
Showing posts from February, 2014

Raspberry Pi Hostapd Honeypot Server - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi, i'd create hostapd network kind of login page see in hotels. have working hostapd network don't know how create login system. suggestions? thanks! ps i've been looking @ guide code: select all , can't work. doesn't provide system working login, if did work. ooh have idea, i'd love input of iptables. if login page served http server on port 8181 (or that), , configured iptables following: if incoming connection on port 80, , it's 1 of ip addresses logged in, accept connection. (accept or forward??? i'd need allow these connections go outside...) if incoming connection on port 80, , ip address not in list of ones logged in, dnat them --to pi's port 8181 (to login page.) if incoming connection on port 8181, accept unconditionally. (the login page). login page made cgi scripts (python), , when login, run command add ip list of logged in ip's allowed connect through p...

Newbie - twitter monitor

hi im new arduino , getting grips it. i'm wanting project im stuck perl code goes it. this im trying build. not sure perl coding goes. thanks Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Interfacing w/ Software on the Computer > Newbie - twitter monitor arduino

Registration Points

hey all, is possible change default registration point when tweening? know can change point if convert symbol , choose 1 of 9 boxes. can apply setting universally. when tween without converting symbol default reg point in center, of time give object inside pretty weird coordinates (x= 142.6 y = 28.2). goal have object inside tween sit @ x = 0, y = 0 without having go inside tween , check coordinates everytime. thanks time, tj first of - never tween without converting symbols first - flash auto-generates them you experienced, lose control on file name , registration - before start tweening convert symbol , edit symbol , place object want it. can also use free transform tool edit center of "instance" - make sure when motion tweening center point same between instances or "drifting" occur. ****************************************** --> adobe certified expert *ace* --> --> ni9e wrote: > hey all, > > ...

installing ssvnc - Raspberry Pi Forums

i trying install ssvnc, , have downloaded 2 different .tar.gz files site, , error when try unpack them in terminal: gzip stdin: unexpected end of file tar: child returned status 1 tar: error not recoverable: exiting now. cannot when double click them, without getting error: "cannot open file 'file name'. archive format not recognized!" i've tried both of these commands: tar zxf ./ssvnc and tar -xvzf ./ssvnc does sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ssvnc not work ? raspberrypi

Another Find and replace problem

sorry posting again. had no response 4 days , need solution urgently. can help? find/replace bug? hi, i use dw mx 2004. when use find/replace facility , set search in 'source code', , click 'find all', starts searching, and not find word know there. then open find/replace facility again , find has snapped into searching (usually) 'advanced text' or other 'source code', want. the automatic change of setting happens after have clicked 'find all', i.e. cannot see happening , find out after search has taken place. then reset 'source code' , search again, , stays, doesn't. @ random. have redo every search about 2 or 3 times before results. it driving me palm tree! what's wrong? can stop happening? thanks help. adrian do have use regular expressions checked in f&r panel? -- murray --- icq 71997575 adobe community expert (if *must* email me, don't laugh when so!) ================== http://www.dreamweavermx...

Thread: internet not connecting

so, internet working fine on laptop (acer aspire 5535) when deicided connect wireless @ college though, connect whenever try connect website loads forever , times out , pidgin wont sign on gives me "connection error notification server:unable connect." whats going on? they may using kind of proxy. happens if try different wireless access point? wifi router @ home, etc. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [ubuntu] internet not connecting Ubuntu


just new dad's, @ worrying. topic has been heavy me in ground pool. been looking around few days swimming pool alarms. i looking build diy pool alarm. problem dont know detection method best. options are: ir, pir, , laser. have strong background in lasers , can build electronics rough on programming side. ( im working on that) the pool 15'x32' , under 25000 gallons. getting power electronics not issue. trying figure out how detect child falling pool. ideas, suggestion, directions or critique welcomed.... if new dad young child. unfortunately answer (and comes shock) constant vigilance. on guard 24x7x356. physical barriers next line of defense, won't work. for electronic detection @ commercial systems see how tackle problems, won't work either. i have been in pool on couple of occasions when healthy teenagers have slipped silently trouble, no fuss, no noise, no splashing. fortunately both times spotted things wrong i.e. floating fac...

