
Showing posts from August, 2014

Thread: apache no longer parses php in .html after upgrade to jaunty

hi upgraded jaunty. reason, upgrade removed apache2 , php5. reinstalled them. display of web pages , parsing of php in .php files works fine. php no longer gets parsed in .html files. worked before, setup: in /etc/apache2/sites-available/default, have: code: documentroot /home/mpromber/public_html <directory /> options followsymlinks allowoverride </directory> and in /home/mpromber/public_html have .htaccess file line: code: addtype application/x-httpd-php .html afaik, .htaccess file read apache: when put gibberish on first line server error. php in files ending .html no longer gets parsed. used work, don't know whether had other module installed might need work. pointers? sorry! false alarm. php *was* getting parsed. permission problem images supposed displayed, , got confused thinking handled php. ...

buttons dont work

i have course broken down 6 modules intro page , separate menu page. have course stored on breeze server. each time click link go section thin box around first page of module , can not use nav buttons until click in large box. there can this. hi phatty5 i'm not sure how breeze server may factor mix, it's known issue. click here read thread it click here read technical article cheers... rick More discussions in Import/Export adobe

upgrade from MX 2004 to 11

i have purchased windows upgrade director mx 2004 director 11. will running upgrade obliterate director mx 2004 , replace director 11? or still have working copy of director mx 2004 well? the reason ask not entirely computer has needed horsepower run director 11, , in tragic event, i'd able fall director mx 2004 until such time when horsepower can added. cliff the upgrade keep older versions intact - , there no conflicts in running multiple directors. have both director mx 2004 , director 11 running fine on same system. "cliff johnson" <> wrote in message news:gich2u$ilq$ >i have purchased windows upgrade director mx 2004 director >11. > > running upgrade obliterate director mx 2004 , replace > director 11? > > or still have working copy of director mx 2004 well? > > reason ask not entirely computer > has > needed horsepower run director 11, , in tragic event, i'd ...

Thread: xubuntu 9.04 with kernel 2.6.28-15 wont boot

hi updated xubuntu 9.04 system upgrade using "upgrade manager" gave me new kernel 2.6.28-15. after not possible reboot system. grub ended error 18. able select previous kernel 2.6.28-14 via grub "boot selection menu". system booted ok. question has changed between 2.6.28-14 , 2.6.28-15 may cause error? have temporary commented 2.6.28-15 lines in menu.lst file automatically picks 2.6.28-14 instead. /robert hi, occur due broken package during downloads. in order fix this.. go recovery mode... enter root shell.. type in command sudo dpkg --configure -a may upgrade broken package. regards Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Installation & Upgrades [xubuntu] xubuntu 9.04 with kernel 2.6.28-15 wont boot Ubuntu

Thread: Empathy Cannot be Restored from Panel

hi everyone! yesterday, green status icon represents empathy disappeared panel. now, whenever close empathy, no longer able restore it, unless click on icon in applications, internet, empathy instant messager. please me status icon back? have tried doing complete removal of empathy package, reinstalling it, no avail. please help! hi jopesh , can add icon panel below steps : 1.right click panel on " add panel" application launcher selection criteria ( copy launcher application menu) 4.double click , add empathy applications >internet > empathy. if meant. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [ubuntu] Empathy Cannot be Restored from Panel Ubuntu

Thread: Laptop screen not stretched at lower resolution in Intrepid

hello, after upgrading intrepid jaunty, laptop screen not stretched fill entire area when running @ lower resolution, in intrepid. not problem, except it's tablet pc (toshiba portege m700) use presentations , stylus calibrated entire physical screen, means stylus location not match cursor location when writing. while can recalibrate stylus each time, not fix. when connect external monitor, use following script (which worked in hardy) xrandr --output lvds --mode 1024x768 --rate 60 xrandr -o inverted xsetwacom set stylus rotate half sleep 3 xrandr --output vga --mode 1024x768 1 strange observation. when run xrandr -q, shows 0mmx0mm size of laptop display screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 1024 x 768, maximum 1280 x 1280 vga disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) lvds connected 1024x768+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 0mm x 0mm 1280x800 60.0 + 1024x768 85.0* 75.0 70.1 60.0 832...

