
Showing posts from August, 2011

Stored Proc Performance vs CFusion

i'm relatively more experienced sql , variety of reasons discussed elsewhere (performance, security, portability html/flex , mvc code organization) building app more cfcs , stored procedures. that said, initial iterations <cfquery> based, have moved relatively simple procedure (which sets , feel home page depending on visitor ip) <cfquery> to <cfinvoke> cfc <cfstoredproc> mysql 5.1 stored procedure long story short, works latter taking longer load (exact same data exact same devserver machine both cf8 , mysql on it) significant factor (probably 100 times). any thoughts on why? (fwiw server p4 800 mhz 1.5 gb ram) > <cfquery> > > <cfinvoke> cfc <cfstoredproc> mysql 5.1 stored procedure you're doing 2 operations in latter compared 1 in former. how apples-n-apples compare: cfquery vs cfstoredproc (eliminating the cfinvoke purposes of testing)? version of cf on? cf's traditionally been pretty slow instantiate cfcs (it... - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i volunteered make our department's website when still in college. kindly check out , give me inputs know i'm lacking i got template friend. dont know did that. lolz url: thanks in advance mga bro! site seems ok. need more info. in landing page. links target page ok. nice Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Filipino Forum Pinoy General Discussion & Archives Site Showcase

C# PiFace Control & Display - Raspberry Pi Forums

hey, have bought piface cad, working perfect python code. i'm looking c# library haven't been able find one. have tried create 1 self using c library provided on page - c example works haven't been able write library can used c#. i'm hoping 1 of guys can provide me enough information being able write library , compile can used c# or maybe have time making c# library. lot ! i've not looked details, no problem call native c dlls. have add dllimport attribute see ... _libraries raspberrypi

Brandweer Project

beste nederlandse forumleden, ik ben bij de brandweer een projectje gestart om bepaalde dingen te automatiseren. in dit project komt het volgende aan bod maar beginnen redelijk simpel. ik begin met de verlichting aan te schakelen bij melding. ik heb een oude pieper omgebouwd tot een schakelaar wanneer de pieper gaat gaat hij altijd piepen en trillen dit motortje heb ik er tussen uit gehaald en vervangen voor een optocoupler. dus de optocoupler de schakelaar. maar nu willen dat na 3 minuten de lichten gewoon weer netjes uitgaan want zijn dan al lang en breed de kazerne uit. maar doormiddel van een delay in te bouwen lukt het me niet om hem uit te schakelen. hebben jullie misschien een idee wat ik verkeerd doe in het verhaal. misschien nog een handige aanvulling ik heb van die stopcontacten gebruikt met een zender. die heb ik omgebouwd met draden dus die moet ie schakelen voor een korte tijd daarna na zoveel seconden uitgaan. dit mijn sketch: //pieper schakeling const int ledon...

Problems with javascript

hello, i have big problem , don't find solution: i embeded flash file (advertiser banner) in html page. i want opening popup window if user clicks on flash banner (see function openadvertiser). there should no geturl-link in flash file because number of needed variables (e.g. btrid, advid) change (e.g. btrid, advid, customerid...) , not adapt flash files (because created else). that's why build "<href='javascript penadvertiser(156,149)..."-tag in html page. now problem: works fine in firefox , opera browser not in internet explorer 6.0. why so? , how can solve problem? here html code: <script src="../ac_runactivecontent.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script language="javascript"> function openadvertiser(btrid, advid) {"pr.aspx?btrart=b&btrid="+btrid+"&advid="+advid,"pr","toolbar=no,status=no,wi dth=925,height=580,scrollbars=yes,left=10,t...

