
Showing posts from May, 2012

Unterstützung für Arduino Programierung

hallo ich habe manches problem beim programm erstellen meines arduino mega 2560, da ich noch absoluter beginner bin. jetzt habe ich mir gedacht mir ein handbuch oder vielmehr ein buch über das erstellen von programmen zu besorgen. wo die befehle und anweisungen drin beschrieben werden und das in deutsch, da ich der englischen sprache nicht mächtig bin. kann mir irgend wer ein buch empfehlen ?  da ich früher in basic und dbase programmiert habe , fällt mir das programmieren nicht schwer, nur ich kenne mich bei dem arduino überhaupt nicht mit den befehls und anweisungen aus. mir beim programmieren fehlt sind anweisungen wie ich im programm ein menü erstellen kann von wo ich zu den einzelnen unterprogrammen springen kann und wieder zurück. da ich mir ein programm geschrieben habe für meine aquarien beleuchtung, ja noch machbar ist da die dimmung immer morgens und abens ausgeführt wird und die pumpensteuerung über den ganzen tag, jedoch wenn ich jetzt ein unwetter über random...

Converting image into bitmap array for OLED

hi all, i have 64x128 seeed oled display own images. i first download image internet, , use microsoft paint change dimension (64x128), , change black , white .bmp file. after done editing, use software called lcd assistant convert .bmp file bitmap array, , copy arduino code, upload mega 2560 , connnect seeed oled via i2c. the first trial ok. and wanted make own image display. draw something, use print-screen button capture , paste in microsoft paint, same procedure, , got bitmap : code: [select] static unsigned char abc [] progmem= { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0...

TKinter crashing very consistently, no error - Raspberry Pi Forums

i have code on phone, post once tethered. have program running reads in at-most 48 character statement pyserial, displays on canvas. uses after() callback combined tk.destroy() refresh screen every time new message sent. after 132 134 runs (+/- counting tolerance), crashes out full screen partial-size window tk in title bar , no message, empty gray box. commented out print lines, made output string global instead of local, , still did it. running terminal, crashed cleanly no errors. thought might memory leak, think give me error, it's not. plus having 512mb of ram, if factor 48-char serial string , at-most 36 char output string tv, there's no way can see adding 3.84mb per run take run out of memory. should start (other posting code, give me few minutes)? i attached file zip. original. after acted first time, commented out print statements thinking causing memory leak, didn't it, made outdata , outdisplay global variables thinking causing memory leak, didn't ...

Video Processing - Raspberry Pi Forums

i'm new , want receive udp video stream , modify video , display through tv (hdmi) , have using python. i'm thinking of using opencv , receive stream , modify frames , have no idea how rebuild video without saving video or possible display frames directly. opencv not support audio ffmpeg 1 thing came mind. appreciate if can point out steps, suggestions or other alternatives. thank you. it may depend on mean "modify frames" immediate reaction words "video", "python" , "raspberry pi" don't belong in same sentence. (speed reasons!) can explain bit more? raspberrypi

two temperature sensors and two led

i want control 2 temperature sensors , 2 led if temperature 1 > 32,than led1 light and temperature 2 > 32 ,than led2 light this code #include <onewire.h> #include <dallastemperature.h> #include <newsoftserial.h> const int led1 = 12; const int led2 = 13; #define one_wire_bus 9 onewire onewire(one_wire_bus); dallastemperature sensors(&onewire); void setup() {   pinmode(led1,output);   pinmode(led2,output);   serial.println("temperature sensor");   sensors.begin(); } void loop(void) {   sensors.requesttemperatures();   serial.println(sensors.gettempcbyindex(0));   serial.println(sensors.gettempcbyindex(1));     float room1 = sensors.gettempcbyindex(0);   if(room1>32.00)   {     digitalwrite(led1,high);     delay(1000);     return;   }   if(room1<32.00)   {     digitalwrite(led1,low);     delay(1000);     retu...

