
Showing posts from August, 2012

Both Green AND White modules with rounded corners - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

simple question (at least should ): how have both green , white modules rounded corners? have green modules , tried make different css class some, cant seem figure out create modules eg. top , bottom parts colored green , middle parts white (with green borders). top , bottom parts show, middle parts don't. wonder why. at following link can see efforts: all suggestions welcome. arnoud seems little bit complicated - @ least - im mixing 2 colors existing jpg files now. doesnt bad either must say. arnoud Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Templates & CSS - 1.0.x

My computer thinks the Arduino due is a GPS camera, on all ports

hi im new site, , arduino, , therefor bit of novis. please me out i bought new arduino due week ago, , plugged in using programming port. every thing went fine, when got step "look listing named "ports (com & lpt)". should see open port named "arduino due prog. port"", wasn't there. in place title gps camera detect (com4). have tried everything. have change ports, rebooted, re-downloaded arduino, etc. have tried manually download driver, couldn't i'm real novis! don't want try use native port undoubtedly create whole host of new problems. if have suggestions, please me out you got wrong driver installed somehow. i'm assuming you're running windows (7)? go start/computer , ***right click*** computer/manage. go device manager heading on left. right click gps camera entry , pick update driver , choose browse software. point have arduino software subfolders , let know happens. ...

Thread: display problems

hi! i've updated video card msi/nvidia geforce n9400gt , having trouble configuring ubuntu. display vizio vx37l. i've read forums , tried few different solutions, display ends being big actual screen (the panels off visible area). manual vizio states display 1366x768. made adjustment nvidia xserver settings (with paning option in advanced) , still had no luck. can me see i'm missing? in advance! **poke** have idea one? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Hardware [ubuntu] display problems Ubuntu

Timers on atmega32u4 (Leonardo/Micro)

i'm building uses servo, , stepper want run in timer based interrupt.  i'm reading atmega32u4 doesn't have timer2, , in tutorials timers in general i've read timer 1 taken servo library.  can both of these things micro, or move uno? paul stoffregen excellent job maintaining various libraries arduino.  suspect find need on site... while there may want pick version of micro (a "teensy")... or big brother... Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Microcontrollers > Timers on atmega32u4 (Leonardo/Micro) arduino

Changing HTML site to Joomla - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, i'm not sure if right place or not. if isn't i'm sorry. i finished doing website company, when finished told me wanted done can update it. first thought of writing self, due limited time, don't think happen. so wondering if possible joomla site any great. thanks. yes , not difficult. need install dynamic menu component other should out of box once have got template built. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Upgrading - 1.0.x

Flash 8 Pro Skin not visible

i'm new flash 8 pro. created test video clip learn how setup player skin. i'm able test , view video , skin using html preview. when upload .fla, .flv , .swf host site not appear same. player skin missing. i'm able make video autoplay , stop using component inspector. proves me have control of video. need expert resolving missing mojaveexternalall.swf skin. appreciate suggestions. thanks >>mojaveexternalall.swf when first import video , select skin, flash tells @ the finish video import step: 'the video component uses skin has been copied next .fla, needs deployed server." also, fla file flash source file, swf created. needs on server swf. -- dave - adobe community expert More discussions in ActionScript 1 and 2 adobe

Talbe in a form

i have table in form name, address, telephone number etc using css able change text size unable cahance cell size it. can hel joel you need style input field input {width: 150px;} textfield {width: 300px;} changing px required -- nadia adobe� community expert : dreamweaver -------------------------------------------- - css templates | free templates -------------------------------------------- - dropdown menu templates|tutorials - css tutorials ------------------------------------------------- "griffij76" <> wrote in message news:e4hj2d$510$ >i have table in form name, address, telephone number etc using css >i able change text size unable cahance cell size it. >can hel joel More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

Flex for Java Developer?

i working on flex 1.5 last 7 months.ealier hv worked on java (1.5 yr) i hv created application in flex sucessfully. my qtn is: whether have continue flex or move technologies struts etc. because have nil knowlwge of flash. or i hv start learning flash mx. necessary flex/java developer. i comfortable action script if uses business application unable produce better designs using it. please suggest. with regards vinay i'm going answer in context of flex 2, ship soon. flex 2 developer, important understand new apis of flash player 9 ... classes such eventdispatcher, displayobject, regexp, xml, etc. don't need experience flash authoring tool unless want create vector graphics hand. can make attractive graphic designs flex business applicatons (if that's mean "better designs") using css styles , programmatic skins in flex. More discussions in Archived Spaces adobe

Error when choose Contens or Menus - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i install joom!fish. when choose translation , categories (for example) it`s ok. see categories. when choose contents or menus here is: you have error in sql syntax. check manual corresponds mysql server version right syntax use near \'= 0\norder\' @ line 5 sql=select, title,, c.checked_out check_out, c.checked_out, c.checked_out_time, jfc_id, jfc.value titletranslation, jfc.modified lastchanged, jfc.published published, jfc.language_id, language\nfrom tant_menu c\nleft join tant_jf_content jfc on , jfc.reference_field=\'name\' , jfc.reference_table=\'menu\' , jfc.language_id=3\nleft join tant_languages jfl on\nwhere = 0\norder c.namedb function failed error number 1064 what be?! Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Language - 1.0.x Joom!Fish and Multilingual Sites ...

