
Showing posts from May, 2010

Allowing ',' in URL of Linked Applications - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

when try add url,com_mtree/task,viewlink/link_id,122/itemid,35/ project admin->linked applications list on sourceforge (for example), receive following error: the url invalid. make sure protocol included ( http:// , https:// , or ftp://) after acknowledging dialog box (by pressing ok) presented page text: /^(([ff][tt][pp]|[hh][tt][tt][pp][ss]?):\/\/[\w\-\.]+(:\d+)?([\?\/][\/\w\.\+\=\:\-\?\%&]*)*)$/ since looks unix expression, think message due having ',' within it. when ',' allowed people can link specific pages within site without having sef enabled. Board index Joomla! Official Sites & Infrastructure Sites & Infrastructure - Feedback/Information Archived Boards - All boards closed Joomla Forge - Archived

Complete Noob - 1-5v/4-20mA input advice

hi, i'm after advice, not clued on electronics please patient. i'm hoping input either 1-5v or 4-20ma signal 1 of arduino boards, part of small project undertaking. i suppose need know: is going feasible either signal? if so, type of arduino best off using? any , advice appreciated. sam milliamps doesn't matter input since arduino inputs high impedance wont go though chip, voltage ranges 1 5 volts want use analog inputs, arduino has, question of how many Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > Complete Noob - 1-5v/4-20mA input advice arduino


i'm sure sound dumb, there spry-like component in flash cs3, or have make myself? i'm making flash webpage , i'd integrate spry menu bar. thanx in advance... spry javascript library, not work inside flash. there are, however, many commercially available menu systems can buy flash. or you use spry menu on page , call functions within flash it... -- dave - head developer adobe community expert More discussions in Adobe Animate CC - General adobe

arduino program code +gsm for industrial automation.HELP NEEDED

hello again arduino friends!! according library found i've written code simple project. need : in industrial board when power off,arduino sends message user warns him power off. want see code , tell me if correct or not. use library found in internet gsm sim900. the code is: #include "sim900.h" #include <softwareserial.h> #include "sms.h" smsgsm sms; boolean started=false; int board1 = 7; void setup() {   //serial connection.   serial.begin(9600);   pinmode(board1, input);   serial.println("gsm shield testing.");   if (gsm.begin(2400)){     serial.println("\nstatus=ready");     started=true;    }   else serial.println("\nstatus=idle");     if(started){     if (sms.sendsms("+30693xxxxxxx", "sms arduino ok."))       serial.println("\nsms sent ok");   } }; void loop() { int buttonstate = digi...

module micro sd + arduino uno?

please can me, i'm working microsd module , arduino uno , have  no idea how connect it, maybe knows library or code , how connected. thank much the built-in sd library should library need: here tutorial adafruit microsd card breakout board level shifters: tells how wire , everything. if have different microsd module might need add 3.3v level shifters since arduino uno use 5v logic , sd card uses 3.3v logic. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > module micro sd + arduino uno? arduino

Probleme bei Inbetriebnahme des Sainsmart Gyros MPU6050

hallo, ich versuche bereits seit einiger zeit den gyroskopsensor mpu6050 von sainsmart in betrieb einem arduino uno zu nehmen (siehe angefügtes bild). mein ziel ist es im serial monitor die position des sensors angezeigt zu bekommen. wenn das board zum beispiel flach auf dem tisch liegt soll etwas in der art angezeigt werden: quote aktueller winkel: 0 ° es soll dauerhaft immer neu der aktuelle winkelwert angezeigt werden. als library verwende ich die quote freeimu ich habe den sensor wie folgt angeschlossen: ----- anschluss - belegung ----- sensor pin "vcc" arduino pin "3,3v" sensor pin "gnd" arduino pin "gnd" sensor pin "scl" arduino pin "scl"  (auf der i/o pin seite, nicht analogpins) sensor pin "sda" arduino pin "sda" (auf der i/o pin seite, nicht analogpins) sensor pin "xda" arduino nicht angeschlossen sensor pin "xcl" arduino nicht angeschlossen sensor pin "ad0...

Thread: compiz-not working-Kubuntu 9.04

i've been looking days problem no idea start installed compiz core fusion librarys kde plugins ect have compiz config menu 100% activate doesnt work original system settings desktop menu overides think nvidia 3d card works 100% , can access cube via system settings i recieved no advice im gonna include more info pull system settings>hardware drivers , message no proprietary drivers installed have 1 option nvidia accelerated graphics driver (version 180) driver not activated when try activate nothing happens background when on fresh install card wasnt working nvidia g100 had download driver , compile myself driver x86_64-180.29 after did go in system settings >>desktop >>enable desktop effects >> , access these effects>> worked >> wanted more options downloaded compiz , components it. can open compiz , menu whatever change doesnt affect system i've read man...