Thread: switch user cannot communicate with gdm

i've got problem outlined here: switching users doesn't work... clicking on "log out <user>..." main menu entry opens dialog, selecting "switch user" brings following error baloon: cannot communicate gdm (the gnome display manager) perhaps have old version of gdm running. any idea went wrong? it's not confined switching users... can't access login screen editor either; gdmsetup gives same problem. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] switch user cannot communicate with gdm Ubuntu

Thread: Upgrade killed my PC

hi, thought published question earlier today, must have killed window before submitting. anyway, did silly thing , hit 'upgrade' button in synaptic upgrade 8.10 9.04 didn't go well. had errors , during reboot following output before hangs - no windows, nothing * running dkms auto installation service kernel-2.6.28-11-generic * nvidia(180.44)... have done bit of research, searching etc references found relate loading drivers using hardware manager gui, can single user(root) prompt , know using intel quad core (q6600 ?) chipset , nvidia geforce 7100/6310i graphics card. tried install utilities , told apt-get issue: dpkg --configure --a goes through number of things , comes following: adding module dkms build system driver version = 180.44 doing initial module build -- , hangs. alol ideas gratefully accepted. what upgrading from-to! , how long stay @ ...

Serielle Kommunikation

hallo leute, bin absoluter neueinsteiger. habe gestern das arduino uno bekommen uns muss damit ein problem lösen: ich übertrage x- und y- koordinaten eines maussensors (adns-2051) über den usb-port des arduinos. das scheint schonmal zu funktionieren. und jetzt das eig. problem: ist es irgendwie möglich, diesen übertragenen werten einen genauen zeitwert zuzuordnen?  jeder übertragene wert sollte genau den zeitwert beinhalten, der seit beginn der messung vergangen ist. hat jemand damit vielleicht schon erfahrungen? wäre sehr sehr dankbar für eure hilfe! grüße, sebbo quote hat jemand damit vielleicht schon erfahrungen? nein. aber zu quote ist es irgendwie möglich, diesen übertragenen werten einen genauen zeitwert zuzuordnen? jeder übertragene wert sollte genau den zeitwert beinhalten, der seit beginn der messung vergangen ist. möglich ist es bestimmt, nur muss man dafür wissen, du mit den werten machen willst. wenn du erstmal testen willst, würde ich dir...

UTFT Lib and transparent bitmap

i have bitmaps defined such code: [select] prog_uint16_t knight[255] progmem={ 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x212c, 0x212c, 0x212c, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000,   // 0x0010 (16) pixels 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x212c, 0x2d7b, 0x1c35, 0x1c35, 0x212c, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000,   // 0x0020 (32) pixels 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x212c, 0x2d7b, 0x1c35, 0x1a70, 0x1a70, 0x1a70, 0x212c, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000,   // 0x0030 (48) pixels 0x0000, 0x212c, 0x1c35, 0x8222, 0xf56b, 0xc427, 0xc427, 0x5142, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000,   // 0x0040 (64) pixels 0x2061, 0x1a70, 0x5142, 0x2061, 0xf56b, 0x2061, 0x8222, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x2061, 0x2061, 0x2061, 0x2061,   // 0x0050 (80) pixels 0x212c, 0x5142, 0x8222, 0x8222, 0x8222, 0x5142, 0x2061, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x2061, 0xc674, 0xffff...

Used apt-get upgrade, now pi doesn't support hfs+ hard drive - Raspberry Pi Forums

title kind of explains all. have model b used nas (time machine macbook). thought time updated software had been while , ran "sudo apt-get update" , "sudo apt-get upgrade". after rebooting pi not mount hfs+ encoded hard drive. i've checked /proc/filesystems , isn't listed there hfsplus, hfsutils , hfsprogs still installed (i removed , installed again no avail). i'm kind of stumped. there reason why broken? i have update: think there issue update process. when ran "uname -a" showed current version "3.10.25+" although after running apt-get update , apt-get upgrade should have been "3.12.22+". went /lib/modules see if find hfsplus module , noticed modules folder read "3.12.22+". using rpi-update git hash 3.10.25 able downgrade 3.10.25 , since have been able access hfsplus hard drive usual. i'm sure i'll need update in future i'm not sure did wrong? ideas? raspberrypi

exporting from fireworks to dreamweaver

hi - apologies if dumb question starting out dreamweaver. i create header graphic buttons under change mouse rollover in fireworks. i save , export file dreamweaver, using export wizard , ticking right boxes. in dreamweaver insert / interactive images / fireworks html it inserts in preview mode there no rollover effects. i'm guessing html hasn't copied across. warning message saying :"some referenced files outside root folder , may not accessible when publish site...copy them site" , when click on ok nothing seems happen. help billy childish wrote: > save , export file dreamweaver, using export wizard , > ticking right boxes. don't "save" fireworks files. export them html , images site have defined in dreamweaver. -- linda rathgeber ace ::: pvii fireworks newsgroup: news:// css newsgroup: news:// -----------------------------------------------...