Correctly updating distribution? - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi there, wanted confirm whether performing sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade command upgrade version of raspbian same version in 20 june 2014 image released (or future image matter)? cheers! basically, yes. images snapshots of current system @ time, while apt-get update/dist-upgrade make sure latest available software installed. images supposed initial install, use apt-get upgrade keep date. way these differ when foundation decide make changes list of software installed, or change configuration reason. so, i'd stick apt-get updates, otherwise gong have start scratch each time. 1 of raspis set using 1 of first raspbian images , has latest versions of needs on it. raspberrypi

No manual entry for raspi-config - Raspberry Pi Forums

there should list of files tool edits. , more information on wiki: want enable camera , raspi-config fails function on ssh me... seems kind of under documented. looked @ this: code: select all grep -a 10 "enable camera" /usr/bin/raspi-config else # enable camera set_config_var start_x 1 /boot/config.txt cur_gpu_mem=$(get_config_var gpu_mem /boot/config.txt) if [ -z "$cur_gpu_mem" ] || [ "$cur_gpu_mem" -lt 128 ]; set_config_var gpu_mem 128 /boot/config.txt fi sed /boot/config.txt -i -e "s/^startx/#startx/" sed /boot/config.txt -i -e "s/^fixup_file/#fixup_file/" fi } , made change: code: select all diff config.txt config.working.txt 42,47c42 < #gpu_mem=16 # min < #gpu_mem=128 # min camera < gpu_mem=128 < < # no idea why here < #start_x=1 --- > gpu_mem=16 made pi not boot :/ (lights looked ok no answer ping) raspberrypi

Simply display data from database - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i can'tẗ figure out how display data in database. if load them array , try display them way: code: select all $i = 1; $j = 1; while ($tstque[$i] == true && $i<=50) {   $j = 1;   echo '<tr><td>'.$tstque[$i].'</td></tr>';   while ($tstans[$i][$j] == true && $j <=5) { # cycle through answers     echo '<tr><td style="padding-left:100">'.$tstans[$i][$j].'</td></tr>';     $j++;     }   $i++; } i word "object" instead of data. ok, read tutorials, doesn't explain what doing or trying achieve, nor me solve (imho simple) task. maybe missed important piece of documentation? it can't true can't understand simple process of displaying data database within few hours (half day in case). except this, module working fine... thanks advices, oak give me example of query , how getting result set can tell kind of datastructure trying display louis ...

Thread: file manager doesn't open ipod's music menu, give odd track tiles

this isn't huge deal, gtkpod, amarok, , rhythembox, work fine. when open ipod desktop, open menu list "contacts, ipod control , on. ipod control "music" shows music listed in 5 or 6 folders names f09. tracks in them titled 4 letter names , seem in odd order. i'm using jaunty , black 8gig nano. can give! : ) Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] file manager doesn't open ipod's music menu, give odd track tiles Ubuntu

While loop

good evening gentleman, i have little problem making while loop work , i`ve tried other examples of while or dowhile loops didn`t work either. here source code: there more code this, programs not seem out of loop once value of sensor (senzorspate) > 500. any ideas why ? don`t want use while, can use dowhile aswell, tried aswell did not work. i know i`m doing wrong...but don`t know what, other eyes may see better(for sure) i`m newbie. thanks, , sorry bad english. code: [select] while(senzorspate < 500)  {    int senzorspate you've introduced new variable, 1 controlling loop cannot accessed , therefore updated in body of loop. lose "int" please use code tags when posting code. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > While loop arduino

Animated flash button

hi, i know simple question because i've done before it's been awhile. have created button , on keyframe movie clip simple text scale in , out. have tried duplicate button library every change make affects text of original button. appreciated. hi, this vinay. new forum. can way. you can 1 thing. first copy button in library & give different name. , go inside new button & go text layer. refer properties of text & take text box in new layer & type new text want & align in exact place. after delete old layer. , come out. you done. your's vinay More discussions in Adobe Animate CC - General adobe

What is the price model?