How do i change hosting IP. HELP - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

the people have been hosting site have changed there ip address, has effected site. whenever u try , open site comes site temporarily unavailable, comes same thing when try acces admin panel. how fix this, can through ftp????????????? please help what site url?? sounds it's connection database thats wrong. perhaps it's no longer localhost, or has not been written correct in first place? perhaps it's never been localhost. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

MicroSD Cards for B+ ? - Raspberry Pi Forums

morning all, looking forward release of b+. have advice on card compatibility etc. can relevant parts ordered in advance. considering either sandisk ultra or extreme 64gb card linked below. ... emory+card of course, labelling things "ultra" doesn't explain 1 highest performance, if able explain appreciated. had bad experiences sd card slot on older 512mb model (though 256mb model b still works fine!) looking forward having more solid construction on new one! dave please use ... 63&t=81736 , micro sd cards come noobs on them foundation [or element14 or rs] perfect *optimized* rpi use... raspberrypi

Using Arduino BT for bike odometer

hi, having problem whilst trying create interface between arduino , pc, have loaded following code onto arduino int led_pin = 13; int interrupt_pin_a = 0; // digital pin #2 int interrupt_pin_b = 1; // digital pin #3 int signal_pin_a    = 2; // digital pin #2 int signal_pin_b    = 3; // digital pin #3 volatile int state_a = 0; volatile int state_b = 0; volatile unsigned long last_seen_millis = 0; volatile int pause_counter    = 0; volatile int continue_counter = 0; void setup(){   nointerrupts();   pinmode(led_pin,    output);   pinmode(signal_pin_a, input );   pinmode(signal_pin_b, input );   digitalwrite(led_pin, low);   serial.begin(9600);   state_a = 0;   state_b = 0;   attachinterrupt(interrupt_pin_a, detect_a, rising);   attachinterrupt(interrupt_pin_b, detect_b, rising);   interrupts(); } void detect_a() {   nointerrupts();   state_a++;   interrupts(); } void det...

Créer un compte à rebours sonore

hey la compagnie, jeunes (et vieux) arduiniens, j'ai besoin de vous ! je vous expose mon soucis. je souhaite créer une bombe pour le airsoft, alors rassurez-vous, pas une vraie bombe, surtout que la nsa nous surveille. non, je veux juste faire une bombe, à activer et à désactiver. mon problème se pose sur le compte à rebours. je voudrais faire un bip par seconde pour les 30 premières secondes, 2 bips/sec pour les 10 secondes qui suivent, et 3 bips/sec pour les 5 dernières. le tout donc pour un total de 45sec. note, j'utilise un attiny85 programmé avec une arduino mega 2560. c'est à dire que je ne peux pas utiliser certaines fonctions, dont tone(), qui m'aurait été bien utile. j'ai cependant recréé la fonction en faisant un signal carré à 600hz, dont le son qui en sort est, je trouve, idéal pour un bip de bombe. code: [select] long temps_son; boolean etat_son = low; void setup () { pinmode(son, output); } void loop() { if (micros() - temps_son > 830)...

nrf24l01 problem with configuration

hi i'm using nrf24l01 atmega8. can't set registers of module... here code...i want set rf_ch register 0x06(default value 0x02) , when read register didn't change! out put of code like: 11 22 0e 02 0e status , 02 rf_ch... please me here :~  code: [select] portb.0=1;//used ce portb.1=1;//used csn putchar(0x11); delay_ms(1000); portb.1=0; delay_ms(10); spi(0x25);// write channel register delay_ms(10); spi(0x06); delay_ms(10); putchar(0x22); portb.1=1; delay_ms(10); portb.1=0; p=spi(0x05); delay_ms(10); putchar(p); p=spi(0xff); delay_ms(10); putchar(p); portb.1=1; you can either use rf24 libs ( or other forks ) or mirf libs.. google either of libs.. mirf should smaller less features compared rf24.. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Networking, Protocols, and Devices (Moderator: fabioc84) > ...

Weblinks Display Adjustment - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

does know how make weblinks display in 2 columns?  line them blend in google ads below them.  rid of navigational links below "joomla, cre loaded, oscommerce, etc..." here example of page working ... &itemid=23 thanks! from backend, menu-->mainmenu (or whatever menu weblinks menu item belongs to) select weblinks menu item under parameters there should setting #columns Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

Thread: Intel X-25 M SSD performance under Ubuntu 9.04?

hi, i'm reading great things intel x25-m 34nm ssd performance, wondering how turns real world performance in ubuntu 9.04. have experience using ssd in jaunty? use machine software development using eclipse , firefox, reading lots of small files, not writing much. own thinkpad t61, has 1.5gb/s sata limitation, read issue during transfer of large files. see noticeable performance increase using ssd? experience or advice appreciated. thanks. posted barrybevel hi, i'm reading great things intel x25-m 34nm ssd performance, wondering how turns real world performance in ubuntu 9.04. have experience using ssd in jaunty? use machine software development using eclipse , firefox, reading lots of small files, not writing much. own thinkpad t61, has 1.5gb/s sata limitation, read issue during transfer of large files. see ...

