
Showing posts from September, 2013

Timestamp dilemma - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi there, i turned "show date , time" off kept appearing in search results , other places didn't want it. but want show on articles appear on front page, won't. changing option on individual articles "show" doesn't override configuration settings. there file can edit either make them show on front page or take them off search results? searched through many posts couldn't find similar. thanks  don't worry, took out: code: select all <?php                   if ( !$mosconfig_hidecreatedate ) {                      ?>                      <div class="small<?php echo $params->get( 'pageclass_sfx' ); ?>">                         <?php echo $created; ?>        ...

Building a "valley detector"

does know op-amp implementation of "valley detector", assume 1 calls opposite of peak detector? need find baseline of signal can reject it. want op-amp circuit instead of daq can in real time. i'm dealing dc signals, if makes difference. "valley" positive nonzero voltage. probably, it's same peak detector, negative peaks instead of positive. schem shown here, need reverse diodes make register negative peaks. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > General Electronics > Building a "valley detector" arduino

Counting Issue

i totaly new programming , microcontrolers. have been playing m uno , using example code comes ide have been able put following program. is life counter when play magic gathering. it's controled 4 buttons 2 rase , lower player 1s hp (1 point per press) , 2 player 2. i didn't lay out prototype on bread board don't have space (until feel rebuilding circut bottuns using wire connect 3.3v pin appropate alalog pit button hooked to. everything seems work, when 'push button' (touch wire breafly appropate pin) counter increase several numbers (between 2 , 15). there seems no obviouse pattern how changes. any ideas? code: code: [select] /* issue: when button pressed value change more 1 per press. */ /*   magic gathering life counter * v0.1    2013.06.20   circuit: * lcd rs pin digital pin 12 * lcd enable pin digital pin 11 * lcd d4 pin digital pin 5 * lcd d5 pin digital pin 4 * lcd d6 pin digital pin 3 * lcd d7 pin digital pin 2 * lc...

Distrubute to more than 100 sdevices - Raspberry Pi Forums

is there anyway (tool script or software) can make master image of server , distrubute more 100 new out of box raspberry devices? working on network probe tha going send out branch office. cheers hi mindas, building precisely purpose, distributing software networks of rpi (and more) . way works put generic image on device first, registers application, , whenever push new software application's endpoint on, convert linux container (cross-compiling pi) , send devices (when online). right support node.js projects pretty big limitation admittedly, in few weeks should able support programming language whatsoever. can run on linux. there ways hack around limitation today though, if (or else in forums is) interested in working version , giving feedback, drop me line @ , i'll alpha. cheers, alexandros raspberrypi

need to add a delay to show and hide layers

i have following code generated dreamweaver 8 designed show , hide menu layer on mouseover , mouseout event couple different areas of screen. these work great. i'd know add delay - event triggering hide of layer. need syntax. suspect it's not complicated, far javascript expert. please - thanks! *********************** code *********************** function mm_findobj(n, d) { //v4.01 var p,i,x; if(!d) d=document; if((p=n.indexof("?"))>0&&parent.frames.length) { d=parent.frames[n.substring(p+1)].document; n=n.substring(0,p);} if(!(x=d[n])&&d.all) x=d.all[n]; (i=0;!x&&i<d.forms.length;i++) x=d.forms [n]; for(i=0;!x&&d.layers&&i<d.layers.length;i++) x=mm_findobj(n,d.layers .document); if(!x && d.getelementbyid) x=d.getelementbyid(n); return x; } function mm_showhidelayers() { //v6.0 var i,p,v,obj,args=mm_showhidelayers.arguments; (i=0; i<(args.length-2); i+=3) if ((obj=mm_findobj(args ))!=null) { v=args[...

Looking for 2D (or preferable 3D) CAD software - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi everyone! have model b rpi running raspien , im wandering if 2d(or preferable 3d) cad software available, internet practially non existant (0.1mbps on day )so cant download filers bigger 50mb. i'm total newbie pi , have done little stuff on python , things me understand how use whole concept thanked well. sorry asking stupid questions , making no sense nick moderator: edited title librecad in raspbian wheezy sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install librecad raspberrypi

Ultrasonic sensors

hi, how many ultrasonic sensors can connect arduino mega 2560 ? i making r2d2 unit , put on around 15 ultrasonic sensors. do have enough pin connection on arduino mega 2560 ? if not how should wire them arduino mega 2560 ? (maybe in serie) on ultrasonic sensors description said max 15 degree, direction in meant (x,y,z)? thanks how many? should no problem 15. mega has plenty of input pins handle type of ultrasonic sensor. if hit limit can extend number of input pins cd4051 multiplexer. the 15 degree angle xy angle. think of cone (with 15 degree tip) pointing @ sensor. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Sensors > Ultrasonic sensors arduino