Teensy vs. Arduino Nano - I got both for different purposes.

i new subject of hid usb. teensy better arduino nano usb hid interfaces? what keeps ftdi usb chips being accepted (windows) operating system? how devices use separate ftdi interface windows? how choose between interrupt transfer, bulk transfer , isochronous transfer if use fdti chips? thank you vladimir. quote from: vt91 on jun 07, 2013, 07:34 am is teensy better arduino nano usb hid interfaces? teensy.  change menu item in arduino ide.  upload sketch.  done. an alternative has similar functionality teensy... Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > Teensy vs. Arduino Nano - I got both for different purposes. arduino

In Flex2, how to know the (x,y) of flex global (0,0) on monitor screen?

within flex app, 'global' (x,y) of upper left corner of main swf (0,0). (x,y) of point within monitor screen? possible find out in flex? know may sound strange question. reason want find out screen coordinates of areas in flex2 app can use java.awt.robot utility capture , convert area image file. ideas? thanks. you can't determine flex. however, can determine window position using browser javascript, , can call browser javascript functions flex 2 using externalinterface class. More discussions in Archived Spaces adobe

type choices in select elements

i have order entry form uses select list id inserted table. i want user able type in several characters locate exact name or id in table. currently, user can type in 1 character find match on first character in select element. have write function accomplish this? don't see reference cfselect , onkeydown on forum. so, thought i'd ask before go , recreate wheel. thanks, yes, need write function. in luck cause have example of ken More discussions in ColdFusion adobe

subrrutinas arduino

hola amigos. gran pagina esta, me alegra encontrarla. soy tan nuevo en esto de arduino, como un bebe acabado de salir del vientre de su madre; espero me entiendan. veo que arduino es una modificación del lenguaje de programación c. ahora, como estoy desarrollando, o más bien tratando, con un sistema de menú, mi pregunta es. como manejo interrupciones en este entorno?. la siguiente estructura me sirve para acceder cada menú?. void menú(){ ..código del menu1 por ejemplo. } quiero aprender este tema y espero me puedan colaborar. gracias y suerte. hola,         para las interrupciones chequeate esto ... si quieres otro tipo de interrupciones especifica.         mira esto tambien si te interesa como conectar un teclado matricial y manejarlo por polling          si puedes hace...

Measuring inclinations of a moving vehicle with an accelerometer

i'm developing application accelerometer (adxl335) measure inclinations , activate alarm when specified angle exceeded. here right. i need measure these inclinations in vehicle in motion. problem: when there sudden accelerations alarm activated though specified angle isn't reached. how can solve problem? use gyro instead of accelerometer?.. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Sensors > Measuring inclinations of a moving vehicle with an accelerometer arduino

Boot RaspPi with no video for remote connection - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi again, feel 1 of [noob] questions have been asked million times. i'm sorry asking again goes: have rasppi raspbian , have connected through ssh. have set boot no graphics can access , control remote access laptop. works sweet , awesome!! want connect laptop rasp pi without wifi. possible? mean wireless connection laptop rasppi without wifi? maybe bluetooth? other option? missing? in advance!! virneto ... / if don't want use wifi, use ethernet? or use ttl serial cable console-only access ... sole-cable raspberrypi

Pyglet requires an X server with GLX - Raspberry Pi Forums

when try run front end application file "" terminal following error, installed "pydev, pyserial, pyprocessing,pyglet,pywapi" necessary utilities application. getting this "file "", line 18, in <module> pyprocessing import __draw file "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pyprocessing-", line 51, in <module> import * file "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pyglet-1.1.4-py2.7.egg/pyglet/gl/", line 510, in <module> import pyglet.window file "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pyglet-1.1.4-py2.7.egg/pyglet/window/", line 1684, in <module> gl._create_shadow_window() file "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pyglet-1.1.4-py2.7.egg/pyglet/gl/", line 494, in _create_shadow_window _shadow_window = window(width=1, height=1, visibl...

combiner 2 valeur

bonjour je débute et c'est la première fois que je poste sur un forum. j'ai commencer arduino il y un moi un j'adore ca. je suis actuellement bloquer sur un problème je désirerai combiner 2 valeur afin d'utiliser un menu , la première viens d'un encodeur , cette parti fonctionne et me donne une valeur de 1 à 10 sans probleme que je vais appeler number je souhaiterais obtenir une valeur égale à  menu1 ou 1 est la valeur number et une valeur val1 ou 1 est toujours la valeur number de façon à aller chercher le titre et la valeur correspondant... j'espère que je suis clair merci à vous jules si je comprend bien si ton encodeurs envois 1 tu veux effectuer une action x si ton encodeur envois 2 effectue action y tu deux chois conditions avec l'instruction if ou  switch  case Arduino Forum > International ...