i hesitant spend time learning new software without knowing price model. i checked faq , says free now... any ideas? i interested in price going be. the documentation states service "free while in free preview" model pricing going after goes live? i excited looking @ service whole, give me fast , easy way create sites unknowing users can update themselves, extremely hesitant start learning/using service when don't know how going cost maintain site build it. More discussions in Web Developer Discussion adobe

24v speed/direction controller circuit

i have power source (24vdc 1amp max.), , want able control (like pwm signal) way off 24v, , able switch polarity.  know how set arduino?  relay able turn off or on, isn't able handle of states in middle (10% power, 25% power, etc.). does know how build arduino-controllable circuit this? by way, if matters, speed/direction control dc motor. google 'arduino motor shield' or 'h-bridge'. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > 24v speed/direction controller circuit arduino

Fallback image

how define fallback image dreamweaver? image wich shows when people don't have flash player installed? does know? (these instructions how embed flash in light of current ie modifications, include information how provide fallback image) -- murray --- icq 71997575 adobe community expert (if *must* email me, don't laugh when so!) ================== - template triage! - dw faqs, tutorials & resources - dw faqs, tutorials & resources - macromedia (mm) technotes ================== "konrad design" <> wrote in message news:e4hka6$6h4$ > how define fallback image dreamweaver? image wich shows when > people don't have flash player installed? > > know? Mo...

Thread: Cinelerra Install Help

hi, i'm new ubuntu , i'm trying install cinelerra video editing. i've endlessly searched forums trying find solution problem. have 8.10 installed right now. used have 9.04 ubuntu installed thought cinelerra related install issues might due newer verision switched. i've tried figure out verison far i've had no luck. used instructions @ . put in code: echo deb akirad-intrepid main | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/akirad.list && wget -q -o- | sudo apt-key add - && sudo apt-get update after says enter code: sudo apt-get install cinelerra recieve code: hit hardy-updates release.gpg hit hardy release.gpg ign hardy/partner translation-en_us ign ...

PCF8574P problema con ingressi

stò provando il pcf8574p per la prima volta e per comandare lcd alfanumerici ho utilizzato la libreria liquidcrystal_i2c trovata sul playground arduino e con 2 lcd alfanumerici funziona! volevo provare degli i/o ma ho faticato trovare una libreria dedicata. ho provato questa: programmare output nessun problema. funziona ed è anche facile da utilizzare. per input non sono riuscito farla funzionare, nell'esempio fa riferimento all'interrupt nel file allegato riga 20: expander.enableinterrupt(8,isrgateway); // enable interrupt attach interruption               handler  arduino pin d8 , save isrgateway callback function quel numero 8 indica il pin arduino? ho provato ma senza esito. riga 22: expander.attachinterrupt(3,isrexpander,falling); / 3 è il pin del pcf8574p dove è collegato il pulsante allego anche lo schema che ho utilizzato. qualcuno mi può indicare qualche valida libreria? grazie per sugger...

Thread: ethernet connection...

strange problem ethernet connection(wired) stopped connecting seemingly no reason. hope not hardware problem. so light shows near card green, yellow? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] ethernet connection... Ubuntu

Thread: which game...

i play games. dont know if there games ubuntu windows has. please give me links can download free games ubuntu.... have core 2 duo processor 2gb ram , built in graphics card... urban terror. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Specialised Support Gaming & Leisure [SOLVED] which game... Ubuntu

Thread: Alexandria problem...

hi, i've been recommended using alexandria managing book collection. used onmy desktop, lost info during hdd failure. i've installed on laptop, it's not working @ - added via isbn, , after hang of around 30 seconds, 'couldn't add book' - 'no title'. same result try title. ideas? google on doesn't shed light me i don't use application myself. in order debug issue.. run application terminal-window , have hang, watch terminal-window messages can work with.. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Alexandria problem... Ubuntu

RTSP streaming camera live555 - Raspberry Pi Forums

i'm working rtsp server , camera, must stream camera , client using vlc , wath camera in real time, i'm beginner, user live555 source, trying demo live555 code, , i've stream file on computer, don't know how stream camera. spend 1 week read document , seach google, know must write fame source camera using subclass live555, encoder , using live555 stream it don't know how write fame source camera. document, exemble link etc.. can give me. thank lot, i'm sorry because english bad raspberrypi

Joomla! Forum - community, help and support - Login

the board requires registered , logged in view forum. username: password: i forgot password resend activation email remember me hide online status session   register in order login must registered. registering takes few moments gives increased capabilities. board administrator may grant additional permissions registered users. before register please ensure familiar our terms of use , related policies. please ensure read forum rules navigate around board. terms of use | privacy policy register Board index