Problem adding libraries for Arduino Compatible 1.6" LCD Nokia 5110 LCD Module

hi, i have lcd module (  have lot of trouble getting work arduino 1. using links on adafruit  page (, have tried download , import library arduino 1.0.5 . says can not due file name restrictions..."cannot used, library names must contain basic letters , numbers...." so fail. =( =( =( you can download adafruit-pcd8544-nokia-5110-lcd-library from: thank help Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Installation & Troubleshooting > Problem adding libraries for Arduino Compatible 1.6" LCD Nokia 5110 LCD Module arduino

bluetooth am Arduino Mega 2560

hallo zusammen. ich hätte da einmal eine frage zu bluetooth....   ist es eventuell möglich ein bluetooth stick mit dem arduino zu verbinden, da er ja einen usb eingang hat und den arduino wenn man auf dem pc ein programm erstellt hat , das programm über bluetooth auf den arduino zu spielen.?  ich weis ja nicht ob das überhaupt möglich ist, da ich darüber auch noch nichts gelesen habe, ich denke nur einmal das wäre eventuell eine schöne sache. jetzt verbinde ich den arduino immer per usb kabel, da ich aber ghbehindert bin habe ich manches mal die schwierigkeit mich beim laufen wenn der arduino verbunden ist im kabel zu verhäddern, das wäre eventuell eine lösung für mich  da gibt es 3 probleme: * der arduino mega 2560 hat keinen usb-host anschluß. * für die bt-usb stifte die dür die pcs gedacht sin, braucht es einen treiber * der bt resetiert den arduino nicht. * für die ersten 2 probleme gibt es bt module die mit dem ...

Graph in flex

first of hello of great poster here. as m newbie in flex. problem ho w add different multiple graph in @ runtime in flex. can body me. please me. regards vish "dfgdgddfgd" <> wrote in message news:gdhaqj$5rh$ > ho w add diffrent multiple graph in @ runtime in flex. More discussions in Flex (Read Only) adobe

targeting an ap div

i have 5 buttons on left. when click each 1 want them play different flash file in same location on right. click different button new flash file replaces old 1 in same location on right. each flash file different size. flash files in apdiv boxes. how target them? please help. the way satisfactorily have flash files loaded iframe on page. each button target iframe the linked flash file. -- murray --- icq 71997575 adobe community expert (if *must* email me, don't laugh when so!) ================== - dw faqs, tutorials & resources - dw faqs, tutorials & resources ================== "carrierodesign" <> wrote in message news:gdgres$hql$ >i have 5 buttons on left. when click each 1 want them > play different flash file in same location on right. > click > different button new flash file replaces old 1 in same > location on right...

Wake up from sleep

hi, desperately need this. hardware arduino pro mini atmega328 5v 16m 4x4 keypad attached d2 -> d9 case i using power saving library puts arduino sleep 8 seconds, wake , check stuff - , falling sleep again. during process, power arduino if asleep hitting key on keypad, , enter programming mode setting boolean, avoid getting sleep. when programming done, boolean set false - , arduino goes sleepmode. is possible, , how do this? dont know interrupts , code behind it. best regards, joakim quote i power arduino if asleep hitting key on keypad since keypad nothing unless actively reading it, , doesn't happen while sleeping, won't happen. you can connect switch external interrupt pin, , use wake arduino. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance ...

How to connect to GPIO pins. - Raspberry Pi Forums

so have bit of dilemma here, , i'm new hobby electronics. have pi, , bought pitft 2.8 inch touchscreen pi. goal mount above car stereo , plugin installed car stereo , play music lxmusic player on usb drive. dilemma is, want boot , shut down on ignition. bought 2a ignition switch pi mausberry circuits. now, know screen uses few of gpio pins, therefore rest free. however, how connect ignition switch wires (2 wires long slim black rectangle female head). can pull female head off , solder wire gpio head poking out of screen? also, work , able fit in pibow case tft screen it'll mount in car. in advance!!! ... 1385751880 ... 1390417214 forgot post these. these items in question. in first picture, shows screen installed, connect these female headers gpio? thanks! raspberrypi

No toolbar - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, i hope can me. i have following code create editor area in end of component i'm developing: editorarea( 'editor1', $rows->item, 'item', '500', '200', '70', '30' ) the problem don't toolbar wysiwyg functionality on screen. know i'm doing wrong? hummmmmmm. in firefox works perfectly, not in ie. i got next error message in ie: "this method not being supported in object" it's pointed number of rule error in. number 1430 in file index2.php. there 380 rules in file! Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Extensions - 1.0.x WYSIWYG Editors - 1.0.x