Joomla! 1.0.10 eCommerce - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i saw joomla! 1.0.10 ecommerce advertised on site.  site hosted godaddy, 1 of main interests in using joomla ecommerce.  can use joomla! 1.0.10 ecommerce godaddy?  godaddy, have  joomla! 1.0.10 installed, doesn´t ecommerce. also, see if joomla recognizing mysql db? thanks! dan the ecommerce edition of virtuemart bundled package of joomla 1.0.10 + virtuemart 1.0.6 + joomlaxplorer 1.4.0 + letterman 1.2.3.  if have joomla 1.0.10 installed, install other pieces seperately , have equivalent of calling ecommerce edition. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

Users Online - have I been hacked? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi everyone, simple question.  in admin section have number 4 next users online symbol.  mean have 4 users in admin area (i.e. i've been hacked), or there 4 people looking @ site? there doesn't seem documentation on this, , confused/worried site security. also, if open new browser , log onto site normal public user, figure not go up?  confuses me? any help. thanks. it number of people viewing site in admin home, should see tabs on right one "logged" lists thos people logged site when opened browser, did visit few pages? because joomla not register visitor on first page view, think stop bots sending online users sky high Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

Weblinks Not Listed as a Component, but Working - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, for reason, weblinks isn't listed component on our site more. it's not in components menu. it's not in components tab on control panel; it's not in complete list. it's not listed under installers > components (so can't remove it). can't create link using typical process create menu link component either, weblinks doesn't show in list. yet, weblinks works fine. haven't been using since switching servers , mambo joomla earlier year, want use now. can access @ without problem, , can in admin area typing in url directly. can create categories, add links, everything. i live that, not-so-technically inclined volunteers manage our site can't. how show in components menu again? thanks! in own efforts solve problem, got wondering if weblinks listed component in database. wasn't listed in mos_components, added entries main component , page manage categories. could doing cause other problems cr...

Saludos desde Barcelona

hola, estoy empezando adentrarme en el fascinante mundo de arduino y por el momento me suena todo pseudo-chino, así que decidido pasar por el foro, mandaros un saludo desde barcelona y preguntaros por algunas recomendaciones para novatos. soy telecos y hago algunos pinitos en ruby, pero poco más, así que cualquier cosa que podáis recomendarme para empezar aprender, se agradece. por ejemplo: - ¿algún libro o manual por dónde empezar? - ¿qué arduino comprar para un principiante y dónde comprarlo? ¿aliexpress, dx? - ¿hacéis quedadas, talleres, etc. por barcelona? ¡nos leemos! salu2 bienvenido, sientate cómodo y lee mucho. empieza por cosas sencillas. suele haber cursos y quedadas, mirate la sección en el forum Arduino Forum > International > Español (Moderators: surbyte, Hector_A) > Saludos desde Barcelona arduino...

Scaling movie to center by bouncing

hello, for life of me cannot figure out. going effect , what want when user maximizes or makes window smaller, movie bounce or "tween" around go directly in center of browser no matter size. whats best way go this, grealty appreciated! thank you!!!! More discussions in Adobe Animate CC - General adobe

ASP.Net 2.0

is there going support 2.0 in dw 9? i have been using dw years , liked it, didn't go dw 8 because of lack of support of asp 2 in it. i have been getting ready convert vs 2005 because of this. i use both (which wasn't possible in old version), new single page styles can use in vs 2005. know if going plausible in version 9? thanks, tom > there going support 2.0 in dw 9? i doubt in here knows sure. -darrel More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

Thread: install speaker notebook

hi tell me how install speakers on compaq presario cq61 notebook - sound on headspeakers working if you're talking installing speakers in notebook beyond casual users' capabilities. if mean want hook external speakers to notebook plug them headphone jack or similar audio input jack. if connector on speakers doesn't match appropriate jack on notebook you'll need tell more. tgeer Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [ubuntu] install speaker notebook Ubuntu