Hai un problema con Arduino? leggi qui

quote [old contents] vi rendete conto che gli utenti pongono sempre le stesse domande? quali? 1 ) il sensore di temperatura legge una temperatura instabile. 2 ) arduino non si programma più, esce il messagio avrdude stk500_getsync() not in sync resp=0x00 3 ) ho collegato il motore, ma non gira 4 ) ho collegato led, ma fanno poca luce e arduino scalda e tante altre. ci vorrebbe un thread dove il primo post contiene l'elenco delle faq con il link alla risposta. un altro post dove discutere delle faq, per evitare di inquinare il thread delle faq. visto che questo è il primo post qui c'è l'elenco delle faq con il link alla risposta. [end old contents] questo è un thread sperimentale, nel primo post (questo) troverete (più o meno spesso) degli   aggiornamenti. l'obbiettivo del thread è di riunire in una unica pagina link alle domande più gettonate e ovviamente una o più soluzioni, questo lascia intuire la natura work in progress di questo lavoro. spesso l'u...

Changing optimization levels - make file?

hi all... i have need change optimization flags in project, , arduino ide not allow that. have been searching around command line build system works on windows, no luck far. have make file works on windows, of other build system allows more control on compiler? thanks... 1.5.2 allows modifying options, file presets located here: quote d: \arduino-1.5.2\hardware\arduino\avr\platform.txt obvoiusly replace d:\ install location. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > Changing optimization levels - make file? arduino

documentatie mod header image - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

ik probeer mod header image te doorgronden. in de backend wordt verwezen naar: resultaat: niet gevonden. zelfs er niet. iemand tips waar ik me wat in kan lezen? hansiepansie probeer Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Dutch Forum Joomla! 1.0 Modules 1.0.x

Thread: help triple booting

hi. i'm new these forums , linux. have been microsoft os user since dos days. have never used linux. have been wondering linux lately. have been using xp64 since 2005 , dual boot vista 64 since got released. (i use x32 versions of windows in virtual pc) want learn ubuntu, , wanted triple boot following. xp64,win7x64 , ubuntu 32(the 64 version doesn't support 32bit software it?) here main pc specs. amd64x2 5400 am2 4gb ddr2 800 gforce 9600gt gigabyte ga-ma78g-ds3h v1.0 audigy2 value belkin wireless n usb f5d8053 question ( i'm reinstalling software os included) .-i have xp64 installed , going install windows7, before this best procedure install triple boot? windows os's first ubuntu? or ubuntu first windows os's .- run driver problems in ubuntu? since no 1 of manufacturers doesn't have ubuntu drivers. thank's , advice!! .- run driver pro...

RFID collegamento

salve ragazzi mi hanno regalato questo rfid reader purtroppo non riesco trovare il collegamento giusto. se qualcuno di voi ha un link con un esempio di collegamento e uno sketch sempre di esempio mi fa un grosso piacere! preciso che l'ntegrato è il rdm63000 la ricerca su google che esiti ti ha dato? Arduino Forum > International > Italiano > Hardware (Moderator: leo72) > RFID collegamento arduino

[conseil] enregistement sur carte SD

bonjour, je suis totalement novice en matière d'arduino. après plusieurs jours de recherches sur internet j'ai réussi faire les exercices de base. maintenant j'aimerai réaliser le capteur qui m'intéresse. pour cela dans un premier temps j'aimerai enregistrer les mesures de température et d'humidité de mon capteur sur un fichier csv dans une carte sd. écrire comme ça ça parait simple... mais malheureusement pour moi c'est la première de mon instrumentation et elle ne fonctionne pas... alors voilà le matériel que j'ai acheté : capteur de température et humidité dht11 (dont j'ai trouvé sur un tutorial comment le paramétrer), un schield avec carte sd et une carte arduino uno.  je connecte le tout ensemble et ensuite j'ai injecté le code suivant. au final quand je souhaite lire ma carte sd j'ai un fichier csv qui été créé mais il n'y rien dedans... j'aurai donc aimé avoir quelques conseils pour comprendre pourquo...