MCU Response Time for voltage surge detection

hello again. i've been trying make electronic surge protector based on mcu. basic principle i'm using voltage divider , analog pins of arduino. obviously 220v input scaled down 5v read on analog pin. code i'm writing going ping analogpin every 10 millis or less , whenever i/p voltage goes beyond, 290 volts switches off 2 pole contactor relay. no, issue there. but here, i've observed vo admin, please remove post, pressed refresh button or accidentally before completing message the complete message has been re-posted.  Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > MCU Response Time for voltage surge detection arduino

RGB looplicht advies

kan iemand mij helpen met het volgende advies? ik wil een 9 kanaals looplichtje bouwen, althans eigenlijk 3 kanaals want wat ik wil aansturen zijn 3 x rgb leds, rgb=3 dus 3x3 9. ik heb een arduino uno kaart en ik heb begrepen dat ik de atmega328 hiermee kan programmeren en daarmee tlc5940 kan aansturen om zo weer de 9 (3 x 3rgb) te kunnen voeden, vervolgens weer op de arduino los te koppelen zodat de rest op een zelfstandig printje kan draaien. dit klopt toch? of zijn er nog andere tips of advies die ik kan gebruiken of volgen? hallo nataschabakker, je wilt een looplicht, met 3 led's als ik het goed begrijp. je kan dit toch ook gewoon op een arduino uno plaatsen, zoals hieronder afgebeeld. dan plaats je er nog twee rgb led's bij en heb je jouw looplicht. het enige wat je dan moet doen de waardes meegeven zoals bijvoorbeeld: code: [select] digitalwrite(groen1, high); digitalwrite(blauw1, high); delay(500); digitalwrite(groen1, low); digitalwrite(b...

Warnings problems....Can someone help? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i have these warning on calendar page. started out of blue other day.  have not changed anything. have researched , have not figured out...  can take look. or maybe explain how turn off warnings. website problem page: ... &itemid=37 all warnings displaying @ top of page warnings on page: warning: cannot modify header information - headers sent (output started @ /home2/brechtel/public_html/jdl/portal/index.php:1) in /home2/brechtel/public_html/jdl/portal/index.php on line 225 warning: cannot modify header information - headers sent (output started @ /home2/brechtel/public_html/jdl/portal/index.php:1) in /home2/brechtel/public_html/jdl/portal/index.php on line 226 warning: cannot modify header information - headers sent (output started @ /home2/brechtel/public_html/jdl/portal/index.php:1) in /home2/brechtel/public_html/jdl/portal/index.php on line 227 warning: cannot modify header information - headers sent (output started...

Eror message using sudo apt-get update - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello, i'm new in forum. have error messages when use command line sudo apt-get update. these lines. help? thank you pi@raspberrypi ~ $ sudo apt-get update err wheezy release.gpg temporary failure resolving '' err wheezy release.gpg temporary failure resolving '' err wheezy release.gpg temporary failure resolving '' reading package lists... done w: failed fetch ... elease.gpg temporary failure resolving '' w: failed fetch ... elease.gpg temporary failure resolving '' w: failed fetch ... elease.gpg...

[OpenMAX] ISO and shutter speed values max limits - Raspberry Pi Forums

the accepted iso values are: 0, 100, 160, 200, 250, 320, 400, 500, 640 , 800. values higher 800 automatically set 800. range of shutter speed 1μs 66ms. values higher 66 automatically set 66. these results tests struct , index i'm using are: omx_config_exposurevaluetype, omx_indexconfigcommonexposurevalue. however, raspistill sports exposure mode sets iso value higher 800 (i've seen 1250 , 1600) , night mode sets shutter speed values greater 33ms (139ms). furthermore, if set sports exposure using struct omx_config_exposurecontroltype , index omx_indexconfigcommonexposure, iso value not same raspistill, never higher 800. i'm sure i'm missing something... shutterspeed limit: full sensor mode 15fps -> 66ms max shutterspeed. if framerate specified exposure time limited fulfil framerate. can set fps 0? allow dynamic frame rate? (in raspistill framerate set 0) iso limit: iso sets limits analog , digital gains. i.e. iso 100 similar analog gain =1 , digit...

AnalogRead moving from 0V to 5V and back

dear community i'm working on fifth arduino project , guess left beginner status behind me, although getting crazy actual problem , hope opening eyes simple hint... :-) i ordered simple 4x4 membrane keypad ( i created voltage divider connecting 4 resistors (10k, serial), on 1 side 5v, other side gnd. i'm getting beside 5v 3.7v, 2.4v, 1.1v between resistors. i connected 4 rows of membrane keypad different voltages, colums analog inputs 0-3. then used sample read voltage (, works great far... there 1 problem, when not press button, voltage increases 0v 5v every few seconds , decreasing 0v again after second on 5v? ? i tried 2 different boards, same problem. when connect analogpin gnd getting clear solid 0 (sensor value, not yet converted voltage) on 1 board, on other i'm getting arround 23 (from 1023 max). i double-checked soldering... can bad soldering causing...

