
Showing posts from July, 2014

(help) Control a 3-pin PC fan

hello ! i have read lots of post controlling common 12v fan 3rd yellow pwm pin and tried of them without success. the  time fan spinning @ 100% i either  wrong or fans failed. i use common ground of 12v psu fan , arduino, connect yellow (signal) wire of fan digital pin of arduino according code, , nothing happens again... for instance, if  use  void loop() {  digitalwrite(7,low);  } it should stop spinning , right ? please help.. give me guidance, thank ! i try analog write. think digital wright not work application has states high/low. try controlling servo.  best of luck! Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Motors, Mechanics, and Power (Moderator: fabioc84) > (help) Control a 3-pin PC fan arduino

Need help with ebay WiFi dongle. (solved) - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi bought usb wifi dongle of ebay ... ebidx%3ait , have tried work on raspberry pi cant register have tried lsusb see if recognised isn't registering wifi adaptor need help raspdave wrote: hi bought usb wifi dongle of ebay ... ebidx%3ait , have tried work on raspberry pi cant register have tried lsusb see if recognised isn't registering wifi adaptor need help post lsusb output usb wifi plugged in ? raspberrypi

Soldering wire onto MOSFET

i have lot of these mosfets i soldered them pcb , used large solder traces (i plan use these high current @ 12 volts) i need solder large thick wires these high current, wires thick go through holes on pcb. i noted in data sheet drain of mosfet connected head sink on it. can solder large wires heat sink of mosfet? what advantages , disadvantages of doing so? you'll have solder wires ring terminal, first, , fasten heatsink. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > General Electronics > Soldering wire onto MOSFET arduino

[New]What to start with and what to get - Raspberry Pi Forums

hey there i'm looking getting raspberry pi type 'b' i'm wondering else should get? there important need? , while wait arrive need know? the minimum need is: 1. power supply giving 5 volts 1 amp micro-usb (not mini-usb) plug. 2. sd card preferably @ least 8 gbyte 3. card reader if don't have 1 supports sdhc cards. (you might able use digital camera.) 4. tv hdmi input or monitor hdmi or dvi input 5. cable connect rpi display. (either hdmi hdmi or hdmi dvi) 6. keyboard (usb type). not wireless or fancy gaming type lots of leds 7. mouse (usb type). not wireless. 8. ability read , follow instructions. rpi quite different wintel pcs. lots of know not apply rpis. later may want add: 9. case 10. wi-fi dongle 11. powered usb hub raspberrypi

About while loop, for loop and interrupt

dear all, i have project want select different speed of blinking leds 3-pin rotary switch. i see different tutorials while loop, loop , interrupt. problem confused 1 , how should make use write codes project. i bit new arduino programming, , assistance appreciated. see "blink without delay" tutorial. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > About while loop, for loop and interrupt arduino

Thread: Dual boot Ubuntu and MacOS on a INTEL PC

i have read posts in archives of folks mac computer running osx , setting dual boot ubuntu. question setting dual boot system on intel pc running ubuntu 9.04 , adding mac osx have install dvd of ipc osx86 universal 10.5.6 runs fine in dual boot on desktop machine winxp/osx86 have ability on laptop ubuntu/osx86. guru's tackle question? ? ? thank may offer. we not support illegal activities here. apple eula: single use. license allows install, use , run 1 (1) copy of apple software on single apple-labeled computer @ time. agree not install, use or run apple software on non-apple-labeled computer, or enable others so. license not allow apple software exist on more one computer @ time, , may not make apple software available on network used multiple computers @ same time. this thread closed. Forum The Ubuntu Fo...

using imagemagick to convert lots of jpgs, need some help - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i want convert lot of full-sized jpgs on server smaller size.  found code should trick on web: find . -iname "*.jpg" | xargs -l -i convert -resize 640x480 {}{}   i'm getting "convert:option requires argument" error.  want new smaller files saved on top of old ones in same directory.  know?  there easier way this? stop waisting time just download open source program "irfanview"! can fast , simple without having write lines. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

sources.list help - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello, i'll keep short , sweet: when trying echo wheezy nginx repos sources.list file (to newer build) did > in stead of >>... if kind enough post default sources.list file, i'll greatful. thanks. from 2014-06-20 version of raspbian: code: select all deb wheezy main contrib non-free rpi prevent problem in future, rather editing sources.list directly can instead create separate file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ directory, , apt magically treat though part of main sources.list don't forget careful raspbian uses non-typical debian setup (armhf on armv6) unless repo you're adding explicitly has raspbian support, it's unlikely work on raspberry pi. raspberrypi