Voicecommand issue - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello ! trying install / set voicecommand 3.0 start home automation, , got issue : did every step install, , got error while doing auto-config voicecommand -s when need set , check speech recognition options : - change keyword : yes, - type key word : typed hello, - following recording myself saying "hello" - , returns me following : code: select all i got ????, different typed : pi (the ???? actuals littles signs on shell, dunno if not 7777) idea fix ? cheers raspberrypi

Managing my projects - how ? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi. need module/component/mambot or external php/mysql program manage project - order (not via ecommerce) ship quantity of alarm systems company. assign electrical chap task fit alram systems in company ordered them. once fitted, send out invoice via email company. i require invoice type system , progress of assigned task - how long take complete - how many alarm systems fitted. please advise. many thanks. hmm, sounds job [spam].  cool extension though joomla.  wonder if modify gigcalendar that? regards, montano Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

Best practices for encryption key management?

hello. i'm using coldfusion encrypt function secure data in database, want keep encryption key secure developers access code won't able see key , use decrypt information database. does adobe have recommended procedure handling this? in past, i've used cfencode.exe utility in coldfusion8/bin directory encrypt file containing encryption key , use cfinclude read key before doing encryption/decryption. i'm wondering if there better way of handling this, particularly split keys no 1 person knows full key. thanks. More discussions in Advanced Techniques adobe

3.6V cell phone batteries as power source for Arduino projects?

radio shack has 3.6v cell phone batteries in stock. possible use them power source arduino projects? if so, how can charge them? if have 3.3v arduino (nano, due) use power source. want add form of on voltage protection (i've heard of using 5.1v zener diode limit voltage 5v, i'm not sure how connected or if 3.4v ones, maybe user can enlighten?) charging battery, you'd need @ data sheet battery see kind of signals expects in order charge. if using 5v arduino (uno, mega, leo, etc) 3.6v not able power arduino. still run other parts of project though. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Motors, Mechanics, and Power (Moderator: fabioc84) > 3.6V cell phone batteries as power source for Arduino projects? arduino

Generating a single pulse without using delay and resources

hello, for railroad project drive electro magnet. how can generate single pulse (-+ 200 - 250 ms)? now use function reads values each time check takes of resources of arduino mega think. delay,... isn't available in case. i found topics wasn't thing. regards, minitreintje code: [select] void loop() {   static unsigned long pulsetimer.   if (timetodoapulse && !doingapulse) {     doingapulse = true;     pulsetimer = millis();     digitalwrite(solenoidpin, high);   }   if (doingapulse && millis() - pulsetimer >= 225) {     digitalwrite(solenoidpin, low);     doingapulse=false;   } }       Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > Generating a single pulse without using delay and resources ardu...

Are there any gas sensors called "Precalibrated Sensors"

dear sir, are there sensor modules called "precalibrated sensors" co,co2 @ market ? as heard sensors don't want calibrate in known concentration of gas want measure. difficult create known concentration of gases @ home. so method gas level in ppm range following sensor? sensor data sheet asked resistance known concentration of required gas measure gas in ppm level. sensor>> please me school project. thanks. this sensor calibrated. it costs 249 dollars. this 1 costs more 400 euros, the more professional or industrial quality want, more have pay. for home use, think devices measure carbon dioxide between 100 , 200 euros. but measure other gasses, don't know sure if measuring ...