Petrol Engine RPM Counting Using mike and Engine Sound Input ?

dear sir, i need count petrol engine rpm using engine sound part of college project. got following information; arduino based rpm counting. based on pick ignition coil. need using engine knock sound. arduino car or motor bike engine rpm meter>> so please give me link or information on kind of project. possible count number of engine piston knocks using engine sound , feeding mike analog input arduino , count rpm ? i must thankful if kindly reply soon. thanks. i'd use accelerometer or piezo knock sensor. filtering may great part of project, manage measure heartbeat ucpu, on-line resources on topic jump-start point.  Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > Petrol Engine RPM Counting Using mike and Engine Sound Input ? arduino

uno r3 not sending usb identification any more

hello got strange problem. my uno r3 not connect computer more, neither identifies android app witch supose pop open when connect arduino uno. tripple checked driver on windows "unknown device". the curious thing is, script on run becaulse connected led , light @ pwm of 1. had running on 12 v adaptor, read in manual take 20v thou 9 12 recomended. discovered problem when half connected ecs connector recalibrate it. planned plug motor in vin becaulse have done lot of times , worked fine. from see chip works.. how not communicate usb more.. tx rx don't light other lights normaly , said led @ port 3 to. any 1 know hase gone wrong. or how fix it? thanks bram hi bram, if using arduino under windows, try go "device manager" (start->computer(right click)->device manager) , in ports. if arduino detected , has port (comx). try uninstall or, first, disable it. can manage option right click in arduino device. good luck! ...

Pantech UML295 4G modem - Raspberry Pi Forums

i've got pantech uml295 4g modem using. info running out there, bit hard find. summary of found: - enable it, need edit /etc/network/interfaces - add file: code: select all iface eth1 inet dhcp -- code up, used python urllib2.urlopen. can @ response, isn't strictly necessary. - it's super simple enable, disable, status, etc. - ... techuml295 - once going, may want use both wired ethernet , modem @ same time. 1 example here: ... 91&t=80483 - check status whether up, use status check address above code , check second <connection> tag connected timer duration. if 00:00:00, it's not connected. raspberrypi

Thread: Enabling /dev/tcp

i've found infinite number of webpages , forum threads stating debian , ubuntu distros provide bash compiled --disable-net-redirections disallows redirection /dev/tcp , /dev/udp. on other hand, i've found incredibly small amount of information how "fix" beyond "go recompile bash". thread on launchpad notes karmic comes version of bash enables redirections. i'm running jaunty, , upgrading isn't feasible. so, i've recompiled bash (version 4.0.0)with --enable-net-redirections. after searching around way long, came across major , minor device ids tcp , udp devices , created them mknod. essentially, command history: code: cd <bash source directory> sudo su ./configure --enable-net-redirections make make install mknod /dev/tcp c 30 36 mknod /dev/udp c 30 39 however... i'm still unable use these devices redirection. results like: code: [dave@panic:/] $ cat < /dev/tcp/ bash: /dev/tcp/tim...

Tops y/o Rankings - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

saludos! me estaba preguntando ver si existía algún componente para joomla en el que puedas crear un top o ranking de páginas, donde la gente pueda añadir la suya con su banner y demás. algo parecido los programitas de tops que existen por ahi para poner aparte, tipo topo: tengo un top usando topo, pero últimamente me está dando muchos problemas tontos, y en la web parece que ya no existe soporte al mismo, la última versión es de hace más de 1 año. y si no existe ningún componente, ¿sabéis de algún otro programita tipo topo, pero más actual? muchas gracias! Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Spanish Forum Extensiones

Python pip unable to locate pyodbc - Raspberry Pi Forums

i trying run run code: select all pip install pyodbc .but has strange error. could not find downloads satisfy requirement pyodbc externally hosted files ignored (use --allow-external pyodbc allow). cleaning up... no distributions @ found pyodbc storing debug log failure in /home/espears/.pip/pip.log tried run code: select all pip install --allow-external pyodbc . says you must give @ least 1 requirement install (see "pip install") can 1 me please.. anyone... all need pyodbc @ end of line. want allow unverified well. code: select all pip install --allow-external pyodbc --allow-unverified pyodbc pyodbc raspberrypi

Suggestions for SPI api

i noticed 1 working on spi api's. thought moment post remarks. 1. both spi begin() api's, reset data mode, bit order , divider defaults. invalidates previous calls setdatamode(), setbitorder() , setclockdivider(). doc not state should call these setters after begin(), , counter intuitive too. there avr code out there calls setters before begin(). better have begin() set data mode , friends values recorded in mode[], ... data fields. (and initialize these correctly). 2. find following bit counter intuitive: code: [select] static const uint8_t ss   = board_spi_ss0; i relate names miso, mosi , sck ss , therefore expect e.g. spi.setbitorder(ss, order) spi.setbitorder(order), not case. i suggest this: code: [select] static const uint8_t ss0   = board_spi_ss0; static const uint8_t ss  = board_spi_default_ss ; (i know break sketches, can still changed) 3. 2 macro's: for sam:   code: [select] #define spi_clock_min 1 #define spi_clock...