B-one har "fået" problemer med Joomla!? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hej...weblars og jeg har problemer med @ installere joomla, på vores domæner hos b-one... jeg vil høre om der er andre der står samme problem!? for det er et nyt problem...jeg har installeret joomla på et andet domæne, og har haft det installeret på det domæne, jeg ikke kan installere på nu!! så er der andre der ikke kan installere joomla på deres b-one domæne!? så kunne man måske lave en fællesfront, og konfrontere b-one med problemet... hør nu lige inden går fælles front. b-one lover jer ikke @ kan installere joomla. der er nogle ting der skal være slået til før @ joomla kan køre smertefrit, og det gør man ikke hos b-one. jeg har selv været kunde hos b-one, og det eneste der er @ gøre er @ skifte host. jeres liv er mere værd end @ frustreres on b-one. skift dog host. Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Danish Forum Ældre versioner (disse vedligeholdes ikke længere fr...

Commande à distance

bonjour, je suis en train de monter une application qui permettra de monitorer quelques consignes dans mon automobile (tension de batterie, lercture de démarrage, température, lumière, etc.).  un premier arduino uno pourra contenir tous les capteurs.  j'ai pensé ajouter un deuxième arduino mÉga qui contiendra un écran tactile (module autonome alimenté à piles).  je voudrais que les 2 arduinos communiquent ensemble.  je peux utiliser un module rf pour transmettre les états de l'uno à la mÉga.  je voudrais aussi passer des commandes à partir de la mÉga (écran tactile) vers l'uno.  comment pourrais-je m'y prendre?  utiliser un autre module rf d'une autre fréquence? merci beaucoup. salut, module rf433 mhz ou nrf24l01. rapport qualité/prix imbattable Arduino Forum > International > Français (Moderators: jfs, S...

Display of date data type not correct

hi, i believe coldfusion question. starting work coldfusion in confines of dreamweaver. working ms access database. have field "date" data type , assigned format of "short date" in access, meaning date should appear , not time. when dreamweaver show me "live data" table cell displays full date time stamp of zeroes. ideas? thanks! newbie jake don't worry it. database storing number. access has programming attached format number date. you can same in cf. check out dateformat function in cfml reference manual. if don't have one, internet does. also check out createodbcdate , createodbcdatetime functions. these ones want use in cfqueries. More discussions in Getting Started adobe

htaccess issue i think? need help - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

using jpgrotator code. code: select all <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <div id="flashcontent">oops. flash player missing or outdated.<a href="">click here</a> update player can see content.</div>    <script type="text/javascript">       // <![cdata[       var fo = new flashobject("./modules/js_flashrotator/flashrotator.swf", "flashrotator", "760px", "160px", "7", "#ffffff");       fo.addparam("wmode", "opaque");       fo.write("flashcontent");       // ]]> </script> if site accessed wont show flash , it's not date. if site accessed (notice no www) works fine. any ideas whats g...

Utilisation de tone() pour simulateur avec compteur de vitesse et compte tour

bonjour, j'utilise un arduino uno avec x-sim pour récupérer les données des jeux, afin de piloter un vrai compteur de voiture. le compte tour et l'indicateur de vitesse sont tout les 2 pilotés par des signaux de fréquence 0->230hz. au départ j'ai donc naturellement utilisé la fonction tone() inclue dans les librairies standard. mais celle ci comporte 2 problèmes : - 1 seul signal peut être généré à la fois alors qu'il m'en faut 2 - impossible de générer un signal < 30 hz, donc mon compte de vitesse ne démarrerai qu'à 30km/h, mais pas gênant pour le compte tour car c'est en dessous du régime moteur mini en cherchant sur le forum j'ai trouvé l'ancienne librairie "tone.h" qui permet de produire plusieurs signaux, dont l'un avec une résolution de 16 bits, donc pouvant générer des signaux < 30hz. j'ai donc utilisé cette librairie, le signal envoyé vers le compte tours codé utilisant le timer 8bits fonctionn...