Thread: No CPU temps in sensors-applet

ok motherboard amd 790x series made gigabyte, model ga-ma790x-ud4p. cpu model amd phenom ii x4 940. when run sensors-detect , enter yes this: to load needed, add /etc/modules: #----cut here---- # chip drivers # no driver amd k10 thermal sensors yet #----cut here---- want add these lines automatically? (yes/no)yes seems nothing. noticed says no drivers there, how can install them manually? or not exist? sensors hard drive. please help! there fix, need k10temp module code here . put in it's own folder named k10temp_module. rename downloaded file k10temp.c makefile... here 1 prepared earlier code: obj-m += k10temp.o : make -c /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build m=$(pwd) modules clean: make -c /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build m=$(pwd) clean save makefile , put in same directory k10temp.c next file need install file module, here 1 whipped earlier... code: #!/bin/sh install -m 644 ...

Networked Webcams

the city of virginia beach trying show live web cams @ our aquarium using flash media encoder. have run issue because apparently media encoder recognize video devices plugged computer media encoder installed. can please tell me if there anyway stream live web cam feeds through media encoder when web cams accessed through ip address , not part physical computer? there other software might this? there can config file. new please pardon lack of knowledge when comes live streaming. thank jason hall media encoder recognize video devices plugged computer media encoder installed. yes,this way More discussions in Adobe Media Server adobe

controll an arduino robot using java netbeans

hi i made robo using arduino uno , motordriver l293d i used followng code in arduino api int normalspeed = 200; // general speed int spinspeed = 200; // spins speed int m1=4,e1=5,m2=7,e2=6; void setup(){   serial.begin(9600); } void loop(){   if (serial.available() > 0) {   char motors =;    switch(motors) {     case 'w':         analogwrite(m1,0);         analogwrite(e1,normalspeed);         analogwrite(m2,0);         analogwrite(e2,normalspeed);      break;     case 's':         analogwrite(m1,normalspeed);         analogwrite(e1,0);         analogwrite(m2,normalspeed);         analogwrite(e2,0);      break;     case 'a':         analogwrite(m1,0);      ...

Unable to connect to a network having PEAP - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello everyone, have internet connection apart ssid , psk requires set of username , password full access network. after connecting network, need launch browser redirects me webpage enter username , password. not sure if peap is.. now, how connect raspberry pi (model b) network on start-up? (1) not have luxury launch browser because controlling on "ssh". (2) using pi project works on go. need power , starts executing script (at start-up) accept data cloud or server , controls machine accordingly. no human intervention required. data transfer between server , pi needs full access network. time, gaurav. that sounds more captive portal. have @ source code and check if can use curl automate login. example : ... aruba.html ghans raspberrypi

Raspberry Pi No Internet Connection - Raspberry Pi Forums

i new raspberry pi please forgive me if have made stupid mistake having trouble connecting internet on pi. have raspbian os installed on 8gb card, have ethernet cable hooked macbook (which has internet connection). however, first figured out did not have internet connection when tried type sudo apt-get update command , received error messages. tried ping said unknown host. able ping laptop , received sort of messages back. believe though pi not connected internet since unable use apt-get or ping functions on pi. if has had same problem please let me know in dark issue may be. much, ian i put words "raspberry pi mac internet" google , came ... et+via+mac can't vouch though i'm not mac user. raspberrypi

Raspberry pi (java web control interface) - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi, developing web application interface raspberry pi. able live stream , other controls ip camera using command line. not able control raspberry pi camera controls web using java. can have java api or third party interface control camera controls web using java? want build web control panel in java raspberry pi. functionalists want achieve are: 1. start/stop camera 2. zoom in/out 3. face recognition 4. motion detection etc. can please provide guidance or documentation can achieve functionalists mentioned above? in advance. 1) java can write fifos , run shell commands. 2) there no optical zoom on picam other usb cams can used (1) 3) ... n+software 4) raspberrypi

PMS en CB - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

ik wil dat gebruikers een persoonlijk bericht naar elkaar kunnen zenden. ik heb al een tijdje zitten knoeien, maar kom niet uit de instellingen. in comm.builder het ik de plugin 'pms mypms , pro' geactiveerd en in de tabmanager de betreffende tab aangezet. verder heb ik de component en module mypms (os) geïnstalleerd. ik kan nu een bericht naar iemand zenden door via zijn/haar profiel op de knop zend bericht te klikken. de gebruikersnaam wordt nu automatisch ingevuld. maar als ik via de module het berichtenvenster open, het veld van de geadresseerde leeg. volgens de instellingen (zie onder) zou ik een gebruiker moeten kunnen zoeken. dit laatste krijg ik niet voor elkaar. moet er een knop o.i.d. verschijnen? link users cb              nee ja        links users senders community builder profile. allow username search    nee ja        turns on/off username search (autocomplete) Board i...

