
Showing posts from January, 2013

Please help! - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i'm newbie joomfish , had installed website defult language english word in website in thai. so decided use joomfish translate it. but found problem...... site has set defult language english(only 1 choice). when install joomfish it's set same defult language site. can add thai language defult language both myweb , joomfish config. please me sorry stupid language hi, yes, install thai language file, , in administrator, language manager set thai default language. go joom!fish configuration , activate thai language, change order fields , doing make thai default language joom!fish/translations. regards robin Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Language - 1.0.x Joom!Fish and Multilingual Sites

Thread: Can't Move Icons

first of all, hi new using ubuntu rocks ok problem looks has been screwing around whit ubuntu cant either open folder double-click either move icon, when try move it creates selection box, hope some1 can is problem happening on desktop? if so, try restarting nautilus. open run dialog (alt+f2) , enter "killall nautilus." run dialog disappear, along icons on desktop. open run dialog again , enter "nautilus." icons should return desktop , window should open. also, mention have messed computer. may sound stupid, have tried seeing set wallpaper? have pulled prank on , uploaded screenshot of desktop wallpaper. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [ubuntu] Can't Move Icons Ubuntu

Cann't see cursor blinking

function run (event:event) { my_txt.stage.focus=my_txt; } my_txt.addeventlistener(event.enter_frame,run) cann't see cursor blinking in authoring environment time happen. check swf in either browser or using standalone player but need little correction better performance. enterframe called multiple times. once work done remove unwanted function call. i have modified code little. More discussions in ActionScript 1 and 2 adobe

Udvikling hjemme(local) og publiceret hos host(online) - ang flytning af mysql - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hej joomla! er begyndt @ bruge joomla efter @ have opdaget de mange muligheder det. har host hos som køre med: database version:  4.1.20-nightly-20060502-log  php version:  4.4.2  web server:  apache  har tænkt mig @ arbejde hjemme med siden...da det os burde være muligt...da jeg ikke lige har net hjemme tiden. leder efter en http-server sådan bundle pakket... da jeg bare skal arbejde med joomla primært...senere sætte mig ind @ sætte de forskellige dele op. fand på under http-servers denne: xampp: apache 2.2.2 mysql 5.0.21 php 5.1.4 phpmyadmin 2.8.1 xampp control panel version 2.3 filezilla ftp server 0.9.16c andre som kan anbefales end denne bundle pakke? mit spørgsmål er så om jeg kan flytte fra mysql 5.0.21 til en 4.1.20...uden det store besvær? eller er det store spring mellem dem. hvis det er muligt vil jeg gerne vide hvordan... håber andre som os har tænkt sig @ arbejde localt kan få nytte af denne tråd som jeg vil f...

French characters - need help please - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello, i have been reading various threads utf-8 encoding etc. in joomla! confused level of problem dealing with.  site setting in english french content.  content owners entering content french accents wysiwygpro editor, using "paste word" feature hoped clean out microsoft gremlins.  french accents not displaying correctly on page (you can see here: ) i have checked environment , looks this: database version: 4.1.11-debian_4sarge2 php version: 5.0.4 web server: apache/2.0.54 (fedora) webserver php interface: apache2handler joomla! version: joomla! 1.0.10 stable [ sundown ] 26 june 2006 00:00 utc the database set english utf 8 , collation utf8_general_ci. the html outputting assume coming echo ' '; in template.  conflict causing problem?  if so, how change encoding in joomla?  or should hard code in template? or different problem altogether?  thank in advance advice. just update... ...