Finding the consistant slope

i trying have ball move 1 side of stage exact x , y points on other side of stage. example, let's ball's x =25 , y=80, , point want move @ point x=350 , y=100. if want ball travel @ consistant speed (doesn't matter), how this? does make sense? it's simliar movie clip following mouse, sort please. is speed fixed? if not, had change x , y position constantly, guess wouldn't have asked then. so when it's fixed, need know distance start end point. know both points, can use distance = math.sqrt( math.pow(startpoint._x - endpoint._x, 2) + math.pow(startpoint._y - endpoint._y, 2) ); this gets length of line between points in pixels. then can time take go distance in given speed: time = distance / speed; now if speed 50 pixels per second, time in seconds, , 5 seconds. take animation speed (e.g. framerate, if animate onenterframe), , number of animation steps take reach end: steps = time * animation_speed finally total distances x , y, endpoint.(x | y) ...

No-IP on multiple RPi's? - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi, first little background. have 3 rpi's @ home - used different projects: 1 openelec xbmc 1 always-on downloading machine using sickbeard , couchpotato 1 emulationstation. downloading machine, wanted able access rpi when away home. managed creating account on (to static address) , installed no-ip client on rpi update ip address. access rpi using dns address. want know if possible access different rpi's on same home network (obv - have different internal ip addresses) using no-ip? @ moment, have presumed (if possible), having different dns address each rpi. have installed no-ip client on each rpi, , when set client on each rpi, set client update dns name want use access rpi. have configured router forward relevant ports relevant internal ip address, when try , log in remotely using dns address, can access 1 rpi, regardless of dns address use. realise external ip address same regardless of dns address because generated isp, there missing want? app...

DS18B20(solar heating) display through webserver - need help(now with LCD)

hi guys, total newbie arduino working on first project. have 2 ds18b20 temperature sensors , ethernet shield enc28j60 hooked arduino uno r3. believe there no problems physical connection. however, struggling coding. i need set simple webserver display temperature these 2 sensors , refresh somehow. all produce far "webserver example" mixed "ds18b20 temperatures serial monitor example"(maybe these useless, dont know :~). really appreciate help.   i using onewire library , ethercard library, 1 working enc28j60. here's code. compiles no errors it's not working way want. code: [select] #include <onewire.h> #include <dallastemperature.h> #include <ethercard.h> #define one_wire_bus 6 #define static 1  // set 1 disable dhcp (adjust myip/gwip values below) #if static // ethernet interface ip address static byte myip[] = { 192,168,2,200 }; // gateway ip address static byte gwip[] = { 192,168,2,1 }; #endif // ethernet mac ...

installing LAMP - Raspberry Pi Forums

so ran command sudo apt-get install apache2 php5 libapache2-mod-php5 install lamp stack. (did update beforehand). whirling along fine (a bunch of stuff downloaded) until attempted download php5 piece site given offending ip, pinged , connection timed out. guess (i'm noob) server down. there way select different mirror? if so, how? there better solution? you can replace in sources.list url of manually selected mirror aware if may end outdated packages if mirror out of date. raspberrypi

Invio dati da remoto per accensione condizionatore

salve tutti, vorrei sapere come posso inviare dei dati di una variabile al mio arduino eth che poi dovrà rispedirli con protocollo zigbee ad un altro modulo che gestisce il condizionatore. a me basta inviare, al click di un pulsante di una pagina web, dei valori che arrivano ad arduino e poi lui li rediretta all'altro. grazie mille francesco nessun consiglio?! Arduino Forum > International > Italiano > Software (Moderator: leo72) > Invio dati da remoto per accensione condizionatore arduino

(PLEASE READ!) Pygame KEYDOWN and KEYUP events - Raspberry Pi Forums

i'm trying make program control printer made. want able manually control using arrow keys, can't figure out how detect keypresses. want use strictly console based controlling method. want use pygame detect keystrokes, don't want have blank window sitting there detecting keypresses. objective: able detect keydown , keyup events in console using pygame. ideas anyone? in advance one thing know pygame needs display initialised anything, may want take account... raspberrypi

Arduino to Processing Communication Issue

hello, i have code uses 2 temperature sensors. works great on arduino , able output serial monitor. problem comes when attempt send data processing , create .csv file data. arduino , processing both attempting use com3, , of course can't @ same time. processing creates .csv file, not have data in it. point out issue? have tried can think of @ point. code below: arduino: code: [select] #include <onewire.h> #include <dallastemperature.h> #define one_wire_bus 2 /*-(connect pin 2 )-*/ #define bus2 4 onewire ourwire(one_wire_bus); onewire ourwire2(bus2); dallastemperature sensors(&ourwire); dallastemperature sensors2(&ourwire2); void setup() {  serial.begin(9600);  delay(1000);  sensors.begin(); } void loop()  serial.println();  sensors.requesttemperatures();  serial.print(sensors.gettempcbyindex(0));  serial.print(",  ");  sensors2.requesttemperatures();  serial.print(sensors2.gettempcbyi...