WebAssist Form Validation Toolkit extension

hi everybody: i use webassist form validation toolkit extension validate forms time set in wizard , press ok following error occurs: while executing onclick in wafv_server.htm, javascript error occured. i tested dreamweaver 8 , dreamweaver mx 2004 both , same error occured. the webassist validation toolkit extension version 2.00. please me solve problem. critical me. thanks benign benign, you using old copy, latest version 2.1.0, suggest login order history , download latest version -- dave buchholz i-cre8 skype id: i-cre8 "benign" <> wrote in message news:efkoac$jo0$ hi everybody: use webassist form validation toolkit extension validate forms any time set in wizard , press ok following error occurs: while executing onclick in wafv_server.htm, javascript error occured. tested dreamweaver 8 , dreamweaver mx 2004 both , same error occured. webassist validation toolkit extension version ...

Thread: How do i unistall mythTV

how uninstall mythtv, installed through syntaphic , restarted computer , loads , can't login computer. theres problem don't know how set wanted rid of mythtv use computer again. can tell me how rid of it? run "apt-get remove mythtv" @ command-line. if cant boot ubuntu, upon restarting pres esc @ grub boot menu , boot safe mode (or whatever called). think theres option command line there too. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] How do i unistall mythTV Ubuntu

Arduino timer interrupt

hello, i bit new programing arduino, trying write timer starts counting @ rising edge of signal (from 1 of analog pins) , stop , store value somewhere whenever sees next rising edge. want find period of input signal precise possible. perhaps using timer 1 prescale of 1 should ?! i appreciate if guide me on this. best regards, this might interesting:,17450.0.html or Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > Arduino timer interrupt arduino

Thread: Enable Java to run the applet

hi! have problem java on site in firefox 3.0.13 in ubuntu 9.04. message "enable java run applet !" java games on other sites works perfectly. wrong? please help. in advance. matija you need sun-java6-plugin Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Enable Java to run the applet Ubuntu

Robust LCD screen

hello, following last forum topic on crashing lcd display due ac influence (see ), wondering if there hitachi hd44780 compatible lcd screens more robust (better shielded?) , less susceptible ac problems. until now, have used cheaper types purchased on ebay. i hope exist. cedric i don't know if more robust displays available or not. had similar problems project... arduino plugged 12v dc wall power pack; project had sensors , relay board. 24v ac door bell plugged doorbell transformer controlled relay board. 24v dc solenoids wall power pack controlled relay board. my project - sensors "sense" , program tells doorbell ring or solenoids fire. on project, whenever doorbell rang, interfered sensors on arduino; starting vicious cycle. everything got little wacky on arduino: display, sensors, relays, etc. tried diodes - no help. what worked me having on same cord. used 24v ac transformer (used 24v ac d...

Thread: Help ! kernel updates wipe the display

kernel updates send computer 800x600 .i did remove driver , reinstall . must have forgot step when start computer looks going let me user name , password screen screen goes dark . do buy new card ? here driver have , did installed . if installed video driver manually, need re-install them every time kernel gets upgraded. it's recommended using drivers comes ubuntu. re-install drivers , should fine. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [ubuntu] Help ! kernel updates wipe the display Ubuntu

Help locking 3 queries to fire without interuption

i in bind of situation right now. have 3 queries need run in order. queries 3 different cfquery blocks followed 1 after another. first 1 used turn on globaly, , middle runs guts, , last turns off global setting. need make sure nothing pokes database while 3 queries doing thing. beleive cftransaction not me in case. have idea of how approach this? thanks, brian evans e. <cftransaction> should work if database supports . rdbms? instance, oracle has update clause lets treat select update until released commit or rollback, etc. there possibility of using stored procedures. phil More discussions in Advanced Techniques adobe

motor shield current crossover possible?

hey everyone.  having problem motor shield.  code works great, there seems problem current bleeding between 2 sets of motors.  got set of vibrating motors , 1 basic dc motor.  have vibrating motors pulsing every second , dc motor staying on constantly.  problem seems when break activated vibrating motors them pulse, dc motor pulses.  doesn't stop completely, stop noticeable.  know of way stop other motor stopping?  checked current draw @ 1.35 amps, calculated, , shield should functional 2 amps.  when code or that, motors strange things. and, yet posting code didn't seem occur you. hmmm... Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > motor shield current crossover possible? arduino