Noob - Serial Port Issue.

we have start somewhere, right? haha. downloaded software , plugged arduino uno computer > did not receive network dialog box > , check arduino uno in tools > did not have /dev/tty.usbmodem option in serial port area. is because i'm running 10.8.4? should install 10.6? if have to, i'd rather stick have know. what step did skip ? i upload screen shots prove it... i know dumb question, , asked because solved problem, but, have tried different usb cable? Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Installation & Troubleshooting > Noob - Serial Port Issue. arduino

Flash Looped Sound in Dreamweaver

created flash movie music in sound layer set looping. when published, .swf file placed in dreamweaver site. flash tests correctly in flash sound, when played in browser, sounds sound duplicated or 1 overlaying other. right clicked flash , unchecked "play" button. stopped play of movie , @ same time corrected sound layer taken off. don't know what's wrong. created dreamweaver site learn , flash. rachel m. More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

Thread: Wifi se desconecta cada 5 minutos

hola buenas todos ,soy nuevo en linux y ubuntu y tengo problemas. mi conexion wifi, estando conectada y navegando , pasados 5 minutos , las paginas nos carga aunque estoy conectado y tengo que volver reconectarme la red. como puedo solucionar este problema , muchas gracias. alguna ayuda gracias mirando por ahi visto que si voy configuracion de sistema->administracion-> usuarios y grupos: , mi usuario, y en propiedades, en privilegios de usuario veo que no tengo marcada la opcion de conectar internet con un moden o , la de conectarse rede inalambricas,¿puede ser ese el problema? ¿ como puedo darme privilegios de usuario como la del root ? hola buenas todos ,soy nuevo en linux y ubuntu y tengo problemas. mi conexion wifi, estando conectada y navegando , pasados 5 minutos , las paginas nos carga aunque estoy conectado y tengo que volver reconectarme la red. como puedo solucionar este problema. alguna ayu...

While Loop in an interrupt

hey guys! got problem interrupt loop: code: [select] void setup {   attachinterrupt(0, shutdown, rising); } void shutdown() {   serial.print('a');   breakson();   while (1) {     serial.print('a');     serial.print(",");        delay(1000);   } } i strange behaviour: when press interrupt button, while loop seems loop endlessly without sending serial 'a', if comment out of while (1) loop, serial monitor sends , executes breakson function intended. any advice here? can't work out. don't serial prints inside interrupts. don't use delay. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > While Loop in an interrupt arduino

Thread: best sites to find commercial quality games for linux?

just stumbled on site , has best list (or nicest looking) seen of games pics , descriptions (commercial , free linux) (ordered first commercial, clicking other categories free games) says still beta looks great found games (even free ones) never seen before fullmetal soccer other sites? important one. , popular 1 Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Community Discussions The Cafe best sites to find commercial quality games for linux? Ubuntu

How quickly I can change pin states on Arduino?

hi, i'm thinking of implementing project require quite lot of data transferred shift registers , i'm thinking limitations in performance expect arduino plan project properly. instead of using digitalwrite() sets state of pins individually understanding can write state directly porta/b/c/d global variables, sets state of 8 pins in each port @ once. if understood correctly, memory write on atmega takes 2 cycles, @ 16mhz mean can change state of 8 pins @ 8mhz, right? thanks, jarkko well can write @ rate have else fetch data , slow down. for transferring data shift register @ using spi interface, think run @ 1mhz Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > How quickly I can change pin states on Arduino? arduino

RTSP streaming - Continously write to file, delayed playback - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi guys, relatively new working raspberry pi i'm sorry if simple thing do! need do: save live rtsp stream file has maximum length/ file size or something, stop filling drive. need 5 minutes of playback saved @ once, need updated can leave pi running views rtsp stream. brings me second issue. need play saved stream @ 2 minutes behind real time recording (if 11am, want viewing recording @ 10:58am, hence why need save file instead of streaming it). feed camera on 24/7 , pi need view stream 2 minutes behind constantly. i've tried far: within terminal have tried using: code: select all openrtsp rtsp://stream url saves stream file called "video-h264-1" writes until stop recording. have tried add -4 command comes lots of weird symbols , doesn't create file. once saving/saved stream can play video omxplayer using following: code: select all omxplayer video-h264-1 cannot file play in player because raw file (saving mp4 did not work mentioned above) omxplayer ex...