Copy and Paste 'Code' problem.

hi, having trouble copying , pasting code ide. happens when paste piece of (copied) code, comes out repeating on , on again (multiple times) appears end of code and starts repeating itself, looping ? have feeling should copying in code tags # ? hope there simple solution. chaso.  i have no idea why that's happening, code tags only formatting posts here on forum.  not put code tags in source code.  Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > Copy and Paste 'Code' problem. arduino

picamera stream inside a python framework ( - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi everyone, has tried integrate picamera stream custom python framework (like:, django or flask) ? have rest service within framework , i'd integrate if i'm doing webcam path ( http://raspberry-pi-camera/webcam ) stream of picamera stream. found can't figure out make work, picamera started (the led of camera on) , using code: code: select all class camhandler(): def get(self): web.status = 200 web.header('content-type','text/html') page = "<html><head></head><body><img src='/cam.mjpg' alt='' title=''/></body></html>" return page stream not working, help? (kindly appreciate) please post complete code. raspberrypi

form vaildation

i have form both required , optional fields. 2 of required fields name of record , it's level of revision. one-to-one relationship. however, user wants level of revision free-entry field , not automatic increment next level. initial level *, should move a, b, c, etc. said, supposed free-entry field. obviously, cannot allow level exists established record number entered more once, thereby creating 2 of same records. there way coldfusion can produce error msg if attempts enter existing level created record number, or should handled via sql??? cold fusion creates big ugly gray error messages if don't userproof application. prefer write own code. More discussions in ColdFusion adobe

CIRC-03 Spin Motor Spin. Doubt

the project talking this i new electronics things,so please forgive me,if question seems foolish doubt is.. why transistor connected after motor , why not before??? if right current flows +ve -ve , in case transistor placed after current passes through motor.why so??in case how transistor helpful in circuit amplifying current?? can please me out of confusion. thanks the npn transistor being used low-side switch.  small current going in base , out emitter ground allows large current going in collector , out emitter ground.  it's simplest way switch load on , off. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > CIRC-03 Spin Motor Spin. Doubt arduino

Dubbio sui ServoComandi

salve tutti eccomi qua con una nuova domanda se collego direttamente il servo ad arduino , rischio di danneggiare la porta dove esso è collegato? se si , è necessario che progetti un apposito circuito per comandarlo? il segnale di pilotaggio puoi collegarlo direttamente al servo. come alimentazione é meglio non prendere 5v di arduino ma alimentarlo con un alimentazione piú potente. devi collegare la massa del alimentazione del servo con la massa (gnd) di arduino. ciao uwe Arduino Forum > International > Italiano > Hardware (Moderator: leo72) > Dubbio sui ServoComandi arduino

A single Form containing two colums

hi in flex 3 there way build form 2 columns. want lay out form nice. following structure seems end formitems losing alignment. i've simplified structure keep concept simple. <titlewindow> <form> <hbox> <vbox/><!--some textinput fields inside formitems--> <vbox/><!--some textinput fields inside formitems--> </hbox> </form> </titlewindow> many in advance h you can't use flex forms way , achieve goals? <form> <formitem> </formitem> <formitem> </formitem> <formitem> </formitem> </form> More discussions in Flex (Read Only) adobe

Understanding Frontpage Manager Purpose - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

there short blurb frontpage manager in anna's tip have few questions see if understand it. when go content, frontpage manager, have add info. want appear on home page or, frontpage manager used format items have on home page? i had enter data home page in frontpage manager.  created page under content > content section > home, , wanted verify before replace page. thank you. the frontpage manager can go see items published on frontpage, if using frontpage component homepage of course. --slixter Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Administration - 1.0.x

Arduinos verbinden und steuern [Anfänger]

hallo zusammen, ich habe mir ein kleines projekt zum anlernen mit arduino überlegt und sage vorab das ich keine wirkliche ahnung von den ganzen sachen habe und mir diese aneignen möchte. hier einmal das ich machen möchte: ein arduino bekommt signale in form von impulsen und soll diese zählen und bestimmten abständen ein weiteres arduino senden. 2. arduino werden leds angeschlossen und ein display. das 1. arduino übermittelt eine bestimmte vierstellige zahl, die dann auf dem display von arduino 2 angezeigt werden soll, gleichzeitig wird ein signal geschickt, welche led 2. arduino leuchten soll. das war eigentlich schon die ganze kleine funktion, die ich vorhabe zu bauen. jetzt stellen sich mir folgende fragen: - ich habe ein arduino uno gedacht, könnte ersatzweise ja auch ein sainsmart uno nehmen oder bin ich da bei solchen funktionen eingeschränkt? - die arduinos kommen in verschiedene räume, es ist nicht beabsichtigt diese über einen kabel zu verbinden, sondern nach möglichk...