Best way to control servos alot of servos - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello, want create robot using raspberry pi , around 14 servos have small budget whats cheapest way can done? if try keep simple i'm new raspberry pi. thanks, tom you can control servos directly pi. need 1 gpio per servo (control line) you'd need use 14 of pi's 21 gpios. doesn't leave lot of gpios connect additional sensors though. can buy i2c chips drive servos. typically let drive 16 servos per chip. connect chip pi's 2 i2c gpios. raspberrypi

Windows Vista Preview - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

misschien dat jullie het leuk vinden om alvast wat meer on windows vista te leren cq zien. hierbij een artikel dat een kennis van me samen met een klein beetje hulp van mij heeft gemaakt. ik hoop dat jullie het kunnen waarderen, er erg veel tijd ingestoken en je kunt alvast een hoop opsteken on al de nieuwe mogelijkheden. leuk om te zien! misschien dat ik later ook nog ga lezen. bedankt in ieder geval. ik weet niet of vista nou wel zo'n vooruitgang is. qua graphics ben ik er sowieso wel erg on te spreken. vandaag las ik trouwens dat vista al gehackt op de blackhat conferentie - ... ckhat.html Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Dutch Forum Offtopic

nRF24L01 motor shield/SPI compatability

hello, i looking @ purchasing motor shield has nrf24l01 plug-in, noticed spi pins work module digital pins 2-6 opposed 11-13 according arduino spi info webpage "the pins spi lines broken out on" (uno or duemilanove). will have modding of spi library make work or designed work fine right out of box code wise? thanks, here's schematics etc below (sorry links didn't want link up?): quote will have modding of spi library make work or designed work fine right out of box code wise? this board wired in special way. standard spi pins used control motors while pins used such tasks (2-7) available on nrf24l01 plug. use such radio module need software spi emulation then, cannot use standard spi library (which using hardware spi). because hardware spi pins used (at least on uno) cannot use other spi hardware either (like ethernet shield). ...

Ne555 independiente activado por arduino???

bueno, tengo un timer con un ne555 funcionando con 12v del auto al presionar el pulsador se activa,  la idea es que se active tras una secuencia de pulsadores 1 - 3 -2  como desconozco la forma de hacer esto con electrónica analógica deseo hacerlo con arduino. la idea es que al pulsar los interruptores en un orden correcto 1-3-2 active mi timer.      mi problema es que desconozco como conectar el switch del timer arduino, ya que son circuitos independientes el uno del otro. arduino por una parte con 5v usb, y el timer por otra parte 12v. leer el orden de los pulsadores y activar el pin digital cuando se cumple la combinación no lo veo complejo y no me asusta, mi problema es mas nivel cableado pienso que debería poner un relé arduino y utilizar el relé como switch del timer...    creo que debe haber una forma más simple de hacer esto que no sea con un relé ya que no utilizare solo un timer sino varios. de ante mano muchas gracias cualquier ide...

Integrating external info into frontpage - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello all, tried variety of search options , browsing forum, did not find looking for. here go. i have website post latest mortgage rates. on old phpnuke website created block gets assigned position on front page. with joomla, cannot seem same thing. can create "wrapper" linked button bring external stuff in center. however, want stuff there in left or right column. way have been accomplishing in phpnuke has been following code, inside module: code: select all <table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td><script language="javascript" src=""></script></td></tr><tr bgcolor=#ededed><td><a href=""><font size=100 face=arial>mortgage rates</font></a></td></tr></table> any or suggestions apprecaited. thanks, r hi, it should possib...

Thread: Is this noraml activity?

feels computer working pretty hard , took picture of video card working @ 61% no activity side. need downloading new drivers? [img]file:///home/jb/desktop/randoms/screenshot.png[/img] attached images screenshot.png (329.1 kb, 9 views) thats little warm if not doing anything. mine @ 58 deg c now, have geforce 9400gt overclocked , watercooled running folding@home on gpu. mine flat out , not hot yours. sort of graphics card? in laptop? can bit warm. check fan working , clear of dust etc. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Is this noraml activity? Ubuntu

Help - images missing from frontend and backend - SOLVED! - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i have installed joomla on site ( ), using cpanel , fantastico site host. creating subdomain, joomla. problem images, backend , frontend on subdomain ( ) not showing. checked image urls correct; pointing however, because of cpanel, images hosted off domain name, not subdomain name. (ie. .). i've tried changing urls in css point correct place, still don't show up. does have ideas or suggestions how fix this? thanks, na3 edit: may have solved posted... subdomain - no www. on front. perhaps need fix first... edit2: nope, didn't work. still need advice on this... i have identical problem. did resolved? please tell me how - if did. if not - else know why subdomain joomla install have no images @ all??? thanks, hh Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 ...

