > International > Portugues > Amplificador de tensâo com arduino arduino

Problème transfert de programme (time out) Arduino Mega 2560 urgent

bonjour à tous!! je suis nouveau sur le forum et aussi un débutant en ce qui concerne arduino. j'ai cherché pendant deux jours entiers sur google et sur le forum et je n'ai pas trouvé de solution (enfin si mais qui ne fonctionnent pas....). donc je viens demander ici! alors mon problème est le suivant. lorsque je veux envoyer un programme sur la carte, le programme se compile etc etc et au bout d'un moment "time out". donc j'ai suivi quelques solutions sur le net, comme celle-ci ( ) mais j'ai un problème quand il faut loader le fichier .hex ("invalid hex syntax). j'ai essayé avec 3 fichiers différents trouvés ici ( arduino-combined-dfu-usbserial-atmega16u2-mega2560-rev3.hex ; arduino-usbserial-atmega16u2-mega2560-rev3.hex ; arduino-usbserial-mega.hex ) et toujours le même p...

Thread: vnc over nx blank screen

i not able vnc on nx. can vncviewer machine , connect fine. when vnc on nx blank screen no errors... ideas? thank you misha misha@misha-i1525:/usr/nx/etc$ dpkg -l | grep nx ii lynx 2.8.6-2ubuntu2 text-mode www browser ii nxclient 3.3.0-6 nx client ii nxnode 3.3.0-17 nx server node ii nxplugin 3.3.0-1 nx web companion ii nxproxy 3.1.0-2-1 nx x compression library ii nxserver 3.3.0-22 nx server misha@misha-i1525:/usr/nx/etc$ ...

ShiftIn dubbi segnale inviato da CD4021

salve tutti, torno ad importunare gentili utenti del forum con una domanda sullo shiftin tramite cd4021. in particolare il mio quesito è molto semplice: partendo dalla base del circuito del tutorial (quindi 8 switch collegati ad altrettanti ingressi del cd4021 e data, clock e latch su arduino), che output mi dovrei aspettare stampato sul monitor seriale in corrispondenza della pressione di uno switch? in pratica mi devo aspettare una cosa del genere (ovviamente impostando la lettura come lsbfirst): switch su pi0 = 00000001 switch su pi1 = 00000010 switch su pi3 = 00000100 etc.. switch su pi8 = 10000000 oppure la "conversione in binario" del numero dello switch premuto, preceduto dal numero di zeri necessario per completare la serie di 8? switch su pi0 = 00000001 switch su pi1 = 00000010 switch su pi3 = 00000011 switch su pi4 = 00000100 etc... switch su pi8 = 00001000 oppure..altro? questo perchè ho un comportamento abbastanza anomalo sul mio circuito e vorrei capire...

Server class

hi wondering server should using create instance create server listen udp transfer? difference between them? this 1 code: [select] // telnet defaults port 23 server server = server(23); void setup() {   // initialize ethernet device   ethernet.begin(mac, ip, gateway, subnet);   // start listening clients   server.begin(); } void loop() {   // if incoming client connects, there bytes available read:   client client = server.available();   if (client == true) {     // read bytes incoming client , write them back     // clients connected server:     server.write(;   } } or one code: [select] ethernetserver server = ethernetserver(23); void setup() {    // initialize ethernet device    ethernet.begin(mac, ip, gateway, subnet);    // start listening clients    server.begin(); } void loop() {    // if incoming client connects, there bytes available re...

Thread: best recommended Tv Tuner card for ubuntu9.04 / mythtv?

hi all, need advice installed mythtv today on ubuntu9.04 drive want tv tuner card pc (so can without wife noticing costs) want linux compatible , rounder prefer card aerial connection ( cant see connection on usb version) area has weak signal ( have satelite tv) , external aerial needs replacing. have tuner weak areas had enable lna on tv dvt card pick signal , using aerial on 1-2 channels played without stuttering. whats decent model digital tv tuner , whats 1 avoid. in advance.. btw im in uk in case makes difference ok either 1 person went refresh mad , viewed topic 55 times or no 1 can recommend tv tuner card Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Multimedia Software [ubuntu] best recommended Tv Tuner card for ubuntu9.04 / mythtv? Ubuntu

raspbmc + RPi-Display - 2.8" Touch-Display (320x240) - Raspberry Pi Forums

help needed ... use raspbmc , small touch rpi-display watterott steer xbmc (see ... &info=3530 ). followed step step instructions of ... 20#p447220 during installation kernel changed 3.12.21 (of 11 june 2014) 3.12.3+ (of 8 december 2013). fbcp used file attached ... 50#p445550 after “fbcp &” @ end of installation, rpi-displays turns on , stays white. no xbmc shown. tried change /etc/modules settings “fbtft_device custom name=fb_ili9341 speed=32000000 gpios=reset:23,dc:24,led:18 bgr=1 rotate=270” described @ , rpi-display stays black. put back. started raspbmc , without hdmi connection, no difference. tried installed fbcp, still same problem white display. "dmesg | grep fbtft" displays: [ 13.189588] fbtft_device: spi devices registered: [ 13...

Hiding the split menu when there are no second level items - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

maybe has come before can't find it. i'm using extended menu split menu function. problem is: module shows on homepage there no submenu items. how can prevent module showing up? tomt wrote: maybe has come before can't find it. i'm using extended menu split menu function. problem is: module shows on homepage there no submenu items. how can prevent module showing up? i wonder why want tom? maybe easiest way use different templates? Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Extensions - 1.0.x Modules

9.7" screen on battery power? - Raspberry Pi Forums

hei, i'm trying make raspberry pi setup 9.7" screen (this one: lilliput fa1000- np/c/t - 9.7” hdmi touch- screen mon- itor - ... h%3dfa1000 ), battery powered. otherwise setup has raspberry pi model b , slice of pi -wifi shield. found battery: i'm wondering how estimate how long setup run on battery power? give me hint or has experience battery powered touch screens? i have noticed sneaky trick on adverts such battery packs. mah figure shown applies internal battery typically 3.7 volts (it varies cell discharges) not 5 volts. means if dc-dc converter (producing 5 volts output) 100% efficient mah figure 5v output 74% of figure shown. in practice converter not 100% efficient. maybe 90%. overall 2/3 of headline rating. section 6 of monitor manual ... fa1000.pdf says power consumption <10 watts, dc input voltage 7 24 , current consumption 560 ma...

Arduino RPM (Mageia, Mandriva, Fedora, SuSe, etc.)

just informing created rpm packet mageia 3 edit: agrego urls para 1.0.6: 32 bits: 64 bits: srpm: the official mageia binaries not work. also, mageia binaries has problem: uses newer version of avr-gcc not compatible arduino sources. created new packet based on official binaries little changes. packet "just works" , don't need change permissions or groups. instruction usage: for 32 bits: alternative 1 (better because auto-updates new versions): code: [select] urpmi.addmedia --wget --distrib urpmi arduino alternative 2 (manual install): code: [select] urpmi for 64 bits: alternative 1 (better becaus...