Servo rotating too slowly

hello all, i'm working on project requires servo rotate either direction in 60 degrees , return center (a round trip center needs .4 sec or less). have futaba s3003 supposed have rotational speed of .19 sec/ 60 degrees on 6v power feel round trip should take close .38 sec. however, takes closer 1 sec unacceptable. using 6v external power power servo don't think issue. here code: code: [select] #include <softwareservo.h> softwareservo _servo; int servo_pin = 9; int max_pulse = 2000; int min_pulse = 800; int center = 90; int angle = 70; int delay = 4; void setup(){  _servo.attach(servo_pin);  _servo.setmaximumpulse(max_pulse);  _servo.setminimumpulse(min_pulse);  serial.begin(9600);  _servo.write(90);  delay(1000); } void loop(){    wackclockwise();  delay(1000);  wackcounterclockwise();  delay(1000);   } void wackcounterclockwise(){   for(int pos = center; pos < center + angle; pos ...

Thread: Epson WorkForce 310 Scanner Problem

has been able epson workforce 310 scanner work?? got printer working using workforce 30 drivers gutenprint, can't scanner work @ all. xsane image scan says "no devices available" and sudo sane-find-scanner says: found usb scanner (vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0854) @ libusb:001:003 # usb scanner (probably) detected. may or may not supported by # sane. try scanimage -l , read backend's manpage. , of course not show on sane project supported device list. if there no work around, going take , exchange else. can suggest mfp prints , scans in linux?? can @ both gutenprint , sane project device supported both, want make sure works time. thanks Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Epson WorkForce 310 Scanner Problem Ubuntu

Scrolling LED matrix display - Parola for Arduino

my latest project scrolling text display. parola modular scrolling text display using max7219/21 led matrix display controllers. display made of number of identical modules plugged create wider/longer display. the aim create 'lego-like' approach led matrix display, using standard 8x8 led matrices. software supports flexibility through scalable approach requires definition of number of modules adapt existing software new configuration. the library implements functions simplify implementation of text special effects on led matrix.   * text left, right or center justification in display   * text scrolling, appearance , disappearance effects   * control display parameters , animation speed   * support hardware spi interface hardware , software available @ . a video of system working @ hi that looks tremendous - done! i had few m...

Thread: computer goes black whenever trying to play any kind of video!

after finding problem here further use has shown whenever try play kind of video in whether mplayer or vlc player, computer goes black. have forcefully shut down holding power button. please advise would able tell me video card , sound card using? , ubuntu version? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Multimedia Software [ubuntu] computer goes black whenever trying to play any kind of video! Ubuntu

Viewing a swf independently

hi, i wasn't able view swf file after installing flash lite , shockwave player on windows xp. after installing programs, wasn't able find open with. after publishing fla, saved swf in hopes view briefly on computer, wasn't able to. how view .swf file independently? thanks i dont understand when said "saved" swf. flash can publish movie or test movie results in swf being generated in same directory fla. there isn't "save as...swf" in flash. can export swf if that's mean. ****************************************** --> adobe certified expert *ace* --> --> respondplease wrote: > hi, > > wasn't able view swf file after installing flash lite , > shockwave player on windows xp. after installing programs, > wasn't able find open with. after publishing fla, saved > swf in hopes view briefly on computer, wasn't able to. how > view .swf file independently? > ...

challenge for two way communication betn PI and AVR ATmega16 - Raspberry Pi Forums

dear friends, trying 2 way communication between pi , atmega16, not been able success, please guide if can. 2 way communication atmega16 atmega16 through uart. same trying pi gpio uart pins , atmega16 not working, using 8mhz crystal atmega16. required configure start external clock(crystal) can probable reasons. uart uart should work. pi's gpios 3.3v need use voltage divider (pair of resistors) drop arduino tx pin 5v 3.3v pi's rxd pin. other direction should fine. you'll want disable pi boot messages (which sent uart) , pi login via uart. raspberrypi