Building A Tablet - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi guys, apologise lack of knowledge, after hours of trawling internet , speaking people, hoping speak of you, source, might able explain best me. wish design tablet specific use, , need small lightweight operating system. however, wanted ask execution of this. want on raspberry pi, hoping explain me how best have said. have go bare metal programming , use assembly code , on build os or use example raspbian noobs , build “application” modus operandi of entire device? i’m asking bit of guidance, seeing team , young , eager being south africa we’re struggling find start of low-level programming or device development really… thank you! i'd start off rasbian (either standalone or noobs - both of them end installing same os). if ( after developing application) find it's not light-weight enough, consider switching archlinux, or buildroot if want smaller that. start off simple, , optimize when need to, instead of trying dive in @ deep end raspberrypi

Would like to use Arch for a SMB share and Torrents... - Raspberry Pi Forums

i wondering if can point me in right direction? right raspberry pi running raspbian, bit outdated (software wise) , more little "bloaty" need. current setup raspbian is: boots off of external hdd, has smb share , have transmission-daemon installed, downloads smb share folder. have ddns set add torrents transmission while away home. how hard set exact same thing on arch? have install sort of security because use ddns access transmission? suggest use different distro? needs pretty simple , raspbian, think, how use pi. thanks this easy install code: select all pacman -syu pacman -s samba transmission-cli ddclient configure, systemctl enable transmission smbd ddclient sync reboot ... s#ddclient ... on_and_cli raspberrypi

Thread: Very simple problem, Please help!

i installed ubuntu 9.04 on moms computer using cd. had partition hard drive. had windows vista on it. has both ubuntu , vista. problem when starts can choose either 1 , vista works fine (except bugs , problems of course) ubuntu looks huge , big , big hard use or change settings. how make ubuntu screen not big , pixelized? first got system -> preferences -> display , see if there higher resolution available. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Very simple problem, Please help! Ubuntu

[FIXED] - Help available on frontend? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, i came across question site webmaster asking easiest way add images site contributors can use method. explained methods available , gave hint; why not add section , add content, link usermenu. but thought of else; logged in user , saw set server option. but... frontend user there no access help, available in backend. would possible make pages available on frontpage also? preferrable through link on usermenu? maybe needs filtering somehow, exclude backend items. or... second option add sampledata, section, , link usermenu. just thinking out loud... regards robin that concern related editor's functions including image manager guess. in fact may have related common functions editors , content parameters. Board index Joomla! Official Sites & Infrastructure Sites & Infrastructure - Feedback/Information Archived Boards - All boards closed Quality and Testing - Locked and Archived ...

Thread: Openoffice gives error in Terminal

whenever open .odt in terminal error $ javaldx: not find java runtime environment! please ensure package installed. if installed try removing ~/*.xml ** (soffice:3589): warning **: unable gail version number error - missing word count in dictionary file hash manager error : 4 still open .odt should worry error or try fix it? i've tried removing /*.xml have got package installed? code: sudo apt-get install Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Installation & Upgrades [ubuntu] Openoffice gives error in Terminal Ubuntu

avrdude: verification error, first mismatch at byte 0x0000 0x0c != 0x62

hello, im confused uno r3, uploaded code quite few months in uno, working fine. now without having altered of circuits, trying upload code changes,im getting strange error "avrdude: verification error, first mismatch @ byte 0x0000          0x0c != 0x62" i tried research able solve issue,  im running kind of fuse bit being changed or clock speed altered, im pretty sure did not play around these items. any people, please . . thanks taz Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Installation & Troubleshooting > avrdude: verification error, first mismatch at byte 0x0000 0x0c != 0x62 arduino

dual Temp, humidity, and light, display and monitor

i animal control officer , 1 of top complaints in summer people leaving pets in cars on hot days. can criminal offence here , have right enter vehicle if conditions life threatening. what if use arduino make device monitors ambient outside temperature, humidity, , light level. second temperature long probe can insert through open window or door seal. want able see these values in real time on lcd have them recorded. , want alarm can set on fly (up , down arrows on device.) i hoping guys can suggest arduino best. sensors use (something can certified great) ds18b20 - to92. , probe. also looking links , suggestions on programming this. remote device cant connect network (gsm not feasible) thinking make write values sd card. maybe in form of csv? , want time stamps constant clock might necessary. i game wants out , thank much. first arduino project defiantly not last. i wouldn't want break...