74HC595 - led won't light up

hi, i played around 74hc595 today , followed playground tutorial regarding piece of hardware. the problem non of leds willing wo light up. tripple checked wireup , im sure not problem. i can measure voltage on output pins of 74hc595. here foto of setup: after hours of searching loaded blink sketch ( pin13 high/low ) , wired led 220ohm resistor it. the funny thing led not willing light up. check anode in right direction. so tried more basic: i wired resistor , led 5v output of arduino , wired cathode ground pin. nothing happend somehow fried arduino ? what should next steps ? thank so after playing around got single led blink the thing remember row on breadboard connected. when inserted led anode + cathode same row basicly shortcuted way fpr current - avoiding led :/ sorry, im dumb *close please Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > LEDs and Multiplexing ...

Basic onEnterFrame question

i'm creating project, , testing out how things before put them in real project. attached code click btn01, attaches circlecopy stage, circlecopy automatically supposed move left right indefinitely. the circlecopy attaches, doesn't move. code simple can - missing? the problem order of execution. when flash enters frame code say, "okay know when btn01 clicked. oh, , should attach onenterframe handler to ballcopy." the problem @ time enter frame there no such thing ballcopy. second half ignored flash. so need wait until ballcopy attached before try , assign things it. easiest way put declaration of onenterframe inside of onrelease handler. More discussions in ActionScript 1 and 2 adobe

Can i remote control an Android from an Arduino ?

guys, i have idea put cheap android tablet @ front door - provide webcam comes door etc. i plan use android control doorbell (it send me notification through 1 of push notification services) , snapshot of @ door, if decide startup webcam them android tablet wherever happen be. anyone know if possible , start looking ? every time search remote control apps android phones arduino craig hello arduino , android friend. yes possible....for example in application arduino sends data android on bluetooth....( example temperature ).i can create specific application project. for example when digital pin high send information android device , screen change color...or play something... i not understand make arduino? open door electromagnetic ? android door side sends on wifi camera capture android inside home or tv monitor? Arduino Forum ... hacket - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

så det lige..... hvad sker der lige med joomla  stefangranholm wrote: så det lige..... hvad sker der lige med joomla  hvis jeg skal være helt ærlig så tror jeg ikke det er joomla, tror derimod det er usikre komponenter, moduler eller mambots, der har så vidt jeg ved ikke været raporteret nogle sider der er blevet hacket via joomla coren. Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Danish Forum Diverse (Off topic)

DUE + Ethernet Shield + RTC DS3234 = SPI Problem?

hello!!        in general should possible run arduino due 3 spi devices, have problem run: i want use due ethernet shield r3 (lan & sd) , spi real time clock (ds3234). ethernet using pin 10 ss, sd card pin 4 , rtc connected pin 52. miso, mosi, clk of rtc ve connected pin 12,13,14. (are pins connected spi eth. shield @ all?)  i have tested rtc connecting directly spi port of due - without ethernet shield - , works also lan connection working without rtc... pls help!!   :~ do have external power supply connected? Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Networking, Protocols, and Devices (Moderator: fabioc84) > DUE + Ethernet Shield + RTC DS3234 = SPI Problem? arduino

Am I to Old to Get Joomla? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i have been trying handle on joomla 3 months. not happening. need understanding creates insite link front page , start when trying unpublish joomla stuff , publish own. problem starts when try figure out going end up. many times thought had , proceed entries disappear where. no clue , getting end of rope this. why isn't there shows section or category, when used, ends where? articles , tutorials go lot of screenshots showing controls ar , nothing have seen shows links , content frontpage are, specifically. tutorials aren't help. if looking place content guess , trial , failure me. can point me real tutorial can show me cause , effect? seems tutorials on complicate rather cut down size. want figure out cannot. are trying work front end or (administrator) end? for creating , deleting or unpublishing content simplest thing go backend , go content items on content menu. don't want, click on icon under published column. to create new content, click on new icon , typ...

5-wire Unipolar Stepper, L298N H Bridge

no idea i'm doing... i have 5 wire unipolar stepper motor , l298n h bridge (probably not need, have). the packaging motor labels wires as: blue - a purple - /a yellow - b orange - /b white - com i wired motor leads h bridge follows: blue - motor a purple - motor a yellow - motor b orange - motor b white - vms i wired h bridge arduino follows: ln1 - 9 ln2 - 10 ln3 - 11 ln4 - 12 vms - 12v supply gnd - ground i didn't wire ena or enb so far good??? no idea how write code this.  basically, want stepper turn number of steps clockwise @ time of day , turn same number of steps counterclockwise @ time.  it'll repeat day after day. i have rtc connected arduino already.  i'm adding stepper.  rtc , else connected works. quote it unipolar stepper motor 5 wires: red: power connector, have @ 5v , works fine orange , black: coil 1 brown , yellow: coil 2 ...