Store records from Raspberry PI's Web Control - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi guys, seek on storing records time been switch on or off sql database whenever switch on or off. uses phpmyadmin store web control stuff. hardware raspberry pi , led. code: select all mysqlusername="username here" mysqlpassword="password here" #set refresh echo "how long want wait time be? " read waittime #invoke gpio echo "4" > /sys/class/gpio/export echo "17" > /sys/class/gpio/export echo "18" > /sys/class/gpio/export echo "21" > /sys/class/gpio/export echo "22" > /sys/class/gpio/export echo "23" > /sys/class/gpio/export echo "24" > /sys/class/gpio/export echo "25" > /sys/class/gpio/export #start loop while : #read mysql data #direction direction4=$(mysql -b --disable-column-names --user=$mysqlusername --password=$mysqlpassword gpio -e "select pindirection pindirection pinnumber='4'";) direction17=$(mysql -b --d...

Raspberry Pi Forums - Login

username: password: i forgot password resend activation email remember me hide online status session   register in order login must registered. registering takes few moments gives increased capabilities. board administrator may grant additional permissions registered users. before register please ensure familiar our terms of use , related policies. please ensure read forum rules navigate around board. terms of use | privacy policy register raspberrypi

AIR app installation: &quot;Sorry, an error occurred.&quot;

my client getting message when try install latest version: "sorry, error has occurred" "the application not installed because application name exists @ selected installation location. try installing different location." why won't update/overwrite old version? don't error message on machine. are sure they're not uninstalling older version first? usually when uninstall leaves folder none of files behind, enough air think application still installed. i double check , make sure they're not uninstalling first, installer/replace function handle new version , overwriting old. More discussions in Archived Spaces adobe

Thread: no wireless!!!

hi all. bought brand spankin new asus eee pc 1005. ditched windows xp , put on ubuntu netbook remix. has no can fix this? a quick search of forums 'eee wireless' turned on first page of results: thread titled appropriately enough, "howto: wired , wireless on asus eeepc 1005ha , 1008ha (jaunty)" , addresses question directly. who'd have thunk it, huh? tgeer Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help no wireless!!! Ubuntu

Heading changes position each page - why?! - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

my site, , running joomla. however, on pages, header seems indent 1 space. also, first line of copy text seems differ in spacing between title - looks 1 whole line between, others few millimitres. there anyway standardise this?! hope don't have adjust each page somehow! many thanks, pc i think difference in header text caused due css differences. contact heading on site controlled .contentheading style while login heading .componentheading check css, make styles identical, see happens. a Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Templates & CSS - 1.0.x

LED fade over bluetooth

hello, i'm not sure if i'm trying possible.  have simple led pwm fade i'd control via bluetooth.  have virtuabotix  bt2s-slave module bluetooth serial port.  i'm controlling pwm macbook pro, works wonderfully on usb.  on bluetooth, however, fade choppy.  i'm using standard firmata on arduino, uses baud rate of 57600.  made video demonstrate issue: anyway, reasonable assume can communicate enough on bluetooth?  thanks! further troubleshooting: i tried controlling arduino 2007 mac mini, , worked great! so means problem lies somewhere between 2012 macbook pro retina , virtuabotix bt2s-slave module.  i'm wondering: - have of run bluetooth issues on these new macbooks? - there further tests can run on mac dig deeper , diagnose what's wrong bt? fwiw, bt mouse , other devices work fine on it. thanks! Ar...

Error installing Bluetooth/BlueZ - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello, i'm trying install bluetooth with: code: select all apt-get install bluetooth bluez-utils blueman on root, received: code: select all reading package lists... done building dependency tree reading state information... done e: unable locate package bluetooth e: unable locate package bluez-utils e: unable locate package blueman if do: code: select all sudo apt-get update result is: code: select all get:1 wheezy release.gpg [2,256 b] get:2 wheezy release [2,256 b] ign wheezy release e: gpg error: wheezy release: following signatures invalid: nodata 1 nodata 2 internet connection ok, can ping surfing on web found other possible solutions, nothing changed: code: select all sudo apt-get clean sudo mv /var/lib/apt/lists /tmp sudo mkdir -p ...