Getting the parent node only in XML

i have following bit of xml, file called "thexml". want able read first , second children of peice of xml without reading children. i.e. want app1 , app2 <application> <app1 name="app1"> <module id="1"/> <module id="2"/> </app1> <app2 name="app2"> <module id="3"/> </app2> </application> i have following bit of code, instead of getting 2 nodes want, nodes , children thexml.child("*") that gives me <app1 name="app1"> <module id="1"/> <module id="2"/> </app1> <app2 name="app2"> <module id="3"/> </app2> how 2 nodes app1 , app2? "galwegian" <> wrote in message news:gemq1r$t77$ >i have following bit of xml, file called "thexml". want able >to > read first , second ch...

Why can't it identify the target?

here scrip usingt: player_1.onrelease = function() { player_id = '2'; }; player_2.onrelease = function() { player_id = '2'; }; if(player_id == (2 or 1)) { if(key.isdown(key.up)) { player_[player_id]._y = player_['player_id]._y - 2; } } i want user clicks on player he/she wishes control/move. , when user clicks on player, according clicked on. like it's dynamic. suggestions on why doesn't move player specific player_id? > player_[player_id]._y = player_['player_id]._y - 2; that plain wrong maybe want this["player_"+player_id]._y -= 2; -- jeckyl More discussions in ActionScript 1 and 2 adobe

Sobreescribir datos en SD

hola, estoy intentando realizar un proyecto que trata de leer unas entradas y grabar en la sd, la entrada, si esta activa o no y la fecha para luego generar un html y que las muestre por red. estoy en la fase en la que quiero modificar una linea de un archivo, la linea 0 que es el contador de las lineas que se llevan escritas: 6 111305292044 601305292044 611305302044 101305311133 411306010226 601306020226 y no consigo hacer dos cosas, modificar el "6" y pasarlo un valor tipo int. estoy usando la libreria sd.h intentado buscar información pero no veo nada, y de la conversión int no me funcionan. alguna recomendación o librerías para ir investigando. uso la shield ethernet con micro sd gracias de ante mano hola, para posicionar el puntero de un fichero abierto tienes en la librería la función seek() Arduino Forum > International ...

Clicking on new content redirects to home page - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

ok added content 1 of categories , when click on it, redirects me home page wtf??? on page click first tutorial , redirects home page. ... tutorials/ looks problem sef component. try deleting sef url within component , getting regenerate - or type in non-sef address manually in component knows page serve. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

How to get the DataGridColumn Value

hi all, have problem datagridcolumn . in "how datagridcolumn value when application loads"(here not using anyother event). in code have 3 columns.i want first datagridcolum(name) values(all rows values). here send code please refer ... <?xml version="1.0"?> <!-- datagrid control example. --> <mx:application xmlns:mx="" creationcomplete="init()"> <mx:script> <![cdata[ import mx.controls.alert; ]]> </mx:script> <mx:xmllist id="employees"> <employee> <name>christina coenraets</name> <phone>555-219-2270</phone> <email></email> <active>true</active> </employee> <employee> <name>joanne wall</name> <phone>555-219-2012</phone> <email></email> <active>true</active> </employee> <employe...

Want to know if I can connect Pi to a power bank - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi all, newbie. have query respect pi's power requirement. intend run pi torrent client 24 x 7. can connect pi powerpack ... owerpak%2b powerpack has 5v/2.1 amps output. want device (power bank ) power pi while charge device in tandem. safe so? appreciate response. in advance. harish the raspberry pi run off power bank fine - have 2 - 1 3000mah , 1 10000mah. i'm not sure if can run off power bank while charging it. depends on how charging electronics work. if in position, i'd try , see happens raspberrypi

Raspberry Pi Forums - Login

username: password: i forgot password resend activation email remember me hide online status session   register in order login must registered. registering takes few moments gives increased capabilities. board administrator may grant additional permissions registered users. before register please ensure familiar our terms of use , related policies. please ensure read forum rules navigate around board. terms of use | privacy policy register raspberrypi