TP link driver issues - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello, have purchased tp link tl-w725n version 2 wireless adapter. after searching procedure install driver on *nix machine able install on laptop(running ubuntu) changing kernel version 3.12.22 (i had lower kernel version have worked wanted upgrade) , downloading appropriate 8188eu.ko file ( ... 626.tar.gz ). did modprobe , adapter worked(green light , wlan1 setting up, works). when tried on raspberry pi (without changing kernel version 3.13.0) couldn't because had exec format error. didn't have 3.13.0 link in ... 82#p462982 post. found script ( ) automated entire process , downloaded requisite .ko file. can see author has same issues have. kindly me out ethernet connection across rooms messy . raspberrypi

Robot con hc-sr04

buongiorno, sto realizzando un robot che si muove autonomamente come tesina scolastica nelle ultime settimane il mio professore mi ha chiesto di sostituire delay con altre funzioni in modo che il robot possa sempre leggere la distanza dagli oggetti il programma che ho sviluppato funziona abbastanza bene solo che alcune volte il sensore restituisce valori totalmente sbagliati (anche 0.4 come se non leggesse nulla). non riesco capire perchè si comporti in questo modo visto che uso la libreria ultrasonic che da sola va benissimo; forse arduino è troppo poco veloce? come componenti ho usato: arduino uno sensore ultrasuoni hc-sr04 un servo un ponte h che controlla due motori arduino, il servo e il sensore sono alimentati da una pila da 9 v mentre il resto da 4 pile aa da 1.5 v code: [select] #include <ultrasonic.h>  #include <servo.h>  servo myservo;  // create servo object control servo                // maximu...

Overclocking RAM and GPU of PI - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello, running cmusphinx speech recognition on pi. found working fine processing slow. gives output after time. overcloclked cpu 950 raspi-config didnt find improvement processing speed. want overclock ram , gpu of pi. gives better result. can tell me , parameters in pi config.txt should changed this? extend can increase it? should clock of cpu dependant on here change?? thank you run sudo raspi-config , select overclock option need menu - that's easiest way. raspberrypi

EthernetShield and virtual host

hello every body   xd sorry english because speak bad (i'm french)   my problem easy : i have ethernet shield arduino , want information website, on adress ( but don't understand how can somebody can me please  xd quote hello every body hello. quote i have ethernet shield arduino , want information website, on adress ( and problem is? besides lack of code at, is. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Networking, Protocols, and Devices (Moderator: fabioc84) > EthernetShield and virtual host arduino

Sconfitto Arduino ?

rfduino piccolissimo 32bit bluetooth le integrato compatibile arduino (l ide che si vede è uguale) che intenderanno con compatibile ? dovrebbe significare che fa girare gli sketch senza modifiche ? mmm ... bluetooth le ... ... va bene sono per applicazioni in cui colloqui da molto vicino ... non mi sembra tutta questa " genialata " ! l'avessero fatto così, con il wifi integrato ( rn-171 ) sarebbe stato grandioso, così ... è molto limitato (imho) guglielmo Arduino Forum > International > Italiano > Generale (Moderator: leo72) > Sconfitto Arduino ? arduino

Duvidas Biblioteca LiquidCrystal

boas malta. podiam-me ajudar numas duvidas? quando uso biblioteca liquidcrystal mesma vem predefinida com os pins descritos em baixo. É possível usar outros outputs, por exemplo: em vez 2,3,4,5 usar o 8,9,10,11 e em vez 11 e 12 usar o 12, 13? basta alterar o comando "liquidcrystal lcd(12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2);" para "liquidcrystal lcd(13, 12, 11, 10, 9, ;" obrigado desde já. do código da libraria " liquidcrystal library - cursor demonstrates use 16x2 lcd display.  liquidcrystal library works lcd displays compatible hitachi hd44780 driver. there many of them out there, , you can tell them 16-pin interface. sketch prints "hello world!" lcd and uses cursor()  , nocursor() methods turn on , off cursor. circuit: * lcd rs pin digital pin 12 * lcd enable pin digital pin 11 * lcd d4 pin digital pin 5 * lcd d5 pin digital pin 4 * lcd d6 pin digital pin 3 * lcd d7 pin digital pin 2 * lcd r/w pin ground * 10k resistor: * ends +5...