Unable to SSH or login - Raspberry Pi Forums

recently after updating raspberry pi debian jessie no longer able ssh device. receive "network error: connection refused". also, can't login directly keyboard/monitor attached password contains | (pipe). when type pipe character ~(tilde) symbol inserted instead. both ssh problem , keyboard issue solve if login. user setup on device , never changed root password cannot in. there way can possibly pi either ssh or somehow inserting pipe character on misconfigured keyboard? edit:: should note have tried using alt-code pipe character (alt+124) inserts box. it sounds haven't configured keyboard layout correctly. pi defaults uk keymapping, , suspect using (or other foreign) keyboard. try poking around of other symbol keys see if of them display "|" character. on uk keyboards use shift+"\" key between left-shift , "z" key. raspberrypi

Keypad not working on standalone Arduino

in project using mega2560, have attached 4x4 keypad directly a0-a7 pins. (no pull resistors or other paraphernalia) using keypad library, working. when built standalone version of same on pcb, not working more. the mega2560 getting programmed. have verified taking .hex blink program , uploading it. there no problem. this code i'm using test : (i want toggle led, button pressed. code working fine on arduino board) code: [select] #include <keypad.h> const byte rows = 4; //four rows const byte cols = 4; //three columns char keys[rows][cols] = {   {'1','2','3','a'},   {'4','5','6','b'},   {'7','8','9','c'},   {'*','0','#','d'} }; byte rowpins[rows] = {a7, a6, a5, a4}; byte colpins[cols] = {a3, a2, a1,a0}; keypad keypad = keypad( makekeymap(keys), rowpins, colpins, rows, cols ); int statuspin=0...

Nuovo progetto: Rasaerba con Arduino....

salve tutti, sono nuovo del forum e colgo l'occasione per congratularmi con tutti voi del lavoro e passione che mettete in questo "mondo" che ho da poco scoperto e che voglio imparare... sono alle prese con la realizzazione di un rasaerba e voglio controllarlo con arduino. volevo partire da 0 e trascrivere passo passo tutti progressi e di poter avere un contributo "intelletivo" alla realizzazione. mi sono documentato in maniera sufficente su cosa circola su internet e youtube ma credo che ci sia una sorta di "secretazione" di certi accorgimenti come fossero segreti di stato... allora con tanta passione e determinazione del tipo "chi fa da se fa per tre" mi sono procurato arduino un paio di settimane fa e ci ho giocato con potenziometri,resistenze e servocomandi ecc ecc... ora si fa sul serio!!! ] partiamo dal primo problema: motore elettrico che taglia l'erba! soluzione: un bel brushless con la sua bella esc dedicata, portalame...

Gallery2 G2 : general problem in joomla, core.class & embed.php - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i installed composent (integration) , tth gallery work fine here when trying configure gallery2 modules in joomla: warning: embed(../gallery2/embed.php): failed open stream: no such file or directory in /home/usmonast/public_html/components/com_gallery2/classes/core.class on line 202 fatal error: embed(): failed opening required '../gallery2/embed.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/usmonast/public_html/components/com_gallery2/classes/core.class on line 202 here lines 193 204 of components/com_gallery2/classes/core.class the ligne 202: require_once( $g2config['path'] . 'embed.php'); code: select all /**      * include embed.php      *      * @return boolean(true)      */     function embed(){         static $setembed;         if(empty($setembed)){             $g2config = core::loadconfig();         ...

Need help to fix library - error undefined reference to

hello, i create small library access spi 25lc1024 memory chip (see my code follow code: [select] #include <spi.h> #include <gvi25lc1024.h> #include "structure.h" #define arrsize 30 byte idx; void setup() { serial.begin(19200); ddrc |= b00001110; //set pins 1-3 output starsmem.init(); } void loop() { } when try compile code: [select] loadstarstomemory.cpp.o: in function `setup': d:\arduionos\arduino-1.0.4/loadstarstomemory.ino:619: undefined reference `starsmem' d:\arduionos\arduino-1.0.4/loadstarstomemory.ino:619: undefined reference `starsmem' i have error results did not me solve it. can 1 help? finaly, forgot add in cpp gvi25lc1024 starsmem; thanks Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > Need help to fix library - error undefined reference to ...