Las upgrade sound problem - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi, have raspebby pi (model b) raspbmc instaled. during last upgrade (2 days ago) system went down , formatted cd card replace new version of xbmc (yes - itself). had many plugins instaled , configured (vpn etc.) , gone. fortunatelly made cd image before, restored pi it's former condition. unfortunatelly when try upgrade system (it's upgraded newest version), system uprgades malfunction - continual sound (noise) start. nothing works without problems - system slow , there no sound, no audio when playing movies, tv's. need because coul'd not find informations how deal - 1 found - solution change tv set - not solution @ all. pi connects tv set via hdmi cable. had never problems before last upgrade. please help. raspberrypi

Would like to remove AlphaContent footer - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

does has alpha content extension know how remove footer stating "alphacontent 2.2 © 2005-2006 bernard gilly -" @ bottom? if so, please let me know. to remove footer text, edit file called "alphacontent.php" under "/components/com_alphacontent/" directories. then deleted text @ bottom of file: code: select all <!-- important ! not delete copyright --> <!-- if want remove (hide) legal mention of copyright notice, please contact author --> <!-- e-mail : --> <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">   <tr>     <td class="small"><div align="center"><br>       <a href="" target="_blank">alphacontent <?php echo _alphacontent_num_version; ?> </a> © <?php echo $copysite ; ?> bernard gilly - <a href="http://www.visualcli...

nfc shield seeedstudio + arduino uno + solenoid newbie programming arduino, please me...i have project nfc shield +arduino uno + solenoid dont have idea program, have seen example nfc shield read , write mifare tags dont understand program, there program connect nfc shield used solenoid? so, can control solenoid choosen card tag rfid..please me..thanks can post more details solenoid? Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > nfc shield seeedstudio + arduino uno + solenoid arduino

need to share my media from raspbmc over network? - Raspberry Pi Forums

ok have got external drive pluged pc , share pi smb selling pc if plug drive media on how can phone xbmc pickup media on drive cause pc out , share phone smb there setting raspbmc send out media pc please me out thankyou your post more answer if easier read. keyboard manufacturers not include shift , punctuation mark keys make keyboard pretty. raspberrypi

No LMS - Javascript code Presenter pass fail status as a function call in scorm.htm file

hi their, i not have api lms. wish customize scorm.htm file , communicated swf file attributes values or parameters out of presenter published swf file , build custom solution without need of lms , other requirements. has done this? if not adobe provides kind of paid plan hour or 2 hours of technical support? details appreciated. i hoping communicating flash file, , don't understand why no documentation on solution flash vars? suggestions? thanks, wasay More discussions in Adobe Presenter adobe

Update from array

i trying update multiple records in 1 table multiple values. have feeling going in wrong direction working have tried numerous attempts. hoping can me. have column of "week ending dates" (all sundays). these dates have have value entered weekly in column of "earned" values. there column of "percent complete" values needs entered weekly. problem trying solve there possiblily these values may not updated weekly number of reasons. query data table week prior , update value prior week value automatically every sunday evening. haev been working code: chrispilie wrote: > problem trying solve there possiblily these > values may not updated weekly number of reasons. > query data table week prior , update value > prior week value automatically every sunday evening. this confusing. mean "the week prior" , update "that prior week value". can provide example actual dates? More discussions in Database Access adobe

How to add a delay to a loop?