/etc/netowrk/interfaces issue. - Raspberry Pi Forums

i use wpa-roam setup connection case 1 iface wlan0 inet dhcp wpa-roam /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf no ip has been assigned. case 2 iface wlan0 inet manual wpa-roam /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf still no ip has been assigned case 3 iface wlan0 inet manual wpa-roam /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf iface default inet dhcp works. why need face default inet dhcp yet wlan0 has manual wpa-roam work? try this: /etc/network/interfaces code: select all auto lo #auto eth0 iface lo inet loopback iface eth0 inet dhcp allow-hotplug wlan0 iface wlan0 inet manual wpa-roam /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf iface default inet static address gateway netmask /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf code: select all ctrl_interface=dir=/var/run/wpa_supplicant group=netdev update_config=1 network={ ssid="myssid" ...

Searching the forums

everytime try search forums error: the web site accessing has experienced unexpected error. please contact website administrator. the following information meant website developer debugging purposes. error occurred while processing request variable ftvar_resulttype undefined. resources: * enable robust exception information provide greater detail source of errors. in administrator, click debugging & logging > debug output settings, , select robust exception information option. * check coldfusion documentation verify using correct syntax. * search knowledge base find solution problem. browser mozilla/5.0 (windows; u; windows nt 5.1; en-us; rv: gecko/2008120122 firefox/3.0.5 remote address referrer y date/time 13-jan-09 12:20 pm #### can check out. forums hard use if can't search. use link -

no video on camrover project - Raspberry Pi Forums

greetings, if has built cam rover project out lined in eric’s mag-pie article, please read this. sure has come across this. have given on using pi camera, , gone logitech usb web cam. have gone webiopi 0.5.3 called in article. old cambot files called for. using mjp_streamer-r6.3 . works fine local net work. when go outside local net work index.html , box stream should be., if go external ip:8001 can view stream. both ports show open via, . has me frustrated. thoughts on please post. best regards problem solved! needed replace "raspberrypi" public ip address in index.html. thank all raspberrypi


the description of forum, in index, mentions fairies. i've asked little folks @ bottom of garden if they're interested, don't seem keen on arduinos. lure them garden related, tell 'm google "hydroponic arduino" Arduino Forum > Community > Gigs and Collaborations > Fairies?? arduino

Raspberry pi help - Raspberry Pi Forums

all, new forum have decided wanted improve programming skills. many heard lot raspberry pi, , have read lot python etc. want start learning python raspberry pi, have no idea equipment need, books need....i raspberry pi virgin...any , advice appreciated cheers jlaff you start checking out of links here: ... 63&t=51436 , magpi great source kinds of pi related stuff, including python programming. see gr. dirk. raspberrypi

Music Projects

hi, i love work in music related projects. i don't have experience "electronics guy", musician (my actual profission) , have passion building things , couple of ideas of things cool build out of reach. if interested, drop me line! what part of world in?  perhaps can find local. Arduino Forum > Community > Gigs and Collaborations > Music Projects arduino

[Arduino Ethernet] Progetto crasha con alimentazione a rete

ciao tutti, ho sviluppato un progetto su arduino ethernet per azionare un'avvisatore determinati orari con sync ad un server ntp. l'ho testato per 3 giorni consecutivi attraverso il cavo usb e l'ide e si è sempre sincronizzato al server ntp ma soprattutto ha sempre suonato al momento giusto. passando all'alimentazione esterna via trasformatore il led tx del connettore rj45 inizia lampeggiare ripetutamente mentre gli altri led di controllo (uno che si attiva e si disattiva ogni 10s e l'altro che mi segnala se non è andata buon fine la sincronizzazione al server ntp) funzionano dovere. l'unico enorme problema è che l'avvisatore non si attiva. qualche suggerimento? edit: l'alimentatore è un 12v 500ma quote l'alimentatore è un 12v 500ma ma il trasformatore arduino non quanto è... Arduino Forum > International > Italiano ...