Flasher un bootloader sur un atmega2560

bonjour à tous, j'utilise arduino depuis peu et j'ai cru comprendre qu'il faut charger un bootloader sur les atmega que l'on achète nu. est ce que quelqu'un peu m'indiquer la procédure pour charger un bootloader et pouvoir ainsi utiliser facilement l'ide arduino avec une simple liaison série merci à tous cdlt, jean tu l'as acheté où ? version officielle ? il est très rare qu'une arduino soit fournie sans bootloader Arduino Forum > International > Français (Moderators: jfs, Snootlab) > Flasher un bootloader sur un atmega2560 arduino

Thread: Stability regression, Dell E6400 2.6.28-15 with nvidia-180.44-0ubuntu1

i experienced loss of stability when upgrading 2.6.28-15 2.6.28-14, stable on dell e6400. i'm running nvidia-180.44-0ubuntu1 enabled, , wonder if there bad interaction there - might not related. failure mode complete video keyboard mouse lockup. i'm not sure how trap debug information this. i've returned -14 default, i'm willing boot -15 capture if that's possible. thanks brett Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Hardware [ubuntu] Stability regression, Dell E6400 2.6.28-15 with nvidia-180.44-0ubuntu1 Ubuntu

Virtuemart: grafik - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hej, jeg har lavet en ny grafik til virtuemart, stedet den der grimme håndtegnede checkout grafik der står når man køber. jeg har kun lavet den checkout3 - dem vedlægger jeg her. hvis du vil have psd må du sende en besked, dem må jeg nemlig ikke vedlægge de skal ligge folderen components/com_virtuemart/shop_image/ps_image hvis du har lavet andre vil jeg da gerne se dem. det gælder generelt rettelser grafik til virtuemart. mvh. ole g. Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Danish Forum Ældre versioner (disse vedligeholdes ikke længere fra officiel side) Joomla 1.0 (Udgået version, der blev afløst af 1.5 i 2008) Komponenter, Moduler og Mambots

Help needed on SWFLoader

i making flex app includes multiple embedded swfs of different charts. these xml/swf charts downloaded assign data , styling of these charts via xml page define under "flashvars" in ac_fl_runcontent of normal html page. these charts intended embedding html/js pages. as making flex webapp, not air, cannot use mx:html other solution directly load swfloader. however, cannot figure out how define data defined in ac_fl_runcontent function, i.e. chart t ype , xml file for. necessary charts load @ all. does have ideas on this? this forum dead. action on "flex general discussion forum". if flex 1.5, please note in subject. tracy More discussions in Archived Spaces adobe

Arduino Magic Morse with Nokia 84x84 display (Minty Magic Morse)

i published 2x16 lcd version of arduino magic morse: the nokia 5110 3.3v display version published below.  the circuit connections are: code: [select] nokia 5110 graphic lcd pinout: _______ mini pro____   _______ nokia glcd___      _____ test board cabling ___ #define pin_sce   7    lcd ce ....  pin 2          yellow #define pin_reset 6    lcd rst .... pin 1          blue #define pin_dc    5    lcd dat/com. pin 3  (dc)    orange #define pin_sdin  4    lcd spidat . pin 4  (din)   white #define pin_sclk  3    lcd spiclk . pin 5          brown //                     lcd gnd .... pin 2          black //           ...

Flash menu navigation

i looking forgo menubuilder , create flash menu navigate captivate project. new actionscripting , trying figure out how tell flash go in captivate. possible? darin yeah it's possible. can use captivate systemvariables purpose. here list of various variables that site have information on how work. use customized js file have js functions need. call appropriate js function using geturl flash , that's it. More discussions in Quizzing/LMS adobe

making a song play across every page... - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

just wondering, there way make mp3 play across every page on joomla?  have mini mp3 player 1.2 mambot installed (which works great!) can't figure out way make play on every page (without starting over).  tried adding code "news flash" section (which appears on every page), song starts on when clicking on link.  ideas? you have add following code your's template index.php right after tag: or tag. cant remember. try both. just make sure mp3 few seconds long or else gonna have problems stream. cee ya ma friend. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

New Website from a Frame

one of links on website takes user site complete form. open form within own site. there way "host" external site's page site? maybe using frame? right click on file , select open. -- murray --- icq 71997575 adobe community expert (if *must* email me, don't laugh when so!) ================== - dw faqs, tutorials & resources - dw faqs, tutorials & resources ================== "andjyt" <> wrote in message news:gcqidh$h2j$ > 1 of links on website takes user site complete > > form. open form within own site. > there > way "host" external site's page site? maybe using frame? > More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