Wireless Alarm

i trying create a wireless alarm system using 2 arduinos , 2 xbees. want arlam on when button not pressed , off when is. my router code is: const int buttonpin = 2;    int buttonstate = 0; void setup() {   serial.begin(9600);   pinmode(buttonpin, output); } void loop(){   buttonstate = digitalread(buttonpin);   serial.println(buttonstate);   delay(500); } and coordinator code is: int ledpin =  2; int buttonstate; void setup() {   serial.begin(9600);   pinmode(ledpin, output); } void loop(){   if (serial.available() > 0)   {     while(serial.available()>0) {buttonstate=serial.write(;}     if (buttonstate == low) {digitalwrite(ledpin, low);}     else {digitalwrite(ledpin, high);}   } } .... the coordinator receives signals router alarm doesn't turn off when button pushed. oh start... first, when posting code, use code tags; makes easier rea...

Thread: gnome session save

is there way gnome remember window position on logout? tried gnome-session-save, when log in, apps dumped in heap on first desktop. also, doesn't seem work @ applications. there no way around this? way ignore signature- it's mythtv box. post run of mill desktop computer. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Desktop Environments [ubuntu] gnome session save Ubuntu

Thread: How to remove the first 4 characters from a long list of files

hi, i'm wondering if knows way can edit filenames in folder, first 4 characters removed, , rest remain intact. i've tried googling no avail. there pic's , others here Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [ubuntu] How to remove the first 4 characters from a long list of files Ubuntu

Advice seeked to find a LiPo cell with short length (< 7 cm)

hello, i using 3 aa 2000 mah nimh batteries feed 3 power leds. want have higher voltage feed arduino pro mini plan replace aa cells 7.4 lipo battery pack. however lipo middle high capacities quite extended. of them longer 10cm long put on of hand. anyone knows shorter 7.4v (dual-cell) lipo pack, biggest dimension being below 7 cm ? also, there recommended brands or brands avoid ? what plug (and charger) choose ? thank in advance. i have never used 2s (2 cell) lipo batteries, can't advise there.  know you're not supposed make own packs out of individual cells, since lipos need "balancing" keep them happy. i wanted point out use single lipo cell power 3.3v pro mini, instead of 5v pro mini .  runs @ 8mhz (instead of 16), can't whether or not it'll work project, it's option.  also use exact same setup have, 3.3v pro mini (which accepts 3.3-12v). ...

Error while building OpenCV on Raspberry PI - Raspberry Pi Forums

i'm having problems on opencv installation, i've been following tutorial ... 6szuqy/pub , when i'm compiling receive error message: code: select all pi@raspberrypi ~/opencv/build $ make [ 0%] built target opencv_core_pch_dephelp [ 0%] built target pch_generate_opencv_core [ 2%] built target opencv_core [ 2%] built target opencv_ts_pch_dephelp [ 2%] built target pch_generate_opencv_ts [ 3%] built target opencv_flann_pch_dephelp [ 4%] built target pch_generate_opencv_flann [ 4%] built target opencv_flann [ 4%] built target opencv_imgproc_pch_dephelp [ 4%] built target pch_generate_opencv_imgproc [ 7%] built target opencv_imgproc [ 7%] built target opencv_highgui_pch_dephelp [ 7%] built target pch_generate_opencv_highgui [ 9%] built target opencv_highgui [ 9%] built target opencv_features2d_pch_dephelp [ 9%] built target pch_generate_opencv_features2d [...

Cant change the look of login form - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi i'm new joomla , has installed , test running week now. problem coming when changed login form column of right. text , contents in in box goes left without spaces leftside of column (while there space in otherboxes "other links"). problem can not change that, dont matter how modify file (com_login/login.html.php).i can remove the  file , nothing happens. am modifiying wrong file or kind of cache problem? have removed cache files in browser , updated page several times without success. is there can me out of this? regards, charlie56 solved self. added "wr_" in module class suffix. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Administration - 1.0.x

Adding Quiz Adds Unwanted Objects to First Slide on Publish

i'm revising clarity: i added 1 question slide captivate movie , looks fine when preview. however, when publish movie, first slide of movie (a title page) gets stuck; , in addition there seem text box , transparent buttons on title page know there because cursor changes hand. i realized location of these transparent buttons seem match locations of buttons on question slide (i.e., back, clear, submit). think happening objects (buttons, etc.) question slide somehow getting published title page. to test theory added time limit question slide of 4 seconds, published movie, , title page proceeded next slide after 4 seconds. i'm thinking sort of bug. More discussions in Adobe Captivate adobe