Thread: ACPI: Aborted because broken padding

when started pc today (kernel 2.2.28-15) got following messages after: starting up 0.093369 (no idea if need numbers) acpi: aborted because broken padding 1.625288 invalid compressed format (err=1) 1.634046 kernel panic - not syncing: vfs: unable mount root fs on unknown wp-block (0,0) don't remember doing special before shutting down yesterday, , kernel worked last few days. lucky me older kernel (2.2.27-14) still works, 8.10 splash screen , not 9.04 one. quite lot of freezes (firefox , amarok mainly) without apparent reason , i've never had freezes before anyway. appreciated or @ least tell me happening here. i had same problem morning. older kernel still working. has idea? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [SOLVED] ACPI: Aborted because broken padding Ubuntu

KEYDOWN and KEYUP events using Pygame without a window - Raspberry Pi Forums

i'm trying make program control printer made. want able manually control using arrow keys, can't figure out how detect keypresses. want use strictly console based controlling method. want use pygame detect keystrokes, don't want have blank window sitting there detecting keypresses. objective: able detect keydown , keyup events in console using pygame. ideas anyone? in advance! terminal input based on ascii codes. when press key code sent. non-ascii key such f1 or €, several bytes used; ascii escape sequence or utf-8 sequence of high bytes. may need pay attention timing distinguish arrow 3 separate keys esc [ a. when key released, nothing sent on terminal. impossible detect keys being held or released on ssh, instance. detect key presses and releases must either connect x window system pygame, or use kernel's evdev mechanism. former method works remotely on vnc or rdp, whereas latter reads local usb-attached input devices, , may require privilege. x a...

How can I access all the itemRenderer instances in a specific DataGridColumn?

how can access itemrenderer instances in specific datagridcolumn? or, if have rowindex , columnindex, how can itemrenderer @ indices? "ericbelair" <> wrote in message news:gibf6t$7cj$ > how can access itemrenderer instances in specific > datagridcolumn? or, if have rowindex , columnindex, how can > itemrenderer @ indices? what trying accomplish? More discussions in Flex (Read Only) adobe

Adding hyperlinks to xml document

hi i've built movie in flash cs3, calls in both images , text xml file. 1 thing i'm having problem with, getting of text (usually url) function hyperlink. can code text within xml file include hyperlinks? example, how 1 image , accompanying text in xml file; quote: <image> <id>1</id> <title>image 1 heading</title> <description>image 1 text.</description> <imageurl>images/image5.jpg</imageurl> </image> many help. what show fine, won't create text-based hyperlink if that's after. nothing in resembles hyperlink (<a> tags). can describe want accomplish respect end product , function like? More discussions in Adobe Animate CC - General adobe

Stupid noob question about mambots - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi all, have spent few hours trying find answer - apologies if covered elsewhere. i'm converting our site joomla , looking alternative modulebot. found includemodule , had trouble installing it. first got "failed move media directory" message (i've asked isp check permissions) when tried manual install got "failed copy file:" message. can't ftp files folder , register mambot somewhere? how mambots "registered" - added mambots db? when used modulebot ftp'd files mambot directory , called tag. very confused - thoughts appreciated.  cheers first........ next: what difference between modules, components, , mambots? modules simple plug-ins present information on site. menus modules. polls modules. user sign-in module. modules can added positions, , appear on web site. components applications. add functionality joomla admin. when want add newsletter functionality mambo site, install both component , module. when add component, you'll see un...

A designer's responsibility in copyright issues?

i posted in dreamweaver forum, probaly fits better in here. had client wanted me use line drawings gave me website. drawings provided scans, , when enlarged, it obvious drawings scanned book or magazine. claimed did not know origin of scans. told copyrighted material, , can in big trouble using them. said, "i rather beg forgiveness, ask permission". our business relationship ended 5 seconds later. question this: if had not noticed drawings copyrighted , put them on site? anyone know designer's liability in such situation? il doctore wrote: > posted in dreamweaver forum, probaly fits better in here. > had client wanted me use line drawings gave > me website. drawings provided scans, , when enlarged, > obvious drawings scanned book or magazine. > claimed did not know origin of scans. told > copyrighted material, , can in big trouble using them. > said, "i rather beg forgiveness, ask permission". our > business relationship ...

Serial Communication Arduino Electric IMP - missing bits

i missing last few characters when sending string imp , arduino. i running 19200 baud, pin 8.9 on software serial. this code. individual characters read,however last few (varying) not added indata string reason???   // read serial empty   string indata = "";   while (impserial.available() > 0)   {     char character =;     indata += character;     serial.println(character);     delay(10);   }   serial.println(indata);   // print out on screen   messageprint(indata);     traces this: serial killer ed homeless poun serial killer ed homeless pound serial killer ed homeless pounds serial killer ed homeless pounds serial killer ed homeless pounds o serial killer ed homeless pounds of serial killer ed homeless pounds of serial killer ed homeless pounds of $ serial killer ed homeless pounds of $ serial killer ed homeless pounds of $ serial kille...