i want repeatedly add movie stage using add child have created loop add 30 times. how can make aren't added @ same time. i'd able set interval of time between them being added. thanks. something do: var atimer:timer = new timer(500,30); atimer.addeventlistener(timerevent.timer,addone); atimer.start(); function addone(e:timerevent){ var anmc:mymovieclip = new mymovieclip(); addchild(anmc); } as stands movieclips ("mymovieclip" name used when set symbol sharing in library) added every half second, on top of each other. want set anmc.x , anmc.y position need before doing addchild(). the event has property called currentcount, use figure out 1 gets placed. like: anmc.x = e.currentcount * 20; would spread 30 movieclips across stage, 20 pixels further along each time. More discussions in ActionScript 3 adobe

a bit of joomla on phpbb - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i'm trying install couple of modules joomla site phpbb, non-integrated sub-directory on site. i'm quite noob wondering variables etc need defined before work. when try include 'direct access not allowed' error because '_valid_mos' isn't right, , i'm sure there range of variables i'll need included. i downloaded mehdi's bridge installation seems bit tricky , i'm not sure it's i'm after i'm not concerned integrating users, joomla modules onto phpbb. your appreciated. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Extensions - 1.0.x Integration & Bridges - 1.0.x phpbb - Joomla! Integration

Billingual administration - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

has had pleasure of implementing bilingual backend? , administrator able switch between english , french administer bits ad pieces of joomla, users, modules, menus, stuff. not worried content i’ve got covered joomfish, no probs. i tempted create 2 admin sections 1 english , 1 french, using joomla package , joomla_1.0.10-stable-fr, both hooked same database. i hoping has done , can lead me down correct path. any brainstorming appreciated. surely not in 1.0.x admin translation hack. so best way think method, but: don't see how use 2 admin folders, needs named "administrator", , component files (installed extensions) need in both etc.. 1.5 want. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Language - 1.0.x

14-15/6 #arduinocamp #torino #hackaton: chi viene?

ciao ragazzi. chi viene questo week end torino? c'é una talk con luna/banzi/de martin su innovazione dal basso venerdì sera, e l'hackaton il sabato, con la possiblità di vedere un po' di cose nuove (yun, robot, lcd, ecc..) ricchi premi e spuma! il primo hackaton fumetti! Arduino Forum > International > Italiano > Generale (Moderator: leo72) > 14-15/6 #arduinocamp #torino #hackaton: chi viene? arduino

Another really dumb question

i'm photographer needs hundreds of images online @ time clients view. in dreamweaver cs3, created table , made template editable areas. can't figure out how select , delete in table. i'm on mac , command+a, option click, , shift clicking don't seem work. what's secret word? thanks. puzzino "puzzino" <> wrote in message news:gids85$bvf$ > i'm photographer needs hundreds of images online @ time > > clients view. in dreamweaver cs3, created table , made > template > editable areas. can't figure out how select , delete > in > table. i'm on mac , command+a, option click, , shift clicking > don't > seem work. what's secret word? thanks. not answering question, sorry, but: have thought of using flickr? you can upload hundreds of images free, , $2/month, can upload *unlimited* images free, organize them in sets, download them in several sizes, a...

Grande / piccolo problema

il problema di ieri lo risolto ma ora arduino fa problemi quando carico lo sketch (coretto) lampeggia la luce tx e rx lampeggia il led ma dopo non fa come come dovrebbe fare cioè tenere il led acceso. per favore una risposta. grazie robolife ... hai provato con lo sketch d'esempio non modificato, il "blink" ( esempi -> 01.base -> blink ) senza nulla collegato ?  funziona correttamente o anche l'esempio ti da problemi ? se l'esempio funziona correttamente : 1. pubblica il tuo sketch ( se non è uno degli esempi ) racchiuso tra gli appositi tag "code" (il bottone "#") 2. disegna lo schema di cosa hai collegato e come guglielmo Arduino Forum > International > Italiano > Generale (Moderator: leo72) > Grande / piccolo problema arduino

wifi shield arduino version

i jsut found out after view hours of work arduino 1.0.5 wifi shield not working. connect network no sockets availeble @ all. after using 1.0.4 again, works fine immediatly. doe's know problem 1.0.5 is? looking @ 1.0.5 changelog there "upgrades wifi library" , "upgrades wifi firmwares", although can't find on github Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Networking, Protocols, and Devices (Moderator: fabioc84) > wifi shield arduino version arduino

sense the strength of GSM/3G

hi there, i want make project want read out strength of networks @ actual place. example gprs, gsm, 3g... i'm not sure wether need of them since 3g kind of expensive. so found out, there gsm-shields , 3g-shields, quite expensiv... , student infact read out strength of of given networks. dont want access them or send on them. is there easier workarround how sense networks? maybe taking broken mobiles or ebay? thank , regards germany Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Sensors > sense the strength of GSM/3G arduino