Thread: I'm new to ubuntu and completely lost.

i've got recent version of ubuntu , don't know i'm doing. i'm trying download things , looks it's working don't understand why have use terminal everything . shouldn't opperating system know how install without me knowing write terminal? there videos show me indepth tour of ubuntu? can hardly navigate through computer either. right i'm trying install wine (going make '.exe's work?). i'm following instructions hate doing when have no idea i'm doing computer. need general jumping ubuntu thing. not like- "and here menu!", shows me terminal commands , files going , packages , "kernels" (total newb)? far don't think it's "easy" , "user friendly" claims be. i'll give shot. want give shot. appreciated go system > administration > synaptic package manager install want there. give desciption , everything. go begin...

Confusion about Arduino Sweep code

i compiled code found the code is: code: [select] // sweep // barragan <> // example code in public domain. #include <servo.h> servo myservo;  // create servo object control servo                 // maximum of 8 servo objects can created int pos = 0;    // variable store servo position void setup() {   myservo.attach(9);  // attaches servo on pin 9 servo object } void loop() {   for(pos = 0; pos < 180; pos += 1)  // goes 0 degrees 180 degrees   {                                  // in steps of 1 degree     myservo.write(pos);              // tell servo go position in variable 'pos'     delay(15);                     ...

Thread: Howto: Connect ZTE Telstra T6 mobile phone with NetworkManager 0.7.0+

hi folks, many who've contributed here - coming other distros ubuntu first time i've learned lot in process of installing 9.04 on couple of new laptops. 1 thing bugged me though, , having wasted afternoon working out thought i'd share knowledge in hopes helps else avoid same. telstra t6 cheap mobile phone made zte, manufacturer of oh-so-popular usb modems . on prepaid plan though, offer low-cost way occasional access telstra's widespread australian data network. wanted use linux laptop. had working before using modprobe.conf , wvdial tweaking how nm actually works other devices, so... model's not in standard hal fdi information of course, added (from other thread, changed t6's model id) /etc/hal/fdi/information/10-modem.fdi (if file exists on system you'd add device section): code: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!-- -*- xml -*- --> <deviceinfo version="0.2"> <devi...

New Director Podcast Posted, Episode #17

hello everybody! just wanted let know new episode of director podcast was posted on thursday. if subscribed in itunes already, update podcasts , you will find our new episodes there listening pleasure. for of know our podcasts, please visit we have posted additional rss links on site "non-enhanced" version of show "dial-up, lower quality" version of show. please check out podcast page more information regards this. we have implemented new search engine searching through our podcasts. once again, check out podcast page more information. enjoy! magicgate software, inc. More discussions in Director Basics adobe

Ethernet shield + arduino as a CLIENT, please help!

hi guys, i've made site (, hosted on server in webfarm) control arduino project, model of house, sensors, servo, lights,... the code control project perfect, i've adjusted it... the website accesses database, log users , sends parameters (like: "?3=accendi") internet... the question is... i've started project making arduino server, it's ready except part of code set arduino client connects website , listen incoming values... i've tried "webclientrepeating" exapmle wasn't able make operate... could explain me how do, or post me code of need? (i've searched haven't found nothing...) thanks in advance, hope u me!  :% this works me. sends request , reads server response every 30 seconds. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Networking, Protoc...

Joomla site maken in 4 verschillende talen....??? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

ik moet een joomla site maken in 4 verschillende talen. kan iemand mij vertellen hoe ik dat zou kunnen doen. en wat ik daar eventueel voor nodig moet hebben. ruud dat kun je doen met joomfish ( ... itemid,35/ ) joomfish een tool waarmee je de website beheerders de content kunt laten invoeren in meerdere talen. website bezoekers kunnen kiezen in welke taal ze de site willen zien. de eerstvolgende keer dat ze de site weer bezoeken wordt de site weer automatisch in de juiste taal getoond. Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Dutch Forum Algemene vragen