Preloader Issue

hello folks..... i best explain. i have large .swf files being output captivate. created preloader custom animation existing defaultpreloader.fla , changed percentage 60%. i have been testing output on lowest common denominator of connection , when percent loaded gets 60%, preloader disappears , blank screen while seems rest of swf loading. in other words, doesn't appear script telling movie start playing after 60% loaded. missing here? thanks in advance!!! still working on this. been messing code in preloader. still getting nowhere. any appreciated. More discussions in Adobe Captivate adobe

Need some help with my T6963-based display!

hey! i've obtained couple of these t6963-based displays ( ), nice use robot project. however, i'm not sure how thing working. doesn't seem display uses more common libraries out there, , contains couple of pins new me. i've been using modified library example thread on forum ( ), display stays blank. however, think problem number 17 pin on display, don't know with. says needs negative voltage (-5v), how produce negative voltage? maybe library isn't compatible display, number 17 pin, or combination of both. what think? all appreciated! by way, have 2 clicks in link datasheet. // andreas code: [select] u8glib_t6963_128x64(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, cs, a0, wr, rd [, reset]) from might work. cs = /ce a0 = c/d the datasheet claims, -5v generated , available @ vee: place...

Unable to clone SD card (Mac) - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi everybody! i've followed bunch of guides using dd (on mac, os x, 10.9.4) clone pi sd card, isn't working. original works fine, each time have cloned thing, other 1 won't boot pi. there i'm missing? same thing every time, though i've used dd command little differently each time. starts load fine, gets kernel panic saying similar "no filesystem available mount root" , gives kernel/message dump. i've got 1 screen, it's hard copy word word, can if help. matter format copy sd ms-dos/fat prior writing image disk/drive? have been doing. 1) insert original card machine 2) use diskutil list determine right card 3) issue: dd if=/dev/(r)disk# of=~/desktop/pi.img bs=1m(or 4 or 8) 4) eject card , insert test card 5) using disk utility, erase card, , let format 1 fat partition. 6) using disk utility, unmount card 7) issue: dd if=~/desktop/pi.img of=/dev/(r)disk# bs=1m(or 4 or 8) 8) eject card goes fine, when stick in pi , turn on, same ker...

Low Cost RF Transmitter and Receiver Setup x 100 LEDs controlled

looking low-cost approach controlling 100 leds via rf.  these leds battery powered , need blinked on , off , preferably faded, each being controlled separately.  @ short distance transmitter yet unable wired.  i trying figure out how minimize costs , yet still able control these 100 leds. suggestions? so each led, in addition battery, need rf receiver , small processor receive addressing information , determine if led being addressed.  can use attiny85  ($1.18) processor, virtualwire library sending messages , cheap ook rf receiver raw data.  receivers can via $0.85 each: Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Networking, Protocols, and Devices (Moderator: fabioc84) > Low Cost RF Transmitter and Receiver Setup x 100 LEDs controll...

Fantastico - CHOWN - CHMOD777? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i have full featured server account in have both cpanel , whm reseller panel. while in main account's cpanel, used fantastico install latest release of joomla. i have site , running, haven't had problems installing, administrating, etc., however i had login cpanel file manager , set listed directories, files chmod777. this worries me. i have tried more secure settings, nothing works. the owner of files, , directories, main account login user name, use to get cpanel, ftp, etc. do need chown other user? if so, who? i ssuming need shell access chown? what hazards of leaving dirs/files @ 777? what number should be? forgive me if has been covered extensively elsewhere, but have looked . surely many people must run situation. would simpler delete fantastico , install scratch? whatever simplest remedy is... i'll it. as joomla web installer preinstallation checker : ¨in order joomla function correctly needs able access or write files or directories. need check , change permissio...

Und Funktion

hallo leute, da ich auf die schnelle in der suche nichts passendes gefunden habe muss ich hier einen neuen thread aufmachen. code: [select] if(readstring.indexof("r1") > -1) {             for(int fadevalue = 0 ; fadevalue <= 255; fadevalue +=5) {             // sets value (range 0 255):             analogwrite(decke, fadevalue);                      // wait 30 milliseconds see dimming effect                delay(60); } ich möchte diese funktion nur ausführen wenn der wert fadevalue nicht schon den wert 255 hat. nun ist die frage wo füge ich die unde verknüpfung und die abfrage des wertes fadevalue ein ? ich habe es schon mehreren stellen versucht aber dies hatte immer die folge das es sich nicht kompilieren ließ. eigentlich so: if(readstring.indexof("r1...