mmal-opaque: received empty buffer - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello, try find problem in raspimjpeg ( ... 91#p468491 ) latest raspian updates (apt-get update, rpi-update done). happens while taking snapshot web interface. after quite while of debugging found hint in vcos debug components mmalsrv, mmal-opaque , mmal set info. reference added prepending lines. please have closer @ 2 distinct lines surrounded empty lines. code: select all 1659591.689: mmal-opaque: mmal_ril_tunnel_process_output_buffer: recycle image 0x1f598e10 (0xd0000201/0x1) flags 0x0 pts 0 seq 39 1659591.712: mmal: mmal_opaque_image_release: release img 0x1f598e10 mem hdl c 1659592.680: mmal: mmal_opaque_image_set: image 0x1f598e10 -> 0xd0000201/0x1 (ref 1) 1659592.726: mmal-opaque: mmal_ril_stripe_process: got image 0x1f598e10 (0xd0000201/0x1) flags 0x0 pts 0 seq 41 1659592.791: mmal-opaque: mmal_ril_tunnel_process_input_buffer: ril.image_encode:in:0(opqv) received 0x1f598e10 (0xd000020...

Making Custom Cables for GPIO - Raspberry Pi Forums

i have been looking online long time try , find how make custom length gpio cables. many of projects need odd lengths of connectors make professional. can either tell me website go or how not sure of tools or method use. hi, lynskeyc wrote: i have been looking online long time try , find how make custom length gpio cables. need: ... dp/1103931 ... 4aba5034e3 ... dp/2302010 , sharp knife. (you can ask pc repair shops give flat cables of old hard drives , "recycle" them.) best wishes, ivan zilic. raspberrypi

Trouble Passing Variable Alarm Time using Timealarm library

hello forum, first post here of new fan of arduino world.  i've been working on project involves use of timealarm library , having problems getting work. using uno board, i've got potentiometer hooked pin a5 , buzzer on digital pin 10. here's i've got: code: [select] #include <potentiometer.h> #include <time.h> #include <timealarms.h> potentiometer potentiometer = potentiometer(a5); int alarm1hrs; int alarm1mins; void setup()   {   serial.begin(9600);   potentiometer.setsectors(3);   settime(7,28,0,1,1,2013);     alarm.alarmrepeat(alarm1hrs,alarm1mins,0, morningalarm);  //this doesn't work   alarm.alarmrepeat(12,30,0, afternoonalarm);  //these work   alarm.alarmrepeat(19,30,0, eveningalarm);   } void loop() {   int potread = potentiometer.getsector();   serial.println(potread);   alarm.delay(10);   serial.println(alarm1hrs);   delay(500);   seri...

Resistore, primo approccio

salve tutti. scusate se sto per fare domande banali ai più ma sono un vero principiate dell'elettronica. ho iniziato fare alcuni progetti presi dal libro dello starter kit e ho avuto subito alcune perplessità. ho il seguente mini circuito: perchè viene usato un resistore da 220 ohm? ho cercato di decifrare il libro: secondo la legge di ohm, v = * r, si ha un voltaggio di 5v ed una resistenza di 220 ohm, per trovare l'amperaggio usato dal led si sostituiscono valori nell'equazione, 5=i*220; quindi i=0.023 ossia 23 ma; tale valore è il massimo che si può utilizzare per questi led, per questo è stato scelto un resistore da 220 ohm. ma come faccio conoscere io priori il valore massimo di amperaggio del led e decidere quale resistore inserire? ho fatto una prova, ho invertito le posizioni del resistore con il filo che collega terra il led del circuito di sopra e con mio stupore funziona bene. mi aspettavo un aumento...

How to format a Get Request

i have external server running mysql. have installed php script that, when accessed http deliver data 1 of tables. works fine browser: code: [select] i cannot figure out how send command arduino. have ethernetclient library working , can access google in example. when send command through client: code: [select] client.println("//get /php/getevents.php http/1.0"); the server returns: code: [select] </head><body> <h1>method not implemented</h1> <p>get /php/getevents.php not supported.<br /> what correct way format in arduino? i use send temperature web server. note lack of http version , additional blank line after - not sure whether difference important works: code: [select] void  sendtemptoserver() { char getrequest[80]; if (client.connect(server, 80))   {   sprintf(getrequest,"get /cgi-bin/arduino.cgi?reading=%s&arduino_id=23&sensor_id=1",t...