Help Removing Next and Back Buttons - not in global configuration - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i have site going have navigation areas google ads.  "fake ads" closer real ones, there big gap inbetween.  joomla has "next" , "back" navigation there, when disable in global configuration still has big space.  know how rid of space?  don't mind losing "next" or "back" ... 9&itemid=2 thanks!  insert module google ads directly below content fale ads , redo table height causes gap. insert {moslaodposition user= xx} , assign google ad module mosule position cheers leo Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

Help choosing the right wireless module

hi all, i'm basic @ electronics , wireless. what i'm trying , battery/solar pv voltages , current monitored remotely location on home. i've chosen raspberry pi store/make data available on home/internet ethernet connection. nrf24l01+ module printed antenna used communicate ardino , raspberry pi acts hub. i went nrf24 @ first place because cheap lets xbee , @ 2$ great , cheap learn . so far i've succeeded passing data arduino raspberry pi works small distance (4m-5m) passing 1 wall or so. i need able pass data through 3-4 walls of concrete , distance of 10-12m or less. there 2 other vareity of nrf24 circuits available. 1 sma antenna.. , pa/lna , sma costs 12$

Schrittmotor an TB6560 steuern mit Step & Dir

ich habe mir 2 stepper-treiber zum testen gekauft. klein, preiswert und hoffentlich tauglich und kann 3a. hier eine sehr schöne, ausführliche beschreibung in d dazu: nun suche ich schon eine weile rum und lese etliche artikel zu libs und im www und finde nichts gescheites. alles ich bisher hatte, bezieht auf die steuerung einer "nackten" h-bridge oder simplen treiber-chips. .... oder steuern mit pwm, für mich (grundsätzlich) untauglich ist klar findet man auch sketches, welche 2 pins benutzen - aber m.m.n. relativ "übel" programmiert sind. hat man mir boch bisher hier zugetragen, möglichst auf delays zu verzichten - verständlicherweise. wie macht man's besser ? mit timer(n) ? bevor ich hier nun in einer kleinen ewigkeit das rad neu erfinde, die frage euch: gipp's schon ? wo ? elementare codeschnipsel für ein grundgerüst würden mir schon reichen. zwischendurch: hab mir mal die ...

Page looks stretched in IE

take @ main page in ie: now @ page: in firefox, no problems. in ie, restaurant page stretched wide. i've gone on code can't figure out problem is. can help? gary they same me in ff3 , ie6 win xp. both pages fit inside 1280 viewport. -- nancy o. alt-web design & publishing More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

Trouble with export and viewing in CD

in captivate have created 2 movies computer based training, saved them .exe format. in captivate's menu builder, used wizard. when burn cd, , try cd out clicking on 1 of modules-nothing happens. any appreciated. you can contact me @ hi tflanders , welcome our community when created links in menubuilder, did click check box labeled "save file project"? if not, key point. also, did ensure copy .exe files cd? if not, need to! menubuilder doesn't "wrap" files single .exe. hopefully helps... rick More discussions in Import/Export adobe

G15 - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

tengo una duda sobre este template, es q sucede q en la parte superior, en donde deberia aparecer el nombre de la web, sale el link. en cambio con otros templates q pruebo si normal sale como debe ser. no se en que parte debo corregir  les paso el index.php id ) { initeditor(); } ?> " /> " ; ?> " ; ?> id ) { initeditor(); } ?> " /> " ; ?> " ; ?>                                                         design pctema team     y aqui desde donde pueden probar el g15: Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Spanish Forum Plantillas (templates) y diseño

InfraRed receiver+emitter

hi all, i've followed tutorial: and i've maked ir receiver , worked fine. i wrote code repeat signal recorded when switch pressed: void transmit() {  if(itsok == 1)  {    change_count = 0;    lasttime=-1;    deltatime=0;    while (change_count < sample_size) {      time = (long) timervalue[change_count] * 4;      deltatime=time-lasttime;      lasttime = time;      serial.print(deltatime);      serial.print("\t");      delaymicroseconds(deltatime);      bitprint = direction[change_count++];      serial.print("invio bit: ");      serial.println(bitprint);      if(bitprint == '0') //o 1?        digitalwrite(iremitterpin, low);      else ...