Image tagging - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, i'm new joomla, , forum.  i'm sure quesiton has been asked before, guess can't find right thread. there image gallery component or module allow users "tag" pictures in similar manner facebook or, or @ least leave comments on each picture? thanks. i'm looking exact same component doesn’t seem exist. photo tagging strong asset in community driven website since reinforces social aspect of site creating interaction between users. if knows photo gallery project integrates such features, appreciated if post link here. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Extensions - 1.0.x Components

Pidora 20 (2014) and minecraft - Raspberry Pi Forums

long story short, ive been redhat-based guy since mid ninetys. bought son pi teach him, , of course installed minecraft. got sdl , libpng up, setup vchiq permissions, minecraft not load opengl display. screen flicker bit if tries, , background window stays without crashing. know minecraft trying , thinks displaying. played around it, gave gpu of memory, im wondering if either version/package incompatibility or problem opengl display positioned. ran before? note, did running off bat raspbian, prefer pidora use on pi if can. thank you! for running in future, found similar symptoms in raspbian when used compositing window manager. once compositing turned off, minecraft worked fine. dont have sd card laying around see if case pidoras default desktop/wm yet. know starts xfce, im unaware of window manager using without trying load again. raspberrypi

Thread: epson stylus nx415 doesnt print

i found drivers , printer, installed pipslite , added ppd right spot , did lpadmin add ppd cups list. opened cups in firefox , plugged printer in. clicked find new printer , came printer , name, etc. added printer, when try print test page, nothing happens, , when check on printer list, shows error next printer's name: /usr/lib/cups/filter/pipslite-wrapper failed followed had done according website: please help!!! Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Hardware [ubuntu] epson stylus nx415 doesnt print Ubuntu

Arduino connection to Android device through USB hub

hi all, i'm looking kind of board that's able communicate android device through usb hub: android device --> usb hub --> kind of board. have tried ytai ioio-otg , works fine direct connection, doesn't seem function through usb hub. have searched net solutions , found arduino board shield might solution, i'm not sure this, hope can give me answer. is possible make connection arduino board android device through usb hub? if yes, best approach? thanks in advance :-) an arduino leonardo it. or use bluetooth. arduino+bluetooth really easy do. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Microcontrollers > Arduino connection to Android device through USB hub arduino

structs in libraries

hi all; i trying create library struct. starting out simply, header file has; class sourcemodes { public: typedef struct    {    int maxval;             uint8_t scale;                uint8_t srcsnk;          uint8_t cvcc;          }   srcmodes_t;       }; then constructor in cpp file has; sourcemodes::sourcemodes (void) { sourcemodes::srcmodes_t srcmodes;    srcmodes.maxval = 1023;    srcmodes.scale = 1;    srcmodes.srcsnk = 0;    srcmodes.cvcc = 0; } the arduino compiler gives me error on line sourcemodes::sourcemodes (void) { sourcemeter.cpp:14: error: definition of implicitly-declared 'sourcemodes::sourcemodes()' i...

Thread: Drivers For NVIDIA GeForce 9600M GT?

ok before list problem not experienced programmer or linux user if tell me have list steps! sorry inconvenience! other day dual booted system ubuntu (i on vista) after changing screen resulution tried enable desktop affects found out graphics card has no driver ubuntu ! running on 64 bit ubuntu! can find driver graphics card , how install it! oh , running on ubuntu 8.04 lts desktop 64 bit! sorry i'm linux newb look in system>admin>hardware drivers Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [ubuntu] Drivers For NVIDIA GeForce 9600M GT? Ubuntu

OpenGL SDL2 & Mouse Event - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello, try build photobooth using pi, picam & touchscreen act usb mouse. build under sdl2 & opengl (fullscreen application). here problem : - detect screen touch, want detect mouse move. - sdl2 opengl doesn't work under x, have run program console - sdl2 catch no event in configuration : no mouse & no keyboard (my code below) how can mouse event if i'm not running x ? have mannualy manage /dev/input/event or /dev/input/mice (hard stuff) ? help code read event : init sdl : code: select all window = sdl_createwindow("phototwix",sdl_windowpos_undefined, sdl_windowpos_undefined, screen_width, screen_height, sdl_window_fullscreen | sdl_window_opengl); event pooling : code: select all while (sdl_pollevent(&event)) //retrieve mouse move { std::cout << "event : " << event.type << std::endl; switch(event.type) { cas...