Thread: Consequences of no Swap Partition

hello, machine putting has 6gb of ddr3, , sure never come close using of it. because has ssd, considering not having swap partition. though sure not using 6gb time soon, id know happen if space used , don't have swap partition peace of mind. hard freeze? know wouldn't hard test --- open firefox 5000 times zillion tabs each until crazy happens --- seems bit drastic yep, pretty sure hard freeze. while didn't have swap enabled (but didn't know didn't) , kept freezing , couldn't use sys rq keys reboot... of course, have 512 mb of ram. i'm pretty sure you'll ok 6 gb. oh, , can't hibernate without swap, though can suspend. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [SOLVED] Consequences of no Swap Partition Ubuntu

Browser troubles

when first started create site had no trouble viewing in firefox browser. every time go view (f12) wants save file , send "testing" site on remote server? due scripting perhaps? thanks input. site > manage sites (advanced tab) > testing server, set server model none on dropdown. now edit > preferences > preview in browser , set browsers. hope helps -- jo "inspmike" <> wrote in message news:gdar47$49o$ > when first started create site had no trouble viewing in > firefox browser. every time go view (f12) wants save > file > , send "testing" site on remote server? due > scripting > perhaps? > > input. > More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

Lichtschranke mit IR LED

hallo zusammen ich bin gerade dabei eine lichtschranke mit dem arduino uno r3 board zu bauen. da ich der totale anfänger bin habe ich bis jetzt noch keine ahnung wie und ob ich dieses projekt mit meinen materialien überhaupt erledigen kann. ich habe eine ganz normale ir led und einen fototransistor den bpw40. ich mit dem durchbrechen der lichtschranke einen alarm auslösen. das würde ich über eine if-bedingunng machen. doch mein problem ist das ich nicht weiß: 1.) wie man den fototransistor richtig anschließt (analog?, digital?, und stromversorgung?) 2.) wie man das programmiert. ich programmiere mit der mitgelieferten ide von arduino. die lichtschranke soll ca. 10cm überbrücken. die ir led hab ich schon zum leuchten gebracht doch beim ft komm ich nicht weiter. im internet (auch in diesem tollen forum) hab ich leider noch nichts gefunden mir helfen könnte  =( ich hoffe das mir jemand halfen kann ich bedanke mich schon mal im vorraus für jede mühe mfg jocalo ...

Programming Nexus arduino board without the arduino IDE

hello everybody, i upload .hex program without use of arduino ide. used avrdude : avrdude -pm328 -carduino -p/dev/ttyusb0 -uflash:w:build2566730906525817719.tmp/blink.cpp.hex:a but doesnt work because got standard message : avrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer not responding if upload same blink example using arduino ide board choice ( arduino duemilanove or nano w/ atmega328 ) uploading done perfectly! arduino ide should uses specifics option on target atmega328 how can see comand line executed arduino ide ? thanks file:preferences, turn on verbose output uploads. you can see commands being used. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > Programming Nexus arduino board without the arduino IDE arduino

Arduino Uno, 434Mhz Empfänger und Dekodierung von Manchester kodierten Daten.