Cape Town - South Africa - Learn RaspberryPi Course - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi all, launching training programme want explore in depth possibilities of raspberry pi, or want know more raspberry pi before purchasing 1 , have first bite linux. what : 3 week x 3h30 hour course (you can drop single sessions) price : r1690 per person full course or r695 per person per drop in session when : wednesdays 17:30-20:00 starting 23 rd july where : bandwidth barn, woodstock exchange register on-line : ... s-courses/ course contents : 23-july * hardware of raspberry pi * linux distribution pi * first boot of pi raspbian * configuring pi * graphic user interface, presentation of lxde 30-july * tui (text-based user interface) * configuring ssh server on rpi * linux command line / essential commands * linux filesystems (and layout) * multi-user management * remote access pi 6-august * raspberry pi web server * lamp (linux, apache, mysql, php) * wipi: wireless computing * pi media center: xbmc regard...

how to change Flex Application frame rate at runtime

hello, i have flex application need change frame rate @ runtime. when changing using slider component, here code: private function onchangeslider(e:event):void { framerate = sliderfr.value; trace(framerate); } <mx:hslider id="sliderfr" x="452" y="765" width="378.2" minimum="1" maximum="50" livedragging="true" snapinterval="1" value="25" change="onchangeslider(event)"/> the value changed, frame rate not changed. when insert binding <application> tag got error on one, because can't bind there items application level. how can change flex frame rate @ runtime? i found solution! in flex application have framerate properties doesn't work @ runtime in actionscript code. if have video want change speed of it, need change stage.framerate (of player itself). , there catch here. if try change right after application start (like in: creationcomplete event) have runtime e...

I Try To Set my SEO Optimization but .... - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i try change joomla configuration in seo tab,i have .htaccess file writeable when try apply , try click menu found 404 error file not found, whats wrong me ? or may must chmod 777 file file must change permission thanks answer, i'm sorry if english bad     please post contents of htaccess file. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Administration - 1.0.x

fixed dds sine wave 3000 hz 7 vac generator

i wanting output 3000 hz @ 7 vac 1 amp. have found info digital wave form generator makes stable 3khz @ 5 volts, need make @ 7 volts a/c output? voltage , frequency fixed , have stable, .5% or less error. not wanting pots trim, digital input buttons voltage , frequency. system capable of reading frequency , voltage , self regulating? reference design;- 3000 hz sine wave  with module ad9850 power output 10w tda2003 voltage control mcp41010 single-channel digital potentiometer rms voltage measure ad736 Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Motors, Mechanics, and Power (Moderator: fabioc84) > fixed dds sine wave 3000 hz 7 vac generator arduino

Nixie Tube Racquetball Scorecard

update 11.19.13, cosmetics finished: video here: and pics: the build posted: so first project real meat it, , have learned ton doing it. have tinkered arduino long while now, first attempt @ creating something. firsts include: nixie tubes (170vdc) shift registers wireless comms (using ciseco srf modules, had make ftdi cable , learn use that) serial comms instructions off-board arduino, both atmega328 , attiny85 (burning bootloader, arduino isp) soldering project permanent location. regret not etching own pcb part, used perfboard. edit decided take driver circuit on perfboard debacle , use opportunity learn how etch pcb's. enormous success, , think interested in electronics tinkering should spend time learning. have sucessfully created relativley small footprint double sided board, works beautifully. enclosure construction - i not particularly happy how turned out, not woodworking guy, , got impatient parts. there still do, expl...

como alimentar led ?

pretendo compra 5 leds iguais este da imagem alguem me explica como se liga estes leds ? será preciso driver ou posso ligar directamente bateria de 12 v carro ? queres meter um arduino no meio??? queres apenas ver luz sair led??? Arduino Forum > International > Portugues > como alimentar led ? arduino

Turnigy 9x RC and 8ch receiver

hi, building own quadrocopter, have 1 problem. when connect receiver directly regulator , control rc, works normally. if connect via arduino, start rotate when shouldn't rotate or rotate 1s breaks. searched on google can't find basic receiving , sending ppm regulators , don't want completed solution because want create code according needs. , using arduino mega 2560 r3. my basic code receiving ppm , sending regulators: code: [select] #include <servo.h> servo esc1; servo esc2; servo esc3; servo esc4; int esc1_pin = 10; int esc2_pin = 11; int esc3_pin = 12; int esc4_pin = 13; int ch1; int ch2; int ch3; int ch4; int ch5; int ch6; int ch7; int ch8; void setup() {   pinmode(2, input);   pinmode(3, input);   pinmode(4, input);   pinmode(5, input);   pinmode(6, input);   pinmode(7, input);   pinmode(8, input);   pinmode(9, input);     esc1.attach(esc1_pin);   esc2.attach(esc2_pin);   esc3.attach(esc3_pin...