Powering Arduino UNO and Stepper Motor off same Battery

hi everyone, just wondering what's recommended way run arduino uno , stepper motor using single 9.6v battery. know how power arduino , stepper motor separately using battery, not sure power them both @ same time off single battery. (i.e wiring, risk of surges(?), etc) thanks! recommend always run controller , motor off different power supplies. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Motors, Mechanics, and Power (Moderator: fabioc84) > Powering Arduino UNO and Stepper Motor off same Battery arduino

Reading folder from SD Card runs fine the first call, second time it fails. Why?

hello, i trying access content in folders on sd card. assuming have structure on sd-card: set1\   <dir>     04.06.13 12:50:20   9   ----   q:\   2013-06-04 12-50-18 rbowhlf4.bmp   62.454   30.05.13 02:16:30      -a--   q:\   2013-06-04 15-31-41 rbowhlf9.bmp   62.456   03.06.13 21:28:40      -a--   q:\   2013-06-04 15-31-38 in folder "set1\" there bmp-files. now when first time read in content of root folder, runs fine. both 2 files , directory read internal array. then read content of "set1" once. after try read root again, files in root detected, folder "set1" seems invisible. have idea why might be? code: [select] void getfilenamesfromsd(string* strdir, bool iroot) { ...

Dynamic Text fields and variables

ok, i'm complete dunce, i've been using flash few days patient me. all want use dynamic text field display variable using actionscript. code below not work. can please advise? need use loadvars? thought external data. just small error var myvalue:string = "text display"; this.icon_mc.icon_txt.text = myvalue; More discussions in ActionScript 1 and 2 adobe

Uno R3 not displaying at all in device manager

hi, i have uno r3. couple of weeks ago working fine, , while attempting run bunch of motors through driver board, stopped functioning correctly. the usbmodem port no longer listed in ide, , checking apple system profiler (and device manager on windows) showed no device connected @ all. i thought maybe 16u2 chip had somehow become corrupted, after few different methods tried reflash it. i used method flash hex file 16u2 (with avrdude on mac). the write apparently successful, avrdude threw no errors , finished code: [select] avrdude: verifying ... avrdude: 4034 bytes of flash verified avrdude: safemode: lfuse reads ef avrdude: safemode: hfuse reads d9 avrdude: safemode: efuse reads f4 avrdude: safemode: fuses ok avrdude done.  thank you. but board still doesn't show @ (lights etc. seem ...

3G modem causes system reset when no signal - Raspberry Pi Forums

brief description: when there no proper 3g signal 3g modem, system resets when usb_modeswitch. if system not reset, usb devices becomes non responsive , have reset hand. long description: can gather, there seems problem dwc_otg usb driver. seems patches have been applied driver, issues may still persist. rpi fine when there 3g signal or when remove sim card modem. but, if sim card inserted , there no 3g signal, rpi resets try switch modem or system becomes non responsive. problem appears both raspbian , archlinux. both distro's date latest packages on 19-06-2014. modem interrogated @ boot time, when there no signal, system goes constant reboot cycle until 3g signal becomes available. not know if know error or if patch under way. slowing down usb speed down tot usb1.1 not option because need add hd webcam later on. if can shed light on problem appreciated. hardware setup: --------------------------------------- raspberrypi model-b rev.2 (i have 2 boards, same problem) 4gb...

flashvars won't pass value

i trying retrieve value current url , pass php file embedded flash movie using flashvars. the flash code on frame 2. no matter i've tried (for 3 days), nothing works. assigning new variable in flash inside , outside of function. know $_get['orderid'] yields correct value, however, value never reaches flash. this driving me mad. tried couple days using loadvars no luck either. because code on frame 2? or have declare _level0 (i did try no luck)? i'm stabbing in dark here appreciated... here code fragments: from php flash file... ok - couple of things here. first should able call php script directly flash , return value without having pass through html , use flashvars. on right track using loadvars class , excellent way so. however, in php script echo should set different in order value read flash - i'll write quick example of how this, , t shouldn't matter code on frame2 - since call php script, , return directed return flashvar object. More discussions i...