connect Rpi's GPIO to alarm input on security camera NVR? - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi all, have project idea i'd use raspberry pi for, i'm not sure it's possible. have swann security camera system installed @ house sends email alerts every time camera detects motion. want send emails when i'm away (i don't need email alert when walk in front of own camera!) camera system can set send alerts when "alarm" triggered. idea set python script on pi scan home wifi network once minute nmap cell phone's ip (i set dhcp reservation mac address gets same ip). if pi doesn't find phone on network (meaning i'm away), trigger alarm on camera system allowing send email alerts on motion detection. problem have right alarm inputs on camera system 12-volt, , pi's gpio header runs @ 5-volt. know how might able connect pi's 5v gpio pins camera system's 12-volt alarm inputs make work? the gpio pins on rpi 3v3 not 5v! there full time 5v available on couple of pins in gpio header not gpio. need relay , 12v power source if 1...

wiringPi wrapper for euphoria - Raspberry Pi Forums

i've put complete wrapper wiringpi use euphoria programming language . i've been using parts of months , worked needs decided few days ago tidy files , put them on github others use. if haven't got euphoria installed on raspberry pi have tarball of binaries & source on website ... ian.tar.gz can bit of catch-22 build first time need euphoria build euphoria raspberrypi

color correction

hi! i'm newby... how can adjust color of pic ?! when press left mouse - xtras - color control it has no effect on picture... please help... im searching hour :-/ kayoz wrote: > how can adjust color of pic ?! when press left mouse - xtras - > color control has no effect on picture... the color control xtra works on vector objects, not raster images such as jpeg or tiff. for rgb color work in fhmx, can add transparency effect vector object above image, or use gradient mask effect let objects below the image show through. for cmyk color work, can apply transparency lens fill object above image. if want adjust color in raster images, best controls in dedicated raster image editor such photoshop or fireworks. judy arndt More discussions in Freehand adobe

Quick Clean-up Question... - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i've overwritten 1.0.10 files in recent sub-directory based joomla test site. it hacked inimitably-infamous "by thehacker", also, if not other kiddie-scripters, wiped out entire server's ability shared clients access cpanel accounts. server has been restored. all items corrected. i've done necessary re-install/overwrite mentioned above rid of compromised index.php & index.html files but, though permission have been correctly set, , when viewing code of installed corrected joomla 1.0.10 index , index2.php files 1 sees 1 should see, every attempt view site still rewarded "by thehacker" i've wiped clean cache. i've cleaned cache multiple browsers. i've triple-checked there no "compromised-file" lurking. and still, no luck. is there thread here i've on looked? there newbied file i've not reset? any clues please? or problem in sort of .htaccess set up? the test installation located such: code: select all

Simple UPS - Raspberry Pi Forums

trying come decent ups , have far... charger w/pass-through power rechargeable battery power booster ensure 5v delivered pi @ times. remove power indicator led (if can't find connection) , use signal "shutdown pin" tell me think... making headway... found different option, powerboost 500 comes in variation has charging circuit built in. makes things alot easier. on 500c tapped usb pin connected directly incoming power mosfet holding pin on pi's gpio header. when power unpluged pin goes low pi shuts self down. thing left due make pi start when power returns, on 500c there enable pin, pin held high , when connected ground turns off output battery, think can use mosfet , capacitor create delay on break circuit pull pin low once shutdown complete. there low battery pin held high, think if can connect enable pin give me low-votage protection batter...

How to use Comunication Data with USB on Arduino Uno

please me  :~ i've been looking references in various places. , have never found way make program counter using visual basic 2008 arduino input counter, , use usb data communications. use arduino uno. have solution solve problem? i need soon.  why insist on using vb? visual c# equally affordable, , makes easy connect serial port, , read , write data to/from it. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Interfacing w/ Software on the Computer > How to use Comunication Data with USB on Arduino Uno arduino

Stumped Newbies: Trouble setting up MySQL Database - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello joomla community  two newbies here trying first joomla site , running so far have -prepared pc environment downloading , running xampp -downloaded latest joomla version, unzipped, , put in public html file via filezilla -bought virtual server space via internetforall , secured domain name -gone on internetforall control panel (by typing ip address in browser window) , established mysql database (we think) we still cannot joomla install page when type in our website (even /joomla  installation.php  @ end of url) from online tutorials have read, think problem has php configuration or setting of mysql data base any insight y'all can offer appreciated thanks  considering cannot installation script, unlikely mysql db issue, joomla has yet make connection db. it possible 1 or more files corrupted upon uploading, or folder putting joomla in, not publicly accessible. depending on host public files should go in /htdocs or /public_html. again dependant on how host ha...

Module that lists business cards? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi i did try search before posted here.  does know if there module available allows contacts include "business card" in link - has asked me more visual links system on site - suggestions or on gratefully received. thanks mike hi shadowuk! check out sigsiu online business index ... itemid,35/ hth wp1 Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Extensions - 1.0.x Modules