Need help with my project - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hey guys. 've got 2 probs joomla project , thought maybe me. first of all, days started develop site wanted wasn't default availiable on joomla. wanted have background sound, without flash based players, play in first page , different sounds played @ every section. installed html module allow use html code, copy several times, , set them published @ every section wanted. in html module used code: this code works on firefox have problems when preview ie. did make wrong?   want track loop time without leave silent moment in end of track. maybe code wrong. there code work better @ both browsers? in advance guys. hope topic peoples wanted same thing , didn't found solution in forum. thanks again. moving templates forum. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Templates & CSS - 1.0.x

Potentiometer not working properly?

i wired up, 1 outside pin +5v, other outside pin ground , middle pin analog input. im trying read values potentiometer, tried changing code , copying , pasting code thats not problem. (i'm new electronics not programming). potentiometer reading random values, , when put hand near change lot more. changing dial barely anything, values changing. potentiometer broken? tell potentiometer value (between outsides pins). show code. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > General Electronics > Potentiometer not working properly? arduino

Thread: How to get Dvico FusuionHDTV Dual Express DVB-T card to work

i trying met brand new dvico fusionhdtv dual express dvb-t pcie card installed / working in jaunty 9.04. (for use in australia) after spending better part of today trying make sense must install , do, , no wiser when started. questions are: 1) need install firmware or not? 2) need install drivers or not? 3) software needed. there seems contradictory information , little accurate advice relating current hardware , current release. lot of info relates earlier versions. dmsg tells me has card installed. can read relates setup, or have do? help!!!! anyone, please. can't alone problem. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Multimedia Software [ubuntu] How to get Dvico FusuionHDTV Dual Express DVB-T card to work Ubuntu

Embedded Web Page

alright, placed web page inside of web page, can't find little button. know little button place web page inside of web page, inside of frame kind of, don't remember. thanks > alright, placed web page inside of web page, can't find > little > button. know little button place web page > inside > of web page, inside of frame kind of, don't remember. umm....hard follow there. frames or iframes can used divide browse show multiple urls at same time. i'm not sure button, though. -darrel More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

Accelerometer and/or Gyroscope for gesture sensing

i want sense 3d motion (gesture). have 3 axis accelerometer. read several articles difference between accelerometer , gyroscope confused if need gyroscope or not orientation , rotation sensing. don't see why accelerometer cannot detect change in orientation. isn't possible measure them accelerometer alone? because when sensor rotates along 1 axis (say z-axis), there change in y-axis , x-axis output in accelerometer. is gyroscope necessary or easier if have one? hi first post. ok in response...velocity change in position time. if sensor sensed velocity, integrate (calculus word) velocity time series (record of velocity time) position. acceleration change in velocity time. have integrate acceleration time series velocity. hence have integrate time series of acceleration twice position. 2-times integration involves setting initial conditions: ex: object stationary @ time = 0 , position of object 0 @ time = 0. last condition easy satisfy since can ar...

Raspberry Pi model B stock shortage - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello all. foundation tell us, there model b production problems? out of stock @ farnell (couple weeks!) , rs components (this week). farnell informs email available @ end of july (?!). observed before, sell more thousand week, 1 month shortage big problem. plenty elsewhere: ... b008pt4ggc , yes, sony factory makes around 38,000 per week raspberrypi

Can't see DHTML and Flash

very recently, creating new site rollover button behaviors , flash header. looks fine on local computer when upload it, rollover button appear missing , flash animation not there @ all. has microsoft done now!? though had set settings active x control enable, still can't see them. need do? have dreamweaver 8.02 , i'm using flash 8 - saved .swf version 6 in case. older sites have flash , rollover buttons still work. upload scripts folder??? "woodbadge" <> wrote in message news:e4i587$t7n$ > recently, creating new site rollover button behaviors > , > flash header. looks fine on local computer when upload it, > > rollover button appear missing , flash animation not there > @ > all. has microsoft done now!? though had set > settings > active x control enable, still can't see them. > need > do? have dreamweaver 8.02 , i'm using flash 8 - saved .swf > > ver...