Wierd warning

don't know what's up. i these strange multiple warning boxes when try open file in files panel. it says... the following translations not loaded due errors: has configuration information invalid dat.htm has " " " " jsp.htm has " " " spry.htm: has " " " xslt.htm has " " " when warning, unable see work in document window. can see in browser. what's up??? please help. thank ps; on mac osx - dreamweaver cs3 jmbroadus wrote: > don't know what's up. > these strange multiple warning boxes when try open file in > files panel. > says... > following translations not loaded due errors: you have corrupted cache file. follow troubleshooting step 4 in following technote: -- david powers, adobe community expert author, "the essential guide dreamweaver cs3" (friends of ed) author, "php solutions" (friends of ed) http://foundat...

Thread: Misterious background downloads

i've moved ubuntu you-know-what-os. internet connection @ 3mb/s. last couple of days i've installed netspeed , systemmonitor gnome applets. both of them showing strange (and high!) network activities. today became barely possible browse net. occurs every time, after login screen. how can sniff/trace traffic application or daemon spawns it? taking advantage of down link , need know how resolve this. take @ screenshot . haven't run apps might download anything. login desktop download speed @ max. is doing short period after startup or problem more or less continuous? while it's acting enter command in terminal , post output thread. code: sudo netstat -vep tgeer Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Networking & Wireless [ubuntu] Misterious background downloads Ubuntu

Thread: Dell Latitude D800 No Power

i travelling old dell d800. when got destination not boot. seems came loose when travelling. have checked ram , removed battery power off ac. pulled apart , not see loose. ideas wrong or for? i fixed taking apart , putting together. not sure loose guess video card. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Hardware [SOLVED] Dell Latitude D800 No Power Ubuntu

Need Advice for Multi-Lingual / Multi-Site - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i have finished building site.  buit on joomla 1.0.10 joomfish , translated 3 languages (english, german, french). the problem discovered, google see defaul language of english.  google robots not change javascript index site in langauges. my goals: 1.  have site listed on , being german or french language site 2.  have german , french translated metadata , meta descriptions match content translations 3. enable user select language want - via joomfish. question: how can achieve 3 goals listed above enable search engines find multilingual site , index in multiple languages. hi, i have te same problem , same goals. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Language - 1.0.x Joom!Fish and Multilingual Sites

Thread: Shell script .. How to find images and replace them ?

i need way find start-here-kde.png images in /usr/share/icons ( recursively ) , replace them custom image ( eg., located @ desktop ). how ( shell scripting knowledge below 0 ) ? here's example! found images & need replace them image: /home/skywalker/start-here-kde.png .. code: skywalker@ubuntu:~$ find /usr/share/icons -name "start-here-kde.png" /usr/share/icons/oxygen/64x64/places/start-here-kde.png /usr/share/icons/oxygen/22x22/places/start-here-kde.png /usr/share/icons/oxygen/128x128/places/start-here-kde.png /usr/share/icons/oxygen/48x48/places/start-here-kde.png /usr/share/icons/oxygen/16x16/places/start-here-kde.png /usr/share/icons/oxygen/32x32/places/start-here-kde.png you try this, not sure work up: code: find /usr/share/icons -name *"start-here-kde.png" -exec mv /path/to/your/image.png '{}' \; this use image.png , replace of entries find finds. want? ...

Only edit certain component from frontend? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i feel stupid question 1 need nonetheless. i need user able edit component front end (events calendar.) don't want them able have option edit else. how set up? morristk wrote: i feel stupid question 1 need nonetheless. i need user able edit component front end (events calendar.) don't want them able have option edit else. how set up? don't provide user member links thing submit events calender. regards dave Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Administration - 1.0.x

Bluetooth+ RX/TX + Arduino Uno

bonjour tout le monde, je suis en train de travailler sur un projet arduino actuellement. j'aimerai faire un truc qui semble assez simple mais sur lequel je suis bloquée depuis peu. je dois commander via une liaison bluetooth un compas digital monté sur le premier arduino, qui à son tour via une liaison rf commande un servomoteur monté sur le 2ème. la liaison bluetooth se fait correctement, de l'émetteur au récepteur je pense que ça passe aussi vu que je visualise sur le moniteur série toutes les valeurs prises par le compas..... seulement le servomoteur ne bouge pas comme je le souhaite, il réagit juste un peu au début puis rien après. voici le programme pour l'émetteur: code: [select] // reference i2c library #include <wire.h> #include <hmc5883l.h> #include <virtualwire.h> const int led_pin = 13; const int transmit_pin = 3; const int receive_pin = 11; const int transmit_en_pin = 12; const int servo_pin=8; // store our compass variable. hmc5883l...