Raspberry Pi Forums - Login

username: password: i forgot password resend activation email remember me hide online status session   register in order login must registered. registering takes few moments gives increased capabilities. board administrator may grant additional permissions registered users. before register please ensure familiar our terms of use , related policies. please ensure read forum rules navigate around board. terms of use | privacy policy register raspberrypi

B+ Angekommen, Bilder - Raspberry Pi Forums

der b+ ist gerade angekommen hier die ersten bilder leider guckt die sd karte doch wieder 2 mm weit raus... verstehe ich nicht... hallo homwer, wenn du den raspi b+ in ein gehäuse einbaust und die sd-karte wechseln willst, brauchst du die 2mm zum drücken per finger, damit der auswurfmechanismus funktionieren kann. mfg pofoklempner ps: gut zu wissen, dass du ihn schon hast. raspberrypi

Thread: How can my Linux can receive SMS from my GSM ?

i control pc gsm, mobile. idea possible linux? posted frenchn00b i control pc gsm, mobile. idea possible linux? i dont know gsm phones in technical perspective ..but can control linux pc bluetooth phone there tutorial evolution shutting down , perform actions remotely ...just sms...just google search have sony ericsson w580i phone , connected linux system can control desktop , mediaplayer( partial ..and poor ) presentation ..i didnt check os details ubuntu karmic alpha 4 bluetooth dongle motorola .. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] How can my Linux can receive SMS from my GSM ? Ubuntu

Drag N Drop NEW back issues collection now available! - Raspberry Pi Forums

drag n drop new issues collection available! of favourite magazines 1i1 5i4 (20 issues) on usb flash drive (plug straight pi easy browsing). contains pdfs (all platforms) , original ovation/easiwriter files, programs , original clipart (risc os). memory sticks 4gb size there plenty of room store more of magazines come out in future. cost £14 including postage of world! visit purchase yours today. please note. exact colour/style may vary. raspberrypi

Actionscript 2 Question

hi all, i having problems project working on. if target flash player 6 in publish settings following code works. if target flash player 8 jpg's don't load. have ideas on why happening? if(_global.ref == 1) { loadmovie("web/"+_global.referenz+".jpg",_root.referenz_main.pic_container); } if(_global.ref == 2) { loadmovie("3d/"+_global.referenz+".jpg",_root.referenz_main.pic_container); } many thanks, scott you have typo in 1 of variable names. in flash 6, _root.referenz_main.pic same _root.referenz_main.pic not in flash 7+. More discussions in ActionScript 1 and 2 adobe

Piezo Buzzers as Knock Sensors

i didn't know else go information, thought make post, in hopes reach before experience headache have experienced. examples @ , cause think something's not working correctly. it's in code. these examples should updated more proper working software approach problem. following rest of these tutorials fine, when software, take @ following *bold* line: code: [select] /* knock sensor * ---------------- * * program using piezo element if knock sensor. * * have listen analog pin , detect * if signal goes on threshold. writes * "knock" serial port if threshold crossed, * , toggles led on pin 13. * * (cleft) 2005 d. cuartielles k3 * edited scott fitzgerald 14 april 2013 */ int ledpin = 13; int knocksensor = 0;                byte val = 0; int statepin = low; int threshold = 100; void setup() { pinmode(ledpin, output); serial.beg...

How Do I Define A Slowly Tilting Plane On An LED Cube? (Warning, math ahead)

please watch video starting @ 0:43: i'm attempting recreate plane of leds tilting xy-plane xz-plane. i have 4x4x4 cube. here i've figured out far: r = (0, 0, 0) + s(1, 0, 0) + t(0, y, z) y variable going 1->0 , z variable going 0->1 i can define 2 functions first increment z 0 1 , y 1 0, don't think elegant. thinking should done concurrently using 1 incrementor variable reduces y , increases z @ same time. so here function (written , being testing in java): code: [select]    public static void main(string[] args){        double incrementor = 0.2; //0 -> 1;        for(int s = 0; s<4; s++){            for(int t=0; t<4; t++){                int x = s;                int y = (int)((t*(1-incrementor)) + 0.5); //1 -> 0      ...