Component collection property

i want able use parameters tab add array of objects label , data properties, list component does. how do that? when select collection in component definitions, doesn't seem anything, , when come reverts whatever had before that. still haven't figured out. :( use case: in as1/2, create lightweight psuedo-components, create movieclip logic code on frame 1. pass in instance level variables , references in onclipevent(load) on instances themself. had many advantages on components, @ least workflow. in as3 flash cs3/cs4, i've not been able find equivalent workflow. ability attach code directly movieclip has been removed completely, afaik way attach in ide make component parameter definitions, that's i'm trying do, never did in as2 (other academically). fortunately, though ide component creation still pretty clunky, minimum overhead components in as3 little less obtrusive as2, far seems can pass in via parameters tab extremely limited. can't pass in object referen...


hy everybody, many in advance @ tell me i'm wrong. i want control led, button switch on , button1 switch off. if run code led still on , no control buttons. thanks again. andy. code: [select] pin definitions #define relay_pin 42 #define button 22 #define button1 24 // fsm states #define pinza_chiusa  0 #define pinza_aperta   1 int statopinza; void setup() { pinmode(button, input); pinmode(button1, input); pinmode(relay_pin, output); digitalwrite(relay_pin, low); statopinza = pinza_chiusa; } void loop() { int apri; int chiudi;  apri=digitalread(button); chiudi=digitalread(button1); switch(statopinza) { case pinza_chiusa: if(apri=high) { digitalwrite(relay_pin, high); statopinza = pinza_aperta; } break; case pinza_aperta: if (chiudi=high) { digitalwrite(relay_pin, low); statopinza =pinza_chiusa; }    break;   } } how switches wired? code: [select] int apri; int chiudi;  apri=digitalread(button); chiudi=digitalrea...

Windows 7 pro 64bit driver for DUE ???

hi i'm trying install due guide: after step: " navigate folder arduino ide downloaded , unzipped earlier. locate , select "drivers" folder in main arduino folder (not "ftdi usb drivers" sub-directory). press "ok" , "next" proceed. " windows saying best driver installed , not give other option. anybody know how install driver? where device showing in device tree?  can delete it, rescan devices, right click it, click update driver software , make sure don't choose have windows search driver , instead browse.  point @ drivers subdirectory , uncheck "search sub-directories" option.  still shows com port under serial devices tree. i've found ide little flaky @ finding it.  need make sure have right board selected before go looking com port in ide menu. Arduino Forum > Products ...

Thread: Còpia a discs USB excessivament lenta

hola bones, el problema és que actualitzat "ubuntu server 9.04" quan faig una copia discs usb ara em va molt més lent que abans d'actualitzar. per exemple abans copiar 1,4gb em tardava uns 4 minuts ara me'n tarda uns 60. alguna idea? gràcies. el teu ordinador fa servir processador amd? sembla que hi ha molta gent amb aquest processador que té problemes d'aquests. bé, sigui com sigui, hi ha moltíssima gent que comenta aquest problema, una de les solucions sembla que podria passar per descarregar un parell de mòduls tornar-los carregar en l'ordre correcte: code: sudo rmmod ehci_hcd sudo rmmod uhci_hcd sudo modprobe ehci_hcd sudo modprobe uhci_hcd si així et funcionés millor, caldria configurar l'ordinador per que es carreguin els mòduls en l'ordre correcte també l'arrencada, sinó cada cop hauries de fer això. Forum Th...

Retaining variables within functions - Raspberry Pi Forums

my apologies if question has been answered elsewhere, searching forum doesn't seem come anything. newbie python, wondering if it's possible retain variable values within functions, rather getting 'unboundlocalerror: local variable 'x' referenced before assignment' error. seems once function has completed, of variable values used within function 'discarded' (not remembered when function called again). here's (rather simplified) example; code: select all # function want retain value of 'x' within function def any_function(value,count): if count == 1: x = 0 x = x + 1 z = value [x] # 'z' here... return() # # main program... y = 0 number = [1, 20, 6, 55, 42, 100] # w in range (6): # here... y = y + 1 any_function(number,y) # carry on doing else here... this works fine when 'any_function' called first time (obviously), errors subsequent calls. within function, want 'x' 0 if sec...