Transmitting an integer over I2C

i'd transmit integers via i2c, , have found other people have been interested in doing so. using solution below, have run problem. loop run transmit integer looking 4 times , transmit gobbledegook 12 times. while recognize may because have 2 loops running 4 times each, manipulating these loops run different times no longer transmits desired numbers. to clarify operation, sender breaks number 1 bit characters, , receiver reads individual chars , compiles them 1 integer again. i'll include code below, , post results of test runs tomorrow when have access arduino boards. thank help. this master controller code code: [select] #include <wire.h> // max int -16382 16382 int output = 0; void setup() {   wire.begin();        // join i2c bus (address optional master)   serial.begin(115200);  // start serial output } void loop() {   wire.requestfrom(1, 1);   // first byte   while(wire.available())   {   ...

ayuda con arduino puerto serial

para un proyecto en arduino realice el siguiente circuito: pero no sabia como conectarlo al pc, entonces encontré este circuito y lo hice pagina del proyecto: pero la hora de conectarlo al pc no pasa nada, no puedo cargar los programas, ni el bootloader(mi atmega328 ya viene con el bootloader cargado pero igual intente y tampoco). siempre me sale el mismo error: avrdude: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0x30 nota: yo uso un cable vga de 9 pines 15 pines para conectarlo al puerto serial del computador. mi placa es como un arduino severino necesito mas drivers o un adaptador vga usb? ayuda por favor para conectarlo al pc: Arduino Forum > International > Español > Hardware (Moderators: surbyte, Hector_A) >...

Thread: Help po sa iTunes

guys! paano ko po na mara-run ang itunes dito sa ubuntu? sanay po kasi akong sa itunes naglalagay ng mga music files sa ipod ko. posible ko po bang ma-run sya thru "wine"? hindi po kasi ako sanay gamitin yung rhythmbox music player. patulong naman po kung paano po ang pwede kong gawin para makagamit ng itunes. maraming salamat po! itunes failed linux. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Other Discussion and Support Ubuntu LoCo Team Forums Asia and Oceania LoCo Teams Philippine Team [SOLVED] Help po sa iTunes Ubuntu

Hard erase and programming port

hello, i have looking through google , saw several answer related "erase button" subject, didn't find answer corresponding question. just little context: i have "arduino due" connected laptop (a basic ubuntu 12.04) on "programming port", arduino ide 1.5.2. when want send sketch on arduino's microcontroller, need before upload press on "erase button". if didn't press on it, error message appears saying "no device found on ttyacm0" (my arduino rightly connected on ttyacm0...). if press on erase button , upload, there no problem ; sketch correctly upload on arduino. so question is: need press erase button before uploading sketch everytime ? i thought ide (software erase) ; seems not. regards, laurent. the onboard atmega16u2 supposed "press" erase button using fet across switch. you "arduino due", means it's not official board, maybe yours doesn't have feature, or ma...

Webcam no longer working - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi guys, have tried setup cctv server using motion installed on raspbian, however, webcam not detected. when type lsusb comes no manufacturer info, etc. in motion command line stops @ resizing pre_capture buffer 1 items webcam maplin neptune 720p hd , uvc. before detected usb 2.0 camera isn't. have reinstalled raspbian several times. thanks try code: select all sudo rpi-update firmware updates have helped me raspberrypi

Admin background problem - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi i'm using joomla 1.0.10 , globalbiz template. i have modified template css , removed coloured site background , replaced .jpg image. the problem have when in admin section site background appearing in content text input boxes.  background dark cannot see typing. can offer advice on how modify admin template css give original white background. your appreciated. regards bub try going mambots --> site mambots --> tinymce wysiwyg editor , in parameters on right select no template css classes parameter , see if helps. --slixter Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Templates & CSS - 1.0.x

problem with adxl345 (Accelerometer)