Thread: techniques to speed up jaunty?

so before version major boot-time decrease, i'm wondering previous speed increase mechanisms can still used , implemented in addition i'm not aware of. use preload, curious prelink. came across blog entry long time ago , supposedly allowed services start in parallel if possible changing switching value in file rc.local or bash.rc can not remember. since dev team, people smarter linux me, put time trying make system boot faster, there average user _should_ enhance performance? used use noatime , norelatime speed hdd performance believe ext4 doesn't support them , fast going love proven wrong. thoughts? posted uschxc came across blog entry long time ago , supposedly allowed services start in parallel if possible changing switching value in file rc.local or bash.rc can not remember. you're referring concurrency=s...

Automated Lights - Serious battery drainage - need a solution

i attempting build home automation network. network consist of base station arduino+ethernet shield+nrf24l01 2.4 ghz radio module. other devices far 3way wall switches consist of arduino+motion sensor+3 buttons+ssr relay+rf module. main focus of devices can replace existing home's outlets , wall switches. the problem. for obvious reasons, plugging wall wort light switch serious eye sore. base on wiring, dont think there way power arduino 120v supply in switch (to knowledge). temporary solution, threw 9v battery in worked fine. unfortunately, after 3 hours, dead. square one. how can keep arduino running @ times without requiring major wiring , or wall surgery? 9v batteries low milliamps generally, dedicated sla 6v & 12v. also power saving modes nick gammon, arduino power hungry lil monster. i looking links. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino ...

Thread: Does the Intel wireless adapter have less issues than the Atheros on a Thinkpad?

hey guys, have thinkpad z60t atheros wireless adapter. after lots of trial , error i've gotten work using madwifi drivers. whereas before without madwifi drivers lose connection every 5-10 minutes conneciton solid (once connects) , not drop. 1 issue still persists. adapter not automatically connect @ bootup have manually connect (yes have checked 'connect automatically'box), , when takes 10 minutes of trial , error before connects. once pick connection list sit there trying connect, may password prompt(even though configured password in connection options), i'll delete endless characters in password field , enter password again, still hangs there trying connect. go 10 minutes @ least, have delete , recreate network connection, among other things before connects. 'good' thing once connects stays connected good...until turn off laptop, whole ordeal. know thinkpad came option of intel wireless adapter, , thinking if hold of 1 of , replac...

problems with arduino ethernet and its SD card

anyone knows why when use arduino ethernet server can not use sd card save event or if want send email event , want monitoring state of arduino ethernet @ same time in 1 sketch not works attached part of code because all  functions that  wanted work think both more important me. if separate test works problem when want work both @ same time thanks me. code: [select] void loop() {   internet();   if ((estadosensor = digitalread(sensor)) == 1)  email(); } /****************************************************************/ void internet() { ethernetclient client = server.available();   if (client) {     boolean currentlineisblank = true;     while (client.connected()) {       if (client.available()) {         char c =;         if (c == '\n' && currentlineisblank) {           client.println("http/1.1 200 ok"); ...

Thread: bzip2 can't compress !

file-in 36 bytes. code: bzip2 file-in after file-in.bz2 56 bytes. ls -l code: -rwxrwxr-x 1 user1 user1 38 2009-08-31 14:48 file2-in -rwxrwxr-x 1 user1 user1 56 2009-08-19 17:02 file-in.bz2 check file name, have done bzip2 on file-in, not file2-in Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [ubuntu] bzip2 can't compress ! Ubuntu

Pop-Up New Window with Flash Player/Close

i have dreamweaver cs3 on xp. i have 200x300 pixel swf or flv video clip want make link to. want video pop in center of new pop window player running...and need link close window is there turorial pop-up video function - or there steps follow. thanks help! suzzie 1) insert media > flv new, plain vanilla page. paste code near bottom of media page: <input type="button" value="close window" onclick="javascript:self.close();"> 2) main site page, type 'my video'. highlight text. 3) go behaviors panel , click + sign add behavior. select open browser window list. link media page. set other variables pop-up window (dimensions, toolbars, resizable, etc..) required. --nancy o. alt-web design & publishing "suzzie12" <> wrote in message news:gdak1t$op3$ > have dreamweaver cs3 on xp. > > have 200x300 pixel swf or flv video clip want make li...