Arduino col wifi

apro questo topic perchè ho visto la digix (stessi produttori del digispark), una schedina due compatible con molti più pin (ben 99), un' interfaccia wifi e una interfaccia mesh con l' nrf24l01+. ha anche il jack audio e l'usb host (come la due). cosa ne pensate? vi lascio il link: ciao c credo che non si possa fare pubblicità, comunque e davvero molto bella. grande scoperta robolife Arduino Forum > International > Italiano > Generale (Moderator: leo72) > Arduino col wifi arduino

Exercise 9

hello, my problem when install livecycle data services es (lcds261-win.exe - 221mb) there no "jrun4" folder in c:lcds folder, should extract in exercise9.pdf doing installation of livecycle older version (lcds26-win.exe) possible file structure has changed? got else similar problem or knows how solve my? thanks every kind of fkuhlmann hello fkuhlmann, tell me if managed solve problem. in same situation mention. in advance response. More discussions in Flex In A Week adobe

High-tech car theives any ideas? there speculation using transmitter overpower of communication lines inside car, think car have pretty hefty shielding deal noise. i'm wondering if may using high powered magnet overpower relay/lock solenoid. don't have keyless entry system in vehicle, i'm not sure if unlocking car disable security system. perhaps they're emulating key fob signals? Arduino Forum > Community > Bar Sport > High-tech car theives arduino

apt get upgrade gives dpkg error - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi, think package got messed up, prob due power outage, ups on way. can please? when running apt-get upgrade @ end code: select all dpkg: warning: files list file package 'gnome-themes-standard-data' missing; assuming package has no files installed dpkg: unrecoverable fatal error, aborting: files list file package 'gnome-themes-standard' missing final newline e: sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned error code (2) raspberrypi

Booting the 2nd time - Raspberry Pi Forums

i have got pi , have installed noobs, , downloaded rasbian wheezy. on desktop, shut down. reason shut down because using composite rca display, , wanted switch hdmi. tried on hdmi, , here's happened. color splash screen showed up, white screen logo saying : recovery mode, hold shift. went blank screen. tried pressing 1, 2, 3, , 4 on keyboard, nothing shows up. should do?? please help. thanks. raspberrypi941 wrote: i have got pi , have installed noobs, , downloaded rasbian wheezy. on desktop, shut down. reason shut down because using composite rca display, , wanted switch hdmi. tried on hdmi, , here's happened. color splash screen showed up, white screen logo saying : recovery mode, hold shift. went blank screen. tried pressing 1, 2, 3, , 4 on keyboard, nothing shows up. should do?? please help. thanks. noobs installer has setup raspbian expects booting composite video mode. try toggling (either) 'shift' key "recovery mode" (with keyboards holding 'shift...

Fixed Width Tables

i'd constrain jpg table size. example, jpg 800 x 600 i'd make automatically fit 400 x 300 px table. there way able insert jpg of above-mentioned proportions constrain table (without table automatically sizing jpg size??? yes better resize image in image editor. dave "zubon" <> wrote in message news:e4lnjo$kma$ > i'd constrain jpg table size. example, jpg is > 800 x 600 i'd make automatically fit 400 x 300 px table. is > there way able insert jpg of above-mentioned proportions constrain > table (without table automatically sizing jpg size??? > More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

Serial Keypad to ASCII Idéa (Question awnser: Yes it does)

i'm not sure i'm on right board, way this picture générale representation of idea comes question. al tough it's not spi compatible yet need confirmation serial data come out ascii compatible. i want binary code represent 0 9 in ascii standard. the 74**922 matrix keypad controller the  74**165 parallel load shift register. the lsb hook straight 922 165, while msb of 165 hooked 5v , ground make '&h30' in binary(witch 0 in ascii if i'm right) now know none of control line there, there no resistances no caps , all, thinking experience, in expert opinion ascii code come out of this? this idea 1 step further control line. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Networking, Protocols, and Devices (Moderator: fabioc84) > Serial Keypad to ASCII Idéa (Question awnser: Yes it does) arduino