Thread: vlc ncurses appearance

this may due ncurses setup ubuntu opposed windows, ncurses "interface" in terminal looks rather different shown on vlc site . shows interface black , having box, while mine using characters such x's , j's outline box. also, colours chosen odd (yellow , grey). have selected (via shortcut key) turn colours off, however, grey background still present. (i trying use transparent terminal, having background not wanted). option hidden in user file or within vlc itself? attached images screenshot.png (97.7 kb, 17 views) for unknown reason...vlc has changed appearance boxes seen on site (link in previous post), good. however, grey background still present. found preferences change these colours? edit: running "nvlc --no-color" seems preserve terminal transparency , show bo...

Thread: Nautilus slow response on Home folder

i have added music video .mkv home folder , takes long time show video file...i must click on folder , show file. is compiz installed? if so, disable "show video previews" or whatever under compiz config menu. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Nautilus slow response on Home folder Ubuntu

use IMG to display image but shows garbage

dear all, how output dynamic images along html php scripts. it ends looking bunch of garbage. i pass picture number following php pgm , asume display picture. however, shows lot of garbage. parameters pass php pgm should ok. please help. many thanks. <?php require_once('connections/abc.php'); ?> <?php $colname_recordset1 = "-1"; if (isset($_get['id'])) { $colname_recordset1 = (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) ? $_get['id'] : addslashes($_get['id']); } mysql_select_db($database_abc, $abc); $query_recordset1 = sprintf("select * replyarticle postid = %s", $colname_recordset1); $recordset1 = mysql_query($query_recordset1, $abb) or die(mysql_error()); $row_recordset1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($recordset1); $totalrows_recordset1 = mysql_num_rows($recordset1); ?> <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd xhtml 1.0 transitional//en" ""> <html xmlns=" h...

Joomla! Forum - community, help and support - Login

the board requires registered , logged in view forum. username: password: i forgot password resend activation email remember me hide online status session   register in order login must registered. registering takes few moments gives increased capabilities. board administrator may grant additional permissions registered users. before register please ensure familiar our terms of use , related policies. please ensure read forum rules navigate around board. terms of use | privacy policy register Board index

admin panel links doesnt work ! - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, i have problem admin panel links, when want click menus on admin panel doesnt work when refresh works. example click modules links after refresh fine when close modules section , want go different section doesnt work work must again resfreh page end works. problem internet explorer 6,  firefox well. i use 1.0.10 version of joomla! i have new computer before didnt have problem old computer. how can solve ? thanks... do have firewall? if - try , switch off , see if problem same! Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

solar input power source: 100mA 7.2V vs 200mA 5V ?

hi, i want power arduino running low powered sensors(dht, etc) solar input power source. what trade offs of using 100ma 7.2v vs 200ma 5v? eg. i understand input range arduino 5-10v, using 7.2v on 5v mean? , having more current mean being able power more sensors? thanks which arduino using? if arduino uses 5v logic level (uno, mega 2560, leonardo, etc), 5v solar panel not able keep stable. lean toward 7.2v panel can power arduino through regulator. if need more current, add panel in parallel power more sensors. if running 3.3v arduino(nano, due), should ok either panel; 5v panel's higher current allow more sensors, , 7.2v panel able run system in lower light. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Motors, Mechanics, and Pow...

Touchscreen Injection Molding Machine

hello all, i'm new forum , new arduino. build small automated injection molding machine , had questions how program of these functions. start, want have thermostat on touchscreen cycle speed control , cycle counter while arduino controls solenoids machine's pneumatics. how program arduino 2 things @ once(cycling machine , controlling temperature)? need have 2 arduino unos or mega better suited project. thinking ( touchscreen, leave other pins open solenoids , sensors? how go connecting thermocouples arduino , temperature read out on touchscreen , have temperature controlled graphic slider or plus , minus buttons? thank time                                                                                         ...

Thread: jollyFastVNC doesn't refresh the screen. [remote desktop]

hi all, had problem while , did research no luck... here thing: want remotely control desktop (ubuntu 9.04) mbp running jollyfastvnc client. x11vnc running on ubuntu machine. followed method here: setting x11vnc 1. install x11vnc: sudo apt-get install x11vnc 2. set password: vncpasswd ~/.vnc/passwd (vncpasswd included vnc-common, installed default) 3. make auto-start when user logs in , show port we're running on (useful if run multiple vnc servers) port put in ~/.vnc/port.txt: 1. sudo gedit /usr/local/bin/sharex11vnc paste in following: code: #!/bin/sh x11vnc -nap -bg -many -rfbauth ~/.vnc/passwd -desktop "vnc ${user}@${hostname}"|grep -eo "[0-9]{4}">~/.vnc/port.txt # comment out following if don't want popup telling port you're using. zenit...