105 Potentiometer

hi, newbie here different resistances can potentiometer: i guess it's related numbers 1, 0, 5, i'm not sure in way exactly. it 1 megohm.  105 10 , 5 more zeros (so 10 * 10^5 = 1*10^6. capacitors marked same way Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > General Electronics > 105 Potentiometer arduino

Can't view Serial.print from setup()

this doesn't seem issue arduino itself, i'm having following problem. started using arduino week, , i'm familiar c-based languages (php specifically) shouldn't coding problem. i print line of code each time arduino starts. easy: code: [select] void setup() {   serial.begin(9600);   serial.println("hello world"); } the problem not whether happening (the tx light flashes once during startup know it's being sent), problem can't see happening following 2 reasons: 1. can't open serial monitor until after arduino physically connected computer, miss first output (all output loop() shows fine) 2. when using terminal screen code: [select] screen /dev/tty.usbmodem621 unplugging , replugging in arduino looses original connection , nothing new output, same result pressing reset button. i'm confused how i'm supposed able see first message sent during setup() if can't connect screen before function runs? i'm running...

Library Item

i'm using dreamweaver mx. have edited titles in library list, linked word docs, & uploaded them server, can see date & time have updated, live data isn't updated. tried finding in , can't find answer issue. help, pam library items design-time tool in dreamweaver. when change one, dreamweaver finds local files use .lbi and updates local files. you have upload changed pages. library item nothing on server. if want kind of functionality, change 1 file , live files using show new contents, using ssi server side includes. > i'm using dreamweaver mx. have edited titles in library list, > > linked word docs, & uploaded them server, can see date & time > have updated, live data isn't updated. More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

Python loop script stops running: why? - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello, fellows! i've written small scripts check if house door opened , notifications: code: select all import smtplib email.mime.text import mimetext import time import rpi.gpio gpio import subprocess gpio.setmode(gpio.bcm) gpio.setup(23, input = gpio.input(23) mp3_path = '/home/pi/scripts/tin.wav' def notificaemail(): messaggio = "attenzione: qualcuno ha aperto la porta di casa..." s = smtplib.smtp('') s.set_debuglevel(1) sender = 'email' password = 'password' recipients = ['email', 'email2'] msg = mimetext(messaggio) msg['subject'] = '!!! allarme porta !!!' msg['from'] = sender msg['to'] = ", ".join(recipients) s.ehlo() s.starttls() s.ehlo s.login(sender, password) s.sendmail(sender, recipients, msg.as_string()) s.quit() #initialise previous input variable 0 (assume button not pressed l...

Huge noise on pin9 from SPI pins?

hello everyone. i'm developing rather complex project, , found 1 thing i'm curious about. arduino spi (pins 10,11,12,13) used control spi lcd,sd card , serial dac. the pin9 used pwm controlling buck dc-dc converter @ 31.5khz. in idle state (no pwm, no spi transfer active), noise on pwm pin 9 rather low: 30mv. but when spi transfer started, random noise increases dramatically 300mv. the vcc still stable, noise levels less 20mv, no ground noise well. pin 9 connected via 1k series resistor base of npn transistor, , needs sharp edges, can't add smoothing capacitors here. so i'm curious: can spi transfer @ full speed (pins 10,11,12,13) generate such huge noise of 300mv on neigboring pin 9? i imagine has lot how wiring laid out. sck on pin 13 @ full speed 8 mhz, if have high current load on pin lot of power being switched. do you  have decoupling caps on external devices? do have grounding scheme? all affect signals. what pins using ss l...

Rendering text with each individual letter outlined

i'm wondering if there's (simple, inbuilt) way render text each letter outlined in differnt colour. if don't know mean here sample text . the regular text font render in solid colour. funky text font rendered in yellow green outline around it. there way format text programmatically or have render alphabet bitmap , build strings bitmaps if want effect. More discussions in Flex (Read Only) adobe

CS not working with C on SPI interface with wiringPi library - Raspberry Pi Forums

i'm developing qt on linux , remote deploy/debugging raspberry pi. seems work fine, code deploys, runs, it's thing expected, single stepping works etc... i'm using wiringpi library gpio , spi port. i'm selecting use ce0, channel 0 etc... can see chip select no toggling. hooked gpio cs , did manually set in code. works. data etc.. there problem or error right except toggle cs correctly? code: select all //fails, scope shows no activity on cs0, other lines seem fine. filespi=wiringpispisetup (0, 1e6); //channel 0, 1mhz clock wiringpispidatarw(filespi,spibuffer,2); //transfer 2 bytes spibuffer //works when use gpio rather normal cs pinmode (3, output) ; digitalwrite (3, 1); filespi=wiringpispisetup (0, 1e6); //channel 0, 1mhz clock wiringpispidatarw(filespi,spibuffer,2); //transfer 2 bytes spibuffer digitalwrite (3, 0); ideas? fixed.. works.. swear not working before, does.. please disregard cry help. raspberrypi

How to modify the servo sweep code to different angles?

the link code is: the code is: code: [select] // sweep // barragan <> // example code in public domain. #include <servo.h> servo myservo;  // create servo object control servo                 // maximum of 8 servo objects can created int pos = 0;    // variable store servo position void setup() {   myservo.attach(9);  // attaches servo on pin 9 servo object } void loop() {   for(pos = 0; pos < 180; pos += 1)  // goes 0 degrees 180 degrees   {                                  // in steps of 1 degree     myservo.write(pos);              // tell servo go position in variable 'pos'     delay(15);                      ...