Creating script for form

i have script form when submit form received error "parse error: syntax error, unexpected t_string in /home/groovste/public_html/wadalife/contact form process.php on line 10". please let me know means. if need send entire script please let me know. need friday! thanks tracey > /home/groovste/public_html/wadalife/contact form process.php on line 10". save file .txt , upload server, give url it. or, copy/paste first twenty lines body of next message here. suggestion- suggest adopting file , folder naming convention doesn't allow blank spaces. there no such thing blank space in url. -- alan adobe community expert, dreamweaver More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

Very new, where to ask my question? - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello , being here. new raspberry pi love concept. have 2 fold issue. can device run 24/7 securely on network, , can install software on it. want have device can run crypto coin wallet 24/7 , secure hacking attack. if has input me, please let me know. new project , has potential profitable. if wrong spot issue, please guide me proper place on forum. can provide additional information needed. in advance mrphlick yes, , yes. however, how secure r pi is, you. linux distros aren't in business of protecting user own careless mistakes. having computer owner not install software make useless. raspberrypi

Dude, where's my mnt? - Raspberry Pi Forums

my /mnt keeps disappearing df -h. little background. have sd card switches file system usb stick via link. ... 29&t=44177 have nas setup via link. ... ge-device/ there couple of errors in nas setup link resolved. setup according above links (plus error fixes) , works great! fabulous! love it!! , first time reboot /mnt no longer on /dev/sda1 (usb stick). idea going on? i'm not sure how post screen grabs pi here can show if needed or unclear. please thank you. a couple of things come mind. short version use uuid (blkid) of partition want mount. not use device name (/dev/sdxn). device names not guaranteed same after reboot. see uuid of partitions, run command blkid. raspberrypi

ACL integration with multiple components - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello, need build website user group of large erp solutions provider.    this erp provider (thru aquisitions , mergers) offers diferrent erp software packages; for example; package a package b package c package d their software packages can used in diferent industries; paper food building material metal when users request membership ask industry belong , package use.  when membership paid , user registration approved, user have access content areas member only. they site need have following features; - regular content (news, faqs, articles) - document managment (to able attached files article example) - message boards - calendars - polls now...the trick if joe uses package , belongs paper industry, can view content clasified paper industry , package a.  can view message board or poll or calendar (etc..) package , paper industry. a piece of content (a poll, calendar, news item, issue) can belong more 1 package or industry. so industries , packages categorie...

30KW Schalten

hallo, ich würde gern mittels microcontroller einen motor mit ca 30kw regeln. nun brauche ich ja eine endstufe, die ordentlich abkann oder eben einzelne mosfets. es sollen 300a 100v geregelt werden. nehme ich da besten für fets ? ich habe bisher immer nur sachen bis 30v und rund 5a geschaltet... danke! 100v motor? ist das für ein motor?? dc oder ac? anwendungszweck? weißt du parasitäre kapazitäten sind? Arduino Forum > International > Deutsch (Moderator: uwefed) > 30KW Schalten arduino

Ethernet e leitura de strings

olá amigos forum, não sei se alguém já teve essa necessidade, eu estou montando um si e um sc usando arduino e java ee, ja consegui fazer comunição pra aplicação java ee controlar varias placas de arduino (cada placa representa uma sala) todavia, pra gerar uma maior complexidade no projeto, optei por dividir os circuitos das salas em parte da frente e parte de tráz, onde cada um desses cirucuitos está ligado uma porta arduino. ai começam meu problemas, não estou conseguindo tratar mensagem codificada que envio para o arduino através socket java, eu mando um codigo assim por exemplo, "0f" onde string na primeira posição (char no caso) representa o estado circuito e 'f', qual o circuito em questão, todavia não sei como fazer para ler isso e armazenar numa string , primeira vez que envio o sinal ele le, mas em seguida ele le, mais n le só o novo codigo, e como se o que enviei anteriormente continuasse armazenado, ai ate tentei limpar o client.flu...

Quick question - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

could tell me how rid of 'latest news  ( 1 items ) latest news joomla! team' @ bottom of page ... &itemid=38 thank you hi, go administrator > menu > main menu. edit diary menu item, on right options can set. check fourth block of settings, concern category settings, third used switch off showing other categories when viewing section table doing. go content > category manager, latest news category, description contains text "the latest news joomla! team" might want change or remove. regards robin Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