Curriculum Vitae Manager for Joomla that makes PDF CVs. - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i released first version of project @ week , coded @ last week end. there on 100 downloads if statics not lie. now, want feedback make better , more interesting component. my idea develop open source recruiting software joomla. don't know there kind of software in open source world. part of idea. very usefull project. ! i ´d updated develop software. jim Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Extensions - 1.0.x Components

allarm timer arduino + set buttons lcd

hi guys made draft of code that's going set time , date alarm of arduino directly buttons. below place sketch if give @ beginner again , surely there errorini. thanks in advance code: [select] #include <wire.h> #include <rtclib.h> #include <liquidcrystal.h> #define relay_pin 2                   // pin definitions #define backlight 2 #define contrast  3 #define set       a0 #define piu       a1 #define meno      a2 #define state_off  0                  //fsm states #define state_on   1                  //fsm states int fsm_state; char buffer[10]; unsigned long time=0; unsigned long timeset=0; int  setmodetime=3000; rtc_ds1307 rtc; liquidcrystal lcd(12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2); void setup () {     pinmode( backlight, output );  ...

Upgrade from Studio 8 to FW CS3

how accomplish this? program asking me serial fw 8 , not accept studio 8 serial. please help!! if go help/about fireworks see serial number. "mjnisbett" <> wrote in message news:gd6bsr$18v$ > how accomplish this? program asking me serial fw 8 > , not accept studio 8 serial. please help!! > More discussions in Fireworks adobe

cfselect bind value for query field

i have 2 cfselect drop downs. first populated query in cfc. return list of field names. user able select first cfselect <field name> , populate second cfselect values query used field name selected first cfselect choice. is possible , how accomplish this? keep getting error: "...values returned getvalues function not of type query..." thanks help. here code: <cffunction name="getfields" access="remote" returntype="string"> <cfargument name="search5" type="any" required="false" default=""> <!--- define variables ---> <cfset var result=""> <!--- search ---> <cfquery name="fieldnameqry" datasource="livermore_sql"> select * lu_assessor order fieldnamelu </cfquery> <!--- , return ---> <cfreturn valuelist(fieldnameqry.fieldnamelu)> </cffunction> <cffunction name="getvalues" access=...

Thread: Print problems

i have hp photosmart c5280 printer. in old windows mode used program called roxio express labeler print cd's. cannot seem find ubuntu or pc print cd program. missing something. grateful driving me crazy. cheers, tam posted tambrown i have hp photosmart c5280 printer. in old windows mode used program called roxio express labeler print cd's. cannot seem find ubuntu or pc print cd program. missing something. grateful driving me crazy. cheers, tam if you're looking print round cd labels here: if you're looking print inserts in synaptic koverartist. --jon Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [kde] Print problems Ubuntu

Thread: Wireless works on Thinkpad T42 from 9.04 Live CD but not after install

i have thinkpad t42 ubuntu 9.04 os. wireless worked fine live cd not after installation. have spent hours trying various fixes including ndiswrapper , wicd without success. way, wicd unistalled network manager. (however, newbie, perhaps did not install packages correctly.) have suggestions now? thanks greg sure. ouput of code: ifconfig code: iwconfig code: ndiswrapper -l Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Networking & Wireless [ubuntu] Wireless works on Thinkpad T42 from 9.04 Live CD but not after install Ubuntu

بدأت أقتنع بجملة ... و لكن - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

الإخوة الأفاضل السلام عليكم سمعت كثيراً عن مجلة جملة و عن إمكانياتها و رأيت كذا موقع يستخدمها و ما زلت متردداً في إستخدامها في إنشاء موقع طلابي مثل لعدة أسباب : 1- سمعت أن النسخة 1.5 ستكون مختلفة إختلافاً كاملاً و لا أدري متى ستكون متوفرة خاصة أن الوقت الذي أحتاجه لبناء الموقع بها ربما لن يكون كبيراً لأني أريد إطلاقه قبل بداية العام الدراسي... أريد أن أعرف متى ستكون متوفرة و هل يمكنني البدء بإستخدام النسخة المتوفرة حالياً و ستكون الترقية سهلة مستقبلاً ؟؟؟ 2- هل بإمكاني تطويع جملة بكل سهولة لكي تكون بشكل موقع حيث لو ترون في أعلى الصفحة اليمين قائمة منسدلة للكليات و بداخل صفحة كل كلية أهبارها و جداولها و معلومات عنها ؟؟؟ 3- أيضاً هل يمكنني إنشاء أقسام رئيسية كما في نفس الموقع السابق و إنشاء أقسام داخلية و فرعية تحت أي قسم رئيسي بكل سهولة ؟؟؟ 4- عرفت من أصحاب الموقع السابق أنهم يستخدمون لوحة تحكم خاصة لمحرري الموقع يمكنهم من خلالها إضافة المحتويات إلى أبواب الموقع المختلفة دون الوصول للوحة الموقع الرئيسية الخاصة بإعداداته و جمالياته و مظه...