Application organization under Flex Bulilder

in 1.5 there single flex root , user applications organized in heierarchy wanted under that, , run(compiled) using proper url. 2.0 on other hand seems "project" based, 1 project == 1 application. what suggested strategy organizing projects themselves? function of workbench? instead of having folder structure organize apps, have flat set of workbenches? this ok, trying make sure understand new paradigm. tracy our docs have section called �understanding flex builder� projects which has description of how use , think projects in flexbuilder. can either search or can find in table of contents under adobe flex 2.0 > using adobe flex builder 2.0 , there link called �working projects� place started. mark shepherd flexbuilder engineering ntsiii wrote: > in 1.5 there single flex root , user applications organized in > heierarchy wanted under that, , run(compiled) using proper url. > > 2.0 on other hand seems "project" based, 1 project > == 1...

Process works fine... how to track which column is causing error..

hi, have big sp lets tasks a, b, c, d... after every task i.e a, b, c, d have update or insert statement. update & insert both work fine, except have coldfusion catch code sp execution , returns string or binary data truncated error. means inserting column lenght less whats being inserted. understand , how can determine column causing problem since after tasks a,b,c,d insert or update have working fine. have easy if couldnt have seen inserted or updated records, in case functionality working fine except coldfusin gives error want avoid. thanks in advance. this not coldfusion problem. the sp needs catch own errors @ each step a, b, etc. , warn if data going truncated. it should obvious looking @ table , sp design columns @ risk. More discussions in Advanced Techniques adobe

Newbie question

i don't know if take newbie questions here, work instructional designer , want learn authorware. a colleague lent me book on using authorware called authorware 5 attain authorized. comes cd free 45 day trial of 5.2. wasting time going through lessons in book new version of authorware has many new features , redesigned interface? or there still lot of basics learn book. unfortunately, cannot install demo of 7.1 downloaded 1 year ago , expired before ready take on task of learning use it. thanks. todd luger instructional designer department of e-learning savannah college of art , design voice: (912) 525-8033 fax: (912) 525-8035 go it. main concepts learn still valid. mark toddatscad wrote: > don't know if take newbie questions here, work instructional > designer , want learn authorware. > > colleague lent me book on using authorware called authorware 5 attain > authorized. comes cd free 45 day trial of 5.2. wasting > time going through lessons in ...

Interfaccia arduino-processing

in questi giorni sto cercando di interfacciare arduino con processing per poi riuscire controllare due motori cc. purtroppo mi sta risultando parecchio difficile in quanto sono nuovo sia in arduino che in processing. il problema riscontrato sta nel fatto che, penso, non riesco ad inviare dati da processing ad arduino oppure arduino non riesca leggere correttamente dati e non come mai. vi allego due codici sperando che mi aiutiate trovarne una soluzione. processing code: [select] import processing.serial.*; serial myport; boolean premuto  = false; boolean premuto1 = false; boolean premuto2 = false; boolean premuto3 = false; int i=0; void setup() { println(serial.list()); myport = new serial(this,serial.list()[0],9600); } void draw(){ if(keypressed){ if(key=='a'){ myport.write(97); } if(key=='w'){ myport.write(119); } if(key=='d'){ myport.write(100); } if(key=='s'){ myport.write(115); } } } void keypressed() {   if(key=='a...

AIUTO Slider Timelapse

ciao tutti, mi chiamo paolo dalla provincia di ferrara, mi occupo di riprese video e fotografia, nello specifico post produzione, ma non solo. ringrazio anticipatamente lo staff del forum e tutti quelli che sapranno chiarirmi molti punti bui su questa vicenda! avrei qualche domanda da fare in merito ad un problema che sto avendo da qualche tempo e soprattutto sperando di aver scritto nella sezione giusta !! in caso contrario mi scuso in anticipo per l'errore ma cono nuovo dell'ambiente. ho seguito, cercato, spiegazioni riguardanti l'assemblaggio e collegamenti di arduino, trovando tratti cio che mi serviva... sto realizzando uno slider, per riprese lineari, con una slitta igus dry-lin, ho acquistato vari componenti per poterlo motorizzare, come arduino uno, display, cinghie e pulegge, ic sn754410ne ma soprattutto un motore passo passo per poter realizzare timelapse. premetto che di elettronica non nulla e che nonostante abbia letto e riletto, guardato e riguarda...