hi friends i had accelerometer (adxl345) , uno arduino. connected sensor via i 2 c , using wire library (wire.h) , got answer. i know device address adxl345 "0x53". now, want connect 2 or tree accelerometers i 2 c, how can it? think because of readable device id register, can't connect more 1 adxl345. thank you the sdo pin can used different i2c address. so can have 2 of them on i2c bus. three not possible. react i2c address. 1 device can have i2c address. you can use i2c multiplexer (mux) chips. create 4 new i2c busses. perhaps use chip select turn them on , off, doesn't work. you can use 74hc... chip create mux it. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Sensors > problem with adxl345 (Accelerometer) arduino

problema para instalar arduino uno en windows 8 64bits

hola todos , hace unos dias compre un arduino uno r3 pero no puedo instalarlo siguiendo las intrucciones de y desahabilitando la funcion de drives firmados sigo teniendo este problema: alguien puede ayudarme por favor!! todo son problemas con los puñeteros windows cada version que sacan nueva  cuando compre los portatiles estos venian con el vista, los quite y puse un xp. a dia de hoy tengo los cd's de vista, windows 7 y windows 8 pero guardados en un tambor de cd's sigo con mi xp y sin problemas, no creo estos los instale nunca y cuando me canse, hago mas grande la particion de linux mint que tengo y me cargo el windows... bueno, me desahogado y de paso te saludo en tanto alguien pueda ayudarte... bienvenido. Arduino Forum > International > Español (Moderators: surbyte, Hector_A) > problema para instalar ...

comment cela fonctionne avec une telecommande ? - Raspberry Pi Forums

bonjour quelque petits renseignements avant achat s'il vous plait, je voudrais me servir du rasberry.pi pour regarder la tv, je dispose de freebox donc ça se fera avec vlc, et canalsat avec leur sites de streaming en ligne, si il existe d'autre solutions, pouvez vous me les communiquer ? est-il possible de faire défiler les chaines à l'aide d'une télécommande et comment fait-on cela ? peut-on y rajouter la wifi ? les performances du rasberry pi sont-elles suffisantes, pas trop lent, pas trop de ralentissement ? merci. salut, pour la télécommande, regarde du coté de lirc qui permet d'utiliser/interpréter les codes de télécommande raspberrypi

smf forum language pack - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hoi zojuist heb ik het smf forum geinstalleerd dit allemaal goed gegaan. nu krijg ik echter het nl taalbestand niet aan de gang. helaas kwam ik er te laat achter dat ik het nl bestand eigenlijk voor de configuratie had moeten uploaden. (is dus niet gebeurt) echter zie ik ook nergens waar ik deze instelling kan wijzigen. alsngo een gewone ftp upload werkt niet dan blijft het engels en als ik het als een nieuw thema installeer het wel in het nederlands maar de layout naar de knoppen. is iemand hier mee bekend? groet peter hey, verwijder english.php in de map ../administrator/components/com_joomlaboard/language hernoem de file 'dutch.php' naar 'english.php' groeten Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Dutch Forum Vertalingen

Thread: Network printing via Belkin all-in-one print server

hi, have belkin all-in-one network print server, have hardwired router (not using wireless @ moment). can ping fine, on, web-based print server config screen accessible , working. printer hp psc1300 series, works fine when plugged directly pc's usb port. completeness, here settings of print server: code: printer status manufacturer : hp model number : psc 1300 series printing language supported : ldl,mlc,pml,dyn system information device name : mfd8fae9 raw printing : enable all-in-one print server name : mfd8fae9 ipp printing : enable model type : f1up0002 lpr printing : enable firmware version : 3.2.26 mac address : 00:17:3f:d8:fa:e9 usb port number : 1 lpt port number : no wireless lan status : auto wireless configuration mode : infrastructure bssid : 00:00:00:00:00:00 channel number : 0 encryption : wpa-psk tkip status : disconnected essid : ...