ich versuche mittels arduino und einem 434mhz empfänger die daten eines funkthermometers zu dekodieren. was ich bereits weiss: das thermometer sendet alle 12 sekunden manchester kodierte daten unter verwendung von on-off keying. jede Übetragung startet mit 8 kurzen pulsen von etwa 250us breite und mit einem abstand von 5ms. danach folgen 12 byte manchester kodierte daten mit einer vierfachen wiederholung der gesamten Übetragung. ich habe mir nun diesen sketch mehr oder weniger zusammengebaut unter zur hilfenahme anderen funkempfänger projekte. wäre toll wenn sich das mal jemand anschauen könnte, da ich bzgl. der timer sache und dem interrupt nicht themenfest bin. code: [select] #define set_input_capture_rising_edge() (tccr1b |= _bv(ices1)) #define set_input_capture_falling_edge() (tccr1b &= ~_bv(ices1)) #define state_start_pulses 0 #define state_first_bit    1 #define state_data      2 typedef unsigned int       uint; //16bit typedef...


i have done can think of solve problem. can tell me why small filler image next navigation pane on contact page not show up? have re-set link. moved image , re-set link. have compared code on other pages , have copied code other pages , still happens on page , in ie 6. works fine in fire fox , netscape. any ideas appreciated. thanks in advance! julie text cross media contact page >edited: 05/17/2006 @ 07:05:16 pm juliepollack please not edit posts in forum. edits not propogate nntp side, , makes difficult , confusing forum users search topics. More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

Unexpected MIDI output over USB

i'm trying make arduino mega 2560 send out midi messages on usb part of sound based physical computing project. of tutorials online assume i'm using midi din connection when i'm trying use usb port on arduino via a  midi/ serial bridge program ( hairless midi serial ), needlessly complicating matters? if i'll required parts bypass usb port tomorrow, though i'd rather not. i'm using included midi example sketch ( as seen here ) should output notes between f#0 , f#5 yet midi/ serial bridge program gives me many messages such "warning: got status byte when expecting 1 or more data bytes, sending possibly incomplete midi message 0xc0". could tell me why happening? i'm using iac bus send midi ableton live or logic , both programs recognise midi activity arduino in form of program change numbers rather note on messages. my mac has been bit weird lately, freezing second or 2 when usb device attached perhaps that's problem? i...

importing MID file

attempt import sound files in mid format result in error message "problem reading file" can mid files imported flash? if not, how convert them vaw? aa, > attempt import sound files in mid format result in > error message "problem reading file" > can mid files imported flash? no. documentation lists file formats supported flash. > if not, how convert them vaw? "vaw"? david stiller (at) quip (dot) net dev essays: "luck residue of design." More discussions in ActionScript 1 and 2 adobe

Thread: Error when sharing folders

hi, first time i`v tried ubuntu/linux. being long time windows user must say, linux not bad thought be. im having problems sharing folders. keep getting error: 'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare: cannot open usershare directory /var/lib/samba/usershares. error permission denied not have permission create usershare. ask administrator grant permissions create share. i`v installed samba. know how fix this? thanks you have set correct permissions in file/folder properties. in order avoid compromised access linux file systems have posix capabilities. windows still use 50 years old magnetic tape style system without security. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Error when sharing folders Ubuntu

Interrupts from a 12v square wave signal... How to reduce voltage to 5v?

i building tachometer car, , signal produced engine computer 12v square wave rpm signal.  how go using signal input arduino pin?  have read max input voltage around 5.5v, guessing current 12v square signal fry arduino.  best way reduce voltage can use wave signal , count interrupts tachometer signal?  thanks use voltage divider or opto-isolator . Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > Interrupts from a 12v square wave signal... How to reduce voltage to 5v? arduino

Site error (cferror)

hi, i'm using 2 lines of code (below) in application.cfc file: as have noticed, first cferror has template referenced relative path. way to allow page load, second line throws error " error resolving template". although application.cfc , both of templates on root! have files inside folders, can understand need of relative path, thought 1 should not use relative path in case , whole idea behind having error templates in same place application.cfc. but when generate error, not find template again, meaning ../../errorrequest.cfm not found when actual error occurs! any suggestions? i think should either use request-type (which fires upon error ) or exception-type (which fires upon specific or general exception ), not both. suggest use <cferror type="exception" exception="any" template="oops.cfm" mailto=""> More discussions in Getting Started adobe