Stock status of Model A, and low stock on B ? - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi everyone, need purchase several more model bs , model as.. went usual sources.. adafruit shows model "discontinued", if adafruit not stocking anymore, not know. have not given thought, last week spoke rep @ allied , mentioned discontinued. reps notorious given out incorrect information, 2 sources told me discontinued. can't seem find model on newark / element 14 either, , show model b "awaiting stock"... hmmm.. may coincidence or low stock on model a, have official info going on? regards, -moses there discussion model stock levels here . raspberrypi

Pre-installation Problems... - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

pre-installation check for: joomla! 1.0.10 stable [ sundown ] 26 june 2006 00:00 utc if of these items highlighted in red please take actions correct them. failure lead joomla installation not functioning correctly. php version >= 4.1.0 yes   - zlib compression support available   - xml support available   - mysql support available configuration.php writeable session save path writeable /home/httpd/vhosts/ having saved highlighted text above causes 1.0.10 crash nasty errors... can joomla once has installed, no probs, install component or mod, nasty error on pages. /home/httpd/vhosts/ is due wysiwyg tiny editor? thanks. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Installation - 1.0.x

(Solved)Map function apparently not working

solved okay, have analog temperature sensor have attached arduino mega 2560 on analog pin a14 if run default example code of analogreadserial (of course changing analog pin) code: [select] /*  analogreadserial  reads analog input on pin 0, prints result serial monitor.  attach center pin of potentiometer pin a0, , outside pins +5v , ground. example code in public domain. */ // setup routine runs once when press reset: void setup() {  // initialize serial communication @ 9600 bits per second:  serial.begin(9600); } // loop routine runs on , on again forever: void loop() {  // read input on analog pin 0:  int sensorvalue = analogread(a14);  // print out value read:  serial.println(sensorvalue);  delay(1);        // delay in between reads stability } i value of 156 in serial monitor. (yes value changed temperature suppose to) when run code code: [select] void setup() {  serial.begin(9600); } ...

A20-OLinuXino-LIME Android / Linux Board - Raspberry Pi Forums

the a20-olinuxino-lime update last years a10 allwinner ... 3-in-stock ... e-hardware either boot sdcard or nand a silly idea use a20. try using 1 of boards , hoodwinked script.fex idea. [mod edit - profanity removed - watch language!] raspberrypi

Programming the UART for 9 bits

need program uart 9 bits. ability set bit 9 1 address byte external device. , set 0 data bytes. quote need program uart 9 bits. ability set bit 9 1 address byte external device. , set 0 data bytes. you're not first. searching. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > Programming the UART for 9 bits arduino

Interrupt execution method

hello again i using 328p read 2 sensor inputs connected interrupts. controller takes in 6000 pulses second, 6hz on both interrupts. interrupt triggers flag value, don't trigger same value, ex if sense1() , sense2() functions, don't change flag x together, it's x , y separately. my question is, there times when both inputs fired together, or rendered high together. do still run function, or kind of conflict arise since 2 interrupts fired ? thanks if 2 interrupts pending @ same time, mcu service 1 highest priority. when isr has completed, if other interrupt still pending (that is, reason interrupt hasn't gone away), service other one. both serviced. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Microcontrollers > Interrupt execution method arduino

Help! Major issues.... - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i trying handle on whole user levels issue (i'm still confused why there 3 levels... public, registered, , special... sure nice able create own levels). regardless.... question this.  users listed public frontend (not registered) still able see 'registered' menu items.  there way make users not 'registered status' unless give them? lidocayne wrote: i trying handle on whole user levels issue (i'm still confused why there 3 levels... public, registered, , special... sure nice able create own levels). regardless.... question this.  users listed public frontend (not registered) still able see 'registered' menu items.  there way make users not 'registered status' unless give them? welcome joomla. question confusing. there guests visit site not registered. there registered users fit variety of classifications registered super administrator. guests cannot see thing have limited registered or above. suggest read anna's mini docs in faqs forum http...