It's time to play name that effect! C'mon down!

time bring excitement forum today! soooooooo, can name (and half ass explain) force acts @ right angles in video?...... first 1 right 3 of these mini steppers mailed them free! the game! steve what video?  link broken? private? Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > General Electronics > It's time to play name that effect! C'mon down! arduino

Help hack a remote to Minnkota marine motor

i need wireless remote. powered cr2032 battery or 3v. when taken apart looks buttons use conductive material close circuit. want arduino open , close 3v circuit left/right/forward buttons. i'm basic when comes power on arduino. can spell out ways solve problem? you can simple hacks remote control below. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > Help hack a remote to Minnkota marine motor arduino

(gardening) UNO+lcd+Network+Sensor(temp, moisture)

hi guys: looking forward starting project have plant taken care arduino. i running arduino uno, own dht11 temperature sensor , moisture one. a simple rj45 network shield , lcd shield. i wanted have sensors reading information plant, display them on 16x2 lcd, , send data vie network can review it. i having doubts if possible deploy or might arduino uno. also, when using shields... lcd one, goes on top of uno, how can use non-used pins? thanks, usefull, can post pictures , projects starts run< send info. cheers! this project doable uno. in fact, have done project (greenhouse controller:  lcd, enc28j60 ethernet board, dht11, light sensor, temperature sensor, water valve, fan, window vent motor , evaporative cooler) have described. advice start small , write simple sketches, 1 each component. combine , integrate. using shields easier limits flexibility pins. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino ...

Thread: no ping in the local network

hi all, local network out of order. main pc sharing dial-up connection cannot ping other pc's. result of "ifconfig" command here : jean@jean:~$ ifconfig eth0 link encap:ethernet hwaddr 00:19:db:5e:3d:07 -> second line missing adr inet6: fe80::219:dbff:fe5e:3d07/64 scope:lien broadcast running multicast mtu:1500 metric:1 packets reçus:0 erreurs:0 :0 overruns:0 frame:0 tx packets:6 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 lg file transmission:1000 octets reçus:0 (0.0 b) octets transmis:468 (468.0 b) interruption:18 adresse de base:0xe000 lo link encap:boucle locale inet adr: masque: adr inet6: ::1/128 scope:hôte loopback running mtu:16436 metric:1 packets reçus:2002 erreurs:0 :0 overruns:0 frame:0 tx packets:2002 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 ...

Thread: DNS Spoofing Trouble

hey first post altought have been stalking forums quite time now. have little problem when dns spoof ettercap. each time try dns spoof: example or whatever never works victim can still acess web page no trouble. followed iron geeks tut , re-did every single step 5 time , no success , if modify etter.dns code: * (my ip address) and if want redirect anthor existing website modify way: code: (other website address given "nslookup") but no sucess ever please give me on subject, ive been looking everywhere on forums , google , stuff nothing. , further more idk how modify appache default html redirect else "it works!". in advance any want working Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Networking & Wireless [ubuntu] DNS Spoofing Trouble ...

Thread: Outgoing connections to TCP 666x

i checking firewall logs , noticed large number of connection attempts ubuntu box (8.04) seemingly random internet hosts. src ports high order ports , connections trying establish ports 6661 6665 6667 7000 happening approximately once every 60 seconds. have run netstat -a , don't see running on tcp trying connect ports. other tools can use attempt locate process trying connect ports? looks irc traffic. on irc networks? on ubuntu server chance? try using wireshark dump traffic , find 1 packet in connection sequence. once have packet, right click , choose option, "follow tcp stream." there, should have idea of network activity trying do. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Specialised Support Security [ubuntu] Outgoing connections to TCP 666x Ubuntu

[FIXED] - 4395: joomla.visitorbot.php on line 29 - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

error fatal error: call member function on non-object in ...plugins/system/joomla.visitorbot.php on line 29 the mosgetparam class outdated => jparameter( $plugin->params )... if ( mosgetparam( $_cookie, 'mosvisitor', 0 ) || !$mainframe->issite() ) i saw that. what global $mainframe; removed ? how should access mainframe when there no other option ? for exemple issite() method japplication's, can't access other way global $mainframe guess my policy on not use global $mainframe when not necessary, in case should ? see you Board index Joomla! Official Sites & Infrastructure Sites & Infrastructure - Feedback/Information Archived Boards - All boards closed Quality and Testing - Locked and Archived Q&T 1.5.x Resolved