Không tài nào cài được modules - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

mình không biết là làm cái gì sai mà không tài nào cài được modules nhưng cài components thì lại thành công bằng chứng là đã cài thành công components cái com_akocommentplus1.1.6-freshinstall bạn nào giúp mình cách làm sao cài được modules với chú ý: mình đã chmod roài mankichi wrote: mình không biết là làm cái gì sai mà không tài nào cài được modules nhưng cài components thì lại thành công bằng chứng là đã cài thành công components cái com_akocommentplus1.1.6-freshinstall bạn nào giúp mình cách làm sao cài được modules với chú ý: mình đã chmod roài - tất cả các loại module hay chỉ một - thông báo lỗi - module đó có thể bị lỗi Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Vietnamese Forum Hỗ trợ kỹ thuật

New user

i getting arduino starter kit on tuesday. looking forward doing 15 projects , have few ideas once finish , have clue how works. nice see arduino forum pretty active  welcome! post again if need anything! Arduino Forum > Products > The Arduino Starter Kit and Basic Kit > New user arduino

Thread: low-memory LTSP client

my grandfather 1 of people doesn't waste anything. has one, nice, computer. (which stuffed full of many pc-133 memory sticks hands on , upgraded ubuntu when windows me started misbehaving him.) has older 75mhz machine, have managed scrounge 24mb of ram. second computer grandmother word-processing type stuff on won't messing desk, doesn't want buy new computer if can avoid it. believe nice machine robust enough act ltsp server. it's enough worth try anyway, don't that's particularly memory or processor intensive. unfortunately, 24mb of ram not seem enough thin client boot. turned on nbd swap, , switched out client kernel 386 version instead of generic (it's smaller), still can't manage boot. loads initrd.img, , "kernel panic - not syncing: out of memory , no killable processes. ltsp project page lists performance of machine these specs acceptable, instructions paring down image work on 1 don't match way u...

Pi remote Lawn Mower - Raspberry Pi Forums

i working on project build pi lawn mower. cannot figure out how start mower engine pi remotely have suggestions driving me mad. or think better 450w motor , use instead of gas engine use relay or use relay turn electric motor turns gas motor. if lawnmower doesnt have electric start pi have hard time this. if id more concerned how kill engine before kill neighbours dog. raspberrypi

Drop Zone Problems

i'm having trouble drag , drop upload have built. using canvas dropzone, , nativedragmanager.acceptdragdrop(mydropzone); command doesn't link canvas has id mydropzone. what's this? heh heh, ran too. unfortunately still haven't been able stage or root work. neither make whole window accept drop unless there's actual graphics covering whole window, , both blocked objects mouse event listeners above (buttons, etc). i ended making rectangle "drop here" text on it, , used drop zone. had text input , button on top of rectangle (filename field , browse button) , have make both objects listen nativedragenter/exit/drop or else block drop zone rectangle when mouse goes on them. seems there must way. if find it, let me know please! More discussions in Archived Spaces adobe

Timer Funktion

hallo, ich möchte das ein ausgang einmalig für 5 sekunden ein oder aus geschaltet wird, jedoch das ganze ohne delay() und mils() lösen. das ganze soll nicht ins setup weil das später ein einen größeren sketch eingebaut wird, wo dann erst noch ein schalter abgefragt werden soll. das zu hab ich mir die timer lib: angesehen und folgendens gebastelt (für den mega2560): code: [select] #include "timer.h" timer t; int pin = 13; int alarmstatus=0; void setup() {  pinmode(pin, output);  digitalwrite(pin,low);  serial.begin(9600); } void loop() {    t.update();  alarmfunktion(); } void alarmfunktion() {    if(alarmstatus==0)    {    t.pulse(pin, 5 * 1000, high); // 5 second    }    alarmstatus=1; } die led geht für 5 sek und dann kurz aus und dann dauerhaft an.... bin etwas verzweifeln. gibt es da evtl. eine besser lösung oder seh ich den fehler ein...