Thread: ansi c standerd IDE for ubuntu............

i want know, there ansi standard ide ubuntu develop c or c++ applications. please tell me download them if any........ thank ........... u can use netbeans, anjuta comply ansi c standards or use gcc on cli luck Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] ansi c standerd IDE for ubuntu............ Ubuntu

Extensions and PHP5/MySQL5 - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i've been using lot of different extensions site whilst building sites recently, and, given run our server on php5 , mysql 5.0.x, have noticed extensions have lot of "invisible" issues these newer versions. invisible, mean appear work within site, generate errors in apache error log. usually, isn't big worry, when trying debug acting weirdly, of these errors can make finding relevent lines difficult. therefore, propose list on forum (as not long term problem - more people move newer versions of software, number of errors of form should decrease) of extensions produce "invisible" errors, both aid end users (who know not worry these lines) , extension developers (who might running earlier versions of server software, not aware of these issues). know i've built extensions work fine on system, generate warnings on people running more cutting edge software (or, matter, older software). would helpful indeed have field showing compatibility php , mysql versio...

How does basic compilation work for an arduino project ?

i use original "serial" port code , change things in there, putting in extended error reporting. i located "hardware serial" .h , .cpp files in arduino folder. am wrong in assuming changes make in these reflected in new project file compliled ? i thought if assumption incorrect, there may other way core code project obtained can't life of me think how. so, in summary, .h , .cpp files in original core libraries examined compliler , re-compiled every time project compiled ? it compiles them once when compile first time after launching ide. after that, recompiles if files have changed since last compiled them. it's better idea copy hardwareserial.{h,cpp} under different name libraries folder don't have keep several versions of core. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > How does ...

Convert HTTP Post form to Arduino Code

could me convert form data name value pairs, because getting errors. plan convert name value pairs, , use client.print() on arduino replicate it. quote because getting errors. what errors? these errors manifesting themselves? Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Networking, Protocols, and Devices (Moderator: fabioc84) > Convert HTTP Post form to Arduino Code arduino

Rename A Usb Flash Drive Using Command Line. - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello, have nas file sharing server , rename usb flash drive that's plugged machine. i'm running raspian (wheezy) process , use help. raspian puts unusual name on it, example: d02b-5ab9 i'd change using command line. appreciated. thanks, alec what drive formatted as? if it's ext[something] can use e2label e2fstools (should installed) code: select all sudo e2label /dev/sdb1 newlabel or if it's fat32 can use mlabel mtools (you may need install this) code: select all sudo mlabel -i /dev/sdb1 ::newlabel lower case letters replaced me there reports allowed people - give go on pi , find out. raspberrypi

How to connect 4 pin LCD?

i have lcd gnd, vcc, sda , scl. have arduino uno. i've been trying wire lcd board , have display "hello world" message. i had gnd connected gnd on uno the vcc connected 5v the sda connected a5 the scl connected a4 any help? thanks!! scl a5  sda a4  for i2c connection. don't forget 4.7k pull resistors.  wire library , liquidcrystal_i2c library code Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Displays > How to connect 4 pin LCD? arduino

Condensing script

hi, i new flash , have 3 videos on 1 page. inserting coding generated flash cs3 follows, wondering if can/should condense it??? thanks help. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <script language="javascript"> if (ac_fl_runcontent == 0) { alert("this page requires ac_runactivecontent.js."); } else { ac_fl_runcontent( 'codebase', ',0,0,0', 'width', '225', 'height', '235', 'src', 'newch3', 'quality', 'high', 'pluginspage', '', 'align', 'middle', 'play', 'true', 'loop', 'true', 'scale', 'showall', 'wmode', 'window', 'devicefont', 'false', 'id', 'newch3', 'bgcolor', ...