Have Arduino Delete Tweet

i have working arduino sketch posts tweet each time garage door goes or down. (see: ) question:  take make arduino delete oldest tweet prior posting new 1 ?                modify (add to) twitter library ?                i don't see "delete" capability in it, is. i don't know start. this sounds might have investigated before. bobw Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Networking, Protocols, and Devices (Moderator: fabioc84) > Have Arduino Delete Tweet arduino

error importing Acrobat files

i've created 2 different acrobat files, 1 word , 1 powerpoint, using acrobat 9. when try import either of these files robohelp 7 project error: robohelp html not open filepath/filename because not supported file type or because file has been corrupted. i can import other acrobat files think created older version of acrobat, haven't tried enough samples know sure acro 9 vs older acro problem. as workaround, can import source word file directly, works fine. can't find way pp in robohelp. when try save pp word or html, converts terribly--i have office 2007. don't need solve microsoft problems though, if can shed light on why rh 7 won't take acrobat files, please help! thanks, maureen i have similar problem pdf file created frame maker. using technical communications suite, 'enhanced' version of frame maker, acrobat pro extended. when try import pdf file, same message: not supported file type, or corrupted file. yes, know can import frame maker files ro...

Thread: Firefox crashing

yep, ran ubuntu 9.0.4 cd first time on 866mhz pc. firefox keeps crashing or freezing, have not got beyond 1 page yet! pc has built in cable network plug, , ages ago, thinking wasn't working, added network card. problem? also, after clicking on button on desktop, new screen leaves behind little square of old image around mouse cursor after displaying new image. should this? thanks, wumpsdad looks pc not ready ubuntu 9.04, spec? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [ubuntu] Firefox crashing Ubuntu

How to integrate a non-Joomla extension? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i'm considering constructing new site joomla. i'm quite impressed number of extensions available. but i'm still struggling something: how difficult add functionality not standard joomla extension. jus example: let's want have more functionality in ecard-module offered joomla modules , want use sendcard. how easy integrate such "external" module in framework? are there howto's? guidelines? practical tips form people have done these kind of things? a approach on building (developing) extensions can found here: you find there working examples of how develop components, modules, plugins. besides official howto's, check out following: (some refer mambo, shouldn't make difference @ moment) ... &itemid=54 ... _tutorial/ ...

Funny readings when trying to read PWM fan RPM

i'm working on project test pc cooling fans - both 3-pin non pwm type , 4-pin pwm type. adjust 3-pin types via voltage , 4-pin via pwm obviously. display fan rpm, pwm% , voltage on lcd. works (still need add voltage part of code) 3-pin fans on pwm fans rpm reads way high (like 9k+ rpm) if pwm 0 or 100. pwm fans i've found work correctly stock intel cpu heat sink fans. read correctly no matter pwm setting. thoughts causing it? here's code far (still need add voltage reading portion of it): code: [select] // code pc fan testing unit // lyon - #include <liquidcrystal.h> liquidcrystal lcd(4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9); volatile int nbtopsfan; int calc; const int fan1 = 2; const int potpin = a0; const int pwmpin = 10; const int voltpin = a2; int fanpwm; int val; int pwm; typedef struct{   char fantype;   unsigned int fandiv; }fanspec; fanspec fanspace[3]={{0,1},{1,2},{2,8}}; char fan = 1; void rpm () {   nbtopsfan++; } voi...

Thread: Where is the log file?

hi everyone, once again asking help. trying reinstall ootp10 because did reinstall of ubuntu. can't install. ok, fine, can live trying fix it. however, don't know log file or can go find out why isn't installing. suggestion? thanks, randy wow. installation log? have no clue. might check log messages under /var/log folder. other that, don't know. may find command useful: code: dmesg Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Where is the log file? Ubuntu

RTC mit Sommerzeit

hi! habe das netz schon auf den kopf gestellt, aber leider nicht das richtige gefunden, oder einfach nach dem falschen gesucht. also - ich suche einen code, den ich in meinen sketch einfügen kann, damit ich die uhrzeit vom ds1307 rtc-modul auch bei sommer/winterzeit korrekt angezeigt bekomme. im moment klappt das mit der sommerzeit nicht. habe die uhrzeit mit dem pc gestellt. obwohl mein pc gerade 20:24 anzeigt, zeigt das display vom arduino 19:26 an? gestellt habe ich hiermit: code: [select] /* * timertcset.pde * example code illustrating time library real time clock. * * rtc clock set in response serial port time message * processing example sketch set time inclided in download */ #include <time.h>  #include <wire.h>  #include <ds1307rtc.h>  // basic ds1307 library returns time time_t void setup()  {   serial.begin(9600);   setsyncprovider(rtc.get);   // function time rtc   if(timestatus()!= timeset)  ...