Remote controllable dancing Robot Party

hi! i stumbled on ed party-installation of arduino controlled objects. it's super fun! users can define entire visual setting (colors, lights, balloons), make robots dance , shoot confetti gun - remotely pc on internet. think it's super neat how styled robosapiens! ha! oh , can become part of party, facebook picture , make robots dance , cheer you. it's ed on stage here: [link removed moderator. uwe ] - unfortunately site in german only. google chrome translate plugin works in english well. cheers! mike p.s.: hope "exhibition / gallery" category right, allthough i'm not affiliated project. it's first post here, please excuse me, if posted wrong board. Arduino Forum > Community > Exhibition / Gallery > Remote controllable dancing Robot Party arduino

Thread: when did the solved tag get back? :)

when did solved tag back? according to this , 20 hours ago Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Community Discussions The Cafe when did the solved tag get back? :) Ubuntu

Thread: (G)Rsync - Makes directory but doesn´t copy files AARGH!!!

ok, i´m trying do. have usb hard drive formatted ntfs 170gb of data on want move onto shiny new wd world book ii raid 1 nas. used ¨dmizer¨´s excellent howto , have mounted nas. hdd automounts fine. so, i´e been copying stuff days @ around 3mb/s around 25% of max throughput of 100mbit router i´ll live - have bigger issues. rsyncing partially copied directory seems have created directories not files. example... using grsync (because i´m newbie & thought easier) set copy from: /media/disk/music/ (the directory on usb drive containing mp3s) to: media/myworldbook2/media/music/ basic options: preserve time, preserve permissions, preserve owner, ignore existing, verbose, show progress. advanced options: contains residual ¨--exclude=.gvfs¨ left on /home -> backup run (which appears have done same thing copying directories not contents) help!!!! doing wrong? ok, had chance debug this. problem preserve ti...

Thread: Mic problems on xps m1530

i installed ubuntu 9.04 (amd64) on dell m1530 laptop , works fantastically except internal mic. in skype can hardly hear myself max volume, , tried in alsamixer , volume control. nothing mic boost in volume control (i went preferences, nothing; no “switches” either). need skype working, preferrably using internal mic. ideas on can do? widespread problem? appreciated. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Hardware [ubuntu] Mic problems on xps m1530 Ubuntu

HTTP Error 404 - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i develop joomla site on 2 laptops. have installed shoutbox live chat , works on 1 laptop. when try access on other laptop cannot find page , gives me http error 404. has experienced before , need successful laptop in order view chat? i know of other users of site having similar problem , wish able advise them, in case issue firewall or such within laptop/pc. many thanks Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

Voltage changes when multiple leds are on

hi. i'm not sure if correct place ask... i'm using multiplexers , shifters guess ... it's not annoying problem want know if normal. i'm making midi sequencer 32 pots , 8 leds. 32 pots 2x 4051 , 1x 4067(not yet ) , hc595 8 leds. i'm supposed read  0-1023 on analog input, right. when led on(on hc595), read 4-1021, when 5 or 6 leds on, it's worse, reads 80-960~. doesn't bother me because need 1 led on @ time... measure voltage @ 5v pin , 5v when led off, , 5.06v when it's on. right don't have schematics, , code shifter library example bildr plus mux code. if schematics needed tell me , draw, have anyways. thanks need schematics please. here's start using expresspcb schematic software. pretty easy use. can highlight components & ctrl-c, ctrl-v copy & paste. don't forget 0.1uf caps on ic's power pins. ...

problème avec capteur tactiles

bonsoir j'ai acheté des capteurs tactiles et j'ai récupéré le code mais voilà je ne comprend rien pour la programmation, pourriez vous m'aider à programmer les capteurs tactiles  svp ? en fait j'aimerai que lorsque j'appuie sur un capteur mon servo se mette en route merci pour votre aide je vous met le code que j'ai récupéré mais je ne sais pas comment programmer les capteurs code: [select] /*  i2c touch sensor demo v1.0  by:  connect i2c touch sensor i2c grove connector use  this demo use software i2c communicate.   */ #include <mpr121.h> #include <i2c.h> //#include <wire.h> #define mpr121_r 0xb5 // add pin grounded #define mpr121_w 0xb4 // address 0x5a #define mpr121addr    0x5a int stateoftouch1 =0; int stateoftouch2 =0; int stateoftouch3 =0; int stateoftouch4 =0; int stateoftou...